Author Topic: KOTR Tournament/WCC Wrestling League  (Read 93052 times)

Mo Z. Dizzle

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  • Mo Z. Dizzle, the CEO of WCC Wrestling League
Re: KOTR Tournament/WCC Wrestling Foundation
« Reply #1080 on: October 29, 2008, 09:56:00 AM »
WWE Cyber Sunday Results

HHH vs. J.Hardy = HHH; clean; pin
Y2J vs. Batista (Austin as ref) = Batista; dirty; pin (dirty since Austin caused a distraction)
M.Hardy vs. Bourne = M.Hardy; clean; pin
Taker vs. Big Show (Last Man Standing match) = Taker
Kane vs. Rey (No Holds Barred match) = Rey
Santino vs. Honky Tonk Man = Honky Tonk Man; clean; DQ (clean since HTM didn’t do anything illegal)


WCCWF Road to Prestige Results

*Fireworks explode in the arena as the commentating duo Jim Ross and Jerry Lawler welcome the viewers to WCCWF’s Road to Prestige event. JR and JL run down the RTP card while the theme song, Propane Nightmares by Pendulum, plays throughout the building. JR and JL also mention that this WCCWF’s first event where fans can express their opinions on the matches they want to see. The crowd settles into their seats as the opening match is about to begin.*

Match 1: US Title Match – Fans Pick Opponent (P. Nelson/Still Dre/Dollar Bill/E-Crazy)
Grim vs. Fan’s Choice of Opponent: P. Nelson

*The lights in the building go out as Grim’s theme plays. The crowd boos the US Champion as he comes out with his scythe in hand and the US Title around his waist. Grim enters the ring, puts his scythe on the outside corner, and sets off a large pyro in usual manner. Grim then takes off the US Title and hands it to the ref. The camera view goes to the back where the 4 choices await the result. Michael Cole is on the ramp where he begins to talk…*

MC: Ladies and gentlemen, if you can turn your attention towards the Jumbo Screen where the results of the poll will be shown.

*The four superstars names’ are listed on the screen. After a few seconds, the results are shown as follows:*
P. Nelson – 40%
Still Dre – 10%
Dollar Bill – 20%
E-Crazy – 30%

MC: As the results show, you have chosen P. Nelson to be Grim’s opponent tonight!

*P. Nelson’s theme hits and one of the most decorated stars makes his way down greeting the fans. Nelson enters and quickly prepares for the match. The bell rings and the match is underway…*

Grim’s Predictions:
HHH vs. J.Hardy = HHH; pin = 2 points
Y2J vs. Batista = Batista; DQ = 1 point
M.Hardy vs. Bourne = M.Hardy; pin = 2 points
Taker vs. Big Show = Taker = 2 points
Kane vs. Rey = Kane = 0 points
Santino vs. HTM = Santino; pin = 0 points

P. Nelson’s Predictions:
HHH vs. J.Hardy = HHH; pin = 2 points
Y2J vs. Batista = Batista; pin = 2 points
M.Hardy vs. Bourne = M.Hardy; pin = 2 points
Taker vs. Big Show = Big Show = 0 points
Kane vs. Rey = Rey = 2 points
Santino vs. HTM = HTM; DQ = 2 points

Finish of the match:
In a back and forth match, we see Grim in control. Grim sends Nelson to the ropes and follows up with a huge sidewalk slam. Grim then goes to the top turnbuckle and waits for Nelson to get up, looking to hit a flying clothesline. As Nelson gets up, Grim comes flying off the turnbuckle. Before Grim can hit the clothesline though, Nelson counters with a dropkick! Both stars are down and the ref begins to count to 10. At the 7 count, both stars are up. Grim and Nelson trade punches till Grim hits an uppercut. Grim tries to send Nelson to the ropes again, but Nelson reverses it with a spine-buster! Nelson gets Grim up again, hits him in the gut and nails the Nelson Bomb! Nelson covers Grim, but Grim kicks out at 2. Grim then sits up; Nelson hits a dropkick to the face of Grim. Both stars get back on their feet, where Nelson again kicks Grim in the gut and hits a second Nelson Bomb! Nelson covers Grim again and this time gets the pin to pick up the victory and win the US Title!!

Winner of the match and NEW US CHAMPION = P. NELSON

After the match:
The ref gives the US Title to Nelson and raises his hand as his theme plays in the building and the fans cheer for him. Nelson exits the ring and walks towards the back, celebrating his win. Grim meanwhile holds his head and looks on in anger. JR and JL recap the match as Grim exits and goes to the back after his loss.


*Backstage we see Still Dre and King Sikotic run into each other where they converse with each other.*

SD: Hey man, what’s going on?
KS: Not too much fam, how about you? Ready for the match?
SD: Yeah, although I should’ve been picked for the US Title match.
KS: True true, maybe some other time.
SD: Lemme ask you, what’s been going on with you and M Dogg?
KS: Nothing man; it’s Dizzle and his plots, tryna screw us both over. So we gotta work with each other and get rid of that cancer
SD: M Dogg is an enemy though. It don’t seem right.
KS: I understand your concern. Me and M Dogg, well we’ll never be friends but we have respect for one another; and we’re gonna fix what’s wrong with the WCCWF
SD: Don’t seem loyal though dealing with the enemy. Has no swag.
KS: You’re questioning my loyalty? Let me remind you, I’m a founding member of DipCC and I’ll be DipCC for life, got that?!
SD: You might’ve been a founding member, but your priorities have shifted. You aren’t looking out for DipCC anymore, more like yourself.
KS: Know what, this discussion is over. I’ll see you in the ring doggie.

