Author Topic: Bizarre movies  (Read 1548 times)

Chad Vader

  • Guest
Bizarre movies
« on: June 24, 2008, 04:04:18 PM »
Many Bothans died to bring us these flicks.

Rare and lost films, brought back from the edge of the abyss!

You’ve engaged the hyperdrive. Vibrated to the crossover frequency.

Crossed the interdimensional barrier.

You’re in the Antimatter dimension now.

We like weird and ridiculous movies. We track them down, find the best source available and then make them available in the best possible editions.

Antimatter Multiverse is your personal wormhole to the weird, your cosmic loophole to the ludicrous! We scour the space-time continuum, searching for the weirdest, sexiest, freakiest, funniest, scariest movies ever made, and transport them across the boundless expanse of transdimensional space, right to you!

Check out the lunacy of Turkish Star Wars or savour the sweet psychedelic perfume of the funky 1978 Doctor Strange TV Movie .

We add new movies regularly, so bookmark us and check back in.
Our rag-tag crew of puss-encrusted reviewers comment regularly on new and upcoming Multiverse releases at Antimatters, our blog .

Star Wars Holiday Special 1978 (DVD)

George Lucas was basking in the glow of the hundreds of millions of dollars pouring in from “A New Hope.” High on a mushroom cloud, he got a call from CBS, asking if he was interested in doing a Christmas TV special. He said yes and began to write.

Bea Arthur doing cabaret in the cantina.
Mark Hamill in drag.
Carrie Fisher singing.
Wookiee porn.



The story centers around Chewbacca’s family: Itchy, Lumpy, and Mala. They grunt about their tree-top dwelling, waiting for Chewie to come home for the Life Day holidays. Chewie’s stuck with Han, though. So they entertain themselves by watching a Jefferson Starship performance. I’m really not making this up. Chewie’s dad watches a virtual stripper performance and gets quite… excited. It’s not all sex and rock n’ roll, however. The Imperials come looking for the wanted criminal Chewbacca at the family’s home and there are some real tear-jerking moments when the Stormtroopers trash Lumpy’s room.
In the middle, there’s a complete (and really well done) animated segment, which features the first appearance of Boba Fett. All ends well when the heroes arrive home. Princess Leia decides to sing for everyone—to the John Williams Star Wars theme music!

There’s a lot of hugging and rubbing in the flick.

The Antimatter special edition release of this infamous piece of Star Wars and pop culture history is packed with extras.
You get all of the following:
The complete, 97-minute Star Wars Holiday Special
A complete, special episode of The Muppet Show starring Mark Hamill and the droids!
Vintage Kenner Star Wars toy commercials!
Behind-the-scenes gallery
Production sketches
Fox News clip about the special!
DVD-ROM extras:
MP3s of the songs!
A complete draft of the script
A transcript of the aired program.
CBS Production Notes

The DVD comes packaged in a gorgeous case that fits with the official Star Wars DVDs on your shelf. The Special is labelled as Episode 0! It also fits in with other Antimatter Multiverse Star Wars releases, such as Turkish Star Wars.
Specifications (Learn what these terms mean)
Running Time: 97min
Format: DVD-R
Language: English
Subtitles: None
Video System: NTSC
Region: 0 (No Region Protection)
Audio quality: 7/10
Picture quality: 5/10

Star Wars Holiday Special Opening
<a href=";hl=en" target="_blank" class="new_win">;hl=en</a>

Turkish Star Wars

The most infamous Turkish “rip-off” film ever made, now available for the first time on DVD with ENGLISH SUBTITLES! This is the full version of the film, which includes all of what makes it so hilarious—footage lifted directly from Star Wars, as well as music stolen from everything from Indiana Jones to Battlestar Galactica to Psycho!

The story behind this breathtaking masterpiece is the stuff of cinema legend. Back in 1982, Turkish cinema was struggling. They loved the Hollywood blockbusters, but did not have the budgets to create their own, homegrown films of this type. So they just filmed their own story and stole action scenes and effects shots directly out of Star Wars and other films and inserted them into their own film. And their film was pretty ludicrous to begin with!
Things to look out for:
The two heroes dogfighting in their X-Wings… really just two ugly guys sitting in motorcycle helmets and old Sony Walkman headphones, shot against TV screens playing clips from Star Wars space battles… oops—looks like they forgot to cut out the shots of people pressing buttons and such! HILARIOUS!
Little children getting their brains eaten.
Muppet-like bad-guys, such as the big red cookie-monsters, and the toilet-paper covered zombies!
Our heroes fighting with traditionally Turkish vigor and passion, karate-chopping the bad guys’ heads off and kicking right through them!
The Turkish Jedi Training sequence, in which our heroes punch and kick rocks to get strong. None of that “feel the force, Luke” rubbish here!
Instead of lightsabres, cardboard swords that look like lightning bolts!
And more and more and more… in Dünyayi Kurtaran Adam A.K.A. THE MAN WHO SAVES THE WORLD A.K.A TURKISH STAR WARS!!!!!

