Author Topic: JFK Assasination  (Read 1314 times)


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JFK Assasination
« on: January 27, 2008, 09:41:47 AM »
A lot of people believe JFK was killed because he threatened the military/industrial/intellegence complex, he had stepped on a lot of toes, an his assassination was payback for this

1.He had pulled the greenlight on air support for the invasion of Cuba, by CIA trained an sponsored paramilitarys, an fired a lot of old guard CIA mudda fuckers an was also going to shutdown the CIA an rearrage it into sumthin else

2.He was also going to leave an pull out of Vietnam a lot earlier than the military an right wing hawks in the goverment wanted

3.He was going to increase the taxes on a oil depletion allowance that would have affected the oil bizness an cut into profits from two millionaire right wing Texan oilmen Clint Murchinson & Haroldson L Hunt who were good friends wit Lyndon Baines Johnson an J Edgar Hoover

4.JFK an RFK(JFK's brother who was the US attorney general)were going to drop Lyndon B Johnson as vice president an prosecute him an send him to prison for the Bobby Baker scandal

A lot of people think that its the number 4 reason which was the final straw that broke the camels back, an put into place the other factors, the actual paper trail of the actual assassination, a lot of people think Lyndon B Johnson pressed the button, okayed the green light for it to happen, he made it happen, you see what I'm saying

Lyndon Baines Johnson was a well known corrupt politician, he is implicated in the murders of other people through Billy Sol Estes to Cliff Carter to Mac Wallace.

Lee Harvey Oswald was a fall guy for the conspiracy, he was a secret US intellegence officer who knew an worked wit a lot of the conspirators like Clay Shaw(CIA) an David Ferrie(a pilot trainer for the failed Cuban paramilitary who invaded Cuba in 1960/61)

A lot of people think these were the people involved in the assassination of JFK, CIA people from the JM/Wave station in Florida, which was one of the planning stations for the invasion of Cuba an the failed assassinations of Fidel Castro, people like William K Harvey, Carl E. Jenkins, Rafael Quintero, William Pawley, Roy Hargraves, Edwin Collins, Steve Wilson, Herminio Diaz Garcia, Tony Cuesta, Eugenio Martinez, Virgilio Gonzalez, Felipe Vidal Santiago, Theodore Shackley, Grayston Lynch, David Morales, Felix Rodriguez, Thomas Clines, Gordon Campbell, Tony Sforza and William 'Rip' Robertson.

Also E Howard Hunt(CIA)an others in conjuction wit the CIA like the Chicago mob who hired out the French Corsican mob to help out like Antoine Guerini an
Lucien Sarti(both these people are dead, I'm not speaking on street guys that
are still alive, only on system mudda fuckers an people that are dead already)
to do the killing

Theirs others, but these are the main conspirators


Re: JFK Assasination
« Reply #1 on: January 28, 2008, 06:24:14 AM »
Uh... Kennedy's dead, his brother's dead, you blame Johnson and he's also dead.  Oswald is dead, Ruby is dead... in other words, let's move on.  Hey, did you know that Julius Ceasar was murdered, too?  Lets re-open that one.  I blame his best friend. 

big mat

  • Muthafuckin' Don!
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Re: JFK Assasination
« Reply #2 on: January 28, 2008, 12:04:02 PM »
joe kennedy was mad gangsta


  • 'G'
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Re: JFK Assasination
« Reply #3 on: January 29, 2008, 09:04:06 AM »
Uh... Kennedy's dead, his brother's dead, you blame Johnson and he's also dead.  Oswald is dead, Ruby is dead... in other words, let's move on.  Hey, did you know that Julius Ceasar was murdered, too?  Lets re-open that one.  I blame his best friend. 

some of the people connected wit that whole thing in the periphery are still alive, an its good to see how the system gets down so they don't try it or get away wit it again

OG Filthy Wimp

Re: JFK Assasination
« Reply #4 on: August 05, 2015, 06:38:30 PM »
Marrs List of "Mystery Deaths"

Note: information in the first four columns is from Marrs, the "Comment" is by the author of this web page. Chris Simondet, in a fine research effort, turned up the death certificates of many of the people on the list. It's interesting, isn't it, that deaths that seem "mysterious" when you know none of the details look rather ordinary when you know more.

