Author Topic: KOTR Tournament/WCC Wrestling League  (Read 93090 times)

Mo Z. Dizzle

  • Muthafuckin' Don!
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  • Mo Z. Dizzle, the CEO of WCC Wrestling League
Re: KOTR Tournament/WCC Wrestling Foundation
« Reply #1815 on: February 19, 2012, 10:19:52 PM »
The Great Battle Match:
Nelson quickly charges over at a weakened Mafioso and delivers a few stomps towards Mafioso’s gut and ribs. SM & JBL mention that Mafioso is damaged in that area after the Samoan Drop and spear from M Dogg. Nelson whips Mafioso into the ropes and delivers another spear to Mafioso. Mafioso clutches his mid-section. Nelson gets Mafioso back up to his feet. Nelson then grabs a hold of Mafioso and tosses Mafioso over the top to eliminate him! With a few moments left, we see Nelson taunt the crowd a bit. The 90-second clock eventually expires and out next is The Miz.
The Miz makes his way down to the ring and slides in. Him and Nelson get face-to-face but avoid any offense at first. The two eventually lock up and Miz gets Nelson in a headlock. Nelson pushes Miz into the ropes and nails a shoulder block to send Miz to the mat. Miz quickly gets to his feet. The two circle one another again before locking up once more. This time, Nelson gets Miz in a headlock. Miz shoves Nelson into the ropes and delivers a shoulder block of his own. Nelson gets to his feet quickly as well. As the two keep a bit of distance from one another, they both notice the clock expiring. The 90-second clock expires and out next is Matt Morgan.
Matt Morgan makes his way out and gets on the ring apron. Miz and Nelson talk to each other, looking to double-team Morgan. Morgan enters the ring. As Nelson looks to go towards Morgan, Miz grabs Nelson from behind and nails a Russian legsweep to turn on Nelson. Miz then gets Nelson to his feet and scoops him up. Miz drops Nelson throat first across the top rope. Still near the ropes, Miz grabs Nelson from behind. Miz tells Morgan to deliver the Carbon Footprint to Nelson. Morgan runs off the ropes and looks to deliver the Carbon Footprint. As Morgan delivers the move, we see Nelson escape Miz’s grasp. Morgan ends up hitting the Carbon Footprint on Miz; The kick is so impactful that it ends up eliminating Miz from the match! The 90-second clock expires and out next is Sheamus.
Sheamus enters the ring and gets face-to-face with Morgan. SM & JBL mention that both these guys have different names for their bicycle kick finishers. We see the two start exchanging offense with none of them really getting the upperhand at first. Sheamus eventually gets the momentum in his favour with a few right hands. Sheamus tries to whip Morgan into the ropes, but Morgan counters. As Sheamus comes off the ropes, Morgan tries to hit the Carbon Footprint but Sheamus ducks. Sheamus charges off the opposite ropes and tries to deliver the Brogue Kick but Morgan sidesteps. The two crack a smile. The 90-second clock expires and out next is Batista.
Batista enters the ring and goes after Morgan. The two start brawling with one another. Sheamus watches on. From behind, we see Nelson deliver a chopblock to get Sheamus to one knee. Nelson then delivers a DDT. Nelson gets Sheamus to his feet and tries to eliminate him. Sheamus blocks off the move with forearm shots to Nelson. Sheamus then gets Nelson in the ropes and delivers multiple forearm clubs to Nelson. As Nelson holds his chest, Sheamus takes a few steps back. Sheamus charges over and tries the Brogue Kick. Nelson pulls the rope down and sends Sheamus over the top to eliminate him! The 90-second clock expires and out next is John Cena.
Cena runs down to the ring and slides in. Nelson tries to attack Cena but Cena ducks and charges off the ropes. Cena delivers a leaping shoulder block to knock Nelson to the mat. Cena then delivers the five-knuckle shuffle to Nelson. As this happens, we see in the corner Batista deliver multiple shoulder thrusts to Morgan. Batista and Cena then turn around to one another. SM & JBL mention the feud between these two. Batista and Cena start exchanging offense till Cena gets the upperhand. Cena charges off the ropes and looks to hit the leaping shoulder block, but Batista counters with a spinebuster. The 90-second clock expires and out next is Booker T.
Booker makes his way out to a huge ovation from the fans. Booker enters the ring and goes after Batista. SM & JBL mention the real-life brawl between these two. Batista and Booker exchange offense with each other. Cena is back to his feet and helps Booker. Cena and Booker double-team Batista. The two of them try to eliminate Batista but Batista hands on and fights them off. As this happens, we see Nelson back on his feet. With Batista’s attention on others, Nelson charges over and delivers a spear to Batista. Nelson then gets Batista to his feet and tries to deliver a Nelson Bomb, but Batista counters with a back body drop. Meanwhile, we see Morgan working over Booker. The 90-second clock expires and out next is AG.
As AG enters the ring, Morgan charges over and tries to nail a Carbon Footprint. AG ducks and Morgan gets caught on the top rope. AG delivers a dropkick to Morgan to eliminate him! AG then turns his attention to his former Outlaw member, Booker. Meanwhile Cena is on the mat in the corner while Batista works over Nelson. Batista kicks Nelson in the gut and looks to hit the Batista Bomb, but Nelson is able to escape. Nelson charges off the ropes and delivers a dropkick to Batista’s knee to knock Batista to the mat. The action continues throughout the ring. The 90-second clock expires and out next is Jim Duggan.
Duggan makes his way out with his trademark 2-by-4 in hand and the US Flag. Duggan drops it all on the outside and enters the ring. Duggan delivers a forearm shot to AG and Booker. We see Cena up on his feet; Cena tries to punch Duggan but Duggan ducks. Duggan counters with an atomic drop. Nelson tries to attack Duggan, but Duggan ducks and nails the three-point stance clothesline on Nelson. Duggan then does his “HOOO” chant as the fans cheer him. Duggan is then met with a spinebuster from Batista. Batista then delivers a couple of stomps to Duggan. Batista gets Duggan to his feet and scoops him. Batista then tosses Duggan to the outside to eliminate him! The 90-second clock expires and out next is Sid Vicious.
As Sid makes his way down to the ring, we see Batista looking on. Batista grabs the top rope and tells Sid to come on in. Sid points at Batista and talks some trash. Sid enters the ring and is attacked right away by Batista. The two trade punches with one another till Batista gets the momentum in his favour. Batista whips Sid into the ropes and looks to hit a spinebuster but Sid delivers a big boot instead to shift the momentum. With Batista on the mat, Sid follows up with a leg-drop. The 90-second clock expires and out next is Kaz.
Kaz makes his way down to the ring and slides in. AG tries to nail a punch, but Kaz blocks him and delivers a forearm smash. Kaz then gets AG in the corner and delivers a few stomps. Meanwhile, we see Sid working over Nelson. We also see Booker trying to eliminate Batista. Batista battles back and turns the tables. The action continues in the ring. The 90-second clock expires and out next is Cody Rhodes.
As Rhodes makes his way out, we see Cena help Booker from being eliminated. Cena and Booker then double-team Batista by grabbing his legs. Cena and Booker toss Batista over the top rope to eliminate him from the match! From behind, we see Rhodes attack Booker. SM & JBL remind us of the recent matches between these two. Meanwhile, Sid goes to work on Cena. The two continue to battle it out. The action goes on throughout the ring. The 90-second clock expires and the lights go out. A pyro explodes on the stage and out next is Grim.
Grim makes his way out without the usual scythe in hand. All the participants quickly turn their attention to Grim as he enters the ring. Grim sets off another pyro from the ring posts as he enters. Kaz attacks first but is met with an uppercut. Cena tries to attack next but is also met with an uppercut. Booker tries third but is given a big boot. Rhodes tries next but Grim grabs him by the throat. Grim then forcefully pushes Rhodes over the top to eliminate him! Grim is then attacked from behind by Sid. The two go at it. AG and Nelson meanwhile start brawling with one another. The action carries on throughout the ring. The 90-second clock expires and out next is Jack Swagger.
Swagger enters the ring and goes after AG. We see Cena trying to eliminate Booker. Kaz prevents this by springboarding off the ropes and deliver a kick to Cena’s face. Kaz then turns his attention to Booker. As Cena grasps his face, we see Nelson come from behind. Nelson grabs Cena and throws him over the top to eliminate him! Grim works over Sid in the corner with uppercuts. The 90-second clock expires and out next is Steve ‘Mongo’ McMichael.
Mongo enters the ring and goes after Grim. Sid and Mongo start to double-team Grim. SM & JBL mention that we’ve had 16 entrants thus far and 8 have been eliminated. Swagger continues to work over AG while Kaz and Nelson go at it. The camera view goes to the different battles in the ring. The 90-second clock expires and out next is Kurt Angle.
Angle enters the ring and goes right after Swagger. SM & JBL mention Angle’s feelings towards Swagger for using the ankle lock. As this happens, we see Nelson deliver a spinebuster on Kaz. We also see Booker using the ropes to get to his feet. As Booker gets to his feet, unsuspectingly AG comes from behind. AG grabs Booker by his legs and tosses Booker over the top to eliminate him!. Meanwhile, Grim has some momentum in his favour as he works over Mongo. Sid turns his attention towards Kaz as the action goes on in the match. The 90-second clock expires and out next is Tyson Kidd.
Kidd springboards onto the top rope and delivers a missile dropkick to both Angle and Swagger. We see Swagger get caught up on the top rope. Nelson notices Swagger on the ropes. Nelson charges over and delivers a clothesline to Swagger, sending Swagger over the top & eliminating him from the match! Kidd then delivers a spinning heel kick to Angle. Nelson again turns his focus to Kaz. Grim chokes away at Mongo with his boot as Mongo lies on the bottom turnbuckle. The 90-second clock expires and out next is Kane.
Another pyro explodes on the stage as Kane makes his way out. As Kane enters the ring, Kidd charges towards him but is met with a big boot to the face. The force of the kick gets Kidd caught up on the ropes. Nelson tries to get some offense in on Kane nails an uppercut. Kane then grabs Nelson and delivers a sidewalk slam. SM & JBL mention that one-quarter of the participants have already been eliminated. The action goes on throughout the ring as the cameramen try to keep up with the various clashes. The 90-second clock expires and the lights go out again. Lucifer’s theme plays and out next is Lucifer.
The WCCWL is always looking for new members; take a chance at becoming a champ!! PM Mo Z. Dizzle if interested!!

