Author Topic: Prepare to be Stunned  (Read 1115 times)


Re:Prepare to be Stunned
« Reply #30 on: October 24, 2002, 03:03:19 PM »

trauma... i am alot more mature then alot of people my age.... but you disrespected first when you even brought the comment up that mary and joesph had sex.... of course that is going to get a reaction..... common now.... she is important to the church and to her people... how can you just accuse her of being a false.....

i know your books are false because there is no hard evidance of such actions in the history books... when i see moron mayians.. that can validate your theory.. then i will concider the thought... of its happening...

If you think you're mature, your actions on here don't show it, and from talking with you, I don't see it.  I commend you for your ROTC accomplishments, that's something to be proud of, though.  

If you want to see Mormon Mayans, then go to this temple, in mexico city.

I'm sure there's plenty of them around there who can tell you all about it, and even show you evidence, if that's what you must have.  

M Dogg™

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Re:Prepare to be Stunned
« Reply #31 on: October 24, 2002, 03:43:34 PM »
OK... this is interesting, since Mayans were in Guatamula, the Aztecz were in Mexico. But we still cool dogg. Just that I have to clearify a religion that many people dismiss 'cause they never understand, but I study my religion. Also, if you think Unique is immature for her beliefs in the Virgin Mary, she is the same as most ever traditional Latinas 'cause many Latinas follow her example of how to be a perfect woman. Since Latinas are more into Catholism than Latinos, than you can almost say that the Virgin is our biggest symbol, though Jesus still is... LOL. Anyways, just a lot of cultural differences in the same religion. Funny how we believe in the same God, but our cultures differ so much, that we took up a whole thread explaining it.


Re:Prepare to be Stunned
« Reply #32 on: October 24, 2002, 03:48:48 PM »
^^ Her religious beliefs have nothing to do with how mature she is.  Her calling me a 'moron' does, though.  

And my bad,I should have showed you this picture of Mormon Mayans, in Guatemala.



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Re:Prepare to be Stunned
« Reply #33 on: October 24, 2002, 03:58:57 PM »

trauma... i am alot more mature then alot of people my age.... but you disrespected first when you even brought the comment up that mary and joesph had sex.... of course that is going to get a reaction..... common now.... she is important to the church and to her people... how can you just accuse her of being a false.....

i know your books are false because there is no hard evidance of such actions in the history books... when i see moron mayians.. that can validate your theory.. then i will concider the thought... of its happening...

If you think you're mature, your actions on here don't show it, and from talking with you, I don't see it.  I commend you for your ROTC accomplishments, that's something to be proud of, though.  

If you want to see Mormon Mayans, then go to this temple, in mexico city.

I'm sure there's plenty of them around there who can tell you all about it, and even show you evidence, if that's what you must have.  

 ok take a minute and evaluate what you just said.... ROTC? where in the whole thread did i even discuss that part of my life?  I am more mature then most people but my action are my action... i do alot of things in my daily life that you cant see... i go through my pains and like you i have many flaws..... but i am sorry trauma...  i have studied my culture and the stories of my four fathers were told to me by my own..... a book is a book... but alot of native american stories about how the earth begain agree biblical to the Christian bible... making it easier to follow the belief... but there are still those who refuse to buy into the whole catholic religion and struggle to find there cultural spirituality through stroies that were told to them by there fathers.... i know my history through my father and i know my faith through my grandmother.... this faith is all she knows because her whole culture was robbed from her grandmothers....

you are in no position to say that i am immature.... none at all... who do you really think you are anyways... no one to me.. because i will just turn off this computer and go back to my studies.... also my friends and family.. people i attend class with.. dont see me as you see me...but then you have never seen me... or talked to me.. or anything me... so next time open your mouth a little wider ok....


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Re:Prepare to be Stunned
« Reply #34 on: October 24, 2002, 03:59:00 PM »
ooohweeee, everyone get ready for atleast a 5 page trip on this one ;D


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Re:Prepare to be Stunned
« Reply #35 on: October 24, 2002, 04:01:24 PM »
oh yeah another thing.. who actually attends that church anyways.. since most of the mayians were whipped out... so these people could not even be mayains attending the church......... i know my history....


