Author Topic: Michael  (Read 509 times)


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« on: February 27, 2008, 09:57:00 AM »
his Wednesday will be quite a date for connoisseurs of pop spectacle. Michael Jackson, who has essentially been in hiding since his trial for child abuse 18 months ago, is to appear on stage during the World Music Awards at Earls Court in London.

He is seldom seen - his last public outing was at another awards show in Japan in June - but this time the difference is that he is going to perform. It will be the first time in nine years that he has performed in the UK.

A public appearance of this nature is a bold step for a man who is, at around seven stone, extremely frail. Added to this, some in America insist that he is addicted to prescription painkillers, and has a private life which is so peculiar it defies categorisation.

Indeed, these days Jackson, 48, cuts a truly macabre figure, with his face ruined by plastic surgery and his skin a deathly shade of white.

He has been seen so little that he seems barely real, and sightings have taken on an almost mythological quality. When it was reported in October that he had been out, dressed as a woman, in a floppy sunhat and high heels in St Tropez, the reports were widely believed, even though the person in question was not actually him.

It speaks volumes that people will so readily believe he would go out disguised in this way. The fact is that since the conclusion of the trial, Jackson has become a delusional and isolated figure. Aides say he is so prone to panic attacks that he cuts himself off from human contact for days at a time.

He is terrified of germs, and has a phobic fear of being touched by his fans. According to an associate who met him last month, he virtually lacks the self confidence to speak.

While in Bahrain as a guest of the royal family, he took to wearing an abaya, the black robes traditional for Arab women, in a bid to pass unnoticed.

And yet we are promised he is ready to perform a new version of his song Thriller, the smash hit which launched 52 million album sales. The song has been remixed at a secluded studio in Westmeath, Ireland, with the help of of the Black Eyed Peas.

And an album of new material has, says his publicist, been worked on, and may be released - if he can get the financial backing of a record label - next year.

So what is the truth about the most peculiar man in pop? And where on earth has he been since he walked out of the courtroom in Santa Barbara in June 2005? Stories constantly circulate about him - that he is suicidal, bankrupt, converted to Islam.

The answer is that he has been building a new life, first in Bahrain, then more recently in Ireland and Switzerland with his children Prince Michael, nine, Paris Katherine, eight, and Prince Michael II - known as Blanket - who is four.

Significantly, at the centre of this new life is the woman who they all call 'Mom' - stunningly attractive Grace Rwaramba, whose job description is nanny, but is far more than that.

RWARAMBA, 39, started working for Jackson in 1991, dealing with insurance for his employees. In the early days, she is thought to have had a short-lived romance with Jackson's brother Jermaine. Then, in 1999, she became Prince Michael's first nanny - a position of great trust. Jackson's former wife Debbie Rowe has remarked that her services were not required because Michael did it all, from nappies to feeds, but Rwaramba soon became a valued part of the family.

Although she quite deliberately keeps out of the limelight, and did not testify at the trial or even attend it, she has emerged as the most important woman in Michael Jackson's world, and quite possibly the only person alive whom he trusts.

As his family, friends and business associates have discovered, her influence is considerable: she is the gatekeeper. No one gets to speak to him without her say-so. This summer, for instance, Jackson finally got a personal mobile phone, but within a day he lost it and gave up on the idea. Instead, it seems that he is happy for Rwaramba to be the one who deals with the outside world.

There was a six-month period after the trial when Jackson refused to speak to any of his brothers or other family members - he thought they were plotting against him. It was Rwaramba alone who he took with him when he fled to Bahrain, and only she whom he leaned on for support.

Some sources in the Jackson camp insist the relationship is so close that they will shortly be married. A date in September came and went when they were supposed to wed in Switzerland. Other rumours hold that they are already secretly wed, although both Rwaramba and publicist Raymone Bain deny this is the case.

