Author Topic: im SHOCKED @ US FOREIGH POLICY  (Read 791 times)


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« on: July 01, 2009, 07:57:06 AM »


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« Reply #1 on: July 01, 2009, 08:01:14 AM »

So...You decided to say a generalization, yet not link up any documents of what part out rages you.


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« Reply #2 on: July 01, 2009, 08:06:49 AM »


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« Reply #3 on: July 01, 2009, 08:23:34 AM »
because alot of americans see there selves as gods of the world (don't say it's not true you call your president leader of the free world).
They think obama should act like it's his own kids who are fighting.


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« Reply #4 on: July 01, 2009, 08:54:56 AM »
because alot of americans see there selves as gods of the world (don't say it's not true you call your president leader of the free world).
They think obama should act like it's his own kids who are fighting.

Ok your a faggot whos making a generalization. Shut the fuck up.

As for the Topic.

Its multiple reasons why were are involved. N. Korea, is a super power and is a rouge nation.The government is Like Nazi-Germany. Like the Nazi's propaganda against Jewish people, Korea's is like that with America and all of its other perceived enemies.Its illegal to protest Kim Jong Ill (I know its misspelled), and he is commonly looked on as a god, to do the countries Information being cut short. Most Korean's have no knowledge of what's going on in the world, because everything goes through the government.

Remember how people think China is brutal cause if its locked down outs protesters (or better yet, Iran since they are starting to make a movement).N. Korea is worse. N. Korea's people are split into 2 factions. The poor, and the Imperial Families (people with the government, and leadership). While the Families and leaders are rich, eating good living the good life. The poor have to make do with what they got. Government says they should EAT twice a day only, and go out and try and come up with food (they recommend eating bark).

Kin Jong has a HUGE impact on the average Korean citizen, Its illegal to denounce him, its illegal to throw away, rip up or trash anything with his face on it. It was even illegal at one time to Touch anything with Pro-Democracy words on it (they used sticks to throw it away).Its gotten bad, that they now have a Underground Railroad to China (which is were they are WAY more Linet when it comes to information, only stuff that's bad for the government is blocked).

Recently the underground railroad has begun to use Information with Kim's Face on it. The citizens are now confused, if they read it, have it or own it they go to jail, if they throw it away, toss it or destroy it in some way they go to jail. N. Korea recently picked up two of our reporters and sentence them both to 10 years of Hard-Labor (think the old Nazi, Death Camps, Shit is way worse compared to modern prisons).

That's why we are involved, that's why The Government is protesting Korea's Nuclear ambitions. Cause if N. Korea gets working nuke, then they become a New Super power, that's is more then willing to launch it.

Iran is because its like N. Korea, its driven by propaganda (mostly against the United States, and its other perceived Enemies). Ironically Iran's leadership isn't by that 1 guy, its by another guy who Controls him. Iran is providing Weapons for Terrorist organizations, which in turn are using the weapons to kill American Soldiers, Also because they want a Nuclear ambitions they are also a threat.

Now they say The ambitions are mostly for Power Plants, but the rods and the left overs can be used to put together a bomb. Which is what America and the United Nations are trying to prevent. The reason because is because of 1 nation fires off their bomb, the rest will fire theirs off in retaliation and eventually we wipe our selves into oblivion.This is why many countrys have set up Missile Defenses (America, for its self and for its Allies).

America, even though its supplied weapons, and armies to most of our enemies before they become our enemies is Policing the nations. It has to, because if These nations are left to run into their ambitions with no one protesting Their would be a bigger war.

We call our President Leader of the Free World, is because America (not just the US, this entire content) has the most freedoms compared to nearly every other aspect in the world. While we do censorship, we allow protest, we allow people to denounce the government, we allow freedom of speech, etc. That's not saying we aren't corrupt (all nations are).Compared to other Nations we aren't as harsh.

Honestly, Do your fucking research Ikke, cause your just sounding like a ignorant mother fucker. Now I'm not done, but I got to help my family move. 


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« Reply #5 on: July 01, 2009, 09:12:42 AM »
because alot of americans see there selves as gods of the world (don't say it's not true you call your president leader of the free world).
They think obama should act like it's his own kids who are fighting.

Ok your a faggot whos making a generalization. Shut the fuck up.

As for the Topic.

Its multiple reasons why were are involved. N. Korea, is a super power and is a rouge nation.The government is Like Nazi-Germany. Like the Nazi's propaganda against Jewish people, Korea's is like that with America and all of its other perceived enemies.Its illegal to protest Kim Jong Ill (I know its misspelled), and he is commonly looked on as a god, to do the countries Information being cut short. Most Korean's have no knowledge of what's going on in the world, because everything goes through the government.

