Author Topic: Lebron's In The Playoffs  (Read 1872 times)


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Re: Lebron's In The Playoffs
« Reply #60 on: April 03, 2006, 11:30:12 AM »
Nobody is arguing that Jordan>Kobe>Lebron is any different, pay attention to what some people are saying.  There's a double standard that Kobe can reach Jordan's level but Lebron can't do shit.  That's the point of the arguement

eS El Duque

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Re: Lebron's In The Playoffs
« Reply #61 on: April 03, 2006, 11:53:24 AM »
Lebron is a great player but he hasn't done shit in the playoffs.

He's never been in pressure situations in the playoffs like Kobe.

He's never come through in the clutch in the playoffs like kobe.

He's never been down by 15 pts in the 4th quarter in gm 7 of the WCF like kobe.

He's never gone on the road for a gm 7 in the WCF like kobe.

Lets just wait and see what happens w/ him. Let him earn it like kobe 8) 8)

He's never been in the playoffs to prove so. Shaq helped Kobe, Kobe helped SHaq...nuff said



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Re: Lebron's In The Playoffs
« Reply #62 on: April 03, 2006, 12:26:34 PM »
Nobody is arguing that Jordan>Kobe>Lebron is any different, pay attention to what some people are saying.  There's a double standard that Kobe can reach Jordan's level but Lebron can't do shit.  That's the point of the arguement

Yea, well you're missing the point yourself. LeBron said himself that he DOESN'T have the killer instinct that Kobe has, and that's what seperates them. That same killer instinct which Jordan had, it's in Kobe, it's no where to be found in LeBron...Come on man, I put Dwyane Wade, LeBron James, and Carmelo Anthony all in the same category. That is great players of today. Kobe, even if he ends his career today, will be one of the greatest of all time, no MATTER WHAT. Shaq carried the Lakers up until 2001, after that, Kobe was running mostly everything while Shaq was slacking off, showing up to camp overweight, not performing like he could...That's what got Shaq jealous, when he realized that the Lakers was becoming Kobe's team...And what Kobe is doing now, leading a bunch of young players who have no NBA experience to the NBA playoffs is amazing, no other way to describe it...Do you for a second think that LeBron James can lead a starting 5 which includes Smush Parker (previously an NBDL player), Brian Cook (a bench warmer his whole career), and Kwame Brown (Bust? :nawty:) to the playoffs? HELLLLLL NO!...Kobe is great, Kobe is the greatest thing in basketball right now...I'm not saying LeBron doesn't have a chance to be as great, I'm just saying that he hasn't proved so as of yet...PeACe


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Re: Lebron's In The Playoffs
« Reply #63 on: April 03, 2006, 07:38:49 PM »
unselfish? lol the dude is too scared to takeover the game

lebron is good, but he's really a combination of chris webber & vince carter. all dunks and scared to shoot the last shot

paul pierce is 2nd best, right after mr. 81
No way in hell is Paul Pierce beter than Lebron James

Umm...i remember last week when he took the last second shot versus some team that i can't remember lol

I agree Kobe might be on top of his game right now...but Lebron is right up there. You got no NBA knowledge whats so about you stick to lickin Jomes nuts and talkin about how much you hate G-Unit

I'm sorry, but as of now, Pierce is better and more developed than LeBron...LeBron is good, no doubt, and he'll probably be better in the near future, but I love Pierce's game...Pierce is just so much more polished and doesn't have nearly as many flaws.

As far as predictions go...

In my opinion, Cleveland is gunna finally be a strong team...Obviously, LeBron couldn't do it alone, but now he's going to have 2 all-star caliber players by his side...If they don't make the playoffs this coming season, LeBron will finally be considered a flop in my eyes...I predict Cleveland will be a 3rd or 4th seeded team with their strong line-up...Seems like this off-season is only gunna get more and more interesting...PeACe

I like your prediction and it looks like you are going to be right as Cleveland should settle right into that 4 seed in the East. 

Some more brilliant predictions by NIK Cleo....

NIK on the Lakers~
"I believe the Lakers will shock everyone with a huge improvement and even a high spot in the playoff seeding"

oooh....and the best one yet!

