Author Topic: Some classic Nik quotes  (Read 2425 times)


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Some classic Nik quotes
« on: August 10, 2009, 10:44:40 AM »
This guy aint no crip, and I'm 100% sure on that because he doesn't type like a crip, I know crips, and that fool is not a crip...
Have any of ya'll ate pussy before? What does it taste like? My friend said it tastes like your drinkin piss, and he tells me it's bad...Does it really taste like piss? Do you enjoy it? or do you do it a lot? What is it like...??

And if you don't eat pussy, would you if a girl like Beyonce or Alicia Keyes asked you to?

lee, please answer this question...LOL JK  ;)
LoL...thats how I pictured u looking...U dont look gay or nothing, but the hair is awful...I dont think guys should dye their hair like that...Other than that, u look cool, but i dont see how ure Hispanic...PeACe



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Re: Some classic Nik quotes
« Reply #1 on: August 10, 2009, 10:45:32 AM »
Damn nik didnt know you studied how crips type


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Re: Some classic Nik quotes
« Reply #2 on: August 10, 2009, 10:46:47 AM »
ROFL @ The NiK quotes and ROFL @ you going threw his history


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Re: Some classic Nik quotes
« Reply #3 on: August 10, 2009, 10:47:56 AM »
Hes done it to me several times so i thought id return the favour.Hes got a fucking goldmine of quotes


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Re: Some classic Nik quotes
« Reply #4 on: August 10, 2009, 10:54:38 AM »
you mean the same way you judge everyone on the forum without meeting them....

i never judge fact, you might be a cool dude in real life. but based on your posts, you're a pathetic nutrider. id be cool with you if you never came at me sideways in the first place..PeACe
Heres what I think of Tech:

He's an Afgan kid with a huge beard and a Taliban hat...He wears Afgan-Flag earings...He hates anyone who is Israeli, and he tries turing other people against Israel by making outrageous (and Bias) claims...He walks around at school all alone...He sports the Taliban hat and the Bin Laden beard, but yet, he wears Hip Hop Clothing, and walks around talking like he's black...People are always confused when they see him...When he has his first child, he will strap bombs around the kid, and point guns at him while taking pictures and sending it to the Israeli Government...

Well there's what i think of Tech...PeACE
lol... they actually look like roccy and nik

dont take it to the heart

people whove seen me in real life would tell u...IM A GANGSTAAAA


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Re: Some classic Nik quotes
« Reply #5 on: August 10, 2009, 11:09:49 AM »
Trance gives me a headache...LoL
btw, What's up with your album?

I've decided Im not ready too release an album yet...I just wanna perfect everything till I know I have a dope album under my belt, and that will take me a while...2003..PeAcE
Has anyone ever like got hit really hard, or broke their nose before?...It happens too a lot of people, and it sucks...You get hit on the nose really hard somehow and it leaves a bump on the bridge (sometimes big, sometimes small, depends on how hard u got hit)...

Well, I've got hit on my nose 3 times...The first time my room was pitch black, and I couldnt see anything. I just jumped on my bed, and the bridge of my nose hit the Bed post...I dont know if it broke or not, but A LOT of blood was drippin out of the nostrel...This was like 3 years ago...After that, the bridge of my nose hurt like for the next 6 months everytime I'd touch it or something...

The second time was about 2 years ago...I was playing basketball and I got elbowed in the nose bridge by some dude at the Park...It hurt, but not as bad as the first time i banged my nose...No blood came out, I just felt dizzy for the first 10 seconds, but like an idiot, I continued playing...It hurt the whole month after that...

Now the last time I got hit was also playing basketball...It was recently, like 1 month and a half ago...I was trying out for the summer league at my school, and I tried too rip the ball from some skinny ass kid from the other team, and he elbowed me with his sharp elbows right in the nose while we were battling for the ball...This time also hurt a lot (still not as much as the first time)...I had too continue playing (holding my nose throughout the game), cuz it was try-outs, and u know how it is with the coach watching and all...But my nose hurt for the whole week...Actually, R-E-L from the board was there, and witnessed it...

Recently, I felt a bump on my nose-bridge (well Ive always felt one since the first time I banged my nose, but now it was bigger)...I noticed I had a bigger bump than usual, and I went, and looked in the mirror, and I see a little bump (Not REALLY noticeable, but u can see it from up close)...Now Im real pissed off, I hate this shit...I always try too like push it back in with my fingers, even though I know its not gunna work...LoL....So how many of ya'll have fucked up your nose?

PS...anybody know methods too make it heel or something? LoL...I doubt there is any, but just in case...PeAcE


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Re: Some classic Nik quotes
« Reply #6 on: August 10, 2009, 11:11:25 AM »
i think he has roccy to do that for him......

