Author Topic: Anybody watch the Palin/Biden debate?  (Read 709 times)


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Anybody watch the Palin/Biden debate?
« on: October 02, 2008, 07:30:11 PM »
I'm not watching it too closely because I'm flipping channels between the MLB playoffs & the college football game. 

I've watched about 10 minutes worth of the debate here and there, but for those who followed it closely, what'd you think?

The King

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Re: Anybody watch the Palin/Biden debate?
« Reply #1 on: October 02, 2008, 07:45:18 PM »
It was a lot better then the Obama/McCain debate. Nothing surprising was said though. When Palin couldn't/wouldn't answer a question she would just talk about something else a lot of the time. It's obvious though who would make the better VP, Biden has all the life experience Palin has, plus decades more of actual experience.

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Re: Anybody watch the Palin/Biden debate?
« Reply #2 on: October 02, 2008, 07:56:28 PM »
It was a lot better then the Obama/McCain debate. Nothing surprising was said though. When Palin couldn't/wouldn't answer a question she would just talk about something else a lot of the time. It's obvious though who would make the better VP, Biden has all the life experience Palin has, plus decades more of actual experience.

Unfortunately Biden's experience is filled with numerous mistakes. Voting against the original Iraq war in 1991, voting for the current Iraq war, voting against the surge, wanting to divide up Iraq into shia, sunni, and Kurdish sections, etc.

Every network right now is calling Palin the winner of the debate, even MSNBC which is the most left wing American news channel.

Turf Hitta

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Re: Anybody watch the Palin/Biden debate?
« Reply #3 on: October 02, 2008, 08:03:40 PM »
^^^LOL are you cereal? That bitch is a moose in the headlights when they ask her anything. She just goes on with a bunch of incoherent, non sequiturial ramblings most of the time. How the fuck is Bobby's mom from Bobby's World even this close to the presidency? Its fuckin amazing.


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Re: Anybody watch the Palin/Biden debate?
« Reply #4 on: October 02, 2008, 08:19:08 PM »
I'm not in love with Palin but Biden is a complete moron


Low Key

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Re: Anybody watch the Palin/Biden debate?
« Reply #5 on: October 02, 2008, 08:46:24 PM »
I didn't watch the debate because I was working so I couldn't tell you how it went, but everyone who came into my job said Palin won.

Turf Hitta

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Re: Anybody watch the Palin/Biden debate?
« Reply #6 on: October 02, 2008, 08:47:39 PM »
I didn't watch the debate because I was working so I couldn't tell you how it went, but everyone who came into my job said Palin won.

Does she know how to do Jedi mind tricks or something? What fuckin debate were they watching???  ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ???

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Re: Anybody watch the Palin/Biden debate?
« Reply #7 on: October 02, 2008, 08:52:10 PM »
To be completely honest, Biden won the debate, Palin won the people. Biden was answering questions, and making his ticket strong, Palin was talking to the average American and ignored questions and just stated her point. If your scoring a debate, Biden won, but if your judging politics, Palin destroyed Biden. Who won the debate is not the question, it's who won the people, and Palin did that. Though CNN polls of people did show Biden won, this was not about issues, it's about who connected.

Low Key

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Re: Anybody watch the Palin/Biden debate?
« Reply #8 on: October 02, 2008, 08:57:18 PM »
I didn't watch the debate because I was working so I couldn't tell you how it went, but everyone who came into my job said Palin won.

Does she know how to do Jedi mind tricks or something? What fuckin debate were they watching???  ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ???

Biden regularly pulls fallacious statements out of his ass. I assume that is why they said Palin won. But like I said, I didn't see the debate, so as far as I'm concerned, it was a draw.

Turf Hitta

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Re: Anybody watch the Palin/Biden debate?
« Reply #9 on: October 02, 2008, 08:59:24 PM »
jesus christ she is so out of her league with this shit...i have absolutely no idea how she could have "won the people." she was a complete fuck up out there, just like she was in the Couric interview. Did she even answer a question?

Turf Hitta

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Re: Anybody watch the Palin/Biden debate?
« Reply #10 on: October 02, 2008, 09:32:22 PM »
and one more thing, stop callin this bitch sexy...she aint nothin close to sexy and even if she was what the fuck that got to do with anything?

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Re: Anybody watch the Palin/Biden debate?
« Reply #11 on: October 02, 2008, 09:41:32 PM »
jesus christ she is so out of her league with this shit...i have absolutely no idea how she could have "won the people." she was a complete fuck up out there, just like she was in the Couric interview. Did she even answer a question?

the people were the same people that voted for Bush. Look at the Gore/Bush debates, Gore looked at Bush as if to say, how can he be so dump, yet the polls said Bush won the debates.

Low Key

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Re: Anybody watch the Palin/Biden debate?
« Reply #12 on: October 02, 2008, 10:03:25 PM »
You know...I find it very interesting that it takes Hollywood celebrities, big time musicians, and practically the entire media to come out as democrat to even get the election to come down to the wire. All I see on TV and read in the paper is how voting democrat is the only way to go, but most of middle America still votes republican. If you take away NYC, LA, Philly and Detroit for just one election, republicans would win by a landslide, obviously aside from '92 and '96. Why is this? I mean look...








Now, I am very independent. I believe practically everyone who is elected to their position in politics is crooked as hell, but I must ask the democrats on this board, given the facts I just posted, who really is out of touch with America? Seems to me as if all of these ideals this country apparently should have, according to the blue, is not the way the people want it. All I keep hearing from Obama is change this and change that, but it's pretty much the same old crap I have heard before. If the democrats really want a chance at winning this and future elections, they should reexamine either the way they go about conveying their opinions, or just plain change them altogether. I know, I know, it's all Bush's fault we are in this mess. I hear it all of the time, but I also know whatever he wants to do also must go through the house and the senate, both of which tend to sway to the opposite side of whoever is office at the time.

