Author Topic: KOTR Tournament/WCC Wrestling League  (Read 93095 times)

Mo Z. Dizzle

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Re: KOTR Tournament/WCC Wrestling Foundation
« Reply #1185 on: May 14, 2009, 05:37:42 PM »
WWE Judgment Day Card (written in order of importance)

WWE Title Match:
Orton (c) vs. Batista

World Title Match:
Edge (c) vs. J.Hardy

Cena vs. Big Show

ECW Title Match:
Christian (c) vs. Swagger

IC Title Match:
Rey (c) vs. Y2J

CM Punk vs. Umaga


WCCWF Apocalypse Card

Match 1:
M Dogg vs. Grim

Match 2 - Triple Terror Tag Team Match:
Sikotic/Lucifer vs. E-Crazy/Nelson vs. Shallow/HD

Match 3 - Handicap Match:
MGA vs. Still Dre/Dollar Bill


Due date: Sunday May 17th, 2009 at 6PM EST (3PM PST)
Reminders being sent Friday night and Saturday evening.
The WCCWL is always looking for new members; take a chance at becoming a champ!! PM Mo Z. Dizzle if interested!!

Mo Z. Dizzle

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Re: KOTR Tournament/WCC Wrestling Foundation
« Reply #1186 on: May 14, 2009, 05:51:19 PM »
Grim's Predictions:
Orton vs Batista = Orton; pin
Edge vs. J.Hardy = Edge; pin
Cena vs. Big Show = Cena; pin
Christian vs. Swagger = Christian; pin
Rey vs. Y2J = Rey; pin
CM Punk vs. Umaga = CM Punk; pin


Lucifer's Predictions:
Orton vs Batista = Orton; pin
Edge vs. J.Hardy = Edge; pin
Cena vs. Big Show = Big Show; pin
Christian vs. Swagger = Christian; pin
Rey vs. Y2J = Rey; DQ
CM Punk vs. Umaga = CM Punk; pin


Due date: Sunday May 17th, 2009 at 6PM EST (3PM PST)
Submitted by: Grim; Lucifer, M Dogg, Sikotic, P. Nelson, MGA
Waiting on: E-Crazy, Shallow, HD
Reminders being sent Friday night and Saturday evening
« Last Edit: May 17, 2009, 08:56:30 AM by Mo Z. Dizzle »
The WCCWL is always looking for new members; take a chance at becoming a champ!! PM Mo Z. Dizzle if interested!!

Mo Z. Dizzle

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  • Mo Z. Dizzle, the CEO of WCC Wrestling League
Re: KOTR Tournament/WCC Wrestling Foundation
« Reply #1187 on: May 18, 2009, 01:44:04 PM »
WWE Judgment Day Results

Orton vs. Batista = Batista; DQ
Edge vs. J.Hardy = Edge; pin
Cena vs. Big Show = Cena; pin
Christian vs. Swagger = Christian; pin
Rey vs. Y2J = Rey; pin
CM Punk vs. Umaga = Umaga; pin


WCCWF Apocalypse Results

*Fireworks explode in the building as the fans are standing on their feet for WCCWF’s Apocalypse event. Jim Ross and Jerry Lawler welcome the viewing audience to the show.  They run the card down while the theme song, Rescue Me by Buckcherry, plays in the background. The crowd settles down as the opening match is about to begin.*

Match 1: Handicap Match
MGA vs. Still Dre / Dollar Bill

*The song “Kids” by MGMT hits the speakers as we see the newcomer, MGA make his way to the ring. The fans boo him as he makes his way down to the ring. JR and JL mention how MGA has attacked Still Dre and Dollar Bill previously. MGA enters the ring and awaits the arrival of his opponents. Still Dre’s theme hits next as him and Dollar Bill make their way out together. JR and JL mention the losing streak these two have been on as they make their way to the ring. The two enter the ring. DB looks to start things off with MGA. The bell rings to begin the match…*

MGA’s Predictions:
Orton vs. Batista = Orton; pin = 0 points
Edge vs. J.Hardy = Edge; pin = 2 points
Cena vs. Big Show = Cena; submission = 1 point
Christian vs. Swagger = Christian; pin = 2 points
Rey vs. Y2J = Rey; pin = 2 points
CM Punk vs. Umaga = Umaga; pin = 2 points

Still Dre’s Predictions (none submitted; default using Grim’s predictions):
Orton vs. Batista = Orton; pin = 0 points
Edge vs. J.Hardy = Edge; pin = 2 points
Cena vs. Big Show = Big Show; pin = 0 points
Christian vs. Swagger = Christian; pin = 2 points
Rey vs. Y2J = Rey; DQ = 1 point
CM Punk vs. Umaga = CM Punk; pin = 0 points

Dollar Bill’s Predictions (none submitted; default using Lucifer’s predictions):
Orton vs. Batista = Orton; pin = 0 points
Edge vs. J.Hardy = Edge; pin = 2 points
Cena vs. Big Show = Cena; pin = 2 points
Christian vs. Swagger = Christian; pin = 2 points
Rey vs. Y2J = Rey; pin = 2 points
CM Punk vs. Umaga = CM Punk; pin = 0 points


Finish of the Match:
In a match that MGA has had most of the control, we see him with a headlock applied on Dollar Bill. The ref checks on DB, who refuses to give up. MGA releases the hold and nails a couple of kicks to DB’s back and neck areas. MGA gets DB on his feet and hits a spine-buster. MGA then gets DB on his feet again and sends him to the corner where SD is. SD tags himself in and enters the ring. SD charges towards MGA; MGA nails an overhead belly-to-belly suplex on SD. Meanwhile, DB is holding onto the ropes; MGA runs and clotheslines DB over the top. MGA then turns his attention back to a stunned SD. MGA grabs a hold of SD and nails the F5 on him. MGA covers SD and gets the three-count to win the match!