The movie comes in a great case that mimics the look of the official Star Wars films on DVD and fits perfectly right next to them on your shelf!

Be sure to check out our other Turkish rip-offs, as well as other Star Wars titles.
Specifications (Learn what these terms mean)
Running Time: 91min
Format: DVD-R
Language: Turkish
Subtitles: English (hard-coded)
Video System: NTSC
Region: 0 (No Region Protection)
Audio quality: 8/10
Picture quality: 7/10
 DVD | $11.99

Meet Turk Vader!
<a href=";hl=en" target="_blank" class="new_win">;hl=en</a>

Turkish Spider-Man vs Captain Turkish America


You know you’re in Turkey when, before the opening credits, Spider-Man buries a saucy wench in the sand at the beach, then has his henchmen back a boat propellor into her face! No, friends, your friendly neighborhood Spider-Man just ain’t that friendly anymore. Instead, he’s a psychotic mob boss. And when there’s a psychotic mob boss that needs taking down in Turkey, there’s only one man to call—Captain America.

You might remember actor Aytekin Akkaya from Turkish Star Wars. Here he rises to the spotlight as the heroic lead. In a heart-wrenching performance, Akkaya conveys with an unnerving subtlety the true spirit of a Captain America who is both Turkish and lacking in shield. While the sinister Spider-Man is busy strangling women to death in the shower and putting rats down tubes to eat his captives’ faces off, Captain Turkish America recruits Mexico’s national superhero, Santo, to aid him in his quest to rid Turkey of the webbed menace once and for all. Santo’s a gimp-masked superhero who’s also a wrestler. You almost wish Spidey had a mask like that though, so you wouldn’t have to see his truly Turkish eyebrows.

Known in Turkey as 3 Dev Adam (3 Mighty Men), this new release of the film features, for the first time, ENGLISH SUBTITLES! It also comes with a 90-minute bonus recent interview with star Akkaya!

Santo likes to put things down his pants.
Specifications (Learn what these terms mean)
Running Time: 82min
90 minutes of special features!
Format: DVD-R
Language: Turkish
Subtitles: English !
Video System: NTSC
Region: 0 (No Region Protection)
Audio quality: 6/10
Picture quality: 6/10

<a href=";hl=en" target="_blank" class="new_win">;hl=en</a>

Justice League of America [1997 TV Pilot]

There’s just no justice in the world…

And you won’t find any in this movie, either. Back in 1997, hot on the heels of Joel Schumacher’s smash-hit Batman and Robin, the suits at Warner Bros decided to start a new TV franchise based on the biggest superhero team in comics, the Justice League of America. This was about a year into Grant Morrison’s massively successful relaunch of the comic as JLA. The suits, of course, decided to ignore Morrison’s big-guns, widescreen approach. They went instead for something a little more… down to earth.

Barry Allen is THE FLASH, a lazy unemployed bum. THE ATOM is a nerdy, insecure high school teacher who gets into fights with cats, and limbos under laser beams. Guy Gardner is the shining emerald knight, GREEN LANTERN. His character seems to be much more in line with that of Kyle Rayner – he even has the same girlfriend troubles as Kyle (minus the fridge). At one point, the heroic Green Lantern, in the most impressive feat he will perform in the whole film, makes for her an emerald umbrella with his ring, to shield her from the rain. This nefarious drizzle is caused by none other than the villainous WEATHER MAN, whose costume consists of a tin foil mask and a pair of ‘80s shades. His plot is to create a tidal wave to destroy the fine city of New Metro, and the league will do everything within their quite limited power to stop him.

The movie, intended as a pilot for a series which never came, uses the character of ICE to introduce us to the JLA. Through her eyes, the viewer is transported to a magical place, untainted by such things as big-budget effects, acting ability, or competent writing. Of course, where there’s ICE, there’s FIRE. Very few people know this, but Halle Berry’s award-winning performance in the film Catwoman was heavily influenced by Fire’s complex and nuanced portrayal in Justice League of America. The movie is intercut with candid interview footage with the characters, serving to remind us that underneath it all, these really are everyday people, and that underneath it all, this movie really does suck.