*King Sikotic walks away frustrated while Still Dre stares at him in irritation*
The WCCWL is always looking for new members; take a chance at becoming a champ!! PM Mo Z. Dizzle if interested!!

Mo Z. Dizzle

  • Muthafuckin' Don!
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Re: KOTR Tournament/WCC Wrestling Foundation
« Reply #1081 on: October 29, 2008, 10:03:15 AM »
Match 2: Handicap Match – Fans Pick Stipulation (Steel Cage/TLC/HIAC Match)
King Sikotic / M Dogg vs. Still Dre / Dollar Bill / E-Crazy

*King Sikotic’s theme plays as the two time KOTR winner comes to the ring without his usual royal attire, looking frustrated after a heated argument with Still Dre. He enters the ring and waits for the arrival of the other stars. M Dogg’s theme plays next as the fan favourite makes his way out to cheers from the crowd. M Dogg slaps a few high-fives with fans as he makes his way to and into the ring. Dollar Bill’s theme plays next and the former fan favourite is given a negative response as he comes to the ring. JR and JL mention DB’s attack on E-Crazy at Remorseless. Still Dre’s theme plays next and the crowd boos him as well as he comes to the ring. SD enters and has a stare-down with Sikotic. E-Crazy’s music plays last and the fan favourite comes to the ring slapping high-fives with the fans. We see Michael Cole at the top of the ramp with a mic…*

MC: For this match ladies and gentlemen, you were asked to pick the stipulation. Let us see what the popular vote was.

*The match stipulations appear on the screen. The results are:*
Steel Cage match – 12.5%
Tables, Ladders, and Chairs match – 25%
Hell in a Cell match – 62.5%

MC: There you have it folks, it will be a Hell in a Cell match!

*The camera view goes back to the ring as we see the Cell structure being lowered until it is set. The bell then rings and the HIAC match has started…*

M Dogg’s Predictions:
HHH vs. J.Hardy = J.Hardy; dirty; pin = 0 points
Y2J vs. Batista = Y2J; dirty; pin = 0 points
M.Hardy vs. Bourne = M.Hardy; clean; pin = 8 points
Taker vs. Big Show = Big Show = 0 points
Kane vs. Rey = Rey = 8 points
Santino vs. HTM = Santino; clean; pin = 0 points

King Sikotic’s Predictions:
HHH vs. J.Hardy = HHH; clean; pin = 8 points
Y2J vs. Batista = Y2J; dirty; pin = 0 points
M.Hardy vs. Bourne = M.Hardy; clean; pin = 8 points
Taker vs. Big Show = Taker = 8 points
Kane vs. Rey = Kane = 0 points
Santino vs. HTM = Santino; dirty; pin = 0 points


Dollar Bill’s Predictions:
HHH vs. J.Hardy = HHH; clean; pin = 8 points
Y2J vs. Batista = Batista; dirty; pin = 8 points
M.Hardy vs. Bourne = M.Hardy; clean; pin = 8 points
Taker vs. Big Show = Big Show = 0 points
Kane vs. Rey = Rey = 8 points
Santino vs. HTM = Santino; dirty; pin = 0 points

Still Dre’s Predictions:
HHH vs. J.Hardy = HHH; clean; pin = 8 points
Y2J vs. Batista = Y2J; dirty; pin = 0 points
M.Hardy vs. Bourne = M.Hardy; clean; pin = 8 points
Taker vs. Big Show = Taker = 8 points
Kane vs. Rey = Kane = 0 points
Santino vs. HTM = Santino = 0 points
E-Crazy’s Predictions:
HHH vs. J.Hardy = J.Hardy; clean; pin = 0 points
Y2J vs. Batista = Y2J; dirty; pin = 0 points
M.Hardy vs. Bourne = M.Hardy; clean; pin = 8 points
Taker vs. Big Show = Taker = 8 points
Kane vs. Rey = Kane = 0 points
Santino vs. HTM = Santino; clean; pin = 0 points


Match highlights:
M Dogg busting Still Dre open with a screwdriver.
King Sikotic grating Dollar Bill’s face across the cell to make him bleed.
M Dogg and Sikotic double-suplexing E-Crazy in to the cell wall.
Still Dre nailing a piledriver through a table on M Dogg.
Dollar Bill busting King Sikotic open with 3 chair shots to the head.
E-Crazy drilling both M Dogg and King Sikotic with a sledgehammer across their heads.