Winner of the Match = MGA

After the Match:
The ref raises MGA’s arm before going to check on SD. DB slowly crawls into the ring. MGA notices this; he grabs DB, lifts him onto his shoulders, and delivers another F5. The ref tells MGA to leave the ring as the fans boo him. SD is slowly getting to his feet. MGA shoves the ref aside, grabs SD, and nails another F5 on SD. More officials come out as the bell continues to ring. MGA leaves the ring with a huge smirk on his face as the officials check on DB & SD. JR and JL call this display disgraceful as MGA heads to the back.
The WCCWL is always looking for new members; take a chance at becoming a champ!! PM Mo Z. Dizzle if interested!!

Mo Z. Dizzle

  • Muthafuckin' Don!
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Re: KOTR Tournament/WCC Wrestling Foundation
« Reply #1188 on: May 18, 2009, 01:46:48 PM »
Match 2: Triple Terror Tag Team Match
Sikotic / Lucifer vs. P. Nelson / E-Crazy vs. Shallow / HD

*The lights in the building go out as “Swagger Like Us” plays; Sikotic and Lucifer make their way out as the fans boo them.  The two stars make their way down to the ring as JR and JL mention how successful these stars have been collectively along with M Dogg and Mo Z. Dizzle. The two enter the ring and await the arrival of their opponents. E-Crazy’s theme plays next as the US Champion makes his way down to the ring while the fans cheer. JR and JL mention that E-Crazy will team up with the person he defeated to win the US Title, P. Nelson. Nelson’s theme plays next as the fans cheer again. Nelson makes his way down to the ring with a stern look on his face. JR and JL mention that Nelson has only one more event to use his re-match clause. The two stars enter the ring. We see that Nelson and Sikotic stare each other down; JR and JL note how the two have been exchanging words with each other since Consequence. HD’s theme plays next and the fans cheer for him as he walks out and stops at the top of the ramp. Shallow’s theme plays next as the 2009 MITB winner comes to the ring with his briefcase in hand. The two stars make their way down to the ring and slap high-fives with the fans. JR and JL mention that no tags are required in the match as all stars compete at the same time. HD and Shallow enter the ring and quickly get set for the match. The bell rings as the match begins…*

Sikotic’s Predictions:
Orton vs. Batista = Orton; pin = 0 points
Edge vs. J.Hardy = Edge; pin = 2 points
Cena vs. Big Show = Cena; submission = 1 point
Christian vs. Swagger = Christian; pin = 2 points
Rey vs. Y2J = Y2J; pin = 0 points
CM Punk vs. Umaga = CM Punk; pin = 0 points

Lucifer’s Predictions:
Orton vs. Batista = Orton; pin = 0 points
Edge vs. J.Hardy = Edge; pin = 2 points
Cena vs. Big Show = Big Show; pin = 0 points
Christian vs. Swagger = Christian; pin = 2 points
Rey vs. Y2J = Rey; DQ = 1 point
CM Punk vs. Umaga = CM Punk; pin = 0 points


P. Nelson’s Predictions:
Orton vs. Batista = Orton; pin = 0 points
Edge vs. J.Hardy = Edge; pin = 2 points
Cena vs. Big Show = Cena; submission = 1 point
Christian vs. Swagger = Christian; pin = 2 points
Rey vs. Y2J = Y2J; pin = 0 points
CM Punk vs. Umaga = CM Punk; pin = 0 points

E-Crazy’s Predictions (none submitted; default using Grim’s predictions):
Orton vs. Batista = Orton; pin = 0 points
Edge vs. J.Hardy = Edge; pin = 2 points
Cena vs. Big Show = Cena; pin = 2 points
Christian vs. Swagger = Christian; pin = 2 points
Rey vs. Y2J = Rey; pin = 2 points
CM Punk vs. Umaga = CM Punk; pin = 0 points


Shallow’s Predictions (none submitted; default using Grim’s predictions):
Orton vs. Batista = Orton; pin = 0 points
Edge vs. J.Hardy = Edge; pin = 2 points
Cena vs. Big Show = Cena; pin = 2 points
Christian vs. Swagger = Christian; pin = 2 points
Rey vs. Y2J = Rey; pin = 2 points
CM Punk vs. Umaga = CM Punk; pin = 0 points

HD’s Predictions (none submitted; default using Lucifer’s predictions):
Orton vs. Batista = Orton; pin = 0 points
Edge vs. J.Hardy = Edge; pin = 2 points
Cena vs. Big Show = Big Show; pin = 0 points
Christian vs. Swagger = Christian; pin = 2 points
Rey vs. Y2J = Rey; DQ = 1 point
CM Punk vs. Umaga = CM Punk; pin = 0 points


