Author Topic: They fucked up the Big Show  (Read 1850 times)

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Re: They fucked up the Big Show
« Reply #15 on: April 04, 2006, 04:15:06 PM »
That estrada guy was doing a dead on imitation of Ric Flair, anybody catch that? Mannerisms were all identical.

Hulk Hogan was supposed to challenge or work something with Austin, he mentioned it last week.  Austin took a low blow @ Hogan at the hall of fame ceremony saturday, and then tonight, neither one of them showed up on t.v.  Wonder what happened?

Now, I'll bet 5 bucks it was Austin.  Remember when he no showed last time he was supposed to work a match with someone about a year ago?  Also, WWE pumped "Hogan Knows Best" in a banner at the bottom of the screen towards the end of the night... they wouldn't have promoted it if Hogan had no showed.  Also, there were several banners of superstars hanging from the rafters, one was of Hogan.

Did you notice that WWE was stretching for time all night?  For instance, just before the Chavo part, they showed a recap of the entire first hour.  They showed every match, and what happened with every match.  Then, Chavo came out and did a long drawn out promo about Eddie, although it didn't make any sense and was way too long compared to the other more important angles on the show.  They then showed another segment with him backstage afterwards, and then when Flair came out, he was clearly stretching for time as well... talking about the great matches he'd had in Chicago, etc.  They even showed a classic Flair match before Flair came out.  Come on.  This was all shit they added at the last minute to make up for the the Austin/Hogan bit not happening.  Even with all the stretching and stalling, Triple H still finished the main event about 2 or 3 minutes early, then they spent tons of time with him after the match, even showing a replay of the finish.  Then they showed him standing on the ramp for about a minute and a half. 

Totally fucked up show, the Jamal shit is just stupid, why in the hell they would go with that gimmick... AGAIN, is beyond me. 

I caught the Estrada and I noticed he was a a very Cuban Ric Flair. The "ha" was very old Flair-like.

As for low-blowing Hogan, I saw Bret Hart on TV yesterday and he talked about how when he first won the title and saw Hogan he went up to him backstage to shake his hand (I guess Hogan was visiting) and Hogan ignored him for 5 minutes until Bret walked away, and Bret said it felt good to snub Hogan at the Hall of Fame.

And if they needed to kill time, here's a revolutionary idea; get two wrestlers in there to have a match.

Bret Hart is a psychopath. So I wouldn't entirely trust anything he says. For instance, he keeps insisting that he swore the day that he quit that he would never work for Vince again, so he turned down pay to appear at the Hall of Fame. Funny that he didn't turn down the pay Vince is giving him to do the Hart DVD, and he didn't have any problems touring the entire world to promote the DVD. It's also funny that he's allowing Vince to sell "Bret Hart" t-shirts at live events and on but, he's not working for them, right? Such a fucking hypocrite. Plus, he said in his speech "I swore that night, that if they ever wanted me to join the hall of fame, I'd be here". Yeah. I'm sure he thought of it that night. To close, his continued bitterness towards Shawn Michaels, who was doing what he was told, and his ability to work for Vince McMahon, the guy who told Shawn to do it, makes absolutely no fucking sense. I think Bret had mental issues long before Goldberg kicked him in the head.

i always wondered why bret had a grudge against shawn even tho it woz vince that screwed him over, does bret hate earl hebner too? and the time keeper for that matter?
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Mo Z. Dizzle

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Re: They fucked up the Big Show
« Reply #16 on: April 04, 2006, 04:22:21 PM »
the thing about the DVD was that Vince had all the rights for the photos and videos of his match, and he wanted to give sumthin back to his fans so thats why he did the DVD

the Bret Hart t-shirts might just be somethin done by WWE since they do own the rights to all his stuff, so they might as well make some money off of him considering they can probably make a good deal of money with all the promo Bret has going on for him.

