Author Topic: 50 worse songs ever, fans vote on this one some surprising like...  (Read 1183 times)


  • Muthafuckin' OG
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Whitney houstons I will always love you.

Silk the Shocker should be on every fucking list.

Run for Your Life! It’s the 50 Worst Songs Ever!
Some have crap-tastic melodies. Others are wretchedly performed. And quite a few don’t make any sense whatsoever. Blender removes its earplugs to present the 50 tunes we love to hate

By John Aizlewood, Clark Collis, Steve Kandell, Ben Mitchell, Tony Power, James Slaughter, Rob Tannenbaum, Mim Udovitch, Rene Vienet and Jonah Weiner


“My Heart Will Go On” 1998
And on and on and on…

Lop off all but the first 20 seconds of this monster ballad, and it still merits a slot on this list for the unconscionable crime of adding pan-flute solos to the pop lexicon. But it doesn’t stop there: With a voice full of ornamental quivers and trembles, Canadian dynamo Céline Dion pushes arena-size schmaltz into the red, first cutting her syllables preciously short, then strangling each one out. Never has a song about all-consuming love sounded so trivial and been so inescapable — it powered the Titanic soundtrack to a year-topping 10 million copies sold, and made millions more pray that an iceberg would somehow hit Dion.

Worst Moment The third chorus, where she goes from soft to eye-bleedingly loud.

“I’m Too Sexy” 1992
The answer to Spinal Tap’s question “What’s wrong with being sexy?”

Right Said Fred were horrible, bald novelty Brits whose one claim to fame was a song that announced that they were “too sexy” for most things, from “New York” to “my cat.” Alas, singer Richard Fairbrass resembled Midnight Oil’s Peter Garrett, and was therefore “too sexy” for precisely nothing. The song spawned a welter of grating catchphrases starting with “I’m too sexy” repeated endlessly by annoying people: “I’m too sexy for my tractor,” etc. Disturbingly, the Freds, as nobody calls them, are still going.

Worst Moment The so-called chorus, in which, instead of mumbling, Fairbrass tries to sing. Stop it. Stop it now!

“Ob-La-Di, Ob-La-Da” 1968
You can practically hear them gritting their teeth

The Beatles proved conclusively that there were two things they could not do: play reggae and feign enjoyment. “Ob-La-Di, Ob-La-Da” was a ska track recorded at a point during the White Album sessions when the Beatles would happily have beaten one another to death if only they had had some clubs on hand. As a result, this sounds less like reggae than the desperately chirpy songs Cockneys used to sing to keep their spirits up while the Luftwaffe rained death on them during the Blitz.

Worst Moment The woefully unconvincing laughter in the final line: “If you want some fun — heh-heh-heh-heh! — take ob-la-di-bla-da!”

“The Only Thing That Looks Good on Me Is You” 1996
It’s Great-Uncle Disgusting — from Canada!

When Adams chose to do sexy after 15 years of chaste, aw-shucks rockin’, even his fans were stunned — as if they’d just seen a stag film starring Richie Cunningham. “I don’t look good in no Armani suits,” he leered in the song’s only believable moment, before suggesting he’d rather “wear” the song’s female protagonist over a blues riff like someone explaining ZZ Top to an accountant. This wasn’t the creepiest track off his album 18 Til I Die; that accolade goes to a song called “(I Wanna Be) Your Underwear.”

Worst Moment “…There’s only one thing that fits me like it should.” Ick.

“Hangin’ Tough” 1989
Boy-band blueprint!

It sucked the Swing out of New Jack, bleached the Blues out of Rhythm &, and featured white boys calling themselves “funky” despite some very unfunky denim vests. This Boston quintet triggered a hormonal rush among 13-year-old girls and intense confusion among their boyfriends, and paved the way for megaselling boy bands who ran low on talent and high on dumb hats. This 1988 hit was all crossed arms and scowls, but the tuff-guy routine didn’t gel: These nancy boys make the Sharks and Jets look like G-Unit.

Worst Moment The boys warn: “Don’t cross our path or you’re gonna get stomped!” Scary!

“Mesmerize” 2002
The most hated man in hip-hop — for good reason!