* = Marrs considers death "particularly suspicious"

Date   Name   Marrs: Connection with case   Marrs: Cause of death   Comment
11/63   Karyn Kupcinet   TV host's daughter who was overheard telling of JFK's death prior to 11/22/63   Murdered   No corroboration for Penn Jones' implausible "foreknowledge" claim.
12/63   Jack Zangretti   Expressed foreknowledge of Ruby shooting Oswald   Gunshot Victim   Actually "Zangetty." Unsourced claim by Penn Jones with no corroboration. Supposedly, member of Sinatra family was to be kidnapped.
2/64   Eddy Benavides   Lookalike brother to Tippit shooting witness, Domingo Benavides   Gunshot to head   Innocent bystander killed in bar brawl. Death was actually in February, 1965.
2/64   Betty MacDonald*   Former Ruby employee who alibied Warren Reynolds shooting suspect.   Suicide by hanging in Dallas Jail   Was in fact a suicide.
3/64   Bill Chesher   Thought to have information linking Oswald and Ruby   Heart attack   No evidence he could link Ruby and Oswald. HSCA found death nonsinister
3/64   Hank Killam*   Husband of Ruby employee, knew Oswald acquaintance   Throat cut   HSCA found death non-suspicious.
4/64   Bill Hunter*   Reporter who was in Ruby's apartment on 11/24/63   Accidental shooting by policeman   Death judged non-suspicious by HSCA. Accidently shot by cop.
5/64   Gary Underhill*   CIA agent who claimed Agency was involved   Gunshot in head ruled suicide   Was not a CIA agent. Death was indeed a suicide.
5/64   Hugh Ward*   Private investigator working with Guy Banister and David Ferrie   Plane crash in Mexico   No evidence of connection to case.
5/64   DeLesseps Morrison*   New Orleans    Passenger in Ward's plane   Was mayor of New Orleans. Otherwise, unconnected to case.
8/64   Teresa Norton*   Ruby employee   Fatally shot   Same person as Karen Carlin. Marrs listed her twice, and further she is not known to be dead.
6/64   Guy Banister*   x-FBI agent in New Orleans connected to Ferrie, CIA, Carlos Marcello & Oswald   Heart attack   No evidence death was from foul play.
9/64   Jim Koethe*   Reporter who was in Ruby's apartment on 11/24/63   Blow to neck   Judged non-suspicious by HSCA. Police suspected fight with gay lover.
9/64   C.D. Jackson   "Life" magazine senior Vice President who bought Zapruder Film and locked it away   Unknown   No other connection to the case. Actually died of a heart attack.
10/64   Mary Pinchot   JFK "special" friend whose diary was taken by CIA chief James Angleton after her death   Murdered   Killed in mugging. Vastly implausible that her diary had assassination information but likely did contain account of affair with JFK.
1/65   Paul Mandel   "Life" writer who told of JFK turning to rear when shot in throat   Cancer   No other connection to the case -- did indeed die of cancer
3/65   Tom Howard*   Ruby's first lawyer, was in Ruby's apartment on 11/24/63   Heart attack   Had history of heart disease and was heavy drinker. Died of Myocardial infarction, with diabetes a contributing factor. HSCA found death non-sinister.
5/65   Maurice Gatlin*   Pilot for Guy Banister   Fatal fall   No connection with assassination.
8/65   Mona B. Saenz*   Texas Employment clerk who interviewed Oswald   Hit by Dallas bus   Circumstances not suspicious — no evidence of any reason to "silence" her.
?/65   David Goldstein   Dallasite who helped FBI trace Oswald's pistol   Natural causes   No evidence of any connection whatsoever with Ruby, Oswald, or any assassination related person. Died of coronary occlusion.
9/65   Rose Cheramie*   Knew of assassination in advance, told of riding to Dallas with Cubans   Hit/run victim   Prostitute and drug addict, doubtful her supposed statements that Kennedy was going to be killed indicated "foreknowledge."
11/65   Dorothy Kilgallen*   Columnist who had private interview with Ruby, pledged to "break" JFK case   Drug overdose   HSCA investigated her death, found nothing sinister.
11/65   Mrs. Earl Smith*   Close friend to Dorothy Kilgallen, died two days after columnist, may have kept Kilgallen's notes   Cause unknown   A fellow Journal-American columnist, she died after three-month illness. No evidence of any knowledge about the case.
12/65   William Whaley*   Cab driver who reportedly drove Oswald to Oak Cliff (The only Dallas taxi driver to die on duty)   Motor collision   83 year-old man in oncoming car crashed into Whaley on viaduct. Both the man (John Henry Wells) and Whaley were killed. Was Wells a kamikaze recruited by conspirators to take out Whaley?
1966   Judge Joe Brown   Presided over Ruby's trial   Heart attack   Had history of heart attacks. No reason to believe he know anything not revealed in open court, lawyer's briefs, etc.
1966   Karen "Little Lynn" Carlin*   Ruby employee who last talked with Ruby before Oswald shooting   Gunshot victim   Same person as Teresa Norton (see above). No reliable evidence of her death.
