Author Topic: KOTR Tournament/WCC Wrestling League  (Read 93885 times)

Mo Z. Dizzle

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Re: KOTR Tournament/WCC Wrestling Foundation
« Reply #735 on: April 30, 2007, 09:35:16 PM »
Match 4: WCCWF World Heavyweight Title Match
E-Crazy vs. Bz Mak

*E-Crazy’s music plays in the stadium as we see a bandaged and bruised E-Crazy makes his way out to the ring. E-Crazy comes down the ramp with a limp and his title in hand. The crowd boos E-Crazy as he gingerly enters the ring and awaits the former champion Bz Mak. Bz’s theme plays and the crowd cheers as he makes his way out. Bz has his ribs taped up after the thunderous double choke-slam from the two monsters, Grim and Lucifer. Bz enters the ring and the ref rings the bell to start the second WCCWF World Title Match…*

E-Crazy’s Predictions:
Cena vs. Edge vs. HBK vs. Orton = HBK; pin = 0 points
Taker vs. Batista = Batista = 2 points
Lashley vs. Vince / Shane / Umaga = Vince / Shane / Umaga; pin = 2 points
Hardys vs. Cade / Murdoch = Hardys; pin = 2 points
Benoit vs. MVP = Benoit; submission = 1 point
Melina vs. Mickie James = Mickie James; pin = 0 points

Bz Mak’s Predictions:
Cena vs. Edge vs. HBK vs. Orton = Cena; submission = 1 point
Taker vs. Batista = Taker = 2 points
Lashley vs. Vince / Shane / Umaga = Lashley; pin = 0 points
Hardys vs. Cade / Murdoch = Cade / Murdoch; pin = 0 points
Benoit vs. MVP = MVP; submission = 0 points
Melina vs. Mickie James = Mickie James; submission = 0 points

Finish of the match:
Bz Mak has had control in most of the match as E-Crazy has lost a lot of energy and blood from the hardcore match. We see HD come out again. Bz notices HD but instead of going to outside, Bz stays in the ring and focuses on the match. Bz picks up E-Crazy and looks to deliver a Bz Bomb as he stares at HD to send him a message. Bz hits the Bz Bomb and covers E-Crazy!! As the ref counts, HD is able to put E-Crazy’s foot on the ropes. The ref tells HD to go the back; HD and Bz start arguing. The ref tells HD to focus on the match and tells HD again to go to the back. As the ref and Bz are both distracted, E-Crazy pulls out brass knuckles from his trunks. When Bz turns around, E-Crazy knocks Bz Mak out with the knuckles and throws the knuckles to the outside. The ref doesn’t see any of this as he was distracted by HD. E-Crazy covers Bz Mak as the ref focuses back on the match. E-Crazy gets the 3-count and retains his Title for the second time in one night!!

Winner of the Match and STILL CHAMPION = E-CRAZY

After the match:
Bz Mak is holding his head and rolls out of the ring. He starts heading back looking for HD. E-Crazy celebrates in the ring as the crowd boos him. We then hear more DipCC music as Sikotic makes his way out with KAIN and M Dogg comes out with Trish Stratus. The whole DipCC crew is in the ring celebrating E-Crazy’s successful title defenses. As both Sikotic and M Dogg are in the ring, preparations for the main event.


Match 5: US Title Match
M Dogg vs. Sikotic

*As DipCC celebrates in the ring, something odd seems to be going on between E-Crazy, Sikotic and KAIN. All of a sudden, E-Crazy attacks M Dogg by hitting him in the head with the World Title. Sikotic joins in and starts stomping away at M Dogg who’s already been busted open. M Dogg tries fighting back both E-Crazy and Sikotic but KAIN throws salt in the eyes of M Dogg to take away any momentum M Dogg has. E-Crazy and Sikotic hit a double brain-buster on M Dogg as Trish Stratus looks on in shock. KAIN is laughing like a mad man while he instructs E-Crazy and Sikotic what to do. Sikotic lifts M Dogg on his shoulders while E-Crazy goes up to the top to deliver the Doomsday Device!! After that, KAIN goes to the outside and pulls out a rope from underneath the ring and hands it to E-Crazy. E-Crazy and Sikotic tie M Dogg’s right arm behind his back as Trish Stratus tells them to stop and is crying. KAIN tells the time-keeper to ring the bell. The bell rings to start the match as M Dogg is already laid out and only has two-thirds of a chance of winning…*