Finish of the Match:
In an action-filled match, we see a bunch of activity. We see Shallow and E-Crazy stomping away at Lucifer on the outside by the steps. Nelson has a Sharpshooter applied on HD. Sikotic had been knocked down by HD previously. Sikotic gets back to his feet slowly; he then walks over to Nelson and hits a dropkick to break the hold. Sikotic then goes to the outside to help his partner. Sikotic grabs Shallow by the neck and nails him face first on the guard rail. Sikotic rolls Shallow back in the ring and turns his attention to E-Crazy. E-Crazy nails a couple of punches on Sikotic; Lucifer is back on his feet though, and attacks E-Crazy from behind. Sikotic and Lucifer roll E-Crazy into the ring as well. HD slowly gets to his feet on the inside. Lucifer charges towards him and nails a big boot to his face, sending him to the outside. Meanwhile, Shallow is battling with Nelson while Sikotic is working over E-Crazy. Lucifer walks over to Shallow and nails a large uppercut. Lucifer then clotheslines Nelson, and he goes to the outside as well. E-Crazy comes from behind and hits an Enzugiri on Lucifer to know him onto his knees. E-Crazy then dropkicks Shallow, and sends him to the outside. Nelson meanwhile has rolled back in. It looks to be a two-on-one situation as E-Crazy and Nelson have Sikotic cornered. Just as they go to attack Sikotic, Nelson attacks E-Crazy! Nelson kicks E-Crazy in the gut and hits the Nelson Bomb! Nelson then starts nailing E-Crazy with punches to the head to bust him open! Nelson looks over E-Crazy then exits the ring. The fans are booing Nelson like there is no tomorrow; Sikotic covers E-Crazy and gets the three-count for his team to pick up the win!

Winners of the Match = SIKOTIC AND LUCIFER

After the Match:
The ref raises Sikotic’s and Lucifer’s arms respectively as Swagger Like Us plays again. The ref then checks on E-Crazy. We see Nelson on the outside with a cold look on his face. Other officials come out to help Shallow and HD to the back. Sikotic grabs his title as him and Lucifer also head to the back. Nelson grabs a hold of the US Title, then chases the ref away. Nelson grabs E-Crazy and yells in his face how he’s going to defeat E-Crazy at next event for the US Title. Nelson then nails E-Crazy a few times in the head with the US Title as the bell continues to ring. JR and JL are yelling, calling Nelson’s action disgusting.  Nelson then waits for E-Crazy to get up; E-Crazy gingerly gets up, not knowing where he is. Nelson charges towards E-Crazy and nails him in the head with the US Title. Officials come back into the ring and tell Nelson to get out. Nelson looks on with a smirk; as the officials check on E-Crazy, Nelson starts another attack. He kicks E-Crazy in the gut and hits a DDT on the US Title. Nelson grabs E-Crazy again and hits a second Nelson Bomb on the Title. The officials then force Nelson out of the ring. Nelson walks to the top of the stage as the fans boo him heavily. JR and JL recap what just took place as the officials check on E-Crazy. Nelson stands at the top of the ramp with his arms raised before going to the back. Officials help E-Crazy out of the ring and to the back as well.

The WCCWL is always looking for new members; take a chance at becoming a champ!! PM Mo Z. Dizzle if interested!!

Mo Z. Dizzle

  • Muthafuckin' Don!
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  • Mo Z. Dizzle, the CEO of WCC Wrestling League
Re: KOTR Tournament/WCC Wrestling Foundation
« Reply #1189 on: May 18, 2009, 01:48:09 PM »
Match 3: Main Event
M Dogg vs. Grim

*M Dogg’s theme plays as the former champion makes his way out to a chorus of boos from the fans. JR and JL mention that M Dogg has never beaten Grim as he makes his way down the ramp and into the ring. M Dogg awaits the arrival of the 2009 KOTR winner. The lights in the building go out. Grim makes his way out in his royal-gothic attire and with his scythe in hand. The crowd cheers for him as he comes down to the ring. JR and JL mention how Grim defeated M Dogg during the tournament, which he eventually won. Grim enters the ring and puts his scythe on the outside corner. Grim then sets off a large pyro, then prepares for his match. The two stars stare off with each other. The bell rings to start the main event…*

M Dogg’s Predictions:
Orton vs. Batista = Orton; pin = 0 points
Edge vs. J.Hardy = Edge; pin = 2 points
Cena vs. Big Show = Cena; submission = 1 point
Christian vs. Swagger = Christian; pin = 2 points
Rey vs. Y2J = Rey; pin = 2 points
CM Punk vs. Umaga = Umaga; pin = 2 points

Grim’s Predictions:
Orton vs. Batista = Orton; pin = 0 points
Edge vs. J.Hardy = Edge; pin = 2 points
Cena vs. Big Show = Cena; pin = 2 points
Christian vs. Swagger = Christian; pin = 2 points
Rey vs. Y2J = Rey; pin = 2 points
CM Punk vs. Umaga = CM Punk; pin = 0 points

Finish of the Match:
In a back and forth match, we see M Dogg in control.  M Dogg has the Boston Crab applied on Grim. Grim tries to make his way towards the ropes, but M Dogg pulls him back into the middle of the ring. Grim refuses to tap out; M Dogg let’s go of the hold and delivers elbow shots to the back of Grim’s head and neck.  M Dogg then runs off the ropes and nails a knee to the Grim’s back. M Dogg gets Grim to his feet and hits a couple of head-butts. M Dogg sends Grim to corner and follows up with a big clothesline. M Dogg scoops Grim up and delivers the running Powerslam! M Dogg covers Grim, but Grim kicks out at the last second! M Dogg looks irate and waits for Grim to get up. Grim gets up and M Dogg tries to hit the spine-buster; Grim prevents it though with a huge uppercut, followed by a jumping cutter. Both stars are down and the ref starts a 10 count. When the ref gets to eight, both stars have gotten back up. Grim nails a big boot to M Dogg’s face. M Dogg gets up and is met with a sidewalk slam. Grim looks to nail a Chokeslam on M Dogg; as he waits, we notice Lucifer and Sikotic making their ways out. Sikotic gets on the ring apron to distract the ref. Lucifer slides in from behind but Grim is able to kick him in the chest to send him to the outside. As Grim turns around, M Dogg has his scythe and nails him in the forehead with it. M Dogg then throws the scythe to the outside. Sikotic gets off the apron and the ref turns back to the match. M Dogg covers Grim and gets the three-count to pick up the win in a thriller!!