Palin may be a backwater woman from Buttfuck, USA, who is too far right for my taste, but Biden is a complete tool who speaks with no substance and likes to exaggerate or flat out lie as he goes along. As far as I'm concerned, neither presidential candidate or their VP counterparts are the best their parties have to offer and is basically a waste of my time, but how can the dems on this board be so enthralled by the idiots your party is backing? I just don't get it.

M Dogg™

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Re: Anybody watch the Palin/Biden debate?
« Reply #13 on: October 02, 2008, 10:18:26 PM »

Now, I am very independent. I believe practically everyone who is elected to their position in politics is crooked as hell, but I must ask the democrats on this board, given the facts I just posted, who really is out of touch with America? Seems to me as if all of these ideals this country apparently should have, according to the blue, is not the way the people want it. All I keep hearing from Obama is change this and change that, but it's pretty much the same old crap I have heard before. If the democrats really want a chance at winning this and future elections, they should reexamine either the way they go about conveying their opinions, or just plain change them altogether. I know, I know, it's all Bush's fault we are in this mess. I hear it all of the time, but I also know whatever he wants to do also must go through the house and the senate, both of which tend to sway to the opposite side of whoever is office at the time.

Palin may be a backwater woman from Buttfuck, USA, who is too far right for my taste, but Biden is a complete tool who speaks with no substance and likes to exaggerate or flat out lie as he goes along. As far as I'm concerned, neither presidential candidate or their VP counterparts are the best their parties have to offer and is basically a waste of my time, but how can the dems on this board be so enthralled by the idiots your party is backing? I just don't get it.

If you look at the history of the United States, every 30-40 years, we have a "change" election. In 1932, we had FDR defeat Hoover, and then change the way the US took in politics as we went from liberatarianism Republican to New Deal Democrats, that's quite a shift. In 1968 we had a change election that ended 36 years of a Democrat majority and put in a Republican president, who was actually Republican. Eisenhower by today's standards would be a flaming liberal. In these election periods, the majority party enjoys huge victories and controls what middle American thinks. Even Bill Clinton, only the third 2nd term Democrat since Lincoln took control for the Republicans in 1860,  declared the Era of Big Government is Over. The period of 1968-2008 is the era of the Neo-Conservative movement. It's height was the presidency of Ronald Reagan, and the proof was the presidency of Bill Clinton. George Bush, just like LBJ was for the New Deal era for the Democrats, will be the downfall of this era. But just because Barack Obama is the one elected in this change year, doesn't mean he'll define it. Look for the current Republican party to fall apart in the upcoming years and just like the 70's when the dove liberals took the Democrats, look for the different factions of the Republican party to fight for control. The Ron Paul Republicans might take the party in the upcoming years.

The King

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Re: Anybody watch the Palin/Biden debate?
« Reply #14 on: October 02, 2008, 10:23:56 PM »
who really is out of touch with America?

The way I see it is, who's got the most to lose. Biden, and Obama both have 1 house, 1 car, and make around 300,000 a year. McCain owns 11 houses, multiple cars, and is worth a few hundred million. Biden and Obama are more like the everyday Americans, except they happen to be educated. The thing about Middle America is, many are not educated, and don't vote for the intellectual person. They vote to someone they can relate too, stupid, gun loving, religious, and very 100 year old value orientated. Someone just like them. Why do the educated candidates do better in large population centers? Obama will win the popular vote. Just because he doesn't appeal to rural areas full off uneducated, assault rifle owning hicks, doesn't mean hes out of touch. Not to mention the blatant ignorance and racism of many rural communities who won't vote for a black person, or think he's a muslim. America is backwards, an Atheist will never get elected. They'd rather elect a fundamentalist like Bush. Are the candidates backwards, or is American backwards?

If the democrats really want a chance at winning this and future elections, they should reexamine either the way they go about conveying their opinions, or just plain change them altogether. I know, I know, it's all Bush's fault we are in this mess. I hear it all of the time, but I also know whatever he wants to do also must go through the house and the senate, both of which tend to sway to the opposite side of whoever is office at the time.

Obama's change really means is, make the changes the rest of Europe and Canada made 20 years ago. America isn't ranked #1 in health care, education, standard of living, employment, energy, etc. Liberalism spread through the rest of the western world long ago. America is in the back seat, they think their great, why change? It's patriotism over common sense. Like the word "Socialism", it's a bad thing in American, but the status quo everywhere else.

Can you honestly say, policy wise, McCain would be better then Obama? Obama talks about change, but he assumes people are intelligent and informed enough to know what he's talking about. His policies are all "change" policies, as most are the opposite of the current policies.

As far as I'm concerned, neither presidential candidate or their VP counterparts are the best their parties have to offer and is basically a waste of my time, but how can the dems on this board be so enthralled by the idiots your party is backing? I just don't get it.

Idiots? How is Joe Bidden, or Obama an idiot? Harvard grads are suddenly idiots in this country. Biden, a professor and 30 year Senator speaks with no substance? Someone who's wife and kids were killed in a car accident, isn't worthy of your vote or respect? I have no idea how people can call intelligent, highly educated people, idiots. Sure they need to dumb it down to appeal to everyday people. What do they say that's so stupid? Palin, sure, she says really idiotic things. McCain lies. Biden exaggerates. Obama is idealistic. So is every politician. No politician meets you're ideal. Not one. Even the great Ron Paul says stupid things. You want something that doesn't, and will never exist.

These people aren't perfect, and yet you expect them to be. You'll never be happy with any candidate. No candidate in the history of man-kind would meet you're criteria.
« Last Edit: October 02, 2008, 10:29:15 PM by The King »