Finish of the match:
In a match where every star has a crimson mask, we see Dollar Bill and Still Dre working over M Dogg while E-Crazy has Sikotic in a crossface hold. DB and SD nail a double-DDT on M Dogg. E-Crazy lets go of the hold and starts stomping away at Sikotic slowly. DB and SD converse with another, then approach E-Crazy. DB & SD start attacking E-Crazy! E-Crazy tries fighting back, but DB nails a low blow and SD hits the Dre Death Drop on top of a chair to knock E-Crazy out. DB and SD then go after Sikotic; SD holds Sikotic in a sitting position and DB nails a kick to the head. DB then goes up and looks to hit the Money Shot. DB comes off the top, but Sikotic moves at the last second. Before SD can react, M Dogg is back up and nails a huge spear on him. The crowd is cheering loudly for M Dogg and King Sikotic. A pyro goes off n the ramp and we see Grim coming down to the ring. Grim tells the ref to open the cell but the ref refuses; M Dogg & Sikotic are waiting for Grim in the ring. Grim rips the door off and enters. M Dogg and Sikotic exit the ring and start attacking Grim. Grim tries fighting back but M Dogg and Sikotic are able to take control by ramming Grim into the cell wall. As this happens, DB and SD both grab chairs; the duo goes to the outside and both nail their opponents over the head with the chairs. DB then rolls M Dogg into the ring and covers him to pick the pinfall victory!

Winners of the match = DOLLAR BILL, STILL DRE & E-CRAZY

After the match:
The ref raises DB’s and SD’s hands in victory. Officials then come out to check on everybody in the match. The officials then help the stars to the back as JR and JL recap the match, and the cell is raised again.

The WCCWL is always looking for new members; take a chance at becoming a champ!! PM Mo Z. Dizzle if interested!!

Mo Z. Dizzle

  • Muthafuckin' Don!
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  • Mo Z. Dizzle, the CEO of WCC Wrestling League
Re: KOTR Tournament/WCC Wrestling Foundation
« Reply #1082 on: October 29, 2008, 10:08:30 AM »
Match 3: WCCWF World Heavyweight Title Re-Match – Fans Pick Stipulation (Last Man Standing/Buried Alive/Inferno Match)
HD vs. Lucifer

*We see staff around the ring with gas tanks for a possible Inferno match. The camera view then goes towards the ramp where we see the burial plot for a potential Buried Alive match. Michael Cole is at the ramp again with a mic in hand…*

MC: For the main event, ladies and gentlemen, you had to vote for the match stipulation. If you turn your attention to the screen, the results will be shown.

*The match stipulations appear on the screen. The results are as follows:*
Last Man Standing Match – 22.2%
Buried Alive Match – 44.5%
Inferno Match – 33.3%

MC: There you have it ladies and gentlemen; HD and Lucifer will be involved in the very first Buried Alive Match!

*The lights in the building go out and Lucifer’s theme plays. The former-WCCWF champion makes his way out in his normal attire. The fans boo him as he makes his way down to the ring. JR and JL mention how Lucifer lost the WCCWF title at Remorseless as Lucifer prepares for the match. HD’s theme plays next and the fans give him a mixed reaction. The WCCWF World Champion makes his way down to the ring with the belt around his waist. He enters the ring, takes off the belt and holds it high before giving it to the ref. The ref raises the belt and then gives it to the time-keeper. The bell rings and the main event is underway…*

HD’s Predictions:
HHH vs. J.Hardy = HHH; clean; pin = 6 points
Y2J vs. Batista = Y2J; dirty; pin = 0 points
M.Hardy vs. Bourne = M.Hardy; clean; pin = 6 points
Taker vs. Big Show = Taker = 6 points
Kane vs. Rey = Rey = 6 points
Santino vs. HTM = Santino; dirty; pin = 0 points

Lucifer’s Predictions:
HHH vs. J.Hardy = HHH; clean; pin = 6 points
Y2J vs. Batista = Y2J; dirty; pin = 0 points
M.Hardy vs. Bourne = M.Hardy; clean; pin = 6 points
Taker vs. Big Show = Taker = 6 points
Kane vs. Rey = Kane = 0 points
Santino vs. HTM = Santino; dirty; pin = 0 points

Finish of the match:
In a back and forth match, we see Lucifer in control. Lucifer has HD in the corner; he sends HD to the opposite corner and then tries to follow up with a clothesline. As Lucifer approaches, HD gets his feet up into Lucifer’s face. Lucifer holds his face for a few seconds before trying to hit a big boot. HD pulls the rope down to send Lucifer over the rope. HD then climbs the turnbuckle and looks to hit a body-splash. As HD comes off the tope, Lucifer nails an uppercut. Lucifer then grabs HD and starts punching him while moving towards the burial plot. HD tries fighting back, but Lucifer has momentum in his favour. The stars are now by the burial plot. Lucifer grabs HD by the throat and looks to Chokeslam HD into the burial plot. HD counters though with a few punches to make Lucifer let go of the choke. HD then kicks Lucifer in the gut and nails the HD Stunner! Lucifer is close to falling into the burial plot; HD grabs a shovel and nails Lucifer in the head to send him into the plot. HD then starts shoveling from the mound of dirt and covering Lucifer. With Lucifer covered by the dirt, the ref calls for the bell to give HD the victory and to retain the WCCWF World Title!!


