Author Topic: NBA Playoffs: Round 2 (Clippers vs. Suns)  (Read 8994 times)


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Re: NBA Playoffs: Round 2 (Clippers vs. Suns)
« Reply #240 on: May 29, 2006, 10:11:09 PM »
Where is your logic? If you driving near his house or even 20 minutes from your place is inconvenient, and declining those offers DO NOT make you a pussy, how would his declining to drive to your house make him a pussy? The way I see it and anyone with a logical brain would too, you bitched up. He made it easy for BOTH parties since BOTH would be inconvenienced. But you, being a bitch and illogical, you're blind to the fact that you just did the same exact thing he did. How can two people "challange" (LMAO @ The spelling bee champion) each other to a one on one game? Simple: they just do it. You swear like there's rules to this shit. It's simple fuckin' gambling. You make a bet that would benefit you the most. LOGIC... something you lack.

Note: I don't think anyone can beat anyone here. I ain't never seen either of you play. Just cuz you're 6'5" don't mean you can win... for all we know you could actually be an uncoordinated lop, but since I don't know you, I can't say who will win. LOGIC... something you lack.

Change your screen name to SGV, E-Crazy, whoever... It doesn't matter. We know very well that it wouldn't matter who you are, I'll speak out on anyone.

The Average varies depending on the Source, but as you can see, Hispanics and Asians are typically shorter, so to compare them to the "Average" of American males is, in a sense, unfair. For being a Hispanic male, 5'7" is an average height, simply put. So, again, stand CORRECTED.

BTW, I'm man enough to admit I read the last part of your post wrong. At least I'm man enough to admit that I made a mistake, you're not. Be secure with yourself for once.

Lastly, anyone can see through your "I'll give you ten points" schtick. If he declines, you say "You're a bitch, you won't even play with a 10 point lead, you know I'll win." He accepts and beats you, you'll whine "You only won cuz I gave you ten points! You wouldn't beat me if I didn't!" It's useless with you. You're the Queen of Double Standards.
Keep on being in"consistant" there buddy. LOL.  And he has the nerve to call others dumb.


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Re: NBA Playoffs: Round 2 (Clippers vs. Suns)
« Reply #241 on: May 29, 2006, 10:13:47 PM »
LMAO at little NIK. You challenged him, he challenged you. BOTH of you declined the initial challenges due to inconvenience. He made another challenge that was convenient for both parties. What's funny is that you declined that. So you've declined two challenges, E has declined one. In the eyes of many, you're the bitch.

Once AGAIN, I challenged HIM. How can 2 people challange EACH OTHER for a one-on-one game? Only one is the challanger, and since I brought this up, in this case it's me. He pussied out and made it so I have to play at his court. When he saw that I said I wouldn't drive out of my way, he said a neutral court, already knowing I would decline...His challange was not convenient to me, he knew that before he even made the challenge, you claiming otherwise is as retarded and illogical as it gets since I obviously know what's inconvenient to me more than you do. Show me one person other than you 2 butt-buddies that thinks a 5'7" guy has a shot at beating a 6'5" guy at BASKETBALL when they don't know either person...LMAO. Please, entertain me.

End of day you bring up old shit, not me. You're hung up on the past. LOL@ You trying to flip everything on others, that shows you insecurity.

No, it's just obvious why you're riding my dick...Can you honestly say you'd be all up on my jock if the name wasn't NIK? No. You really can't, and once again, we both know that very well...

Average height for American males is 5'9" this dude is 5'7" not that big of a difference. Average height for Mexican American Males is 5'7". You moron. You know nothing. The fact that he's  Mexican is why I brought up his being average height. But you're too dumb to comprehend that.

Average height for American male was listed as 5'9" over 10 years ago...LMAO. Now it's at 5'10" at least. On top of that, I already said Mexicans are known to be short in height and said he was below average for average MALE height. I stand correct and you stand a moron making outrageous claims of others being "dumb" with no basis...Furthermore, in basketball his height is considered an embarassment, unless he has some MAJOR skill to compensate...

LMAO @ You're never consistent with your disses. Now I'm the one with "retarded" arguments and E is the smarter one. But a few pages earlier and many times before it was the other way around. Be consistent with your shit, it might be funny one day.

