Author Topic: The Official Professional Wrestling Thread (WWE, TNA, etc.)  (Read 290601 times)


Re: Sticky: The Official WWE Thread
« Reply #3555 on: January 22, 2008, 08:46:47 PM »
^You really don't see the similarities between Abyss/Kane/Mankind????

The Mask, the Chokeslam, the depressed/crazy persona, the Thumbtacks, the "secret" past...

Dude is a straight bite of both Kane and Mankid without a doubt...

Exactly, they just took something the WWE did and redid it, which is why I say they're weak and unoriginal.

I love it when people compare Abyss to Kane &/or Mankind. Other than the chokeslam (that isn't even Abyss' special move) & mask what do the 2 have in common??? I can't wait to see your respeonse, really. Plus why in the hell wouldn't they push Angle or Sting??? Well like you said they're both established. So if you had a wrestling federation, you wouldn't promote these guys??? Well if TNA wouldn't be promoting them so much haters would be calling them stupid for not using their 2 biggest stars so basically whatever TNA would do with them would be a wrong move in your opinion. Angle is great,"you know it and I know it, so don't get butt hurt". & about the X division, they're getting the biggest push they can thanks to Team 3D & soon thx to Scott Steiner. People tend to bitch about the division but I don't see no cruserweight division in the WWE making any moves. Who was the last champion??? Fucking Hornswoggle, what a disgrace. Oh & if TNA was so "weak & unoriginal" like you claim, believe me, I wouldn't be watching it. TNA is for people that are sick & tired of all the bullshit going on in the WWE (since people tend to complain about it all the time, even their fans). If you don't like either product, I suggest you leave wresting alone. Now that last sentence wasn't directed at you BUT if the shoe fits...
Before I even start, I just wanna say, I'm not defending WWE by any means, it seems like you're trying to make this a TNA vs. WWE thing, which is not what I'm going for. I'm just pointing out the flaws of TNA, and how they do not stand a chance at competing against WWE. I laugh whenever they make a big deal about beating ECW in the ratings, as if that is some great accomplishment or something lol. That's why TNA's program is on when WWE is not, because they don't want to get embarrassed by one of WWE's flagship shows. At least Nitro had the balls and ran at the same time as Raw. But enough about WWE.

There is a difference between just blindly pushing Angle and Sting or pushing them and using them to elevate other talent. The excitement behind Angle has died which is why the ratings haven't even changed dramatically since he joined the company. Same goes for Booker T and Christian.

X Division WAS exciting, but they don't use it to elevate their product like a few years ago before they had a TV deal. LOL @ Team 3D or the Streiners giving the X Division a push.....they're killing the X Division. They don't need a bunch of fossils and out of shape has-beens to make the X Division credible, it was great on it's own. But since the Cruiserweight division of WWE is no longer around, I guess TNA has to follow suit and kill off their version of it as well.

If you don't like either product then you have no business watching the product? That's a pretty foolish thing to say. WWE is too much "Sports entertainment" and not enough wrestling and TNA lacks ring psychology and a lot of their talents just do pointless spots. Anybody that will back either fed 100% should leave wrestling alone because they either forgot what the art of wrestling is all about or are ignorant to the facts.
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Re: Sticky: The Official WWE Thread
« Reply #3556 on: January 23, 2008, 06:14:23 AM »
howd you like the new stage

that shit looked like a PPV set lol i liked it though, looks dope when certain wrestlers (HHH, Y2J, etc.) come out and it's all customized for them.

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Re: Sticky: The Official WWE Thread
« Reply #3557 on: January 23, 2008, 10:47:01 AM »
Ay Sik it's cool & I respect your opinion, I admit though I thought you were trying it make it a "TNA vs WWE" argument. Sorry.


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Re: Sticky: The Official WWE Thread
« Reply #3558 on: January 23, 2008, 02:33:27 PM »
Confirmed: Bobby Lashley Is Gone From WWE; Details


Written by: Ryan Gray - January 23rd, 2008

The following was written by Richard Gray:

We are now able to confirm that Bobby Lashley is gone from World Wrestling Entertainment. In a phone call placed to's Ryan Gray, Lashley said that he is gone from the company. While he would not give any specifics he made it clear that he did not want to leave but had too due to circumstances beyond his control.

