Author Topic: nik... the final interview  (Read 575 times)

Don Seer

nik... the final interview
« on: December 01, 2002, 03:35:26 PM »
Session Start (AIM - OverseerWCC:DEEEEzzzz NuTz): Sun Dec 01 22:51:24 2002
[22:51] DEEEEzzzz NuTz: why do u keep banning me if u cant ban my IP?
[22:51] DEEEEzzzz NuTz: ure only making things harder
[22:52] Overseer wcc: for who?
[22:52] DEEEEzzzz NuTz: for everyone
[22:53] Overseer wcc: uh no
[22:54] DEEEEzzzz NuTz: i have a serious question
[22:54] Overseer wcc: shoot
[22:54] DEEEEzzzz NuTz: whats the point of banning me if u cant ban my IP?
[22:54] DEEEEzzzz NuTz: theres no point whatsoever
[22:54] DEEEEzzzz NuTz: its only gunna make me mad
[22:54] DEEEEzzzz NuTz: and it's gunna make me come back
[22:54] Overseer wcc: maybe thats the idea
[22:54] Overseer wcc: so u gonna come back
[22:54] DEEEEzzzz NuTz: and flood the board with stupid topics
[22:54] Overseer wcc: u know everyone thinks ur a punk
[22:54] Overseer wcc: and doing that just enforces it
[22:55] DEEEEzzzz NuTz: wtf is your point?
[22:55] DEEEEzzzz NuTz: its the internet
[22:55] Overseer wcc: yup
[22:55] DEEEEzzzz NuTz: before people hated me cuz it was the thing to do...
[22:55] Overseer wcc: and just like in real life u cant avoid suckas
[22:55] DEEEEzzzz NuTz: now u banned me
[22:55] DEEEEzzzz NuTz: and u made me an asshole
[22:55] DEEEEzzzz NuTz: u made me be an asshole
[22:55] Overseer wcc: i made u an asshole
[22:55] Overseer wcc: werent u one already? or didnt u have one alrerad?
[22:55] Overseer wcc: *already
[22:55] DEEEEzzzz NuTz: how stupid are u?
[22:56] DEEEEzzzz NuTz: are u really that immature?
[22:56] DEEEEzzzz NuTz: seriously
[22:56] Overseer wcc: i think its funny u dont get the message
[22:56] DEEEEzzzz NuTz: im trying to have a mature conversation
[22:56] DEEEEzzzz NuTz: and u start talking like a 5 year old
[22:56] DEEEEzzzz NuTz: "Didnt u have an asshole already"
[22:56] Overseer wcc: u gotta be pretty dumb to keep coming back somewhere u aint wanted
[22:56] DEEEEzzzz NuTz: wtf is that shit?
[22:56] DEEEEzzzz NuTz: im 10 years younger than you, and 10 times more mature
[22:56] Overseer wcc: lol
[22:56] DEEEEzzzz NuTz: no, i had homies on wcc
[22:57] Overseer wcc: no, u had no homies on wcc
[22:57] DEEEEzzzz NuTz: its just that the haters overshaddowed the homies
[22:57] DEEEEzzzz NuTz: infinite, rodzilla, roccy, blanket
[22:57] DEEEEzzzz NuTz: ejrizo
[22:57] DEEEEzzzz NuTz: please stfu u damn idiot
[22:57] DEEEEzzzz NuTz: rap quake
[22:57] Overseer wcc: listen to me
[22:57] DEEEEzzzz NuTz: doggy
[22:57] Overseer wcc: lol
[22:57] DEEEEzzzz NuTz: suga foot
[22:57] Overseer wcc: i know u aint that bad a kid
[22:57] DEEEEzzzz NuTz: trauma
[22:58] Overseer wcc: but u run around with such a attitude u piss people off
[22:58] DEEEEzzzz NuTz: these are off the top of my head
[22:58] Overseer wcc: u run around talking to ppl like they nothing