1/66   Earlene Roberts   Oswald's landlady   Heart attack   Provided key testimony showing Oswald movements after shooting Kennedy and before shooting Tippit. Had a history of heart disease, and indeed died of a heart attack.
2/66   Albert Bogard*   Car salesman who said Oswald test drove new car   Suicide   Investigation of local authorities and testimony of relatives makes it clear it was indeed suicide.
6/66   Capt. Frank Martin   Dallas policeman who witnessed Oswald slaying, told Warren Commission "there's a lot to be said but probably be better if I don't say it"   Sudden cancer   Immediately explained what it would be better not to say: that the Dallas police had performed poorly in allowing Oswald to be killed. Died of lung cancer which had spread to the brain.
8/66   Lee Bowers Jr.*   Witnessed men behind picket fence on Grassy Knoll   Motor accident   Investigated by HSCA, and researcher David Perry. No evidence of murder.
9/66   Marilyn "Delila" Walle*   Ruby dancer   Shot by husband after 1 month of marriage   Shot in domestic squabble.
10/66   Lt. William Pitzer*   JFK autopsy photographer who described his duty as "horrifying experience"   Gunshot ruled suicide   Evidence contradicts alleged claim to have photographed autopsy. No evidence of murder.
11/66   Jimmy Levens   Fort Worth nightclub owner who hired Ruby employees   Natural causes   Casual acquaintance of Ruby's. HSCA judged death non-suspicious. Had occlusive coronary arteriosclerosis leading to acute congestive heart failure.
11/66   James Worrell Jr.*   Saw man flee rear of Texas School Book Depository   Motor accident   Told Warren Commission of seeing a shooter in Sniper's Nest. Died in motorcycle accident.
1966   Clarence Oliver   Dist. Atty. Investigator who worked Ruby case   Unknown   Circumstances not suspicious — no evidence of any reason to "silence" him.
12/66   Hank Suydam   Life magazine official in charge of JFK stories   Heart attack   No other connection to the case.
1967   Leonard Pullin   Civilian Navy employee who helped film "Last Two Days" about assassination   One-car crash   Film actually dealt with Texas trip, and had no information about assassination.
1/67   Jack Ruby*   Oswald's slayer   Lung cancer (he told family he was injected with cancer cells)   Inducing cancer by injecting cancer cells is medical nonsense. Ruby's mental condition had badly deteriorated.
2/67   Harold Russell*   Saw escape of Tippit killer   Killed by cop in bar brawl   Actually died of heart failure several hours after bar brawl.
2/67   David Ferrie*   Acquaintance of Oswald, Garrison suspect and employee of Guy Banister   Blow to neck (ruled accidental)   Died of Berry aneurysm, natural causes.
2/67   Eladio Del Valle*   Anti-Castro Cuban associate of David Ferrie being sought by Garrison   Gunshot wound, ax wound to head   Was involved in drug running, various criminal activities. No "axe wound."
3/67   Dr. Mary Sherman*   Ferrie associate working on cancer research   Died in fire (possibly shot)   No evidence of Ferrie association, died in 1964, and was not shot, but rather stabbed. Otherwise, Marrs is correct.
1/68   A. D. Bowie   Asst. Dallas District Attorney prosecuting Ruby   Cancer   Were all the lawyers who prosecuted Ruby briefed on details of conspiracy? Actually died of pneumonia, secondary to metastatic melanoma.
4/68   Hiram Ingram   Dallas Deputy Sheriff, close friend to Roger Craig   Sudden cancer   Died of metastatic bronchial cancer. No reason to believe he had any knowledge dangerous to any conspiracy.
5/68   Dr. Nicholas Chetta   New Orleans coroner who ruled on death of Ferrie   Heart attack   No evidence he knew anything sinister. HSCA found nothing suspicious about death.
8/68   Philip Geraci*   Friend of Perry Russo, told of Oswald/Shaw conversation   Electrocution   Note Marrs' syntax. It was Russo, and not Geraci who told of story of "Oswald/Shaw conversation."
1/69   Henry Delaune*   Brother-in-law to coroner Chetta   Murdered   If Chetta's death wasn't suspicious, how was that of his brother-in-law supposed to be?
1/69   E.R. Walthers*   Dallas Deputy Sheriff who was involved in Depository search, claimed to have found .45-cal. slug   Shot by felon   Made no claim of finding slug, in fact explicitly denied it. Killed trying to arrest violent suspect.
1969   Charles Mentesana   Filmed rifle other than Mannlicher-Carcano being taken from Depository   Heart attack   Film actually shows Dallas Police shotgun, and survives to this day. Had no other knowledge of the assassination.
4/69   Mary Bledsoe   Neighbor to Oswald, also knew David Ferrie   Natural causes   Key witness supporting Warren Commission case. Died at age 72.
4/69   John Crawford*   Close friend to both Ruby and Wesley Frazier, who gave ride to Oswald on 11/22/63   Crash of private plane   No evidence of foul play.