M Dogg’s Predictions:
Cena vs. Edge vs. HBK vs. Orton = Cena; submission = 1 point
Taker vs. Batista = Taker = 2 points
Lashley vs. Vince / Shane / Umaga = Lashley = 0 points
Hardys vs. Cade / Murdoch = Hardys; pin = 2 points
Benoit vs. MVP = MVP; pin = 0 points
Melina vs. Mickie James = Melina; pin = 2 points

Sikotic’s Predictions:
Cena vs. Edge vs. HBK vs. Orton = Cena; submission = 1 point
Taker vs. Batista = Taker = 2 points
Lashley vs. Vince / Shane / Umaga = Lashley; pin = 0 points
Hardys vs. Cade / Murdoch = Hardys; pin = 2 points
Benoit vs. MVP = MVP; pin = 0 points
Melina vs. Mickie James = Mickie James; pin = 0 points

The match:
As soon as the bell rings, Sikotic picks up M Dogg and delivers a Sik Bottom not once but twice. Sikotic covers M Dogg to get the 3-count and the victory to become the new US champion.

Winner of the Match and NEW US CHAMPION = SIKOTIC

After the match:
KAIN and E-Crazy enter the ring and all 3 members of DipCC start stomping away at M Dogg again. Sikotic grabs a mic and says:

Nobody, and I mean NOBODY crosses DipCC M Dogg!! You disloyal little sack of monkey shit!! DipCC made you and you show no appreciation to the crew! Well if DipCC made you, it can certainly destroy you!!

Sikotic then hits M Dogg over the head with the mic. E-Crazy goes to the outside, pulls out a table and brings it into the ring. Sikotic and E-Crazy set up the table. E-Crazy picks up M Dogg and it looks like he’s going to add insult to the injury by doing the Running Power-slam through the table. Suddenly, Still Dre comes running out all bandaged up. Still Dre enters the ring and pulls M Dogg off E-Crazy’s shoulder. The crowd cheers for SD as it looks he is protecting M Dogg. All of a sudden, SD grabs M Dogg and delivers the Dre Death Drop!! SD then picks up M Dogg and delivers the Running Power-slam through the table!! SD then turns towards DipCC and embraces them (no homo) as SD has joined the DipCC crew. DipCC then grabs pink and purple spray paint; SD sprays DipCC on the back of M Dogg. The crowd is booing DipCC and throwing their half-drank beers, pizzas, food and whatever else they can grab their hands on as they are shocked by what has just happened. JR is shouting at the top of his lungs “Those sons of bitches!!” repeatedly. The show closes with the new and more powerful DipCC crew celebrating in the ring with the former M Dogg laid out and bleeding.
The WCCWL is always looking for new members; take a chance at becoming a champ!! PM Mo Z. Dizzle if interested!!

Mo Z. Dizzle

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Re: KOTR Tournament/WCC Wrestling Foundation
« Reply #736 on: April 30, 2007, 09:43:50 PM »
Sikotic's US Title:

If he wants the other title, M Dogg would have to do the photoshopping work for that lol

props to both Dollar Bill and King HD for having strong predictions
and also props to E-Crazy for winning both his matches, also with pretty strong predictions

that's all for now lol
The WCCWL is always looking for new members; take a chance at becoming a champ!! PM Mo Z. Dizzle if interested!!

eS El Duque

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Re: KOTR Tournament/WCC Wrestling Foundation
« Reply #737 on: May 01, 2007, 05:35:36 AM »
lol.....YEA! I WON!


