Author Topic: Do you understand Money, Debt, Inflation, and The Federal Reserve?  (Read 444 times)

TraceOneInfinite Flat Earther 96'

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Re: Do you understand Money, Debt, Inflation, and The Federal Reserve?
« Reply #15 on: June 14, 2007, 12:09:01 AM »
And I can't speak on the influence of Islam during this time, as I haven't researched it.  But understand what this is illustrating. 

What is the golden rule?  "Do unto others as you'd have done to you"....SHUT THE FUCK UP! The golden rule is "He who has the gold, RULES!!!!!!"

Well what was done by Britain in this time and ultimately in the United States in 1960's was the dissolution of the gold standard.  Our fiat money today equals that of monopoly money...nothing.  We used to be able to transfer our currency to gold.  Not anymore.  See the Federal Reserve & The IRS.  The Federal Reserve is a private bank, just like any bank that we cash our checks at every week.  Nothing special about the Federal Reserve.  Except this:  Our government has the right and the ability to print it's own money.  They elect not to do that.  Instead, they elect the Federal Reserve to print our currency, and Washington BORROWS this money.  When I say borrow, I mean finance.  Washington borrows the money, and has to REPAY that money PLUS INTEREST to the federal reserve.  Who owns the federal reserve?  We don't know, because that is undisclosed information.  So tell me why, our govt. would elect to hire someone else to print our currency and pay them interest?  Who is making profit from that interest?  Why don't they want to disclose who the owners are?

And on top of that, who do you think foots the bill for that interest expense?  WE DO.  That is where your tax dollars go.  Not to roads, not to welfare, not to the poor, not to the have nots.  It goes to pay the interest expense that our government incurs all because they choose the Fed to print our money even though they have the wherewithal to do themselves.

I'll post some more stuff on the Federal Reserve and the IRS later.  But understand that when a guy like Ron Paul wants to remove the Federal Reserve, yes, it will affect out bi-weekly paychecks, but that is not what is driving him.  He believes that our currency should be backed by a tangible good.  Silver & Gold?  Maybe, but there have also been very intersting arguements that we base our currency on all of the great infrastructure of the United States, which makes a ton of sense to me.

Very interesting.   Your understanding of all of this impresses me.  I wasn't able to make all those connections from the video.

So I have some more questions because it seems like you have a good grasp on this...

1.  I heard China is our creditor.  But you said it was the faceless, nameless people at the Federal Reserve?  So which is it?

2.  Where is the Federal Reserve located?

3.  Is the World Bank the same thing as the Federal Reserve?

4.  I heard it was Jews like the Rothschilds that work at the Federal Reserve or World Bank?

5.  Did you catch that part where one of the US presidents was assasinated that was quoted as speaking against the Federal Reserve?  You know any more about that?

6.  You think an organization this powerful would ever allow Ron Paul to become president and put them out of existence?

7.  Anything more you can explain about the role of war in all of this?  I heart that war is neccassary to sustain this kind of economy as it stands today, where we have to keep destroying, rebiulding, wasting, and so on.. an endless cycle, that war is neccassary to sustain it?  Is that true?  And can you explain that aspect more.

8.  how do they keep inflation from rising if there is printed money out of nowhere?

Holler back man.. I'm interested to hear anything you can tell me to answer my questions.
Givin' respect to 2pac September 7th-13th The Day Hip-Hop Died

(btw, Earth 🌎 is not a spinning water ball)


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Re: Do you understand Money, Debt, Inflation, and The Federal Reserve?
« Reply #16 on: June 15, 2007, 03:52:40 AM »
3.  Even if every person in the country was motivated and wanted a job, a capatalist economy can not provide a job for every person, correct?


i disagree, if every person is willing and able to work, they could. here in australia the government provides work for those on welfare who are able to work, but cannot find it.
If the government is providing work to the unemployeed and has a welfare system, then it is not truely capatalistic.

name one true capitalist economy.

australia is classified as capitalist.

Teddy Roosevelt

  • Muthafuckin' Don!
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Re: Do you understand Money, Debt, Inflation, and The Federal Reserve?
« Reply #17 on: June 15, 2007, 10:02:09 AM »
3.  Even if every person in the country was motivated and wanted a job, a capatalist economy can not provide a job for every person, correct?


i disagree, if every person is willing and able to work, they could. here in australia the government provides work for those on welfare who are able to work, but cannot find it.
If the government is providing work to the unemployeed and has a welfare system, then it is not truely capatalistic.

name one true capitalist economy.

australia is classified as capitalist.
There is none. But a truely capitalist country most likely couldn't provide a job for every person.