Winner of the Match = M DOGG

After the Match:
M Dogg’s theme plays briefly till Sikotic and Lucifer enter the ring again. The Trio of Terror start attacking Grim; Grim tries to fend them off, but cannot. We see HD and Shallow run out and into the ring to help Grim. Shallow hits a high knee kick on Sikotic that sends him to the outside. Meanwhile, HD looks to hit the HD Stunner on M Dogg; M Dogg prevents it though and slides to the outside. Grim gains an advantage over Lucifer and clotheslines him to the outside as well. The Trio of Terror makes their way up the ramp as JR and JL recap the main event. Grim, Shallow and HD look on from the ring. Grim then sets off another large pyro despite his loss as his theme plays. JR and JL thank the viewing audience for watching the show. The show ends with Grim, Shallow and HD still in the ring as the fans cheer for all three faces.

The WCCWL is always looking for new members; take a chance at becoming a champ!! PM Mo Z. Dizzle if interested!!

Mo Z. Dizzle

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Re: KOTR Tournament/WCC Wrestling Foundation
« Reply #1190 on: May 24, 2009, 03:18:52 PM »
just a couple of things...

i had to manually go back through the whole thread and re-save every event that we had. I was able to get a hold of the results when I reformatted my pc; tried organizing them on my USB key and it seemed to have worked, but when I checked after it all disappeared. such a friggin pain.
anyways the main point is that the WCCWF has grown so much since it began 3.5 years ago. and even with the current storylines, there's quite a bit of history. and hopefully, it can continue to grow.

secondly, Nelson will be getting his re-match against E-Crazy at the next event.
I want to know if M Dogg and Shallow will be using their guaranteed title shots as well; if not, then it'll be a three-way match at the following event. so just let me know whenever possible please.

finally, I'm thinking of making every match at the next event some type of specialty match (like the WWE event). just wanted to get  everybody's opinion on that or any other idea(s) their may be.
The WCCWL is always looking for new members; take a chance at becoming a champ!! PM Mo Z. Dizzle if interested!!

Mo Z. Dizzle

  • Muthafuckin' Don!
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Re: KOTR Tournament/WCC Wrestling Foundation
« Reply #1191 on: June 02, 2009, 09:15:04 PM »
For this event, you only have to predict the winners because they are all specialty matches.

WWE Extreme Rules Card (written in order of importance)

WWE Title Cage Match:
Orton (c) vs. Batista

World Title Ladder Match:
Edge (c) vs. J. Hardy

Submission Match:
Big Show vs. Cena

ECW Title Triple Threat Hardcore Match:
Christian (c) vs. Dreamer vs. Swagger

IC Title No Holds Barred Match:
Rey (c) vs. Y2J

US Title Fatal Fourway Match:
Kofi (c) vs. Regal vs. MVP vs. M.Hardy

Samoan Strap Match:
CM Punk vs. Umaga

Hogpen Match:
Vickie vs. Santina


WCCWF Rise To Stardom Card

US Title First Blood Re-Match:
E-Crazy (c) vs. P. Nelson

Triple Terror Hardcore Match:
Shallow vs. Dollar Bill vs. Still Dre

Steel Cage Match:
HD vs. MGA

Casket Match:
Lucifer vs. Grim

WCCWF World Heavyweight Title Re-Match - Kufi-Smacking Match:
Sikotic (c) vs. M Dogg


Predictions due date: Sunday June 7th at 6PM EST (3PM PST)
Reminders being sent on Friday night and Saturday evening
« Last Edit: June 03, 2009, 10:33:32 AM by Mo Z. Dizzle »
The WCCWL is always looking for new members; take a chance at becoming a champ!! PM Mo Z. Dizzle if interested!!


Re: KOTR Tournament/WCC Wrestling Foundation
« Reply #1192 on: June 02, 2009, 11:19:16 PM »
Kufi Smacking Match for the World Title  :laugh:

Ahh....the good ol' days lol
My Chihuahuas Are Eternal


Mo Z. Dizzle

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  • Mo Z. Dizzle, the CEO of WCC Wrestling League
Re: KOTR Tournament/WCC Wrestling Foundation
« Reply #1193 on: June 04, 2009, 10:17:17 AM »
Grim's Predictions:

Orton vs. Batista = Orton wins
Edge vs. J.Hardy = Edge wins
Big Show vs. Cena = Cena wins
Christian vs. Dreamer vs. Swagger = Christian wins
Rey vs. Y2J = Rey wins
Kofi vs. Regal vs. MVP vs. M.Hardy = Kofi wins
CM Punk vs. Umaga = CM Punk wins
Vickie vs. Santina = Vickie wins


Lucifer's Predictions:

Orton vs. Batista = Orton wins
Edge vs. J.Hardy = Edge wins
Big Show vs. Cena = Big Show wins
Christian vs. Dreamer vs. Swagger = Dreamer wins
Rey vs. Y2J = Rey wins
Kofi vs. Regal vs. MVP vs. M.Hardy = Kofi wins
CM Punk vs. Umaga = Umaga wins
Vickie vs. Santina = Santina wins


Due date: Sunday June 7th, 2009 at 6PM EST (3PM PST)
Submitted by: Grim, Lucifer, HD, M Dogg, E-Crazy, MGA, Sikotic, P. Nelson
Waiting on: Shallow, Dollar Bill, Still Dre
Reminders being sent on Friday night and Saturday evening
« Last Edit: June 07, 2009, 08:13:06 AM by Mo Z. Dizzle »
The WCCWL is always looking for new members; take a chance at becoming a champ!! PM Mo Z. Dizzle if interested!!