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Re:Prepare to be Stunned
« Reply #36 on: October 24, 2002, 09:44:24 PM »
Jesus was Jewish...Just a normal Jewish person...So how does it make sense when a Non-Jewish person labels a Jewish guy a prophet or "Son of God"...I dont see how it makes sense to be Catholic or Christian, when you consider a Jew a holy prophet...Some of the New Testiment has been proven wrong...I'm not hating, I'm just curious about the whole chatolic/christian situation...

There's only one God...


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Re:Prepare to be Stunned
« Reply #37 on: October 25, 2002, 12:11:53 AM »
the thought of jesus being the son of god is just to much for some people to phathum... just like mary being a virgin all her life.. people cant phathum that... people seen just ressurected from the dead and still didnt believe..... i am just going to have to learn to accepted it... sad but true.... did it also accure to anyone that joesph wasnt mention through the whole bible... just in the beginning.... and maybe God sent joesph to marry mary because they would have killed her for being an unmarried women and pregnant... so did it accure to anyone here that maybe joesphs meaning was to take care of mary.. because it never said mary and joesph went to see jesus at the cross.. just mary...

it may be to much for someone to think about joesphs passing after the birth of christ....

these are just some thoughts for people to think about.. like i have... earlier today...


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Re:Prepare to be Stunned
« Reply #38 on: October 26, 2002, 03:41:11 AM »
umm listen..

the bible followed and practiced by the catholic religion was not written until 80 yrs after jesus's death.. that was the earliest gospel the final gospel that is recognized by the catholic church was written 150 yrs after jesus died.  thats more than 3 generations later... take that for what you will...

secondly, if you go to europe or even in america and check out a major cathedral consider how those were built?  where did the money come from?  the weatlhy? somewhat, but in large part it was funeded by the poor either through direct taxation or by manipulating them to believe that their donations will bring them to a new life.

in rome for example the borghese galleria is considered by many to be the world's greatest personal collection of art.  it includes many of benini's original sculptures as well as other amazing works of art... this collection was owned by a cardinal of the catholic church and assembled by funds taken from the poor and by theivery.many of the more spectacular peices were forced to be "donated" to the collection.

when pizzaro conquered the incan army he did so in the name of god.  the incan king athallupa (i think that is spelled right)  invited pizzaro to meet with him.  when they met pizzaro handed athallupa the bible and ordered him to give up his idolitric religion and embrace jesus.  athallupa not even knowing what a bible was refused and pizarro turned to his men announced that the incan king was an infidel and ordered them to attack.     the incans were armed only with clubs, and the spanairds with swords and guns.  they slaughtered an estimated 8,000 incans captured the king and ransomed him for all the gold in the land.  when his people brought him the gold pizzaro executed king athallupa. all in the name of the catholic church.

in the 1900's the vatican openly tolerated slavery.

in jamaica gay's are commonly beaten and killed due to influence from catholic missionaries that converted much of jamaica.  men who are born with speech impedements are often beaten because of on the belief that they may be gay.  this comes from spending a week there and talking to many of the locals who attest to beating any man that even talks funny.

there are many other acts commited by the catholic church. just as there are acts commited by mormons and muslims and jews...

the point is.. believe what you want, but don't get so naive and arrogant to trash someone else becuz u think ur "mature".

« Last Edit: October 26, 2002, 03:44:57 AM by Ant »

M Dogg™

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Re:Prepare to be Stunned
« Reply #39 on: October 26, 2002, 02:05:52 PM »
No one said the Catholic church is not fucked up. I'm the first to admit it has many flaws. But the faith itself does not commite these crimes. Just like the Muslim faith did not bust through the WTC, the Christians did not kill 6 million Jews and the Hindus and Muslim religions fight over land. The relgions don't do this, it's the people that follow. We as people do stupit shit, just like the Catholic followers killing many Native Americans, Muslim Moores and taking money fromt the rich. But the thing is that the Catholic Chruch also has done many great things, like all religion, and I do believe in what is teached, not done. I believe that Jesus Christ is the savor, I believe the Virgin Mary was the most perfect person, and that she was assended to Heaven, and that there is a Pregatory for all those who die, to allow them to see that Christ is the savor. Pregatory, and the Virgin Mary are beliefs that the Catholic Church holds, that non of the other Christian faiths don't hold. These are my beliefs, just like NIK is a Jew and Tech is a Muslim. We are questioned for this, because in the United States, in the Christian faith, it is looked down to be Catholic. Also, we are Mexican, which in our traditional culture, the Catholic Church is very much apart of community, and many religious leaders in the Catholic Church continue to fight for the rights of the poor Latin Americas all over Latin America. So well others look at the negatives, I see what I believe, see the faults of the past, and see the improvements that has taken place now.