[22:58] DEEEEzzzz NuTz: alerg
[22:58] DEEEEzzzz NuTz: ibo
[22:58] DEEEEzzzz NuTz: how are u just say i had no homies on wcc?
[22:58] DEEEEzzzz NuTz: just cuz your gay icq freidns talk shit
[22:58] DEEEEzzzz NuTz: ?
[22:58] Overseer wcc: gay icq friends? lol
[22:59] Overseer wcc: u mean irc
[22:59] DEEEEzzzz NuTz: whatever
[22:59] Overseer wcc: listen
[22:59] DEEEEzzzz NuTz: u think i care buddy? wow, people hate me
[22:59] DEEEEzzzz NuTz: people hate howard stern
[22:59] Overseer wcc: u ran around talking to everyone including me like u own the place
[22:59] DEEEEzzzz NuTz: look at his ratings
[22:59] Overseer wcc: i dont talk to people like that
[22:59] Overseer wcc: ur head is up ur ass, u think ur summat u aint
[22:59] DEEEEzzzz NuTz: no i didnt...i just spoke my mind
[22:59] Overseer wcc: no u just moan
[22:59] DEEEEzzzz NuTz: if i felt you were doing something wrong
[22:59] DEEEEzzzz NuTz: i let u know
[22:59] DEEEEzzzz NuTz: no, i just keep it real bro
[23:00] DEEEEzzzz NuTz: no one can handle that
[23:00] Overseer wcc: u even moaned about HOM today
[23:00] DEEEEzzzz NuTz: thats why those fuckin fags hated me
[23:00] DEEEEzzzz NuTz: HOM?
[23:00] DEEEEzzzz NuTz: no i didnt, i asked you why u brought i back
[23:00] Overseer wcc: hall of mirrors
[23:00] DEEEEzzzz NuTz: if thats considered moaning to u, than i see where your problem is
[23:00] DEEEEzzzz NuTz: i just asked why you brought it back...
[23:01] Overseer wcc: 20:52] DEEEEzzzz NuTz: u brought back train of thought?
 [20:52] Overseer wcc: yeah
 [20:53] Overseer wcc: it was voted in
[23:01] DEEEEzzzz NuTz: ok, im a white jewish rich kid...u think it's easy not to have haters being one?
[23:01] Overseer wcc: [20:53] DEEEEzzzz NuTz: Just as it was  8 (25%)
   Without any mod's  7 (21%)
   Make it political only  5 (15%)
   Let it RIP  12 (37%)
   Total Votes: 32
[23:01] Overseer wcc: thats nothing to do with it
[23:01] DEEEEzzzz NuTz: people think i brag
[23:01] DEEEEzzzz NuTz: if i wanted to brag
[23:01] DEEEEzzzz NuTz: i would
[23:02] DEEEEzzzz NuTz: nobody even knows that i talk to ice cube everyday
[23:02] DEEEEzzzz NuTz: cuz i dont brag
[23:02] Overseer wcc: listen
[23:02] DEEEEzzzz NuTz: nobody even knows that ive been to snoops house twice
[23:02] DEEEEzzzz NuTz: cuz i dont brag
[23:02] Overseer wcc: how long i know u a "rich jewish white kid?"
[23:02] DEEEEzzzz NuTz: nobody knows my connections
[23:02] Overseer wcc: it aint been that long
[23:02] DEEEEzzzz NuTz: haha, everyone knows
[23:02] Overseer wcc: and i been saying u moan to much since forever
[23:02] Overseer wcc: remember?
[23:02] DEEEEzzzz NuTz: since i came to wcc
[23:02] DEEEEzzzz NuTz: everyone hates the rich guy
[23:02] Overseer wcc: u just act a dick
[23:02] Overseer wcc: u dont see that
[23:03] DEEEEzzzz NuTz: whatever, if u dont like people speaking their minds and keeping it real, just say so