I rather have u though...I never got sucked off by a girl with more than 28 chins...I need too experiment, so get down her Pink...
So floydness only has 23 chins or something


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Re: Some classic Nik quotes
« Reply #7 on: August 10, 2009, 11:15:38 AM »
ROFL why haven't you added this guy tho the most retarded member list


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Re: Some classic Nik quotes
« Reply #8 on: August 10, 2009, 11:19:22 AM »
Im gunna sue Home Depot because they sold me a chainsaw and I didnt know if u touch the blade while it was turned on it could cut your finger off...They shoulda told me...

Damn...Im a buying a pink shirt, even if they dont make them for men...LoL


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Re: Some classic Nik quotes
« Reply #9 on: August 10, 2009, 11:24:49 AM »
You should try this...

Go up too her and be like..."You gunna give it up too me or what?"...Its just words that come out of your mouth...Its not hard too say words for u, is it?...If the bitch says no, she says no, and you can try the same with some other hot girl, if she says yes, than yous a lucky muuhfucka!...You gotta spit game doggy...You cant just be like "Hi there!"...LoL

And Im sure there are girls as hot or even hotter down in So Cal dawg...LoL


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Re: Some classic Nik quotes
« Reply #10 on: August 10, 2009, 11:27:56 AM »
53377   Socialistic / Tha G-Spot / Re: Who would yall place your money on?  on: July 17, 2002, 09:25:16 AM 
Listen up cuz...Its the net...Its not real life...I never had a problem with u, I was fuckin with you in the first place...yea, I know I shit talk a lot on the net, cuz its only the internet...LoL...I dont know you so i wouldnt expect you to take some shit I said on the internet personally...Just sit back and chill...dont go looking for fights...You gotta relax...a fight would kinda fuck up the whole WCC night, but if thats what your looking for than whatever man...I personally dont know you, and I dont know if your a cool guy in real life, or whatever...Ill be at Powerhouse, and if u still wanna fight, than its down...PeaCe


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Re: Some classic Nik quotes
« Reply #11 on: August 10, 2009, 11:31:05 AM »
lol, i hate when people who aint black get their hair just looks rediculous if u ask me...

But talking and dressing like your black when your a rich jew from the burbs is somehow acceptable


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Re: Some classic Nik quotes
« Reply #12 on: August 10, 2009, 11:37:02 AM »
Is it because u lost in our audio battle badly? I knew u would cry when I win...

Or is it because u like too act like a little girl and cry for every single thing that happens??

Let me tell everyone a story so that you can laugh your asses off at roccy, the girl who takes everything to the heart...

me and roccy were arguing (as usual), and we were cussing eachother out. I was calling him fatass, and he was calling me skinny faggot and shit like that...Than Im like, "I wouldnt be talking about looks if I were you." At this point he started getting all emotinal (I could tell), so he said "If im so ugly how come you never get any girls?" and than I said "Because I always hang out with you and you scare the girls away"...Now of course we both said all these things while we were arguing, and than we became cool again later on...So we appoligized and whatever and we were cool after we said that, and all of a sudden 2 days later roccy was like "I cant hang out with u anymore" I was like "Wtf? I thought we were cool now", and than he's like "Remember that line yesterday, you said I scare all the girls" and he said some really retarded shit. I mean think of it, we were best friends, we hung out like every other day and shit, and because we got in an arguement and I called him ugly and said that he scares girls away, he doesnt wanna hang out with me anymore??...LMAO...Has anyone ever met a bigger bitch that cries all the time like a girl? LMFAO...

Maybe now he needs time too hang out with his dope ass friend "Edwin" aka Mr-Funk-Docc...That fools a gangster, Im telling you, hes a REAL cool guy, and the girls fall for him too...and did I mention? He NEVER lies...*Sarcasm* LMFAO

Maybe thats not the reason hes LEAVING the board...Maybe he wants too see how many people will beg him too stay...Maybe he's just fed up with the beef...

BUUUUT It's most likely because he is a whining little bitch...PeAce and ~One Love to all~


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Re: Some classic Nik quotes
« Reply #13 on: August 10, 2009, 11:43:17 AM »
I hate this board.

I hate Haters.

I hate Roccys cry-baby attitude (even though I dont hate him as a person).

I hate all the newbies who dont know shit about hip hop but still post here.

I hate the internet (Even though I have nothing better to do than go on it)

I hate life

I hate the world... >:( >:( >:(

Ive collapsed...PeAcE

They both good...I think pussy is more for making sweet romantic love and ass is more for that dirty rough sex...All depeneds on the mood...PeAcE
Oh yea, these are like 5 month old pics...Me and roccy will have some g'd up pics soon...Yea, theyll probably be CD covers for our multi-platinum selling CDs on that one Record Lable...What is it called again?...That small one...Oh yea, its called Aftermath. Me and roccy are too big for that label, but it'll work for now...Peace


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Re: Some classic Nik quotes
« Reply #14 on: August 10, 2009, 11:44:45 AM »
you're obssessed with nik ha...