Lashley told's Ryan Gray that he was training hard for a potential career in Mixed Martial Arts. The former ECW Champion said that despite the fact that he wanted to pursue an MMA career, it would not be with UFC.

Lashley would not comment on whether or not he would be interested in going to TNA Wrestling. He said that WWE has granted his release but it would not be announced until the paperwork was finalized.

he mad cos of what happened with kristal

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Re: Sticky: The Official WWE Thread
« Reply #3559 on: January 23, 2008, 02:46:37 PM »
spot onarticle about whats wrong with wwe and tna

In the last decade we have seen some good booking in professional wrestling but we have also seen bad booking that leads to companies going out of business and losing the fan base that watches the show. But this has continued in recent years where we have seen WWE and TNA do some bad booking mistakes.

WCW went out of business for a number of reasons like Time Warner were bought out by AOL and did not want WCW on TNT and also the fact that WWE bought the competition in March 2001. But I think the real reason why they went out of business is that they drove the fans away due to bad booking and not bringing in the new breed.

Vince Russo who took charge of WCW in 1999 was thought to be a genius in the wrestling booking as he helped the WWF at the time and made good TV. But when he went to WCW the company was losing the Monday Night War against WWF and needed some new ways to get the audience to tune into the show. But the problem that happened was he started to do way too many gimmicks and not using the wrestlers as they should be instead of a one on one match for a world title he went with a triple cage match to get the world title and guess who won that David Arquette. Vince Russo continues to make the same booking mistakes in TNA.

Now WCW did this for most of 2000 and start of 2001 where they put way too many stipulations in a match and the wrestling and the wrestlers were not the focal point. My view on gimmick matches is use them wisely and only use them when it ends a feud or a grudge where the match makes sense. For example Batista Vs The Undertaker in 2007 had many matches and they used the gimmick matches well and ended with the right sort of match Hell in a Cell. In TNA they use gimmick matches a lot maybe half of the PPV’s they do is gimmicks and the problem also with gimmick matches is they can get boring if used too much like the Ultimate X they have, has been used way too much.

In the older days of wrestling we had simple booking where we had one heel and one baby face fighting it out for world title this is now rarely used because the wrestling companies think we don’t want this but in actual fact it makes sense to do it because the audience is likely to understand a basic feud rather than a whole lot of extras added which makes it confusing and not worth watching. If you look at the history a basic feud like Hulk Hogan Vs Sting in 1997 and Hulk Hogan turning heel it can make you a lot of money but you can only do it once. Trying to turn a wrestler heel or face too many times the wrestling audience just won’t care and give up.

We have seen this recently in the business in TNA mostly we are seeing guys like Samoa Joe, Kurt Angle, and Christian Cage be heel one minute, baby face the next, this has confused me and also the whole audience. The wrestling fans are looking for someone to cheer and the current feud between Kurt Angle and Christian Cage there is not one and even though they are top stars, good in ring workers this will not draw good buy rates for a ppv.
Let’s look at the current feud between Kurt Angle and Christian Cage it all started when AJ Styles and Tomko joined Kurt Angle to be part of his Angle Alliance but AJ Styles was told by Karen Angle he could stay with Christian Cage also. There is more they have more focus on AJ Styles where he makes a decision over the next few weeks to decide who to be with. Tomko says he’s on his own and wants nothing to do with either Christian or Kurt Angle. But then Karen Angle then tells AJ Styles to decide to be With the Angle Alliance but he does not what to do. A world title match is on the line which Christian Cage got a shot at and now I’m confused. This is booking that has caused way too much confusion the way I would have booked this is have AJ Styles choose after the PPV match between Kurt Angle and Christian Cage and actually only do this as a side story and not the main focus let Kurt Angle and Christian have a feud for the title.

The WWE have done something right which is basic booking between a heel and face. Randy Orton Vs Jeff Hardy at the Royal Rumble is a perfect example because Randy Orton is getting a lot of heel heat from the audience and Jeff Hardy is being built up as a legit challenger to the WWE title and a huge star in the making. They have done great build with Randy Orton making Jeff Hardy angry by giving Matt Hardy the Legend Kick nearly knocking him out and Jeff Hardy will do all he can to get his revenge and beat Randy Orton. The big stunt from a few weeks ago with Jeff Hardy doing the Swanton Bomb of the Scaffold and the build up to it was brilliant and had to stay tuned to see what happens. I thought this gave fans the view that Jeff Hardy will do anything to make sure Randy Orton is taken out!

