Author Topic: Dope Convo about hip-hop, race, etc.  (Read 218 times)


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Dope Convo about hip-hop, race, etc.
« on: March 19, 2002, 06:46:21 PM »
I was angry about some guys I went to highschool for making jokes about hip-hop on there website etc., but I upsetted one of my friends, and generally, they are nice guys, so I'll leave them out of it, anyway, thought the convo I had with a girl that's friends with these guys was dope.... so ya'll can check it out.

Infinite9559: the whole hip-hop parody thing bothers me a bit

MWheels16: why?

Infinite9559: they don't really respect the culture

MWheels16: justin does, he's mostly the one saying the stuff...he got all that started, they're just mimicking him

Infinite9559: yeah.... they're making a parody of hip-hop culture
Infinite9559: they act like it's a joke or something

MWheels16: oh well, people  are gonna do what they want to do

Infinite9559: it's like....
Infinite9559: when they used to do the Tomahawk Chop at Chiefs stadium
Infinite9559: Indians didn't appreciate that too much
Infinite9559: because that is making a parady of their culture
Infinite9559: and some Indians took legal action

MWheels16: no, that was racial stereotyping...the hip hop culture is something you choose to be a part of, the indians didn't CHOOSE their race, its like mocking a retarded person...its the same as making fun of the preps or frat boys or whatever
MWheels16: im not trying to piss you off, that's just how i feel about it

Infinite9559: no....
Infinite9559: your comparing Indians to retards

MWheels16: yes, in that they didn't CHOOSE to be that way

Infinite9559: it's not a deragatory, or shameful act to be an Indian

MWheels16: and it is to be retarded?

Infinite9559: retarded people aren't proud of being retarded
Infinite9559: they would rather not be

MWheels16: retarded people don't KNOW they're retarded, they realize they're different, but aren't ashamed of who they are
MWheels16: its not like Muscular dystrophy...they aren't trapped inside their retarded bodies...its who they are, they don't know any other way...they comprehend that things are harder for them and get frustrated, but they aren't ashamed of who they are
MWheels16: its the people around them that are ashamed of them
MWheels16: or are embarassed for them when they're doing something that makes them stand out

Infinite9559: okay.... your a Christian correct?
Infinite9559: well...

MWheels16: yeah

Infinite9559: let's just say someone is
Infinite9559: okay
Infinite9559: If I'm making a parady of their religion
Infinite9559: is it okay because they chose to be Christian

MWheels16: yes...if you don't like what is being done, don't take part in it...people make parodies of the christian religion all the time...Ned can't take personal offense to someone choosing a different lifestyle than yours...

Infinite9559: well.....
Infinite9559: if they were making a parady of Muslims or Siks, or Buddists... you better believe
Infinite9559: it would not go over well
Infinite9559: but the guy who makes the Simpsons
Infinite9559: is probably Christian anyway
Infinite9559: with the way Christianity has been exploited
Infinite9559: and turned into something it's not
Infinite9559: look at Britney Spears
Infinite9559: album cover
Infinite9559: her tits are hanging out all over the cover
Infinite9559: and she's wearing a cross neckalace right above her cleavage
Infinite9559: she's making a mockery of her own religion


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« Reply #1 on: March 19, 2002, 06:47:54 PM »
Last half of Convo

MWheels16: no, she's making a mockery of herself
MWheels16: not her religion
MWheels16: if a guy goes out and cheats on  his wife (Muhammad  Ali in example) its discrediting him...not boxing, not islam, not african americans
MWheels16: i forget how that relates to the slumlords making fun of the hip hop lifestyle

Infinite9559: it relates like this
Infinite9559: I choose to be a part of hip-hop culture
Infinite9559: and they are making a mockery of something I take seriously
Infinite9559: for their own self promotion
Infinite9559: but you don't care.....
Infinite9559: just like.....

MWheels16: i understand why you would be offended, but its not against the law like making fun of a race is

Infinite9559: people don't care when Dennis Miller makes a mockery of Arabs and Muslims
Infinite9559: on his show
Infinite9559: they laugh

MWheels16: i don't know who dennis miller is

Infinite9559: you ever seen Monday Night Football?
Infinite9559: the new guy they got
Infinite9559: the comedian

MWheels16: not recently

Infinite9559: to boost their ratings
Infinite9559: he also has a comedy show on HBO

MWheels16: that is wrong though...if he's making fun of arabs, that's a race of people

Infinite9559: and he says shit like, "Listen you muthafucka's, as soon as your shithole country, decides to stop fuckin killing Americans, I don't give a fuckin damn what you have to say"

MWheels16: they say that on network TV?