Mo Z. Dizzle

  • Muthafuckin' Don!
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  • Mo Z. Dizzle, the CEO of WCC Wrestling League
Re: KOTR Tournament/WCC Wrestling Foundation
« Reply #1816 on: February 19, 2012, 10:20:36 PM »
Lucifer makes his way to the ring already prepared for the match. Lucifer enters the ring and goes after Kane. The monsters start to duke it out. As this happens, we see AG take advantage of the hurt Kidd. AG grabs Kidd and throws him over the top to eliminate him! Meanwhile, Mongo has gained the momentum from Grim and works over him with shoulder blocks. We also see Sid trying to deliver a Powerbomb to Kaz. Kaz is able to escape and counters with a springboard forearm smash. SM & JBL mention that there are 9 participants currently in the match as we’ve reached the halfway point. The 90-second clock expires and out next is Black Male.
BM makes his way to the ring and enters. As he enters, he’s met with a European uppercut from Angle. Angle sends BM into the corner and follows up with a clothesline. Angle then starts to stomp away at BM’s gut. Elsewhere, we see Mongo and Sid battling with each other. SM & JBL mention that it’s a bit hard to follow as there is action going on everywhere in the match. The 90-second clock expires and out next is Dean Malenko.
Malenko enters the ring and goes after Kaz with a dropkick. Malenko gets Kaz onto his feet and tries to eliminate him, but Kaz holds on and fights back. Elsewhere, we see Nelson working over AG. With AG by the ropes, Nelson delivers a few backhand chops. Nelson takes a few steps back, looking to clothesline AG over the top. As Nelson charges over, AG counters with a back-body-drop. Nelson is able to land on the ring apron though. AG delivers a couple of punches but Nelson still hands on. AG then dropkicks Nelson in the knee to send Nelson crashing to the mat and eliminating him! The 90-second clock expires and out next is Chris Daniels.
Daniels enters the ring and goes after Malenko to help Kaz out. Meanwhile, BM has gained the advantage over Angle. Mongo and Sid work over Grim. Lucifer and Kane are brawling with one another. AG sits in the corner, looking to catch his breath and get back into the match. The action goes on in the ring. The 90-second clock expires and out next is Randy Orton.
As Orton enters the ring, he’s attacked by Kurt Angle. Angle delivers a couple of right hands to Orton. SM & JBL mention that Angle has taken exception to Orton using the Olympic Slam. Angle gets Orton on his shoulder and yells “This is how the Olympic Slam is done!” at Orton. As Angle lifts Orton up, Orton escapes the hold. Orton then counters with an RKO to send Angle staggering towards the ropes. Orton then charges over and delivers a clothesline to Angle, sending him over the top and out of the match! Orton is then attacked from behind by AG. We see the camera view going to different parts of the match. The 90-second clock expires and out next is R-Truth.
As R-Truth goes to enter the ring, he gets attacked by BM. SM & JBL mention that there are 12 entrants currently in the ring. We see Orton take some of the advantage back from AG with a couple of European Uppercuts. Meanwhile, Sid works over Kaz while Malenko works over Daniels. The camera view shows different battles in the match. The 90-second clock expires and out next is AJ Style.
AJ springboards off the top rope and hits a forearm smash on Sid. AJ then delivers a pelé kick on Malenko. We go on to see BM deliver a spinebuster to R-Truth. We then see Orton try to deliver an RKO on AG. AG prevents the move by shoving Orton into the ropes. AG tries for a clothesline by Orton ducks. As AG turns around, Orton delivers the RKO. AG staggers towards the ropes forcefully. BM pulls the top rope down and AG ends up going over the top to be eliminated from the match! The 90-second clock expires and a loud “WOOO” is heard as Ric Flair is the next entrant.
The fans cheer Flair as he makes his way down to the ring. Flair enters the ring and gives a backhand chop to R-Truth. As this happens, we see Orton working over BM. Orton gets BM set up for his patented rope-hung DDT. BM is able to prevent the move though as he gets his feet out of the ropes. BM counters with an inverted atomic drop. BM then scoops Orton up and drops over the top rope and outside to eliminate him! As this happens, we see something interesting develop in the ring. We see Mongo, Vicious and Malenko on one side; on the opposite side we see Daniels, Kaz, and AJ. In the middle we see Flair. We see the former side put up the Four Horsemen hand gesture while the latter side put of the Fortune hand gesture. Flair looks towards both sides and hold up both hand gestures. SM & JBL mention that Flair was the focal point of both those factions. As this happens, the 90-second clock expires and out next is E-Crazy.
The former WCCWL star makes his way to the ring and the fans cheer him. E-Crazy enters the ring and goes after BM. In the meantime, we see the former Horsemen start brawling with the former Fortune members. Flair takes a step back and watches them brawl. We see Sid gain an advantage over Kaz. Sid grabs Kaz by the throat and Chokeslams him over the top to the outside, eliminating Kaz from the match! Daniels and Malenko trade offense with one another. Mongo tries to eliminate AJ by grabbing AJ by his legs and tossing him over. AJ though is able to hang onto the ropes without his feet touching the ground. AJ tried to enter the ring. Mongo notices this; AJ ends up grabbing Mongo around Mongo’s neck using his feet. AJ then pulls Mongo over the top and sends Mongo to the outside, eliminating him! The 90-second clock expires and the lights go out; we hear a gong as the Undertaker is the next entrant.
The lights come back on and we see Undertaker in the middle of the ring. Undertaker turns his attention to Flair. The two legends go at it with one another. We also see Malenko trying to eliminate Daniels. Grim comes from behind, grabs Malenko’s leg, and tosses both Malenko and Daniels!. Sid then attacks Grim from behind. BM goes back to work on R-Truth. The action carries on in the match. The 90-second clock expires and out next is Mick Foley.
The fans cheer Mick as he makes his way to the ring. Mick enters the ring and goes after Undertaker. SM & JBL mention the historic feud between these two. Mick also goes after Flair. We see Kane working over Lucifer in the corner. SM & JBL mention that three-quarters of the participants have entered thus far. Grim battles with Sid. E-Crazy works over AJ. R-Truth meanwhile has gained the momentum and works over BM. The 90-second clock expires and out next is RVD.
RVD enters the ring and E-Crazy goes after him. RVD ducks and delivers a spinning heel kick to him. RVD then delivers a couple of jabs to AJ. In the meantime, we see Sid gain the advantage over Grim. With Grim on the ropes, Sid charges over and tries to hit a clothesline. Grim ducks as Sid approaches. As Sid turns around, Grim nails a clothesline of his own to send Sid over the top & out of the match!. SM & JBL mention that half the participants have now been eliminated. The 90-second clock expires and out next is Sting.
Sting makes his way to the ring under his new insane icon personality. Sting enters the ring and delivers a couple of forearm shots to Mick and Undertaker. Sting then nails a couple of boots on Flair to send Flair into the corner. Sting takes a few steps back and delivers the Stinger Splash. In the meantime, we see R-Truth deliver a kick to BM’s gut. R-Truth then tries a scissors kick. As R-Truth comes off the ropes and tries the scissors kick, BM moves out of the way. BM kicks R-Truth in the gut and delivers the Dominator. BM then gets R-Truth to his feet and throws him over the top rope to eliminate him from the match! The 90-second clock expires and out next is The Rock.
The fans explode in cheers for Rock. Rock enters the ring and goes after Kane. The two of them start to duke it out. We also see Mick with Mr. Socko out. Mick applies the Mandible Claw on Flair. Mick brings Flair towards the ropes and forcefully shoves Flair over the top with the Mandible Claw still applied to eliminate Flair! We also see RVD, E-Crazy, and AJ trying to triple-team Lucifer. Lucifer fights back with multiple punches. Lucifer delivers a boot to E-Crazy to knock him to the mat. Lucifer then clotheslines RVD. AJ tries a springboard forearm smash but Lucifer delivers an uppercut. Lucifer then scoops AJ up and tries to toss him over the top. AJ lands on the ring apron though. AJ nails a couple of shoulder thrusts to Lucifer’s gut. AJ leaps to the top rope and tries some more high-flying offense but Lucifer catches him by the throat. Lucifer then lifts AJ up and Chokeslams him over the top to eliminate him! The 90-second clock expires and out next is Y2J.
The WCCWL is always looking for new members; take a chance at becoming a champ!! PM Mo Z. Dizzle if interested!!