In conclusion you can see the difference and if TNA and WWE. More basic booking I think the wrestling fans will comeback and the ratings will go back up and also the PPV buy rates go up a little. In recent years ratings have gone down to there lowest points in 10 years which is not a good sign and also buy rates are also at an all time low. I feel why buy a ppv if you know you’re not interested in buying it, so if they did basic booking where they got you interested then the chances of buying the ppv will be higher than usual.

In the next few months I think we could see some changes in the business where basic booking will come into play more and hopefully this will happen in TNA as if they don’t be basic they could fall to the same fait as what WCW did in 2001 and then we are stuck with just one again WWE.

In my next editorial I will be giving my feedback on the Royal Rumble and will give each match a rating out of 10 on how I thought each match went. But I will be doing many other topics over the next few weeks including about TNA, The Undertakers Career, Ric Flair’s Legacy, Hulk Hogan, Wrestlemania prediction of matches and much more.

I just want to say thank you for the feedback I got on the first editorial.

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Re: Sticky: The Official WWE Thread
« Reply #3560 on: January 23, 2008, 02:49:37 PM »
Confirmed: Bobby Lashley Is Gone From WWE; Details


Written by: Ryan Gray - January 23rd, 2008

The following was written by Richard Gray:

We are now able to confirm that Bobby Lashley is gone from World Wrestling Entertainment. In a phone call placed to's Ryan Gray, Lashley said that he is gone from the company. While he would not give any specifics he made it clear that he did not want to leave but had too due to circumstances beyond his control.

Lashley told's Ryan Gray that he was training hard for a potential career in Mixed Martial Arts. The former ECW Champion said that despite the fact that he wanted to pursue an MMA career, it would not be with UFC.

Lashley would not comment on whether or not he would be interested in going to TNA Wrestling. He said that WWE has granted his release but it would not be announced until the paperwork was finalized.

he mad cos of what happened with kristal

At The Moment Lashley didn't fit in anyway, IMO.
(I wondered what would happen once him & Cena came back)

Not surpised about it, besides the Money & spotlight is looking good in MMA right now. (Lesnar)
2+ Fights a year & Going in as a "Former Pro wrestling Champion" will always help his name from Jump.

I say Lesnar Vs. Lashley in MMA, Now that's a fight I would pay to see.
(Too bad Vince Mc...I mean Dana White Would never allow that to happen unless Lashley is Part of the UFC)


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Re: Sticky: The Official WWE Thread
« Reply #3561 on: January 23, 2008, 02:58:44 PM »
If Lesner and Lashley do well in MMA, I have a feeling that pro-wrestling as we know it will go the way of Roller Derby and other side attractions in 10 years. WWE will be no more after Stephinie McMahon takes over (though I doubt she'll need MMA to take her out of business).


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Re: Sticky: The Official WWE Thread
« Reply #3562 on: January 23, 2008, 03:32:16 PM »
WWE will be no more after Stephinie McMahon takes over (though I doubt she'll need MMA to take her out of business).

The idea of her (or to a lesser extent Shane) running things is frightening.


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Re: Sticky: The Official WWE Thread
« Reply #3563 on: January 23, 2008, 05:21:56 PM »
It will be interesting to see what happens once Vince gives up the ghost.



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Re: Sticky: The Official WWE Thread
« Reply #3564 on: January 23, 2008, 05:48:34 PM »
Confirmed: Bobby Lashley Is Gone From WWE; Details


Written by: Ryan Gray - January 23rd, 2008

The following was written by Richard Gray:

We are now able to confirm that Bobby Lashley is gone from World Wrestling Entertainment. In a phone call placed to's Ryan Gray, Lashley said that he is gone from the company. While he would not give any specifics he made it clear that he did not want to leave but had too due to circumstances beyond his control.

Lashley told's Ryan Gray that he was training hard for a potential career in Mixed Martial Arts. The former ECW Champion said that despite the fact that he wanted to pursue an MMA career, it would not be with UFC.