In the original script, the MARTIAN MANHUNTER’s infamous Oreo™ addiction was to be addressed. Though the evidence remains, in the form of the character’s massive, bloated gut, the cookies were removed from the script due to budget constraints. I can assure you of one thing – you’ll be the one tossing cookies once you’ve stomached this flick.

This TV special never aired or was released in North America. It is provided for collectors and researchers only, as a curioso object. Comes in the beautiful case shown above. The version included is the longer, uncut version made for international release.
Specifications (Learn what these terms mean)
Running Time: 87min
Format: DVD-R
Language: English
Subtitles: None
Video System: NTSC
Region: 0 (No Region Protection)
Audio quality: 8/10
Picture quality: 7/10

<a href=";hl=en" target="_blank" class="new_win">;hl=en</a>

Superman: The Musical [1975 TV Special]

It’s a Bird, It’s a Plane…

…it’s a pantload, more like. Exhibit A is one of the true gems of suicide-inducing television, the infamous Superman: The Musical.

Based on a failed 1960s Broadway musical, the 1975 TV special was part of ABC’s attempt at broadcasting “edgy” entertainment in order to compete with NBC’s Saturday Night Live.

The plot of the musical is of course moronic: an egotistical reporter for the Daily Planet, Max Mencken, is jealous of all the attention Superman gets in the press and from his adoring public. He hatches a plot to bring Superman down not by using any kind of super-weapon, but by turning the public against him, thus giving Superman a negative self-image. Ya.

With cardboard sets, the production looks like it was produced on a budget of a buck and a half with money left over. Superman looks like… well, look at him. Lois is so perky that you want to shoot her in the face.

And then they start singing.

He brings the orphans Christmas turkey.
He flew my asthmatic son to Albuquerque.
Yes, when the world’s moral standards grow murky
We need him.

Not as bad as the whining, though:

Why must I, the Man of Steel
Feel as helpless as a man of straw?
They used to hold me in such awe;
Why must the strongest man in the world
Be the bluest man, tell me why?
Don’t they know the strongest man can cry?

One thing’s for sure, fanboy—you’ll be the one crying by the time this one’s through.

This TV special aired once only at 11:30 pm, has NEVER BEEN RELEASED OFFICIALLY, AND NEVER WILL BE. It is provided for collectors only, as a curioso object. Comes in the beautiful case shown above.
Specifications (Learn what these terms mean)
Running Time: 100min
Format: DVD-R
Language: English
Subtitles: None
Video System: NTSC
Region: 0 (No Region Protection)
Audio quality: 7/10
Picture quality: 7/10
 DVD | $11.99

<a href=";hl=en" target="_blank" class="new_win">;hl=en</a>

Captain America [1991 feature film]

Back in 1989, Tim Burton’s Batman was released to much acclaim and box-office success. Marvel responded with this insulting attempt. Instead of wasting good money on a snobbish director like Burton, Marvel acquired the services of the fine Albert Pyun, best known for such epic masterpieces as Kickboxer IV: The Aggressor, and the Nemesis and Cyborg films. Putting Pyun in charge of making a Captain America movie was like putting Joel Schumacher in charge of a Batman movie, a mistake so obvious Hollywood only made it twice.

Could this, in fact, be the worst movie ever made? It certainly is fatally flawed in every respect. The acting is not worthy of the word. The story is terminally unbelievable without actually achieving any sense of fantasy. The plot is full of errors that are perhaps more like plot-exit-wounds than mere plot-holes.

The characters are facile, the make-up apalling, the props are jarring, and the special effects are decidedly less than special. The fight scenes would scarcely do justice to a school pantomime.

This movie truly tests the strength of your stomach. It lurches from the mock-violent to the insultingly-stupid, passing through the ghastly-sweet on the way.

J.D. Salinger’s son, Matt Salinger, plays the good Captain, and never before on screen has such a pansy appeared. The rubber of Cap’s mask was too tough to cut ear-holes into, so the producers decided to just attach rubber ears to the exterior of it.

A test-screening was so disastrous that reshooting was required. Stan Lee insisted that this was simply because the movie was so good that people demanded to see more… right.

