Author Topic: The most racist post me  (Read 1489 times)


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Re:The most racist post me
« Reply #45 on: January 11, 2004, 07:31:46 AM »
coons (aboriginal australians)

Coons is a word for blacks.

[Stoned]Jesus H. Christ[Wheat]

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Re:The most racist post me
« Reply #46 on: January 11, 2004, 10:45:24 PM »
coons (aboriginal australians)

Coons is a word for blacks.

or short for raccoons
It's 4:20, are you smoking?

Lady Scarface

Suga Foot

Re:The most racist post me
« Reply #47 on: January 11, 2004, 11:03:31 PM »
Daygo (Italians)
Frogs (French)
Diaper Head


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Re:The most racist post me
« Reply #48 on: January 11, 2004, 11:57:42 PM »
^^ You have GOT to be the dumbest person that ever lived. You don't even know what race you are. You are so desperate to not be white that you have created your own "race". I've know several jewish people all of mediteranian descent... your classic "jew" looking people... and NONE claim to be " Judaism Race". lol. Confused ass white cornball.

Are you a moron? People ask me what I am, I say Israeli...If I said white, they'd burst out in laughter...You fucking idiot excuse for a human being, the Torah states that Judaism is God's race...But you don't know that, because you're uneducated, and probably don't even read up on your religion, if you even have one...Fucking loser.


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Re:The most racist post me
« Reply #49 on: January 12, 2004, 05:59:35 AM »
^^ Don't pretend you know what you are talking about MC Nugget. Maybe instead of repeating what you thought you heard someone say once upon a time, you should read the book yourself and realize that you've been misinformed. Seriously, we've all seen your pictures sccitty, and you are whiter than white. Ain't nobody laughin about that cock boy. You are a desperate pathetic hopeless prick. How else could you explain someone who keeps coming back to the place where he's been banned 50,000 times? Go back to your body building forum and lie about your race there where people might care. Kids.


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Re:The most racist post me
« Reply #50 on: January 12, 2004, 03:41:59 PM »
^^ Don't pretend you know what you are talking about MC Nugget. Maybe instead of repeating what you thought you heard someone say once upon a time, you should read the book yourself and realize that you've been misinformed. Seriously, we've all seen your pictures sccitty, and you are whiter than white. Ain't nobody laughin about that cock boy. You are a desperate pathetic hopeless prick. How else could you explain someone who keeps coming back to the place where he's been banned 50,000 times? Go back to your body building forum and lie about your race there where people might care. Kids.

Did anyone ever tell you you're a moron? Quit being such a fuckin' idiot, I've read the Old Testament front to back almost as many times as you've made idiotic comments...Ask Jamal, he knows me in real life and will tell you I'm not white you fucking moron...If I'm white, so is Osama Bin Laden...Oh wait, he's middle-eastern, and so are Israelis, u dumb shit.


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Re:The most racist post me
« Reply #51 on: January 12, 2004, 04:16:26 PM »
Hector Cox-sucker... what exactly is your definition of "white"? Is it anyone with light skin or are you referring to Anglo-Saxons which the term is most commonly used to describe? Because people don't consider themselves white, just because of their complexion. For example, there are many hispanics with light/white skin, but they are still hispanic, not white. Just in the same way, people from lets say Italy, Greece, Israel, any Middle Eastern country, don't consider themselves white. Also, Cubans and Dominicans are hispanic, consider themselves hispanic, and would actually get offended if you called them "blacks". I don't know if you're ignorant, or just a little slow in the head, but just think about it for a minute (or hour).


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Re:The most racist post me
« Reply #52 on: January 12, 2004, 06:45:16 PM »
^^ Shut up NIK alias number 1,000,000. For fucks sake Sccity, you are just a confused little boy. You need to study your heratige a little more. Don't get ass hurt cause I called you out. I just feel sorry for you. But please, go ahead and get the last word in, I would expect nothing less from your no life having, constant post making, gay white steve urkle looking ass. I'm done with you for now. I'll just wait for your next completely hopeless near retarded comment before I call you out again. I gave you a pass with your horrid attempt to "fit in" by claiming you aren't a virgin anymore. Didn't work on the majority of the readers. You might have these new kids fooled, but for those of us that have been reading again, it just looked like yet another silly lie. Boy.


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Re:The most racist post me
« Reply #53 on: January 12, 2004, 06:52:27 PM »
^^ Shut up NIK alias number 1,000,000. For fucks sake Sccity, you are just a confused little boy. You need to study your heratige a little more. Don't get ass hurt cause I called you out. I just feel sorry for you. But please, go ahead and get the last word in, I would expect nothing less from your no life having, constant post making, gay white steve urkle looking ass. I'm done with you for now. I'll just wait for your next completely hopeless near retarded comment before I call you out again. I gave you a pass with your horrid attempt to "fit in" by claiming you aren't a virgin anymore. Didn't work on the majority of the readers. You might have these new kids fooled, but for those of us that have been reading again, it just looked like yet another silly lie. Boy.

First off, you fuckin' idiot, that isn't my alias, it's Jamal...Second off, if anyone needs to study heritage, it's you...Your responses really are immature, and off topic...All you can say is "you're a virgin" or "you're white" without disproving what I previously stated...And about you claiming that I'm a virgin (LMAO), half the board already knows what's up... Get on AIM, and I'll show u pics, or simply ask Overseer...Plus, aren't you the guy who came here talking about doing gay porn? Get a life dude...