as for Vince, i read in some other interview today that Vince apologized to him after Owen's death about screwing him over or something; the interview also said how he told Shawn he (Hart) would be willing to put Shawn over, but Shawn said he wouldnt put Hart over he's also said Shawn has never apologized; Shawn has also said he'd do it again; so maybe that's why he styll doesnt like Shawn.
check the interview out, it was done in 2000:
on the left hand side, scroll down to where it says interviews, and after that scroll down and it should be the second last interview

some things i dont understand as well, but that's his decision; styll my favourite wrestler of all-tyme lol

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Re: They fucked up the Big Show
« Reply #17 on: April 04, 2006, 04:23:32 PM »
as for earl hebner, i think he also had a grudge against him too till he said they talked about it after they ran into each other at the airport or sumthin like that
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Re: They fucked up the Big Show
« Reply #18 on: April 04, 2006, 04:31:38 PM »
speakin of Bret, Hogan and Big Show...couple of pictures of the nWo from wen Hart was a part of it

i wonder how they got along back then

btw, can somebody find me a good photo of hitmna's logo? thx in advance
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Re: They fucked up the Big Show
« Reply #19 on: April 04, 2006, 04:52:51 PM »
Man I haven't watched wrestling in years. I remeber it was the shit back in the days. It's pretty wack now...they got some stupid ass characters.


Re: They fucked up the Big Show
« Reply #20 on: April 04, 2006, 06:32:01 PM »
I agree with Shawn.  There is nothing to apologize about.  He was told to go do something, he did it.  Either do it... or your jobless, you've lost the 1 thing in the world you love to do (wrestle), your family's hungry, etc?  Easy choice for me.  Plus, with Bret perceived as a traitor because he was leaving for the competition?  Shit.  I would have done it too.  They could have called me that night, I would have fucked Bret over instead of Shawn.  It wouldn't have been as good of a match, but, yeah, I would have done it. 


Re: They fucked up the Big Show
« Reply #21 on: April 04, 2006, 06:38:58 PM »
Oh, and about the "Shawn wouldn't job to bret".  So?  At least shawn was enough of a man to tell Bret, FACE TO FACE, upfront.  Bret wouldn't job to Hogan.  He never did, never would, and Hogan wouldn't either.  What's wrong with that?  It's how they both felt.  It's the TRUTH.

See, that takes me somewhere else.  People DO NOT LIKE the truth!  However... you CANNOT hold somebody up as an asshole if they're simply saying the truth!  Shawn wouldn't put Bret over.  Instead of fighting about it, making a big deal about it, he told Bret face to face, like a MAN. 

You think Bret Hart would put, say, Fit Finlay over?  Hell no he wouldn't.  Shawn just happened to not be willing to put Bret Hart over.  These things happen. 

Shawn (The man) went on to have all kinds of success, overcome back surgery, and is still going strong.

Bret got pissed, fucked up in WCW (possibly through no fault of his own) and his been bitter and broken ever since. 


Re: They fucked up the Big Show
« Reply #22 on: April 04, 2006, 07:19:51 PM »
I never understood why Bret has reconciled with Vince, but still holds a grudge with Michaels. I mean, I love Bret, but that's just plain stupidity on his part. I feel bad for the guy. I feel in a way he's envious Shawn Michaels. How they both suffered serious injuries, but HBK was able to overcome it and how HBK seems to be happy with life since becoming born-again. Bret took the exact opposite path. He became very bitter (regardless of what he says, it's in his demeanor) and is a shell of the man he once was.

No way I take sides between the two, since Vince was at fault. I feel bad for them both because they could of had many great matches. The 2 matches they had (Survivor Series 97 and their champ vs. champ match) were both great.
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Re: They fucked up the Big Show
« Reply #23 on: April 04, 2006, 07:36:01 PM »
At least shawn was enough of a man to tell Bret, FACE TO FACE, upfront.  Bret wouldn't job to Hogan.  He never did, never would, and Hogan wouldn't either.  What's wrong with that?  It's how they both felt.  It's the TRUTH.

While you might be right about the jobbing part it seems that you totally forgot about something. What about the part, right after their SS97 match, where Shawn acted like he didnīt know anything about the swerve and was all surprised and all that? What about the part where they were sitting in the locker room and Bret asked Shawn if he had anything to do with it and Shawn swore to god that he had no clue.. Youīre calling that being a MAN? Obviously he couldnīt tell him face to face and thatīs what makes him the bitch...