Rwaramba is, records reveal, already married to Stacey Adair. But she and Adair seem never to have lived together, and it is not clear if Jackson knows Adair exists. American reports say the 1995 union in

Las Vegas bears the hallmarks of a marriage of convenience for Rwaramba, who originally comes from Rwanda but attended college in Massachusetts.

If she is still married - and no record of a divorce has come to light - it is not preventing her and Jackson from enjoying the longestrunning and most harmonious relationship he has ever managed to have with another adult.

The Mail has been told that Rwaramba and Jackson are fired up by the thought of launching a major global humanitarian project to 'save' children living in poverty in developing countries.

'Both Michael and Grace are genuinely very moved by stories about need and poverty,' says a friend. 'They would love to help others. That is what moves them most.'

How astonishing that Jackson believes that, after the revelations about him sleeping with young boys, he could have any possible role in a charitable arena.

However, Grace Rwaramba is religious, and apparently encourages him to believe he is a victim, and may yet be rehabilitated.

In a rare public utterance, she was asked about who was behind the accusations of abuse against her employer. 'Satan, the devil,' she said. While the rest of the world is perturbed by the accounts of Jackson regularly sleeping in the same bed as ten and 11-year-old boys, there is no doubt in her mind that he is a complete innocent.

She and Bain have been behind recent changes in manager, lawyer and record label, and the two of them firmly believe that he can and will make a comeback to the spotlight when the time is right.

MISS Rwaramba has returned to Bible study, and is believed to be a Jehovah's Witness again, as he is. She is entrusted with feeding the children, and shares his obsessive concerns about sterility and cleanliness. 'Everything is done Grace's way,' says an observer.

This has had some serious repercussions for Jackson. Shortly after the trial, he agreed to let Rowe see the children - she had barely laid eyes on Paris since Jackson snatched her up in the delivery room and ran home with her.

The gesture was one of thanks, to repay Rowe, mother of Jackson's first two children, for her surprisingly positive testimony.

(Rowe had told the Santa Barbara district attorney that she was going to tell the court Jackson was a danger to children and took drugs, but by the next morning she had changed her tune so much that they declared her a hostile witness.)

Rowe seems to have hoped her stance might be the start of a new relationship with the children, who at that point she had not seen in three years.

And so in August 2005, Rwaramba was the one trusted to take his children to a Los Angeles hotel to meet their mother. It was a disaster.

Rowe was aghast to discover the children referred to Rwaramba as Mom. What, Debbie asked, had they been told she was? 'A family friend,' said Rwaramba, who told Rowe she was not allowed to tell them the truth for fear of confusing them.

Lady ain't Bad.....No other photos to truly check her Out.....

« Last Edit: February 27, 2008, 09:58:39 AM by Mackin4Life-Lone Wolf Of Dubcc »
It ain't happenin, Bibles I'm still packin them
And jackin demons wit them 44 magnums" T-Bone



Re: Michael
« Reply #1 on: February 27, 2008, 03:45:47 PM »
That nigga is unbelievably strange.
"House shoes & coffee: I know the paper gone come"



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Re: Michael
« Reply #2 on: February 27, 2008, 04:37:41 PM »
just think of the movie they can make on this guy....
who would play him. hahaha
howard hughes X 10


Re: Michael
« Reply #3 on: February 28, 2008, 05:29:25 PM »
that world music awards ceremony where he appeared was about a year or so ago. Unless he is appearing again ?

"My greatest challenge is not what's happening at the moment, my greatest challenge was knocking Liverpool right off their fucking perch. And you can print that." Alex Ferguson


Re: Michael
« Reply #4 on: February 29, 2008, 09:00:05 PM »
This is the biggest bullshit article I've ever read.  The sac riding people do on this man is amazing. 

First, it's an old article because the world music awards are in November.  This article is from last november. 

Second, the main point that they try to stab him with is that he's living a happy relationship with a beautiful, religious, intelligent, faithful woman who loves his children as much as he does.  How is that a bad thing?  Why can't people be happy for that?

