Author Topic: Iraq has SCUDS!!!!!!!!!!  (Read 1339 times)


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Re:Iraq has SCUDS!!!!!!!!!!
« Reply #15 on: March 20, 2003, 07:49:29 PM »
and if they're using "scud's" yet still saying "we dont have scuds"....

u can see how much hassle the inspectors had.... its impossible to inspect like that.

all over the news here they're showing people rushing their masks on everytime theres an alert... if saddam does have chem weapons and uses them... the rest of the world will have to wake up... if not... well :/

right on point

Don Jacob

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Re:Iraq has SCUDS!!!!!!!!!!
« Reply #16 on: March 20, 2003, 07:59:15 PM »
Hans blix (i guess that's how you spell it) said he wasn't suprised that Iraq has Scuds and said, he never would've found them no matter how long he had. He said it wouldnt suprise him if he had more illegal weaponry

R.I.P.  To my Queen and Princess 07-05-09

Jay ay Beee

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Re:Iraq has SCUDS!!!!!!!!!!
« Reply #17 on: March 20, 2003, 08:01:19 PM »
Yeah but that didn't mean go to war!

Don Jacob

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Re:Iraq has SCUDS!!!!!!!!!!
« Reply #18 on: March 20, 2003, 08:05:37 PM »
your right he didn't say that but it makes it hard not to justify an aspect of it

R.I.P.  To my Queen and Princess 07-05-09

Jay ay Beee

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Re:Iraq has SCUDS!!!!!!!!!!
« Reply #19 on: March 20, 2003, 08:09:10 PM »
It justifies the fact that Sadaam lies - we all knew that

Don Jacob

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Re:Iraq has SCUDS!!!!!!!!!!
« Reply #20 on: March 20, 2003, 08:17:21 PM »
so what's the point of having UN inspectors then when the head inspector says he never would've found that bomb last month?

R.I.P.  To my Queen and Princess 07-05-09

Jay ay Beee

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Re:Iraq has SCUDS!!!!!!!!!!
« Reply #21 on: March 20, 2003, 08:30:02 PM »
The point of having inspectors was to make sure Saadam was a) disarming and b) not building nuclear and chemical weaponry.

Of course Sadaam, an evil tyrant has weapons he's not telling us about.  

The opposition to war goes deeper than that though.

Don Jacob

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Re:Iraq has SCUDS!!!!!!!!!!
« Reply #22 on: March 20, 2003, 08:56:29 PM »
i might be wrong but the UN unanimously passed resolution 1444 (correct me if i'm wrong cuz i'm not sure) that if Saddam Hussein DOES NOT DISARM  he will face military action by us. months passed ,and saddam didn't disarm....wouldn't comply with inspections and was hiding weapons and playing the inspcectors like fools , the inspections were a joke and a waste of time. Hans Blix said he knew he had these weapons But couldn't find the evidenc he did!.........yesturday rolls around and what happens..we intercept a scud missle. i don't like war but we shouldn't have sympathy for this crap. this dude has had 12 years to disarm and what not......he could've left he country on monday and he also could've given hans blix all his arms in a nice package out in the desssert months ago.....he could've prevented this war.....but he didn't. It reminds me of a little kid with his Dad.

Dad; "i will blister your butt if you don't tell me where your hiding your porno"

Child; "i'm not hurting anyone you can't take my porno away....i mean i don't have porn"

Mom: "ok me and the family will give you 2 months to come up with all of your  porn and we'll send your sister to inspect your room next  week for a month

::kid in one weeks moves porn to disclosed location::

::next week comes::

Sister: "i'm looking for porn but don't see any"

Kid: "ha i told you i don't have porn, oh wait sis don't look under the bed yet ....i got to get my ....uuuuuh dirty laundry out"

:: kid gets porn from under bed that night out and lets Sis inspect the next day::

Sis: "i see no evidence of porn , but he could have some:"

Dad: this is bullshit, your brother is just giving us the run around, i'm going to beat the porn out of him

Mom; no you barbarian! Oprah says you shouldn't hit your kids!....give them time out but dont hit them how awful, you'll hurt him!

Dad: spanking might hurt but somtimes its neccesary

Mom: lets give him longer to prove his case dear ok

Dad: you know what woman , you're spoiling this kid and letting off easy , you're only teaching him he can get away with deception

::dad beats down kid's  door catches kid jacking off to and beats his ass. cathches him in the act.....wins battle easily::

the parents later divorce over this squable and things arn't ever the same again

now apply this story to these times

R.I.P.  To my Queen and Princess 07-05-09


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Re:Iraq has SCUDS!!!!!!!!!!
« Reply #23 on: March 20, 2003, 11:42:22 PM »
very interesting comparison and it makes sense lol


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Re:Iraq has SCUDS!!!!!!!!!!
« Reply #24 on: March 21, 2003, 12:17:35 AM »
very interesting comparison and it makes sense lol


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Re:Iraq has SCUDS!!!!!!!!!!
« Reply #25 on: March 21, 2003, 02:06:01 AM »


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Re:Iraq has SCUDS!!!!!!!!!!
« Reply #26 on: March 21, 2003, 02:09:23 AM »
Dad; "i will blister your butt if you don't tell me where your hiding your porno"

Child; "i'm not hurting anyone you can't take my porno away....i mean i don't have porn"

Mom: "ok me and the family will give you 2 months to come up with all of your  porn and we'll send your sister to inspect your room next  week for a month

::kid in one weeks moves porn to disclosed location::

::next week comes::

Sister: "i'm looking for porn but don't see any"

Kid: "ha i told you i don't have porn, oh wait sis don't look under the bed yet ....i got to get my ....uuuuuh dirty laundry out"

:: kid gets porn from under bed that night out and lets Sis inspect the next day::

Sis: "i see no evidence of porn , but he could have some:"

Dad: this is bullshit, your brother is just giving us the run around, i'm going to beat the porn out of him

Mom; no you barbarian! Oprah says you shouldn't hit your kids!....give them time out but dont hit them how awful, you'll hurt him!