NIK on the Knicks~
"There is no doubt in my mind that this team will make the playoffs and maybe even secure as high as a 3rd or 4th seed"



LMAO. So what? The Lakers can still grab a 6th seed, and even if they don't end up with a high spot like I had faith that they could, EVERYONE, EVEN ANALYSTS make wrong predictions before the season starts...Are you telling me that you KNEW the Knicks would be this bad, under Larry Brown, before the season started? Even with their improvements down-low and everything?...Come on, you're straight stupid, I will shit on you any day...Knicks SHOULD have made the playoffs, especially with all the fuckin' talent on their team...Where were you when an injured Lakers beat the Spurs this year? You only came back when the Laker lost, so you can talk more shit, even though the Lakers are missing their starting center, and even though Kobe was way off and had back spasms...You're simply a Laker hater, you even say Kobe has bad D AND SAID LEBRON WAS A BETTER FLOOR LEADER...LMAO. KOBE IS ALL-DEFENSIVE NBA 5 TIME, Kobe has made so many game-winning shots in his career, leading the way verbally through 3 championships, almost always steps it up in crunch time, Kobe is undisputedly on another level than LeBron, even LeBron dick-riders have admitted that, even LeBron has said it himself...He said "I don't have that killer instict that Kobe does", which means he will NEVER be as great...LeBron is known to step it down in crunch-time, he's a weak free-throw shooter (I've seen him air-ball some clutch freethrows this season), he's still young though, uncomparable to Kobe as of now...You, HOWEVER, have managed to have so much hatred for Kobe and the Lakers that you've actually put them on the same level, and actually implied that LeBron was slightly better...LMAO...You are a fuckin' joke man...I'm done with you, for now at least, until you say some more stupid shit... :-X

hey, if u dont agree with every single analyst in the league that Lebron is a better floor leader then Kobe, thats your choice. Youre a Kobe fan, what can i expect? As for the Lakers beating us this year. Good for them. So did the Hawks. So what? Its the regular season and i could careless as long as we end up at least first in the West. Im more concerned with winning a championship. I didnt come on here to talk shit about us beating u guys last night. It isnt an accomplishment for us. I responded to that retard (u know who). Using Lebrons not being clutch is silly, especially for a Kobe fan. As if u already forgot Kobes first couple years in the league. He was really clutch wasnt he? But other then scoring, there isnt ONE other offensive skill that Kobe possesses that Lebron doesnt do better. Youre only arguing cus you love Kobe so much. If i was arguing that Lebron was the next Jordan, you wouldnt argue back THIS much. So face it, youre biased (obviously) in these arguments. You can keep on with your opinion, but its just that. The opinion of a fan. As for the Knicks, i didnt think theyd be THIS bad. But i also didnt think theyd be a 3rd or 4th seed in the East. You are notorious for using this "hater" shit as your defense for everything. It usually means u dont have a real argument tho, and everyone on here knows it. Everyone sees through your bullshit...its pretty easy. The only way you would not assume everyone else is "hating" is if they come on here like you dickriders and just said over and over how GREAT Kobe is. How perfect he is. How he's the best player ever lol. But then we'd ALL sound as stupid as u do. Some of us have to balance out the board and keep the bullshit from takin over too much. Youre only argument in the Kobe/Lebron argument is his age. Lebron IS younger. But if u think Kobe was ANYwhere...i mean ANYWHERE near this mature on the court at Lebrons age then you are completely fuckin stupid. So to say Lebron will never be as "great" is retarded. The fact that at this age, there are legitimate arguments for Lebron being the best player in the league right now means a ton.

LMAO! I never heard that LeBron was a better floor leader from "every single NBA analyst"...In fact, I've heard the complete opposite. Yes, LeBron gets the players more involved, is more unselfish (which he shouldn't be if he wants to be one of the greatest), is a better rebounder than Kobe...But so is Lamar Odom...LMAO. Bryant is still in another league and is a way better floor leader. Kobe is so verbal with his guys, always telling them their position in the triangle, where they messed up, where they did great, he's almost like a coach out there, an extension of Phil Jackson...LeBron is nothing like that from the games I've seen him in. Kobe also was always clutch, LMAO, how can you compare Kobe in his first few years in the league to LeBron, Kobe wasn't even a top 5 option at first, LeBron is 3 years in the league and is the team leader, airballing clutch free-throws. They had to take LeBron out and put Ilgauskas in to shoot the free throws in so many close games. I am not notorious for using "hater", it just seems that way to you because you're a fuckin' hater (it's obvious), and I call you out on it so much...In fact, I'm not the only one here who knows you're a hater. Especially a Kobe/Laker hater. Stevie Wonder with his fuckin' eyeballs bleeding could see you were a hater. Come on man, you have made ridiculous comments regarding Kobe, including that he'd prefer to score more than to win (LMFAOOOO!)...You hop on every players dick who challanges Kobe for best all-around player in the league, and no matter what, you'll say they're better than Kobe and defend them to the death. H A T E R. And I haven't called anyone a hater on here since the last time we had a discussion...I don't think anyone here takes you seriously anyways, you say the dumbest shit ever, even LeBron fans/Kobe haters have admitted that Kobe is on another level. Even LeBron himself says hes not as good as Kobe and that he doesn't have that "killer instinct", which makes Kobe so great...I remember when Kobe was 22, people were saying he was WAY better than Jordan was at 22. LeBron is getting dick-ridden by the media and the league, who are obviously looking for the next best/marketable thing...You're right there with them like a dumbfuck. And to say LeBron will never be as great as Kobe is very reasonable, especially since LeBron admitted to not having that killer instinct, and because I can never see LeBron having the ability to score 81 or do some of the great shit Kobe has done...Kobe vs. Someone. YOU will always be on that other persons dick, only because of the hate you posess for Kobe, and that's why YOU'RE a hater...PeACe

im not really gonna read your whole post. but your first line proves u havent been paying attention ALL year to what people, analysts, etc are saying. Youre so obviously blinded by your own love for Kobe. Even Doug Collins said it during the Laker/Cavs game.....and Collins loves Kobe. The exact quote "the only real difference between the two right now is that i think Lebron sees the floor a little better the Kobe". Like someone else said, no one right now is near Jordans status. But Kobe is over halfway through with his career and he isnt close. Lebron has just started.

Doug Collins loves Kobe? LOLLLLL!...Doug Collins is about as big a LeBron dick-rider as there is. Everyone has been saying how Kobe is on his OWN level, I hear it everywhere, even today during the TNT post game, Scottie Pippen said it, Mark Jackson, the announcers...You obviously don't like Kobe, everyone out there says Kobe is the closest thing to Jordan we've seen since Jordan, but only you can't see that, because you're blinded by your own hate...You even said you didn't read my whole post, in which I made great points, and that's why you don't understand shit...PeACe

when people say Kobe is the "closest thing to Jordan", they are talking about their STYLE of play. Not about how "great Kobe is". I usually never compare Lebron to Jordan, because their styles dont match up. Kobe's style is completely patterned after Jordan. That doesnt mean he is close to being as good as means his STYLE is similar. And if u havent heard Doug Collins "dick-ride" Kobe like u say he does Lebron, you must not watch much basketball. He just gave a nonbiased opinion and i quoted it is all. As for me not reading your post....its amazing how often u compliment YOURSELF on your "great points". No one else seems to think u make any "great points". Your ONLY argument is always that people are "kobe hating". lol thats a childish argument. Almost as childish as your sig. You have this menatality that everyone hates on you, hates on Kobe, hates on the Lakers. lol Grow up homie. The Lakers never have, and never will be "the bad guys". There is no conspiracy to hate on the Lakers, or Kobe. They are just one team in the NBA, whos not as good as they were a few years ago. Deal with it. You just cant deal with your team no longer being ontop of the world since Shaq left. All teams go up, and down. We were champions last year, maybe will be this year. And have been more successful, since Duncan hit the league, then any other franchise. That doesnt mean that 3 years from now we wont be a .500 team. Who knows. But i wont come on here calling everyone a bunch of "Duncan haters" lol.


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Re: Lebron's In The Playoffs
« Reply #64 on: April 03, 2006, 07:47:03 PM »
Fine let's take eFG% into the equation lol. 

