Author Topic: Who are the anunnaqi?  (Read 714 times)

Nat Turner-reincarnated

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Who are the anunnaqi?
« on: January 01, 2008, 10:47:34 PM »

They are our ancestors.And they left records and proof of their existence just as the ancient egyptians did.

We dont have to go to the europeans to confirm they existed because they left records and stories of their lives for us.

There are those who classify the sumerians teachings as mythology because they cant explain them just as they try to call egyptian history mythology.The sumerians recorded on tablets in cuneiform (the oldest known language on the earth)stories of beings that visited this planet from other universes ,what you would call extra terrestrials. Being that you have been indoctrinated with movies to make you think that beings from other planets are science fiction you might not believe this.

but our ancient ancestors the sumerians and egyptians have recorded this.If you choose to follow these new teachings of your slave master over the teachings of your ancient ancestors who were here on this planet first thats on you. Who Are The Anunnaqi?
Body: HOLY TABLETS Chapter 1 -T..ablet 1 I

64. He (ANU ) began to call out and order all the blessed and chosen children of THE ALL, the Etherians, 65. Who incarnated into the form of the ANUNNAQI which is known to many as Aluhum, or Neteru as known to the ancient Egyptian.

The Anunnaqi, Meaning, "Those Who Anu, Sent Down To Qi, Or Gi, (Which Became Geo) In Na Fifties," are one of our supreme creators, those who grew us. It is from them that we came. They grew nine ether beings.

Holy tab Chap 1 Tablet ( In part)

1:15 Primary creation was performed by nine ether beings,simly Etherians.

1:16 Nine Ether is the combination of all existing gases of NATURE.
Nothing anywhere can be as powerful as all existing gases.

1:19 Nine ether is concious and consciencr gases.
The Melanin-ites the original woolly-haired,dark skinned Muurs "Moors"
came along with the original creation;that is the same kind of ether forces
that grew the unverses.As Nature was growing these Melaninites were a part of
the original growth.

1:21 Simply, these Melanin-ites created the universes in their etheric form.

1:22 Nine ether then personified themselves as flesh and blood beings
they became human beings from atoms to adam.

The Anunnaqi are known by many titles, in many languages, such as: aluhum, malaaikat, angelos, kachina, neteraat, umarway, thunderbirds, ginwin, or shushukiy, and there are many others.They have germinated this planet from what we call Mars, seeding the planet at four points as four beings, 1. Neter, 2. Anunna, 3. Elul, 4. Nommos, the four winds.

their existence goes way back to 76 trillions years ago of our time, if we must try to calculate. They live in and beyond time zone. We cannot comprehend these things as of yet. Their creation, never existing as we think of it, they exist as a crystal essence, birthing light and form from beyond light and form, which was created by the supreme being ANU, the most high, who was appointed by Ba Kuluwm "The All".

The Annunaqi are those beings who Anu (The Heavenly One) sent from Heaven (Illiyuwn the 19th Galaxy) in passenger ships called shams (meaning "up there" in sets of 50's to Qi (Ki) Ge Earth.

They are who the Ancient Sumerians refered to as their "ancestors" who came from the sky.
The ones who stayed in the sky were the Igigi.

the word ''anunnaqi" is cuneform.Anunnaqi mean"those who anu sent down to qi(earth).the perfix Qi also spelled Ki can now be found as geo by way of the greeks,changing the Q toG .the anunnaqi are a race of supreme beings that consist of both agreeable and disagreeable beings not just one kind.this word anunnaqi is equivalent to the word eloheem (elohiym or elohim)that is is used in the torah and is used within the ancient sumerian tablet.the word anunnaqi is only a title and not their names.the word anunnaqi was attained by way of an action that took place;after these bing called anunnaqi came down to earth not fell down becase fall from that kind of height would have killed them just like it would have killed anyone of us

THE ANUNNAQI are those beings who were sent down to the Planet Qi (Earth), known to you as angels. The word Anunnaqi means “those who ANU sent from heaven to Earth.” They are called NETERU, meaning “guardians” by the Egyptians. The Anunnaqi Eloheem are the “mighty ones.” In Ashuric/Syraic (Arabic) the “mighty ones” are referred to as Jabbariyns. In Aramic (Hebrew) the “mighty ones” are referred to as Gibboreem. The very elite among the Anunnaqi are called the DINNEER, or the DINGIR, meaning “the righteous, or divine ones of the rocket ship,” or ILU, meaning “the lofty ones” in Akkadian.