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Re:Prepare to be Stunned
« Reply #40 on: October 26, 2002, 02:10:43 PM »
Also, books written 3 generations ago would be like if you wrote down your grandpa's stories about like WWII. It's not that off, and a lot closer to the time of Christ then when Protestians re-wrote stuff 1500 years later. And as you can tell by Trauma's story, Christ has be proven to live, and is considered important, so them stories that were written in books had to have some sort of truth, and when I listened to my late grandpa talk, I could have wrote it down, and I could be pretty close to what was truth.


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Re:Prepare to be Stunned
« Reply #41 on: October 26, 2002, 02:40:44 PM »
umm yeah exactly pretty close to the truth. but many time people take word for word literal interpretations.

many times when a story is retold is becomes more grand.

also if u want to site the evidence trauma showed u of jesus's existence then u must also consider the other gospels that are found but ignored by the church.  there are gospels dating to the time of jesus, explaining his life and telling different stories but the church will not admit to its existence.

and while u can say the church did not influence people, when they openly tolerate slavery in the 1800s and when u have cardinals going around stealing and condeming people whatever.  u can blame it on people

my belief is this, all religions have good and bad, they are all corrupt in some ways... so why would i stick to EVERY single belief the church tells me

the church says mary was a virgin, the church also said slavery was an ok thing to do... SEE THE POINT?


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Re:Prepare to be Stunned
« Reply #42 on: October 26, 2002, 07:13:58 PM »
umm yeah exactly pretty close to the truth. but many time people take word for word literal interpretations.

many times when a story is retold is becomes more grand.

also if u want to site the evidence trauma showed u of jesus's existence then u must also consider the other gospels that are found but ignored by the church.  there are gospels dating to the time of jesus, explaining his life and telling different stories but the church will not admit to its existence.

and while u can say the church did not influence people, when they openly tolerate slavery in the 1800s and when u have cardinals going around stealing and condeming people whatever.  u can blame it on people

my belief is this, all religions have good and bad, they are all corrupt in some ways... so why would i stick to EVERY single belief the church tells me

the church says mary was a virgin, the church also said slavery was an ok thing to do... SEE THE POINT?

No I don't. Because I told you, I think that people fuck up leading the church.

Let's start with the books. Like the Gospel of Thomas. It's basically like the other Gospels,same stories, and not as much detail. Other books like this exist also, but the books used are the ones that have the simular story as the others. So if like 5 books say that Jesus rose a child up from the dead, then they will say that it happen. If you only have one story of Jesus becoming superpowerful, and doing things that people didn't remember, no matter how great it was, then you have to question the source, if no one knew what was going on. I know of all these books, because I keep inform, but to be honest, I think the early founders of the church knew what they were doing, and I trust them for laying the early foundation to the religion that is now Christianity. Most people know question them, but we have no rights, some new books pop up, and we feel lied too, know thinking about why they weren't put in. But non of the stories counter act with the church curtant belief, some very much strengthn, but all have reasons.

As for what the church tells me. It's not the church, it's the Bible. The Bible says that Mary assended into heaven, the Bible says that there is a Prigatory, and it was people that said slavery was right. Now who am I going to believe, the book of God, or some people. And as I say, I'm the first to say the Catholic Church has done some fucked up things, but they are now one of the leaders behind fighting for peoples rights. That's the truth. Peace.


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Re:Prepare to be Stunned
« Reply #43 on: October 27, 2002, 12:52:54 AM »
my point is this...

the catholic church provides us with guidance. that is all. to believe it all 100% is up to u but i think is nuts.  they have in the past been wrong numerous occasions, as have other religions and other sects within christianity.

but just as each sect or religion has its faults they all have their benefits. if u look to them for guidance u gain more than if u look to them for complete answers.

the catholic church is not completely right. different muslim beliefs are slightly misguided. different buddhist beliefs are too.  mormons have some errors in their beliefs as well.

they all have pluses as well..... its up to each person to decide for themself what that religion has to offer them and what they disagree with.


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Re:Prepare to be Stunned
« Reply #44 on: October 27, 2002, 01:23:13 AM »
LOL... isn't that what I said I did... LOL

Oh Well