Author Topic: Physicist Claims 9/11 was inside job  (Read 623 times)

TraceOneInfinite Flat Earther 96'

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Physicist Claims 9/11 was inside job
« on: April 19, 2006, 12:34:18 AM »
Physicist Claims 9/11 was inside job


Physicist says heat substance felled WTC

Extremely hot fires caused structures to fail, BYU expert says
By Suzanne Dean
For the Deseret Morning News
EPHRAIM — A Brigham Young University physicist said he now believes an incendiary substance called thermite, bolstered by sulfur, was used to generate exceptionally hot fires at the World Trade Center on 9/11, causing the structural steel to fail and the buildings to collapse.
"It looks like thermite with sulfur added, which really is a very clever idea," Steven Jones, professor of physics at BYU, told a meeting of the Utah Academy of Science, Arts and Letters at Snow College Friday.
The government requires standard explosives to contain tag elements enabling them to be traced back to their manufacturers. But no tags are required in aluminum and iron oxide, the materials used to make thermite, he said. Nor, he said, are tags required in sulfur.
Jones is co-chairman, with James H. Fetzer, a distinguished professor of philosophy at the University of Minnesota of Scholars for 9/11 Truth, a group of college faculty members who believe conspirators other than pilots of the planes were directly involved in bringing down New York's Trade Towers.
The group, which Jones said has 200 members, maintains a Web site at A 40-page paper by Jones, along with other peer-reviewed and non-reviewed academic papers, are posted on the site.
Last year, Jones presented various arguments for his theory that explosives or incendiary devices were planted in the Trade Towers, and in WTC 7, a smaller building in the Trade Center complex, and that those materials, not planes crashing into the buildings, caused the buildings to collapse.
At that time, he mentioned thermite as the possible explosive or incendiary agent. But Friday, he said he is increasingly convinced that thermite and sulfur were the root causes of the 9/11 disaster.
He told college professors and graduate students from throughout Utah gathered for the academy meeting that while almost no fire, even one ignited by jet fuel, can cause structural steel to fail, the combination of thermite and sulfur "slices through steel like a hot knife through butter."
He ticked off several pieces of evidence for his thermite fire theory:
First, he said, video showed a yellow, molten substance splashing off the side of the south Trade Tower about 50 minutes after an airplane hit it and a few minutes before it collapsed. Government investigators ruled out the possibility of melting steel being the source of the material because of the unlikelihood of steel melting. The investigators said the molten material must have been aluminum from the plane.
But, said Jones, molten aluminum is silvery. It never turns yellow. The substance observed in the videos "just isn't aluminum," he said. But, he said, thermite can cause steel to melt and become yellowish.
Second, he cited video pictures showing white ash rising from the south tower near the dripping, liquefied metal. When thermite burns, Jones said, it releases aluminum-oxide ash. The presence of both yellow-white molten iron and aluminum oxide ash "are signature characteristics of a thermite reaction," he said.
Another item of evidence, Jones said, is the fact that sulfur traces were found in structural steel recovered from the Trade Towers. Jones quoted the New York Times as saying sulfidization in the recovered steel was "perhaps the deepest mystery uncovered in the (official) investigation." But, he said, sulfidization fits the theory that sulfur was combined with thermite to make the thermite burn even hotter than it ordinarily would.
Jones said a piece of building wreckage had a gray substance on the outside that at one point had obviously been a dripping molten metal or liquid. He said that after thermite turns steel or iron into a molten form, and the metal hardens, it is gray.
He added that pools of molten metal were found beneath both trade towers and the 47-story WTC 7. That fact, he said, was never discussed in official investigation reports.
And even though WTC 7 was not connected to the Trade Towers — in fact, there was another building between it and the towers —and even though it was never hit by a plane, it collapsed. That suggests, he said, that it came down because a thermite fire caused its structural steel to fail.
Jones said his studies are confined to physical causes of the collapses, and he doesn't like to speculate about who might have entered the buildings and placed thermite and sulfur. But he said 10 to 20 people "in the know," plus other people who didn't know what they were doing but did what they were told, could have placed incendiary packages over several weeks.
Givin' respect to 2pac September 7th-13th The Day Hip-Hop Died