Infinite9559: and he was referring to people who live in Afganistan
Infinite9559: yes
Infinite9559: and everyone laughed

MWheels16: that's different than making fun of a group of people who are willingly in a group...they don't choose their race

Infinite9559: well, I wouldn't appreciate if he made fun of Muslims either, wich in a way he sort of was
Infinite9559: he was making fun of their culture
Infinite9559: calling them a shithole country

MWheels16: how?
MWheels16: the website?

Infinite9559: in other words, they don't follow their materialistic desires
Infinite9559: they follow God
Infinite9559: so Wordly things, aren't as important

MWheels16: where on the wesite does it say that?

Infinite9559: but he calls that a shithole country
Infinite9559: well I call America a shithole country
Infinite9559: where on the website does it say what?
Infinite9559: okay....

MWheels16: ok? i agree that it was wrong of him to insult an entire race of people, so why are you arguing with me about it?

Infinite9559: America isn't a shithole country
Infinite9559: but you get my point
Infinite9559: well, my point is, that I wouldn't like it if someone made a mockery of Islam

MWheels16: im just saying...when people say stuff about softball players being dykes...i get pissed off (well not really, but in theory i should get pissed off) but its still something i CHOOSE to be a part of

Infinite9559: just like I don't like it when someone makes a mockery of hip-hop
Infinite9559: but you are still aloud to be upset
Infinite9559: and it is still not good for them to say that

MWheels16: yes, but it would never hold up in court

Infinite9559: that softball players are dikes
Infinite9559: no... and parady is legal
Infinite9559: as Larry Flint
Infinite9559: ask Larry Flint

MWheels16: it WOULD hold up in court for someone to be racial profiling...all men are supposed to be created equal...

Infinite9559: I mean
Infinite9559: so just because something doesn't hold up in court it isn't relevant?
Infinite9559: the Indians may not have won in court
Infinite9559: about the Tomahawk Chop
Infinite9559: in fact
Infinite9559: the NFL

MWheels16: i said that I understood why you would be offended, but they have a right to their opinions too

Infinite9559: and College Football
Infinite9559: the Seminoles
Infinite9559: just said we'll stop doing it
Infinite9559: out of respect
Infinite9559: what's they're opinion
Infinite9559: that it's cool to make a mockery of hip-hop

MWheels16: i suppose that the hip hop culture is a joke

Infinite9559: if that is they're opinion
Infinite9559: than they are wrong

MWheels16: in YOUR opinion

Infinite9559: well then they are wrong
Infinite9559: no
Infinite9559: officially

MWheels16: howa/
MWheels16: how?

Infinite9559: you know what started hip-hop

MWheels16: motown

Infinite9559: nope

MWheels16: then what?

Infinite9559: You know what the Bronx projects resembled before hip-hop
Infinite9559: ?

MWheels16: no?

Infinite9559: have you ever seen John Carpenters Escape From L.A.?
Infinite9559: that's where they were headed
Infinite9559: Robert Moses
Infinite9559: a New York Official
Infinite9559: biult roads and subways

MWheels16: i have no idea what you're talking about

Infinite9559: the Cross Bronx Expressway
Infinite9559: let me explain
Infinite9559: this construction destroyed communties
Infinite9559: it left nothing but rubble and tenements
Infinite9559: housing projects
Infinite9559: the community had nothing
Infinite9559: and then came hip-hop
Infinite9559: it started in the Bronx
Infinite9559: and it saved the communities life
Infinite9559: and now it's global
Infinite9559: worldwide
Infinite9559: it was created out of neccesity
Infinite9559: that culture was New Yorks saving grace
Infinite9559: for lost people, with nothing
Infinite9559: New York was bankrupt

MWheels16: world war 2 brought the country out of the depression, but its still not officially wrong for someone to say something opposing it

Infinite9559: and beholden to bondholders
Infinite9559: who imposed austerity programs
Infinite9559: world war two killed thousands of Japanese

MWheels16: thousands of americans were starving to death

Infinite9559: Hip-Hop, saved alot of lost and destitute people and a whole community and outlining city's
Infinite9559: and has gone global
Infinite9559: we could have gotten out of depression
Infinite9559: without World War 2

MWheels16: how?

Infinite9559: well, I'm not an economist

MWheels16: when the economy gets down that low, war is the only way to bring it back up...
MWheels16: so you oppose the war, i  support it, who's right?