Many rappers sing poorly, but none as irritatingly as Jeffrey Atkins. In 2001, he went from a raise-da-roof club grunter who treated women like car doors to a tone-deaf warbler who swore he worshiped them — and cried in his videos to prove it. On this 2002 duet with the reliably transparent Ashanti, he can’t contain his horny side, repeating a cracked-voiced mantra about “Your lips/Your smile/Your hips/Those thighs” and admitting his “fetish for fucking you with your skirt on.” Gains points for honesty; loses many more for coming off like an ogling doofus.

Worst Moment The two-note chorus, which is a laundry list of female body parts.

“I’d Do Anything for Love (But I Won’t Do That)” 1993
Bitch-titted balladeer seeks dictionary

Forget that this song comes from Bat Out of Hell II: Back Into Hell and that pop albums can’t really have sequels. Forget that it’s 12 minutes — and crammed with pianos, choirs and every over-the-top adornment that producer Jim Steinman could get his hands on, it feels twice that length. No, this epic chunk of histrionics’ worst offense is that it doesn’t make any sense. You wouldn’t do what, exactly? It’s OK for rock songs to be dumb. But not stupid.

Worst Moment Shamelessly aping “Paradise by the Dashboard Light,” the boy-girl duet kicks in at around the nine-minute mark.

“Follow Me” 2000
Sleaze-rap DJ goes solo, blows like Hootie

Breaking out on his own, the leading light of Kid Rock’s “Detroit playas” reneges on his boss’s promise to “cause chaos” and “rock like Amadeus.” He does, however, cause nausea and rock like Muzak with his nobody-saw-it-coming lite-FM stylings, hummin’, strummin’ and practically promisin’ to tuck you in at night. The unexpected bonus? It gives hope to everyone awaiting the Terminator X collection of Air Supply covers.

Worst Moment Knowing every rhyme before it happens — the first time you hear the song.

“The Sounds of Silence” 1965
If Frasier Crane were a song, he would sound like this

From the terrible opening line, in which darkness is addressed as “my old friend,” the lyrics of “The Sounds of Silence” sound like a vicious parody of a pompous and pretentious mid-’60s folk singer. But it’s no joke: While a rock band twangs aimlessly in the middle distance, Simon & Garfunkel thunder away in voices that suggest they’re scowling and wagging their fingers as they sing. The overall experience is like being lectured on the meaning of life by a jumped-up freshman.

Worst Moment “Hear my words that I might teach you”: Officially the most self-important line in rock history!

“We Didn’t Start the Fire” 1989
Can you fit a cultural history of the twentieth century into four minutes? Uh, no

Despite its bombastic production, “We Didn’t Start the Fire” resembles a term paper scribbled the night before it’s due. As the song progresses, Joel audibly realizes he can’t cram it all in: The ’70s get four bellowed words amid the widdly-woo guitars and meet-thy-maker drums. The chorus denies responsibility for any events mentioned, clearing up the common misconception that Billy Joel developed the H-bomb.

Worst Moment “China’s under martial law, rock & roller cola wars!”: No way does conflating Tiananmen Square with Michael Jackson selling Pepsi trivialize a massacre.

“I Wanna Sex You Up” 1991
Small-penis alert!

These Oklahoma R&B smoothies looked like rejects from a Benetton ad and sounded like flunkies from the Keith Sweat School of Horny Jamz. This is one long string of fake falsetto moans — there’s more heat in an Herbal Essences commercial — and the imagery ranges from perplexing (“We can do it till we both wake up”) to downright unpleasant (“Makin’ love until we drown”). Not recommended for the bedroom, unless your bedroom also features leopard-print picture frames, mirrored ceilings and a five-gallon tub of Astroglide from Costco.

Worst Moment Toward the end, la-la-la’s creep in under whispered phrases like “Lay back and enjoy the ride.”

“She Bangs” 2000
La vida proves not to be so loca after all

The arrangers of Ricky Martin’s follow-up to “La Vida Loca” worked with the fevered desperation of men who had been driven to the desert and made to dig their own graves at gunpoint: first with the hooting 180-piece horn section, then the percussion played by a crateful of ADD-afflicted chimpanzees, and — finally, in a last-ditch effort at the fade — a male chorus as numerous and frenzied as the Red Army Choir let loose in a Cuban whorehouse. The ingredients of its epic predecessor are all here — but it’s all wrong, and worse still, unintentionally hilarious.

Worst Moment “She looks like a flower but she stings like a bee/Like every girl in his-to-ry!”