When did I say he was the smarter one? I've always said he was the dumber one, I even said that you're a genius to him in my last reply. Once again, you post shit without even reading the replies like one dumb muthafucker. No wonder you don't have any decent arguements (not that they're YOUR arguements to begin with, you're just riding nuts). I stay consistant and you stay sonned...  8)

Let's summarize all this:

Little Elior, Angry because he is made to look like an idiot once again, gets angry, talks about his basketball skills and how he balls with Farmar, and challenges me to a basketball game, I Challenge him to come down to my house, My Block, My Park To come and try and ball me up, he feels like an idiot, because his ass is about to get exposed as the internet geek that he is, so then he changes the bet and says that I must go to his house, almost an hour away, A very big inconvienience to me, but obviously not to him, because his daddy will be there to scold me when I beat him. He bets me $500 which i do not have because im not some spoiled daddy's boy and I have plenty of bills to pay.
I then offer a generous compromise, which is FAIR to both of us, not just gives him his homecourt and daddy advantage.
I offer to go to a Neutral site (because honestly, who would go to the house of some internet loser who hates your guts? who knows how seriously this geek has it in for me, he has my pic on his HD) that is IN BETWEEN BOTH OF OUR LOCATIONS! I then let him stay with his $500 bet cuz i have 4 homies who will back me with $100 each
And He Refuses
And He calls me a bitch....Thats like saying "I bet you a million dollars that you cant lift 500 lbs" when your a Olympic Weight lifter to a High School Kid who can barly lift his own weight. wow, elior, common sense, no one in their right mind will take your bet, thats why you made it, your done, your just an internet geek, the end

Your claim is that no one in their right mind would take a $500 bet on a basketball game 45 minutes away when given a 10-0 lead. You are obviously not one to speak about what makes a person out of their mind, as this thread has proven you don't even have one strong enough to post for yourself. Come to think of it, you WOULD be out of your mind, but that's only because of one reason...YOU'RE 5'7" AND I'M 6'5"! I'd have to be a complete retard to lose with that height advantage. I'm not you now, come on.


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Re: NBA Playoffs: Round 2 (Clippers vs. Suns)
« Reply #242 on: May 29, 2006, 10:28:50 PM »
Where is your logic? If you driving near his house or even 20 minutes from your place is inconvenient, and declining those offers DO NOT make you a pussy, how would his declining to drive to your house make him a pussy? The way I see it and anyone with a logical brain would too, you bitched up. He made it easy for BOTH parties since BOTH would be inconvenienced. But you, being a bitch and illogical, you're blind to the fact that you just did the same exact thing he did. How can two people "challange" (LMAO @ The spelling bee champion) each other to a one on one game? Simple: they just do it. You swear like there's rules to this shit. It's simple fuckin' gambling. You make a bet that would benefit you the most. LOGIC... something you lack.

How? Because once again, I AM THE CHALLENGER. How can the challenger be the pussy? Think about that really hard and try to make sense now...Would I have challenged him for $500 if I was pussy? Would I have given him a lead to start off if I was pussy? And I did that before I knew he was 5'7"!!!...THINK about it. AND ONCE A-FUCKIN'-GAIN, eplain to me how a 10-0 lead would benefit me in any way, no matter how long he had to drive? You're still attempting to tell me what's convenient for me. You're on my dick and you're licking his pussy...It's obvious, get off.

The Average varies depending on the Source, but as you can see, Hispanics and Asians are typically shorter, so to compare them to the "Average" of American males is, in a sense, unfair. For being a Hispanic male, 5'7" is an average height, simply put. So, again, stand CORRECTED.

Once again, where in the hell did I say the height of ANY race? I was talking about MALES in general (the gender with a dick, dumbfuck). You are so incompetent. 5'7" is BELOW average according to the MALE demographic. Not HISPANIC demographic, not ASIAN demographic, not AMERICAN demographic...You really are slow man.

BTW, I'm man enough to admit I read the last part of your post wrong. At least I'm man enough to admit that I made a mistake, you're not. Be secure with yourself for once.

"Man enough"? Just say "you're right, I'm wrong"...That's all it takes. Don't somehow twist it into a diss towards me. LOL. Funny guy.