They mention she's already married.  So is half the world.  She could have a divorce tommorow or may already be divorced.  Or perhaps they're not even dating.  What is the difference? 

They talk about how maybe they're already married, or maybe they'll get married soon.  Who cares?  What does it matter?  If Britney can marry Kevin why can't Michael marry a beautiful black woman?  Why is it anybody's business and what is wrong with it?  Anybody can marry anybody, there's no shame in marriage.  It's the most rediculous argument that's ever been presented about him.  Somehow it's supposed to be shocking or negative that he wants to marry a woman.  Who cares?

They say he has a fear of germs.  No fan that has ever met him has said anything even close to this.  He shakes people's hands, anytime he's in public he signs autographs and talks to people, hugs them, takes pictures, kisses women, he's just a normal guy as far as that goes.  Who hasn't seen videos they show on t.v. constantly of him standing on the roofs of limos and shaking people's hands out of a car window or whatever?  There's no basis to say that he's a germophobe.  He wears a mask when he goes in public sometimes but it's a documented fact that he has vitiligo, anyone with vitiligo can get severe sunburns, so he wears hats and masks and shit to shield his pasty white skin from the sun.  It's also well known that many singers wear masks to protect their voice, Mariah Carey does this all the time. 

He's 'extremely frail' in what manner?  The Michael Jackson i've seen is one of the greatest dancers that ever lived.  There's no frailty in that.  Who hasn't seen him spin around on his heels 5 times then fall down on his knees screaming into a microphone?  I can't do that.  I'd break my neck.  Everytime he does it he does it with grace (no pun intended).

Then they say he doesn't have a cell phone.  That's not true, he's had recorded cell phone conversations leaked to the internet for years.  If he doesn't have a cell phone, again, what the fuck does it matter?  If I had everybody in the world at my beckon call why the fuck would I carry a phone around in my pocket? 

Then they talk about him dressing up in disguises in public. Who cares?  The man is a singer, a dancer, and a private individual.  Whatever he wants to do in his private life as long as he's not harming anybody else isn't any of my business.

Then they talk about how him and Grace have deep desires to help the world and run charitable organizations.  LETS LYNCH THE MOTHERFUCKERS.  How dare they care about somebody.

the article is written by a complete hack, who isnt' even intelligent enough to know that he's contradicting himself.  For instance, in the same line he accuses Michael of being frail he accuses him of making bold moves.  Well, which is it?  Is he a timid frail old lady or is he a bold brave individual?  He says Michael is so prone to panic attacks that he cuts himself off from human contact for days at a time.  What?  That's not the m.o. of someone suffering from Panic attacks.  Someone suffering from panic attacks thinks they're dying and seeks out human help. 

Then they bring up his ex-wife, who signed over all rights to custody of his  children, and act like Michael should be giving her visitation to the kids.  Why?  They have a mom.  A mother isn't simply who your biological parent is, it's who cares for you and loves you and raises you, and that certainly isn't his ex-wife.  Not only that, but she signed off on all that!  That's her cross to bear, not his. 

Then they go on this long diatribe about how much he trusts this woman, and how he lets her handle his business arangements and phone calls, etc. What the hell is wrong with that? 

The whole article is just bullshit by a hack who should have never even been given a job.  At least if you're going to write an article, make it good or make it bad, don't just make it sloppy nonsense. 


Re: Michael
« Reply #5 on: March 02, 2008, 06:39:22 AM »
This is the biggest bullshit article I've ever read.  The sac riding people do on this man is amazing. 

First, it's an old article because the world music awards are in November.  This article is from last november. 

Second, the main point that they try to stab him with is that he's living a happy relationship with a beautiful, religious, intelligent, faithful woman who loves his children as much as he does.  How is that a bad thing?  Why can't people be happy for that?

They mention she's already married.  So is half the world.  She could have a divorce tommorow or may already be divorced.  Or perhaps they're not even dating.  What is the difference? 