Infinite9559: but I'm sure there are other ways to boost the market then killing Japanese and chearing in the streets and being happy and spending money so the economy jumps
Infinite9559: I oppose war
Infinite9559: but that's another subject
Infinite9559: you were implying
Infinite9559: that hip-hop is bad

MWheels16: im not implying that at all

Infinite9559: that just because hip-hop saved lost and destitute communities of people

Infinite9559: doesn't make it good

MWheels16: im just saying that they have a right to their opinion

Infinite9559: and I'm saying their opinion is wrong
Infinite9559: but most people don't care
Infinite9559: just like most people don't care

MWheels16: but its your opinion that their opinion is wrong

Infinite9559: when Dennis Miller says what he says, or when they do the Tomahawk Chop, or when Britney Spears wears a cross over her cleavage
Infinite9559: no
Infinite9559: it is fact

MWheels16: there are facts that you used to for your opinion, but your opinion isn't a fact in and of itself
MWheels16: now you're just getting pissed at me for saying my opinion

Infinite9559: no, it is fact, that they are making a mockery of hip-hop
Infinite9559: why do you want to deny that?
Infinite9559: and how can you deny that?

MWheels16: im NOT denying it

Infinite9559: okay, then we agree

MWheels16: im saying they have a right to their opinion
MWheels16: i NEVER denied that

Infinite9559: and I'm saying there opinion is wrong
Infinite9559: do they have a right to their opinion

MWheels16: well they still have a right to it

Infinite9559: yes
Infinite9559: they do
Infinite9559: but it is wrong
Infinite9559: okay

MWheels16: then what are we arguing about?!

Infinite9559: Finally, we are in agreement

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 04:00:00 PM by 1034398800 »


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« Reply #2 on: March 19, 2002, 08:58:21 PM »
Well everybody gets a lil influenced by music, its natural, anyone who i know, who is a hip hop head, will throw up gang signs, talk that rap slang atleast once....its kinda fun actually, but ppl who overdo it, are called "wiggers" n shit.  Everyone stero types music , rock fans think rap sucks, rap fans think rock sucks etc.  

It does suck when someone insults rap, and when rappers diss pop, or hip hop heads diss rock n shit, it hurts people who like that music as well..

Music is music, we should not diss music we dont like, cuz music is the food of the soul, i like rap cuz it makes me feel good, thats why everyone likes music....everyone has diffrent tastes.  

I recently wrote an email to the owner of an anti-rap webpage ... he was a fan of metal and was disgracing rap, saying it "kills brain cells" and is rubbish cuz it only talks about "bling bling, hoes, cars, killing ppl, suicide...etc"....and i agreed with that, but i also made the person realize theres a LOT of rap out there which is poetry, meaning full and deep.  The same can be said about rock, shit like maralyn mansion - in sum of his songs he talked about beating your wife, killing people etc.  But there is a LOT of good rock music out there....i used to lisn to rock myself, and still lisn to sum of it.
and thats what i told him, i said to him if hes gonna stero type rap, he mite as well talk shit about his OWN music, and other music genres as well.

Every type of music has a thing to it, like a culture, a style, a fashion .... same goes with rap ... thats how music is.  Everyone gets influenced by it....its human nature.
You can tell when sumone disgraces rap, and acts all "gangsta" and mocks rap....i admit, it aint rite, but everyone disses music they dont like....

its sad really, music is ment to make people happy, give them a good feeling, a culture kinda....but people disgrace and mock it...

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Re: Dope Convo about hip-hop, race, etc.
« Reply #3 on: March 20, 2002, 06:41:29 AM »
its sad really, music is ment to make people happy, give them a good feeling, a culture kinda....but people disgrace and mock it...

Wow, my thoughts exactly.

Infinite, it sounds like the person you were talking to strongly agrees with the guys that have the website. It was interesting to see that you got some closure at the end, but it was obvious that she agreed with the guys. I felt some of the points you made. I thought the comparison to religions was pretty much on point. (Matt Greonig is the creator of the Simpsons, and he does not believe in god BTW) However, it was obvious that you won't change her mind about hip hop culture. I'm just over narrow minded people. Have been for about 4 years now. Ever since I turned 20, things became very clear to me about certain people. It's all a bunch of bullshit.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 04:00:00 PM by 1034398800 »

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Re: Dope Convo about hip-hop, race, etc.
« Reply #4 on: March 20, 2002, 06:43:19 AM »
How's Britney Spears making a mockery of her religion by wearing a cross at the same time as exposing her cleavage?

Just cause she isn't wearing full on masks and robes doesn't mean she's making a mockery of her religion
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 04:00:00 PM by 1034398800 »