After the match:
The ref tries to stop HD but he doesn’t listen and continues to pour dirt on Lucifer. Suddenly, Grim attacks HD from the side with a big boot. Grim grabs HD, scoops him up and hits a back-breaker. Grim then helps Lucifer out of the burial spot. The two monsters start double-teaming HD with punches and uppercuts, leading him towards the ring. Grim and Lucifer roll HD into the ring and continue their assault; the two monsters then grab HD and nail a double-Chokeslam! While this happens, Sikotic and M Dogg run out to the ring, with bandages wrapped around their head and arms. Sikotic and M Dogg slide into the ring and big brawl between the monsters and the duo begins. M Dogg and Sikotic look to have an upperhand by sending the monsters to the ropes. Lucifer and Grim counter and nail clotheslines on M Dogg and Sikotic. Lucifer grabs M Dogg by the throat while Grim grabs Sikotic by the throat; the two then hit simultaneous chokeslams on their rivals!! Meanwhile, HD has the WCCWF World title in hand. He rolls into the ring and nails Grim from behind with the title! Lucifer turns around and HD nails in the head with the title as well! HD then stands tall with the title in hand as JR is yelling at the top of his lungs about the carnage that is left in the ring. HD’s theme plays and he stares at the bodies lying by ringside while the fans give him a mixed reaction. JR and JL then thank the viewers for watching WCCWF’s Road to Prestige event. The show ends with HD exiting the ring with the title before stopping at the top of the ramp and holding the title high once again.

The WCCWL is always looking for new members; take a chance at becoming a champ!! PM Mo Z. Dizzle if interested!!

Mo Z. Dizzle

  • Muthafuckin' Don!
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  • Mo Z. Dizzle, the CEO of WCC Wrestling League
Re: KOTR Tournament/WCC Wrestling Foundation
« Reply #1083 on: October 29, 2008, 10:20:24 AM »
here's your title P. Nelson:

Grim has the next 3 events to use his re-match clause.
Likely will be used at the next event, but we'll see lol.

Overall, i was happy with this event.
Everyone submitted predictions; and different concepts to make matches was also used.
Storylines are going to be picking up as well now.

Only problem was the polls, hardly any votes.
I'll try a different strategy next year; and if ou guys have ideas on how to get more votes, let me know lol.

Anyways, till Survivor Series.
Results for that will probably be delayed unless I can finisha load of work earlier.
I'll see what happens, but I'll try and get that one done as soon as I can when the PPV is over.
The WCCWL is always looking for new members; take a chance at becoming a champ!! PM Mo Z. Dizzle if interested!!


Re: KOTR Tournament/WCC Wrestling Foundation
« Reply #1084 on: October 29, 2008, 12:55:03 PM »
Nice ending to the PPV. All of the stories are getting really interesting.
My Chihuahuas Are Eternal



  • Muthafuckin' Don!
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Re: KOTR Tournament/WCC Wrestling Foundation
« Reply #1085 on: October 30, 2008, 10:17:00 AM »
still the champ baby

i liked the voting idea, and as always u wrote some nice stories, props

eS El Duque

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Re: KOTR Tournament/WCC Wrestling Foundation
« Reply #1086 on: November 02, 2008, 07:46:00 AM »
great stories Z Dizzle...I fuckin crushed it with 32 pts  8)


Mo Z. Dizzle

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Re: KOTR Tournament/WCC Wrestling Foundation
« Reply #1087 on: November 19, 2008, 09:11:14 PM »
WWE Survivor Series Card (written in order of importance)

World Title Match:
Y2J (c) vs. Cena

WWE Title Match:
HHH (c) vs. J. Hardy vs. Kozlov

Casket Match:
Taker vs. Big Show
**Just predict the winner for this match

Traditional Survivor Series Match:
Team Batista (Batista, Punk, Kingston, M.Hardy, R-Truth)
Team Orton (Orton, Benjamin, Regal, Rhodes, Henry)
**Just predict which team will win for this match

Traditional Survivor Series Match:
Team HBK (HBK, Rey, Cryme Tyme, Khali)
Team JBL (JBL, Kane, Miz, Morrison, MVP)
**Just predict which team will win for this match

Divas Traditional Survivor Series Match:
Team Raw (Beth, Mickie, Kelly, Candice, Jillian)
Team Smackdown (McCool, Maria, Maryse, Natalya, Victoria)
**Just predict which team will win for this match


WCCWF Survival of the Sadistic Card

Match 1: Traditional Survivor Series Match
Team 1 - King Sikotic, M Dogg, E-Crazy, P. Nelson
Team 2 - Grim, Lucifer, Still Dre, Dollar Bill
**Normal match rules apply

Match 2: HD vs. Mystery Opponent

Match 3: #1 Contendership to US Title
E-Crazy vs. Dollar Bill

Match 4: US Title Re-Match - Casket Match
P. Nelson (c) vs. Grim
Match Rules:
Predict winner (2 points)
Predict how they win – pin, submission, DQ or knockout (2 points)
Maximum points: 4 points
**Follow these rules unless otherwise stated under the WWE Card


Prediction Due Date: Sunday November 23rd, 2008 at 4PM EST (1PM PST)
Reminders being sent Friday night and Saturday evening
The WCCWL is always looking for new members; take a chance at becoming a champ!! PM Mo Z. Dizzle if interested!!