I'll just have Jordan's career eFG% vs Kobe's current career eFG%, which values Three Pointers and Ignores Free Throws

Jordan .509
Kobe .480

Or how about TS% which adds Three Pointers and Free Throws

Jordan .569
Kobe .550

And Jordan's last two years really affected his overall career average in both of these figures.

THERE YOU GO! So they're NOT far off...LMAO. Add the fact that Kobe WILL get wiser/better and the fact that Kobe's first few years in the league were out of high school playing off the bench behind Eddie Jones, and it's more than evened out...Now try again. :-*

its very difficult to use percentages when one player has played a whole career, and another is halfway through. Id be willing to bet that Jordans percentage from the field dipped towards the end of his career as he turned more into a fadeaway/outside shooter then as a slasher like he was in the beginning. He was taking it to the rim far more in the beginning of his career. That means higher percentage shots. Kobe is in the middle of his career, he hasnt gone through that stage yet where he needs to change his game as his athletisism diminishes. So for Kobe, this is the highest his shooting percentage should be (for a whole career), because he's basically in his prime. So if there was ever a time where he would need to be higher then Jordans, it would be as of now. He's not. Which means more then likely he will lose further ground as his career goes on.


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Re: Lebron's In The Playoffs
« Reply #65 on: April 03, 2006, 07:50:14 PM »
Nobody is arguing that Jordan>Kobe>Lebron is any different, pay attention to what some people are saying.  There's a double standard that Kobe can reach Jordan's level but Lebron can't do shit.  That's the point of the arguement

Yea, well you're missing the point yourself. LeBron said himself that he DOESN'T have the killer instinct that Kobe has, and that's what seperates them. That same killer instinct which Jordan had, it's in Kobe, it's no where to be found in LeBron...Come on man, I put Dwyane Wade, LeBron James, and Carmelo Anthony all in the same category. That is great players of today. Kobe, even if he ends his career today, will be one of the greatest of all time, no MATTER WHAT. Shaq carried the Lakers up until 2001, after that, Kobe was running mostly everything while Shaq was slacking off, showing up to camp overweight, not performing like he could...That's what got Shaq jealous, when he realized that the Lakers was becoming Kobe's team...And what Kobe is doing now, leading a bunch of young players who have no NBA experience to the NBA playoffs is amazing, no other way to describe it...Do you for a second think that LeBron James can lead a starting 5 which includes Smush Parker (previously an NBDL player), Brian Cook (a bench warmer his whole career), and Kwame Brown (Bust? :nawty:) to the playoffs? HELLLLLL NO!...Kobe is great, Kobe is the greatest thing in basketball right now...I'm not saying LeBron doesn't have a chance to be as great, I'm just saying that he hasn't proved so as of yet...PeACe

how come when i said Kobe didnt do a good job "leading his team" last year. You blamed the coach, and said that the coach wasnt doing their job. Now that the team makes the playoffs, its Kobe who is the leader again, and he's doing an amazing job lol. This is why u look silly and like a hypocrit. When things go bad, its not because of Kobe's "leadership" (or lack thereof), but when things go good, its "kobe's leadership" shining through LOL.


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Re: Lebron's In The Playoffs
« Reply #66 on: April 04, 2006, 10:45:06 AM »

when people say Kobe is the "closest thing to Jordan", they are talking about their STYLE of play. Not about how "great Kobe is". I usually never compare Lebron to Jordan, because their styles dont match up. Kobe's style is completely patterned after Jordan. That doesnt mean he is close to being as good as means his STYLE is similar. And if u havent heard Doug Collins "dick-ride" Kobe like u say he does Lebron, you must not watch much basketball. He just gave a nonbiased opinion and i quoted it is all. As for me not reading your post....its amazing how often u compliment YOURSELF on your "great points". No one else seems to think u make any "great points". Your ONLY argument is always that people are "kobe hating". lol thats a childish argument. Almost as childish as your sig. You have this menatality that everyone hates on you, hates on Kobe, hates on the Lakers. lol Grow up homie. The Lakers never have, and never will be "the bad guys". There is no conspiracy to hate on the Lakers, or Kobe. They are just one team in the NBA, whos not as good as they were a few years ago. Deal with it. You just cant deal with your team no longer being ontop of the world since Shaq left. All teams go up, and down. We were champions last year, maybe will be this year. And have been more successful, since Duncan hit the league, then any other franchise. That doesnt mean that 3 years from now we wont be a .500 team. Who knows. But i wont come on here calling everyone a bunch of "Duncan haters" lol.