Mo Z. Dizzle

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Re: KOTR Tournament/WCC Wrestling Foundation
« Reply #1817 on: February 19, 2012, 10:22:01 PM »
Y2J enters the ring and delivers the Code Breaker to E-Crazy. Y2J then grabs E-Crazy and throws him over the top rope to eliminate him!. Y2J turns his attention towards RVD. Meanwhile we see Rock and Kane still going at it. Mick then steps in the middle and looks at them both. SM & JBL mention that Mick had memorable tag teams with both Kane and Rock. Mick doesn’t know who to support and decides to nail them both with punches. The 90-second clock expires and out next is Sikotic.
As Sikotic enters the ring, Mick tries to attack him. Sikotic pulls down the top rope and Mick goes over the top, crashing to the outside to be eliminated from the match! Sikotic then goes to work on Rock. As this happens, we see Grim and Kane come face-to-face on side of the ring. On the other side, we see Lucifer and Undertaker come face-to-face. The latter turn their attention towards the former. We then see Grim come face-to-face with Undertaker and Lucifer face-to-face with Kane. We see the four monsters start duking it out as the fans explode in cheers. The 90-second clock expires and out next is DDP.
DDP enters the ring and goes after Sting. Meanwhile the focus turns back to the four monsters. We see Undertaker deliver multiple strikes to Grim while Kane delivers uppercuts to Kane. Lucifer fights Kane with punches of his own. Lucifer grabs Kane and sends him into the turnbuckle. Lucifer then continues on with an assault. Grim meanwhile delivers uppercuts of his own. Grim charges off the ropes and delivers a dropkick to Undertaker’s knee. The 90-second clock expires and out next is Brodus Clay.
Brodus makes his way down with the Funkettes, Naomi and Cameron doing his dance gimmick as the fans cheer him. While Brodus plays to the crowd, we go back to ringside. We see Lucifer scoop Kane up and drop him face-first across the top turnbuckle. Lucifer then runs off the ropes and deliver a big boot to send Kane into the ropes. Lucifer then charges over and delivers a clothesline to eliminate Kane! As this happens, we see Grim scoop Undertaker. Grim looks to toss Undertaker over; Undertaker escapes and delivers a boot to Grim’s face. Undertaker then tries to nail a clothesline to eliminate Grim. Grim counters with a back-body-drop and sends Undertaker over the top to the outside, eliminating Undertaker! The 90-second clock expires and out next is Wade Barrett.
Barrett and Brodus enter the ring and nearly the same time. The two of them go at it. Meanwhile, we see Lucifer and Grim come face-to-face. The two monsters start brawling with each other. We also see Sting working over BM. With BM in the corner, Sting charges over and looks to hit the Stinger Splash. BM moves at the last second and Sting crashes chest-first into the turnbuckle. As Sting grasps his chest, BM grabs him from behind and tosses Sting over the top to eliminate him! The 90-second clock expires and out next is Samoa Joe.
Joe enters the ring and goes after Rock. SM & JBL mention their Samoan heritage. We see Sikotic work over DDP. With DDP in the corner, Sikotic delivers a few stomps. We also see Y2J in control over RVD. With RVD on the mat, Y2J tries a Lionsault. RVD gets his knees up into Y2J’s gut. As Y2J grasps his gut, RVD runs off the ropes and delivers Rolling Thunder. RVD then does his “RVD” gesture. RVD leaps to the top turnbuckle and looks to deliver the Five-Star Frog Splash to Y2J. As RVD gets to the top turnbuckle, BM charges over and shoves RVD, causing him to crash to the outside and eliminating him from the match! The 90-second clock expires and out next is Kevin Nash.
Nash takes his time making it out to the ring. SM & JBL mention that Nash is the final entrant. Nash waits on the outside, looking for an opportune time to enter the ring. Back in the ring, we see DDP gain the advantage over Sikotic. With Sikotic in the corner, DDP delivers a discus-clothesline. DDP then plays to the crowd. As this happens, we see Y2J get back up to his feet. Y2J comes from behind and delivers a Code Breaker. Y2J then gets DDP up to his feet and tries to eliminate. DDP hands on tightly to the top rope. Sikotic comes from behind and grabs Y2J’s leg. Sikotic then lifts Y2J up and sends both Y2J and DDP over the top rope to eliminate them from the match!
We see Grim working over Lucifer in the corner. Grim delivers a few elbow-strikes to Lucifer. BM meanwhile helps Barrett double-team Brodus. We see Nash still waiting on the outside. Back in the ring, we see Grim grab Lucifer by the throat. Lucifer breaks the choke and delivers a few right hands. Lucifer then runs off the ropes and looks to hit a clothesline. Grim counters with a big boot that sends Lucifer into the ropes. Grim then charges over, looking to hit another big boot to eliminate Lucifer. As Grim charges over, Lucifer side steps and Grim gets caught on the top rope. Lucifer then takes a few steps back and delivers a running big boot to eliminate Grim from the match!
SM & JBL mention that only 8 entrants remain in the match. Back in the ring, we see Joe working over Sikotic. With Sikotic in the corner, Joe deliver a few right and left hand jabs. Joe then delivers a jumping Enzugiri to Sikotic. Joe then takes a few steps back and looks to deliver a running knee-lift. As Joe approaches and looks to nail the running knee-lift, Sikotic is able to catch him. Sikotic then tosses Joe over the top to eliminate him!
Sikotic is then attacked by Rock. Meanwhile, we see Brodus working over Barrett. Brodus is close to eliminating Barrett. Brodus is able to lift Barrett and throw him over the top, but Barrett hands on and lands on the ring apron. Barrett delivers a few forearm shots to Brodus and grabs him by the head so that Brodus cannot eliminate Barrett. Barrett is eventually able to drag Brodus over the top and onto the ring apron. The two of them brawl while on the ring apron. As this happens, we see Nash quickly enter the ring. Nash then charges over and delivers a big boot to Brodus, eliminating him! Nash then nails an elbow smash to the side of Barrett’s head, eliminating him as well!
SM & JBL mention there are only 5 participants left. We see Rock delivering a few punches to Sikotic as Sikotic is by the ropes. Rock then takes a few steps back and tries to clothesline Sikotic over the top. As Rock charges over, Sikotic is able to counter with a back-body-drop that sends Rock over the top and out of the match!
Now down to the final 4, we see Nash go after BM. Lucifer turns his attention towards Sikotic. SM & JBL mention that Lucifer challenged Sikotic at WrestleRampage last year. Lucifer and Sikotic start to exchange offense till Lucifer gains the advantage. Lucifer tries to whip Sikotic into the ropes, but Sikotic counters. Sikotic goes for a clothesline, but Lucifer ducks. Lucifer charges off the opposite ropes and delivers a leaping clothesline. Lucifer then gets Sikotic to his feet and scoops him. Lucifer goes to toss Sikotic over the top, but Sikotic escapes. Sikotic turns Lucifer around and delivers a few punches, sending Lucifer into the ropes. Sikotic then charges off the opposite ropes and tries to clothesline Lucifer. Lucifer grabs SIkotic by the throat though. Lucifer then lifts Sikotic and chokeslams him over the top & to the outside to eliminate Sikotic!
Nash notices that Lucifer has his attention towards Sikotic. As Lucifer turns around, Nash charges over and tries to deliver a big boot. Lucifer ducks and Nash gets caught on the top rope. Lucifer delivers a big boot of his own to send Nash over the top and to eliminate him from the match!
SM & JBL mention we’re down to our final two. BM then charges towards Lucifer as Lucifer stares over Nash. BM ends up delivers a shoulder tackle to Lucifer, get Lucifer caught on the top rope. BM then runs off the opposite side and delivers a thunderous clothesline. The impact of the clothesline is so forceful that it sends both guys over the top simultaneously to eliminate them both!

