Author Topic: what are the record companies looking for?  (Read 148 times)


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what are the record companies looking for?
« on: August 12, 2009, 10:42:53 AM »
hey yall check this out:

I been calling these record companies for a long time and so I got a reputation with them>I know what they are looking for,it is like great sex okay you know how you stick it in and go a lill farther in?the same with music you play the same music for 15 seconds then you start with the tempo,don't add the beat that is when you are starting to go nice and slow in her,then you add the beat don't boom it,you wanna make them want it,that is how the real artists do,then you a lil faster,that is where you start to put a lil faster beat and you add the voices,you don;'t want the beat to loud cuz you don't want to drtown out the voices,this is where she is begging to do fast and slow,then youa dd the booming beatin between the artists voices,then you go faster and she starts to moan,then you put ina sample,that si where you go so slow she is begging you to go faster,then right before she nuts,it starts to feel so good,but don't go to fast,this is where the sample is playing and the fans are singing with it,this is also where they are curious how it is going to end,asnd they are planning on listening again and boom she climaxes and reaches an orgasm so do you and the song is over............

the fans will play it over and over again youdo it this way............listen to chams shit,or bone thugs they are both perfecrt examples.......they make you want it and then you logged in  and all you want to do is finish the song and maybe listen agian..........

I hear yall beats man and you could do it if you wanted to do it but listen now if you work with aftertmath or interscope they demand perfections,dre won't do it at first he will just get you to feel comfortable but after awhile you will be ridden,why do you think eminem is so good?

don't say um when you call a record company cuz they will tell you if you don't know what you want to say then you shouldn't have called and hang up on you...............