And how could anyone see Bret as a traitor? He was the one that wanted to stay with WWF all the time, then Vince says that he canīt afford the deal anymore and that Bret would be better off in WCW. I think itīs his good right to demand a proper finish to his WWE career. Thatīs why other top people have their fucking creative control in the last month.

I also think that Bret and Vince have a lot better relationship than Bret and Shawn.. either Vince apologized or Bret just thought that he couldnīt expect anything more from a businessman like Vince. No clue about Earl and Bret. And the reason why Bret still holds a grudge against Micheals is not surprising to me... They never really liked each other so thats definatly a factor, plus while claiming to be a born again christian and being all religious youīd think that Shawn might have realized what factor he played in the whole situation.. Iīm not necessarily talking about an apology but at least he could have came towards Bret and talk about it... Even if he "just did what he had to do to keep his job" itīs still a very precarious situation..

Whatever...  Iīm on Bretīs side on that one.. He always was my favorite wrestler and that whole Montreal screwjob and whatnot even made him a bigger hero than any wrestling angle could have ever done... at least in my opinion...


  • Muthafuckin' Don!
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Re: They fucked up the Big Show
« Reply #24 on: April 04, 2006, 07:44:51 PM »
He became very bitter (regardless of what he says, it's in his demeanor) and is a shell of the man he once was.

Are you surprised by that? Just look at it.. After Montreal, at a time where he probaly felt betrayed and whatnot, his whole life took a downward spiral.. He was misused in WCW, then lost his brother, lost his parents, sufferd a career ending injury, witnessed deaths of other close wrestling friends/family (Bulldog etc), had a stroke (he could have been dead too)...  to me itīs no surprise that he is broken down.. and I donīt even think that it has anything to do with Shawn.. I think he never got over the deaths of his family members... but whatever.. I just hope that one day he really can overcome all that crap...


Re: They fucked up the Big Show
« Reply #25 on: April 04, 2006, 08:05:41 PM »
He became very bitter (regardless of what he says, it's in his demeanor) and is a shell of the man he once was.

Are you surprised by that? Just look at it.. After Montreal, at a time where he probaly felt betrayed and whatnot, his whole life took a downward spiral.. He was misused in WCW, then lost his brother, lost his parents, sufferd a career ending injury, witnessed deaths of other close wrestling friends/family (Bulldog etc), had a stroke (he could have been dead too)...  to me itīs no surprise that he is broken down.. and I donīt even think that it has anything to do with Shawn.. I think he never got over the deaths of his family members... but whatever.. I just hope that one day he really can overcome all that crap...

Well sure, he has the right to be upset. It doesn't mean he has to be. Anyways, it looks like he's taking steps in the right direction by collaborating with the WWE again. Good for him.

And how could anyone see Bret as a traitor? He was the one that wanted to stay with WWF all the time, then Vince says that he canīt afford the deal anymore and that Bret would be better off in WCW. I think itīs his good right to demand a proper finish to his WWE career. Thatīs why other top people have their fucking creative control in the last month.

Well, yeah in theory he deserved to go out his way, but this was 1997 man. The environment was alot different.....there was actually competition and Bret was going to that competition. Can I blame Vince for what he did? Nah. Business is business and Vince tried to milk everything he could out of his once prized employee before he walked off to the enemy. I bet if Bret didn't demand that he retain the title at SS 97 that the screwjob would of never occured.
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Re: They fucked up the Big Show
« Reply #26 on: April 04, 2006, 08:23:20 PM »
Well sure, he has the right to be upset. It doesn't mean he has to be. Anyways, it looks like he's taking steps in the right direction by collaborating with the WWE again. Good for him.

I wouldnīt really call it being upset... I think heīs not even able to be upset cause he is just too fed up with all that.. He is feeling bad for himself, it seems, and I really think he would do something about it if there was a chance for him...obviously he canīt get out of that deperssion/mood...  sometimes youīre just in a hole where you just canīt get out that easy... I just feel sorry for him, like Iīd feel for any other person thatīs obviously not happy, and thatīs being bashed or badmouthed...