They talk about how maybe they're already married, or maybe they'll get married soon.  Who cares?  What does it matter?  If Britney can marry Kevin why can't Michael marry a beautiful black woman?  Why is it anybody's business and what is wrong with it?  Anybody can marry anybody, there's no shame in marriage.  It's the most rediculous argument that's ever been presented about him.  Somehow it's supposed to be shocking or negative that he wants to marry a woman.  Who cares?

They say he has a fear of germs.  No fan that has ever met him has said anything even close to this.  He shakes people's hands, anytime he's in public he signs autographs and talks to people, hugs them, takes pictures, kisses women, he's just a normal guy as far as that goes.  Who hasn't seen videos they show on t.v. constantly of him standing on the roofs of limos and shaking people's hands out of a car window or whatever?  There's no basis to say that he's a germophobe.  He wears a mask when he goes in public sometimes but it's a documented fact that he has vitiligo, anyone with vitiligo can get severe sunburns, so he wears hats and masks and shit to shield his pasty white skin from the sun.  It's also well known that many singers wear masks to protect their voice, Mariah Carey does this all the time. 

He's 'extremely frail' in what manner?  The Michael Jackson i've seen is one of the greatest dancers that ever lived.  There's no frailty in that.  Who hasn't seen him spin around on his heels 5 times then fall down on his knees screaming into a microphone?  I can't do that.  I'd break my neck.  Everytime he does it he does it with grace (no pun intended).

Then they say he doesn't have a cell phone.  That's not true, he's had recorded cell phone conversations leaked to the internet for years.  If he doesn't have a cell phone, again, what the fuck does it matter?  If I had everybody in the world at my beckon call why the fuck would I carry a phone around in my pocket? 

Then they talk about him dressing up in disguises in public. Who cares?  The man is a singer, a dancer, and a private individual.  Whatever he wants to do in his private life as long as he's not harming anybody else isn't any of my business.

Then they talk about how him and Grace have deep desires to help the world and run charitable organizations.  LETS LYNCH THE MOTHERFUCKERS.  How dare they care about somebody.

the article is written by a complete hack, who isnt' even intelligent enough to know that he's contradicting himself.  For instance, in the same line he accuses Michael of being frail he accuses him of making bold moves.  Well, which is it?  Is he a timid frail old lady or is he a bold brave individual?  He says Michael is so prone to panic attacks that he cuts himself off from human contact for days at a time.  What?  That's not the m.o. of someone suffering from Panic attacks.  Someone suffering from panic attacks thinks they're dying and seeks out human help. 

Then they bring up his ex-wife, who signed over all rights to custody of his  children, and act like Michael should be giving her visitation to the kids.  Why?  They have a mom.  A mother isn't simply who your biological parent is, it's who cares for you and loves you and raises you, and that certainly isn't his ex-wife.  Not only that, but she signed off on all that!  That's her cross to bear, not his. 

Then they go on this long diatribe about how much he trusts this woman, and how he lets her handle his business arangements and phone calls, etc. What the hell is wrong with that? 

The whole article is just bullshit by a hack who should have never even been given a job.  At least if you're going to write an article, make it good or make it bad, don't just make it sloppy nonsense. 

pretty much agree with all that.

"My greatest challenge is not what's happening at the moment, my greatest challenge was knocking Liverpool right off their fucking perch. And you can print that." Alex Ferguson


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Re: Michael
« Reply #6 on: March 02, 2008, 08:40:24 PM »
just think of the movie they can make on this guy....
who would play him. hahaha
howard hughes X 10

It would take at least three different actors.

I (think I) feel bad for him, overall...people have basically made a mockery out of him, and his name is now synonymous with child molestation and just being weird as hell versus being the greatest entertainer of all time (save the Elvis arguments). I was never really caught up in the anti-Mike hype...but in the last few years, I started listening to a lot of his music...and last semester, I did an Old School event where they asked me to play 30 min of Mike, so I downloaded all of his hits....and I was like wtf, he really has more hits than almost any artist I can think of, and most of them still sound just as good today.