Tie-breaker system:
Both BM & Lucifer had the same prediction results. Therefore, it remains a tie.


After the Match:
The refs look a video replay to see if either of the final two hit the floor first. BM and Lucifer both re-enter the ring, awaiting the decision. After reviewing the replay multiple times, the refs determine it remains a tie. Mo Z. Dizzle’s music then hits the speakers as he makes his way onto the stage with a mic.

Dizzle: At the beginning of the show, I said tonight would be a historic night. And tonight, history will be made once again. Because instead of determining who should face M Dogg at WrestleRampage, we will have for the first-time ever, a Triple Terror Match for the World Title at WrestleRampage!!

Dizzle’s music plays again in the building as he stands on the stage with a smile on his face. SM & JBL recap the ending of the match. SM & JBL then thank all the viewers for watching the event. The event ends showing Lucifer and Black Male staring at each other with the WrestleRampage sign in the background.
The WCCWL is always looking for new members; take a chance at becoming a champ!! PM Mo Z. Dizzle if interested!!


Re: KOTR Tournament/WCC Wrestling Foundation
« Reply #1818 on: February 20, 2012, 01:38:52 AM »
My Chihuahuas Are Eternal


M Dogg™

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Re: KOTR Tournament/WCC Wrestling Foundation
« Reply #1819 on: February 20, 2012, 08:15:33 AM »
Going to Wrestle Rampage in a 3-Way... oh yeah...

Wait... against 2 guys... WTF... THIS AINT RIGHT...

BTW... that was fuckin' awesome man... as always, thanks for putting this up man... I know this takes a ton of work!

Mo Z. Dizzle

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Re: KOTR Tournament/WCC Wrestling Foundation
« Reply #1820 on: February 21, 2012, 09:59:55 PM »
Going to Wrestle Rampage in a 3-Way... oh yeah...

Wait... against 2 guys... WTF... THIS AINT RIGHT...

BTW... that was fuckin' awesome man... as always, thanks for putting this up man... I know this takes a ton of work!

Thanks man; I wanted to get it up earlier but had so much going on. I didn't get to post info for the Elimination Chamber.
But thankfully, almost everybody still submitted em. I'm going to post that stuff up now lol.
The WCCWL is always looking for new members; take a chance at becoming a champ!! PM Mo Z. Dizzle if interested!!

Mo Z. Dizzle

  • Muthafuckin' Don!
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  • Mo Z. Dizzle, the CEO of WCC Wrestling League
Re: KOTR Tournament/WCC Wrestling League
« Reply #1821 on: February 21, 2012, 10:51:09 PM »
***Retroactive post to Thursday February 16th, 2012***


After a historic night at Battle of the Barons, the WCCWL now prepares for their next event: No Escape.
With the main event for WrestleRampage being a triple terror match, all three participants will have matches to prepare themselves.

In the opening match, we will see Black Male take on AG. Black Male has undoubtedly exceeded expectations and has so far done what he said he'd do: rise to the top. Black Male and AG have also developed quite a rivalry, the most recent event being Black Male eliminating AG in the Great Battle Match. Will Black Male be able to continue his dominance leading to WrestleRampage, or will AG take some of that momentum away?

The second match will feature M Dogg get some practice for WrestleRampage as he'll be in a triple terror match against two former rivals: HD and Dollar Bill. What strategy will the World Champion use in this match? And more importantly, how much will this help or hinder the champion before WrestleRampage?

And in the main event, we will see a tag team match. Lucifer will team up with Sikotic to take on P. Nelson and Grim. All four of these superstars have crossed one another's path at some point or another. However, the main focus will be on Lucifer to see how he prepares for the his match at WrestleRampage. Will Lucifer & Sikotic be victorious? Or will Nelson and Grim be able to capture the victory?

Find out this and more this Sunday February 19th, 2012 at No Escape!


WWE Elimination Chamber Card (written in order of importance)

WWE Title Elimination Chamber Match
Punk (c) vs. Y2J vs. Kofi vs. Miz vs. R-Truth vs. Ziggler
***Just predict the winner

World Title Elimination Chamber Match
Bryan (c) vs. Big Show vs. Barrett vs. Khali vs. Rhodes vs. Santino
***Just predict the winner

Ambulance Match
Cena vs. Kane
***Just predict the winner

WWE Divas Title Match
Beth (c) vs. Tamina


WCCWL No Escape Card

Match 1: Black Male vs. AG

Match 2: M Dogg vs. HD vs. Dollar Bill

Match 3: Lucifer/Sikotic vs. P. Nelson/Grim


Lucifer's Predictions:
WWE Title Elimination Chamber Match = Y2J wins
World Title Elimination Chamber Match = Bryan wins
Ambulance Match - Cena vs. Kane = Cena wins
Beth vs. Tamina = Beth wins; pin

Grim's Predictions:
WWE Title Elimination Chamber Match = Punk wins
World Title Elimination Chamber Match = Bryan wins
Ambulance Match - Cena vs. Kane = Cena wins
Beth vs. Tamina = Tamina wins; pin


Due date: Sunday February 19th, 2012 at 7:55PM EST (4:55PM PST)
Submitted by: Sikotic; M Dogg; Black Male; P. Nelson; Lucifer; Grim
Waiting on: AG
Reminders being sent: Friday night, Saturday night, and Sunday afternoon (all sent)
The WCCWL is always looking for new members; take a chance at becoming a champ!! PM Mo Z. Dizzle if interested!!