Well, yeah in theory he deserved to go out his way, but this was 1997 man. The environment was alot different.....there was actually competition and Bret was going to that competition. Can I blame Vince for what he did? Nah. Business is business and Vince tried to milk everything he could out of his once prized employee before he walked off to the enemy. I bet if Bret didn't demand that he retain the title at SS 97 that the screwjob would of never occured.

Iīm with you on that one cause I donīt blame Vince either.. He has a business to protect but from what we know Bret just wanted not to lose there, make it a dq, make it whatever.. Take the title away from him immediatly after the match, so he has no chance to show up with it in WCW, and do whatever.. I donīt even know how they should have handled the situation.. I know he could have showen up the next day on Nitro, with no titlechange and how should Vince have an answer for that.. Iīm aware of all that..   I just think it was the worst way to handle it... especially in Bretīs case cause he was loyal to Vince for such a long time...
« Last Edit: April 04, 2006, 08:24:56 PM by daWappla »


Re: They fucked up the Big Show
« Reply #27 on: April 04, 2006, 10:06:44 PM »
Shawn was told to do something, he did it.  His reaction of disgust could be seen as his disgust at what McMahon made him do.  His comments in the dressing room about not knowing about it, that could have been what Vince told him to do as well. 

When it comes right down to it, 1 man made all this happen. Vince McMahon. 

Bret's got a lot on his plate, I understand that... but that's the test of a man.  Everybody falls down and everybody gets their teeth kicked in by one thing or another, Men get back up and dust themselves off.  Shawn Michaels is a perfect example of that.

Unfortuantely though, Bret hasn't been able to do that.  I agree with whoever above said maybe these are some first steps in that direction, that would be great.  Bret has been through more than most men go through.  He did get fucked, one way or another in Montreal.  He went to WCW and was horribly misused there.  Goldberg ended his career by kicking him in the head (I hate Goldberg for that).  He had a stroke.  He's worked years just to get mobility back in his arm.  His brother died in a friek wrestling accident, at the company he had left on bad terms.  His brother in law died.  His father just died.  Bret's wife just left him last year.  I mean there are countless, countless fucked up things that have happened to this guy.  I hope he gets some peace from the storm.


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Re: They fucked up the Big Show
« Reply #28 on: April 04, 2006, 10:07:40 PM »
What injury did Bret suffer?


Re: They fucked up the Big Show
« Reply #29 on: April 04, 2006, 10:13:57 PM »
Bret Hart is probably the greatest technical wrestler of all time.  He knows every wrestling move, and could execute any of them at any time in any match.  He would call his matches in the ring, and work the crowd through ring psychology... if the crowd is bored, he'd call for his opponent to do something exciting, he might slap somebody in the face if he thought the crowd would like it, etc... in the ring, Bret Hart was definately one of the greatest wrestlers of all time, and Bret Hart never hurt 1 person in the ring.  He was the consumate professional as a wrestler, he could wrestle all night and one of the most talented atheletes the wrestling ring has ever seen.

When he worked an angle with Goldberg in WCW, he was injured in a match.  Goldberg was a washed up football player who made up for his inadequacy in the ring by showing intense passion and energy.  He'd jump in the ring and scream and beat the shit out of somebody.

So, you have Bret Hart, one of the, or THE greatest wrestler of all time, able to make someone look in pain with 1000 different moves and not hurt them with any of them, in the ring with some dumbass who doesn't know but about 3 moves.  Goldberg decided in the middle of the match, that it would be really cool and intense looking if he kicked Bret in the head as hard as he could.  So he kicked Bret in the head, gave a man who never hurt anybody in his life a fucking head concussion just so he'd look like a bad ass in front of the crowd.  Bret could have made Goldberg look like the greatest wrestler ever, because he was talented enough to carry anybody to a great match.

So, Bret starts suffereing dizzy spells, hearing loss, can't see, can't walk right, fainting, etc. all from this concussion.  Can't wrestle anymore, and eventually has a stroke from it which paralyzes (for a year or two) one side of his body. 

I blame Goldberg 100%.