7/69   Rev. Clyde Johnson*   Scheduled to testify about Clay Shaw/Oswald connection   Fatally shot   Was shot after end of trial, so unreliable prosecution decided not to use him. HSCA judged death non-sinister.
1970   George McGann*   Underworld figure connected to Ruby friends, wife, Beverly, took film in Dealey Plaza   Murdered   No evidence of connection to Ruby's friends. Beverly's claim to have been in Dealey Plaza has severe credibility problems. Was indeed a hoodlum, died of multiple gunshot wounds.
1/70   Darrell W. Garner   Arrested for shooting Warren Reynolds, released after alibi from Betty MacDonald   Drug overdose   No evidence of any connection to the assassination.
8/70   Bill Decker   Dallas Sheriff who saw bullet hit street in front of JFK   Natural causes   Actually said that he saw a "spray of water come out of the back seat of the President's car." Had arteriosclerosis and emphysema when he died of myocardial failure.
8/70   Abraham Zapruder   Took famous film of JFK assassination   Natural causes   No evidence he had any knowledge dangerous to a conspiracy. In fact died of stomach cancer.
12/70   Salvatore Granello*   Mobster linked to both Hoffa,Trafficante, and Castro assassination plots   Murdered   Unfortunately, no link to Kennedy assassination plot.
1971   James Plumeri*   Mobster tied to mob-CIA assassination plots   Murdered   Mobster getting murdered is not that unusual. Plumeri had no connection with the case.
3/71   Clayton Fowler   Ruby's chief defense attorney   Unknown   Had hypertensive heart disease and arteriosclerosis. Died of "probable acute myocardial infarction."
4/71   Gen. Charles Cabell*   CIA deputy director connected to anti-Castro Cubans   Collapsed and died after physical at Fort Myers   Circumstances not sinister, no connection with assassination.
1972   Hale Boggs*   House Majority Leader, member of Warren Commission who began to publicly express doubts about findings   Disappeared on Alaskan plane flight   Having doubts about findings is not the same as having information "dangerous" to a conspiracy.
5/72   J. Edgar Hoover*   FBI director who pushed "lone assassin" theory in JFK assassination   Heart attack (no autopsy)   Died at age 77. Wasn't he running the coverup? Who killed him?
9/73   Thomas E. Davis*   Gunrunner connected to both Ruby and CIA   Electrocuted trying to steal wire   Supposed "connections" to Ruby dubious; didn't work for the CIA. Was indeed electrocuted.
2/74   J.A. Milteer*   Miami right-winger who predicted JFK's death and capture of scapegoat   Heater explosion   Milteer's crackpot statements are far from a "prediction" of JFK's death.
1974   Dave Yaras*   Close friend to both Hoffa and Jack Ruby   Murdered   Childhood friend of Ruby's, had no contact with him in 1963.
7/74   Earl Warren   Chief Justice who reluctantly chaired Warren Commission   Heart failure   Died at age 82. Insisted to the end that Oswald was the lone assassin.
8/74   Clay Shaw*   Prime suspect in Garrison case, reportedly a CIA contact with Ferrie and E. Howard Hunt   Possible cancer   Garrison's flimsy case against Shaw collapsed in 1969. Shaw died of cancer.
1974   Earle Cabell   Mayor of Dallas on 11/22/63, whose brother, Gen. Charles Cabell was fired from CIA by JFK   Natural causes   Died of severe pulmonary emphysema.
6/75   Sam Giancana*   Chicago Mafia boss slated to tell about CIA-mob death plots to Senate Committee   Murdered   Was to testify about plots against Castro, not assassination. HSCA found no evidence his death was assassination related.
7/75   Clyde Tolson   J. Edgar Hoover's assistant and roommate   Natural causes   Died of heart disease at age 71.
1975   Allen Sweatt   Dallas Deputy Sheriff involved in investigation   Natural causes   One of scores of deputies involved in investigation. Had cirrhosis of the liver and arteriosclerotic heart disease when a myocardial infarction killed him.
12/75   Gen. Earle Wheeler   Contact between JFK and CIA   Unknown   Died of heart failure at age 67 — no connection with case.
1976   Ralph Paul   Ruby's business partner connected with crime figures   Heart attack   Did indeed die of arteriosclerotic cardiovascular disease, leading to congestive heart failure, at age 69.
4/76   James Chaney   Dallas motorcycle officer riding to JFK's right rear who said JFK "struck in the face" with bullet   Heart attack   Died of heart attack, result of arteriosclerosis.
4/76   Dr. Charles Gregory   Governor John Connally's physician   Heart attack   His testimony refuted the idea that there was "too much lead" in Connally to have come from CE 399. Had arteriosclerotic heart disease, resulting in heart attack.
6/76   William Harvey*   CIA coordinator for CIA-mob assassination plans against Castro   Complications from heart surgery   No connection with Kennedy assassination.