“Cotton Eye Joe” 1995
Just what the world needed: a Swedish techno-bluegrass crossover

Novelty European techno is not a genre noted for its multitude of artistic high points, but “Cotton Eye Joe” may well be its nadir. A Country & Western record made by people who evidently hate C&W music with every fiber of their being, it layers a thumping beat with every hillbilly cliché known to man — twanging Jew’s harp, people shouting “yee-haw!”, bluegrass banjo, horses neighing — and then tops it off with a vocalist singing in what may be the most risible American accent ever committed to tape.

Worst Moment Rednex have spent more weeks at number 1 in Germany than any other artist of the last 25 years.

“Rico Suave” 1991
He was Vanilla Ice for the Telemundo set

Long before Ricky Martin lived la vida loca, another fleet-footed, sexually ambiguous Latino star crossed over to pop-chart glory by turning an otherwise forgettable dance-pop tune into a ubiquitous and dreaded catchphrase. In the verses, this Don Juan in a bandanna boasted about his insatiable libido over a cheesy Casiotone beat, but it’s the chorus that really sticks in our cabeza: Reeeeeeeco. Suuaaaaaave. No es bueno.

Worst Moment Nothing brings a dance floor to a screeching halt like the line “I’m used to good ol’-fashioned homestyle Spanish cooking/If I try that, I’ll be puking.”

“Make Em Say Uhh!” 1998
Cristal meets constipation!

A lot of ideas occur to people in the shower, but the hook for this Dirty South smash sounds as though someone thought it up on the toilet during a strenuous bowel movement: Master P and a small army of cronies groan “Unnngghhh” no fewer than 25 (!) times here. Rapping, P mumbles, falls behind an already wooden beat and is generally trounced by the phenomenally speedy Mystikal, who tries to pump some crunk back into the sinking ship with an eleventh-hour guest verse.

Worst Moment Each hook, which sounds like the “before” section of an Ex-Lax ad.

“Shiny Happy People” 1991
What were they thinking?

It’s difficult to imagine the circumstances that led R.E.M. — intelligent, literate, subtle even when rocking out — to record this. Not only is “Shiny Happy People” an annoying song, but you also get the distinct sense that it’s going out of its way to annoy you. What other explanation is there for its riff — which sounds like a cellphone ring tone chosen by a sociopath — or its lyrics, which resemble something you would force children to learn as a punishment, or the backing vocals of B-52 Kate Pierson, which defy rational description?

Worst Moment “Throw your love around, take it into town, put it in the ground, where the flowers grow.”

“Longer” 1979
Dear Mr. Fogelberg: Why not consider a stage name?

Having trouble placing this song? Imagine you’re in a dentist’s chair with a 10-inch steel drill about to bore into your molars when this Muzak classic pipes in through the office speakers. The singer sounds like he could be your patchouli-scented sixth-grade history teacher, whispering politely about being in love with you longer than there have been fish in the ocean, higher than any bird ever flew. Then the violins kick in. Then you pray for the sweet, sweet relief of the drill.

Worst Moment Any musician who uses the phrase forest primeval with a straight face must be stopped.

“Barbie Girl” 1997
Scandi-wegian pedo-pop alert! Erk!

Brilliant idea: Take a child’s toy, turn it into a twisted sexual fantasy (“Kiss me here, touch me there”), set it to teeth-rotting synth-pop like a robot pony kicking children to death and hawk it like Happy Meals to the under-13s. Perhaps the gambit sounded acceptable in helium-huffing singer Lene Nystrøm’s native Norwegian, but in English it’s just plain wrong. Barbie manufacturer Mattel sued, but that didn’t stop “Barbie Girl” from casting a blight on 1997. One question sprang to mind if you were unlucky enough to catch the video: Weren’t they a little old to be doing this?

Worst Moment “Rapper” René Dif’s basso profundo “Come on, Barbie, let’s go party.”

“Will 2K” 1999
On New Year’s Eve, the Fresh Prince drops the ball

In 1999, the incoming millennium sent most rappers into doomsday mode, but not Will Smith. He was writing a celebration jam so wildly dorky it makes your local bar mitzvah DJ look like a member of the Strokes. Having jumped from ’hood to Hollywood, Smith can’t make the return trip: His overearnest, G-rated rhymes about fun bob along to an unlikely “Rock the Casbah” sample — you can practically see Joe Strummer wondering if he came to the right party and inching toward the exit.