[23:03] DEEEEzzzz NuTz: it aint nothing to it buddy
[23:03] Overseer wcc: its aiight.. coz u'll never really appreciate anything properly
[23:03] Overseer wcc: u dont know how to be personable to people
[23:03] Overseer wcc: always up in they face
[23:03] DEEEEzzzz NuTz: no, thats just how people see me
[23:03] DEEEEzzzz NuTz: they dont see the good sides
[23:03] Overseer wcc: why do people see that?
[23:03] DEEEEzzzz NuTz: they only see the bad
[23:03] DEEEEzzzz NuTz: because thats how people are
[23:04] DEEEEzzzz NuTz: they look at the bad first
[23:04] Overseer wcc: yeah ppl are fickle
[23:04] DEEEEzzzz NuTz: whatever, the point is, people hated me for stupid reasons...for example:
[23:05] DEEEEzzzz NuTz: Murrow hated me for making a WCC compilataion
[23:05] DEEEEzzzz NuTz: remember he made 3 threads talking shit about me for no reason
[23:05] DEEEEzzzz NuTz: we didnt even have previous beef
[23:05] DEEEEzzzz NuTz: and i asked him nicely to stop
[23:05] DEEEEzzzz NuTz: and he didnt
[23:05] Overseer wcc: sure that wasnt something else?
[23:05] DEEEEzzzz NuTz: and i asked you to do something
[23:05] DEEEEzzzz NuTz: and you didnt
[23:05] DEEEEzzzz NuTz: 100%
[23:05] DEEEEzzzz NuTz: he was cool with me...
[23:05] Overseer wcc: ohh so i'm bad because you didnt get your way?!?
[23:06] Overseer wcc: hahahah
[23:06] DEEEEzzzz NuTz: so you let people make threads talking shit about other people
[23:06] DEEEEzzzz NuTz: is that allowed on your board?
[23:06] Overseer wcc: its allowed to a point
[23:06] DEEEEzzzz NuTz: he made like 5 threads
[23:06] Overseer wcc: coz otherwise it just gets pent up
[23:06] DEEEEzzzz NuTz: and i didnt do shit
[23:06] Overseer wcc: kid..... shut up moaning
[23:06] DEEEEzzzz NuTz: rgab it came to a pointr where i had it with him
[23:06] Overseer wcc: all u fuckin do is moan
[23:06] Overseer wcc: cant u see it now?
[23:06] DEEEEzzzz NuTz: look at you...
[23:06] Overseer wcc: i see... sorry saw a post from u and i hear
[23:06] DEEEEzzzz NuTz: you dont know what to say
[23:06] Overseer wcc: nahahahahahahahahhahahahah
[23:07] DEEEEzzzz NuTz: all u can say is moan moan moan
[23:07] Overseer wcc: coz u aint even shut up! lol
[23:07] DEEEEzzzz NuTz: cuz im defending myself
[23:07] Overseer wcc: u aint defending shit but ur ego
[23:07] DEEEEzzzz NuTz: no, cuz u have nothing else to say, and im defending myself
[23:07] Overseer wcc: u have lots to say, sorry moan about i'm sure
[23:07] DEEEEzzzz NuTz: hell yea, i have lots to say
[23:08] DEEEEzzzz NuTz: but that doesnt mean im moaning
[23:08] DEEEEzzzz NuTz: and if it does, than i guess i am moaning buddy
[23:08] Overseer wcc: i dont need essay
[23:08] Overseer wcc: whats your point / problem / complex?
[23:08] DEEEEzzzz NuTz: look at king suge
[23:08] DEEEEzzzz NuTz: hes way worse than me
[23:08] DEEEEzzzz NuTz: wayyyyy