Mo Z. Dizzle

  • Muthafuckin' Don!
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  • Mo Z. Dizzle, the CEO of WCC Wrestling League
Re: KOTR Tournament/WCC Wrestling Foundation
« Reply #1194 on: June 07, 2009, 10:06:06 AM »
Shallow, Mr. MITB, where are you at?
The WCCWL is always looking for new members; take a chance at becoming a champ!! PM Mo Z. Dizzle if interested!!

Mo Z. Dizzle

  • Muthafuckin' Don!
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  • Mo Z. Dizzle, the CEO of WCC Wrestling League
Re: KOTR Tournament/WCC Wrestling Foundation
« Reply #1195 on: June 08, 2009, 10:38:38 PM »
WWE Extreme Rules Results

Orton vs. Batista = Batista wins
Edge vs. J.Hardy = J.Hardy wins
Big Show vs. Cena = Cena wins
Christian vs. Dreamer vs. Swagger = Dreamer wins
Rey vs. Y2J = Y2J wins
Kofi vs. Regal vs. MVP vs. M.Hardy = Kofi wins
CM Punk vs. Umaga = CM Punk wins
Vickie vs. Santina = Santina wins


WCCWF Rise to Stardom Results

*Fireworks explode in the arena as the fans are on their feet in excitement. Jim Ross and Jerry Lawler welcome the viewing audience to the show. The duo then run down the card as the theme song, You’re Going Down by Sick Puppies, plays in the building. The crowd then settles into their seat as the opening match is about to begin.*

Match 1: First Blood Match – US Title Re-Match
E-Crazy vs. P. Nelson

*A video recap is shown of how P. Nelson left E-Crazy bloodied, battered, and bruised at Apocalypse. P. Nelson’s theme plays in the building and the fans boo the once beloved superstar. Nelson makes his way down to the ring taunting some of the young E-Crazy supporters. JR and JL wonder what has gotten into Nelson as he enters the ring and awaits the arrival of the US Champion. E-Crazy’s theme plays next and the fans quickly turn their boos into cheers. E-Crazy comes out with a serious expression on his face but still greets the fans. E-Crazy has a bandage wrapped around his head. JR and JL mention that E-Crazy suffered a concussion at Apocalypse and wonder if he’s 100% better. E-Crazy enters the ring and has a stare off with P. Nelson. E-Crazy takes the belt and hands it to the ref, who holds it high in the air. The ref hands the title to the time keeper. The bell then rings to being the US Title match…*
E-Crazy’s Predictions:
Orton vs. Batista = Orton wins = 0 points
Edge vs. J.Hardy = Edge wins = 0 points
Big Show vs. Cena = Big Show wins = 0 points
Christian vs. Dreamer vs. Swagger = Swagger wins = 0 points
Rey vs. Y2J = Y2J wins = 2 points
Kofi vs. Regal vs. MVP vs. M.Hardy = MVP wins = 0 points
CM Punk vs. Umaga = CM Punk wins = 2 points
Vickie vs. Santina = Santina wins = 2 points

P. Nelson’s Predictions:
Orton vs. Batista = Orton wins = 0 points
Edge vs. J.Hardy = Edge wins = 0 points
Big Show vs. Cena = Cena wins = 2 points
Christian vs. Dreamer vs. Swagger = Christian wins = 0 points
Rey vs. Y2J =Y2J wins = 2 points
Kofi vs. Regal vs. MVP vs. M.Hardy =Kofi wins = 2 points
CM Punk vs. Umaga = CM Punk wins = 2 points
Vickie vs. Santina = Santina wins = 2 points

Finish of the Match:
In a back and forth match, we see E-Crazy in control. E-Crazy has a Camel Clutch applied on Nelson. E-Crazy let’s go of the hold and drops an elbow across the back of Nelson’s head. E-Crazy turns Nelson over and drills a few punches to Nelson’s head, trying to bust him open. E-Crazy goes to the outside grabs a trash can, and rolls back into the ring. As Nelson slow gets up, E-Crazy grabs the trash can lid and hits him in the head. The ref checks to see if Nelson is bleeding, who is not. E-Crazy then takes the trash can and puts it over Nelson’s head; E-Crazy then nails a huge dropkick on him. E-Crazy takes the trash can off and tells the ref to check Nelson. Nelson is still not bleeding; a frustrated E-Crazy goes to the outside and grabs the US Title. E-Crazy slides in and looks to nail P. nelson in the head, hoping to bust him open. Nelson though grabs the ref and pulls him in front as a shield. E-Crazy tells Nelson to let go of the ref and fight like a man. Nelson pushes the ref hard towards E-Crazy, who drops the title. Nelson quickly sneaks up from behind and hits a low blow on E-Crazy, followed by a DDT on top of the US Title. Nelson then removes the bandage on E-Crazy’s head to expose the stitches. Nelson grabs the US Title and repeatedly nails the E-Crazy in the head around the stitches. E-Crazy’s wounds open up, causing him to bleed; Nelson picks up the win and re-captures the US Title!

Winner of the Match and NEW US CHAMPION = P. NELSON

After the Match:
The ref raises Nelson’s hand high and hands him the US Title while his theme plays. The ref then checks on E-Crazy, helps him out of the ring, and to the back. Nelson celebrates in the ring as the fans boo him. JR and JL recap the match as Nelson exits the ring and makes his way to the back.
The WCCWL is always looking for new members; take a chance at becoming a champ!! PM Mo Z. Dizzle if interested!!