Worst Moment In the running for the Worst Pun Ever award, Smith raps, “The new millennium — excuse me, Will-ennium.”

“Mmm Mmm Mmm Mmm” 1994
The worst hum in music ever

You know that jerk at your office who can burp the alphabet? That’s the way Brad Roberts sings. On this 1994 single, his voice is a ludicrously bassy croak as he narrates supposed “slice-of-life” stories that land with a dull thud: A car hits one kid and turns his hair white; another’s covered in birthmarks; the last has genuflecting, churchgoing parents. Sure, white hair’s weird and evangelicals are weirder, but why are you telling us this? Moreover, why do you insist on humming the chorus? You sound like E.T. crossed with Barry White, dude!

Worst Moment Any time Roberts sings a vowel.

“Greatest Love Of All” 1986
“Sexual chocolate!”

Immortalized by Eddie Murphy’s lascivious funk band in Coming to America, this heartrending über-ballad is still best known as Whitney Houston’s career zenith, before the marriage and the drugs took hold. Backed by a piano and what may or may not be a high-school symphony, Whit is at her proto-Mariah overexuding best, belting out platitudes about the joys of loving oneself above all others. Truly an anthem for the ’80s.

Worst Moment Picture a whacked-out Whitney and Bobby staggering through Israel in his-n’-hers prayer robes, then listen to the climactic line, “They can’t take away my dignity.”

“Breakfast At Tiffany’s” 1995
So bland, you can actually forget you’re listening to music while it’s playing

Less a song than an experiment to see how mundane college rock can become before it ceases to exist altogether. Texas’s Deep Blue Something matched frantic acoustic guitars to a perky melody and a lyric that re-creates the experience of being cornered at a party by a stranger who insists on telling you his romantic problems in excruciating detail: “So I said.…She said.…And I said.…”

Worst Moment Has there ever been a more boring line in a song than “And as I recall, I think we both kinda liked it?”

“Your Body is a Wonderland” 2001
Get this man a cold shower

“Ohhh,” the women of the world sigh, “why can’t I just find a nice guy — you know, someone who’ll compare my breasts to a theme park?” Yearn no more, ladies! Drool never sounded as sweet as it does on this slow-stirred ode to daytime sex — but even from the otherwise charming Mayer, it’s still drool. What’s more, sunny acoustic guitars belie some creepy undertones: When Mayer rasps “Discover me discovering you” and “I’ll use my hands,” it sounds as though he’s sitting in a dark room, playing pocket pool to a camera he planted in the women’s lavatory.

Worst Moment Mayer describes the “deep sea of blankets” on his bed. Ewww!

“The Final Countdown” 1987
The worst thing to come from both the band and the continent itself

Eschewing such traditional hair-metal concerns as girl-chasing and “steel horse”–riding, this Rocky 4 theme from the poodle-permed Swedes found frontman Joey Tempest announcing that he was off to Venus, “ ’cause maybe they’ve seen us!” — proof that English lyrics are best written by people with a working knowledge of the language. Tempest’s nonsensical caterwauling was backed by music that somehow managed to be fascist in its bombast yet also coma-inducingly dull.

Worst Moment The synth trills remind us that before they were a crappy metal band, Europe were a crappy prog-rock band.

“The End” 1967
The most pretentious rock star’s most pretentious song

Bombastic? Lugubrious? Sounds like it was recorded in a large metal shipping container and mixed by drunks? It must be a Doors song! Painful in so many ways, “The End,” for starters, has none. (OK, it’s 11 minutes and 45 seconds long.) Over anemic jazz noodling, Jim Morrison intones lyrics that would make the kid wearing the pentagram T-shirt in the back row of homeroom blush with shame. For example: “Father…I want to kill you/Mother…I want to unh-grblgrauauauauaugh!”

Worst Moment According to online lyrics guides, that last vocal eruption actually contains the words that constitute the most appropriate response to the song: Fuck you.

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You're the Inspiration
Here are the songs you felt should have made the list of the 50 Worst Songs Ever.

Don Johnson
Talk about off key, and besides, it’s Don Johnson. Enough said.

Mr. C the Slide Man
“Cha Cha Slide”
Left foot now, y’all, cha-cha real smooth!

