Author Topic: what the fuck is the point of a mormon ?  (Read 960 times)


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Re: what the fuck is the point of a mormon ?
« Reply #15 on: March 30, 2006, 02:19:43 PM »

    To the trauma of being molested, add betrayal by a loved one and the deep cultural and religious taboos surrounding incestuous sex, leading many families to try to cover up the abuse or handle it on their own.

LMAO...Now I see where the name comes from.

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Re: what the fuck is the point of a mormon ?
« Reply #16 on: March 30, 2006, 02:39:39 PM »

    To the trauma of being molested, add betrayal by a loved one and the deep cultural and religious taboos surrounding incestuous sex, leading many families to try to cover up the abuse or handle it on their own.

LMAO...Now I see where the name comes from.

LOLLLL I didn't even notice that shit...
my throat hurts, its hard to swallow, and my body feels like i got a serious ass beating.

LOL @ this fudgepacker


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Re: what the fuck is the point of a mormon ?
« Reply #17 on: March 30, 2006, 03:08:02 PM »
what does their new bible teach ?

I'm not too familiar with it but it says that the first man and woman were in America, and that Jesus visited the US. I'm not an expert though.

crazy bastards..

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Re: what the fuck is the point of a mormon ?
« Reply #18 on: March 30, 2006, 04:01:59 PM »
Theyre like islam for white people, an obscure group of kooky folks with odd beliefs and are often ridiculed by the mainstream because they are full of ish.

Ask a Marine stationed in Al Anbar how obscure Muslims are
"One day Alice came to a fork in the road and saw a Cheshire cat in a tree. "Which road do I take?" she asked. "Where do you want to go?" was his response. "I don't know," Alice answered. "Then," said the cat, "it doesn't matter."

- Lewis Carroll

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Re: what the fuck is the point of a mormon ?
« Reply #19 on: March 30, 2006, 07:31:32 PM »
Mormons are collecting EVERY information they can about humanity, they have a big vault somewhere near salt lake city where they are collecting every book, website reportory, information about everybody on the earth, and they put that on microfilms. If you want,you can consulte these. They also baptise everybody on the earth by random calling them and telling them they are baptised in the mormon religion. When i was i college, one of my teacher told me they called him to tell him they had baptise him so he could go to heaven with them, dude is really catholic but he said aight and was happy whit that. I hope they'll call me one day.

TraceOneInfinite Flat Earther 96'

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Re: what the fuck is the point of a mormon ?
« Reply #20 on: March 30, 2006, 07:57:12 PM »
an obscure group of kooky folks with odd beliefs and are often ridiculed by the mainstream because they are full of ish.

Mormons aren't that different from mainstream Christians, I actually saw one of the heads of the Mormon Church in an interview and he said that the official stance of the LDS (Mormons) is that they stand behind all the desicions George Bush as made, and they supported him in all his wars, because they feel like he is a good Christian and so on and so forth.  They even got rid of polygamy in their religion so that they could please the mainstream Christians.
Givin' respect to 2pac September 7th-13th The Day Hip-Hop Died

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Re: what the fuck is the point of a mormon ?
« Reply #21 on: March 30, 2006, 08:05:09 PM »
i'm catholic but i'm from quebec, so you know that comme sense come before religion in everything. Never mix politics and religion, in fact i would rather vote for a laïc candidate


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Re: what the fuck is the point of a mormon ?
« Reply #22 on: March 30, 2006, 08:19:06 PM »
south park had a pretty good episode on it
been rockin' longer than niggas twice my age
back in the days before Bob Marley was rockin' a fade
before Honest Abe signed the paper that freed slaves
before Neanderthals was drawing on walls in caves
I existed, in the garden of Eden gettin' lifted
stickin' dick to Eve before she was Adam's mistress
before Christ created Christmas, I been in lyrical fitness
the Canibus is spittin' til' he's spitless - Canibus


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Re: what the fuck is the point of a mormon ?
« Reply #23 on: March 30, 2006, 08:25:33 PM »
an obscure group of kooky folks with odd beliefs and are often ridiculed by the mainstream because they are full of ish.

Mormons aren't that different from mainstream Christians, I actually saw one of the heads of the Mormon Church in an interview and he said that the official stance of the LDS (Mormons) is that they stand behind all the desicions George Bush as made, and they supported him in all his wars, because they feel like he is a good Christian and so on and so forth.  They even got rid of polygamy in their religion so that they could please the mainstream Christians.
They got rid of polygamy because the government wouldn't recognize them as a religious organization and tax them if they didn't get rid of it.


Re: what the fuck is the point of a mormon ?
« Reply #24 on: March 30, 2006, 10:49:05 PM »
Lot of ignorance here, I'll mention what I know.  I'm not a mormon, but I did go to a mormon church for a year or so.  I imagine that most of you would enjoy it, they are without a doubt the nicest people I've ever met in my life.