This film is not available as an official release. It is provided for collectors only, as a curioso object. Comes in the beautiful case shown above, imitating the look of 1970s Marvel Comics covers. Other unreleased and rare Marvel films are also available in this design, so you can build a collection. The spines follow the look of current Marvel trade paperbacks and look great on your shelf.
Specifications (Learn what these terms mean)
Running Time: 97min
Format: DVD-R
Language: English
Subtitles: None
Video System: NTSC
Region: 0 (No Region Protection)
Audio quality: 8/10
Picture quality: 7/10

<a href=";hl=en" target="_blank" class="new_win">;hl=en</a>

Captain America [1979 TV Movie]

With that immortal, ignoble call-to-arms, a hero is born. Steve Rogers is an ex-marine. We first encounter him driving down the coast in his swingin’ van. Steve tells us that it’s “a mellow set of wheels” and that he‘s “been coming down the coast, slow and easy, you know, kickin’ back.” He‘ll have to be kickin’ ass before long though. When Steve-o encounters an oil slick on a mountain road, he goes careening off the edge of a cliff. In order to save his life, he is injected with an experimental compound developed by his father, and administered, of course, by your run-of-the-mill twenty-something Beautiful Scientist, Dr. Wendy Day.

The compound is called F.L.A.G. – Full Latent Ability Gain. F.L.A.G. is “the ultimate steroid”, which might explain the main character’s girlish voice, as well as his lack of balls. You see, instead of fighting, Cap often uses distraction tactics or, perhaps subconsciously echoing the same violence done unto him, trips up enemies using oil slicks. Needless to say, with his F.L.A.G. flying at full mast, Steve dons the red-white-and-blue tights, and embarks upon his motorcycle adventure.

The US government sends Steve out to battle evil with a motorbike that jets out the back of his van and straight into danger’s vicious maw. Noting the uncanny resonance between “shield” and “windshield”, someone in the production had the ingenious idea of combining the two. Cap’s plastic windshield detaches to become the hero’s famous throwing weapon. Unfortunately, instead of flying through the air and mercilessly boomeranging into villains’ faces, this flimsy frisbee hovers around tentatively before furtively tapping its victims on the shoulder.

Despite these cheap shots I’m taking, the movie’s actually quite good. It’s got a rollicking score, and Reb Brown is a likeable lummox, who at least has the brawn and charm that Matt Salinger lacked in the 1990 Captain America feature film. So kick back and enjoy… slow and easy.
Specifications (Learn what these terms mean)
Running Time: 110min
Format: DVD-R
Language: English
Subtitles: None
Video System: NTSC
Region: 0 (No Region Protection)
Audio quality: 7/10
Picture quality: 7/10

<a href=";hl=en" target="_blank" class="new_win">;hl=en</a>

Captain America 2 - Death Too Soon [1979 TV Movie]

After undergoing the formality of being injected with his father’s F.L.A.G. serum and gaining powers in the previous film, CAPTAIN AMERICA returns in this second TV movie to fight the villainous Christopher Lee in his plot to rapidly age an entire city. The new movie improves quite a bit upon the original, with more costume-time, more action, and a nice ‘70s plot that would not be out of place in an episode of Knight Rider or The A-Team.

Reb Brown is still laughably charming as the oafish Cap with a sensitive side. He’s a painter, you see. And he has a cat. At one point, he even does a painting of his cat. When a terrorist known only as MIGUEL surfaces, Captain America goes undercover in a small town to investigate. There, he is jostled by the local ruffians, and wooed by a sassy young widow who cannot help but be seduced by the one-two punch of Cap’s rugged brawn and his cat-painting sensitivity.

It’s always fun when Cap detaches his plastic windshield from his bike. ‘Cause this windshield is also a real shield (GET IT??) Only thing is, instead of slinging it and having it boomerang back into some villain’s head, it hovers hesitantly in flight, like you nerds do around girls. Another thing that magically hovers is the motorcycle itself. At one point (actually, it’s a ten-minute sequence), it even sprouts a hang-glider and flies.

Despite this hilarity, the film’s plotline, centering around Miguel’s attempts to prematurely age an unsuspecting populace, ring unnervingly true in today’s uncertain climate of global terror. When Cap fights three dogs in a prison, I can’t imagine that anyone would be able miss the eerie resonance with the dogs used to terrorize prisoners in Abu Ghiraib. Long after finishing the film, every American will feel the poignant chill of the threat of biochemical warfare in this film which truly makes us contemplate what it would be like to face a DEATH TOO SOON.
Specifications (Learn what these terms mean)
Running Time: 90min
Format: DVD-R
Language: English
Subtitles: None
Video System: NTSC
Region: 0 (No Region Protection)
Audio quality: 7/10
Picture quality: 7/10

<a href=";hl=en" target="_blank" class="new_win">;hl=en</a>

Generation X [1996 TV movie]

Long before the X-Men made a splash on the big screen, Marvel tried things on a smaller scale with this Fox TV Movie based on an X-Men spin-off title. They made a wise decision, and the result signals the beginning of Marvel’s rise as a theatrical force. Breezy and entertaining, audiences will be surprised how effective the low-budget Generation X entry is.