You're an idiot if you think Kobe isn't the most hated superstar in the league. You're an idiot if you think the refs haven't been fucking Kobe over in the month of March (compare his free-throw attempt average in the month of March to any other month). You're an idiot just because you are...You can't seem to grasp the fact that out there the media likes to creat a good guy, a saviour so to speak (LeBron James), and a bad guy, the heel (Kobe Bryant)...You're honestly telling me you don't see this? LMAO. Of course you don't, because you're a fuckin hater yourself, and even if you did, it's not like you'd admit it...Not everyone is a Kobe hater, there are a share of supporters...Come to think of it, you're probably the only (or one of the only) Kobe haters on WCC...Nobody hates on Duncan, in fact, nobody gives a fuck about him cuz he's so basic...Kobe is very controversial, he gets hated on by the media for Shaq's departure, his rape-case, his cocky attitude, etc. 'til this day...But what are we trying to establish here? Nothing really, it's all a matter of opinion, and in my opinion (and many others), Kobe is easily the closest thing to Jordan (in greatness and style of play) since Jordan...PeACe


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Re: Lebron's In The Playoffs
« Reply #67 on: April 04, 2006, 10:49:02 AM »
Fine let's take eFG% into the equation lol. 

I'll just have Jordan's career eFG% vs Kobe's current career eFG%, which values Three Pointers and Ignores Free Throws

Jordan .509
Kobe .480

Or how about TS% which adds Three Pointers and Free Throws

Jordan .569
Kobe .550

And Jordan's last two years really affected his overall career average in both of these figures.

THERE YOU GO! So they're NOT far off...LMAO. Add the fact that Kobe WILL get wiser/better and the fact that Kobe's first few years in the league were out of high school playing off the bench behind Eddie Jones, and it's more than evened out...Now try again. :-*

its very difficult to use percentages when one player has played a whole career, and another is halfway through. Id be willing to bet that Jordans percentage from the field dipped towards the end of his career as he turned more into a fadeaway/outside shooter then as a slasher like he was in the beginning. He was taking it to the rim far more in the beginning of his career. That means higher percentage shots. Kobe is in the middle of his career, he hasnt gone through that stage yet where he needs to change his game as his athletisism diminishes. So for Kobe, this is the highest his shooting percentage should be (for a whole career), because he's basically in his prime. So if there was ever a time where he would need to be higher then Jordans, it would be as of now. He's not. Which means more then likely he will lose further ground as his career goes on.

I'm willing to bet that Kobe's fg% will only get higher, as he'll take wiser shots...I'm also willing to bet he won't be in his prime until he reaches 30. Jordan was at his best when he was in his 30's, lots of great players take years of experience to perfect their game to it's full potential. Kobe will get better...


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Re: Lebron's In The Playoffs
« Reply #68 on: April 04, 2006, 10:52:36 AM »
Nobody is arguing that Jordan>Kobe>Lebron is any different, pay attention to what some people are saying.  There's a double standard that Kobe can reach Jordan's level but Lebron can't do shit.  That's the point of the arguement

Yea, well you're missing the point yourself. LeBron said himself that he DOESN'T have the killer instinct that Kobe has, and that's what seperates them. That same killer instinct which Jordan had, it's in Kobe, it's no where to be found in LeBron...Come on man, I put Dwyane Wade, LeBron James, and Carmelo Anthony all in the same category. That is great players of today. Kobe, even if he ends his career today, will be one of the greatest of all time, no MATTER WHAT. Shaq carried the Lakers up until 2001, after that, Kobe was running mostly everything while Shaq was slacking off, showing up to camp overweight, not performing like he could...That's what got Shaq jealous, when he realized that the Lakers was becoming Kobe's team...And what Kobe is doing now, leading a bunch of young players who have no NBA experience to the NBA playoffs is amazing, no other way to describe it...Do you for a second think that LeBron James can lead a starting 5 which includes Smush Parker (previously an NBDL player), Brian Cook (a bench warmer his whole career), and Kwame Brown (Bust? :nawty:) to the playoffs? HELLLLLL NO!...Kobe is great, Kobe is the greatest thing in basketball right now...I'm not saying LeBron doesn't have a chance to be as great, I'm just saying that he hasn't proved so as of yet...PeACe

how come when i said Kobe didnt do a good job "leading his team" last year. You blamed the coach, and said that the coach wasnt doing their job. Now that the team makes the playoffs, its Kobe who is the leader again, and he's doing an amazing job lol. This is why u look silly and like a hypocrit. When things go bad, its not because of Kobe's "leadership" (or lack thereof), but when things go good, its "kobe's leadership" shining through LOL.

