Author Topic: WHO GOT FLOWZ? DVD!  (Read 49 times)

  • Lil Geezy
  • *
  • Posts: 67
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« on: September 06, 2006, 09:24:42 AM »
Secure your spot on this World Wide Distributed DVD!

Get noticed on this Nationally Distributed promotional DVD,
"Who Got Flowz?", this is a Documentary based dvd giving unsigned artists their spotlite to shine all around the world on a mainstream availabilty level. Each artist will send it 10 minutes of video showcasing their talents on the mic in the studio, play a video, or just let the world know who you are, no hold's barred do what the F@..% you wanna do!, you'll send in your best work if your smart. There is only 10 spot's left available and everybody that submitt's will not be chosen.

The DVD wil get National on-demand distribution to over 8,000 retailers that sell music including but not limited to: Tower Records, Circuit City, Virgin Megastores, Barnes & Noble* and thousands of independent stores. Retailers can purchase LEFTSIDEMUSIC releases from the following One-Stop distributors: Alliance Entertainment Corporation (AEC), Baker & Taylor Inc., and Super Discount.

Global distribution is available through leading online retailers including but not limited to: barnes&,,,,,,,,,, and

Benefit: Now you can list a handful of these great online retailers on your site and direct your fans to the proper locations.

Artists and labels are urged to promote and market this product to the best of their ability. Without promotion and marketing, there is little chance that consumers will know about your music or that stores will order your products. Here are a few promotion ideas:

- Play gigs, tour!
- Hang posters, hand out flyers
- Start a mailing list, send e-mails to your fans
- Run advertisements in various media
- Contact retail stores to tell them about your new DVD your on and why they should stock it.

If you are interested in this opportunity, reply to this bulletin or contact me at:

818-332-3022(leave a message with your name and number)

Or, E-mail: