Author Topic: ‘Survivor: Cook Islands’ to divide teams by race  (Read 633 times)


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Re: ‘Survivor: Cook Islands’ to divide teams by race
« Reply #15 on: October 04, 2006, 08:47:01 PM »
I love this show!!! Its a real conversation starter for those watching it, its good to see that we can all compete friendly without having to take it to the next level, I mean you couldnt have no Survivor Sahara: Jews v Arabs but the rest of us muthafuckers are able to kick it healthy competition styles that is good.

The old Azn man is a nut! You can really see the differences in attitudes between the old and new school Asians.

damn all this typing about asians is making me hungry for asian food.......


J Bananas

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Re: ‘Survivor: Cook Islands’ to divide teams by race
« Reply #16 on: October 05, 2006, 12:19:36 AM »
i like how now that there's the merger people are getting truly racist and forming alliances with people from their old "team"

lol, human nature


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Re: ‘Survivor: Cook Islands’ to divide teams by race
« Reply #17 on: October 05, 2006, 08:57:23 PM »
It's also funny that after the merger it seems that the women are alligning themselves and men are doing the same.  After tonights episode, you've got the alliance of Yul and Becky and the white journalist guy and that hot white chick.  I think those 4 have potential.  And the tribe that lost tonight voted off JP which was pretty ballsy and most likely a stupid move.  Home girl admitted she wasn't worth shit, and cost them the victory, basically told everybody to vote her off.  Of course the women get mad emotional and decide to keep her.

I think that that Ozzie dude is probably the baddest dude out there.  He can fish and swim like was born in the water, plus he's kinniving as he masterminded booting off the fat latino early on.  And they make it seem like he keeps a pretty low profile.  I think he's got a real shot as long as he gets some sort of alliance going.

My question is why did the show decide to end their racial experiment so early?  They never merge this early, and there was so much left to play out.  I wonder if they were under too much pressure to get away from that structure?  Good show either way though.

M Dogg™

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Re: ‘Survivor: Cook Islands’ to divide teams by race
« Reply #18 on: November 18, 2006, 11:38:04 AM »
The game just got really interesting again.

No CWalker, no one wants to be on the white's tribe, as the whites reunited through some crazy twist. So 4 of the 5 original members, the 4 that actually were the white group as the 5th member was an outsider, are now in one tribe, and they voted off 3 minorities off the bat, and kept a black guy around, after all, his been flirting with one of the white girls. (I knew a white girl wanted that black dick, as she started with him) The other tribe has the best Latino, a black woman, and two Asians, Becky, who's there because Yul will save her. This will be interesting, will they merge, or will the producers let Nate (the black guy) get voted off.

The tribes:

Raro (the whitey plus the token black guy) - they have lost all but 3 challenges, and lost all four since the other 2 white people came to reunited the original Raro tribe (the white tribe). It wasn't until this past week that they've actually ate well, as Jonathan has been providing food, and taking over as a leader of example. From the looks, he might become the leader straight out, but this tribe has traditionally voted out their leaders. This is why they are not organized, they voted out JP first, who might have been their strongest member because he was a leader. But Jonathan is better at politics than JP, or any other leader, so he might actually be able to hold them together.

Aitu (the minorities) - they are lead by Yul, who picks each members strengths, and figures out the best way to win. This has lead to all but 3 wins, and 4 in a row since the two white people left. Yul also has the Immunity Idol, and it looks like the 4 members are gelling well. It looks like Yul and Ozzy (former Latino tribe's leader) might form an alliance, which would unite the two most powerful players in the game, and more than likely put them in the final 4. If there is a merger, the question becomes will Nate join them, or will he stick to his loyality to his white woman. They are better feed, and it looks like some actually gained weight.

from this game, you can come away with these stereotypes.

whites - political, they may not be the strongest team members (well the women I think were extremely strong members, the guys average), but they can sure work their alliances, and make their presents in the game. Is it any wonder that they have more members than any other tribe. There are two Asians, two blacks, one Latino, and 4 whites. They may not win, but they stay in the game.

Asians - strongest members, even when Cui Boi got voted off, they voted him off out of fear, even though he was 45. Jenny was a political strong member until the whites voted her off, and Brad was the white's first target once they got together. Overall, they are the strongest members, especially Yul, and it wouldn't be on surprise if you see an Asian win.

Latinos - weak political skills, as a tribe, they were united, and they were able to be a very strong tribe. There is not question that if they didn't merge earlier, there would be more left, but each one got themselves elimated for being themselves. JP was a bossy leader, Cristina was a pushy alpha woman, and Cecila rubbed people the wrong way when they first meet her with her with her outspoken ways. Ozzy's left, and his too strong to ever be voted off, you vote off Ozzy, you starve.

Blacks - weak members - The 3 black women were very weak members, as Sundra might be the strongest one, is basically being carried by Ozzy and Yul, and only Nate has a shot of making the final 4. Unless Sundra rides her alliance with Ozzy and Yul, it will be very hard for her. The other 2 black girls were too weak to make it further than they did, and Saiku maybe should have lasted longer, but was voted off by the black girls. Nate has a chance, but it's a matter of time until the whites take him out too.


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Re: ‘Survivor: Cook Islands’ to divide teams by race
« Reply #19 on: November 19, 2006, 12:33:38 PM »
^^^Pretty good analysis.

It's interesting that you've still closely followed each race.  After they broke up the original teams I completely forgot about that aspect of the show.  LOL, it never even occurred to me that there were no whites on Aitu.  After the Jew and the white chick jumped ship to Raro, I really started rooting hard for Aitu.  Not because they were minorities but because they had 2 of their members jump ship and I was hoping they would get burned for that decision. 