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Re:The most racist post me
« Reply #54 on: January 12, 2004, 07:14:23 PM »

In the 1980s, the United States Supreme Court ruled that Jews are a race, at least for purposes of certain anti-discrimination laws. Their reasoning: at the time these laws were passed, people routinely spoke of the "Jewish race" or the "Italian race" as well as the "Negro race," so that is what the legislators intended to protect.



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Re:The most racist post me
« Reply #55 on: January 12, 2004, 07:20:38 PM »
First off nugget, I'm not going to even consider looking at pictures of you fucking. I'm not a fag. Congrats to you for showing other people on this forum pictures of you fucking. Still don't buy it.

Secondly, I just peeped your link, and 2 paragraphs after the one you posted, the guy states that Jews are clearly not a race lol. He even backed this up by saying that a large number of the Jewish community was outraged by the AMERICAN decision. There is a world outside of this country. But being Isreali you should know that.

Third, I am a porn star. I've never fucked a man. Read my past threads if you would like to see. Not gonna show you any pics of me fuckin tho, cause I'm not a fag.

I will not read your response to this post. I'm done with you for real. Unlike you, I don't plan on getting banned, and returning a million times. And to be honest, I really could care less what you tell yourself you are when you look in the mirror. The pictures don't lie bucko.


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Re:The most racist post me
« Reply #56 on: January 12, 2004, 07:25:47 PM »
You saw 1 pic of me, which was taken 4 years ago, which was leaked, not posted...LOL...And I never showed pics of me fucking, I showed pics of me and my girlfriend, u loser.

And about Judaism being a race...

Q: what is the difference between or the origin of ....jewish people as a religion or a race,???? Where do jewish people originate ?? and is there such thing as jewish blood?????

A: On the one hand, the Jewish people are a nation in the same sense as the Greeks or the Italians or the Japanese. Jewish history goes back some 4,000 years to Abraham, who moved to the land of Canaan (what is now Israel) form Ur (usually believed to have been the ancient city of Ur in Mesopotamia, in what is now Iraq.) Abraham had two sons, Ishmael and Isaac. Isaac had two sons named Jacob and Esau. The Jewish people are ultimately the descendants of Jacob, also called Israel. Since these are actual people, there is such a thing as "Jewish blood" if by that you mean is there such a thing as being biologically Jewish. Nothing in the Bible suggests that there is anything particularly special about the biology, however.  It is faith and tradition, rather than pedigree, that hold the people together.

The faith of Abraham in One God (at a time when almost the entire world believed in multiple gods) is the basis of the Jewish faith. About 400 years after Abraham the Torah was given to Moses (the Torah is the first five books of the Bible).  The Torah contains the history of the Jewish people up to that time, as well as the rituals and code of conduct for what became known as the Jewish religion. The Torah makes provision for foreigners to become a part of Israel, so it is possible to be "Jewish" and have any sort of physical ancestry at all. In Bible times, religion and ethnicity were tightly linked. The Egyptians had their religion,  the Assyrians had a different religion, as did the Philistines, the Greeks, the Hittites, etc. Because Christianity and later Islam (both of them monotheistic faiths derived from the ancient faith of Israel) supplanted almost all of the ancient ethnic religions of Europe and the Middle East, the Jewish people may stand out as unusual for having their own "ethnic" religion. Today, Judaism, unlike Christianity, is both an ethnicity and a religion. It is possible to be ethnically Jewish and reject the Jewish religion, but such a person is still considered Jewish. On the other hand, it is possible for someone who has no "Jewish blood" at all to become a convert to the Jewish religion. Such a person is also considered "Jewish"  For centuries now, the rule has been that if at least the mother is Jewish, so are the children.

In the year 70 AD, the Romans destroyed Jerusalem and drove the Jewish people out of the land. The exiled peoples formed communities in various parts of the world, and over the centuries were alternately accepted and rejected in various places. At one time there was a thriving community of Jews in Spain, but Spain expelled them in 1492. Many of the exiles fled to northern Africa, the Middle East or the Netherlands, since the Netherlands was very open and tolerant at that time. Jews with this ancestry are called Sephardim, from the Hebrew name for Spain. Another large Jewish community was scattered across central and eastern Europe. These are called Ashkenazi Jews, and millions of them were still in Europe in the middle of the 20th century.  Most of the Jews who fled to America, Palestine and other countries just before, during and after World War II are of this extraction.  Many of them spoke Yiddish, a variant of High German written with Hebrew letters.

The modern Zionist movement to create a New Jewish homeland, got its start in the 1800's, but the Holocaust of the 20th century made the need to form a Jewish state appear even more urgent not only to Jews but to many other nations of the world. As a result, the modern state of Israel was established in the land then called Palestine (from the name the Romans had given it after driving out the Jewish people). Jews from all over the world were granted immediate citizenship upon arrival, and Ashkenazi and Sephardi Jews arrived from all over the world, creating the mosaic of faces to be found in Israel today.


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Re:The most racist post me
« Reply #57 on: January 12, 2004, 07:29:03 PM »
I bet you feel stupid now... 8)


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Re:The most racist post me
« Reply #58 on: January 13, 2004, 03:19:38 PM »
You know you've lost an argument when you refuse to reply... ;)


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Re:The most racist post me
« Reply #59 on: January 13, 2004, 06:27:55 PM »
Thanks Sccit, I really learned something there. Guess I was wrong.

Most hip-hop is now keyboard driven, because the majority of hip-hop workstations have loops and patches that enable somebody with marginal skills to put tracks together,...

Unfortunately, most hip-hop artists gravitated towards the path of least resistance by relying on these pre-set patches. As a result, electric guitar and real musicians became devalued, and a lot of hip-hop now sounds the same.