Mo Z. Dizzle

  • Muthafuckin' Don!
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  • Mo Z. Dizzle, the CEO of WCC Wrestling League
Re: KOTR Tournament/WCC Wrestling League
« Reply #1822 on: March 11, 2012, 08:25:19 PM »
WWE Elimination Chamber Results

WWE Title Elimination Chamber Match = Punk wins
World Title Elimination Chamber Match = Bryan wins
Ambulance Match – Cena vs. Kane = Cena wins
Beth vs. Tamina = Beth wins; pin


WCCWL No Escape Results

*Fireworks explode in the building as the fans are on their feet in excitement for WCCWL’s No Escape event. We are welcomed to the show by Sean Mooney & JBL. The theme song, This Means War by Nickelback, plays throughout the stadium. The commentating team then goes over the card as the fans start settling into their seats. The camera view goes to ringside for the opening match.*

Match 1: Black Male vs. AG

*We see a video package showing the feud between Black Male & AG with BM always getting the upperhand. The video ends showing BM eliminating AG Battle of the Barons. We go back to ringside and BM’s music hits the speakers first. The fans boo BM heavily as he makes his way out. SM & JBL mention that BM eliminated guys like AG & Sting in the Great Battle Match. BM enters the ring and raises his right arm shouting “by any means necessary” before preparing for the match. AG’s music hits the speakers next and the fans quickly turn their booing to cheers. SM & JBL mention that AG eliminated P. Nelson and Booker T among others as AG makes his way to the ring. AG enters the ring and plays to the crowd before getting ready for the match. The bell rings to start the match…*

Black Male’s Predictions:
WWE Title Elimination Chamber Match = Punk wins = 2 points
World Title Elimination Chamber Match = Bryan wins = 2 points
Ambulance Match – Cena vs. Kane = Cena wins = 2 points
Beth vs. Tamina = Beth wins; pin = 2 points

AG’s Predictions (none submitted; default using Lucifer’s predictions):
WWE Title Elimination Chamber Match = Y2J wins = 0 points
World Title Elimination Chamber Match = Bryan wins = 2 points
Ambulance Match – Cena vs. Kane = Cena wins = 2 points
Beth vs. Tamina = Beth wins; pin = 2 points

Finish of the Match:
In a back and forth match, we see AG in control. With BM in the corner, AG delivers a few stomps to BM’s gut. AG whips BM to the opposite corner. AG charges over and delivers and nails a clothesline. AG then nails a couple of backhand chops on BM. AG then delivers a couple of headbutts to BM. As BM grasps his face, AG climbs to the second turnbuckle. AG tries to go for a back-elbow shot as he jumps off. BM catches AG and delivers a huge spinebuster. BM then gets AG to his feet and nails a couple of forearm shots, followed by a bodyslam. BM then nails a knee-drop over AG’s forehead. BM then waits for AG to get up, looking to deliver the Dominator. As AG is up to his feet, BM kicks him in the gut and delivers the Dominator. BM goes for the cover but AG kicks out at two. BM looks frustrated and gets AG to his feet. BM whips AG into the ropes and looks to deliver a back body drop. AG is able to counter with a DDT though. AG goes for a cover but BM kicks out at two. AG gets to his feet and delivers a couple of stomps to BM. AG then grabs BM by the legs and looks to apply a figure-four leglock. As AG tries to apply the move, BM is able to block the hold by using his other leg to push AG off and send him chest-first into the turnbuckle. As AG staggers back, BM gets to his feet. BM nails a couple of forearm shots to AG’s kidney. BM turns AG around, kicks him in the gut, and delivers the Dominator. BM then covers AG and gets the three-count to win the match!

Winner of the Match = BLACK MALE

After the Match:
The ref raises BM’s hand as BM’s theme plays. The ref then helps AG out of the ring and to the back. BM grabs a mic and begins to speak.

BM: Nobody believed me when I said I’d make my mark in this company and rise to the top. But surprise, surprise; look who’s going to headline WrestleRampage. And at WrestleRampage, I’ll take my rightful place at the top. I’ll beat that big freak who thinks everyday is Halloween and the Mexican jabroni who has my world title. I WILL be victorious, by any means necessary.

BM’s music hits the speakers again as he raises his right arm. SM & JBL summarize the match as the fans boo BM. BM then exits the ring and goes backstage.
The WCCWL is always looking for new members; take a chance at becoming a champ!! PM Mo Z. Dizzle if interested!!

Mo Z. Dizzle

  • Muthafuckin' Don!
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  • Mo Z. Dizzle, the CEO of WCC Wrestling League
Re: KOTR Tournament/WCC Wrestling League
« Reply #1823 on: March 11, 2012, 08:27:51 PM »
Match 2: Triple Terror Match
M Dogg vs. HD vs. Dollar Bill

*We see a video clip from Battle of the Barons where M Dogg defeated Mafioso. Back to ringside, we hear Dollar Bill’s music hit the speakers first. The fans give a subtle reaction as he makes his way down to the ring. HD’s music hits the speakers next and he also gets a quiet response from the audience on his way down the ring. M Dogg’s music hits last as the fans boo the WCCWL champion. SM & JBL mention that tonight’s match is to give M Dogg some preparation for WrestleRampage. M Dogg makes his way down to the ring with the World Title around his waist. M Dogg enters the ring, climbs to the second turnbuckle, and taunts the crowd before preparing for the match. M Dogg takes off his title and hands it to the ref; the ref hands the belt to the time keeper. The bell rings and the match is underway…*

M Dogg’s Predictions:
WWE Title Elimination Chamber Match = Punk wins = 2 points
World Title Elimination Chamber Match = Bryan wins = 2 points
Ambulance Match – Cena vs. Kane = Cena wins = 2 points
Beth vs. Tamina = Beth wins; pin = 2 points

Finish of the Match:
In an action-packed match, we see M Dogg in control over both HD and DB. With both HD and DB in opposite corners, we see M Dogg taking turns working over his opponents. We see M Dogg deliver some backhand chops to DB. M Dogg then walks over to HD and delivers a few jabs. M Dogg follows up with a jumping Enzuigiri to send HD to the mat. M Dogg then turns his attention again to DB. M Dogg charges over and delivers a high-knee lift to DB. M Dogg then grabs a hold of DB and delivers a running bulldog. M Dogg then gets DB up to his feet and sends him into the corner again. M Dogg approaches DB and sets him on the top turnbuckle. M Dogg looks to hit the Muscle Buster; during this time, HD gets to his feet. As M Dogg turns around with DB set up on his shoulders, HD kicks M Dogg in the gut; M Dogg releases DB due to the kick. HD and DB double-team M Dogg by deliver a few punches. HD and DB then deliver a double-suplex on M Dogg. DB goes for a pin, but HD pulls him off. HD then goes for a pin but DB also pulls him off. HD and DB get nose-to-nose and start trading punches. HD then gets the upperhand. HD tries to whip DB into the ropes, but DB counters. As HD charges off the ropes, he delivers the Lou Thesz Press on DB; HD then follows up with multiple punches. While this happens, we see M Dogg using the ropes to get to his feet. As HD turns his attention to M Dogg, M Dogg charges over and delivers a huge spear. M DOgg then re-focuses on DB. M Dogg gets DB up to his feet and sends him to the corner again. M Dogg sets DB on the top turnbuckle for the Muscle Buster once more. This time, M Dogg is able to deliver the Muscle Buster. M Dogg then drags DB towards HD. M Dogg then covers DB and HD separately with each hand to get the three-count and win the match!

