Author Topic: So... Battlecat is finishing up his album right now! Single coming soon!  (Read 1989 times)


Sounds real good, i'll be waitin for the first single.


Battlecat is dope! lookin forward to this A LOT.. cant wait.


Let us know when's album out and where we can buy it !
ima buy one for sure !


GEAT NEWS!!!!!! ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
thanks nima


  • Muthafuckin' Don!
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DAMN!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thats Battlecat! Finally we hear his album.

@ Amplified
whats up with the greathest hits project??

To the Interview.. ask him what he thinks about his 1995 Album "Gumbo Roots" and the internet leak.

Quote from: Soopafly DPGC about his hands
I don't live for the man, but I do study him so I can hope my pimp hands one day become as strong as his. When i first started listening to him, my hands were only strong enough to crush a beetle.  Now that i've studied him for 15 years, my hands are strong enough to crush a dog.


@ Amplified
whats up with the greathest hits project??

To the Interview.. ask him what he thinks about his 1995 Album "Gumbo Roots" and the internet leak.

i was wondering the same


  • 'G'
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  • J.Locc
BC POWDA!!!!  8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :laugh:
Docc Free [Blue Era Ent. / Italian G-Funk producer, worked with DJ Battlecat, Kurupt, XL Middleton etc..)


great news, props Nima 8)

Soopafly DPGC

  • Muthafuckin' Don!
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Ask Battlecat what it was like to work with Soopafly.  They did some stuff together.  Ask him if he feels intimidated to be in the studio with Soopafly since he is the #1 producer on the Westcoast right now.  Ask if Soopafly taught him anything about producing and if they have any unreleased songs that he produced for Fly.


Ask Battlecat what it was like to work with Soopafly.  They did some stuff together.  Ask him if he feels intimidated to be in the studio with Soopafly since he is the #1 producer on the Westcoast right now.  Ask if Soopafly taught him anything about producing and if they have any unreleased songs that he produced for Fly.

who give a fuck ABOUT SOOPAFLY in a Battlecat topic

come on please open a soopafly topic and request an interview but dont break the balls here too


  • Muthafuckin' Don!
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  • No justice, no peace
Ask Battlecat what it was like to work with Soopafly.  They did some stuff together.  Ask him if he feels intimidated to be in the studio with Soopafly since he is the #1 producer on the Westcoast right now.  Ask if Soopafly taught him anything about producing and if they have any unreleased songs that he produced for Fly.

From Uncyclopedia, the content-free encyclopedia.
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Please note before reading this article that comedy is a very serious matter and should be treated as such. unless your brain is like Antons than its a sad hope to try and impress girls who would rather sex with an donkey.

    * 1 What is Funny?
    * 2 What is not funny?
    * 3 Funny indicator
    * 4 Universality
    * 5 Example of a Joke
    * 6 Proper Usage
    * 7 Proper Response
    * 8 Also See
    * 9 Do Not See

[edit] What is Funny?
|Biggest Joke Ever?
Please vote below or click here to see the results.
Your Mom
So's Your Face
So's Your Mom's Face
That's What She Said
The page on Kitten Huffing
Canned Bread
Russell Crowe
the French
Women's Rights
Jimmy Carter Getting Hit by a Peanut Truck
Anything Said by Eddie Izzard Ever
A bum strapped to a toaster
There were 240 votes since the poll was created on 08 May 2008 02:58:07 UTC.
[edit] What is not funny?
Biggest Seriousness Ever?
Please vote below or click here to see the results.
I Know You are, You said You are, So What am I?
My Mom
The Alphabet
Big Trouble in Little China
Elephant Schlong tied to an Aeroplane and the elephant getting horny
your face
George W Bush(dumbass american)
There were 3 votes since the poll was created on 05 Jun 2008 23:58:05 UTC.
[edit] Funny indicator

