Author Topic: NBA Playoffs: Round 2 (Clippers vs. Suns)  (Read 8997 times)


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Re: NBA Playoffs: Round 2 (Clippers vs. Suns)
« Reply #45 on: May 17, 2006, 12:08:12 PM »
lmao @ reaching. Yes. I'm reaching for pointing that you think you're apart of the Lakers franchise when you refer to the team as if they're your own. Lmao @ the classic-childish NIK defense of "I'm not the only one! Don't pick on me!!!" And how you found something homosexual in my E-40 analogy is beyond me. The simple fact that you're even looking for something to call gay proves I'm right. Talk about reaching. You're hurt and you're hurt cuz I'm right. If I wasn't, you would've dismissed it as simple BS and moved on. But, you didn't. Awwwww....Poor Nik!

You're right about what? LMFAO! There is no right or wrong in this, you dumbfuck, it's a matter of you having a ridiculous opinion...It's obvious that you didn't grow up around sports/sportfans, or else you wouldn't be making such ludicrous statements. Your E40 analogy was dumb because fans don't refer to rappers in first person, due to the fact that they aren't THEIR rappers...When you're a fan of a team, you play a big part, it's YOUR team...Unfortunately, you're too stupid to understand any of this and think you "won" something...This isn't the specialy olympics, you haven't wont shit other than the label "fat moron"...PeACe


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Re: NBA Playoffs: Round 2 (Clippers vs. Suns)
« Reply #46 on: May 17, 2006, 12:20:47 PM »
Ok so lets see here. You can't refer to a rapper in first person cuz you're not a rapper. But you can refer to a sports team in such a manner even if you're not a  player. Sports fans play big roles, but music fans don't? Both industries are revenue driven. Revenue comes from fans. With that knowledge, lets look at who the moron is. Is the moron the kid trying to be apart of a sports team that he is merely a fan of or the man who has common sense? When the fat jokes come out, I know you're mad and I kno you're mad when I prove you wrong.


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Re: NBA Playoffs: Round 2 (Clippers vs. Suns)
« Reply #47 on: May 17, 2006, 12:24:47 PM »
Ok so lets see here. You can't refer to a rapper in first person cuz you're not a rapper. But you can refer to a sports team in such a manner even if you're not a  player. Sports fans play big roles, but music fans don't? Both industries are revenue driven. Revenue comes from fans. With that knowledge, lets look at who the moron is. Is the moron the kid trying to be apart of a sports team that he is merely a fan of or the man who has common sense? When the fat jokes come out, I know you're mad and I kno you're mad when I prove you wrong.

You're right. I am mad...Mad that people this stupid exist. You can refer to a team in first person if they're YOUR team. But how does a rapper become YOUR rapper? Your logic is extremely flawed, I just started a thread on a Lakers forum regarding this topic (the average age for posters there is about 30), and they all think you're a moron...Here's a snippet, fatso:

Some people are slow and dont get it.



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Re: NBA Playoffs: Round 2 (Clippers vs. Suns)
« Reply #48 on: May 17, 2006, 12:25:53 PM »

It's not uncommon. The only reason he thinks it's weird is because he's a Clipper fan and you would never want to associate yourself directly with a franchise like that. When you have to say "we lost", "we suck", and "we're a disgrace to the league" more often than "we are awesome", then you tend to want to distance yourself from the team.


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Re: NBA Playoffs: Round 2 (Clippers vs. Suns)
« Reply #49 on: May 17, 2006, 12:41:35 PM »
The same way a team becomes yours, a music artist can become yours. You follow them religiously, like you do the Lakers. Even at their worst you stay loyal and support them. You buy their merchandise. You go their concerts. You route for them to get the accolades you feel they desrve. If you do all this for a Rapper lets say, and he does go Plat. He wins that grammy, gets the 5 mics, you'll  be happy cuz you bought the record. You promoted it. You stuck by it regardless of what others said. This describes everything you do for the Lakers as a fan. But the fact remains, you never played one tenth of a second for te team, just like a music fan never wrote a song for the artist.

LMAO @ You starting a topic on another forum about this. Yea NIK is officially hurt. Classic thread in the making!