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Re: Michael
« Reply #7 on: March 02, 2008, 09:48:29 PM »
just think of the movie they can make on this guy....
who would play him. hahaha
howard hughes X 10

It would take at least three different actors.

lol. so true though.


Re: Michael
« Reply #8 on: March 03, 2008, 07:17:35 AM »
just think of the movie they can make on this guy....
who would play him. hahaha
howard hughes X 10

It would take at least three different actors.

I (think I) feel bad for him, overall...people have basically made a mockery out of him, and his name is now synonymous with child molestation and just being weird as hell versus being the greatest entertainer of all time (save the Elvis arguments). I was never really caught up in the anti-Mike hype...but in the last few years, I started listening to a lot of his music...and last semester, I did an Old School event where they asked me to play 30 min of Mike, so I downloaded all of his hits....and I was like wtf, he really has more hits than almost any artist I can think of, and most of them still sound just as good today.

yeah and thats just the hits.

When you delve into his catalogue there is so many good tracks that are just on albums and havent been realised as singles.

"My greatest challenge is not what's happening at the moment, my greatest challenge was knocking Liverpool right off their fucking perch. And you can print that." Alex Ferguson


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Re: Michael
« Reply #9 on: March 03, 2008, 07:29:32 AM »
just think of the movie they can make on this guy....
who would play him. hahaha
howard hughes X 10

It would take at least three different actors.

I (think I) feel bad for him, overall...people have basically made a mockery out of him, and his name is now synonymous with child molestation and just being weird as hell versus being the greatest entertainer of all time (save the Elvis arguments). I was never really caught up in the anti-Mike hype...but in the last few years, I started listening to a lot of his music...and last semester, I did an Old School event where they asked me to play 30 min of Mike, so I downloaded all of his hits....and I was like wtf, he really has more hits than almost any artist I can think of, and most of them still sound just as good today.
for real dawg

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Re: Michael
« Reply #10 on: March 03, 2008, 08:51:07 AM »
That nigga is unbelievably strange.
to say the least


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Re: Michael
« Reply #11 on: March 03, 2008, 08:59:27 AM »
Mike is mahh nigga.


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Re: Michael
« Reply #12 on: March 03, 2008, 10:54:35 AM »
just think of the movie they can make on this guy....
who would play him. hahaha
howard hughes X 10

It would take at least three different actors.

I (think I) feel bad for him, overall...people have basically made a mockery out of him, and his name is now synonymous with child molestation and just being weird as hell versus being the greatest entertainer of all time (save the Elvis arguments). I was never really caught up in the anti-Mike hype...but in the last few years, I started listening to a lot of his music...and last semester, I did an Old School event where they asked me to play 30 min of Mike, so I downloaded all of his hits....and I was like wtf, he really has more hits than almost any artist I can think of, and most of them still sound just as good today.

yeah and thats just the hits.

When you delve into his catalogue there is so many good tracks that are just on albums and havent been realised as singles.

True. I got Sony's "The Essential Michael Jackson" best of album (double disc) here at home and I bump that album regularly. Amazing how many top notch singles he had, especially when he was under Quincy Jones' wings. That man brought out the best of Mike in my opinion.
And yes, many of his songs are single material.

The king of pop music, without a doubt.


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Re: Michael
« Reply #13 on: March 03, 2008, 01:46:59 PM »
^^^i also agree that quincy and mike were an unbelievable duo but throughout his career his made hits so far ahead of there time, all time classics, everyone young and old still likes these jams which really proves it.

On a side note, i really think the dangerous album is some of his best work aswell as an album overall, i think its amazing


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Re: Michael
« Reply #14 on: March 03, 2008, 06:02:31 PM »