Lastly, anyone can see through your "I'll give you ten points" schtick. If he declines, you say "You're a bitch, you won't even play with a 10 point lead, you know I'll win." He accepts and beats you, you'll whine "You only won cuz I gave you ten points! You wouldn't beat me if I didn't!" It's useless with you. You're the Queen of Double Standards.
Keep on being in"consistant" there buddy. LOL.  And he has the nerve to call others dumb.

Swear to God I won't. I'll pay up and congratulate him...Again, making flase assumptions in your boyfriends favor. More signs of you being on my dick... :-X


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Re: NBA Playoffs: Round 2 (Clippers vs. Suns)
« Reply #243 on: May 29, 2006, 10:41:40 PM »
Yall come down to Thornburg park in Gardena and play. I'll ref the game and make sure it doesn't get outta hand. I'll also hold the money for yall.


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Re: NBA Playoffs: Round 2 (Clippers vs. Suns)
« Reply #244 on: May 30, 2006, 12:18:44 AM »
Notice how quick you change up NIK. Remember your "lead" came after HIS challenge. He was then the challenger. Does that "eplain" it to you? Your bet was in benefit to you, which is why you bet so much. When you knew he wouldn't drive that far you tried to sweeten the deal, knowingly he'd still say no because of the distance. Does that "eplain" it to you? Sadly you can't grasp that you're not as slick as you thought. You're a pussy plain and simple. Stop typing here and set up a day and time to go play this dude.

Also, you first said he was WAY below avg height for a male, which was proven wrong as he is only 2 inches shorter than the avg height which is 5'9" and he is avg height for being a hispanic. Now you've changed your tune to "he's  below avg height." You always change your argument when you know you're wrong. LMAO @ You calling anyone a dumbass. You're a faggot (always talking about dudes on your dick), dumb, idiotic and a bitch. I really feel sorry for you. I now understand why you TRY to use the net to make yourself look great, I'd be insecure with myself if I was you too.

I'm done with this thread, you've done everything expected. Whined like a bitch and pussied out like a bitch. You get no respect as a man, think twice about who has that pussy in between their legs. I know you won't go play this dude cuz you're afraid. Afraid you might lose. Afraid you might be exposed as the bitch you are. I would hate to be you.


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Re: NBA Playoffs: Round 2 (Clippers vs. Suns)
« Reply #245 on: May 30, 2006, 12:24:45 PM »
Notice how quick you change up NIK. Remember your "lead" came after HIS challenge. He was then the challenger. Does that "eplain" it to you? Your bet was in benefit to you, which is why you bet so much. When you knew he wouldn't drive that far you tried to sweeten the deal, knowingly he'd still say no because of the distance. Does that "eplain" it to you? Sadly you can't grasp that you're not as slick as you thought. You're a pussy plain and simple. Stop typing here and set up a day and time to go play this dude.

My lead came after he wanted me to come to his area, not when he made the "halfway" deal...He only made that "halfway" deal because I estbalished that I wasn't driving long distances for it when he wanted me to come to the park he plays at all the time...Then when he claimed that he didn't wanna drive 15 mins more, I said I would give him a 5-0 lead to make it "more fair"...Then when I found out he was afraid he'd get molested if he came to my house, I told him I'd play him in a public park near by. Then when I found out he was 5'7", I gave him a 10-0 lead because I then knew he was hopeless. Spudd Webb is 5'7" and he couldn't beat me one-on-one in his prime...LMAO. I would post him up and shoot right the fuck over him 21 times in a row. You'd have to be incompetent in basketball to lose to someone one-on-one with such a great height advantage. The only way you don't know this is if you don't belong in basketball discussion...hence, sticking your fatass in places it doesn't belong. You're known for that...And you're known for sucking dick too. If I was Microskrondon and he was me, I have no doubt in my mind that you'd be saying the complete opposite. You'd be talking 'bout how much I'm scared because I'm small, you'd be talking bout "how in the world is it unfair with a lead so great"? You'd be talking about how it's only 15 mins more and saying that if you're willing to drive to Echo Park, which is at least 30 mins from him, there's no reason to not be able to drive a little farther if you're up to the CHALLENGE. If we played one-on-one, it's only possible for one of us to be the challenger (I know it's hard for you to understand that, you've made it clear). In this case, I would CLEARLY be labled the challenger with no questions since I came up with the idea of us playing one on one...In a nutshell, he declined the challenge and came up with one he knew I would say no to FOR SURE. Do you really think he's gunna show up at Echo Park with 5 homies putting in $100 each? Who would bet $100 on a guy a foot smaller when they haven't seen the CHALLENGER play? Unless his friends are all as mentally challenged as him, I don't see it happening...I can bet you anything that he only said half the shit he said because I've made it clear that I won't drive out of my way...I don't need to set up a day and time, I told him he can come ANY time when he's in the area. I'd have to be a pussy to let him play me at any time with a 10-0 lead, huh? You're a fat biased fuck who sucks other members dicks just because you're on someones nuts...SGV, we know you as a poster here and you're fucking pathetic...It's even pathetic that you have to speak for this retard. It's pathetic that you even post about basketball when it's clear that you know nothing of the sport...You are simply a dumb, pathetic, hopeless muthafucka...