Mo Z. Dizzle

  • Muthafuckin' Don!
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  • Mo Z. Dizzle, the CEO of WCC Wrestling League
Re: KOTR Tournament/WCC Wrestling Foundation
« Reply #1088 on: November 21, 2008, 09:42:36 AM »
Lucifer's Predictions:

Y2J vs. Cena = Y2J; DQ
HHH vs. J.Hardy vs. Kozlov = J.Hardy; pin
Taker vs. Big Show = Taker
Team Batista vs. Team Orton = Team Batista
Team HBK vs. Team JBL = Team HBK
Team Raw vs. Team Smackdown = Team Raw


Grim's Predictions:

Y2J vs. Cena = Y2J; pin
HHH vs. J.Hardy vs. Kozlov = J.Hardy; pin
Taker vs. Big Show = Taker
Team Batista vs. Team Orton = Team Orton
Team HBK vs. Team JBL = Team JBL
Team Raw vs. Team Smackdown = Team Raw


Submitted by: Lucifer; Grim; M Dogg; P. Nelson; HD; E-Crazy; King Sikotic
Waiting on: Still Dre; Dollar Bill
Due date: Sunday November 23rd, 2008 at 4PM EST (1 PM PST)
Reminders being sent Friday night and Saturday evening
« Last Edit: November 23, 2008, 11:43:31 AM by Mo Z. Dizzle »
The WCCWL is always looking for new members; take a chance at becoming a champ!! PM Mo Z. Dizzle if interested!!

Mo Z. Dizzle

  • Muthafuckin' Don!
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  • Mo Z. Dizzle, the CEO of WCC Wrestling League
Re: KOTR Tournament/WCC Wrestling Foundation
« Reply #1089 on: November 24, 2008, 12:38:42 PM »
WWE Survivor Series Results

Y2J vs. Cena = Cena; pin
HHH vs. Kozlov vs. Edge = Edge; pin
Taker vs. Big Show = Taker
Team Batista vs. Team Orton = Team Orton
Team HBK vs. Team JBL = Team HBK
Team Raw vs. Team Smackdown = Team Raw


WCCWF Survival of the Sadistic Results

*Fireworks blow up in the arena as the fans are on their feet in enthusiasm about WCCWF’s Survival of the Sadistic event. Jim Ross and Jerry Lawler welcome the viewers to the show as fireworks still explode. JR and JL run the card down as the theme song, “Spoilin’ for a Flight” by AC/DC, plays throughout the building. The crowd then settles down as the opening match, the Survival of the Sadistic Elimination Match, is about to commence.*

Match 1: Survival of the Sadistic Elimination Match
Team 1 – King Sikotic, M Dogg, E-Crazy, P. Nelson
Team 2 – Grim, Lucifer, Still Dre, Dollar Bill

*The lights in the arena go out and Grim’s theme plays as the Brothers of Hell make their way out to boos. Grim sets off a pyro from the stage and the music changes to Lucifer’s theme as the two monsters make their way down to the ring. Grim sets his scythe in the corner and enters the ring; Lucifer climbs the steps, raises his arms, and turns the lights in the building back on. Lucifer gets ready for the match while Grim sets off another pyro. Still Dre’s theme plays next and the member of the former DipCC crew makes his way out to a negative response. JR and JL recap the confrontation between SD and King Sikotic at Road to Prestige. Dollar Bill’s theme plays last as the fans also boo him. JR and JL mention DB’s new personality as he makes his way to the ring. King Sikotic’s theme is heard next and the fans cheer him as he makes his way out. Sikotic makes his way down to the ring and stands outside, waiting for his partners. M Dogg’s theme plays next and the fans cheer him as well. JR and JL mention the feud between M Dogg, Sikotic, The Brothers of Hell, and Mo Z. Dizzle. M Dogg and Sikotic then enter the ring. E-Crazy’s theme is heard next and the fans give him a positive reaction. He makes his way down giving high fives to the fans before entering the ring. E-Crazy greets the two partners in the ring. JR and JL mention that original DipCC crew of M Dogg, Sikotic, and E-Crazy are partnering up for the first time since the split. P. Nelson’s theme plays last and the US Champion is cheered by the crowd. Nelson comes to the ring with the title around his waist and enters the ring. He takes off his belt and hands it to the ref before joining his team. The teams then decide who will start the match; the two that are starting the match are E-Crazy and Dollar Bill in a preview of what will come later on. The bell rings and the match begins…*

King Sikotic’s Predictions:
Y2J vs. Cena = Cena; DQ = 1 point
WWE Title Triple Threat Match = 2 points
Taker vs. Big Show = Taker = 2 points
Team Batista vs. Team Orton = Team Orton = 2 points
Team HBK vs. Team JBL = Team HBK = 2 points
Team Raw vs. Team Smackdown = Team Raw = 2 points

M Dogg’s Predictions:
Y2J vs. Cena = Cena; DQ = 1 point
WWE Title Triple Threat Match = 2 points
Taker vs. Big Show = Taker = 2 points
Team Batista vs. Team Orton = Team Orton = 2 points
Team HBK vs. Team JBL = Team HBK = 2 points
Team Raw vs. Team Smackdown = Team Raw = 2 points