[23:08] DEEEEzzzz NuTz: he hasnt even done ANY good for wcc
[23:08] Overseer wcc: so its everyone elses fault?
[23:09] DEEEEzzzz NuTz: why dont u ban him?
[23:09] Overseer wcc: u never wrong
[23:09] DEEEEzzzz NuTz: huh?
[23:09] DEEEEzzzz NuTz: i never said i, never wrong
[23:09] DEEEEzzzz NuTz: everyone is wrong
[23:09] DEEEEzzzz NuTz: but you have to be fair
[23:09] DEEEEzzzz NuTz: if u wanna ban me
[23:09] Overseer wcc: so why u keep bringing up other people?
[23:09] DEEEEzzzz NuTz: ban king suge
[23:09] DEEEEzzzz NuTz: ban myrealname
[23:09] DEEEEzzzz NuTz: whatever, your not getting the point
[23:09] Overseer wcc: i did .. remember
[23:10] Overseer wcc: mrn got banned
[23:10] DEEEEzzzz NuTz: yea, and he came back
[23:10] Overseer wcc: he talked, we sorted it out
[23:10] DEEEEzzzz NuTz: and hes the same as before
[23:10] DEEEEzzzz NuTz:  DEEEEzzzz NuTz:  and hes the same as before
[23:10] Overseer wcc: not this last time
[23:10] DEEEEzzzz NuTz: ahhh, whatever...u just banned me cuz people hated me...
[23:10] Overseer wcc: lol
[23:10] Overseer wcc: no
[23:11] Overseer wcc: i banned u coz i got fed up of coming to my board
[23:11] Overseer wcc: with u all up in my face
[23:11] Overseer wcc: moaning about the same ole shit all the time
[23:11] DEEEEzzzz NuTz: cuz i was trying to help u
[23:11] DEEEEzzzz NuTz: i was giving u advice
[23:11] DEEEEzzzz NuTz: and giving u opinions
[23:11] Overseer wcc: and if i didnt accept something i was wrong
[23:11] Overseer wcc: and if i offered u something u straight ignored it
[23:11] DEEEEzzzz NuTz: in my opinion you were wrong
[23:12] Overseer wcc: aint even acknowledge it
[23:12] DEEEEzzzz NuTz: yea, u offered me ssr banners
[23:12] DEEEEzzzz NuTz: i diodnt even realize it
[23:12] Overseer wcc: and u aint even say anything about it
[23:12] DEEEEzzzz NuTz: i didnt even understand what your were saying
[23:12] Overseer wcc: i tried to find middle ground
[23:12] DEEEEzzzz NuTz: i didnt get what your were trying to say
[23:12] DEEEEzzzz NuTz: in the one PM u sent me
[23:13] DEEEEzzzz NuTz: i didnt even know what you were saying...i was confused
[23:13] DEEEEzzzz NuTz: untill after...when u told me you were offering me ssr banners
[23:13] DEEEEzzzz NuTz: i was like "wtf? when?"
[23:13] Overseer wcc: and u continued making those big ass posts
[23:13] Overseer wcc: with big list of things u thought i'd done wrong
[23:13] DEEEEzzzz NuTz: after u banned me
[23:13] Overseer wcc: even before u got banned
[23:14] Overseer wcc: many many many times
[23:14] DEEEEzzzz NuTz: never
[23:14] Overseer wcc: over the tiniest little thing
[23:14] DEEEEzzzz NuTz: only to defend myself
[23:14] DEEEEzzzz NuTz: i never did it out of the blue
[23:14] Overseer wcc: so if u were "losing a discussion" u'd write such a big post
[23:15] Overseer wcc: with so many points about how shit sucks etc
[23:15] Overseer wcc: and everyone would switch off
