Author Topic: cloudy times  (Read 198 times)


cloudy times
« on: June 13, 2008, 02:23:57 PM »
walkin through life and im still searchin for the answer
why in 2 months lost my grandma and cousin to cancer
and i cant discover the reason, walkin down this long road
so when people ask me why, this stuff is why i get throwed
hoping that maybe it'll fog and clog up my brain and memory
im trying to take all this bullshit and turn it into positive energy
but this is so damn hard, all i know for sure is life just isnt fair
life is feelin naked on me right now, goin through it skin bare
and to deal with all this without sheddin a single tear, i dare
that wouldnt mean you strong homie, just means u dont care
about ya loved ones, the thought of losin anymore is givin me a scare
and i was at they funeral's all sad lookin at my family with a blank stare
because this all has simply left me speechless, i dont know what to say
i know that life is short as heck and everyone eventually has their day
but my cousin went way too early, i wanna tell her i love her if i may
life is short, tell all ya loved ones that u love them fo they are deceased
to all my relatives who gone and everyone loved ones, i say rest in peace
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