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Re: Do you understand Money, Debt, Inflation, and The Federal Reserve?
« Reply #18 on: June 15, 2007, 11:03:44 AM »
3.  Even if every person in the country was motivated and wanted a job, a capatalist economy can not provide a job for every person, correct?


i disagree, if every person is willing and able to work, they could. here in australia the government provides work for those on welfare who are able to work, but cannot find it.
If the government is providing work to the unemployeed and has a welfare system, then it is not truely capatalistic.

name one true capitalist economy.

australia is classified as capitalist.
There is none. But a truely capitalist country most likely couldn't provide a job for every person.

then we are in accord  ;)


  • Guest
Re: Do you understand Money, Debt, Inflation, and The Federal Reserve?
« Reply #19 on: June 16, 2007, 01:04:12 AM »
And I can't speak on the influence of Islam during this time, as I haven't researched it.  But understand what this is illustrating. 

What is the golden rule?  "Do unto others as you'd have done to you"....SHUT THE FUCK UP! The golden rule is "He who has the gold, RULES!!!!!!"

Well what was done by Britain in this time and ultimately in the United States in 1960's was the dissolution of the gold standard.  Our fiat money today equals that of monopoly money...nothing.  We used to be able to transfer our currency to gold.  Not anymore.  See the Federal Reserve & The IRS.  The Federal Reserve is a private bank, just like any bank that we cash our checks at every week.  Nothing special about the Federal Reserve.  Except this:  Our government has the right and the ability to print it's own money.  They elect not to do that.  Instead, they elect the Federal Reserve to print our currency, and Washington BORROWS this money.  When I say borrow, I mean finance.  Washington borrows the money, and has to REPAY that money PLUS INTEREST to the federal reserve.  Who owns the federal reserve?  We don't know, because that is undisclosed information.  So tell me why, our govt. would elect to hire someone else to print our currency and pay them interest?  Who is making profit from that interest?  Why don't they want to disclose who the owners are?

And on top of that, who do you think foots the bill for that interest expense?  WE DO.  That is where your tax dollars go.  Not to roads, not to welfare, not to the poor, not to the have nots.  It goes to pay the interest expense that our government incurs all because they choose the Fed to print our money even though they have the wherewithal to do themselves.

I'll post some more stuff on the Federal Reserve and the IRS later.  But understand that when a guy like Ron Paul wants to remove the Federal Reserve, yes, it will affect out bi-weekly paychecks, but that is not what is driving him.  He believes that our currency should be backed by a tangible good.  Silver & Gold?  Maybe, but there have also been very intersting arguements that we base our currency on all of the great infrastructure of the United States, which makes a ton of sense to me.

Very interesting.   Your understanding of all of this impresses me.  I wasn't able to make all those connections from the video.

So I have some more questions because it seems like you have a good grasp on this...

1.  I heard China is our creditor.  But you said it was the faceless, nameless people at the Federal Reserve?  So which is it?

2.  Where is the Federal Reserve located?

3.  Is the World Bank the same thing as the Federal Reserve?

4.  I heard it was Jews like the Rothschilds that work at the Federal Reserve or World Bank?

5.  Did you catch that part where one of the US presidents was assasinated that was quoted as speaking against the Federal Reserve?  You know any more about that?

6.  You think an organization this powerful would ever allow Ron Paul to become president and put them out of existence?

7.  Anything more you can explain about the role of war in all of this?  I heart that war is neccassary to sustain this kind of economy as it stands today, where we have to keep destroying, rebiulding, wasting, and so on.. an endless cycle, that war is neccassary to sustain it?  Is that true?  And can you explain that aspect more.

8.  how do they keep inflation from rising if there is printed money out of nowhere?

Holler back man.. I'm interested to hear anything you can tell me to answer my questions.

1.  China IS our creditor.  So is Saudi Arabia.  Those 2 countries absolutely own our ass.  Kinda funny when you think that nearly every hijacker in 9/11 was Saudi.  But yes, along w/ the Federal Reserve, we borrow TRILLIONS from these 2 countries.

2.  The federal reserve's location is a convoluted answer.  The Fed is comprised of Government appointed officals, which is located in Washington.  It is also comprised of the Federal Open Market Committee (Open market operations are the buying and selling of government securities), 12 regional Federal Reserve Banks located in major cities throughout the nation acting as fiscal agents for the U.S. Treasury, each with their own nine-member board of directors; (4) numerous private U.S. member banks, which subscribe to required amounts of non-transferable stock in their regional Federal Reserve Bank; and (5) various advisory councils. 

3.  The World Bank is not the same thing as The Fed in name, it is the same thing in principle.

4.  Ownership of The Fed is only parially known.  When you start looking at the private member banks and regional ownership, those are privately held and are therefore not publicly disclosed information.

5.  Well, Woodrow Wilson was our President when The Fed was put into place.  Literally on his death bed did he state that he believed that his institution of that program would be the downfall of the United States.  He maintained that he didn't fully understand it's ramifications at the time of inception, but later realized it was his greatest failure while in office.

6.  No I don't.  We're talking about a very small group of men collecting TRILLIONS of dollars.  If you think they're going to let some 71 year old man ruin their party, you're gravely mistaken.  They'll kill Paul if they have to.