[23:15] DEEEEzzzz NuTz: clear what i had on my mind
[23:15] Overseer wcc: uhh huh
[23:15] Overseer wcc: sounds like u got issues,, holding grudges for ever
[23:15] Overseer wcc: some for months after months
[23:15] DEEEEzzzz NuTz: grudges?
[23:15] Overseer wcc: yeah
[23:15] DEEEEzzzz NuTz: never
[23:15] Overseer wcc: it seems like u treated it like that
[23:15] DEEEEzzzz NuTz: am i holding a grudge
[23:16] DEEEEzzzz NuTz: ?
[23:16] DEEEEzzzz NuTz: i made long posts all the time
[23:16] DEEEEzzzz NuTz: if people didnt want to read them
[23:16] DEEEEzzzz NuTz: they didnt have too
[23:16] Overseer wcc: [22:54] DEEEEzzzz NuTz: and it's gunna make me come back
[23:16] Overseer wcc: [22:54] DEEEEzzzz NuTz: and flood the board with stupid topics
[23:16] DEEEEzzzz NuTz: it was only to get my point across
[23:16] Overseer wcc: thats a grudge
[23:16] DEEEEzzzz NuTz: no, it's not...cuz im still banned
[23:16] DEEEEzzzz NuTz: how is it a grudge if im still banned?
[23:17] Overseer wcc: u said u gonna come back and attack/deface the board
[23:17] Overseer wcc: and its not a grudge?
[23:17] DEEEEzzzz NuTz: no, it's called revenge, getback, and retaliation
[23:17] DEEEEzzzz NuTz: not holding a grudge buddy
[23:17] Overseer wcc: lol
[23:17] Overseer wcc: same thing
[23:18] DEEEEzzzz NuTz: holding a grudge is getting mad over something that happened a while back that you already cleared up
[23:18] DEEEEzzzz NuTz: we never cleared up my banning
[23:18] Overseer wcc: i believe u pissed me off enuf to click ban
[23:18] Overseer wcc: and thats how it happened...
[23:18] DEEEEzzzz NuTz: yes, and im here to defend my rights
[23:18] DEEEEzzzz NuTz: u pissed me off
[23:18] DEEEEzzzz NuTz: why cant i ban u?
[23:19] DEEEEzzzz NuTz: if everyone had a bann button, there would be no board
[23:19] Overseer wcc: u can ban me from ur life
[23:19] Overseer wcc: no probs
[23:19] DEEEEzzzz NuTz: cuz everyone pisses everyone off
[23:19] Overseer wcc: u can stay away from where u know i am
[23:19] DEEEEzzzz NuTz: u can stay away from my posts
[23:19] DEEEEzzzz NuTz: if u dont like it, dont read it
[23:19] Overseer wcc: on my own board, yeah right
[23:19] DEEEEzzzz NuTz: im not forcing u to read shit
[23:19] Overseer wcc: u can stay away from wcc
[23:19] Overseer wcc: and then u dont have to worry...
[23:19] DEEEEzzzz NuTz: i can, but didnt want to
[23:20] Overseer wcc: no one wants to be banned..
[23:20] DEEEEzzzz NuTz: some people do belive it or not
[23:20] DEEEEzzzz NuTz: some people dont care
[23:20] Overseer wcc: heh true... u did ask a few times :)
[23:21] DEEEEzzzz NuTz: i said ban me if u have to
[23:21] DEEEEzzzz NuTz: thats a coward act
[23:21] Overseer wcc: uh huh
[23:21] DEEEEzzzz NuTz: cuz u cant do anything else but click ban
[23:21] DEEEEzzzz NuTz: its sad...
[23:21] Overseer wcc: i click ban.. u dont go ....
[23:21] DEEEEzzzz NuTz: you have to learn to deal with things
[23:21] DEEEEzzzz NuTz: you have to learn to deal with people
[23:21] Overseer wcc: i have to?
[23:22] DEEEEzzzz NuTz: u cant just always dismiss anyone
[23:22] DEEEEzzzz NuTz: thats life
[23:22] Overseer wcc: you have to learn to deal with the fact that u aint banned
[23:22] DEEEEzzzz NuTz: people are different
[23:22] Overseer wcc: for 10 mins.. but fo life
[23:22] DEEEEzzzz NuTz: what are u saying? i dont even get u..
[23:22] DEEEEzzzz NuTz: everyone cant be perfect
[23:22] Overseer wcc: true
[23:22] DEEEEzzzz NuTz: not everyone is up to your expectations
[23:22] Overseer wcc: but that doesnt mean u gotta right to be at wcc
[23:22] DEEEEzzzz NuTz: you cant just ban everyone u dont liek...
[23:22] DEEEEzzzz NuTz: well u can
[23:22] Overseer wcc: u aint paid the bills
[23:23] DEEEEzzzz NuTz: but it wouldnt be fair
[23:23] Overseer wcc: u cant walk in somewhere talk shit and expect to stay
[23:23] DEEEEzzzz NuTz: so, its still not fair
[23:23] Overseer wcc: awww its not fair
[23:23] Overseer wcc: booo hooooo
[23:23] DEEEEzzzz NuTz: trauma is the smartest on wcc and he didnt agree with my banning
[23:24] DEEEEzzzz NuTz: i guess theres no compramising with you huh?
[23:24] DEEEEzzzz NuTz: your way or the highway
[23:24] Overseer wcc: no
[23:24] Overseer wcc: your way or not my way with you
[23:24] DEEEEzzzz NuTz: did u ever once think to talk to me nicely?
[23:24] DEEEEzzzz NuTz: all u did was talk shit to me on wcc
[23:24] Overseer wcc: lol
[23:24] Overseer wcc: thats rich.
[23:24] DEEEEzzzz NuTz: you didnt even once ask me to stop moaning or whatever
[23:25] Overseer wcc: omg... yeah right
[23:25] DEEEEzzzz NuTz: not nicely u didnt
[23:25] DEEEEzzzz NuTz: maybe in a mean way
[23:25] Overseer wcc: ohh i;m sorry lil one... i feel sooo sorrryyyyyy for u
[23:25] DEEEEzzzz NuTz: yea, and u expect people to listen to u when you act rude and shady
[23:26] DEEEEzzzz NuTz: your supposed to be nice, your supposed to try and help others on wcc
[23:26] DEEEEzzzz NuTz: not make the worse
[23:26] Overseer wcc: ohhh.... is it in my handbook?
[23:26] DEEEEzzzz NuTz: no, it's the rules of life kid
[23:26] Overseer wcc: how am i supposed to react when over the course of months someone attacks me over and over again?
[23:26] Overseer wcc: bend over?
[23:27] DEEEEzzzz NuTz: i attacked you when u attacked me first
[23:27] DEEEEzzzz NuTz: i didnt just attack u for no reason out of the blue
[23:28] Overseer wcc: ok.. so from what you've said
[23:28] Overseer wcc: if i say this.... its sorted
[23:28] Overseer wcc: would you please please stay away from wcc and  never talk to me again?
[23:28] DEEEEzzzz NuTz: yea, i guess...
[23:28] DEEEEzzzz NuTz: PeACe
[23:29] DEEEEzzzz NuTz: im just not gunna argue with u anymore
[23:29] DEEEEzzzz NuTz: there's no point
[23:29] DEEEEzzzz NuTz: cya man
[23:29] Overseer wcc: pz ;)