Generation X is the story of children taken to the Xavier Institute and trained by Emma Frost (Finola Hughes) and Banshee (Jeremy Rachford) to be a force for good. The Xavier mansion is actually the same one used in the X-Men movies! But not everyone has the children’s best interests at heart. An insane scientist (Matt Frewer AKA Max Headroom!) schemes to capture the young mutants to use in his deplorable dream experiments. There’s plenty of sly humor to complement an engaging storyline and it’s fun to see Emma Frost, Banshee, Jubilee, Skin, and Monet as live-action characters, along with a primitive version of Cerebro. .

This is the uncut, uncensored European version of the movie, longer and with many alternate cuts chock-full of raunchy dialogue (”Nice beaver!”) and sexy scenes unseen in North America.

Director Jack Sholder works wonders with the limited budget, managing to make the movie look more expensive and elaborate than a television film ought to. This was essentially filmdom’s first exposure to Marvel’s mutants, and Sholder ensures that they make a memorable impression.

This film has NEVER BEEN RELEASED OFFICIALLY, AND NEVER WILL BE. It is provided for collectors only, as a curioso object. Comes in the beautiful case shown above, imitating the look of 1970s Marvel Comics covers. Other rare and unreleased Marvel films are also available in this design, so you can build a collection. The spines follow the look of current Marvel trade paperbacks and look great on your shelf.
Specifications (Learn what these terms mean)
Running Time: 91min
Format: DVD-R
Language: English
Subtitles: None
Video System: NTSC
Region: 0 (No Region Protection)
Audio quality: 9/10
Picture quality: 8/10

The Fantastic Four 1994

It was never meant to be seen by human eyes.
Realizing that their option for the film rights to The Fantastic Four would expire if they did not produce something, they produced… something.

The 1994 low-budget film, produced by Roger Corman, was never released, despite the fact that the production had been completed, the marketing campaign and posters created, and the Motion Picture Association of America had even given the film a PG label. The studio misled everyone involved in the making of the film by letting them believe it was going to be a genuine release rather than a way to maintain their license on the property.

Another theory is that the film was never released because it was a low-budget cheapo ($2 million), and Marvel Comics was in no mood to see another film based on their popular characters released to mass ridicule. Let us remember that this was after Howard The Duck (1986), _The Punisher (1990), and Captain America (1991).

The Fantastic Four is a full feature film—the well-known origin story complete with early (bad) CG effects for the Torch. Good ol’ rubber masks for the Thing and Doom—unfortunately, we can’t hear them speaking too well under those masks. It’s certainly not as bad as the 2005 attempt. At least this one’s funny as hell.

This film has NEVER BEEN RELEASED OFFICIALLY, AND NEVER WILL BE. It is provided for collectors only, as a curioso object. Comes in the beautiful case shown above, imitating the look of 1970s Marvel Comics covers. Other rare and unreleased Marvel films are also available in this design, so you can build a collection. The spines follow the look of current Marvel trade paperbacks and look great on your shelf.
Specifications (Learn what these terms mean)
Running Time: 90min
Format: DVD-R
Language: English
Subtitles: None
Video System: NTSC
Region: 0 (No Region Protection)
Audio quality: 7/10
Picture quality: 7/10
 DVD | $11.99

<a href=";hl=en" target="_blank" class="new_win">;hl=en</a>

Nick Fury, Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D. [Hasselhoff TV movie]

Things weren’t always so good for Marvel Studios. Several years before they were making big-budget blockbusters, they were reduced to knocking out television films for the Fox Network. In this movie, Nick Fury (David Hasselhoff!!!) returns to S.H.I.E.L.D. after a five-year retirement to stop the menace of Viper (blonde hottie Sandra Hess), daughter of Hydra leader Baron Von Strucker, who is plotting to release a deadly virus that will wipe out the population of Manhattan. (OMG!!!!!)