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Re: NBA Playoffs: Round 2 (Clippers vs. Suns)
« Reply #50 on: May 17, 2006, 12:55:50 PM »
The same way a team becomes yours, a music artist can become yours. You follow them religiously, like you do the Lakers. Even at their worst you stay loyal and support them. You buy their merchandise. You go their concerts. You route for them to get the accolades you feel they desrve. If you do all this for a Rapper lets say, and he does go Plat. He wins that grammy, gets the 5 mics, you'll  be happy cuz you bought the record. You promoted it. You stuck by it regardless of what others said. This describes everything you do for the Lakers as a fan. But the fact remains, you never played one tenth of a second for te team, just like a music fan never wrote a song for the artist.

LMAO @ You starting a topic on another forum about this. Yea NIK is officially hurt. Classic thread in the making!

LOLLLL. It gets funnier and funnier. A musician is an individual, where as a team is a CLUB. How does your dumbass mind even come up with this shit? A musician can become yours? With music, you can follow many musicians, they're not YOUR musicians...In sports, you only have ONE team that can be yours. I can't believe I'm actually sitting here and explaining this...I started a topic on refering to your team in first-person, because I found it amazing that someone can actually have opinions so ridiculously dumb, I was curious for the reaction. How am I hurt? If I was hurt, I'd simply not refer to my team in first-person anymore, that's all I'd have to do...I obviously wont stop, so your ignorance doesn't move me...You, on the other hand, are getting your stupidity laughed at by people you don't even know of...You can keep saying dumb shit, but it's just you reaching out of hatred you have for me...It's just sad, really. :-*

E. J. Rizo

Re: NBA Playoffs: Round 2 (Clippers vs. Suns)
« Reply #51 on: May 17, 2006, 01:01:46 PM »
*in gay voice*

Stop it guys you are ruining my thread, stop it!

*end gay voice*

haha lol


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Re: NBA Playoffs: Round 2 (Clippers vs. Suns)
« Reply #52 on: May 17, 2006, 01:03:33 PM »
*in gay voice*

Stop it guys you are ruining my thread, stop it!

*end gay voice*

haha lol

How about you add opinion on the subject? Is it not undisputedly ridiculous that SGV is getting worked up about me referring to my team in first-person?

E. J. Rizo

Re: NBA Playoffs: Round 2 (Clippers vs. Suns)
« Reply #53 on: May 17, 2006, 01:08:19 PM »
*in gay voice*

Stop it guys you are ruining my thread, stop it!

*end gay voice*

haha lol

How about you add opinion on the subject? Is it not undisputedly ridiculous that SGV is getting worked up about me referring to my team in first-person?
if you really want to know i think you both gettin worked up over nothing lol you both have some valid points but what it looks like is that ....

SGV is just pushing your buttons! and he does really care if you are right or wrong he just wants to see you get upset which it seems like its

but in all honesty i really dont care about what you guys are discussing i just sit back and watch the fireworks instead of lighting them on this


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Re: NBA Playoffs: Round 2 (Clippers vs. Suns)
« Reply #54 on: May 17, 2006, 01:12:25 PM »
*in gay voice*

Stop it guys you are ruining my thread, stop it!

*end gay voice*

haha lol

How about you add opinion on the subject? Is it not undisputedly ridiculous that SGV is getting worked up about me referring to my team in first-person?
if you really want to know i think you both gettin worked up over nothing lol you both have some valid points but what it looks like is that ....

SGV is just pushing your buttons! and he does really care if you are right or wrong he just wants to see you get upset which it seems like its

but in all honesty i really dont care about what you guys are discussing i just sit back and watch the fireworks instead of lighting them on this

You're right, I know exactly what SGV is doing. I just hate it when people say dumb shit to try and get a rise out of you...Cuz with me, I'll always fire back. I hate stupidity more than anything, I don't let that shit fly...But back to the topic, you did miss the best game of the series so far. I really thought Clippers had it a few times...Luckily, it wasn't the Lakers playing, or I'd still be depressed right now...PeACe


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Re: NBA Playoffs: Round 2 (Clippers vs. Suns)
« Reply #55 on: May 17, 2006, 04:32:00 PM »

^^LMAO. "Under pressure"?...This pretty much sums up the reffing situation in the Clippers-Suns series.