Whitney Houston
“I Will Always Love You”
Whitney Houston is already on the list, but I think her biggest crime against humanity was that awful “I Will Always Love You” from the Bodyguard soundtrack.

MC Hammer
“The Addams Family”

“Muskrat Love”
Barbra Streisand and Neil Diamond
“You Don’t Bring Me Flowers”
“Muskrat Love” and “You Don’t Bring Me Flowers Anymore” make me hurl when I hear them! Of course, anything that the Captain & Tennille ever did makes me want to blow chunks!

Los del Rio
“Macarena (Bayside Boys Mix)”

Del Shannon
“Runaround Sue”
Dion and the Belmonts
“The Wanderer”
Boy complains about girl’s lack of fidelity, but brags about his own.

Limp Bizkit
“Break Stuff”
They are old, tired and trying to reclaim a youth that escaped them by attempting to appeal to the rage and turmoil that stirs today’s youth. Instead, it’s condescending and alienates the listener as the song preaches on and on about how tough they think they are, all the while convincing us that they have issues with their manliness and are trying to overcompensate.

New Kids on the Block
“The Right Stuff”

Phil Collins
Annoying, commercial pop by a bald old musician during an advanced state of career decline, combined with a puzzling non-word as the title and chorus of the song.

“Rock Me Amadeus”
Annoying and irritating beyond belief.

Def Leppard
“Pour Some Sugar on Me”
What has nine arms and sucks?

Bobby Goldsboro
“See the tree, how big it’s grown...” If the “Honey” of the title had not died prior to the song being written, she surely would have committed suicide upon the realization that she inspired such trash.

The Rolling Stones
“Sympathy for the Devil”
Worst song ever!

“Pop Muzick”
I had the misfortune of making a living as a Disco DJ a long, long time ago and had to play this sucker over and over until I too became a mindless lump of mush.

Britney Spears
“Oops...I Did It Again”
That annoying song still screeches in my ears.

Baha Men
“Who Let the Dogs Out”

David Hasselhoff
“Looking for Freedom”

Scott Staph’s voice is strained and fake. The song is apparently about heaven, and you might be able to figure that out if he ever said anything coherent. But even when you can understand the lyrics, they are the most clichéd ever: “A place where blind men see/A place with golden streams...’ Give me a break. Get creative. The worst moment is the last reprise of the chorus when Staph feels the urge to scream and it sounds like he’s hitting puberty.

Britney Spears
Possibly the most pretentious, vomit-worthy pop song to date.

“I Don’t Wanna Miss a Thing”
It’s like fingernails on a chalkboard.

Paul McCartney
“Hey Jude”
This has to be the worst song ever! So many sad-sack people have been sucked into the world of that up-himself prick, it makes me sick to see him on television.

“Let’s Put the X in Sex” by

Beach Boys

Gloria Estefan
That song makes my brain bleed!

Kim Carnes
“Betty Davis Eyes”
You forgot one of my all-time overrated and pathetically sung songs, “Betty Davis Eyes” by Kim Carnes!

“Muskrat Love”
Richard Harris
“MacArthur Park”
Rupert Holmes
“Escape (The Pina Colada Song)”
While “Follow Me” and “My Heart Will Go On” are schmaltzy, nothing can compete with the sheer godawfulness of “Muskrat Love,” “MacArthur Park” and “Escape (The Pina Colada Song).” Those three are prime examples of why the ’70s sucked.

Don McLean
“American Pie”
A sappy, insipid mess that gets worse each time I’m subjected to it. The worst part of the whole debacle is that it’s intended to be a moving tribute piece, so people are afraid to give it the ripping it so richly deserves.

“The Real Slim Shady”
Hey Shady, what makes you think people are imitating you? What an egomaniac!

Peter Frampton
“Baby I Love Your Way”
Frampton was bad, anyone who covers it can only be worse. Two kids who look like they’re from a high school talent show? Teacher, give me a hall pass — it looks like my school lunch is suddenly trying to exit through the main entrance.

Phil Collins
“You Can’t Hurry Love”
The audacity of this guy thinking he has enough soul to cover anything from Motown.

“I Stand Alone”
A soundtrack for professional wrestlers. Sounds like mister football wrote it and wants to pulverize some weaklings.

The Knack
“My Sharona”
Tommy Tutone
How the hell did these two pieces of crap make the Billboard Top 10?