This is a 10 level scale indicator of funnyness, created by professor Laughen M. I. Arsov in 2005. It goes by increasing with 0 being the lamest funny joke (probably made by your mom).
Level of funnyness    Indication Code    Description    Example(S)
0    ...    Something that is not even remolety funny (makes tumbleweed fly by). Most of the time being ignored.    Your mom's jokes. Shakespearean comedy, David Letterman.
1    meh    A very low, almost inexistant level of funnyness. Usually is being more stupid than funny.    Best of Your mom's jokes, Oprah's jokes, Ancient Greek comedy.
2    um... haha?    May seem a bit funny only in a company of complete morons (see oxymoron) or chimpanzees. Although sometimes even |chimpanzees will feel ashamed.    Your mom's jokes being told by a famous comedian, George W. Bush's jokes.
3    heh    Jokes that may usually make people smile a little. Or a lot, when they're on pot.    Your mom's jokes heard when being on drugs.
4    hehe    Some jokes that may make you launch a little laughing sound, but usually don't create even cramps.    Your Mom jokes (not being told by your mom, actually), Russian Reversal jokes.
5    lol    Jokes that often make you feel moderately funny, you do laugh and sometimes may cramp. Most jokes fall into this category.    Any recent joke you heard from any person in the last 24 hours.
6    lmao    Jokes that might be slightly funnier that regular jokes, with cramps and, sometimes, tears. Maybe funny enough to make a little bit of pee come out, but only closer to 7 on the scale, and if you've just had a Big Gulp.    Your Mom jokes about your mom's jokes being told by a famous comedian.
7    rofl    Some jokes that make you cramp, often cry and your face turns red. Uncontrolled emotions and sudden breaks of laughter are |possible.    Watching The Simpsons.
8    roflmao    These jokes make you shit blood and may be considered as lethal to Your Mom.    Watching The Simpsons on drugs.
9    XD    put to a 10-year treatment against such things as schizophrenia and personality split.    Watching your mom watch The Simpsons.
10    a splode    WARNING!! Even hearing these jokes in distance can make your head asplode. Not recommended for mixing with reading this article.    Uncyclopedia, Oscar Wilde's quotes.

Their is a new movie coming out soon based on this scale called "catagory 11". Its about a joke used as a wepon of mass desrution!!!!!!!!
[edit] Universality
I have a white friend!!! =(!!!.
I have a white friend!!! =(!!!.
A lion and his mate share a moment of hilarity.
A lion and his mate share a moment of hilarity.

Comedy is a form of torture developed by NASA to prepare astronants for their journey into the depths of hell. But the question is "what is funny?" NASA has pondered for years and has finally developed a theory. To the subtle, sublime witticisms of Courtney Love, comedy is clearly a fundamental part of all life. If a tree falls in the forest and no one is there to hear it, do the other trees laugh? Yes, they most assuredly do. If Lucille Ball throws a pie at Ricky's face and he ducks and it hits Ethel instead, does the audience laugh? Oh hell yeah; pie humor is so fucking amusing, try it sometime and see what happens.
Oh come here girly girl....I like them young!
Oh come here girly girl....I like them young!

While the microscopic life forms are very open FUNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNYhave been known to carry out rather complex pranks on each other; iguanas, arguably one of the funniest life forms on the planet, have been observed making fun of chameleons 2 cages down, and even hosting entire comedy fests.
[edit] Example of a Joke

"Q: Why do small children cry all the time?"

"A: Because I rape them."

Example number 2

George W Bush

Example number 3

Kevin Rudd, Austrailan prime minister

The above is an example of a well-known joke, particularly popular among mothers, children and politically correct people. However the key to this joke's success is not just the joke itself, but the way it is told.

For maximum comedy effect, one must deliver the punchline with a hint of dead-pan aggression, as though you are being completely serious. One person who has been extremely successful at telling this joke is Michael Jackson, this is mostly due to the fact that he is actually telling the truth.
[edit] Proper Usage

The proper use of comedy is essential. Used improperly, it can easily backfire, potentially causing serious injury. See ATP. Comedy should be used where it is unexpected, but never where it is unwanted.

A shitty example of proper usage of comedy:
[edit] Proper Response
Shakespeare's comedy remains widely appreciated today for having been written by William Shakespeare.
Shakespeare's comedy remains widely appreciated today for having been written by William Shakespeare.