I'll also temper this by saying that every christian in the world believes that the earth was flooded, and a 600 year old man built a big boat, and put two of every animal in it, and then landed it on a mountain 40 days later.



Mormons basically believe that they are the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints.  They believe in the old testament, and the new testament.  They believe that Adam, the first man, was a priest of God, and he passed the priesthood down through his lineage until basically John the Baptist was the only priest walking the earth... Jesus came to John the Baptist to be baptised by him, and was made a priest, on earth, by John the Baptist.  Jesus then set his church up on earth, with his 12 apostles.  They believe everything in both bibles.

They also believe that God forsaw that the earth would fall into darkness, the 'priesthood' would be lost from the earth, and that the church of christ would eventually be perverted.  Mind you, this is basically what protestants believe.  They believe that the catholic church perverted Christ's true, original church that he sat up on earth, and even changed the bible to suit their own beliefs.  that's the whole reason the protestant churches were formed... to rebel from the Catholic church, which is the rubble that is left from the Church that Jesus Christ himself set up on earth when he was here around 33 A.D..

So Mormons believe, that seeing this, God sent one of the tribes of israel to the americas.  He sailed here with his family, and set up on this continent, and wrote down what happened.  Lots of wars, blah blah blah, time passes, Jesus visits the Americas after he's resurrected (He famously says he has other flocks to tend in the New Testament when he arises to heaven).  Jesus comes to America to visit the tribe of Israel living here in 33 A.D. (or whatever year his death is).  A few more years pass, and all of the tribe are eventually killed off, except for one man named Mormon.  Mormon takes all of the stories this tribe has written over the centuries, and inscribes them on a bunch of gold plates in hyroglyphs.  He gives them to his son, a great warrior named Moroni.  Moroni protects the plates for years, until he's instructed to bury them on a hillside, he does, and dies soon after, the last priest of this lost tribe of Israel.

So Mormons believe that at this point, around 600 A.D., there is no true church of Christ left on the earth.  The priests have all died in America, and in Israel all of the prophets have died or been murdered without having passed along the priesthood... the Catholic Church has fallen into corruption and changed the bible, changed the word of god, gotten political, etc.

A man named Joseph Smith in 1830 or so claims that he was walking in the woods, and a jesus and god appeared to him, and spoke with him.  Later, an angel (Moroni) visited him, and told him where he buried the plates.

He digs the plates up, hardly anybody claims to have actually seen them, and he claims he's decyphering them.  He produces the book of Mormon, which he claims is decyphered by the lord from the gold plates he found.  He claims an angel took the plates back after the decyphering was finished.

Smith is accused of blasphemy, and after several bad business deals (he started a bank then went bankrupt), Smith is murdered by an angry mob in a jail cell.

His successor, Brigham Young, marches the mormons across the united states to Utah.  Nearly half die on the march across the united states, they started too late in the fall. 

When they arrive in Utah, many of the husbands have died, leaving dozens of women with nobody to take care of them, so Britgham Young (thinking that it's sinfull for a woman to live with a man that's not her husband or family) marries several women and gives them a place to stay.  Most people feel that Young didn't have sexual relations with them, and it was generally an honest gesture of him trying to help take care of them.

Eventually, soon after, it gets perverted and many of the men are marrying several women with bad intentions. 

The U.S. Government gets word of this, and sends the U.S. army to Utah with the instructions to murder all of the Mormons.

When they arrive in Utah, Young has ordered the foundations of their temple buried, and basically acts like they're all just settlers and they dont' know anything about polygamy, etc.  So the army goes home.  Young digs up the foundations of the Salt Lake Temple, and they're destroyed, they have to dig everyting up and start over again.  Eventually, they build this:

One of the most beautiful monuments to God the world has ever seen.

In a few more years, the United States passes a law saying that polygamy is illegal, the church immediately issues the same law saying that the lord has commanded them that they are to live peacefully and legally, and to obey the law of the land as well as the law of the lord.  To this day, Mormons generally support any law, and of course they support wars that the United States is involved in.

In the tradition of Smith, the church has an elected (by the apostles) President, who's considered a prophet of God. 

Some of the things they believe are that Christianity is the true religion, but all religions have merit and knowledge.  They don't look down upon any religion and generally don't care if you join theirs or not.  That doesn't mean they won't bug you about it until you die, though. 

Mormons believe that nearly everyone will make it to heaven.  Even suicide victims and murderers make it to heaven, they believe.  The New Testament mentions 3 levels of heaven, Mormons take this literally as meaning that there are varying degrees of glory... i.e., Moses and Mother Theresa will almost assuredly reach the upper tier of heaven, whereas lowlifes like you and I aren't as glorious as Moses or Mother Theresa, so we may only reach the second level of heaven.  Kind of like having Vanilla Ice Cream, or Vanilla Ice Cream with a Cherry on top of it.