P Nelson

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Re: KOTR Tournament/WCC Wrestling Foundation
« Reply #738 on: May 01, 2007, 10:13:34 AM »
I lost 2 fights, but at least the booking made me look strong 8)

M Dogg™

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Re: KOTR Tournament/WCC Wrestling Foundation
« Reply #739 on: May 01, 2007, 02:45:25 PM »
*The fireworks go off as Raw comes on air, JR and Jerry Lawley welcome us, as the camera go straight to the ring were M Dogg's standing with no music*

People asked me yesterday at the hospital, who should we contact to give an update on you condition, and without even thinking, I said Sikotic. I blacked out after Crazy hit me with the belt, and I could have sworn that of all the people, Sik had my back. Little did I know, he turned out to be one of the people assulted me too. And then, to add insult to injury, StillDre, someone who I beat with one hand, has to wait until I am beaten to come out and take shots. I mean, he can't even beat me with one hand, so he waits until I'm one handed, and beaten to take his shots. Is this the new DipCC, is this the stronger group, well I got something to say about that, you are just a bunch of cowards. Sikotic, you couldn't even beat me straight up, and StillDre couldn't even beat me with one hand, and now that I look back, E-Crazy, you only won 'cause Sikotic let you beat us. KAIN, this is why you can't step foot into the area of REAL HIP-HOP! If Hip-Hop is dead, well my boy, it's because people like you KILLED IT!!!

*The crowd cheers loadly, and then chants "Hip... Hop... Hip... Hop"*

Cowboy... Rest in Peace

*an even loader cheer, and chant of "Hip... Hop" is heard through the crowd*

That's what it's about, because at the end of the day, there are two things in life, wrestling and Hip-Hop.

*Trish Stratus music is heard, as an emotional Trish comes out to the crowd's cheers*

Trish: M Dogg, I just want to say how sorry I am that this happened to you, and I will be here for you. Yesterday was one of the worst nights of my life.

*A crying Trish and M Dogg embrace, then Trish nails M Dogg with a low blow and rolls out the ring and walks backwards to the stage*

Trish: If by worst night, you mean spending the night with a REAL MAN, then yeah, it was bad. Didn't you know, it's DipCC, and no one is more DipCC than this man right here

*Sikotic graps Trish from behind, as he has her ass in one hand, a breast in the other, and a huge smile on his face... JR is screaming at the top of his lungs "That Jezebel!" as we go to commercial*


  • Muthafuckin' Don!
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Re: KOTR Tournament/WCC Wrestling Foundation
« Reply #740 on: May 02, 2007, 01:43:44 PM »
Match 3: Dollar Bill vs. King HD

*Dollar Bill’s music plays in the arena as he comes out to cheers from the crowd. DB makes his way down to the ring in this match of former US Champions. HD’s music plays and he comes out to boos from the fans. HD makes his way down to the ring and enters. The bell rings to begin the match…*

Dollar Bill’s Predictions:
Cena vs. Edge vs. HBK vs. Orton = Cena; pin = 2 points
Taker vs. Batista = Taker = 2 points
Lashley vs. Vince / Shane / Umaga = Lashley; pin = 0 points
Hardys vs. Cade / Murdoch = Hardys; pin = 2 points
Benoit vs. MVP = Benoit; submission = 1 point
Melina vs. Mickie James = Melina; pin = 2 points

King HD’s Predictions:
Cena vs. Edge vs. HBK vs. Orton = Cena; pin = 2 points
Taker vs. Batista = Taker = 2 points
Lashley vs. Vince / Shane / Umaga = Lashley; pin = 0 points
Hardys vs. Cade / Murdoch = Hardys; pin = 2 points
Benoit vs. MVP = MVP; pin = 0 points
Melina vs. Mickie James = Melina; pin = 2 points

Finish of the match:
In an amazing match where both stars have given their all and pulled out whatever they can, DB has control. DB sends HD into the corner and delivers a Stinger Splash. DB puts HD on the top turnbuckle and looks to deliver a superplex. HD blocks the move and starts punching away at DB, eventually knocking him off. HD then delivers a missile drop-kick to DB to gain the momentum in the match. HD looks like he wants to ends things as he delivers a Half-Dead Stunner. HD doesn’t cover DB though; instead he lifts DB up and looks to hit another Half-Dead Stunner. We see Bz Mak run out with taped ribs. Bz is on the outside and distracts HD. HD is telling Bz to get in the ring and fight. As HD is distracted, DB comes from behind and rolls up HD but only gets a 2-count!! As HD gets back up he tries to clothesline DB but DB ducks and instead hits the side-Russian leg-sweep on HD. As HD lays on the ground, DB goes up to the top and his the Money Shot. DB covers HD and gets the 3-count to win the match!!

