Author Topic: Spanish paper reports K-Rod is in NY to take a physical for the Mets... I think  (Read 85 times)


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It has an arm in NY
K-Rod traveled to the Great Apple to be checked by the doctors of the Mets

The agent of Francisco Rodriguez assures that they will continue listening to supplies, but until now the best one is the one of Mets (AP)
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    * Deserved tribute

Francisco Rodriguez is to a sigh to print his company/signature in the contract that as much wished. And at the time of doing one will become it the lock of the Mets of New York.

“Yes, it is truth. Francisco traveled to New York to become a control medical. That is the unique thing that lacks to give course him to its contract with the Mets”, confessed a tie source to the stellar Venezuelan lock, that comes to impose a record for the Great Leagues, to the 62 rescues that it conquered during the regular drip jar.

Although the agent of K-Rod, Paul Kinzer, confessed yesterday to the official page of the Great Leagues that still are in the hope of making specific a multiannual contract that guarantees to him to his represented at least 15 million dollars by season, the list where the serpentinero Creole also militates, Johan Santana, is shown like the main candidate to become of the services of Rodriguez.

“The Mets is those that have realised the best supply until now, although I know that Francisco wished more money than what they have offered to him”, he assured the consulted source.

The troops directed by Jerry Manuel have the urgent necessity to fortify bullpen that of collective way she spoiled 29 triumphs in the previous drip jar, including seven laurels that had guaranteed to Santana his to him third Cy prize Young.

In addition the left-handed person Billy Wagner, who came evolving like the bolt from the Mets, will be outside in 2009 by a breakage of ligaments that suffered in the left elbow and that needed an operation.

At dawn of Friday the prohibition culminated that weighed on the free agents to negotiate with clubs that were not with that they culminated the campaign and if something made the Angelinos clear is that they will abrirán his portfolio to maintain with them to the inicialista Mark Teixeira and to look for the services of the Dominican Manny Ramirez.

With the list of California outside race in it tries of a pact for the Kid, the Mets do not observe another club of great economic power that it tries to the Venezuelan lock.

Detroit already retired of the fight and the Yankees count on a Mariano Creek that still has two years of contract and a total dominion of the scene whenever it rises any hill of the parks of the Great Leagues.

57+1 After to make official their company/signature with the Mets of New York, Rodriguez will have to make another decision: What number of uniform will use?

And it is that Santana, who nothing else and nothing less has been awarded twice with the Cy Young, is from the past year the owner of uniform number 57 of the metropolitan list; those 57 that both have taken in their back during all their race in the professional ball.

So far, the Kid will be of return today in Caracas to receive a tribute in the University stage.