Remember how people think China is brutal cause if its locked down outs protesters (or better yet, Iran since they are starting to make a movement).N. Korea is worse. N. Korea's people are split into 2 factions. The poor, and the Imperial Families (people with the government, and leadership). While the Families and leaders are rich, eating good living the good life. The poor have to make do with what they got. Government says they should EAT twice a day only, and go out and try and come up with food (they recommend eating bark).

Kin Jong has a HUGE impact on the average Korean citizen, Its illegal to denounce him, its illegal to throw away, rip up or trash anything with his face on it. It was even illegal at one time to Touch anything with Pro-Democracy words on it (they used sticks to throw it away).Its gotten bad, that they now have a Underground Railroad to China (which is were they are WAY more Linet when it comes to information, only stuff that's bad for the government is blocked).

Recently the underground railroad has begun to use Information with Kim's Face on it. The citizens are now confused, if they read it, have it or own it they go to jail, if they throw it away, toss it or destroy it in some way they go to jail. N. Korea recently picked up two of our reporters and sentence them both to 10 years of Hard-Labor (think the old Nazi, Death Camps, Shit is way worse compared to modern prisons).

That's why we are involved, that's why The Government is protesting Korea's Nuclear ambitions. Cause if N. Korea gets working nuke, then they become a New Super power, that's is more then willing to launch it.

Iran is because its like N. Korea, its driven by propaganda (mostly against the United States, and its other perceived Enemies). Ironically Iran's leadership isn't by that 1 guy, its by another guy who Controls him. Iran is providing Weapons for Terrorist organizations, which in turn are using the weapons to kill American Soldiers, Also because they want a Nuclear ambitions they are also a threat.

Now they say The ambitions are mostly for Power Plants, but the rods and the left overs can be used to put together a bomb. Which is what America and the United Nations are trying to prevent. The reason because is because of 1 nation fires off their bomb, the rest will fire theirs off in retaliation and eventually we wipe our selves into oblivion.This is why many countrys have set up Missile Defenses (America, for its self and for its Allies).

America, even though its supplied weapons, and armies to most of our enemies before they become our enemies is Policing the nations. It has to, because if These nations are left to run into their ambitions with no one protesting Their would be a bigger war.

We call our President Leader of the Free World, is because America (not just the US, this entire content) has the most freedoms compared to nearly every other aspect in the world. While we do censorship, we allow protest, we allow people to denounce the government, we allow freedom of speech, etc. That's not saying we aren't corrupt (all nations are).Compared to other Nations we aren't as harsh.

Honestly, Do your fucking research Ikke, cause your just sounding like a ignorant mother fucker. Now I'm not done, but I got to help my family move. 
lol watched daily show too last night :P
you just summirized the whole interview with whatshisname

Really you have the most freedom? it's about equal with europe and canada.



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« Reply #6 on: July 01, 2009, 09:46:30 AM »
jon stewart ?


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« Reply #7 on: July 01, 2009, 09:49:45 AM »
jon stewart ?
Just looked it up, it was his guest, Mike Kim.
Who actualy helps people go to china from Nkorea


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« Reply #8 on: July 01, 2009, 09:54:52 AM »


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« Reply #9 on: July 01, 2009, 10:38:22 AM »
because alot of americans see there selves as gods of the world (don't say it's not true you call your president leader of the free world).
They think obama should act like it's his own kids who are fighting.

Ok your a faggot whos making a generalization. Shut the fuck up.

As for the Topic.

Its multiple reasons why were are involved. N. Korea, is a super power and is a rouge nation.The government is Like Nazi-Germany. Like the Nazi's propaganda against Jewish people, Korea's is like that with America and all of its other perceived enemies.Its illegal to protest Kim Jong Ill (I know its misspelled), and he is commonly looked on as a god, to do the countries Information being cut short. Most Korean's have no knowledge of what's going on in the world, because everything goes through the government.

Remember how people think China is brutal cause if its locked down outs protesters (or better yet, Iran since they are starting to make a movement).N. Korea is worse. N. Korea's people are split into 2 factions. The poor, and the Imperial Families (people with the government, and leadership). While the Families and leaders are rich, eating good living the good life. The poor have to make do with what they got. Government says they should EAT twice a day only, and go out and try and come up with food (they recommend eating bark).

Kin Jong has a HUGE impact on the average Korean citizen, Its illegal to denounce him, its illegal to throw away, rip up or trash anything with his face on it. It was even illegal at one time to Touch anything with Pro-Democracy words on it (they used sticks to throw it away).Its gotten bad, that they now have a Underground Railroad to China (which is were they are WAY more Linet when it comes to information, only stuff that's bad for the government is blocked).