Also, you first said he was WAY below avg height for a male, which was proven wrong as he is only 2 inches shorter than the avg height which is 5'9" and he is avg height for being a hispanic. Now you've changed your tune to "he's  below avg height." You always change your argument when you know you're wrong. LMAO @ You calling anyone a dumbass. You're a faggot (always talking about dudes on your dick), dumb, idiotic and a bitch. I really feel sorry for you. I now understand why you TRY to use the net to make yourself look great, I'd be insecure with myself if I was you too.

I know I'm wrong? How? I stand by what I say. You've already thrown a few different arguements about this that I've shut down, from him being Hispanic, to me including the word "way"...He IS way below average height for a male. The average height is not 5'9". It was listed as 5'9" over 10 years ago. It is 5'10" or more...Now, I dunno if you know this, but 3 inches when you're talking height IS way below average. Let me not even get into how greatly below average he is for a BASKETBALL player. Like I said, you don't belong here, and you keep proving it...

I'm done with this thread, you've done everything expected. Whined like a bitch and pussied out like a bitch. You get no respect as a man, think twice about who has that pussy in between their legs. I know you won't go play this dude cuz you're afraid. Afraid you might lose. Afraid you might be exposed as the bitch you are. I would hate to be you.

Yes. I am afraid. I don't want to play Micrskrondon cuz I think he will dunk on me and jump so high that he will be able to block all of my dunk attempts...It's clear that you really feel that way deep down inside, since you're not on my dick at all. You know that I'm shivering inside, especially considering all the advantages he has which he's made clear. I only made it a $500 bet because I'm rich and that money means nothing to me since my dad pays for everything. I only came up with the bet because I "knew" he wouldn't drive 45 minutes away to play me for $500...Think about how stupid you sound. Now lets see how "done" you are.


  • Muthafuckin' Don!
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Re: NBA Playoffs: Round 2 (Clippers vs. Suns)
« Reply #246 on: May 30, 2006, 12:40:25 PM »
500 dollaz would easily be worth the effort for me. 1-2 hours of total driving and 20 minutes of playing basketball for 500 bucks? That's a job I'd take ANY DAY.
Cause I don't care where I belong no more
What we share or not I will ignore
And I won't waste my time fitting in
Cause I don't think contrast is a sin
No, it's not a sin


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Re: NBA Playoffs: Round 2 (Clippers vs. Suns)
« Reply #247 on: May 30, 2006, 12:58:30 PM »
500 dollaz would easily be worth the effort for me. 1-2 hours of total driving and 20 minutes of playing basketball for 500 bucks? That's a job I'd take ANY DAY.

LOL. Dudes obviously afraid. I mean, why wouldn't he be considereing my height advantage alone? The funny thing is, SGV is arguing for him, but their arguements don't even match. Microskrondon said he didn't wanna come to my house because he was afraid I'd hurt him. Then I said that I'd play him at a park near my house...He had nothing to say about that and then SGV started helping him make up arguements and said that the distance was too far, when that's not the reason that was given when I wanted it at the private court at my house...What do you think, 7even? Is it not obvious he's scared?