Dad: spanking might hurt but somtimes its neccesary

Mom: lets give him longer to prove his case dear ok

Dad: you know what woman , you're spoiling this kid and letting off easy , you're only teaching him he can get away with deception

::dad beats down kid's  door catches kid jacking off to and beats his ass. cathches him in the act.....wins battle easily::

the parents later divorce over this squable and things arn't ever the same again

now apply this story to these times

Excellent analogy.


Re:Iraq has SCUDS!!!!!!!!!!
« Reply #27 on: March 21, 2003, 10:56:14 AM »
Jake, what you just did was prove all the anti-war protestors wrong.  Every single one of them, including the ones on this board.  Unfortunately, they're not going to reply to this post, they're just gonna act like it never happened.  Then they'll keep complaining, and ACTING like they're right, but in reality; this simple little argument explains the whole thing.  

The first was was totally justified, and agreed on by the U.N.  

The war ended when a cease fire agreement was reached, and saadam said he would disarm, including scud missles.

He still has scuds 12 years later.

The war, from 1991, is still ongoing, then, right? He violated the cease fire agreement.  It doesn't even MATTER if the scuds or whatever should be destroyed, he AGREED to do it, as a term of the cease fire! If he would have agreed to never wear green again, the U.N. should be over there beating his ass right now.  It doesn't matter what the terms were, he's violated them! How people do not GET this, I will never understand.  

There, to me, is 1 viable argument against war.  1.  That argument is, you don't support ANY war, and you refuse to ever support any war.  In that case, then you are justified in your opinion, and I respect it.

To all the rest of the "oh, we shouldn't be over there, it's about oil, oh it's unjustified" blah blah blah, EVERY SINGLE ONE of those arguments are invalid.  Every single one.  It's been shown over and over again that they are invalid, but yet you folks ignore the reasons for justification.

Thanks Jake, you made a very good point that is inarguable.  

King Tech Quadafi

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Re:Iraq has SCUDS!!!!!!!!!!
« Reply #28 on: March 21, 2003, 11:47:01 PM »
Watch Tech argue the unargueable.

Now Jake, you say that Iraq didnt disarm following Gulf War 1. Yes, you are right. He didnt do shit. I must say, that if Bush did one thing good, it was puttin the pressure on Saddam. He forced the issue back into the spotlight.

UN Inspectors repeatedly said that they needed months to do a thorough job, their job wasnt finished yet. Meanwhile, while these inspections are going on (Thanks again to Dubya), 200,000 American troops are surrounding Iraq conducting war games. The US President is repeatedly making the case for war.

"One day Alice came to a fork in the road and saw a Cheshire cat in a tree. "Which road do I take?" she asked. "Where do you want to go?" was his response. "I don't know," Alice answered. "Then," said the cat, "it doesn't matter."

- Lewis Carroll

Don Jacob

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Re:Iraq has SCUDS!!!!!!!!!!
« Reply #29 on: March 22, 2003, 12:00:23 AM »
Watch Tech argue the unargueable.

Now Jake, you say that Iraq didnt disarm following Gulf War 1. Yes, you are right. He didnt do shit. I must say, that if Bush did one thing good, it was puttin the pressure on Saddam. He forced the issue back into the spotlight.

UN Inspectors repeatedly said that they needed months to do a thorough job, their job wasnt finished yet. Meanwhile, while these inspections are going on (Thanks again to Dubya), 200,000 American troops are surrounding Iraq conducting war games. The US President is repeatedly making the case for war.


tech you know a lot i'm not going to discredit you one bit BUT

Bush said he wouldn't strike him if he put out all of the known and unknown weapons he had

Hans Blix said he could've finish the inspections and even had longer like the french and german governments were pushing for....but would NOT have found jack squat......Hans Blix

Saddam is the only one who could've prevented this war....he had months to cooperate....did he?
After that he even had a 2 day deadline to get him and his sons out of the country and relinquish his regime.....did he?
Even before operation Shock and Awe started today ......he could've came out and surrendered........did he?

NO! he's had so many chances to prevent this so easily it pisses me off! he had so much handed to him he had chance after chance after chance after chace.......if he really cared about his people he would've swallowed his pride and done what he was asked simple as that

Before i was leary of this war, i thought a lot of people (innocent would die)  but to my knowledge i havn't heard of any ....and if there has it's very little (correct me if i'm wrong) The Coalition has taken so much procausion to spare civilians lifes , it makes me proud .....sure some WILL die but that's the draw back of any war.....but this is already a historical war as far as casualties are concerned

and tech even if the Iraqis had no weapons to defend themselves......they ALWAYS have the option to surrender......FUCK YOU KNOW HOW GOOD THOSE PEOPLE GET TREATED......3 full coarse meals a day , air conditioning and television and radio access.....shit is crazy how well they treat them if they surrender

R.I.P.  To my Queen and Princess 07-05-09