  • Muthafuckin' Don!
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Re:nik... the final interview
« Reply #1 on: December 01, 2002, 03:49:55 PM »
Some highlights:

[23:02] DEEEEzzzz NuTz: nobody even knows that i talk to ice cube everyday
[23:02] DEEEEzzzz NuTz: cuz i dont brag

[23:24] DEEEEzzzz NuTz: you didnt even once ask me to stop moaning or whatever
[23:25] Overseer wcc: omg... yeah right
[23:25] DEEEEzzzz NuTz: not nicely u didnt
23:25] DEEEEzzzz NuTz: maybe in a mean way

[23:18] DEEEEzzzz NuTz: why cant i ban u?
[23:19] DEEEEzzzz NuTz: if everyone had a bann button, there would be no board
[23:19] Overseer wcc: u can ban me from ur life
[23:19] Overseer wcc: no probs

[23:02] DEEEEzzzz NuTz: nobody even knows that ive been to snoops house twice
[23:02] DEEEEzzzz NuTz: cuz i dont brag

[23:01] DEEEEzzzz NuTz: ok, im a white jewish rich kid...u think it's easy not to have haters being one?



  • Muthafuckin' Don!
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Re:nik... the final interview
« Reply #2 on: December 01, 2002, 03:56:16 PM »

lmao....damm, I could never chat 2 someone for that long....

but yo NIK....all U had 2 do waz ask for another chance nicely....discuss it wit overseer, dont argue or compete....I dun agree wit yur banning but U aint gonna get unbanned doin this....

look @ what U started with:
[22:51] DEEEEzzzz NuTz: why do u keep banning me if u cant ban my IP?

lol, play tha game wit strategy cuzzin....U cant win like that....





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Re:nik... the final interview
« Reply #3 on: December 01, 2002, 04:14:55 PM »
as tupac said me Against the world. his vesion is nik against the world.


The Big Bad Ass

Re:nik... the final interview
« Reply #4 on: December 01, 2002, 04:19:51 PM »
Jesus Christ NIK, use your fucking brain. Read that shit, and ask yourself how he could take you seriously. All you did was diss, and blame others.


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Re:nik... the final interview
« Reply #5 on: December 01, 2002, 04:34:01 PM »
damn... this fool sounds pyscho.........


Re:nik... the final interview
« Reply #6 on: December 01, 2002, 04:40:50 PM »
[23:02] DEEEEzzzz NuTz: nobody even knows that i talk to ice cube everyday
[23:02] DEEEEzzzz NuTz: cuz i dont brag
[23:02] Overseer wcc: listen
[23:02] DEEEEzzzz NuTz: nobody even knows that ive been to snoops house twice
[23:02] DEEEEzzzz NuTz: cuz i dont brag
[23:02] Overseer wcc: how long i know u a "rich jewish white kid?"
[23:02] DEEEEzzzz NuTz: nobody knows my connections

LOL!  He always spits that out of nowhere...this is him just getting desperate, "Cause we can't bare ban someone who talks to Snoop & Ice Cube."  LOL!


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Re:nik... the final interview
« Reply #7 on: December 01, 2002, 05:08:55 PM »
lol he talks to ice cube FUCKING L!!!!....thats hes been to snoops house!...LOL....fuckin nik...crowned princess of stupidity....


Re:nik... the final interview
« Reply #8 on: December 01, 2002, 05:40:06 PM »
Some highlights:

[23:02] DEEEEzzzz NuTz: nobody even knows that i talk to ice cube everyday
[23:02] DEEEEzzzz NuTz: cuz i dont brag

[23:24] DEEEEzzzz NuTz: you didnt even once ask me to stop moaning or whatever
[23:25] Overseer wcc: omg... yeah right
[23:25] DEEEEzzzz NuTz: not nicely u didnt
23:25] DEEEEzzzz NuTz: maybe in a mean way

[23:18] DEEEEzzzz NuTz: why cant i ban u?
[23:19] DEEEEzzzz NuTz: if everyone had a bann button, there would be no board
[23:19] Overseer wcc: u can ban me from ur life
[23:19] Overseer wcc: no probs

[23:02] DEEEEzzzz NuTz: nobody even knows that ive been to snoops house twice
[23:02] DEEEEzzzz NuTz: cuz i dont brag

[23:01] DEEEEzzzz NuTz: ok, im a white jewish rich kid...u think it's easy not to have haters being one?

Highlight, LOL

[23:23] DEEEEzzzz NuTz: trauma is the smartest on wcc


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Re:nik... the final interview
« Reply #9 on: December 01, 2002, 05:45:22 PM »
Like Rod said, u gotta pik yur fightz. I mean, git what u want....u cant just attack it from the front. This is seer'z board, and in the will be his decision. So to jus argue with him about how wrong he was wit bannin u, wont change a thing. That doesnt mean u have to bow down, or...if u absolutely dont think yur wrong...u dont even have to admit that yur wrong either. But, jus strait up beefin about it...wont solve shit. I didnt think me gittin banned was fair at all, but i dealt wit it differently then to come on tha board under a new name...and jus attack Seer. But i didnt have to ask to be unbanned, or for mah mod spot back either...cus i came wit respect, and got respect back. I dont know tha specificz of NIK'z i cant even argue for or against. But NIK homie, jus pik yah fightz man...u can win EVERything.