  • Muthafuckin' Don!
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Re: NBA Playoffs: Round 2 (Clippers vs. Suns)
« Reply #248 on: May 30, 2006, 01:13:11 PM »
I think both of you just don't want to cave in. It wouldn't hurt you do drive to a court nearer to him either. I don't think the distance you 2 would have to drive is the reason you won't do it, it's just that both of you don't want to follow the rules the other one has set.
Which is pissing me off, because I'd love to see a video of guys from WCC playing each other 1on1 over 500 bucks. That would be a great contribution to the WCC classics.
Neither one of you can be soooo pissed off about driving somewhere that it kills a bet over 500 bucks. If it was about 5 bucks I'd understand, cause the gas is about as expensive as the money you make off the bet lol. But when it's about 500 bucks a little driving won't hurt anyone. Not E-Crazy, and not you. I don't know if he's also afraid, but what I do know is that both of you are too pigheaded to work out and accept a decent compromise.
Cause I don't care where I belong no more
What we share or not I will ignore
And I won't waste my time fitting in
Cause I don't think contrast is a sin
No, it's not a sin


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Re: NBA Playoffs: Round 2 (Clippers vs. Suns)
« Reply #249 on: May 30, 2006, 01:48:54 PM »
I think both of you just don't want to cave in. It wouldn't hurt you do drive to a court nearer to him either. I don't think the distance you 2 would have to drive is the reason you won't do it, it's just that both of you don't want to follow the rules the other one has set.
Which is pissing me off, because I'd love to see a video of guys from WCC playing each other 1on1 over 500 bucks. That would be a great contribution to the WCC classics.
Neither one of you can be soooo pissed off about driving somewhere that it kills a bet over 500 bucks. If it was about 5 bucks I'd understand, cause the gas is about as expensive as the money you make off the bet lol. But when it's about 500 bucks a little driving won't hurt anyone. Not E-Crazy, and not you. I don't know if he's also afraid, but what I do know is that both of you are too pigheaded to work out and accept a decent compromise.
Was my offer not a decent compromise?
My offer was as fair as it gets


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Re: NBA Playoffs: Round 2 (Clippers vs. Suns)
« Reply #250 on: May 30, 2006, 02:30:47 PM »
I think both of you just don't want to cave in. It wouldn't hurt you do drive to a court nearer to him either. I don't think the distance you 2 would have to drive is the reason you won't do it, it's just that both of you don't want to follow the rules the other one has set.
Which is pissing me off, because I'd love to see a video of guys from WCC playing each other 1on1 over 500 bucks. That would be a great contribution to the WCC classics.
Neither one of you can be soooo pissed off about driving somewhere that it kills a bet over 500 bucks. If it was about 5 bucks I'd understand, cause the gas is about as expensive as the money you make off the bet lol. But when it's about 500 bucks a little driving won't hurt anyone. Not E-Crazy, and not you. I don't know if he's also afraid, but what I do know is that both of you are too pigheaded to work out and accept a decent compromise.
Was my offer not a decent compromise?
My offer was as fair as it gets
I agree with both of u guys.


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Re: NBA Playoffs: Round 2 (Clippers vs. Suns)
« Reply #251 on: May 30, 2006, 03:29:20 PM »
I think both of you just don't want to cave in. It wouldn't hurt you do drive to a court nearer to him either. I don't think the distance you 2 would have to drive is the reason you won't do it, it's just that both of you don't want to follow the rules the other one has set.
Which is pissing me off, because I'd love to see a video of guys from WCC playing each other 1on1 over 500 bucks. That would be a great contribution to the WCC classics.
Neither one of you can be soooo pissed off about driving somewhere that it kills a bet over 500 bucks. If it was about 5 bucks I'd understand, cause the gas is about as expensive as the money you make off the bet lol. But when it's about 500 bucks a little driving won't hurt anyone. Not E-Crazy, and not you. I don't know if he's also afraid, but what I do know is that both of you are too pigheaded to work out and accept a decent compromise.

The thing is, his punk ass don't even wanna play for 500 bux...At least if you lower the initial challenge by 400 bux, as he did, don't switch up more shit on top of that. It just seems like he's really being a pussy, because I've went as far as to compromise with him to play at a PUBLIC court not too far away AND give him a 10-0 lead for $100 or $500, whichever, which wasn't in my original proposed challenge in the first place. Why does he always do this when I come up with a bet instead of being a man and saying "you're on"? This guy ain't no man...I glanced through his myspace page for the first time today and he said his weakness was girls. LMAO. This guy is pathetic. Come by when you get the chance. I KNOW you will get the chance, you puny gnome...PEACE.