Mo Z. Dizzle

  • Muthafuckin' Don!
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  • Mo Z. Dizzle, the CEO of WCC Wrestling League
Re: KOTR Tournament/WCC Wrestling Foundation
« Reply #1196 on: June 08, 2009, 10:42:38 PM »
Match 2: Triple Terror Hardcore Match
Shallow vs. Dollar Bill vs. Still Dre

*Shallow’s theme plays in the arena as the fans cheer for him. Shallow makes his way out to the ring with the MITB briefcase in hand. JR and JL mention that Shallow will be cashing in his guaranteed title shot at the next WCCWF event. Shallow enters the ring and puts his briefcase on the outside; he then waits for his two opponents. Dollar Bill’s theme plays next and he is given a mixed reaction from the crowd. JR and JL mention how the new star, MGA, defeated both Dollar Bill and Still Dre at Apocalypse. DB enters the ring and prepares for the match. Still Dre’s theme plays last as the fans give him a mixed reaction as well. JR and JL mention the long losing streak SD and DB have been on and wonder if their heart is still in the game. SD enters the ring and also prepares for the match. The bell rings and the match is underway…*

Shallow’s Predictions (none submitted; default using Grim’s predictions):
Orton vs. Batista = Orton wins = 0 points
Edge vs. J.Hardy = Edge wins = 0 points
Big Show vs. Cena = Cena wins = 2 points
Christian vs. Dreamer vs. Swagger = Christian wins = 0 points
Rey vs. Y2J = Rey wins = 0 points
Kofi vs. Regal vs. MVP vs. M.Hardy = Kofi wins = 2 points
CM Punk vs. Umaga = CM Punk wins = 2 points
Vickie vs. Santina = Vickie wins = 0 points

Dollar Bill’s Predictions (none submitted; default using Lucifer’s predictions):
Orton vs. Batista = Orton wins = 0 points
Edge vs. J.Hardy = Edge wins = 0 points
Big Show vs. Cena = Big Show wins = 0 points
Christian vs. Dreamer vs. Swagger = Dreamer wins = 2 points
Rey vs. Y2J = Rey wins = 0 points
Kofi vs. Regal vs. MVP vs. M.Hardy = Kofi wins = 2 points
CM Punk vs. Umaga = Umaga wins = 0 points
Vickie vs. Santina = Santina wins = 2 points

Still Dre’s Predictions (none submitted; default using Lucifer’s predictions):
Orton vs. Batista = Orton wins = 0 points
Edge vs. J.Hardy = Edge wins = 0 points
Big Show vs. Cena = Big Show wins = 0 points
Christian vs. Dreamer vs. Swagger = Dreamer wins = 2 points
Rey vs. Y2J = Rey wins = 0 points
Kofi vs. Regal vs. MVP vs. M.Hardy = Kofi wins = 2 points
CM Punk vs. Umaga = Umaga wins = 0 points
Vickie vs. Santina = Santina wins = 2 points

Tie-breaker system:
All had the same results for the first two matches.
Shallow had the third match correct; DB and SD did not.
Therefore, Shallow wins.

Finish of the Match:
In a match with a ton of action, we see all three busted open. SD is working over DB in the corner with kicks to DB’s gut. Shallow was clothesline to the outside by SD and DB previously. SD tries to whip DB into the corner where a table has been set up, but DB counters and sends SD into the table instead. DB then sets up another table and puts SD on top; DB climbs the top rope, looking to hit the Money Shot. As DB goes to the top, Shallow climbs the ring apron and drills him in the ankle with a Kendo stick; DB loses his balance by slipping and getting crotched by the turnbuckle. Shallow then grabs DB and nails a Frankensteiner to send DB crashing into SD through the table. Shallow then covers SD and gets the three-count to pick up the win!

Winner of the Match = SHALLOW

After the Match:
The ref raises Shallow’s hand while other officials check on SD and DB. Shallow celebrates in the ring briefly while DB and SD are helped to the back. JR and JL recap the action-packed match as Shallow also exits the ring and goes to the back.


Match 3: Steel Cage Match
HD vs. MGA

*The steel cage is being lowered as JR and JL mention that MGA was successful in his debut and looks to add onto his success. When the cage is lowered, HD’s theme hits the speakers and the fans cheer the former WCCWF Champion. JR and JL mention that defeating HD won’t be an easy task, but would help launch MGA’s career in the WCCWF. HD enters the steel cage and awaits the arrival of the newcomer. MGA’s theme plays next and the newcomer is given a negative response from the crowd. JR and JL mention that MGA defeated DB and SD at Apocalypse in a handicap match. MGA enters the cage. The ref then closes the door and locks it shut. The bell rings to begin the match…*

HD’s Predictions:
Orton vs. Batista = Orton wins = 0 points
Edge vs. J.Hardy = Edge wins = 0 points
Big Show vs. Cena = Big Show wins = 0 points
Christian vs. Dreamer vs. Swagger = Christian wins = 0 points
Rey vs. Y2J = Rey wins = 0 points
Kofi vs. Regal vs. MVP vs. M.Hardy = Kofi wins = 2 points
CM Punk vs. Umaga = Umaga wins = 0 points
Vickie vs. Santina = Santina wins = 2 points

MGA’s Predictions:
Orton vs. Batista = Orton wins = 0 points
Edge vs. J.Hardy = J.Hardy wins = 2 points
Big Show vs. Cena = Cena wins = 2 points
Christian vs. Dreamer vs. Swagger = Christian wins = 0 points
Rey vs. Y2J = Rey wins = 0 points
Kofi vs. Regal vs. MVP vs. M.Hardy =N/A = 0 points
CM Punk vs. Umaga = Punk wins = 2 points
Vickie vs. Santina = Vickie wins = 0 points