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Re:nik... the final interview
« Reply #10 on: December 01, 2002, 06:17:33 PM »
Like Rod said, u gotta pik yur fightz. I mean, git what u want....u cant just attack it from the front. This is seer'z board, and in the will be his decision. So to jus argue with him about how wrong he was wit bannin u, wont change a thing. That doesnt mean u have to bow down, or...if u absolutely dont think yur wrong...u dont even have to admit that yur wrong either. But, jus strait up beefin about it...wont solve shit. I didnt think me gittin banned was fair at all, but i dealt wit it differently then to come on tha board under a new name...and jus attack Seer. But i didnt have to ask to be unbanned, or for mah mod spot back either...cus i came wit respect, and got respect back. I dont know tha specificz of NIK'z i cant even argue for or against. But NIK homie, jus pik yah fightz man...u can win EVERything.

Whats your point homie? I can come back anytime I want...He can't ban my IP...I'm not gunna kiss Overseers ass just so i can come back to WCC like some peeps have done in the past after they got banned...My last try was to come on as somone else and act nice (Timcasic)...

And SGV, u fuckin idiot...I've already proven my fuckin connections in the past...I just never brag about them, that's why half the board probably doesn't know...Most of the OG's know what's up though...PeACe


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Re:nik... the final interview
« Reply #11 on: December 01, 2002, 06:21:58 PM »


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Re:nik... the final interview
« Reply #12 on: December 01, 2002, 06:28:40 PM »
Whats your point homie? I can come back anytime I want...He can't ban my IP...I'm not gunna kiss Overseers ass just so i can come back to WCC like some peeps have done in the past after they got banned...My last try was to come on as somone else and act nice (Timcasic)...

And SGV, u fuckin idiot...I've already proven my fuckin connections in the past...I just never brag about them, that's why half the board probably doesn't know...Most of the OG's know what's up though...PeACe

naw man, i aint sayin u gotta kiss is ass. Shit, i wouldnt do that eitha. Im jus sayin, attackin him isnt gonna work...yah know? I aint kiss his ass in tha least, n im sho he'd tell u that. but i jus emailed him on tha side. And came real about shit. It wasnt anything about...who was right or wrong. I dunno, i see both of yall sidez on shit. But like i said, sumtimez u gotta sacrifice a battle tah win tha war. <~~soundz like GI Joe wit that shit lol


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Re:nik... the final interview
« Reply #13 on: December 01, 2002, 06:44:42 PM »
go Overseer aKa Barbara Walterz  ;D lol jk u know i luv u haha and Murrow y did u have beef wit Nik for?


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Re:nik... the final interview
« Reply #14 on: December 01, 2002, 07:22:52 PM »
Murrow y did u have beef wit Nik for?

According to the transcript.  This is NIK's point of view:

[23:04] DEEEEzzzz NuTz: whatever, the point is, people hated me for stupid reasons...for example:
[23:05] DEEEEzzzz NuTz: Murrow hated me for making a WCC compilataion
[23:05] DEEEEzzzz NuTz: remember he made 3 threads talking shit about me for no reason
[23:05] DEEEEzzzz NuTz: we didnt even have previous beef
[23:05] DEEEEzzzz NuTz: and i asked him nicely to stop
[23:05] DEEEEzzzz NuTz: and he didnt
[23:05] Overseer wcc: sure that wasnt something else?
[23:05] DEEEEzzzz NuTz: and i asked you to do something
[23:05] DEEEEzzzz NuTz: and you didnt
[23:05] DEEEEzzzz NuTz: 100%
[23:05] DEEEEzzzz NuTz: he was cool with me...