7.  The war plays numerous roles.  At it's core, it distracts the American people.  For every death (about 100 / month now for Americans, and HUNDREDS of THOUSANDS of Iraqis - which is unsubstantiated by our govt), they try to spin it into motiviation.  It also is an endless machine of consumption - both monetarily and production / service wise.  It also propagates our constant borrowing of bililons of dollars from foreign governments to subsidize our efforts.  The fed can't print all the money, it would be de-based to nothing.  And the enemy is terrorism, which is a faceless enemy.  There is no victory, no end.  We can continue proclaiming war on it just like we have declared war on poverty, drugs, illiteracy, etc.  It's just another buraeucracy to suck the taxpayers dry.  It's a farce.

8.  They don't keep inflation from rising.  A dollar today is worth about 3 cents compared to 100 years ago.  The only way to keep our current system from crumbling at it's core is to continue to borrow.  As long as foreign countries and us as individuals accept it in lieu of a tangible good, it will have value, albeit less and less as time goes on.

But check out The Fed.  They actually show gold on their balance sheet.  Why would the fed want our nations gold?  You think it has anything to do with the fact that they know that we're going to have an economic collapse?  If they have gold, they don't care what happens to the dollar.  In fact, I believe that they are moving as fast as they can to eliminate the dollar to eschew in the Amero.  If you haven't seen my posts on that, google it.  The Amero is much like the Euro - it's a central currency of Canada, USA, and Mexico.  Just dig into this stuff, it'll scare the shit out of you.

TraceOneInfinite Flat Earther 96'

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Re: Do you understand Money, Debt, Inflation, and The Federal Reserve?
« Reply #20 on: June 16, 2007, 06:45:08 AM »

1.  China IS our creditor.  So is Saudi Arabia.  Those 2 countries absolutely own our ass.  Kinda funny when you think that nearly every hijacker in 9/11 was Saudi.  But yes, along w/ the Federal Reserve, we borrow TRILLIONS from these 2 countries.

2.  The federal reserve's location is a convoluted answer.  The Fed is comprised of Government appointed officals, which is located in Washington.  It is also comprised of the Federal Open Market Committee (Open market operations are the buying and selling of government securities), 12 regional Federal Reserve Banks located in major cities throughout the nation acting as fiscal agents for the U.S. Treasury, each with their own nine-member board of directors; (4) numerous private U.S. member banks, which subscribe to required amounts of non-transferable stock in their regional Federal Reserve Bank; and (5) various advisory councils. 

3.  The World Bank is not the same thing as The Fed in name, it is the same thing in principle.

4.  Ownership of The Fed is only parially known.  When you start looking at the private member banks and regional ownership, those are privately held and are therefore not publicly disclosed information.

5.  Well, Woodrow Wilson was our President when The Fed was put into place.  Literally on his death bed did he state that he believed that his institution of that program would be the downfall of the United States.  He maintained that he didn't fully understand it's ramifications at the time of inception, but later realized it was his greatest failure while in office.

6.  No I don't.  We're talking about a very small group of men collecting TRILLIONS of dollars.  If you think they're going to let some 71 year old man ruin their party, you're gravely mistaken.  They'll kill Paul if they have to.

7.  The war plays numerous roles.  At it's core, it distracts the American people.  For every death (about 100 / month now for Americans, and HUNDREDS of THOUSANDS of Iraqis - which is unsubstantiated by our govt), they try to spin it into motiviation.  It also is an endless machine of consumption - both monetarily and production / service wise.  It also propagates our constant borrowing of bililons of dollars from foreign governments to subsidize our efforts.  The fed can't print all the money, it would be de-based to nothing.  And the enemy is terrorism, which is a faceless enemy.  There is no victory, no end.  We can continue proclaiming war on it just like we have declared war on poverty, drugs, illiteracy, etc.  It's just another buraeucracy to suck the taxpayers dry.  It's a farce.

8.  They don't keep inflation from rising.  A dollar today is worth about 3 cents compared to 100 years ago.  The only way to keep our current system from crumbling at it's core is to continue to borrow.  As long as foreign countries and us as individuals accept it in lieu of a tangible good, it will have value, albeit less and less as time goes on.

But check out The Fed.  They actually show gold on their balance sheet.  Why would the fed want our nations gold?  You think it has anything to do with the fact that they know that we're going to have an economic collapse?  If they have gold, they don't care what happens to the dollar.  In fact, I believe that they are moving as fast as they can to eliminate the dollar to eschew in the Amero.  If you haven't seen my posts on that, google it.  The Amero is much like the Euro - it's a central currency of Canada, USA, and Mexico.  Just dig into this stuff, it'll scare the shit out of you.

Thanks for the info.  To be continued.
Givin' respect to 2pac September 7th-13th The Day Hip-Hop Died

(btw, Earth 🌎 is not a spinning water ball)