7/76   John Roselli*   Mobster who testified to Senate Committee and was to appear again   Stabbed and stuffed in metal drum   HSCA found no evidence his murder was related to JFK assassination.
1/77   William Pawley*   Former Brazilian Ambassador connected to Anti-Castro Cubans, crime figures   Gunshot ruled suicide   No connection with assassination
3/77   George DeMohrenschildt*   Close friend to both Oswald and Bouvier family (Jackie Kennedy's parents), CIA contract agent   Gunshot wound ruled suicide   Was not "CIA contract agent." Had history of mental illness and previous suicide attempts. Death thoroughly investigated by the Palm Beach County Sheriff's Office.
3/77   Carlos Prio Soccaras*   Former Cuban President, money man for anti-Castro Cubans   Gunshot wound ruled suicide   No connection to case.
3/77   Paul Raigorodsky   Business friend of George DeMohrenschildt and wealthy oilmen   Natural causes   No evidence of any reason to "silence" him. Renal failure and hypertensive cardiovascular disease led to a "cerebral vascular accident" (stroke).
5/77   Lou Staples*   Dallas radio Talk Show host who told friends he would break assassination case   Gunshot to head, ruled suicide   Was living in Oklahoma when he killed himself. Apparently unable to "break the case."
6/77   Louis Nichols   Former No. 3 man in FBI, worked on JFK investigation   Heart attack   No evidence of foul play.
8/77   Alan Belmont   FBI official who testified to Warren Commission   "Long illness"   No evidence of foul play.
8/77   James Cadigan   FBI document expert who testified to Warren Commission   Fall in home   No evidence of any foul play.
8/77   Joseph C. Ayres*   Chief steward on JFK's Air Force One   Shooting accident   Being Chief Steward doubtless allowed him to garner much sinister information.
8/77   Francis G. Powers*   U-2 pilot downed over Russia in 1960   Helicopter crash (He reportedly ran out of fuel)   Speculated Oswald may have given the Soviets information that allowed them to shoot him down. Had no evidence.
9/77   Kenneth O'Donnell   JFK's closest aide   Natural causes   Died of aneurysm and liver complications.
10/77   Donald Kaylor   FBI fingerprint chemist   Heart attack   One of hundreds of FBI employees with marginal connection to assassination.
10/77   J.M. English   Former head of FBI Forensic Sciences Laboratory   Heart attack   No evidence of foul play.
11/77   William Sullivan*   Former No. 3 man in FBI, headed Division 5, counter- espionage and domestic intelligence   Hunting accident   Investigation by New Hampshire authorities showed no indication of foul play.
1978   C.L. "Lummie" Lewis   Dallas Deputy Sheriff who arrested Mafia man Braden in Dealey Plaza   Natural causes   Are we supposed to assume that Braden blurted out details of plot to cop arresting him?
9/78   Garland Slack   Man who said Oswald fired at his target at rifle range   Unknown   Died of heart disease — no connection with the case beyond "Oswald sighting" discussed in Warren Commission Report.
1/79   Billy Lovelady   Depository employee said to be the man in the doorway in AP photograph   Complications from heart attack   Unclear what sinister information he might have revealed.
6/80   Jesse Curry   Dallas Police Chief at time of assassination   Heart attack   Unclear why there would be any need to "silence" him almost 17 years after assassination. Did indeed die of heart attack.
6/80   Dr. John Holbrook   Psychiatrist who testified Ruby was not insane   Heart attack but pills, notes found   Circumstances not suspicious — no evidence of any reason to "silence" him.
1/81   Marguerite Oswald   Mother of accused assassin   Cancer   Always loudly insisted her son was innocent. Unclear what information she had that she had not already revealed. Did indeed die of metastatic ovarian cancer.
10/81   Frank Watts   Chief felony prosecutor for Dallas D.A.   Natural causes   Did conspirators somehow leak all the details of the conspiracy to the District Attorney's staff? In fact suffered from coronary artery disease, and died of a heart attack.
1/82   Peter Gregory   Original translator for Marina Oswald and Secret Service   Natural causes   Died of "cardiovascular accident," leading to cardiac arrest, at age 77.
5/82   Dr. James Weston   Pathologist allowed to see JFK autopsy material for HSCA   Died while jogging, ruled natural causes   Insisted that Kennedy was hit by two shots from behind.
8/82   Will H. Griffin   FBI agent who reportedly said Oswald was "definitely" an FBI informant   Cancer   HSCA investigation found he had said no such thing.
10/82   W. Marvin Gheesling   FBI official who helped supervise JFK investigation   "Long illness"   Circumstances not suspicious — had only minor role in investigation.
3/84   Roy Kellerman   Secret Service agent in charge of JFK limousine   Unknown    Died of heart failure at age 69.