Nick Fury is an early work by David S. Goyer—the writer of BATMAN BEGINS—who produces a well-written and imaginative script by providing plenty of dramatic tension while remaining respectful of Fury’s comic origins. Director Rod Hardy knows the importance of keeping things moving at a relatively brisk pace and does his best to hide the some of the film’s faults with some nice visual touches. James Bartle’s cinematography is also well done, and frequently makes Nick Fury look at lot better than it should for its low budget. Towering above it all, the cigar-chomping Hasselhoff looks like he’s trying to channel the spirit of Snake Plissken…

This film has NEVER BEEN RELEASED OFFICIALLY, AND NEVER WILL BE. It is provided for collectors only, as a curioso object. Comes in the beautiful case shown above, imitating the look of 1970s Marvel Comics covers. Other rare and unreleased Marvel films are also available in this design, so you can build a collection. The spines follow the look of current Marvel trade paperbacks and look great on your shelf.
Specifications (Learn what these terms mean)
Running Time: 120min
Format: DVD-R
Language: English
Subtitles: None
Video System: NTSC
Region: 0 (No Region Protection)
Audio quality: 9/10
Picture quality: 9/10

Doctor Strange [1978 TV Movie]

This lesser-known Marvel film—which didn’t even air in some parts of the country back in 1978—is the most faithful of the ‘70s Marvel adaptations, from a lead actor who looks the part to specific sets and decent effects. Peter Hooten stars as psychiatrist Stephen Strange, an unwitting heir to mystical powers which aging sorcerer Lindmer seeks to bestow on him (it’s his destiny!) When the evil Morgan LeFay is sent by a demon from another dimension to snuff out the aging sorcerer and begin the takeover of Earth, Lindmer fends her off as his pupil, Wong, seeks out Strange for his initiation into the mystic arts. When the reluctant Strange learns that one of his patients, sexpot student Clea Lake, has become an unwitting pawn in this cross-dimensional war, he tries to save her and then attempts to fend off LeFay before she bridges the gap between dimensions.

Though more suited to fans of the comic than outsiders, this is still the Marvel adaptation most likely to entice people into investigating its source material. Hooten delivers an appealing moustached performance as the compassionate Strange. It’s also interesting to see how 1970s New Age self-help and pop-psychology was integrated into the story. Altogether, the film makes for quite the psychdelic romp.

Paul Chihara’s moody electronic score adds tension to the movie. The filmmakers were setting up a series that never came, and it’s too bad because there was a lot of potential here.

This film is not available as an official release. It is provided for collectors only, as a curioso object. Comes in the beautiful case shown above, imitating the look of 1970s Marvel Comics covers. Other unreleased and rare Marvel films are also available in this design, so you can build a collection. The spines follow the look of current Marvel trade paperbacks and look great on your shelf.

I got to order a couple of these  :P :laugh:


  • 'G'
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Re: Bizarre movies
« Reply #1 on: June 24, 2008, 08:24:24 PM »
haha kewl some of them look..........interesting


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Re: Bizarre movies
« Reply #2 on: June 29, 2008, 06:12:47 PM »
shame....still not as bad as Joel Schumacher's Batman and Robin.


Fee Fie Foe Fum; somethin' stank and I want some.

My hip-hop group The West Coast Avengers @

@tanjintwiggy and @westcoastavengers on Instagram

Chad Vader

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Re: Bizarre movies
« Reply #3 on: June 30, 2008, 01:07:04 AM »
shame....still not as bad as Joel Schumacher's Batman and Robin.


 :P :laugh:
I will check these out anyway.
I was lucky enough to see the star wars joint as a kid on TV back in 78,so I have profound memories of it.
They ain´t expensive either so hey why not spend some money to laugh a bit.
« Last Edit: June 30, 2008, 06:29:12 AM by Chad Vader »


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Re: Bizarre movies
« Reply #4 on: June 30, 2008, 02:11:16 AM »
google "banned movies" thats some sick shit.


Re: Bizarre movies
« Reply #5 on: June 30, 2008, 07:14:55 AM »

Turkish Star Wars

The most infamous Turkish “rip-off” film ever made, now available for the first time on DVD with ENGLISH SUBTITLES! This is the full version of the film, which includes all of what makes it so hilarious—footage lifted directly from Star Wars, as well as music stolen from everything from Indiana Jones to Battlestar Galactica to Psycho!

