Author Topic: I see the high gas prices as a sign America lost the war in Iraq  (Read 429 times)


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Re: I see the high gas prices as a sign America lost the war in Iraq
« Reply #15 on: May 30, 2008, 10:16:06 AM »

Listen my friend I am not saying there are not good genuine decent people in the environmental groups of course there are but environmentalism is becoming the new face of hardcore communism. It is the very world governent/new world order/corporate business elite who are setting this all up so that right there answers the question of if a world government is a good or a bad thing, it's a system designed by psychopaths.

Now, if you want to see the intended future for most of us under this system, revisit 1984, that is the level they want to reduce us all to. Sometimes I laugh about this shit because it's so crazy but yesterday I despaired, I watched the BBC selling thiis carbon slave system on television and it was all done with wonderful sweet smiles, these fucking minions were telling the viewer how wonderful it was and how you could make money out of it.

As for using wars as a weapon, it's called destroy and rebuild, every time they rebuild, we are further under their control, collectively if we don't say no, then you can look forward to the prole like vision of 1984 very soon. They don't need us anymore, technology is advancing at such a fast rate, they really only need the military muscles.

The King

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Re: I see the high gas prices as a sign America lost the war in Iraq
« Reply #16 on: May 30, 2008, 07:22:47 PM »
The problem with gasoline is, it affects every single driving person. America is just now paying the same rates on gas, as the rest of Europe and Canada. We've been living on high gas prices for years, and guess what? Almost every European government and Canada have committed to all fuel sold being a 10% ethanol blend. That's a good step in the right direction. Doesn't take that much biofuels to make a 10% blend.

Personally, people burning gas isn't what's wrong with the whole petroleum industry. If you think about it, we absolutely need gasoline for the economy to function, people need to get to work. What we don't need is the government building natural gas, gasoline and oil power plants. Petroleum power plants is the biggest waste of oil in the US. Build some damn nuclear plants, or even coal, or some renewable sources.

Even the idea of burning oil is any form is a waste, when it could be used for plastics, rubbers and chemical industries. Why burn it when you can turn it into something. Hydrogen fuel won't catch on for at least a decade, using ethanol blends, and reducing the number of oil based power plants is the only thing that could keep the price of gas reasonable until we decide to move to hydrogen or even pure ethanol.

The fact oil is so high is really shows how ignorant people are. It's going up, and it will never go back down. It's going to keep climbing forever. This should be a wake up call for change. Instead the government proposes short term "free gas days" or those damned refund checks. We need to start conserving oil so we can use it for more important things, instead of just burning it.

I highly agree with the first post. In the beginning they thought they could get away with taking oil from Iraq, then they realized they just got themselves fucked. The whole "Food for Oil" thing they had going was also a scam. "Let's blow up your country, then you'll need to take our food." Or maybe they knew all along the price of oil would skyrocket, just so Bush's friends can get rich.

Teddy Roosevelt

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Re: I see the high gas prices as a sign America lost the war in Iraq
« Reply #17 on: June 01, 2008, 12:20:58 PM »
Believe it or not, oil is (very) slowly becoming a passing thing. Before people just accepted high prices because there was nothing they can do. They need to drive. But now it's coming to the point were people simply can't afford gas. It's sad that it takes such an extreme for the ignorant masses to take notice, but it finally has. Soon gas will go up to $5 as gallon. Oil prices will never be able to stabilize for 2 reasons. War/politics and simply because there is not enough oil. Just look and the auto industry. GM and Ford have reported that SUV and truck sales have come to a halt while Honda had to increase production for such high demand on the new civics. Countries are slowly seeing a steady growth in solar power, wind power, etc. Hydrogen and nuclear will soon follow. The question is will we be driven to bankruptcy before this happens?


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Re: I see the high gas prices as a sign America lost the war in Iraq
« Reply #18 on: June 03, 2008, 05:36:45 PM »
We lost the moment we set foot in Iraq because occupying a country simply never works. The Israelis learned it in Lebanon, we should have learned it in Vietnam, and lots of other Western armies have learned the same lesson since the 1950s.


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Re: I see the high gas prices as a sign America lost the war in Iraq
« Reply #19 on: June 11, 2008, 10:16:14 AM »
for once i kind of agree with virtuoso..

and infinite you should get your facts strait before talking crazy shit... i have no idea what you are speculating, but it seems simple minded to think the US went into IRAQ thinking oil prices would drop by them stealing some of it...

the middle east is in war, its only natural oil prices would go up.