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TraceOneInfinite Flat Earther 96'

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Re: Physicist Claims 9/11 was inside job
« Reply #1 on: April 19, 2006, 12:34:50 AM »

One of the things that really makes me wonder if it was a conspiracy, is the fact that the Usama video that came out in Oct. 01' which has been proved to be fake (by comparing the image of Usama to other images of Usama) had the Usama imposter conveniently explaining how he calculated in advance the fact that the towers would be hit at the top and then disinegrate.
Givin' respect to 2pac September 7th-13th The Day Hip-Hop Died

(btw, Earth 🌎 is not a spinning water ball)


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Re: Physicist Claims 9/11 was inside job
« Reply #2 on: April 19, 2006, 12:38:20 AM »
look buddy, nobody knows and ur gay ass sure doesn't know

go lick that weener u're always speakin about


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Re: Physicist Claims 9/11 was inside job
« Reply #3 on: April 19, 2006, 04:09:32 AM »
so it was planned better than expected... how does this change anything ? terrorists of islam still blew it up.

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Re: Physicist Claims 9/11 was inside job
« Reply #4 on: April 19, 2006, 04:34:22 AM »
it was an inside job, no doubt. It was used to trigger war with Afganistan, Iraq and Iran, all three countries are in a line, and all three countries are important for oil lines and such. Now that Iraq is turning out to be so hard to win, Bush is back peddling and saying we need to get off oil, and we need to find new fuel sources. All of that, just to find out that people in other countries refuse to be pawns.

Wessia4LiaNia Chieee Chieee

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Re: Physicist Claims 9/11 was inside job
« Reply #5 on: April 19, 2006, 06:45:58 AM »
what difference does it make? an inside or outside job thousands of pple lost their lives and after 5 years they are rule by the same stupid muthaphucka. WHY?! cause they are ignorant ! How can u let the allection go in favor for the same guy, when it smells a mile away that there been falsified votes?! maybe...twice?! shit..i don't even  wanna hear about it
Lyrical Swords 4 Lia


Re: Physicist Claims 9/11 was inside job
« Reply #6 on: April 19, 2006, 11:00:40 AM »
it was an inside job, no doubt. It was used to trigger war with Afganistan, Iraq and Iran, all three countries are in a line, and all three countries are important for oil lines and such. Now that Iraq is turning out to be so hard to win, Bush is back peddling and saying we need to get off oil, and we need to find new fuel sources. All of that, just to find out that people in other countries refuse to be pawns.
Bush is a BEAST.


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Re: Physicist Claims 9/11 was inside job
« Reply #7 on: April 19, 2006, 12:11:38 PM »
im seriously gettin fed up of saying this



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Re: Physicist Claims 9/11 was inside job
« Reply #8 on: April 19, 2006, 12:53:51 PM »
im seriously gettin fed up of saying this

lmao u sayed the same thing in every similar topic
United Arab States


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Re: Physicist Claims 9/11 was inside job
« Reply #9 on: April 19, 2006, 01:00:25 PM »
Why would the US goverment make one big conspiracy to kill thousands of people...

I do believe many things were fake and lied about like the Usama video and shit!


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Re: Physicist Claims 9/11 was inside job
« Reply #10 on: April 19, 2006, 01:31:59 PM »
Why would the US goverment make one big conspiracy to kill thousands of people...

I do believe many things were fake and lied about like the Usama video and shit!


im seriously gettin fed up of saying this

lmao u sayed the same thing in every similar topic

watch and u will see why


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Re: Physicist Claims 9/11 was inside job
« Reply #11 on: April 19, 2006, 01:35:58 PM »
Don't think for one second that because they are the government of america makes them any less prone to evil than any other government. Why would they do this? there are so many reasons The PNAC document written by neocons which include Wolfowitz, Cheney called for a "helpful pearl harbour" in order to advance their plans. Those plans include basically the makings of a global conflict against "rogue states" now if you are asking why would they do this, americans on the whole were beginning to realise what a corrupt government this administration was before 9/11 so first of all there is the distraction element. You look at what is taking place throughout europe and america since 9/11 it has been used as the catalyst for draconian laws and for the voice of dissent to be silenced either in shame or through new laws such as incitement to terrorism.