Winner of the Match = M DOGG

After the Match:
The ref raises M Dogg’s hand and hands him his title. We see officials come out to help HD and DB to the back. M Dogg then grabs a mic and begins to speak.

M Dogg: Tonight, I proved why I am the WCCWL World Champion! Come WrestleRampage, I’ll not only walk in as the Champ but also walk out as the Champ! Despite the odds being against me, I’ll do whatever I need to do to keep this belt. As for my opponents, well we have one guy who pretends he’s coming out of a horror movie; you think I’d be worried about him?! Hell, he failed at last year’s WrestleRampage! And this year, he’s facing a more dominant force! And as for the Louis Farrakhan wannabe; sure you’ve had an impressive run. But up till this point, you’ve only had to face boys. At WrestleRampage when you face real men, your luck is going to come crashing down! See you bitches at WrestleRampage!

M Dogg drops the mic as his theme plays. M Dogg holds his title high in the air as the fans boo him. SM & JBL summarize the match. M Dogg then exits the ring and takes a seat next to JBL. M Dogg tells the commentators he’s going to scout Lucifer in his match.


*We go backstage where Lauren is with Lucifer.*

Lauren: Lucifer, we’ve heard from both Black Male and M Dogg. What do you have to say about the triple terror main event at WrestleRampage that you’ll be a part of?

Lucifer: WrestleRampage…the World Title…two years in a row now I’m a part of the main event as the challenger. Last year, I fell short; destiny was not on my side. And that has clawed at me every moment for the past year. This year, I will not make the same mistakes. This year, I will capture the WCCWL World Title.

Lauren: What about your opponents? What do you think of them?

Lucifer: To give credit where credit is due, both my opponents are formidable. One of them though has never been in a main event. Black Male, you say that I think everyday is Halloween? You should be focused on developing a strategy instead being a comedian. Because at WrestleRampage, it will be like Halloween; except the only treat you’ll receive is disappointment when you not only fail to capture the title, but fall down the ladder. As for M Dogg…we’ve had quite a history. And at WrestleRampage, there’ll be another page in that history. That page will be your horror movie; because it’ll state what is to be, and that will be me becoming the new WCCWL World Heavyweight Champion at WrestleRampage!

Lauren: Thank you for time Lucifer

*Lucifer walks off as the camera view goes back to ringside.*
The WCCWL is always looking for new members; take a chance at becoming a champ!! PM Mo Z. Dizzle if interested!!

Mo Z. Dizzle

  • Muthafuckin' Don!
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  • Mo Z. Dizzle, the CEO of WCC Wrestling League
Re: KOTR Tournament/WCC Wrestling League
« Reply #1824 on: March 11, 2012, 08:31:43 PM »
Match 3: Tag Team Match
Lucifer/Sikotic vs. P. Nelson/Grim

*We see a video showing the ending of the Great Battle Match which resulted in a tie between Black Male and Lucifer. The clip ends with Mo Z. Dizzle’s announcement of the triple terror main event at WrestleRampage. The camera view goes back to ringside. We hear Black Male’s theme hit the speakers as he makes his way out. SM & JBL wonder what he’s doing; BM takes a seat beside SM and mentions that he’s going to be scouting Lucifer as well.

The lights go out and Grim’s theme hits the speakers. Grim makes his way out with his scythe in hand as the fans boo him. SM mentions that Grim had five eliminations in the Great Battle match, which included Undertaker and Cody Rhodes, before being eliminated by Grim. Grim leaves his scythe on the outside and enters the ring where he sets off a pyro in regular fashion. P. Nelson’s theme hits the speakers next and the fans give him a negative response as well. JBL mentions that Nelson had four eliminations in the Great Battle match, which included Sheamus and John Cena. Nelson enters the ring and taunts the crowd a bit before preparing for the match. We then hear Sikotic’s theme hit the speakers as the fans explode in huge cheers. As Sikotic makes his way to the ring, SM mentions that Sikotic had five eliminations that include The Rock and Y2J before being elimination by Lucifer in the Great Battle Match. Sikotic gets on the ring apron, climbs to the second turnbuckle, and holds his right arm high in the air as the fans start a “Sikotic” chant. Sikotic then enters the ring. The lights go out again and out last is Lucifer. The fans cheer Lucifer as he makes his way to the ring. JBL mentions that Lucifer had five eliminations in the Great Battle match, which included his partner tonight Sikotic, Grim, and Kane before tying with Black Male. Lucifer climbs the steps and raises his arms to bring the lights back on. Lucifer then enters the ring and gets ready for the match. The team members talk with each other to see who will start the match. We then see Lucifer and Grim exit the ring as Sikotic and Nelson will start the main event. The bell is rung and the main event has begun…*

Lucifer’s Predictions:
WWE Title Elimination Chamber Match = Y2J wins = 0 points
World Title Elimination Chamber Match = Bryan wins = 2 points
Ambulance Match - Cena vs. Kane = Cena wins = 2 points
Beth vs. Tamina = Beth wins; pin = 2 points

Sikotic’s Predictions:
WWE Title Elimination Chamber Match = Punk wins = 2 points
World Title Elimination Chamber Match = Bryan wins = 2 points
Ambulance Match – Cena vs. Kane = Cena wins = 2 points
Beth vs. Tamina = Beth wins; pin = 2 points


P. Nelson’s Predictions:
WWE Title Elimination Chamber Match = Punk wins = 2 points
World Title Elimination Chamber Match = Bryan wins = 2 points
Ambulance Match – Cena vs. Kane = Cena wins = 2 points
Beth vs. Tamina = Beth wins; pin = 2 points

Grim's Predictions:
WWE Title Elimination Chamber Match = Punk wins = 2 points
World Title Elimination Chamber Match = Bryan wins = 2 points
Ambulance Match - Cena vs. Kane = Cena wins = 2 points
Beth vs. Tamina = Tamina wins; pin = 0 points


Tie-breaker system:
Sikotic, Nelson, and Grim all had the main match correct; Lucifer did not.
Therefore, the team of Nelson & Grim wins.