Actually, I'm pretty positive that I said you can't win without a coach, which you can't...Who draws up the plays? Who chooes the offense? The defense? It's not the players now, is it?...OF COURSE Lakers are gunna be a better team with Phil running the show, you even manage to somehow twist that into a way to hate on Kobe...LMAO. I've said it all year long, Phil Jackson+Kobe Bryant=Money. What's so hard to understand? You're a fuckin' moron...PeACe


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Re: Lebron's In The Playoffs
« Reply #69 on: April 04, 2006, 01:57:08 PM »
Kobe's not going to get a higher shooting percentage after the age of 30.  This is not possible for obvious reasons.  The only way it's possible is that he's on a team that has 2-3 superstars to share the ball with and he can't be the primary scorer either, that's the only way. 


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Re: Lebron's In The Playoffs
« Reply #70 on: April 04, 2006, 02:07:37 PM »
Kobe's not going to get a higher shooting percentage after the age of 30.  This is not possible for obvious reasons.  The only way it's possible is that he's on a team that has 2-3 superstars to share the ball with and he can't be the primary scorer either, that's the only way. 

You say it is not possible, how would you know? That's what I call hating, you've already declared that it's not possible, as it clearly is...I'll bet you ANYTHING Kobe's percentage is higher next year, and even higher the year after that...PeACe


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Re: Lebron's In The Playoffs
« Reply #71 on: April 04, 2006, 02:10:59 PM »
So you think Kobe will be the first player in the history of the game to have higher FG percentage as he ages and still remain the team's primary scoring option?  It's not hating man, this is commons sense when it comes to basketball.  Like teeray said, he's not gonna drive to the basket as often, I stated that earlier as well.  Players lose foot speed as they age, not one single player will ever continue to have the same speed he had in his 20s. It's not just Kobe we're talking about but eveyr single basketball player. 


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Re: Lebron's In The Playoffs
« Reply #72 on: April 04, 2006, 02:18:55 PM »
So you think Kobe will be the first player in the history of the game to have higher FG percentage as he ages and still remain the team's primary scoring option?  It's not hating man, this is commons sense when it comes to basketball.  Like teeray said, he's not gonna drive to the basket as often, I stated that earlier as well.  Players lose foot speed as they age, not one single player will ever continue to have the same speed he had in his 20s. It's not just Kobe we're talking about but eveyr single basketball player. 

I bet Kobe won't be jackin' up as many three's with the shot clock winding' down, or fadeaway turnarounds when he's 30...I think he will get wiser and have a better shot selection as he matures...John Stockton did it, many players have, why can't Kobe? I think you're just hating by simply writing Kobe off like that...I think you're still butt-hurt over the Shaq trade... :-*


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Re: Lebron's In The Playoffs
« Reply #73 on: April 04, 2006, 02:21:58 PM »
So you think Kobe will be the first player in the history of the game to have higher FG percentage as he ages and still remain the team's primary scoring option?  It's not hating man, this is commons sense when it comes to basketball.  Like teeray said, he's not gonna drive to the basket as often, I stated that earlier as well.  Players lose foot speed as they age, not one single player will ever continue to have the same speed he had in his 20s. It's not just Kobe we're talking about but eveyr single basketball player. 



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Re: Lebron's In The Playoffs
« Reply #74 on: April 04, 2006, 02:24:41 PM »
So what if he loses foot-speed? I see Kobe taking a lot more set shots, maybe playing the small forward position a lot more in his 30's...It's all a matter of opinion, and yours is just more anti-Kobe than pro. Kobe CAN get better with age. Jordan did it, Kobe can do it too...PeACe