E-Crazy’s Predictions:
Y2J vs. Cena = Cena; pin = 2 points
WWE Title Triple Threat Match = 2 points
Taker vs. Big Show = Taker = 2 points
Team Batista vs. Team Orton = Team Batista = 0 points
Team HBK vs. Team JBL = Team JBL = 0 points
Team Raw vs. Team Smackdown = Team Raw = 2 points

P. Nelson’s Predictions:
Y2J vs. Cena = Cena; pin = 2 points
WWE Title Triple Threat Match = 2 points
Taker vs. Big Show = Big Show = 0 points
Team Batista vs. Team Orton = Team Orton = 2 points
Team HBK vs. Team JBL = Team HBK = 2 points
Team Raw vs. Team Smackdown = Team Raw = 2 points

Grim’s Predictions:
Y2J vs. Cena = Y2J; pin = 0 points
WWE Title Triple Threat Match = 2 points
Taker vs. Big Show = Taker = 2 points
Team Batista vs. Team Orton = Team Orton = 2 points
Team HBK vs. Team JBL = Team JBL = 0 points
Team Raw vs. Team Smackdown = Team Raw = 2 points

Lucifer’s Predictions:
Y2J vs. Cena = Y2J; DQ = 0 points
WWE Title Triple Threat Match = 2 points
Taker vs. Big Show = Taker = 2 points
Team Batista vs. Team Orton = Team Batista = 0 points
Team HBK vs. Team JBL = Team HBK = 2 points
Team Raw vs. Team Smackdown = Team Raw = 2 points

Still Dre’s Predictions (none submitted; default using Grim’s predictions):
Y2J vs. Cena = Y2J; pin = 0 points
WWE Title Triple Threat Match = 2 points
Taker vs. Big Show = Taker = 2 points
Team Batista vs. Team Orton = Team Orton = 2 points
Team HBK vs. Team JBL = Team JBL = 0 points
Team Raw vs. Team Smackdown = Team Raw = 2 points

Dollar Bill’s Predictions (none submitted; default using Lucifer’s predictions):
Y2J vs. Cena = Y2J; DQ = 0 points
WWE Title Triple Threat Match = 2 points
Taker vs. Big Show = Taker = 2 points
Team Batista vs. Team Orton = Team Batista = 0 points
Team HBK vs. Team JBL = Team HBK = 2 points
Team Raw vs. Team Smackdown = Team Raw = 2 points


Order of Elimination:
1. Still Dre by E-Crazy
2. Dollar Bill by King Sikotic
3. E-Crazy by Lucifer
4. Lucifer by P. Nelson
5. P. Nelson by Grim
6. Grim by M Dogg

Finish of the match:
After Nelson eliminates Lucifer, Grim enters the ring and nails Nelson with a big boot to the face. JR and JL mention that Nelson and Grim are scheduled to face each other in a casket match later on. Nelson gets back to his feet and Grim delivers a Chokeslam to him. Grim then covers Nelson and gets the 3-count to eliminate him! Sikotic enters the ring and starts trading punches with Grim. Sikotic looks as if he has the momentum in his favour; Sikotic sends Grim into the ropes and looks to hit a back body-drop, but Grim counters with a kick to the face and follows up with a front-face slam. Grim covers Sikotic, but M Dogg breaks the pin before the ref can count to 3. Grim and M Dogg briefly feud before the ref breaks it apart and warns M Dogg not to interfere again. As Grim turns his attention back Sikotic, he is met with a Sik Bottom out of nowhere! Sikotic then crawls towards M Dogg and tags him in as the crowd erupts in cheers. M Dogg enters the ring and Grim is back on his feet. M Dogg nails a couple of European uppercuts, then follows up with a bulldog. M Dogg waits for Grim to get up, looking to hit the Running Powerslam. Grim is back on his feet and M Dogg scoops him up; as M Dogg goes running, Grim is able to escape. M Dogg turns around and Grim grabs him by the throat. Before Grim can do anything, Sikotic runs in and nails a spear! The ref tells Sikotic to exit the ring. As this happens, Grim slowly gets onto his feet, holding his gut. M Dogg turns him around, scoops him up, and nails the Running Powerslam this time. M Dogg then covers Grim to eliminate him and win the match for his team!!

Winners of the match = TEAM 2 (KING SIKOTIC AND M DOGG)

After the match:
M Dogg and Sikotic celebrate in the ring as Grim is rolled out and helped to the back by the ref. JR and JL recap the match as M Dogg and Sikotic exit the ring, making their way to the back while the fans cheer for them.

The WCCWL is always looking for new members; take a chance at becoming a champ!! PM Mo Z. Dizzle if interested!!