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Re: NBA Playoffs: Round 2 (Clippers vs. Suns)
« Reply #56 on: May 17, 2006, 11:22:59 PM »

LOLLLL. It gets funnier and funnier. A musician is an individual, where as a team is a CLUB. How does your dumbass mind even come up with this shit? A musician can become yours? With music, you can follow many musicians, they're not YOUR musicians...In sports, you only have ONE team that can be yours. I can't believe I'm actually sitting here and explaining this...I started a topic on refering to your team in first-person, because I found it amazing that someone can actually have opinions so ridiculously dumb, I was curious for the reaction. How am I hurt? If I was hurt, I'd simply not refer to my team in first-person anymore, that's all I'd have to do...I obviously wont stop, so your ignorance doesn't move me...You, on the other hand, are getting your stupidity laughed at by people you don't even know of...You can keep saying dumb shit, but it's just you reaching out of hatred you have for me...It's just sad, really. :-*

LMAO @ Your reasoning. So because a team is a Club (Which you have no place in) there's a difference? Go ahead and explain the differences between being a die hard fan of a musician and a die hard fan of a Sports Team. You said you can't refer to the rapper in first person, as you're not that rapper. Yet, you're not even the Water boy for this sports team, how can you be apart of them? Oh I get it, cuz you route for them no matter if they're doing good or bad (like fans of musicians do). Is it cuz you buy their merchandise (much like music fans do). No wait.. it's cuz you go to their games (like music fans go to Concerts). I think I got it now... Because you eat, breathe, shit, drink,  etc. your sports team! (Just like any die hard music fan does).

Seriously... There is NO difference in my eyes. Yes, a music artist is an individual, but that makes no difference. The fact remains that you could be as die hard a fan for a musician, as you could with a sports team. You say they can't be your musicians... Why can't they be? Why can you only have one team to be yours? Are there rules now on how you can be a fan for things? LMAO. Look at half the board, most of these cats are die hard Dre and/or Snoop fans. They make their screen names after their songs or names, they cop their records, posters, watch em in concert, defend em to the death etc. What's the difference?

You hate stupidity... I feel sorry for you. You should never hate yourself.


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Re: NBA Playoffs: Round 2 (Clippers vs. Suns)
« Reply #57 on: May 18, 2006, 10:29:39 AM »

LOLLLL. It gets funnier and funnier. A musician is an individual, where as a team is a CLUB. How does your dumbass mind even come up with this shit? A musician can become yours? With music, you can follow many musicians, they're not YOUR musicians...In sports, you only have ONE team that can be yours. I can't believe I'm actually sitting here and explaining this...I started a topic on refering to your team in first-person, because I found it amazing that someone can actually have opinions so ridiculously dumb, I was curious for the reaction. How am I hurt? If I was hurt, I'd simply not refer to my team in first-person anymore, that's all I'd have to do...I obviously wont stop, so your ignorance doesn't move me...You, on the other hand, are getting your stupidity laughed at by people you don't even know of...You can keep saying dumb shit, but it's just you reaching out of hatred you have for me...It's just sad, really. :-*

LMAO @ Your reasoning. So because a team is a Club (Which you have no place in) there's a difference? Go ahead and explain the differences between being a die hard fan of a musician and a die hard fan of a Sports Team. You said you can't refer to the rapper in first person, as you're not that rapper. Yet, you're not even the Water boy for this sports team, how can you be apart of them? Oh I get it, cuz you route for them no matter if they're doing good or bad (like fans of musicians do). Is it cuz you buy their merchandise (much like music fans do). No wait.. it's cuz you go to their games (like music fans go to Concerts). I think I got it now... Because you eat, breathe, shit, drink,  etc. your sports team! (Just like any die hard music fan does).

Seriously... There is NO difference in my eyes. Yes, a music artist is an individual, but that makes no difference. The fact remains that you could be as die hard a fan for a musician, as you could with a sports team. You say they can't be your musicians... Why can't they be? Why can you only have one team to be yours? Are there rules now on how you can be a fan for things? LMAO. Look at half the board, most of these cats are die hard Dre and/or Snoop fans. They make their screen names after their songs or names, they cop their records, posters, watch em in concert, defend em to the death etc. What's the difference?

You hate stupidity... I feel sorry for you. You should never hate yourself.

Sports teams and individual entertainers both represent tons of "fans". Both provide a source of entertainment. No arguement there.