The proper response to comedy is, under ideal circumstances, a rapid exhilation of air, with a light application of the vocal chords on the outbreath. This produces the following noise: ha ha ha ha ha, or occasionally glug glug glug or achihi. Most people will find that this comes as a natural response if the comedy is actually funny, otherwise you may have to force the effect out of politeness. This may be required if comedy is being delivered as an after dinner speech, where the absence of laughter may be an embarrassing indication of ass-facedly assembled jokes.

Enough said...
Enough said...
[edit] Also See

    * Mel Brooks
    * Kitten huffing
    * It's Politically Incorrect So It Must Be Funny
    * Trying hard to be funny
    * Comic duo
    * [1] - a FROG story
    * William Shakespeare, some guy who wrote funny plays
    * Wikipedia

[edit] Do Not See

    * Kirsten Dunst
    * Republican National Convention
    * Carlos Mencia (The guy,not the article)
    * I <3 Huckabees

This article is funny. Please make us laugh more until we piss ourselves. You can laugh and help Uncyclopedia by Do'n sumtin 'bout dat.
   The complete works of William Shakespeare
Tragedies:    Romeo and Juliet | Macbeth | King Lear | Hamlet | Othello | Titus Andronicus | Titus Androgynous | Julius Caesar | Antony and Cleopatra | Coriolanus | Troilus and Cressida | Timon of Athens
Comedies:    A Midsummer Night's Dream | All's Well That Ends Well | As You Like It | Cymbeline | Love's Labour's Lost | Measure for Measure | The Merchant of Venice | The Merry Wives of Windsor | Much Ado About Nothing | Pericles, Prince of Tyre | Taming of the Shrew | The Comedy of Errors | The Tempest | Twelfth Night | The Two Gentlemen of Verona | The Two Noble Kinsmen | The Winter's Tale
Histories:    King John | Richard II | Henry IV, Part 1 | Henry IV, Part 2 | Henry V | Henry VI, part 1 | Henry VI, part 2 | Henry VI, part 3 | Richard III | Henry VIII
Poems and Sonnets:    Venus and Adonis | The Rape of Lucrece | The Passionate Pilgrim | The Phoenix and the Turtle | A Lover's Complaint
Retrieved from ""

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Ask Battlecat what it was like to work with Soopafly.  They did some stuff together.  Ask him if he feels intimidated to be in the studio with Soopafly since he is the #1 producer on the Westcoast right now.  Ask if Soopafly taught him anything about producing and if they have any unreleased songs that he produced for Fly.

who give a fuck ABOUT SOOPAFLY in a Battlecat topic

come on please open a soopafly topic and request an interview but dont break the balls here too


  • Guest
Great news!

Soopafly DPGC

  • Muthafuckin' Don!
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  • Its my duty to break a bitch down to buck nudie
Ask Battlecat what it was like to work with Soopafly.  They did some stuff together.  Ask him if he feels intimidated to be in the studio with Soopafly since he is the #1 producer on the Westcoast right now.  Ask if Soopafly taught him anything about producing and if they have any unreleased songs that he produced for Fly.

who give a fuck ABOUT SOOPAFLY in a Battlecat topic

come on please open a soopafly topic and request an interview but dont break the balls here too

So we're not allowed to ask anyone about any other artists when they are getting interviewed?  I remember just last Xzibit interview, they were asking him about all different artists he worked with.  Is this not allowed anymore?


  • Muthafuckin' Don!
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  • No justice, no peace
Ask Battlecat what it was like to work with Soopafly.  They did some stuff together.  Ask him if he feels intimidated to be in the studio with Soopafly since he is the #1 producer on the Westcoast right now.  Ask if Soopafly taught him anything about producing and if they have any unreleased songs that he produced for Fly.

who give a fuck ABOUT SOOPAFLY in a Battlecat topic

come on please open a soopafly topic and request an interview but dont break the balls here too

So we're not allowed to ask anyone about any other artists when they are getting interviewed?  I remember just last Xzibit interview, they were asking him about all different artists he worked with.  Is this not allowed anymore?

Hit Tha G-Spot! Kick back, drop jokes, share pr0n and chat about anything that doesn't belong elsewhere..
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