Mo Z. Dizzle

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Re: KOTR Tournament/WCC Wrestling Foundation
« Reply #1090 on: November 24, 2008, 12:51:43 PM »
Match 2: HD vs. Mystery Opponent

*HD’s theme is heard in the arena and the WCCWF World Heavyweight Champion makes his way out to a mixed response. HD enters the ring, takes of the WCCWF World Title, and holds it up high. HD then hands the belt to the ref, who hands it to the time-keeper, and awaits the arrival of his opponent. A saw is heard and the ring announced introduces Blade “The Buzzsaw” Daniels. Blade makes his way down to the ring quickly and enters. The bell rings and the match is underway…*

HD’s Predictions:
Y2J vs. Cena = Y2J; pin = 0 points
WWE Title Triple Threat Match = 2 points
Taker vs. Big Show = Taker = 2 points
Team Batista vs. Team Orton = Team Orton = 2 points
Team HBK vs. Team JBL = Team HBK = 2 points
Team Raw vs. Team Smackdown = Team Smackdown = 0 points

Blade’s Predictions:
Y2J vs. Cena = Y2J; pin = 0 points
WWE Title Triple Threat Match = 2 points
Taker vs. Big Show = Big Show = 0 points
Team Batista vs. Team Orton = Team Batista = 0 points
Team HBK vs. Team JBL = Team JBL = 0 points
Team Raw vs. Team Smackdown = Team Raw = 2 points

The match:
Blade runs towards HD and nails a bunch of offense. HD pushes Blade back; Blade comes running again at HD, but HD nails a back elbow. HD turns Blade around, kicks him in the gut, and hits the HD Stunner! HD then covers Blade and gets the pinfall victory!

Winner of the match = HD

After the match:
The ref hands HD his title. HD puts the belt down, then helps Blade up and raises his arm. HD ends up kicking Blade in the gut though, and hits another HD Stunner! HD then grabs his belt and heads to the back as the ref helps Blade out of the ring and to the back as well.

Match 3: #1 Contendership to the US Title Match
E-Crazy vs. Dollar Bill

*E-Crazy’s theme plays in the arena as the fan favourite is greeted once again by cheers. He slaps high-fives as he makes his way down to the ring. E-Crazy enters the ring, climbs the turnbuckle, and raises his arms as the fans cheer him. E-Crazy then gets off and waits for his opponent. Dollar Bill’s music plays next and he is booed once again by the fans. JR and JL mention that DB was the second person eliminated the Survival of the Sadistic Elimination match. DB enters the ring and stares off with E-Crazy. The bell rings and the match starts…*

E-Crazy’s Predictions:
Y2J vs. Cena = Cena; pin = 2 points
WWE Title Triple Threat Match = 2 points
Taker vs. Big Show = Taker = 2 points
Team Batista vs. Team Orton = Team Batista = 0 points
Team HBK vs. Team JBL = Team JBL = 0 points
Team Raw vs. Team Smackdown = Team Raw = 2 points

Dollar Bill’s Predictions (none submitted; default using Lucifer’s predictions):
Y2J vs. Cena = Y2J; DQ = 0 points
WWE Title Triple Threat Match = 2 points
Taker vs. Big Show = Taker = 2 points
Team Batista vs. Team Orton = Team Batista = 0 points
Team HBK vs. Team JBL = Team HBK = 2 points
Team Raw vs. Team Smackdown = Team Raw = 2 points

Finish of the match:
In a back and forth match, we see DB in control. DB has an arm-bar applied on E-Crazy, who refuses to tap out. E-Crazy slowly crawls towards the ropes; after a few seconds he is able to grab onto the bottom rope and force DB to break the hold. DB then stomps away at E-Crazy before he is stopped by the ref; DB and the ref have a brief argument before he turns his attention back towards E-Crazy. E-Crazy nails a couple of punches to DB’s stomach; however, DB nails a knee shot in E-Crazy’s face. DB gets E-Crazy back on his feet and sends him towards the rope; he follows up with a standing dropkick. DB drags E-Crazy towards the corner and looks to hit the Money Shot. DB goes to the top turnbuckle and flies off; E-Crazy has DB well-scouted though, and moves away at the last second. E-Crazy is back on his feet; DB also gets back to his feet slowly, holding his ribs. As DB turns around, E-Crazy comes running and nails the Crazy Code, his new finisher! E-Crazy covers DB and gets the 3-count to pick up the win and become the new #1 contender to the US Title!

Winner of the match and NEW #1 CONTENDER TO THE US TITLE = E-CRAZY

After the match:
The ref raises E-Crazy’s hand as his theme plays. The ref then helps DB out of the ring and to the back as the fans cheer for E-Crazy, who is celebrating in the ring. JR and JL mention that E-Crazy will face the winner of the US Match coming up next between P. Nelson and E-Crazy. E-Crazy exits the ring and goes to the back as the fans continue to cheer him.

The WCCWL is always looking for new members; take a chance at becoming a champ!! PM Mo Z. Dizzle if interested!!