Yul and Ozzy are some badasses, and Becky can hold her own as well.  The black chick seems like dead weight but obviously she doesn't hurt them enough to where they are losing challenges.

This is a great show.

M Dogg™

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Re: ‘Survivor: Cook Islands’ to divide teams by race
« Reply #20 on: November 20, 2006, 12:15:59 PM »
final 4, Parvarti, Ozzy, Yul, Becky.

M Dogg™

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Re: ‘Survivor: Cook Islands’ to divide teams by race
« Reply #21 on: December 18, 2006, 09:47:54 AM »
Asian guy won, Mexican came in second

Poor Ozzy, I think his doing better this morning. Last night he looked depress, though not from losing a $1,000,000, but for not winning and being off the island. The whites were picked of by what Yul calls a "minority collition". The minority women couldn't make a fire. Shit, who cooked? The men did everything.

Final review:

Asians: dominated most of the game in terms of stratigy and politics. Yul and Becky had their hand in everything, and made sure that the game would go their way.

Latinos: Physicaly dominating, except Billy. Cece, Christina, JP and Ozzy were all very strong people who were voted off because their tribe clashed with them. Ozzy was in the final 2 as the most dominating challenge player in survivor history.

Blacks: not the strongest tribe, but in the end, lots of heart. Nate and Sundra provided lots of will, and just couldn't pull it off in the end.

Whites: made the show interesting. The whites all got on one tribe, and then picked off all the minorities around them, then the Jewish guy turned and joined the other minorities. Jonathan, greatest player ever.

Smoke Break

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Re: ‘Survivor: Cook Islands’ to divide teams by race
« Reply #22 on: December 18, 2006, 01:51:14 PM »
Jonathan, greatest player ever.
Him and Yul kept me watching. Yul could be a serial killer he's so cold and calculating; for like 4 weeks he was telling people yeah you go tonight and this is why; like some james bond villain shit except they didn't get away. Great season.


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Re: ‘Survivor: Cook Islands’ to divide teams by race
« Reply #23 on: December 18, 2006, 03:31:25 PM »
Jonathan, greatest player ever.
Him and Yul kept me watching. Yul could be a serial killer he's so cold and calculating; for like 4 weeks he was telling people yeah you go tonight and this is why; like some james bond villain shit except they didn't get away. Great season.

lol to jonathan...yul was crazy good...but it was all about ozzy, str8 dicked everyone for the immunity in tha final weeks...although yul is still deserving.
- kemp>mj


Re: ‘Survivor: Cook Islands’ to divide teams by race
« Reply #24 on: December 20, 2006, 09:09:04 PM »
I can't believe those stupid, stupid motherfuckers.  There's this place called "exile island" where there's riddles to gain an immunity statue.  The last time around, when you win, you can vote someone from another team to go to exile island for 2 days, to hurt their team.  So you can use it to fuck somebody.

These dumbasses vote the smartest motherfucker on the entire island out to the 'exile island' part... it takes him all of like 10 fucking minutes to figure out the clues and get the immunity idol.  One of the white guys was out there for 2 days and couldn't find it.  They send the asian, and he's playing with the idol 10 minutes later.  It was like a fucking calculator or something "O.K., the way this is worded, I'm going to find all of the possible places that the idol could be buried and mark them with this stick... then I'll categorically eliminate each variable....  blah blah blah... "

... and dude wins the whole show over this shit. 

M Dogg™

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Re: ‘Survivor: Cook Islands’ to divide teams by race
« Reply #25 on: December 21, 2006, 01:17:13 AM »
Jonathan, greatest player ever.
Him and Yul kept me watching. Yul could be a serial killer he's so cold and calculating; for like 4 weeks he was telling people yeah you go tonight and this is why; like some james bond villain shit except they didn't get away. Great season.

his more like a Don, and Ozzy his hitman. He sees Ozzy getting close to Nate, and was like, no, Nate's next to leave. He said later it was already determanded Nate was leaving because he didn't want Ozzy to turn. Plus it solidified the allence with Jonathen. Then he was like, Ozzy, keep immunity from these people so we can pick them off. Becky wanted Ozzy out, Yul later said he wanted to keep him because he can keep immunity away from others, and keep the target from him. In order to have a chance at staying in the game, you had to beat Ozzy, and Yul knew that. Yul pulled strings. He wasn't going to keep Jonathen around, because he feared Jonathen would try to take the idol from him, so he used his strategy off getting rid of Jonathen, to sway Adam to vote for him, and that was the $1,000,000 vote, as Yul won by one vote. He played a great stategy game. Like he said, Ozzy in any other year walks away with a $1,000,000. Not this year, Yul used Ozzy (and Ozzy was a good stategist too, him and Nate I believe could have taking out the Aitu 3 and the white people with the right moving, which Ozzy was smart enough to do), had Becky and Sundra, and got himself the win. No question, a cold muthaphukka right there.

Smoke Break

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Re: ‘Survivor: Cook Islands’ to divide teams by race
« Reply #26 on: December 21, 2006, 01:59:13 PM »
you got that shit down man lol, I expect to see Ozzy back when they do another All-Stars edition he was just too good at whatever challenges they threw at him. I think a lot of people would have liked to see him win too, he could have used the money more than Yul so another reason they'll give him another shot at it.
« Last Edit: December 21, 2006, 06:02:39 PM by Smoke Break »