Re: JFK Assasination
« Reply #5 on: August 05, 2015, 09:27:02 PM »
I've spent a great deal of time studying the JFK assassination and I've come to the conclusion that the Vatican had him popped.

Why -
He was a Roman Catholic and he wouldn't go along with what they wanted. If you study Roman Catholicism you'll discover that they claim the right to take out any Catholic leader who doesn't go along with their program. The fact of the matter is the Vatican/Holy See is a sovereign state on its own. Any Roman Catholic who practices the faith is apart of not only a religious institution but also a political one as well! In reality there is a conflict of interest for every Roman Catholic involved in politics for this very reason. Ultimately the question comes down to who are you going to serve? Common sense will tell you that your religious beliefs precede any political ones. JFK had balls to tell the Vatican 'no' on several key issues that they wanted him to go along with that would further their agenda.

How - People often say it was the mafia who did him in. They Mafia played a role but what they did was kill him using various clandestine secret societies. The Mafia is one as well as Freemasonry. This was done because the men apart of those orders have already sworn blood oaths to take orders blindly by higher up and to keep their mouths shut under the penalty of death. It was easy to cover up their crimes for this very reason. That's why the people who were supposedly investigating it were apart of the secret societies. The various people in the military involved were apart of the secret societies and often times you'll find it very difficult  to even advance in military intelligence without being apart of them. There is masonic symbolism all over the assassination of JFK. If you know about it, it will hit you as soon as you start investigating it.