Recently the underground railroad has begun to use Information with Kim's Face on it. The citizens are now confused, if they read it, have it or own it they go to jail, if they throw it away, toss it or destroy it in some way they go to jail. N. Korea recently picked up two of our reporters and sentence them both to 10 years of Hard-Labor (think the old Nazi, Death Camps, Shit is way worse compared to modern prisons).

That's why we are involved, that's why The Government is protesting Korea's Nuclear ambitions. Cause if N. Korea gets working nuke, then they become a New Super power, that's is more then willing to launch it.

Iran is because its like N. Korea, its driven by propaganda (mostly against the United States, and its other perceived Enemies). Ironically Iran's leadership isn't by that 1 guy, its by another guy who Controls him. Iran is providing Weapons for Terrorist organizations, which in turn are using the weapons to kill American Soldiers, Also because they want a Nuclear ambitions they are also a threat.

Now they say The ambitions are mostly for Power Plants, but the rods and the left overs can be used to put together a bomb. Which is what America and the United Nations are trying to prevent. The reason because is because of 1 nation fires off their bomb, the rest will fire theirs off in retaliation and eventually we wipe our selves into oblivion.This is why many countrys have set up Missile Defenses (America, for its self and for its Allies).

America, even though its supplied weapons, and armies to most of our enemies before they become our enemies is Policing the nations. It has to, because if These nations are left to run into their ambitions with no one protesting Their would be a bigger war.

We call our President Leader of the Free World, is because America (not just the US, this entire content) has the most freedoms compared to nearly every other aspect in the world. While we do censorship, we allow protest, we allow people to denounce the government, we allow freedom of speech, etc. That's not saying we aren't corrupt (all nations are).Compared to other Nations we aren't as harsh.

Honestly, Do your fucking research Ikke, cause your just sounding like a ignorant mother fucker. Now I'm not done, but I got to help my family move. 
lol watched daily show too last night :P
you just summirized the whole interview with whatshisname

Really you have the most freedom? it's about equal with europe and canada.

Hey, I'm not going to lie, Daily Show is sadly the only show with truth. CNN's to busy with jackson, and Fox is to pussy ridding jackson and taking out Obama. Sadly the only true news are so corrupted with their own partys agenda (CNN democratic, Fox Republican) that you'll never get anything true. But yeah, I know Daily Show shouldn't be a credit area, but ironically its the only 1 that doesn't sensationalize everything beyond what it is. Besides, His Cheney was epic.  :laugh: 


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« Reply #10 on: July 01, 2009, 10:44:55 AM »
CNN Is too busy asking random people on twitter, myspace and face book.
Fox is just too republican to make news (they take sides which is a no no in news making)
the rippy's where awesome  8)

Btw My retaliation:
You cannot compare NKorea with Nazi-Germany, Hitler actualy wanted to improve the country, Kim Jon Il just wants to improve him and his family.
It's more like Stalin's Russia, The 'tiran' is in charge, Only his friends & Family are rich.

And it wasn't the underground railroad spreading those flyers but southkoreans who flew them in by balloons iirc.

And Iran ISN"T like Nkorea, atleast yet, it's on a turning point it can go either way.

U.N doesn't mess with that bomb shit, you mean NATO

America Does NOT have to interfere, why the fuck care if they kill eachother it's not like it's your neighbouring countries who go into war.
And it should be the NATO's business to police the world.

And you call the whole american continent the free world?
I understand that because the honduran army just took over hondures and forced there president to leave when he tried to make it POSSIBLE for him to get a 2nd term.

You have the most freedom? more then 1% of your population is incarcerated, and another 2% is out on parole or on probation.
Which is about 20% of what china has.
And 7 times more then the european average...

Ok I'm a faggot whos making a generalization? Yet say the same shit i'm saying, and tell a whole story about it which is irrellevent but you just needed to share because it makes you look smart and knew it because you watched the daily show last night or read the book that that Mike Kim person made.

If researching is watching news I do research...


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« Reply #11 on: July 01, 2009, 11:04:17 AM »
You cannot compare NKorea with Nazi-Germany, Hitler actualy wanted to improve the country, Kim Jon Il just wants to improve him and his family.
It's more like Stalin's Russia, The 'tiran' is in charge, Only his friends & Family are rich.

Yeah, Honestly I usually use Hitler, cause people are more fascinated with Nazi-Germany cause of what happened to the jews.
And it wasn't the underground railroad spreading those flyers but southkoreans who flew them in by balloons iirc.

And Iran ISN"T like Nkorea, atleast yet, it's on a turning point it can go either way.

They both have their own problems, I'm not comparing everything, Just the Nuke aspects, cause they had Inspectors go in their before do to the Nuke Inspections and Korea is mostly trying to build missiles (honestly, Its amazing how they can fail lol)
U.N doesn't mess with that bomb shit, you mean NATO

Stand corrected
America Does NOT have to interfere, why the fuck care if they kill eachother it's not like it's your neighbouring countries who go into war.
And it should be the NATO's business to police the world.