Meanwhile the military arm of the government and by that I mean Haliburton for example gets awarded contracts worth billions and will no doubt number into trillions of dollars the longer the war goes on. People like Dick Cheney to say they had a conflict of interests would be stating the obvious. The corporations or should I say the oil corporations want complete control over the middle east resources. Again if you ask yourself why two reasons power and the very wars themselves create instability in the region, instability in the world oil markets will lead to what we have seen massive price increases in oil. Meanwhile who benefits from these massive price rises the oil companies.

Then there is another equation to add into this, and that is the influence of Israel it is a subject which I do not feel comfortable in comprehending but there have been some in Israel whose long held plans have basically been to destroy Muslims. Islam is seen as the enemy and must be stopped, in reality it is the international community who are effectively one huge conglomerate, if you look at the most important group in the world you would probably have to say the bildabergers. I hope I am not rambling but the intentions of creating an all powerful new world order are severely hampered by the fact these countries like the arab countries already mentioned resist it. You can think what you like about Islam but its idealology is far different to facism. Facism in its purest sense means when there is nothing distinguishable between giant corporations and government that is unfortunately what we are seeing. Americans and europeans alike have been driven into a deep seated fear of this "threat" and so on the whole are still whole heartedly backing whatever the government does but apparently it is for own safety.

Now if you back further than September 11th you will find out that the patriot act far from being a reaction to September 11th was actually drawn up in Mid 2000. You may have your own opinions on the patriot act but anyone who has read even part of it will know that its sole purpose is to create basically a non tolerance state. By that I mean everything you do which is deemed to be anti government could by its very nature be deemed anti american and thus the finger of suspicion falls directly onto this person. You have to remember, and as Loose Change points out this notion of an american government actually planning to carry out attacks against american cities under the guise of "terrorists" is nothing new they planned exactly the same thing during the troubles with Cuba american planes to be blown out of the sky, "cubans" landing in america to target targets etc. Fortunately at that time Kennedy thwarted this move and had the man behind the plan thrown out from his position.

In addition we have Osama Bin Laden absolutely denying that he had any part in September 11th straight after and yet we had George Bush and his puppet masters sitting around a table staring right into the camera telling the world it was Osama Bin Laden and then we have the fake tapes etc. Getting away from that point though it is fact that plans were in place to build a huge pipeline running straight through Afghanistan Uzbekhistan and beyond (apologies if i have got Uzbekhistan wrong). The Taliban however thwarted this move during Mid 2001 and for all intense and purposes the deal was dead in the water and the Taliban wasnt budging. The next point can say what you like for the Taliban but one good thing they definitely did bring to the world was a massive reduction of the production of Opium. Now it has long been the suspicion that the CIA drug run and another possible motive for the Taliban being knocked off their perch was that they were in fact being far too effective in shrinking production. Since the Northern Alliance has come back to power even the mainstream media has said that Opium production has shot up 3000% in the space of 4 years. I hope this response makes sense as I have been trying to write it quickly and just summarise my main ponts


King Tech Quadafi

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Re: Physicist Claims 9/11 was inside job
« Reply #12 on: April 19, 2006, 03:20:18 PM »
so it was planned better than expected... how does this change anything ? terrorists of islam still blew it up.

"One day Alice came to a fork in the road and saw a Cheshire cat in a tree. "Which road do I take?" she asked. "Where do you want to go?" was his response. "I don't know," Alice answered. "Then," said the cat, "it doesn't matter."