Lashley would not comment on whether or not he would be interested in going to TNA Wrestling. He said that WWE has granted his release but it would not be announced until the paperwork was finalized.

he mad cos of what happened with kristal

thats a huge blow to the wwe

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Re: Sticky: The Official WWE Thread
« Reply #3565 on: January 23, 2008, 06:03:32 PM »
You know if this LAshley thing leavig the WWE  i dont think is as big of a blow a some of you think.

ONe thing i hope emerges from this and the brock Lesnar situation, STP PUSHING THESE YUONG GUYS DOWN ARE THROATS. See whats happens they dont even have the passion for wrestliing and they quit after being put over by everyone.


Re: Sticky: The Official WWE Thread
« Reply #3566 on: January 23, 2008, 09:22:27 PM »
Ay Sik it's cool & I respect your opinion, I admit though I thought you were trying it make it a "TNA vs WWE" argument. Sorry.
Nah man, it's cool. Nothing like a good debate. I guess we gotta agree to disagree.

As for Lashley leaving WWE, don't let the door hit you on the way out. Dude was always very boring personality-wise and in the ring. I thought that his feud with Cena was extremely boring too. This isn't bad news to me at all.
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Re: Sticky: The Official WWE Thread
« Reply #3567 on: January 23, 2008, 10:48:41 PM »
Ay Sik it's cool & I respect your opinion, I admit though I thought you were trying it make it a "TNA vs WWE" argument. Sorry.
Nah man, it's cool. Nothing like a good debate. I guess we gotta agree to disagree.

As for Lashley leaving WWE, don't let the door hit you on the way out. Dude was always very boring personality-wise and in the ring. I thought that his feud with Cena was extremely boring too. This isn't bad news to me at all.

its great

he got forced down are throats, he had no fan suport, no in ring charuisma and no mic skills fuck em'


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Re: Sticky: The Official WWE Thread
« Reply #3568 on: January 24, 2008, 12:44:25 AM »
Ay Sik it's cool & I respect your opinion, I admit though I thought you were trying it make it a "TNA vs WWE" argument. Sorry.
Nah man, it's cool. Nothing like a good debate. I guess we gotta agree to disagree.

As for Lashley leaving WWE, don't let the door hit you on the way out. Dude was always very boring personality-wise and in the ring. I thought that his feud with Cena was extremely boring too. This isn't bad news to me at all.

its great

he got forced down are throats, he had no fan suport, no in ring charuisma and no mic skills fuck em'

yeah  8)



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Re: Sticky: The Official WWE Thread
« Reply #3569 on: January 24, 2008, 05:50:22 AM »
The absolute latest on Bobby Lashley, win 'The Game Plan' DVD, more
By Ricky Giri | January 23, 2008    

The absolute latest on Bobby Lashley, win 'The Game Plan' DVD, more
As we reported earlier, Bobby Lashley has given notice that he wants his release from WWE. For all the latest updates and headlines on this story, click here. Here is the latest on the situation.

Dave Scherer is reporting that Lashley informed WWE that he wants to leave the company. One of the reasons he wants his release is how his girlfriend Kristal was treated when she was released from the company (for more on why Kristal was fired, click here). She had been upset with her role in the Vickie Guerrero - Teddy Long storyline and was let go shortly after that. There may have been a racial part of the storyline that she was uncomfortable with.

Lashley wants his release from his WWE contract, and has told reporter Ryan Gray that he was looking at MMA. If WWE does grant Lashley his release, they may try to block him from competing in MMA, similar to the release they gave Brock Lesnar (that Lesnar was able to get out of in the courts). Dave Meltzer reported earlier that Lashley was training out of San Jose's American Kickboxing Academy to go into MMA when he got his WWE offer in 2004.

As of now, the release isn't complete, which makes it interesting that Lashley has gone public with it before the release was officially granted. Meltzer had also mentioned earlier today that some WWE employees were aware of the situation last night at the Smackdown tapings, however word had not yet spread within the company. Most in the company found out about is today and many people in the creative team weren't aware of this. People in TNA or UFC who would know if Lashley was looking to go there didn't know anything as of this afternoon.

We will keep you updated on this story.

Meanwhile, you can win a copy of the Rock's latest hit, The Game Plan, courtesy of We will select two lucky members at random who are signed up for our email updates. The winner will be notified by email if they won. For more on the contest, or to sign up for our email updates, click here.

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