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Re: NBA Playoffs: Round 2 (Clippers vs. Suns)
« Reply #252 on: May 31, 2006, 01:46:38 AM »
I think both of you just don't want to cave in. It wouldn't hurt you do drive to a court nearer to him either. I don't think the distance you 2 would have to drive is the reason you won't do it, it's just that both of you don't want to follow the rules the other one has set.
Which is pissing me off, because I'd love to see a video of guys from WCC playing each other 1on1 over 500 bucks. That would be a great contribution to the WCC classics.
Neither one of you can be soooo pissed off about driving somewhere that it kills a bet over 500 bucks. If it was about 5 bucks I'd understand, cause the gas is about as expensive as the money you make off the bet lol. But when it's about 500 bucks a little driving won't hurt anyone. Not E-Crazy, and not you. I don't know if he's also afraid, but what I do know is that both of you are too pigheaded to work out and accept a decent compromise.

The thing is, his punk ass don't even wanna play for 500 bux...At least if you lower the initial challenge by 400 bux, as he did, don't switch up more shit on top of that. It just seems like he's really being a pussy, because I've went as far as to compromise with him to play at a PUBLIC court not too far away AND give him a 10-0 lead for $100 or $500, whichever, which wasn't in my original proposed challenge in the first place. Why does he always do this when I come up with a bet instead of being a man and saying "you're on"? This guy ain't no man...I glanced through his myspace page for the first time today and he said his weakness was girls. LMAO. This guy is pathetic. Come by when you get the chance. I KNOW you will get the chance, you puny gnome...PEACE.
dude, look back at the transcripts of all this, I PUT A SPOT OUT THERE FIRST! i told u to come down to my block, you backed down, but whatever you crybaby, all you do is cry, seriously, cry cry cry, your a joke kid, i know your parents regret having you


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Re: NBA Playoffs: Round 2 (Clippers vs. Suns)
« Reply #253 on: May 31, 2006, 09:46:49 AM »
I think both of you just don't want to cave in. It wouldn't hurt you do drive to a court nearer to him either. I don't think the distance you 2 would have to drive is the reason you won't do it, it's just that both of you don't want to follow the rules the other one has set.
Which is pissing me off, because I'd love to see a video of guys from WCC playing each other 1on1 over 500 bucks. That would be a great contribution to the WCC classics.
Neither one of you can be soooo pissed off about driving somewhere that it kills a bet over 500 bucks. If it was about 5 bucks I'd understand, cause the gas is about as expensive as the money you make off the bet lol. But when it's about 500 bucks a little driving won't hurt anyone. Not E-Crazy, and not you. I don't know if he's also afraid, but what I do know is that both of you are too pigheaded to work out and accept a decent compromise.

The thing is, his punk ass don't even wanna play for 500 bux...At least if you lower the initial challenge by 400 bux, as he did, don't switch up more shit on top of that. It just seems like he's really being a pussy, because I've went as far as to compromise with him to play at a PUBLIC court not too far away AND give him a 10-0 lead for $100 or $500, whichever, which wasn't in my original proposed challenge in the first place. Why does he always do this when I come up with a bet instead of being a man and saying "you're on"? This guy ain't no man...I glanced through his myspace page for the first time today and he said his weakness was girls. LMAO. This guy is pathetic. Come by when you get the chance. I KNOW you will get the chance, you puny gnome...PEACE.
dude, look back at the transcripts of all this, I PUT A SPOT OUT THERE FIRST! i told u to come down to my block, you backed down, but whatever you crybaby, all you do is cry, seriously, cry cry cry, your a joke kid, i know your parents regret having you

Moron. When someone challenges you to a bet, you can't expect to have everything you want...Most people would have even said no to you lowering the bet by so much money, cuz I really didn't wanna waste my time playing you for a petty amount. But at least if you're gunna do that, play me at a fucking spot convenient to me, especially when I tell you that you can come down ANY time you're around the area...This is pathetic, I'm not even gunna bag on you anymore, I'm just leavin' the offer out there for as long as I play ball...PeACe


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Re: NBA Playoffs: Round 2 (Clippers vs. Suns)
« Reply #254 on: May 31, 2006, 12:11:06 PM »
God your an idiot Elior, Seriously, you are....your the spoiled little brat that won't compromise, seriously, you gave me a bet, i put out a place, you refused and said your house, you cry and cry untill you get your way, thats not going to happen, quit crying already