They believe that since Christianity is the true religion, everyone would join it if they understood completely, but many people don't with faith believe in Christ.  When you die, you'll immediately see that of COURSE Christ was the savior, etc... so you will be regretful that you weren't baptised.  So Mormons spend countless hours baptising, in proxy, every single name they can find that has ever lived on the earth.  Now that sounds weird, but their whole purpose of doing it is, they want everyone who's died to have the option of being baptised, so everyone can make it into heaven.  Pretty noble goal, I can't hate them for that.

You'll also see that this allows them to sidestep one of the biggest problems with traditional christianity.  Catholics believe that people are born with Sin, and without accepting Christ as your savior, you will die in sin and be thrown to hell.

The problem with that is, people born in Africa or Asia don't always hear about Christ.  So they don't even have the opportunity to be saved, so according to catholics, Ghandi is going to burn in hell.  That makes no sense.

Mormons believe that you're judged by your heart and your actions, and would assume that a man like Ghandi will be one of the greatest angels in heaven. 

They get a lot of unfair criticism, mainly by other Christians.  That's pretty sad, they're the nicest people I've ever met... and like I said, Catholics believe in Noah but can't believe somebody found a book buried somewhere. 


Re: what the fuck is the point of a mormon ?
« Reply #25 on: March 30, 2006, 10:52:53 PM »
Oh, I forgot to mention in case you didn't catch it.  The whole purpose of the 'book of mormon', is that it's an un PERVERTED record of what Christ said when he was ressurrected.  It was buried all the time that the Catholic Church was destroying and perverting things, so when it was 'unearthed', it's supposed to be an accurate representation of what Christ's true words, as pervertedly twisted in the new testament, were.  So you get a lot of things where Christ says one thing in the new testament, but in the book of mormon, he says something similar that's slightly different.  So with the old testament, the new testament, and the book of mormon, you get three different stories that you can use to determine god's will and etc. 

I'm not saying it's true or not, you'll have to read it and decide for yourself, just saying what the reasoning was behind it. 

TraceOneInfinite Flat Earther 96'

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Re: what the fuck is the point of a mormon ?
« Reply #26 on: March 30, 2006, 11:15:00 PM »
You sound very enthusiastic about it, so why did you decide to quit being a Mormon?
Givin' respect to 2pac September 7th-13th The Day Hip-Hop Died

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Re: what the fuck is the point of a mormon ?
« Reply #27 on: March 31, 2006, 01:35:48 AM »
christian dont believe in noah, it's a just a beautiful legend like their are so many others in the old testament. The truth is in the new testament. Maybe it's true that a man found a book, but jesus himself was drinkin wine ( he changed water in wine remember). So why
mormons refuse alcohol? And the bible dont promulgate polygamy. But i dont care about them, i'm not very religious, just like to argue about this shit. And yo, they can baptise me whenever they want, but i dont want to reach that third level shit, i'd rather spend my time in heaven with biggie and 2pac than ghandi and mother theresa


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Re: what the fuck is the point of a mormon ?
« Reply #28 on: March 31, 2006, 01:38:58 AM »
christian dont believe in noah, it's a just a beautiful legend like their are so many others in the old testament. The truth is in the new testament. Maybe it's true that a man found a book, but jesus himself was drinkin wine ( he changed water in wine remember). So why
mormons refuse alcohol? And the bible dont promulgate polygamy. But i dont care about them, i'm not very religious, just like to argue about this shit. And yo, they can baptise me whenever they want, but i dont want to reach that third level shit, i'd rather spend my time in heaven with biggie and 2pac than ghandi and mother theresa
lol  8) +1


Re: what the fuck is the point of a mormon ?
« Reply #29 on: March 31, 2006, 09:45:35 AM »
You sound very enthusiastic about it, so why did you decide to quit being a Mormon?

Wasn't for me, it wasn't how I was raised, and I didn't feel I was going there for the right reasons.

To the other guy, they don't believe that you can't drink wine.  They just choose not to.  It stems from a meeting that the mormon presidency had back in the 1830's where afterwards, Smith's wife was cleaning up the huge mess they had left at a dinner table.  Alcohol everywhere spilt on the floors, tobacco juice all over everything, etc. so Smith prayed about it since his wife was so upset at the mess.  He says that God told him that he should tell the people that a wise man would not drink alcohol, smoke tobacco, or drink tea, because all three are harmful to your body.  So he released it as a 'word of wisdom' from the lord.  Most mormons don't drink alcohol or tea, or smoke, because they see it as a simple enough thing to give up.  At the time, when Smith said that, it wasn't common knowledge that tobacco was harmful to you, and it's still not common knowledge that tea is although there are mixed reports.