Mo Z. Dizzle

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Re: KOTR Tournament/WCC Wrestling Foundation
« Reply #1091 on: November 24, 2008, 12:58:36 PM »
Match 4: US Title Re-Match – Casket Match
P. Nelson vs. Grim

*The lights in the building turn off and Grim makes his way out with his scythe in hand. JR and JL mention Grim’s strong effort in the Survival of the Sadistic match that came up a bit short. The crowd boos Grim as he comes down to the ring. Grim puts the scythe in the corner and enters the ring; JR and JL mention that Grim was involved in a casket match last year as well where he became the first dual-champion by beating King Sikotic. Grim enters the ring and sets off a large pyro; he then waits for the US Champion to make his way out. P. Nelson’s theme plays next and the US Champion is again given a positive reaction from the fans. Nelson enters the ring, takes the belt off, and holds it high as the fans cheer him. Nelson then hands the title over to the ref. Officials wheel out a dark brown casket as the final preparation for the match. The ref holds the belt up, then hands it to the time-keeper. The bell rings and the main event is underway…*

P. Nelson’s Predictions:
Y2J vs. Cena = Cena; pin = 2 points
WWE Title Triple Threat Match = 2 points
Taker vs. Big Show = Big Show = 0 points
Team Batista vs. Team Orton = Team Orton = 2 points
Team HBK vs. Team JBL = Team HBK = 2 points
Team Raw vs. Team Smackdown = Team Raw = 2 points

Grim’s Predictions:
Y2J vs. Cena = Y2J; pin = 0 points
WWE Title Triple Threat Match = 2 points
Taker vs. Big Show = Taker = 2 points
Team Batista vs. Team Orton = Team Orton = 2 points
Team HBK vs. Team JBL = Team JBL = 0 points
Team Raw vs. Team Smackdown = Team Raw = 2 points

Finish of the match:
In a back and forth match, we see Grim in control. Grim has Nelson in the corner and nails a couple of elbow shots in his usual manner. Grim sets Nelson up on the top turnbuckle and looks to hit a superplex; Nelson blocks the hold off though by punching away at Grim to knock him off the top. Nelson stands up on the top turnbuckle and looks to hit a missile dropkick. As Nelson comes off the top, Grim catches him; Grim then takes Nelson to the ropes and drops him throat-first across the top rope. Nelson holds his throat, gasping for air; Grim tells the refs to open the casket, who oblige. Grim then grabs Nelson and looks to roll him into the casket. However before Grim can do this, M Dogg and Sikotic have made their way out. The duo comes and closes the casket just before Grim can put Nelson in there. Grim turns his attention towards the two by exiting the ring. Grim starts a brawl with M Dogg and gets the best of him by shoving him back-first into the steel ring post. As Grim turns around though, Sikotic has his scythe and hits Grim in the stomach, followed by a shot to the back of Grim’s head. M Dogg and Sikotic then grab Grim and drive him head-first into the steel ring steps! They roll Grim back into the ring, where Nelson has gained consciousness. Nelson gets Grim back to his feet and nails the Nelson Bomb! Nelson tells the ref to open the casket; Nelson then rolls Grim slowly into the casket and closes the lid to win the match and retain the US Title!

Winner of the match and STILL US CHAMPION = P. NELSON

After the match:
Nelson is handed his belt as his theme plays in the building. M Dogg and Grim go under the ring and are looking for something; they pull out a couple of hammers and a bunch of nails. The two tell the ref to move aside Grim opens the casket and comes outside, brawling again with M Dogg and Sikotic. The two gain an advantage over Grim by knocking him into the casket. They roll Grim into the ring, then grab the casket and put that in the ring as well. M Dogg and Sikotic look to put Grim in the casket; before they can though, Lucifer and Mo Z. Dizzle come running out! Lucifer enters the ring and stands in front of a beaten and injured Grim, looking to protect him. Lucifer then turns around and shocks the world by kicking Grim in the head! Lucifer grabs Grim and sends him towards M Dogg, who hits a spinning powerslam! King Sikotic gets Grim on his feet and hits a Sik Bottom! Dizzle tells Lucifer to Chokeslam Grim into the casket. Lucifer grabs Grim, says something to him, and Chokeslams him right into the casket! Lucifer then closes the casket lid. The three start nailing the casket shut. Nelson comes running back into the ring and tries to help Grim, but the three stars in the ring quickly pummel and discard him. The three have almost nailed the casket shut as the fans are in awe over what is happening in the ring. JR and JL are yelling, begging the stars to stop. Dizzle goes under the ring and grabs a can of gas; he hands it to Lucifer, who pours the gas over the casket. Lucifer then raises his arms and a thunderbolt hits the casket, setting it on fire! JR is yelling at the top of his lungs, “OH MY GOD! OH MY GOD!” The stars exit the ring and walk up the ramp with Dizzle. EMTS and officials come out with fire extinguishers to try and put the fire put. The show ends with the three stars and Dizzle at the top of the stage, with their arms raised, as the fans boo them heavily and the EMTs put the fire out.

The WCCWL is always looking for new members; take a chance at becoming a champ!! PM Mo Z. Dizzle if interested!!


Re: KOTR Tournament/WCC Wrestling Foundation
« Reply #1092 on: November 24, 2008, 03:50:17 PM »
Great PPV results as usual Dizzle.
My Chihuahuas Are Eternal


M Dogg™

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Re: KOTR Tournament/WCC Wrestling Foundation
« Reply #1093 on: November 24, 2008, 07:59:02 PM »
It's on and cracking, the most dangerous duo is back together.


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Re: KOTR Tournament/WCC Wrestling Foundation
« Reply #1094 on: November 26, 2008, 06:09:13 AM »

i wanted to change my smackdown prediction to raw but forgot to PM you, but won it anyway 8)