The Anunnaqi, Eloheem, were acting as intermediaries between Earth and NIBIRU. They came to the planet Earth in order to find gold and other resources, to take back to their planet which is the 8th planet—Rizq, of the 19th galaxy called Illyuwn meaning “on high,” which was on its way to destruction due to constant rays from the three suns UTU, APSU, and SHAMASH.

They were supposed to deliver the processed gold to spaceships that would be stored on the dark side of the moon called (Kingu or Shesqi), and Lahmu (Mars). This is where they constructed and loaded the 30 mile long cylinder shaped crafts. They used Lahmu (Mars) to assemble crafts to launch.

Nat Turner-reincarnated

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Re: Who are the anunnaqi?
« Reply #1 on: January 01, 2008, 10:56:31 PM »

The Anunnaqi arrived on the planet Qi by way of passenger crafts called shams. Their planet-sized ship Nibiru, which means “planet which crosses the skies, or planet of the crossing” travels at 1,008,600,272 feet per second, the speed of light.

Nibiru is about 2½ to 3 times the size of the planet Earth. Nibiru has a crystal dome giving it the ability to break down light, it has solar panels that are the size of pin’s heads or less than that and can generate millions and millions of watts of energy.

Nibiru was set up for holographic inter dimensional transport and manned over 144,000 crew members headed by 24 elite beings called YAHWEHANS, 12 agreeable and 12 disagreeable. Nibiru is also called Merkabah meaning “the movable throne.”

These extra-terra(earth)-astral (extraterrestrial) are aboard the mother ship Nibiru. The Anunnaqi’s descriptions are dark-greenish brown skinned olive toned beings, with supreme 9 ether hair texture or what you’d call “kinky” or “kingly” hair.

They look like humans with a few exceptions, such as their eyes. Some of the Anunnaqi’s eyes are exceptionally larger than that of humans. They are of such and advanced state that if you confronted one of them with a weapon, they would let you shoot them rather than hurt you.

The inhabitants of NIBIRU were called the IGIGI or THE WATCHERS;

They were all under ANU and became known as the ANUN.NA.QI. the beings that ANU sent to QI.

These beings colonizing the earth,which was called ERIDU, home away from home.

450,000 years ago NIBIRU's supreme being and leader AN also called ANU supervised this colonization.

Through and by way of his two sons EN.QI and ENLIL.

They as well as other ANUN.NA.QI. leaders assumed the role of the BIBLE GOD and ANU.The Most High God.

The ANUN.NA.QI became confused with ELOHEEM and YAHWEH because of the language confusion at BABEL.El got confused with AL.

So ELOHEEM,that is related to EL and translated as GODS or judges,got confused with ALYOWN mispelled ELYOWN ,for the highest.

So ANU's sons the eldest being EN.QI and the next ENLIL were given divine assignments.

Enlil was to protect the skies and his name means(Master Of The Skies)and EN.QI was to protect the earth and its waters and inhabitants.

So he was called EN.QI Master Of QI or Earth.Another of EN.QI's names was EA(He Who Always Abodes In Water).

ANU's two sons EN.QI and ENLIL as well as the other ANUN.NA.QI leaders,later became worshipped.

ENLIL was the mission commander and EN.QI,the elder brother,served as executive and science officer.

EN.QI was regulated to the secondary status because his mother IYD was of the sea and was not the official wife of ANU as was ENLIL's mother ANTUM.T

heir sister NINTI or MAMI was the mother whos seed was used for the procreation of the Earth.