- Lewis Carroll

King Tech Quadafi

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Re: Physicist Claims 9/11 was inside job
« Reply #13 on: April 19, 2006, 03:22:11 PM »
Don't think for one second that because they are the government of america makes them any less prone to evil than any other government. Why would they do this? there are so many reasons The PNAC document written by neocons which include Wolfowitz, Cheney called for a "helpful pearl harbour" in order to advance their plans. Those plans include basically the makings of a global conflict against "rogue states" now if you are asking why would they do this, americans on the whole were beginning to realise what a corrupt government this administration was before 9/11 so first of all there is the distraction element. You look at what is taking place throughout europe and america since 9/11 it has been used as the catalyst for draconian laws and for the voice of dissent to be silenced either in shame or through new laws such as incitement to terrorism.

Meanwhile the military arm of the government and by that I mean Haliburton for example gets awarded contracts worth billions and will no doubt number into trillions of dollars the longer the war goes on. People like Dick Cheney to say they had a conflict of interests would be stating the obvious. The corporations or should I say the oil corporations want complete control over the middle east resources. Again if you ask yourself why two reasons power and the very wars themselves create instability in the region, instability in the world oil markets will lead to what we have seen massive price increases in oil. Meanwhile who benefits from these massive price rises the oil companies.

Then there is another equation to add into this, and that is the influence of Israel it is a subject which I do not feel comfortable in comprehending but there have been some in Israel whose long held plans have basically been to destroy Muslims. Islam is seen as the enemy and must be stopped, in reality it is the international community who are effectively one huge conglomerate, if you look at the most important group in the world you would probably have to say the bildabergers. I hope I am not rambling but the intentions of creating an all powerful new world order are severely hampered by the fact these countries like the arab countries already mentioned resist it. You can think what you like about Islam but its idealology is far different to facism. Facism in its purest sense means when there is nothing distinguishable between giant corporations and government that is unfortunately what we are seeing. Americans and europeans alike have been driven into a deep seated fear of this "threat" and so on the whole are still whole heartedly backing whatever the government does but apparently it is for own safety.

Now if you back further than September 11th you will find out that the patriot act far from being a reaction to September 11th was actually drawn up in Mid 2000. You may have your own opinions on the patriot act but anyone who has read even part of it will know that its sole purpose is to create basically a non tolerance state. By that I mean everything you do which is deemed to be anti government could by its very nature be deemed anti american and thus the finger of suspicion falls directly onto this person. You have to remember, and as Loose Change points out this notion of an american government actually planning to carry out attacks against american cities under the guise of "terrorists" is nothing new they planned exactly the same thing during the troubles with Cuba american planes to be blown out of the sky, "cubans" landing in america to target targets etc. Fortunately at that time Kennedy thwarted this move and had the man behind the plan thrown out from his position.

In addition we have Osama Bin Laden absolutely denying that he had any part in September 11th straight after and yet we had George Bush and his puppet masters sitting around a table staring right into the camera telling the world it was Osama Bin Laden and then we have the fake tapes etc. Getting away from that point though it is fact that plans were in place to build a huge pipeline running straight through Afghanistan Uzbekhistan and beyond (apologies if i have got Uzbekhistan wrong). The Taliban however thwarted this move during Mid 2001 and for all intense and purposes the deal was dead in the water and the Taliban wasnt budging. The next point can say what you like for the Taliban but one good thing they definitely did bring to the world was a massive reduction of the production of Opium. Now it has long been the suspicion that the CIA drug run and another possible motive for the Taliban being knocked off their perch was that they were in fact being far too effective in shrinking production. Since the Northern Alliance has come back to power even the mainstream media has said that Opium production has shot up 3000% in the space of 4 years. I hope this response makes sense as I have been trying to write it quickly and just summarise my main ponts

thank you

if u were Afghan, Muslim, good looking and had a wicked sense of humour, dare I say...another Tech?
"One day Alice came to a fork in the road and saw a Cheshire cat in a tree. "Which road do I take?" she asked. "Where do you want to go?" was his response. "I don't know," Alice answered. "Then," said the cat, "it doesn't matter."

- Lewis Carroll


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Re: Physicist Claims 9/11 was inside job
« Reply #14 on: April 19, 2006, 03:55:02 PM »
If the US government was involved somehow a warm hearted person who has power in politics would find out and snitch...There are to many people to be involved and to many people to keep secrets.