Here are some good videos on it, holla at me if you have any questions.



Re: JFK Assasination
« Reply #6 on: August 08, 2015, 07:50:16 AM »
@og filthy wimp
1.the crazy 1 bullet zig zagging in the car hitting multiple peeps from one gun bullshit theory
2.its a fact that oswald was a secret agent for the US goverment
3.the cover up of this and much, much more all leads too a basic conspiracy, let alone anything else
4.once you clock onto this, you would know wit common sense, it would be in the us goverments interest too cover this up & finding nuff evidence thats as bait as a tupee would be like finding a needle in a haystack, but you can go wit whats out there, use common sense & add up things up wit a looking outside the box perspective on what is out there & coming wit your own conclusions
5.not, no he said, she said, they died of this, no they died of this so the crazy bullet is valid, ignore oswald was a us secret goverment agent up untill the day jfk got assassinated and he's the lone culprit, case closed, voila, talk done, finnito

you get me, say nuttin, i'm gone
"get this money by any means nessassary"


Re: JFK Assasination
« Reply #7 on: November 04, 2015, 01:51:57 AM »
I've spent a great deal of time studying the JFK assassination and I've come to the conclusion that the Vatican had him popped.

Why -
He was a Roman Catholic and he wouldn't go along with what they wanted. If you study Roman Catholicism you'll discover that they claim the right to take out any Catholic leader who doesn't go along with their program. The fact of the matter is the Vatican/Holy See is a sovereign state on its own. Any Roman Catholic who practices the faith is apart of not only a religious institution but also a political one as well! In reality there is a conflict of interest for every Roman Catholic involved in politics for this very reason. Ultimately the question comes down to who are you going to serve? Common sense will tell you that your religious beliefs precede any political ones. JFK had balls to tell the Vatican 'no' on several key issues that they wanted him to go along with that would further their agenda.

How - People often say it was the mafia who did him in. They Mafia played a role but what they did was kill him using various clandestine secret societies. The Mafia is one as well as Freemasonry. This was done because the men apart of those orders have already sworn blood oaths to take orders blindly by higher up and to keep their mouths shut under the penalty of death. It was easy to cover up their crimes for this very reason. That's why the people who were supposedly investigating it were apart of the secret societies. The various people in the military involved were apart of the secret societies and often times you'll find it very difficult  to even advance in military intelligence without being apart of them. There is masonic symbolism all over the assassination of JFK. If you know about it, it will hit you as soon as you start investigating it.

Here are some good videos on it, holla at me if you have any questions.

Nice post.

Interesting you bring up Roman Catholicism. It's a missed part of this entire situation, and one that is very important. No one mentions the Bank of Rome, or how Roman Catholic Church is its investment control of the Federal Reserve, and is literally the Bank of Rome, as are all other subsidiaries. JFK had signed executive order 11110, going after the Federal Reserve, which is a big No No.

You will be killed if you go after the banking cartel. There was a German who was almost successful, and we all know the picture that he is portrayed in, in modern society for his efforts :D
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Re: JFK Assasination
« Reply #8 on: November 04, 2015, 01:53:14 AM »
Oops, I meant 'Austrian' !!!
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