EN.QI was removed from the royal mammal line because of his reptillian blood thus he was next in succession,however because he was so much wiser he was chosen to lead the first expedition which on this planet in the persian gulf and there they set up cities

Dont let nobody tell you tat this is mythology because thats one way they erase our story they make movies and dont tell the truth in them.
They Are At It Again

Just Like They Produce Movies Depicting The Ancient Egyptians(OUR ANCESTORS) as They Want.They Put these movies out and falsely identify the egyptians and their gods as evil and such and when the truth about the egyptians come we doubt it,and subconsciously we are afraid of them.They Implant Images Other Than Nubian As Egyptian To Subliminally Take away From the Fact That The Original Egyptians were Nubian.

They Are Depicting The Ancient Anunnaqi(OUR ANCESTORS)As They Want.Now Before The Masses Really Learn And Find Out About Our ancient Summerian Culture They Are Putting This Movie Out To Throw You Off,Just Like They Did With That Movie The Greatest Story Ever Told.Depicting Moses And The Pharoah as European As Well As The Egyptians.

They Are Trying To Make Our Realities Of The Past Seem Like Fairytales.

 These extra-terra-astral (extraterrestrial) are aboard the mother ship Nibiru. The Anunnaqi?s descriptions are dark-greenish brown skinned olive toned beings, with supreme 9 ether hair texture or what you?d call ?kinky? or ?kingly? hair. They look like humans with a few exceptions, such as their eyes. Some of the Anunnaqi?s eyes are exceptionally larger than that of humans. They are of such and advanced state that if you confronted one of them with a weapon, they would let you shoot them rather than hurt you.

Source: 1996 Nuwaubian Calendar, ?Extraterrestrial Amongst Us?

Thise is OURSTORY one that existed before the word mythology existed a story theat existed before the caucausians existed so research it .


The inhabitants of NIBIRU were called the IGIGI or THE WATCHER

They were all under ANU and became known as the ANUN.NA.QI. the beings that ANU sent to QI.

These beings colonizing the earth,which was called ERIDU, home away from home.

450,000 years ago NIBIRU's supreme being and leader AN also called ANU supervised this colonization.

Through and by way of his two sons EN.QI and ENLIL.

They as well as other ANUN.NA.QI. leaders assumed the role of the BIBLE GOD and ANU.The Most High God.

The ANUN.NA.QI became confused with ELOHEEM and YAHWEH because of the language confusion at BABEL.El got confused with AL.

So ELOHEEM,that is related to EL and translated as GODS or judges,got confused with ALYOWN mispelled ELYOWN ,for the highest.

So ANU's sons the eldest being EN.QI and the next ENLIL were given divine assignments.

Enlil was to protect the skies and his name means(Master Of The Skies)and EN.QI was to protect the earth and its waters and inhabitants.

So he was called EN.QI Master Of QI or Earth.Another of EN.QI's names was EA(He Who Always Abodes In Water).

ANU's two sons EN.QI and ENLIL as well as the other ANUN.NA.QI leaders,later became worshipped.

ENLIL was the mission commander and EN.QI,the elder brother,served as executive and science officer.

EN.QI was regulated to the secondary status because his mother IYD was of the sea and was not the official wife of ANU as was ENLIL's mother ANTUM.

Their sister NINTI or MAMI was the mother whos seed was used for the procreation of the Earth.

EN.QI was removed from the royal mammal line because of his reptillian blood thus he was next in succession,however because he was so much wiser he was chosen to lead the first expedition which landed on this planet in the persian gulf and there they set up cities

ANU is the biological father of ENLIL.

This is what caused the original conflict between ENLIL and EN.QI, because even though EN.QI was the first born son of ANU he was not 100% by blood due to the fact his (EN.QI)mother was part reptillian where as ENLIL's mother ANTUM was the half sister of ANU making ENLIL a 100% pure descendant or seed.

ENLIL being a pure breed looked at humans as beast and he was totally against us having reproductive abilities and the ability to speak and reason and intermingling of ANUN.NA.QI and LULU's(primitive slaves).'