Winner of the Match: DOLLAR BILL

After the match:
Bz Mak walks away with a smirk on his face as HD stares angrily at Bz. Dollar Bill continues to celebrate in the ring as JR and JL recap this 5-star match. JR and JL then tell us the second WCCWF World Title Match is coming up next.

i think this match showed that me and dollar bill are two of the best wrestlers of the current roster
88.5% of the viewers voted our match as the best match of the PPV (according to

and to bz mak; im comin to get ya u bastard!

eS El Duque

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Re: KOTR Tournament/WCC Wrestling Foundation
« Reply #741 on: May 02, 2007, 04:58:19 PM »
^^Easily....CHUMPS like M DOGG and SIKOTIC get a free pass in this dipcc loving wrestling division


 :P :P

I believe I either get to fight A) E-Crazy (we've both beaten each other once) B) SIkotic (Been dodging me for 4-5 months)

or the last resort chump named M Dogg
« Last Edit: May 02, 2007, 05:01:39 PM by eS El Duque »


M Dogg™

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Re: KOTR Tournament/WCC Wrestling Foundation
« Reply #742 on: May 02, 2007, 11:42:19 PM »
^^Easily....CHUMPS like M DOGG and SIKOTIC get a free pass in this dipcc loving wrestling division


 :P :P

I believe I either get to fight A) E-Crazy (we've both beaten each other once) B) SIkotic (Been dodging me for 4-5 months)

or the last resort chump named M Dogg

Didn't I beat you at WR???

Mo Z. Dizzle

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Re: KOTR Tournament/WCC Wrestling Foundation
« Reply #743 on: May 07, 2007, 12:00:16 PM »

At WCCWF's next PPV event entitled Apocalypse, the following two matches have been booked:

Bz Mak will face King HD after the rivalry that had developed at Consequence.

In addition to that match, M Dogg will seek vengeance against the DipCC crew when he takes on Still Dre
The WCCWL is always looking for new members; take a chance at becoming a champ!! PM Mo Z. Dizzle if interested!!

Mo Z. Dizzle

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Re: KOTR Tournament/WCC Wrestling Foundation
« Reply #744 on: May 09, 2007, 10:23:48 PM »
E-Crazy's promo from DipCC:

*E-Crazy's Theme Music Is Played - He Enters The Arena on a thrown, being carried onto the ring accompanied with divas feeding him grapes and fanning him*
Sooo, Another Pay Per View, Another Win. *Yawns* - BORING! - I am the Greatest Champ In DipCCWF history, I have defeated everyone on here, and Im getting bored. Im tired of a lot of things, tired of everyone giving so much attention to second rate rejects who cant compete with me, i mean come on, there really is no need for other belts, this is the only one that counts. Last Pay Per View, I defeated 2 chumps in two grueling matches, and im up for My biggest challenge yet, and you know what that is going to be?----To Take on EVERYONE! - Thats right, Everyone Vs. The Champ. Naturally that is what is to come, i mean i already defeated 2 people at one time, two people at two seperate hardcore matches in one night, countlessly defended this title, its what is next to come.
NOW, Dizzle, Will you Grant The Greatest Champ in DipCCWF history a chance to historically defeat everyone in the federation?
The WCCWL is always looking for new members; take a chance at becoming a champ!! PM Mo Z. Dizzle if interested!!

Mo Z. Dizzle

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Re: KOTR Tournament/WCC Wrestling Foundation
« Reply #745 on: May 10, 2007, 01:11:00 PM »
Mo Z. Dizzle's music plays in the stadium as he makes his way. He comes out with a mic and stands at the entrance.