Finish of the Match:
In a thrilling main event, we see Lucifer with the momentum in his favour and working over Grim. Lucifer has Grim scooped up on his shoulder. Lucifer drops Grim face-first across the turnbuckle. As Grim staggers about, Lucifer runs off the ropes and delivers Snake Eyes to Grim. Lucifer goes for a cover but is only able to get a two-count. Lucifer gets to his feet and looks to deliver a Chokeslam to Grim. Grim also gets to his feet and Lucifer grabs him by the throat. Grim grabs Lucifer’s arm to stop the move and eventually breaks Lucifer’s grasp on his throat. Grim then delivers a couple of uppercuts with a kick to Lucifer’s midsection. Grim then charges off the ropes and delivers a dropkick to Lucifer’s leg. Grim then nails a boot to Lucifer’s face. Grim then goes and tags in P. Nelson. Nelson gets into the ring and delivers a few stomps to Lucifer. Nelson goes for a cover but only gets a two-count. Nelson gets Lucifer to his feet and delivers a couple of backhand chops. Lucifer fires back with punches to eventually take the momentum. Lucifer then grabs Nelson by the arm; Lucifer applies a wrist lock and follows up with shoulder blocks. With the wrist lock still applied, Lucifer walks towards Sikotic and tags him in. Sikotic enters the ring and deliver an elbow shot to Nelson’s arm. Sikotic then gets Nelson in the corner and delivers a few stomps followed by punches. Sikotic whips Nelson over to the opposite corner. As Nelson stumbles back towards the middle of the ring after hitting the turnbuckle, Sikotic grabs a hold of him and delivers a spinebuster. Sikotic goes for a cover but Nelson kicks out at two. Sikotic then gets Nelson on to his feet; Sikotic gets Nelson, sets Nelson onto his shoulders, and delivers a Samoan Drop. Sikotic then grabs Nelson by his legs and applies the Sharpshooter. Nelson yells in pain but refuses to give up. After a few moments, we see Grim enter into the ring and deliver a big boot to Sikotic to break the hold. Grim exits the ring; Lucifer tries to enter the ring and go after Grim but the ref stops him and tells him to get back outside. As this happens, Grim re-enters the ring. With Sikotic back on his feet and grasping his face, Grim grabs Sikotic by the throat and delivers a Chokeslam. Grim then grabs Nelson and drags him on top of Sikotic before exiting the ring again. The ref turns around and starts to count; Lucifer though enters the ring and breaks the pin attempt. The ref again forces Lucifer to go back into his corner. We see Nelson get back to his feet and deliver a couple of stomps to Sikotic. Nelson gets Sikotic to his feet and delivers a couple of forearm shot. Nelson then scoops Sikotic up. Nelson charges towards the corner and sends Sikotic back first into the turnbuckles; Sikotic is upside down in the corner with his legs tied up on the top. Nelson delivers a few shoulder thrusts to Sikotic’s gut. Nelson then gets Sikotic off the turnbuckle and onto the mat. Nelson then drags Sikotic away from the corner and turns Sikotic onto his back. Nelson goes back to the corner and climbs to the top. Nelson flies off the top, looking to hit a flying elbow drop to Sikotic’s chest. Sikotic is able to roll out of the way at the last moment, causing Nelson to crash into the mat. With both stars on the mat, the ref begins a 10-count. We see both Sikotic and Nelson trying to crawl over to their corners and tag their partners in. As the ref gets his count to 7, we see Nelson tag in Grim. As Grim enters and the ref gets his count to 8, we see Sikotic tag in Lucifer. The two monsters enter the ring and start exchanging offense till Grim gets a slight advantage. Grim whips Lucifer into the ropes and tries a clothesline, but Lucifer ducks. Lucifer charges off the opposite ropes and delivers a leaping clothesline to Grim. Grim gets up and is given another clothesline by Lucifer. Nelson enters the fray but is also given a clothesline from Lucifer. Grim tries to attack Lucifer with a punch, but Lucifer ducks; Lucifer grabs Grim and delivers a sidewalk slam. Nelson tries to attack Grim again but is given a big boot to the face. Lucifer turns his attention to Grim again. As Grim gets to his feet, Lucifer grabs him by the throat, looking again to deliver a Chokeslam. Nelson attacks Lucifer from behind to prevent the Chokeslam. Grim and Nelson start double-teaming Lucifer. Sikotic enters in the fray and goes after Nelson with a few punches, gaining the advantage and getting Nelson caught on the top rope. Sikotic takes a few steps back and delivers a clothesline, sending Nelson over the top. Sikotic exits the ring and continues to go after Nelson with punches. Sikotic then whips Nelson into the barricade. Sikotic then grabs Nelson, but Nelson delivers a thumb to the eye. Nelson grabs Sikotic by the back of his head and tries to slam him face-first into the steel steps, but Sikotic stops the hold and delivers elbow shots to Nelson’s gut. Sikotic then slams Nelson face-first into the steel steps. Sikotic continues to go after Nelson as Nelson staggers towards the back. Back in the ring, we see Lucifer and Grim trading punches till Grim rakes Lucifer across the face. With Lucifer by the ropes, Grim charges over and delivers a clothesline to send Lucifer to the outside. With Lucifer sprawled to the outside, the ref starts a ten-count. At the count of five, we see Lucifer slowly getting to his feet. We then see M Dogg take off his headset and grab his World Title. Grim then distracts the ref. As Lucifer is about to enter the ring, M Dogg charges over and nails Lucifer in the head with the title to knock Lucifer out! M Dogg then hides underneath the ring as the ref continues his count. The ref’s count reaches 10 and Lucifer is unable to enter; this gives Grim and Nelson the victory!

Winners of the Match = P. NELSON AND GRIM
After the Match:
Grim’s theme hits the speakers as the ref raises his arm. The ref then goes to check on Lucifer. SM & JBL recap the match as well as M Dogg’s interference. Black Male also chips in and says that Lucifer is going to fail at WrestleRampage just like he failed last year and tonight. Back in the ring, Grim sets off another pyro as the fans boo him. Grim then exits the ring, grabs his scythe, and goes backstage. We then see M Dogg come out from under the ring and attack Lucifer as the ref helps him up. M Dogg rolls Lucifer into the ring before sliding in as well with his title. M Dogg whips Lucifer into the ropes and delivers a spear. M Dogg then sets the World Title on the mat. M Dogg gets Lucifer up again and whips him into the corner. M Dogg follows up with a high-knee lift. M Dogg then sits Lucifer onto the top turnbuckle and sets him up for the Muscle Buster. As this happens, we see Black Male take off his headset and approach the ring. M Dogg delivers the Muscle Buster to Lucifer onto the World Title. As this happens, BM enters the ring. As M Dogg gets to his feet and turns around, BM grabs M Dogg and delivers a spinebuster to M Dogg. BM then gets Lucifer to his feet, kicks Lucifer in the gut, and delivers the Dominator. BM grabs the World Title next and sets it on the mat. BM gets M Dogg to his feet, kicks M Dogg in the gut, and delivers the Dominator on top of the World Title. BM then grabs the World Title and looks at it as the fans boo him. SM & JBL recap what just happened. The commentating duo then thanks everybody for watching WCCWL’s No Escape event and mention this was the final stop on the Journey to WrestleRampage. The show showing Black Male holding the World Title high in his right arm with his right arm rose as his theme plays.

The WCCWL is always looking for new members; take a chance at becoming a champ!! PM Mo Z. Dizzle if interested!!

Mo Z. Dizzle

  • Muthafuckin' Don!
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  • Mo Z. Dizzle, the CEO of WCC Wrestling League
Re: KOTR Tournament/WCC Wrestling League
« Reply #1825 on: March 25, 2012, 07:55:06 PM »

With WrestleRampage 6 one week away, the WCCWL superstars get prepared for the biggest stage of them all.

With the Triple Terror main event for the WCCWL Title announced, there will be the upcoming contract signing this Monday night between the three participants and one final face-to-face-to-face confrontation this Friday between M Dogg, Black Male, and Lucifer. At the conclusion of No Escape, we saw Black Male as the only participant on his feet after he laid his opponents. What will happen on Monday and Friday? Will things get violent or will the three members be able to hold off any physical confrontations till their match?

Also at WrestleRampage 6, the Money in the Bank Ladder Match will be held. Prior to the match, there will be four qualifying matches which are as follows:
  • P. Nelson vs. Still Dre
  • AG vs. HD
  • Sikotic vs. Wykid
  • Grim vs. Dollar Bill
Which four stars will qualify for the MITB Ladder Match? And who will be the 2012 MITB winner, guaranteeing himself a title shot?

Find out all these answers and more at WCCWL's biggest show and the biggest stage of them all, WrestleRampage 6!!
The WCCWL is always looking for new members; take a chance at becoming a champ!! PM Mo Z. Dizzle if interested!!


Re: KOTR Tournament/WCC Wrestling League
« Reply #1826 on: March 26, 2012, 01:18:09 PM »
I need that MITB briefcase so I can get back on track.
My Chihuahuas Are Eternal


Mo Z. Dizzle

  • Muthafuckin' Don!
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  • Mo Z. Dizzle, the CEO of WCC Wrestling League
Re: KOTR Tournament/WCC Wrestling League
« Reply #1827 on: March 26, 2012, 04:50:13 PM »
I need that MITB briefcase so I can get back on track.