He looked at us much the same way we would look at a monkey.

The word lu meant sheep and for emphasis or to denote greatness or large words were repeated twice in ANCIENT SUMER thus you have big or large sheep for mortals.

ENLIL was furious at EN.QI for saving the seed of mortals thru UTNAFISHTIM.

So the EL's that came thru his seed were not in favor of us .

But EN.QI and his seed were,being that we were like them(us) being mixed breeds.

Our job was and still is to prove that we are worthy of what the USHUMGAL said we werent.

Also BABA said that ENLIL is no longer on the side of the USHUMGAL or the disagreeables.

ANTUM also called ANTU the half sister of ANU through their father ANSHAR was not half reptillian.

ENLIL was 100% of the bloodline of ANU or more specifically the BA ANUNA or ANUTU.

EN.QI was half ANUN.NA.QI from his fathers bloodline and half reptillian or dragonian from his mothers bloodline.

NIBURIAN law was that the rules of succession comes from having a son through your half sister to keep it in the family bloodline.

If a male has a son by his half sister that son does not have the title of successorship unless given to him by a higher ANUN.NA.QI .

SUMER SHINAR is where the ANUN.NA.QI landed.
The Master Teacher has informed us that EN.QI

has been sent to help on our behalf by ANU.

He didnt say ENLIL and because EN.QI is half reptillian doesnt make him bad for us.

Dr. Octagon

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Re: Who are the anunnaqi?
« Reply #2 on: January 02, 2008, 10:32:26 AM »

Nat Turner-reincarnated

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Re: Who are the anunnaqi?
« Reply #3 on: January 02, 2008, 12:36:07 PM »
how come we still not evoluting ?

Dr. Octagon

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Re: Who are the anunnaqi?
« Reply #4 on: January 02, 2008, 01:00:28 PM »


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Re: Who are the anunnaqi?
« Reply #7 on: January 02, 2008, 02:39:43 PM »

"In the beginning, we were all fish. Okay? Swimming around in the water. And then one day a couple of fish had a retard baby, and the retard baby was different, so it got to live. So Retard Fish goes on to make more retard babies, and then one day, a retard baby fish crawled out of the ocean with its...mutant fish hands... and it had butt sex with a squirrel or something and made this. Retard frog-sqirrel, and then *that* had a retard baby which was a... monkey-fish-frog... And then this monkey-fish-frog had butt sex with that monkey, and that monkey had a mutant retard baby that screwed another monkey... and that made you!"


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Re: Who are the anunnaqi?
« Reply #8 on: January 02, 2008, 03:39:05 PM »
^ that was the dumbest shit ive ever read.

I believe in evolution aswell. Its really the only thing that makes sence


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Re: Who are the anunnaqi?
« Reply #9 on: January 02, 2008, 05:52:58 PM »
I know about the annunaki. Zacharias Stichen had a few good books on the subject.

Nat Turner-reincarnated

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Re: Who are the anunnaqi?
« Reply #10 on: January 02, 2008, 06:03:55 PM »
I know about the annunaki. Zacharias Stichen had a few good books on the subject.
thats what it is. I'll look up that author. they also making a movie on it too


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Re: Who are the anunnaqi?
« Reply #11 on: January 02, 2008, 06:13:41 PM »
I think the movie might not be in production anymore. I was looking forward to it.

Nat Turner-reincarnated

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Re: Who are the anunnaqi?
« Reply #12 on: January 02, 2008, 06:19:56 PM »
I think the movie might not be in production anymore. I was looking forward to it.

damn wow now im disappointment.


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Re: Who are the anunnaqi?
« Reply #13 on: January 02, 2008, 06:22:17 PM »
i just researched that a lil bit. I was misinformed. They are indeed releasing a movie but it still has no release date.

Nat Turner-reincarnated

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Re: Who are the anunnaqi?
« Reply #14 on: January 02, 2008, 06:40:33 PM »
i just researched that a lil bit. I was misinformed. They are indeed releasing a movie but it still has no release date.
good news! but then again it probably be awhile be its released