The story behind this breathtaking masterpiece is the stuff of cinema legend. Back in 1982, Turkish cinema was struggling. They loved the Hollywood blockbusters, but did not have the budgets to create their own, homegrown films of this type. So they just filmed their own story and stole action scenes and effects shots directly out of Star Wars and other films and inserted them into their own film. And their film was pretty ludicrous to begin with!
Things to look out for:
The two heroes dogfighting in their X-Wings… really just two ugly guys sitting in motorcycle helmets and old Sony Walkman headphones, shot against TV screens playing clips from Star Wars space battles… oops—looks like they forgot to cut out the shots of people pressing buttons and such! HILARIOUS!
Little children getting their brains eaten.
Muppet-like bad-guys, such as the big red cookie-monsters, and the toilet-paper covered zombies!
Our heroes fighting with traditionally Turkish vigor and passion, karate-chopping the bad guys’ heads off and kicking right through them!
The Turkish Jedi Training sequence, in which our heroes punch and kick rocks to get strong. None of that “feel the force, Luke” rubbish here!
Instead of lightsabres, cardboard swords that look like lightning bolts!
And more and more and more… in Dünyayi Kurtaran Adam A.K.A. THE MAN WHO SAVES THE WORLD A.K.A TURKISH STAR WARS!!!!!

The movie comes in a great case that mimics the look of the official Star Wars films on DVD and fits perfectly right next to them on your shelf!

Be sure to check out our other Turkish rip-offs, as well as other Star Wars titles.
Specifications (Learn what these terms mean)
Running Time: 91min
Format: DVD-R
Language: Turkish
Subtitles: English (hard-coded)
Video System: NTSC
Region: 0 (No Region Protection)
Audio quality: 8/10
Picture quality: 7/10
 DVD | $11.99

Meet Turk Vader!
<a href=";hl=en" target="_blank" class="new_win">;hl=en</a>

Lol, I seen this movie some years ago online. DAMN, that shit was so fucking hilarious, I still can´t believe it  :laugh: Will see if I find it again ;)

Chad Vader

  • Guest
Re: Bizarre movies
« Reply #6 on: June 30, 2008, 07:30:36 AM »

Turkish Star Wars

The most infamous Turkish “rip-off” film ever made, now available for the first time on DVD with ENGLISH SUBTITLES! This is the full version of the film, which includes all of what makes it so hilarious—footage lifted directly from Star Wars, as well as music stolen from everything from Indiana Jones to Battlestar Galactica to Psycho!

The story behind this breathtaking masterpiece is the stuff of cinema legend. Back in 1982, Turkish cinema was struggling. They loved the Hollywood blockbusters, but did not have the budgets to create their own, homegrown films of this type. So they just filmed their own story and stole action scenes and effects shots directly out of Star Wars and other films and inserted them into their own film. And their film was pretty ludicrous to begin with!
Things to look out for:
The two heroes dogfighting in their X-Wings… really just two ugly guys sitting in motorcycle helmets and old Sony Walkman headphones, shot against TV screens playing clips from Star Wars space battles… oops—looks like they forgot to cut out the shots of people pressing buttons and such! HILARIOUS!
Little children getting their brains eaten.
Muppet-like bad-guys, such as the big red cookie-monsters, and the toilet-paper covered zombies!
Our heroes fighting with traditionally Turkish vigor and passion, karate-chopping the bad guys’ heads off and kicking right through them!
The Turkish Jedi Training sequence, in which our heroes punch and kick rocks to get strong. None of that “feel the force, Luke” rubbish here!
Instead of lightsabres, cardboard swords that look like lightning bolts!
And more and more and more… in Dünyayi Kurtaran Adam A.K.A. THE MAN WHO SAVES THE WORLD A.K.A TURKISH STAR WARS!!!!!

The movie comes in a great case that mimics the look of the official Star Wars films on DVD and fits perfectly right next to them on your shelf!

Be sure to check out our other Turkish rip-offs, as well as other Star Wars titles.
Specifications (Learn what these terms mean)
Running Time: 91min
Format: DVD-R
Language: Turkish
Subtitles: English (hard-coded)
Video System: NTSC
Region: 0 (No Region Protection)
Audio quality: 8/10
Picture quality: 7/10
 DVD | $11.99

Meet Turk Vader!
<a href=";hl=en" target="_blank" class="new_win">;hl=en</a>

Lol, I seen this movie some years ago online. DAMN, that shit was so fucking hilarious, I still can´t believe it  :laugh: Will see if I find it again ;)

if you find it,hook the link up...  ;)
shit looks hilarious....