“A Horse With No Name”

Terry Jecks
“Seasons in the Sun”

Lou Bega
“Mambo #5”

Bon Jovi
“Living on a Prayer”

Bo Donaldson and the Heywoods
“Billy Don’t be a Hero”

Danny Mirror
“I Remember Elvis Presley”

“Moonlight Feels Right”
Xylophone in a pop song?

“The Final Countdown” is pretty awful, but isn’t Europe’s song “Cherokee” worse? Who thought a power ballad about the forced exodus of the Cherokee tribe in the mid-19th century was a good idea, especially since Swedes would be singing it?

By the damned group ABBA. My ex used to blast that crap relentlessly, till I made her hear the drums…

Only appealing to mildly sexually liberated drunk college girls. “She only comes when she’s on top.” Terrible. Plus the wailing. I’m not sure if he’s actually saying a word there, I just know it’s painful.

“Red Red Wine”
Quite possibly the most grating, stupefyingly awful performance in the history of recorded music.

Patrick Swayze
“She’s Like the Wind”
Wheeewww, the stench of it!!

“Dirty Pop”
Easily Top 50, if not Top 10. Just plain crap. “When’s it gonna fade out?” Never! Boy bands will be around forever!

Outhere Brothers
“Boom, Boom, Boom (Let’s Go Back to my Room)”

Huey Lewis
“Stuck With You”
Huey Lewis at No. 6 with “Heart of Rock and Roll”? Put “Stuck With You” there instead.

Faith Hill
The musical equivalent to nails on a chalkboard. Gets more painful to listen to when it plays on the muzak station in every department store.


Alanis Morissette
“You Oughta Know”
Ooooh, girls can cuss and talk about kinky sex in songs, too! False empowerment and banshee vocals that spawned too many imitators. It’s amazing how so many people were (and still are) fooled into thinking this is quality.

“I’ve Never Been to Me”
How could you forget that all-time sappy, schmaltzy song?

Fifth Dimension
“Up Up and Away in My Beautiful Balloon”

Starland Vocal Band
“Afternoon Delight”
How could you not have “Afternoon Delight” by the Starland Vocal Band. Is there anything cheesier? That long drawn out “Aaaaaaafternoon delight” at the end. Barf!

Scatman John

USA for Africa
“We Are the World”
You correctly identified “We Built This City” as the worst, but this self-congratulatory claptrap should be a close second. Screw the artists’ intentions, if they really wanted to end hunger with a song, they would have recorded something that wasn’t utter dog shit.

Sarah McLachlan

How can you forget “Anything” by Wham, with the immortal line: “Guilty feet have got no rhythm.”

Morris Albert
Absolutely the worst song ever pressed into vinyl and remade endlessly by every dentist muzak band and lounge singer to come down the pike. Not making this No. 1, let alone leaving it off the list, is like giving Britney Spears a Grammy for Best Live Performance.
—DJ Matt


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The 50 Worst Things Ever to Happen to Music
The 50 Most Awesomely Dead Rock Stars
The 50 Dumbest Rock-Star Extravagances


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$do11a biLL$

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Re: 50 worse songs ever, fans vote on this one some surprising like...
« Reply #1 on: August 18, 2006, 09:48:40 AM »
theyre idiots for having The Doors - "The End" on their list. Thats probably one of the best songs ever.


  • Muthafuckin' Don!
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Re: 50 worse songs ever, fans vote on this one some surprising like...
« Reply #2 on: August 18, 2006, 09:54:35 AM »
I hate when people make lists like this becuz they name top charting hits and got legends up there. It's all bull shit.


Re: 50 worse songs ever, fans vote on this one some surprising like...
« Reply #3 on: August 18, 2006, 10:20:27 AM »
The fact it includes Hanson -Mmmbop confims it's load of crap. Classic song.


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Re: 50 worse songs ever, fans vote on this one some surprising like...
« Reply #4 on: August 18, 2006, 10:51:24 AM »
The fact it includes Hanson -Mmmbop confims it's load of crap. Classic song.

LMAO...I hope that was a joke.