I think that's probably the last main accomplishment you'd need.

You've all the titles; been 2-time KOTR; won the Great Battle match; and headlined WR.
The WCCWL is always looking for new members; take a chance at becoming a champ!! PM Mo Z. Dizzle if interested!!

Mo Z. Dizzle

  • Muthafuckin' Don!
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  • Mo Z. Dizzle, the CEO of WCC Wrestling League
Re: KOTR Tournament/WCC Wrestling League
« Reply #1828 on: March 28, 2012, 09:11:00 PM »
*Mo Z. Dizzle's theme hits the speakers as the CEO of WCCWL makes his way out with a contract and pen in hand. The camera view goes to the ring where we see a table set up with 3 chairs and mics in front of each seat. Dizzle enters the ring and sets the contract on the table. Dizzle then grabs a mic.*

Dizzle: Ladies and gentlemen, in less than a week WCCWL will host the biggest show of all, WrestleRampage!! And at the 6th annual WrestleRampage, we will have a Triple Terror main event for the first time ever where three superstars will go compete for the WCCWL World Heavyweight Title! Tonight, we will hold the contract signing for the Triple Terror Match. Let me introduce the three superstars who will participate. Please welcome first, Black Male!

*Black Male's music hits the speakers as the fans boo him. BM make his way down to the ring and enters. BM then raises his right arm while standing tall in the ring. BM then shakes Dizzle's hand before taking a seat.*

Dizzle: Next, please welcome Lucifer!

*The lights go out as Lucifer's theme plays. Lucifer makes his way out to cheers from the fans. Lucifer makes his way down to the ring and climbs the steps. Before entering the ring, Lucifer raises his arms to bring the lights back on. Lucifer then enters the ring. Dizzle extend his hand but Lucifer gives him a cold stare before delivering a cold stare to Black Male as well. Lucifer then takes a seat.*

Dizzle: And finally please welcome the WCCWL World Heavyweight Champion, M Dogg!

*M Dogg's theme plays as the fans boo the WCCWL Champion. M Dogg makes his way out with the WCCWL Title around his waist. M Dogg enters the ring and climbs to the second turnbuckle where he taunts the crowd. M Dogg then gets off the turnbuckle and shakes Dizzle's hand.  M Dogg takes off the WCCWL Title and sets it up on the table before taking a seat.*

Dizzle: Now for the contract signing. Each of you will get to speak before you sign. M Dogg will go first, followed by Black Male and then Lucifer.

*Dizzle gives the contract and pen to M Dogg first.*

M Dogg: Undoubtedly, it seems that the odds are against me. After all, this is the first time there is a Triple Terror Match at WrestleRampage for the WCCWL Title. Mathematically, I only have a 33% chance of winning. However looking at you two fools, I probably have a better chance of retaining my title then other champion has had in the past! On the one hand, we have a rookie who's had quite the run. But sadly, you'll learn the hard way that you're a boy caught in a man's game when I retain the WCCWL Title. And on the other hand, we have a seasoned veteran who also headlined last year's WrestleRampage...and choked. And without a doubt, you'll end up choking again this year by losing at WrestleRampage for the second straight year!

*M Dogg then puts his mic on the table. M Dogg grabs the pen and signs the contract before handing it back to Dizzle. Dizzle then hands the contract and pen to BM.*

Black Male: Its funny that both of you doubt my abilities. I guess both you punk asses haven't paid attention to what I've done to all my opponents! But it makes no difference. I already proved my point to both of you fools at No Escape. And at WrestleRampage, history will repeat. Because I'll destroy both this Freddy Kreuger-wannabe and your lawn-mowing Hispanic punk ass. And I will walk away as the NEW WCCWL World Champion. By any means necessary!

*BM slams the mic down. BM grabs the pen and signs the contract; BM then hands them both back to Dizzle. Dizzle then gives the contract and pen to Lucifer.*

Lucifer: Those who do not learn from their mistakes are doomed to repeat it. Black Male, you talked about proving your point. Indeed you made a point. But don't take that as a false hope; because in order to win, you'll need to pin either M Dogg or myself to win the title. And you'll need to kill us to do that! As for you M Dogg, one year has gone where that loss has tormented me. I will NOT let last year repeat! At WrestleRampage, I will bring a NEW era of darkness over the WCCWL by capturing the WCCWL Title!

*Lucifer then drops the mic on the table. Lucifer grabs the pen and signs the contract. Lucifer then hands the contract and paper to Dizzle.*

Dizzle: Thank you gentlemen for the contract signing. All three of you will have one final meeting Friday before WrestleRampage this Sunday!

*Dizzle then exits the ring and goes backstage. In the ring, we see M Dogg and Lucifer get face-to-face as they both toss aside the table and exchange words. As both of them argue, we see BM attack them both and knocking M Dogg to the mat. BM then delivers forearm shots to Lucifer. BM tries to whip Lucifer into the corner, but Lucifer reverses. As BM hits the turnbuckle and staggers back towards the centre of the ring, Lucifer charges off the ropes and delivers Snake Eyes to BM. Lucifer then waits for BM to get up, looking to deliver a chokeslam. As this happens, we see M Dogg up to his feet. With Lucifer's focus on BM, M Dogg charges off the ropes and delivers a huge spear to Lucifer! M Dogg then grabs his title and approaches the laid out Lucifer, M Dogg grabs Lucifer by the head and delivers a couple of shots with the title to Lucifer.
M Dogg then turns his attention to BM, who is slowly getting to his feet. With BM up, M Dogg charges over and nails BM in the head with the belt. M Dogg then sets the table up in the ring. M Dogg drops the title and gets BM to his feet. M Dogg sends BM into the corner. M Dogg then seats BM on the top turnbuckle. M Dogg grabs a BM and delivers the Muscle Buster through the table!
M Dogg then grabs his title and holds it high in the air as his theme plays. The fans boo him as we see officials come out and try to clean up the carnage left in the ring.
The WCCWL is always looking for new members; take a chance at becoming a champ!! PM Mo Z. Dizzle if interested!!

Mo Z. Dizzle

  • Muthafuckin' Don!
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  • Mo Z. Dizzle, the CEO of WCC Wrestling League
Re: KOTR Tournament/WCC Wrestling League
« Reply #1829 on: March 29, 2012, 09:25:53 PM »
WWE WrestleMania 28 Card (written in order of importance)

One in a Lifetime:
Rock vs. Cena

Hell in a Cell - HBK as Special Ref:
Undertaker vs. HHH

WWE Title:
Punk (c) vs. Y2J

World Title:
Bryan (c) vs. Sheamus

IC Title:
Rhodes (c) vs. Big Show

Orton vs. Kane

Tag Team Match - GM of the winning team gets control of RAW & SD:
Team Teddy (Santino; R-Truth; Kofi; Ryder; Khali; Booker)
Team Johnny (Otunga; Mark Henry; Ziggler; Swagger; Miz; McIntyre)

Divas Tag Team Match:
Beth / Eve vs. Kelly / Maria Menounos


WCCWL WrestleRampage 6 Card

Matches 1 to 4 - MITB Qualifiers:
P. Nelson vs. Still Dre
AG vs. HD
Sikotic vs. Wykid
Grim vs. Dollar Bill

Match 5: MITB Ladder Match
Participants based on winners from qualifiers
Match Criteria:
Rules:   Predict winner (2 points)
Predict how they win – pin, submission, DQ or knockout (1 point)

Match 6: Triple Terror WCCWL World Heavyweight Title Match
M Dogg (c) vs. Black Male vs. Lucifer


Due date: Sunday April 1st, 2012 at 6:45PM EST (3:45PM PST)
Reminders to be sent Friday night, Saturday afternoon, and Sunday morning.
The WCCWL is always looking for new members; take a chance at becoming a champ!! PM Mo Z. Dizzle if interested!!