Author Topic: Kid Sister: "I'm Gonna Fart on Usher!"  (Read 108 times)


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Kid Sister: "I'm Gonna Fart on Usher!"
« on: January 08, 2009, 05:43:28 AM »
Fast-squawking Chicago rapper Kid Sister is a unique mix of girlie-girl (she got Kanye West to try on some "Pro Nails") and tomboy (she's seemingly never far from a hoodie and doesn't shy away from flatulence jokes). As the girlfriend of DJ champ A-Trak, sibling of Flosstradamus's J2K, and friend of Kanye, she knows a lot of the right people. But all that wouldn't matter if she couldn't rap. Luckily, she can-- very well.

Based on advance singles like "Beeper" and "Get Fresh", her debut album, Dream Date, shows off the MC's chatty flow and 'round-the-way charm while new school-meets-old school beats pop and burst in the background. Though the LP was supposed to hit hard drives last year, it has suffered several delays. But, according to Kid Sis, there's no reason for fans to fret. "It'll be done in the next couple of months," she told us with breezy confidence. In the following interview, the outspoken artist talks about how she's getting into fighting shape for the album release and who will not be invited to sing a hook on it.

Pitchfork: Hey, how's it going?
Kid Sister: Well, I just got back from the gym, so right now I'm really, really sweaty but it's all good-- I'm marinating. A week ago I got on the scale and was 152.9. I'm a hefty girl! But now I'm 144.8-- what's my name?! It melted off me. My new trainer, Harley Pasternak, is like Dr. Destructo. And he doesn't charge me 'cause I'm poor-- I'm like Oliver Twist compared to his other clients.

Pitchfork: Who else does he train?
KS: Just look at Us Weekly. He's got crazy clients. Kanye recommended him to me, if that's any indication.

Pitchfork: So your debut album, Dream Date, has been pushed back a bunch of times. Do you have a solid release date yet?
KS: I work at a really comfortable pace. It'll be done in the next couple of months.

Pitchfork: Seems like it's taking a while-- I remember seeing you at SXSW two years ago and wondering when you were going to put an LP out back then...
KS: I was so young back then. I wasn't even working on an album, I was working at [kids' clothing store] Little Threads [in Chicago's Roscoe Village]. I didn't know I was gonna get signed. It took me a long time to see myself as an artist. I've been working on it for about a year. I've never done this before, so when I turned in the record in I was pressured by crazy-ass deadlines: My label, Downtown, was rushing the fuck out of me and I was like, "Wait a minute!" The album wasn't cohesive. I petitioned Downtown to take it back and, apparently, labels don't really do that. I was like, "What?!" But they let me do whatever I want. I was completely supported from day one, release dates be damned.

Pitchfork: So the delay was on you?
KS: It's always been up to me. You only get one shot...unless you're, like, Rihanna and do Good Girl Gone Bad: Reloaded. I don't live in that world so, gosh darn golly gee willikers, it better be good. I don't wanna look through my scrapbook and say, "God, I wish I would've done this differently"-- [makes screeching brakes noise]-- back the truck up! There were a few things about the album that irked me, I couldn't sleep at all. I didn't think it sounded bad but I want it to be a reflection of the chemistry between me and my boyfriend and my friends and family. That sounds cheesy but don't judge me.

Pitchfork: How are you changing the album now?
KS: I'm going to be taking a song or two off and putting a few new songs on there until it feels right. Sonically, it has to make sense. It's hard to explain sonic cohesion, but I know it when I hear it. I have really good instincts, so I'm letting them take over.

Pitchfork: What can you tell me about the new songs? Any new guests?
KS: I'm not allowed to say anything-- I have a controlling boyfriend. Just kidding. I like to leave a little bit of mystery.

Pitchfork: Well, I'm just going to write that you got Lil Wayne and Rihanna to jump on the CD...
KS: You're totally right! No, I wish it was Lil Wayne, he's a crazy guy. Seriously. I don't mind them-- everyone loves Wayne and Rihanna. The only thing on the radio I can't stand right now is that Usher song "Trading Places." I fucking hate that song. It's like he's going on a date with a dude or something-- he just sounds like a nerd. I can't stand dudes singing about normal, everyday shit-- unless it's R. Kelly. It's like, [sings, R. Kelly-style] "I checked my voice mail and got two messages...I need to pick up printer paper at Office Max." If you want to do that type of thing, you have to be insane. You can't just talk about boring shit.

Pitchfork: I take it Usher will not be on your album.
KS: I'm gonna fart on Usher! Don't print that...actually it's ok. He deserves it!

Pitchfork: From what I've heard of Dream Date, I like how you're a female MC who has fun but also takes the role of female MC seriously.
KS: Well, I never thought of myself as a "female MC." My dad treated me like a boy because he grew up with four brothers. He didn't baby me. He was never, like, "You're a girl, you can't do this." I never felt like I had to put a feminine spin on anything, I just wanted to do what the boys did as good or better. Hopefully, I will.