"THE" MoSav

Re: 50 worse songs ever, fans vote on this one some surprising like...
« Reply #5 on: August 18, 2006, 10:52:19 AM »
The fact it includes Hanson -Mmmbop confims it's load of crap. Classic song.
LOL!!! ::)

The Best of 3 Worlds

Deeez Nuuuts

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Re: 50 worse songs ever, fans vote on this one some surprising like...
« Reply #6 on: August 18, 2006, 10:59:37 AM »
“The End” 1967
The most pretentious rock star’s most pretentious song

Bombastic? Lugubrious? Sounds like it was recorded in a large metal shipping container and mixed by drunks? It must be a Doors song! Painful in so many ways, “The End,” for starters, has none. (OK, it’s 11 minutes and 45 seconds long.) Over anemic jazz noodling, Jim Morrison intones lyrics that would make the kid wearing the pentagram T-shirt in the back row of homeroom blush with shame. For example: “Father…I want to kill you/Mother…I want to unh-grblgrauauauauaugh!”

Worst Moment According to online lyrics guides, that last vocal eruption actually contains the words that constitute the most appropriate response to the song: Fuck you.

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I think you missed out Page 2...


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Re: 50 worse songs ever, fans vote on this one some surprising like...
« Reply #7 on: August 18, 2006, 11:21:10 AM »
Hell yeah this list is way off.... they don't even have Laffy Taffy on it!!!!


  • Muthafuckin' Don!
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Re: 50 worse songs ever, fans vote on this one some surprising like...
« Reply #8 on: August 18, 2006, 12:33:21 PM »
What the hell, the "Greatest Love of All" is a great song.

Also, there are a million rap songs worse than "Make em Say Uhh", you can't deny that song gets the party jumpin.
Being a LAKER is a privilige. Unfortunately some "Lakers" have forgotten that.

Los Angeles Lakers
Anaheim Angels


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Re: 50 worse songs ever, fans vote on this one some surprising like...
« Reply #9 on: August 18, 2006, 12:36:08 PM »
What the hell, the "Greatest Love of All" is a great song.

Also, there are a million rap songs worse than "Make em Say Uhh", you can't deny that song gets the party jumpin.

And "The Real Slim Shady", what the fuck? I can name you tons of worse Eminem songs...


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Re: 50 worse songs ever, fans vote on this one some surprising like...
« Reply #10 on: August 18, 2006, 12:46:33 PM »
theyre idiots for having The Doors - "The End" on their list. Thats probably one of the best songs ever.

Exactly what I thought when I saw that on the list.

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Re: 50 worse songs ever, fans vote on this one some surprising like...
« Reply #11 on: August 18, 2006, 02:17:41 PM »
The list is idiotic, how can u confuse some of the worst songs ever with some of the best songs ever?

Whoever made this list should die.


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Re: 50 worse songs ever, fans vote on this one some surprising like...
« Reply #12 on: August 18, 2006, 02:41:46 PM »
What the hell, the "Greatest Love of All" is a great song.

Also, there are a million rap songs worse than "Make em Say Uhh", you can't deny that song gets the party jumpin.

LOL, when I was in college, everyone just laughed whenever that song came on.  It was a joke then and it's a joke now.  There's a good reason Master P retired the "Ugghhhh" gimmick.

$do11a biLL$

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Re: 50 worse songs ever, fans vote on this one some surprising like...
« Reply #13 on: August 18, 2006, 03:59:06 PM »
Ok and second of all, some of these people need to listen to more music.

Def Leppard - Pour Some Sugar On Me = one of the best hard rock songs ever made and one of the most well known

Rolling Stones - Sympathy For The Devil = great song, no Stones song can be a worst ever

Paul McCartney - Hey Jude = the person who put that down is dumb because its credited as a beatles song and along with that Doors song is one of the best songs ever made

Whitney Houston - I Will Always Love You = one of the best love songs ever period

Don McClean - American Pie = not my style but still one of the best songs ever made

UB40 - Red Red Wine = probably the best cover song ever made in history by a great group

Bon Jovi - Living On A Prayer = also oneof the best hard rock songs ever made

Sarah McClachlan - Fallen = no Sarah McClachlan song is bad

Billy Joel - We Didnt Start The Fire = great history lesson put into a song

this list is crazy lol


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Re: 50 worse songs ever, fans vote on this one some surprising like...
« Reply #14 on: August 18, 2006, 07:46:42 PM »
Dont we all have a freind who we all laughed at and got ridiculed because after seing that mmbop song came to shcool and said " the song sucks but the lead singer is cute" lol