The difference though is sport teams, over the last 50-100 years, first and foremost originally were organized to represent cities/regions/states and the people who live/lived (or have some connection to the area) around those teams to begin with. Sports teams represent those people and "compete" in a type of game to WIN, in addition to entertaining the fans. When a person is faced in a competitive win/lose situation of any type, they are forced to chose one side (or team). This also explains fans who don't live near the team. With this, every loyal FAN takes some personal ownership, through those battles being fought. Obviously, you are too fucking slow to understand the concept...It's amazing. Have you heard of people referring to rappers in first-person before? Someone, please ban this idiot...The fans make up a part of the organization, right? Without the fans, there is no team...So how are we not part of the franchise? The difference between a rapper and a basketball team is that the Lakers are like a CORPORATION (not individual, LMAO) that we feel we're a major part of. There is no logical reason to hop up on someones nuts because they refer to their sports team in first person, as you did in this thread...Again, a rapper is a PERSON, not a CLUB, I don't even know why I'm explaining this...The anology you made is dumber than you.

Some more classic quotes:

People will latch onto anything to sway the argument their way even if they really have no point. That's probably what that guy is doing. Not worth your time.

But look at it this way he's a Clipper fan, most of them (not saying all) don't know the history of that team, flip flop to another team when the Clippers aren't doing well (which is nearly every year but this one for them). Not as if any of them would shed a tear when Lawler passes or if Brand was forced to retire for health reasons. They wouldn't spend an afternoon watching ESPN Classic replays of the Clippers (if they had a history worth watching).

So what that type of fan know about having any real connection to a team?

I'd like to see the guy have the same argument with some soccer hooligans in England.

Why are you bothering with the idiot? He's trying to twist your titties.

Ignore the putz and move on. He's obviously a very negative and disturbed individual... why stoop down to his level?

First... Any fan that has stuck with a team for a period of time will normally always attach themself to that club by referring to them in the first person. They really do become a part of your family. Afterall, you invite them into your home for several hours. One poster mentioned Chick Hearn being like a father. This is true. I actually shed a tear (like most Laker fans) when Chick died. I told my wife how strange that was. But after reflecting upon it for awhile, I came to realize that I spent more time with him than I did with most of my extended family members. Heck, I even called in a number of times to his pregame show. Therefore, I've had conversations with him. He talked to all of us (through his words-eye-view) for several hours.

Talk about nitpicking, usually those that worry about stuff like that are the ones with zero content of note in their own posts.

 8) 8) 8)


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Re: NBA Playoffs: Round 2 (Clippers vs. Suns)
« Reply #58 on: May 18, 2006, 02:04:50 PM »
first and foremost originally were organized to represent cities/regions/states and the people who live/lived (or have some connection to the area) around those teams to begin with.

Is that not what Rappers do? Last time I checked, rappers made tracks to rep their city, region and state and the people who live or lived there.

Have you heard of people referring to rappers in first-person before? Someone, please ban this idiot...The fans make up a part of the organization, right? Without the fans, there is no team...So how are we not part of the franchise?

Look at a group like ICP. Their fans are referred to as Juggalos. That's the fans who make up that ORGANIZATION. Without the fans, there is no Juggalos. No Juggalos, no ICP. Same deal.

The difference between a rapper and a basketball team is that the Lakers are like a CORPORATION (not individual, LMAO) that we feel we're a major part of.

How is a rapper not like a Corporation? Yes, they are individuals. But they have merchandise like any Corporation. They have a marketing team. Management. They hold events. Their names are brands. People can feel as if they're part of a rappers Brand by maybe wearing a Chain, Jacket etc. Hell, people even have shit like the Wu symbol tatted, tell me they don't feel as if they're apart of the movement.

There is no logical reason to hop up on someones nuts because they refer to their sports team in first person, as you did in this thread

I poked fun at your comment and you got hurt. You in turn ran to your Laker buddies for defense ON ANOTHER FORUM to cry someone. LMAO. Jumping on someones nuts would be YOUR department. (Still making topics about me even outside of Dubcc...Shocking!)

Again, a rapper is a PERSON, not a CLUB

LMAO @ The reasoning. And LMAO @ Your little friends. You already know they're going to side with you because they feel the same way about you. That's like if I feel a certain way about your being Jewish and I post up comments from a White suppremacist... Of course he'll agree because he already holds that opinion.

Aww Poor NIK.. Always getting whored.
« Last Edit: May 18, 2006, 02:08:53 PM by SGV »


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Re: NBA Playoffs: Round 2 (Clippers vs. Suns)
« Reply #59 on: May 18, 2006, 02:22:32 PM »

*leans back and watches the show*

Cause I don't care where I belong no more
What we share or not I will ignore
And I won't waste my time fitting in
Cause I don't think contrast is a sin
No, it's not a sin