It's September 16, 2024, 06:41:48 PM
Uh... Kennedy's dead, his brother's dead, you blame Johnson and he's also dead. Oswald is dead, Ruby is dead... in other words, let's move on. Hey, did you know that Julius Ceasar was murdered, too? Lets re-open that one. I blame his best friend.
I've spent a great deal of time studying the JFK assassination and I've come to the conclusion that the Vatican had him popped. Why - He was a Roman Catholic and he wouldn't go along with what they wanted. If you study Roman Catholicism you'll discover that they claim the right to take out any Catholic leader who doesn't go along with their program. The fact of the matter is the Vatican/Holy See is a sovereign state on its own. Any Roman Catholic who practices the faith is apart of not only a religious institution but also a political one as well! In reality there is a conflict of interest for every Roman Catholic involved in politics for this very reason. Ultimately the question comes down to who are you going to serve? Common sense will tell you that your religious beliefs precede any political ones. JFK had balls to tell the Vatican 'no' on several key issues that they wanted him to go along with that would further their agenda. How - People often say it was the mafia who did him in. They Mafia played a role but what they did was kill him using various clandestine secret societies. The Mafia is one as well as Freemasonry. This was done because the men apart of those orders have already sworn blood oaths to take orders blindly by higher up and to keep their mouths shut under the penalty of death. It was easy to cover up their crimes for this very reason. That's why the people who were supposedly investigating it were apart of the secret societies. The various people in the military involved were apart of the secret societies and often times you'll find it very difficult to even advance in military intelligence without being apart of them. There is masonic symbolism all over the assassination of JFK. If you know about it, it will hit you as soon as you start investigating it. Here are some good videos on it, holla at me if you have any questions.