Finish of the match:
In an evenly offensive match, we see MGA in control.  MGA has HD in a headlock, but HD won’t give him. MGA breaks the hold and nails two huge kicks to the back of HD. MGA gets HD up and tries to hit a spinebuster, but HD counters that into a DDT! As MGA and HD get up, HD nails MGA with a flurry of punches.  HD then grabs MGA and tries to send him into the ropes; MGA counters though and sends HD into the ropes instead. HD tries to hit the Lou Thesz Press, but grabs HD and back body drops him into the steel cage. HD slowly gets back to his feet; MGA grabs a hold of HD and delivers the F5 on him. MGA then covers HD and gets the three-count to win the match!

Winner of the Match = MGA

After the Match:
The ref raises MGA’s arm while his theme plays. The ref then goes to check on HD as the door of the cage is opened. MGA looks to leave, but turns his attention back to HD. MGA walks over, pushes the ref aside, grabs HD, and sends him face first into the steel cage. MGA then grabs HD and nails another F5 on him. Two more officials come out and tell MGA to leave as the fans boo him. The officials help HD out of the ring and to the back. JR and JL recap the match as MGA also heads to the back.
The WCCWL is always looking for new members; take a chance at becoming a champ!! PM Mo Z. Dizzle if interested!!

Mo Z. Dizzle

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Re: KOTR Tournament/WCC Wrestling Foundation
« Reply #1197 on: June 08, 2009, 10:45:37 PM »
Match 4: Casket Match
Grim vs. Lucifer

*A video recap is shown from Survival of the Sadistic where Lucifer caused Grim to disappear for a few months; the video then goes on to show Grim’s return at WR3 and his match with Lucifer at Consequence. The video then ends showing how Lucifer assisted in M Dogg’s victory at Apocalypse over Grim.  A holy chant is heard and 6 druids wheel a casket out to the ring. JR and JL mention that Grim has participated in every Casket Match so far in the WCCWF. The lights in the building go out and Lucifer’s theme plays. The Trio of Terror member is booed by the crowd as he makes his way down to the ring in his usual attire. Lucifer walks up to the casket, stops, and stares at it for a few seconds before climbing the ring steps. Lucifer raises his hands to turn the lights back on in the building. Lucifer enters the ring and prepares for his match. The lights in the building go out again and Grim’s theme plays. The 2009 KOTR winner comes out to the ring in his gothic royal attire and his scythe in hand. The fans cheer for him as he makes his way down to the ring. Grim puts his scythe on the outside of the ring, then enters; he takes off his royal attire to prepare for the match. Grim then sets off a large pyro in usual fashion. The two monsters go nose-to-nose before the ref separates them. The bell rings to start the match…*

Grim’s Predictions:
Orton vs. Batista = Orton wins = 0 points
Edge vs. J.Hardy = Edge wins = 0 points
Big Show vs. Cena = Cena wins = 2 points
Christian vs. Dreamer vs. Swagger = Christian wins = 0 points
Rey vs. Y2J = Rey wins = 0 points
Kofi vs. Regal vs. MVP vs. M.Hardy = Kofi wins = 2 points
CM Punk vs. Umaga = CM Punk wins = 2 points
Vickie vs. Santina = Vickie wins = 0 points

Lucifer’s Predictions:
Orton vs. Batista = Orton wins = 0 points
Edge vs. J.Hardy = Edge wins = 0 points
Big Show vs. Cena = Big Show wins = 0 points
Christian vs. Dreamer vs. Swagger = Dreamer wins = 2 points
Rey vs. Y2J = Rey wins = 0 points
Kofi vs. Regal vs. MVP vs. M.Hardy = Kofi wins = 2 points
CM Punk vs. Umaga = Umaga wins = 0 points
Vickie vs. Santina = Santina wins = 2 points
Tie-breaker system:
Both had the same results for the first two matches.
Grim had the third match correct; Lucifer did not.
Therefore, Grim wins.

Finish of the Match:
In a evened bout, we see Grim in control. Grim has Lucifer in the corner and nails a couple of uppercuts; Grim then chokes away at Lucifer with his boot. The ref tells Grim to break the hold. Grim walks towards the ref; meanwhile, Lucifer grabs Grim’s scythe from the outside and brings it into the ring. As Grim turns around, Lucifer drills in the skull with the back end of the scythe. Lucifer then goes to up to the top turnbuckle; as Grim gets up, Lucifer comes flying off and delivers a Flying Clothesline. Lucifer gets Grim back up to his feet, looking to hit a Chokeslam. As Lucifer goes for the Chokeslam, Grim grabs a hold of Lucifer’s arm and applies Hell’s Gate! Lucifer is tapping, but the match can’t end. As Lucifer loses consciousness, Grim releases the hold. Grim then rolls Lucifer over to the casket, opens the lid, and rolls Lucifer in. Grim then closes the casket to pick up the win!

Winner of the Match = GRIM

After the Match:
The ref raises Grim’s hand as his theme plays in the building. Grim exits and goes underneath the ring for something. We see in his hand a can of gas. Grim goes to pour the gas over the casket. The bell rings, trying to end what may happen. Grim has a blowtorch in his hand, looking to set the casket ablaze. Officials come out and stop Grim from starting the fire though.  JR and JL summarize the match as officials force Grim to the back while other officials help a battered Lucifer out of the casket and to the back.