Well E-Crazy, there would be nothing MORE enjoyable to me then for you to be beaten within an inch of your life!!

Crowd starts to cheer.

However, under rules and regulations, I am not permitted to let you fight everybody on the roster.

Crowd turns their cheers into boos.

I can get you to sign a waiver, but there is something else that has tied my hands. You see there is a certain individual who has a guaranteed shot at any title, whenever he wants it and wherever he wants. FOr those who don't know what im talking about, take a look at this footage.

Footage is shown from WrestleRampage of the Money in the Bank Ladder Match. Highlights of the match is shown. Then we see Grim grabbing the briefcase for the win.

And well to be quite frank, Grim has decided to cash in his Money in the Bank opportunity at Apocalypse against YOU!! So without further ado, here is your opponet, GRIM!!

Grim's music plays in the arena and the crowd is actually cheering him. Grim makes his way out to the ring with the briefcase and his scythe. Grim enters the ring and sets off a pyro. Grim then points to the ceiling where we see a mannequin of E-Crazy brought down, looking like it's been hanged. As the mannequin hangs, it suddenly catches fire and burns!! Grim then sets off another pyro and leaves as E-Crazy looks on with anger. After Dizlle and Grim leaves, E-Crazy grabs the mic again

I don't care if I have to face this big Hollywood Horror villain reject or that other fool with a bad Halloween costume, the title WILL stay in HARLEM!!
The WCCWL is always looking for new members; take a chance at becoming a champ!! PM Mo Z. Dizzle if interested!!

M Dogg™

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Re: KOTR Tournament/WCC Wrestling Foundation
« Reply #746 on: May 10, 2007, 11:31:37 PM »
^^Easily....CHUMPS like M DOGG and SIKOTIC get a free pass in this dipcc loving wrestling division


 :P :P

I believe I either get to fight A) E-Crazy (we've both beaten each other once) B) SIkotic (Been dodging me for 4-5 months)

or the last resort chump named M Dogg

*The song Hip-Hop is Dead is heard over the speakers. M Dogg is making his way down as the crowd is very split*

As I prepare for my match against StillDre, and I get ready to exact my revenge on DipCC, it have come to my attention that some punk I beat at Wrestling Rampage, some punk that didn't even show up for the match ready, as he came in street close, wants a title shot. The problem is, because of how he lost, he never got his rematch clause. But you see, I do have my rematch clause, BECAUSE UNLIKE YOU, I CONTRIBUTE. I don't just show up at cards, do what I got to do. That's the problem with people, they do what they got to do, but you never see them. They become forgotten. People like Dolla, like King HD now, like  Mafioso, I mean I even forget you guys are around. You know why DipCC was so involved when I was there, BECAUSE EACH AND EVERYWEEK, WE SHOWED UP AND PUT IN WORK!!!

*Loud boos are heard, as the crowd goes into a "Dipset sucks" chant*

Yeah they do, but so do your hero. Back to my point, I hear these people wine, oh I deserve a tite shot, then call me a chump. Well I ain't letting that slide. But I also hope to help these people, show them that I'm not a bad guy. So Dolla, I have a propostion for you. This next card, at Apocalypse, I want you to be in my match too. Here's the deal, I have my clause, I can challenge for the U.S. Title at anytime I want, and become the number 1 contender for the World title. After all, the U.S. Champ is the number contender 1 for the World title. So if you can win in a 3-Way dance between you, me and Still Dre, yeah I ain't forgot about you, then you can have your title shot back. StillDre, you too buddy, if you can beat me, then prove it and come get some.

*The crowd cheers as "Dolla, Dolla" chants are heard*

I'm giving your hero a chance, but also a member of DipCC too.

*Boos are heard, then "Dolla is gonna kill you" chants rock the area*

We'll see. But one thing is for sure, MAY 20th Dolla, mark that date, put it in your cell phone, SHOW UP THIS TIME!