Re: Bizarre movies
« Reply #7 on: June 30, 2008, 08:37:13 AM »
Turkish Star Wars (full movie)  :laugh:

Chad Vader

  • Guest
Re: Bizarre movies
« Reply #8 on: June 30, 2008, 08:45:26 AM »
Turkish Star Wars (full movie)  :laugh:
Turkish Star Wars (1982) (eng. subtitles)

 :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
shit is from 82  :P
Shit just by looking at the opening credits,I must assume it´s a joke.  :P :laugh:
This should be funny....  :laugh:


Re: Bizarre movies
« Reply #9 on: June 30, 2008, 08:50:44 AM »
Turkish Star Wars (full movie)  :laugh:
Turkish Star Wars (1982) (eng. subtitles)

 :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
shit is from 82  :P
Shit just by looking at the opening credits,I must assume it´s a joke.  :P :laugh:
This should be funny....  :laugh:

You definitely will have your fun ;)

Chad Vader

  • Guest
Re: Bizarre movies
« Reply #10 on: June 30, 2008, 09:11:12 AM »
Turkish Star Wars (full movie)  :laugh:
Turkish Star Wars (1982) (eng. subtitles)

 :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
shit is from 82  :P
Shit just by looking at the opening credits,I must assume it´s a joke.  :P :laugh:
This should be funny....  :laugh:

You definitely will have your fun ;)

Shit can´t be official,they used the music from (OG) Battlestar Gallactica and scenes from the Star Wars; A New Hope movie.  :P
WTF is going on?  :P :laugh:


Re: Bizarre movies
« Reply #11 on: June 30, 2008, 09:29:34 AM »
Turkish Star Wars (full movie)  :laugh:
Turkish Star Wars (1982) (eng. subtitles)

 :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
shit is from 82  :P
Shit just by looking at the opening credits,I must assume it´s a joke.  :P :laugh:
This should be funny....  :laugh:

You definitely will have your fun ;)

Shit can´t be official,they used the music from (OG) Battlestar Gallactica and scenes from the Star Wars; A New Hope movie.  :P
WTF is going on?  :P :laugh:

I think to remember that they also use some tracks from the Indy soundtrack


  • Guest
Re: Bizarre movies
« Reply #12 on: June 30, 2008, 09:48:41 AM »

A New York anthropologist named Professor Harold Monroe travels to the wild, inhospitable jungles of South America to find out what happened to a documentary film crew that disappeared two months before while filming a documentary about primitive cannibal tribes deep in the rain forest. With the help of two local guides, Professor Monroe encounters two tribes, the Yacumo and the Yanomamo. While under the hospitality of the latter tribe, he finds the remains of the crew and several reels of their undeveloped film. Upon returning to New York City, Professor Monroe views the film in detail, featuring the director Alan Yates, his girlfriend Faye Daniels, and cameramen Jack Anders and Mark Tomaso. After a few days of traveling, the film details how the crew staged all the footage for their documentary by terrorizing and torturing the natives. Despite Monroe's objections, the television studio Pan American still wishes to air the footage as a legitimate documentary. In order to change their minds, Monroe shows the station's executives the film's final reels, so they could see first hand how the crew's fate came to be.


Re: Bizarre movies
« Reply #13 on: June 30, 2008, 10:59:51 AM »

A New York anthropologist named Professor Harold Monroe travels to the wild, inhospitable jungles of South America to find out what happened to a documentary film crew that disappeared two months before while filming a documentary about primitive cannibal tribes deep in the rain forest. With the help of two local guides, Professor Monroe encounters two tribes, the Yacumo and the Yanomamo. While under the hospitality of the latter tribe, he finds the remains of the crew and several reels of their undeveloped film. Upon returning to New York City, Professor Monroe views the film in detail, featuring the director Alan Yates, his girlfriend Faye Daniels, and cameramen Jack Anders and Mark Tomaso. After a few days of traveling, the film details how the crew staged all the footage for their documentary by terrorizing and torturing the natives. Despite Monroe's objections, the television studio Pan American still wishes to air the footage as a legitimate documentary. In order to change their minds, Monroe shows the station's executives the film's final reels, so they could see first hand how the crew's fate came to be.

Haha, this is a genre classic  :laugh:

Chad Vader

  • Guest
Re: Bizarre movies
« Reply #14 on: June 30, 2008, 11:18:04 AM »
Not sure if this could be considered bizarre,but it is something special;  :P :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
Society (1989)

In Beverly Hills, what you fear is only the beginning.
If you don't belong, they'll eat you alive
You are what They eat
It is not what you think it is.
It is a matter of good breeding. Really.
It's all about fitting in

I actually love it,so check it out...  ;) (that is if you like these kind of movies)