Author Topic: So LeBron finally gets called on a travel play (+ LeBron speaks out on it)  (Read 905 times)


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Re: So LeBron finally gets called on a travel play (+ LeBron speaks out on it)
« Reply #30 on: January 06, 2009, 06:06:49 AM »
thank you Antonio for not being biased because of the man this is about.

if Kobe traveled (dont act like hes never or at least carried :-X) and it was called with the game on the line vs. the Celtics (just to spice it up lol), this board would be going nuts saying "THE REFS ARE GAMBLING AGAIN!"

but the number two man does it, who is often compared to Kobe (sometimes regarded as better), its the greatest call the leagues ever seen right? :) ;) ::)

i like u cham but u r just sounding dumb in this thread bro. sorry

cmon man, you know im right! ;)

Antonio knows whats up. cuz like NIK said, he travled already before that. so why wasnt it called until it was on the play that mattered? the difference between a win & a loss?

its just wrong, it cant be inconsistant. i expect it to be called everytime he does something like this now...

just cant be on and off. :nawty:

lmao so they should just go around not calling travels anymore?

Like i said, the rule is simple: 3 steps = travels. What NBA refs do is just wrong, imho. They intentionally chose when to call them and when to ignore them. If there's a big player going inside, they usually ignore travels and offensive fouls, cause they "protect superstars". Everybody knows that. And, if the game is on the line, they usually ignore everything in the last possession letting the player with the ball decide the game on his own (remember Jordan's offensive foul on Russell?). Imho this is wrong. I'm not talking about LeBron in here, you homies are just taking it personal going all out against him. I'm not. I'm talking about the rule and the way NBA refs apply it.

They should chose if they want to call travels everytime or just ignore them. And you know why? It's simple. Cause American/NBA player who come here in Europe to play, at the beginning they don't know how to dribble without making travels. They call travels against them like in every possession. Then european coaches teachs them how to dribble properly, and they learn it. But to force them to learn the fundamentals, the refs needs to call every possession, from the first one to the last. If they continue with the "superstar treatment" ignoring travels, them superstars will never learn. Cause they simply don't have to. And when they call it a travel on the last possession of the game, they start crying and blaming it on the refs.

Change the mentality. NBA players can learn too. If a white/european/South American dude can learn it, a black american player can learn it too. And i'm not being racist, don't get me wrong.

and it was only a key play for the cavs to win the game? what about the wizards. If its a violation and they see it then fucking call it. this is the dumbest argument ive seen on here. and turning it onto nik cause hes biased was the easy move to so maybe ill do it.

So lets say this lebron goes and hits the game winner against ur 76s but he traveled and it gets called back. you gunna go and write the nba a letter about ' o lebron should get away with those, hes the greatest bllah blah'. i mean come on man.


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Re: So LeBron finally gets called on a travel play (+ LeBron speaks out on it)
« Reply #31 on: January 06, 2009, 04:15:49 PM »
^LOL...the refs supposedly aren't missing these calls on purpose. theyre missing it because theyre incompetent (according to them). theres absolutely NO REASON lebron should get away with this, on ANY possession.

LMAO@cham in this thread.

Chamillitary Click

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Re: So LeBron finally gets called on a travel play (+ LeBron speaks out on it)
« Reply #32 on: January 06, 2009, 04:29:08 PM »
^why, because you guys are just blind to the truth? :laugh:

if he did the same move in the first quarter, third quarter & the refs didnt call it then, but then in the 4th with 10 seconds left; how does that make sense?

whats going through the refs mind? basically baiting LeBron? :laugh:

"well LeBron, you can do it when it doesnt mean anything; think its legal, go ahead; we'll get you when it matters! :firedevil:"

"In fact, LeBron traveled twice in those very highlights vs Washington without getting called. LOL." (direct quote from NIK lol).

well why werent they called? how can you let some go & some not?

if they let it pass then, you have to let them all pass, unless its absoluetly ridiculous.

if LeBron did nothing that was close to a travel all game & then they called that one with 10 seconds left, thats acceptable. but once you establish what is legal & dont make the call (twice apperently) you cant just say "we changed our minds" lmao.

if you guys dont understand me then its OBVIOUS i am just getting molested by a bunch of Laker fans who hate LeBron to death. :laugh:

OG Hack Wilson

Quote from: Now_I_Know on September 10, 2001, 04:19:36 PM
This guy aint no crip, and I'm 100% sure on that because he doesn't type like a crip, I know crips, and that fool is not a crip.

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Re: So LeBron finally gets called on a travel play (+ LeBron speaks out on it)
« Reply #34 on: January 06, 2009, 05:01:07 PM »
^LOL...the refs supposedly aren't missing these calls on purpose. theyre missing it because theyre incompetent (according to them).