Mo Z. Dizzle

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Re: KOTR Tournament/WCC Wrestling Foundation
« Reply #747 on: May 11, 2007, 08:54:19 AM »
Sikotic's promo from DipCC:

*M Dogg's music and dipset-tron video plays in the arena and gets a mixed reaction considering the events that unfolded at Consequence. Sikotic comes out laughing his ass off at all the fans anticipating M Dogg and the crowd boos loudly. Trish Stratus comes out as well and both Sik and Trish come down to the ring. Sik opens the ring ropes and Trish enters the ring bending over and putting her ass in Sik's face much to his enjoyment. Sik stands in the middle of the ring and raises his newly won US championship.*

Oh please, save all your applause. In case you're wondering, I'm being sarcastic you fucks! I, the US champ, come out here with a beautiful woman on my arm and all y'all do is hate. HATE! HATE! HATE! HATE!....

*Sik climbs a turnbuckle*

HATE! HATE! HATE! HATE! HATE! HATE! HATE! HATE! HATE! HATE!.........especially you ya fat fuck. Hate ain't the only thing in your heart though. I guarantee there's a bunch of grease and fat clogging it too.

*Sik gets off the turnbuckle and waits until the crowd quiets down* the reason why I decided to inflict torture on myself by coming to this ring and talking to you peons....For some reason, there is a lot of controversy about my US championship match with M Dogg. I pinned him 1-2-3! what else do you faggots want? I beat him regardless of the circumstances. Not only did I win his title, but his girl decided to roll with me. Don't be made, M Dogg.

*Trish gets close to Sik and he palms her ass*

Yo bitch chose me!.....Do me a favor baby, and go to the back and do that thing I told you to do.

*Trish goes to the back*

Look, M Dogg: We had a long run. We dominated this company. We ran the game.......but you started slippin'. At Wrestle Rampage, DipCC could of had its greatest night. On the greatest stage of all, DipCC could of been triumphant, but you backed down when I was in a time of need. I still remained loyal by coming to your aid later on in the night, and I don't even get a thank you. That's why we did what we did. It was business, nothing personal. Besides, we as well as everyone else knows that between me and you, I carried the show. The result at Consequence and Trish's decision just proves it.

Now before I go, which I really want to go, I have another thing I must do. Keeping with DipCC tradition, we gotta buck the trend. This title on my shoulder right bland and boring just like this town.

*More boos*

So without further adieu. TRISH, BRING ME MY NEW BELT!!!

*Trish comes to the ring with a purple velvet bag that has the Dipset logo on it*

Now to make this official, Lillian Garcia, get your Jay-Leno-chin-havin'-ass in here and make this ceremony complete.

*Sik whispers something in her ear*

You ready Jaws? Aight...go.


*The crowd boos uncontrollably as Sikotic takes the new DipCC US Championship out of the velvet belt and wears it around his waist. Out of nowhere Trish DDTs Lillian. Sikotic laughs and both Sik and Trish leave to Sikotic's theme song*
The WCCWL is always looking for new members; take a chance at becoming a champ!! PM Mo Z. Dizzle if interested!!

eS El Duque

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Re: KOTR Tournament/WCC Wrestling Foundation
« Reply #748 on: May 11, 2007, 05:20:59 PM »
I'll fight whoever!!!!! ANd I'LL BEAT THEM TOO!


Mo Z. Dizzle

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Re: KOTR Tournament/WCC Wrestling Foundation
« Reply #749 on: May 16, 2007, 02:00:06 PM »

The following matches are confirmed for Apocalypse this coming Sunday:

M Dogg will defend his US Title re-match clause against Still Dre and Dollar Bill. Will M Dogg be able to overcome not one but two superstars? Or will there be a new #1 contender for the US Title?

Along with this match, the first match  of WCCWF's King of the Ring Tournament will take place as Lucifer will challenge Mafioso. Who will advance in this first round match?

Grim will also be cashing in his Money in the Bank opportunity against E-Crazy. Will Grim's era as champion start this Sunday or will DipCC still be in power?

Sikotic will also have a mystery opponent for this Sunday in a non-title match. How prepared will Sikotic at Apocalypse?

All these questions will be answered this Sunday at Apocalypse!!
The WCCWL is always looking for new members; take a chance at becoming a champ!! PM Mo Z. Dizzle if interested!!