Match 5: Kufi-Smacking Match – WCCWF World Heavyweight Title Re-Match
Sikotic vs. M Dogg

*M Dogg’s theme plays in the building as the fans boo the former WCCWF World Champion. JR and JL mention that this is a re-match for the WCCWF World Heavyweight Title in the second ever Kufi-Smacking match. M Dogg enters the ring and looks at the Kufi hanging from the ceiling. Sikotic’s theme plays next and the WCCWF World Heavyweight Champion is also booed by the fans. JR and JL mention that Sikotic defeated M Dogg at WR3 to win the title, which is why this re-match is taking place. Sikotic enters the ring, takes off the title, and hands it to the ref. The ref holds the belt up high before giving it to the time keeper. Sikotic and M Dogg shake hands as a sign of respect. The bell rings and the main event is underway…*

Sikotic’s Predictions:
Orton vs. Batista = Orton wins = 0 points
Edge vs. J.Hardy = Edge wins = 0 points
Big Show vs. Cena = Cena wins = 2 points
Christian vs. Dreamer vs. Swagger = Dreamer wins = 2 points
Rey vs. Y2J = Y2J wins = 2 points
Kofi vs. Regal vs. MVP vs. M.Hardy = Kofi wins = 2 points
CM Punk vs. Umaga = CM Punk wins = 2 points
Vickie vs. Santina = Santina wins = 2 points

M Dogg’s Predictions:
Orton vs. Batista = Orton wins = 0 points
Edge vs. J.Hardy = Edge wins = 0 points
Big Show vs. Cena = Cena wins = 2 points
Christian vs. Dreamer vs. Swagger = Christian wins = 0 points
Rey vs. Y2J = Y2J wins = 2 points
Kofi vs. Regal vs. MVP vs. M.Hardy = Kofi wins = 2 points
CM Punk vs. Umaga = Umaga wins = 0 points
Vickie vs. Santina = Vickie wins = 0 points

Finish of the Match:
In a back and forth match, we see M Dogg in control. M Dogg nails a sidewalk slam on Sikotic to knock him off his feet. M Dogg then grabs a ladder and sets it up. As M Dogg slowly starts climbing the ladder, we see Sikotic also back up on his feet. Sikotic starts climbing the other side of the ladder. As both stars are at the top, they trade punches with each other until Sikotic grabs the back of M Dogg’s head and nails him face first into one of the steps. M Dogg falls off the ladder and crashes to the ground. Sikotic climbs up and pulls the Kufi down. Sikotic then stands at the top of the ladder for a few seconds, thinking about what to do next. Sikotic then comes flying off the ladder and nails a huge elbow to the chest of M Dogg! Sikotic slowly sits M Dogg up, places the Kufi on his head, and smacks the Kufi off to pick up the win!


After the Match:
The ref hands Sikotic his title as Sikotic’s theme plays. The ref checks on M Dogg, who seems hurt but still able to get to his feet. M Dogg turns Sikotic around and the two briefly stare each other down; M Dogg extends his hand to Sikotic, who shakes it. M Dogg then leaves the ring and goes to the back while JR and JL summarize the match. JR and JL then thank the viewing audience for watching WCCWF’s Rise to Stardom event. The show ends with Sikotic in the ring holding the WCCWF World Heavyweight Title, still the champion.

The WCCWL is always looking for new members; take a chance at becoming a champ!! PM Mo Z. Dizzle if interested!!

Mo Z. Dizzle

  • Muthafuckin' Don!
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  • Mo Z. Dizzle, the CEO of WCC Wrestling League
Re: KOTR Tournament/WCC Wrestling Foundation
« Reply #1198 on: June 08, 2009, 10:48:41 PM »
Nelson, here is your US Title:

At the next event, Sikotic will defend his title against Shallow.
Hopefully Shallow shows up lol.
The WCCWL is always looking for new members; take a chance at becoming a champ!! PM Mo Z. Dizzle if interested!!

P Nelson

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Re: KOTR Tournament/WCC Wrestling Foundation
« Reply #1199 on: June 09, 2009, 06:05:32 PM »
*Nelson is shining his belt backstage, while Cole Interviews him*

Cole: Nelson ,lately, you have been acting dirty. You attacked your partner, then cheated to..

*Nelson grabs cole by the neck and takes the mic*

Nelson.: SHUT UP! I didnt cheat,  I just took advantage of an opportunity to add another title to my resume. I aint here to please the crowd, where were they when I was losing?  Damn right, they forgot about me and found new heroes. Sikotic was right, I needed to add a little bit of a mean streak instead of trying to please the kids and the whores in the crowd.

Cole: The crowd was always behind you and you can't say you never fed off their energy to win spectacular matches

Nelson.: Yep, I even fed my kids thanks to the crowd. These idiots bought my shirt, glasses, custom belts, everything, hahah! I cant hate on the people that made me rich and famous, thats why I wanna thank them from the bottom of my heart for making me a legend. I dont even know why I'm talking like it was over, some retards will still buy my articles, girls around the world will still throw their candy at me when I'm lonely, I'm the United States Champion Cole, stop talking about these chumps.

I busted E Crazy's Head open and if he wants to be able to hold his kids in the future and walk on his own power, he should stay the fuck aways from me

*Nelson throws the mic at Cole and leaves*

Cole: Do you feel like it was your best performance?

Nelson.: I dont know,I won so many big fights, won so many titles, defended them so many times, I dont even know how many titles I won. For now, the U.S title and the World title are in good hands, so the company has nothing to worry about with the ratings. People love to see their heroes trying to become champions. What I love is seeing them fail times after times, then become unknown.