LMAO. Are you serious? I mean do you really think they are incompetent so much that they don't see those cristalline travel plays? You are not a professional ref, but yet you can see them easly. Immagine a professional ref! C'mon, let's be serious. Do you mean all the refs from all over the world are better than NBA refs? All the 40 refs from Italy are better than the NBA elite refs? Even refs from Lithuania, Spain, France, Greece, Turkey, Israel, ecc.. are better than the NBA refs? Cause they call every travels in the rest of the world. Every single one. C'mon man, use your brain. They are just lying. They simply ignore travels to protect the "show" cause the NBA wants them to ignore travel plays. If LeBron makes a reverse dunk after a travel play, they simply ignore the travel play. Simple as that. If a team makes great zonal defence and stops opponents from penetrations and spectacular plays, they simply make zonal defence illegal. If defenders learn how to take charges under the basket to stop people from penetrating and dunking, they just make it illegal to take charges in the half-circle under the basket. They do everything to make NBA spectacular. And not calling travels, 3 seconds, etc.. is just a part of it.

theres absolutely NO REASON lebron should get away with this, on ANY possession.

That's exactly what i'm saying. It is a travel, plain and simple. But NBA refs should stop being hypocrities and they should call it from the first action to the last.

Chamillitary Click

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Re: So LeBron finally gets called on a travel play (+ LeBron speaks out on it)
« Reply #35 on: January 06, 2009, 05:06:38 PM »
theres absolutely NO REASON lebron should get away with this, on ANY possession.

That's exactly what i'm saying. It is a travel, plain and simple. But NBA refs should stop being hypocrities and they should call it from the first action to the last.

thank you! lol.


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Re: So LeBron finally gets called on a travel play (+ LeBron speaks out on it)
« Reply #36 on: January 06, 2009, 05:53:26 PM »
Cham and antonio. go watch the globe trotters or something if you dont want travels called. i dont give a fuck if it they dont call it at the start or the end of a game a travel is a travel. u guys r just stupid for argueing a travel shouldnt be called.


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Re: So LeBron finally gets called on a travel play (+ LeBron speaks out on it)
« Reply #37 on: January 06, 2009, 06:23:22 PM »
Cham and antonio. go watch the globe trotters or something if you dont want travels called.

LMAO. You're acting like the NBA is the place where refs call travels!!! That's fantastic, for real. I'm dying rolling on the floor!! I can see an NBA game and count at least 20-30 travels ignored per quarter. If you want, i can make a topic like the one i opened about the "NBA great battles", analyzing action-by-action a single NBA game, counting all the travels ignored. No joke. Basically 90% of the times an NBA player starts moving with the ball it's travel. Plus 90% of the Centers and Power Forwards don't know how to make simple moves with the feet, and guards don't know how to finish a dribble properly without making travels. Everybody knows that. Ask 7even. Ask wcsoldier. Ask people from Europe. To think the problem is that NBA refs are incompetent is just ridiculous, cause if i can see them, they can see them too. And cause if that's the problem, they just have to replace them with refs from Europe. The truth is - like i said - that:

1) NBA players don't know simple fundamentals no more
2) The NBA doesn't want to stop the game every 10 seconds to call a violation
3) They don't want LeBron to look like a fool, making 10 travels per game

So they ignore them, calling 1 out of 10 travels (just the worst ones). Just look at an European game with a newly acquired NBA player playing there. He makes 8-9 travels (i mean they call him travels 7-6 times) per game till he learn how to move the feet correctly and he stops doing a wrong movement. Put LeBron in Europe and he averages 20 travels called per game, if not more. Cause he doesn't know how to dribble without making travels. He doesn't know fundamentals. That's the problem.

I don't want NBA refs to ignore travels (like you said). I'm saying the opposite. I want NBA refs to call EACH ONE OF THEM. From the first minute to the last. If they ignore 80 situations in a game and they only call the 81st one, they are just hypocrities. Simple as that. It's a good call, but they are hypocrities.