I know America Doesn't I never said that shit, I said they Police the World. Remember Politics is a bastard behind the worlds operations, When America chooses a side, They are choosing future Allies.If I remember correctly America helped Iran with its original Uprising, We gave Iraq, its Army (before Saddam Betrayed us). In the end America is mostly about getting Allies and more controlling for our own agenda.
And you call the whole american continent the free world?
I understand that because the honduran army just took over hondures and forced there president to leave when he tried to make it POSSIBLE for him to get a 2nd term.

Compared to other countries yes, but were still locked down in certain aspects.
You have the most freedom? more then 1% of your population is incarcerated, and another 2% is out on parole or on probation.
Which is about 20% of what china has.
And 7 times more then the european average

Your actually going to use Prisoners for freedom? Honestly that's fucking retarded.I'm talking about normal people, not people who break the laws. Honestly though When I say Freedom, I mean what you can do. Free Speech (even if its commonly challenged by assholes), protesting and freedom of the presS (even though that shit hasn't been invoked by the mainstream media in a long time).

Ok I'm a faggot whos making a generalization? Yet say the same shit i'm saying, and tell a whole story about it which is irrellevent but you just needed to share because it makes you look smart and knew it because you watched the daily show last night or read the book that that Mike Kim person made.

Hypocritical much??? Like I said, he was just wondering why we are in this.I said why (Even though their is more issues then just whats stated).Again, The normal Media hasn't gone on anything deep into the crysis. All they do is Replay the same clips, over and over every 20 minutes. Nothing new.
If researching is watching news I do research...

Only reason I used the Daily Show, is because he gave a interview of a writer actually working for that organization.All Fox uses its Republican people making things appear worse then they are, while CNN Democratic agenda doesn't press the issues hard enough. Ironically Daily Show show's how retarded The Media is, and even though its mainly satire does do some what good Journalism, but again I know I shouldn't cite it because its Comedy, but are you honestly going to tell me, that the Mainstream Media is any better???

Scrappy Doo

« Reply #12 on: July 01, 2009, 11:04:40 AM »
First of all N. Korea is not a super power. They are a poor country with a large army (with like 60's equipment).
My Question is why do they care about N.Korea and dong give a fuck about for example Darfur and a dozen African countries which are under dictatorship right now ??? I think the question is there is no money in Darfur.

You say that the Iran is selling/giving weapons to terrorists, but isnt that the same thing the Americans did in Afghanistan during the 80's ? The only difference is that back then those people were called freedom fighters and today the same people are called terrorists.

Why not give them a chance to develop Nuclear Technology ? Who is America/Nato to be the Judge....ofcourse you can say that there is a semi-dictatorship going on in Iran, that is radical but what about Israel then ? They have a Faaaaaar Right wing goverment and they have the A-Bomb.

I think citizens of some European countries have more freedoms than Americans (Netherland,Germany,Austria,Switzerland,Sweden,Noway for example)


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« Reply #13 on: July 01, 2009, 11:14:49 AM »
Let's stop trying to prove were superior to eachother, that shit can go on forever since we both seem to have alot intelligence (except my spelling but fuckit I'm pretty good for somebody not in an English country)

First of all N. Korea is not a super power. They are a poor country with a large army (with like 60's equipment).
My Question is why do they care about N.Korea and dong give a fuck about for example Darfur and a dozen African countries which are under dictatorship right now ??? I think the question is there is no money in Darfur.

They have nukes and threatend to attack pearl harbor, They've given up on africa it seems

You say that the Iran is selling/giving weapons to terrorists, but isnt that the same thing the Americans did in Afghanistan during the 80's ? The only difference is that back then those people were called freedom fighters and today the same people are called terrorists.

Why not give them a chance to develop Nuclear Technology ? Who is America/Nato to be the Judge....ofcourse you can say that there is a semi-dictatorship going on in Iran, that is radical but what about Israel then ? They have a Faaaaaar Right wing goverment and they have the A-Bomb.
Nato and Un agreed that nuclear nuclear weapon technology should NOT be spreaded because of it's powers, this has been so since the cuba crisis in the cold war. Even if you bomb every country but your own you're people will die to due to the ecologic concequenses.

I think citizens of some European countries have more freedoms than Americans (Netherland,Germany,Austria,Switzerland,Sweden,Noway for example)
Some more or equal, Mostly because we have more social laws, this can be seen as less freedom but really, it keeps you from going poor, so more freedom of life etc.
Comments in BOLD
« Last Edit: July 01, 2009, 11:18:40 AM by ikke »

J Bananas

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« Reply #14 on: July 01, 2009, 11:16:50 AM »
Shocked at what?