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Re: So LeBron finally gets called on a travel play (+ LeBron speaks out on it)
« Reply #38 on: January 06, 2009, 06:47:15 PM »
damn james one of my favorite but that looks like he is-travelin
damn u still havent logged off...ur hurting everyone with all this wack shit u drop, it hurts more then getting the swine flu
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Re: So LeBron finally gets called on a travel play (+ LeBron speaks out on it)
« Reply #39 on: January 07, 2009, 08:34:19 AM »
The problem is, that all the players have been conditioned to travel. Cause if you can travel without a whistle being blown, you have an advantage. Why the hell would you try your hardest not to travel, if you can be a more effective scorer if you do? I would do the exact same shit if I were LeBron, or any player who gets away with it for that matter. So if now all of a sudden the league would decide to call every tiny travel, the consequences would be crazy, cause some players would have to change their style of play drastically, while becoming less spectacular and less effective in the process.
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Halu Sination

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Re: So LeBron finally gets called on a travel play (+ LeBron speaks out on it)
« Reply #40 on: January 07, 2009, 09:59:35 AM »
^ The problem with that is the fact that players AREN'T conditioned to travel. LeBron might be used to getting away with it, but I highly doubt Mike Brown goes to LeBron during time-outs and says, "Hey LeBron, on this last play, I want you to drive to the basket. Feel free to travel, the refs probably won't call it." Especially considering that after the 2006 play-offs, all the sports programs were pointing out that LeBron got away with traveling. So if anything, I would think Bron would be under advisement to be more careful when it comes to traveling.

Yes, LeBron has gotten away with it several times in his young career, including key moments such as in this particular game. Like several people already stated, that sure as fuck does not mean he should continue doing it. It just means he should praise the Lord that he didn't get caught, and STOP doing it.

Now I do realize that the refs are to blame for LeBron's mentality when it comes to traveling, but can you guys just stop and think about what you're arguing for a second? You're literally justifying that players should get away with illegal moves just because they have in the past. That's like saying the refs should let Bruce Bowen get away with his dirty ass defense, considering that the reason he still does it is because he's gotten away with it in the past.

Bottom line is that the Wizards never traveled on crucial plays against the Cavs, and Cavs should not be given a fuckin advantage in this department.


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Re: So LeBron finally gets called on a travel play (+ LeBron speaks out on it)
« Reply #41 on: January 07, 2009, 10:23:51 AM »
yo antonio, no shit refs miss tons of calls each week. its like the nfl, theres a holding call on every play but it doesnt always get called. its a matter of if u see the foul or violation then you should call it. its u saayin that a ref should see the travel and not do anything is wat makes me question u.


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Re: So LeBron finally gets called on a travel play (+ LeBron speaks out on it)
« Reply #42 on: January 07, 2009, 12:09:36 PM »
^ The problem with that is the fact that players AREN'T conditioned to travel. LeBron might be used to getting away with it, but I highly doubt Mike Brown goes to LeBron during time-outs and says, "Hey LeBron, on this last play, I want you to drive to the basket. Feel free to travel, the refs probably won't call it." Especially considering that after the 2006 play-offs, all the sports programs were pointing out that LeBron got away with traveling. So if anything, I would think Bron would be under advisement to be more careful when it comes to traveling.

Yes, LeBron has gotten away with it several times in his young career, including key moments such as in this particular game. Like several people already stated, that sure as fuck does not mean he should continue doing it. It just means he should praise the Lord that he didn't get caught, and STOP doing it.

Now I do realize that the refs are to blame for LeBron's mentality when it comes to traveling, but can you guys just stop and think about what you're arguing for a second? You're literally justifying that players should get away with illegal moves just because they have in the past. That's like saying the refs should let Bruce Bowen get away with his dirty ass defense, considering that the reason he still does it is because he's gotten away with it in the past.

Bottom line is that the Wizards never traveled on crucial plays against the Cavs, and Cavs should not be given a fuckin advantage in this department.

^gets it


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Re: So LeBron finally gets called on a travel play (+ LeBron speaks out on it)
« Reply #43 on: January 07, 2009, 12:39:48 PM »
The calls have to be consistent, which ever way it is. Either call nothing, or call everything. If I'm the player and my traveling gets never called, I damn sure am going to travel in the last play. It's an advantage. My offense is stronger when I can do more steps with the ball. It's silly to not call travels until the last play and then decide the game by calling it. The problem is the consistency.

Anyways, if any travel was to be called now, you guys would probably complain how the refs are trigger-happy with the whistle and take the flow out of the game.
Cause I don't care where I belong no more
What we share or not I will ignore
And I won't waste my time fitting in
Cause I don't think contrast is a sin
No, it's not a sin

Halu Sination

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Re: So LeBron finally gets called on a travel play (+ LeBron speaks out on it)
« Reply #44 on: January 07, 2009, 12:52:00 PM »
Anyways, if any travel was to be called now, you guys would probably complain how the refs are trigger-happy with the whistle and take the flow out of the game.

Not really. Unlike fouls, a travel is a call that is NOT subjective. Notice how nobody, not even Cavs fans, are actually arguing that it wasn't a travel.

The reason people complain about how much refs blow whistles on fouls is because those actually are subjective, and thus bias/influence can actually be seen in the refs' calls. Plus the fact that the league really is softer nowadays.