Author Topic: do you ever kick dogs?  (Read 2063 times)


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Re: do you ever kick dogs?
« Reply #15 on: August 26, 2009, 03:06:19 PM »
tanner used to kick me down the stairs when his rare danny boy songs leaked.
I almost fell out of my chair with this line.

This alias has mad potential.
im not trying to be cute.  if i can reach just one little high school spaz case who thinks he is important to the rap industry then my life as a worthless shit producing annoying mongrel has some value.  i just wish tanner would have punched his bed or screamed into his pillow instead of kicking me.  his fat friend eats his troubles away and even that is superior to animal abuse.

people, mates, fellow canines - respect each other and recognize that life isnt just about songs from nino brown and doing myspace templates for nobody fucktard rappers.  if you see a mutt being abused by his or her shitty fucking owner please cap that piece of shit human.  god is a dog.  think about it.
I apologize for being insensitive. However, I'm sure you pissed in the house, chewed cable wires or did something to make Tanner take his frustrations out on you.

Fuck, maybe being given the name Tanner is what put him over the edge.
i wish i lived with you instead.  cant go back in time.  maybe god dog will send me back as a larger dog so that i may attack tanner in repayment.  i wish we could go back to the good times when gmg won death row and we were going to be the public relations street team whatchamajig for the world.  tanner promised me the most exotic of dog foods and at long last that heartworm medication i needed ever so.  fuck.

Best alias ever, shit u make me fucking crack up.
« Last Edit: August 26, 2009, 03:08:25 PM by Reprise91 »


Re: do you ever kick dogs?
« Reply #16 on: August 26, 2009, 03:12:21 PM »
i wish i lived with you instead.  cant go back in time.  maybe god dog will send me back as a larger dog so that i may attack tanner in repayment.  i wish we could go back to the good times when gmg won death row and we were going to be the public relations street team whatchamajig for the world.  tanner promised me the most exotic of dog foods and at long last that heartworm medication i needed ever so.  fuck.
Don't worry lil canine homie. Tanner will get his.
My Chihuahuas Are Eternal



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Re: do you ever kick dogs?
« Reply #17 on: August 26, 2009, 03:13:24 PM »
I wanna see tanner reply to TheGhostOfScrappy


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Re: do you ever kick dogs?
« Reply #18 on: August 26, 2009, 03:14:53 PM »
that mike toreno kid is weird how he makes fun of these toothpick nerds for being retards who think having rare songs or some shit makes them special, but from what i can see he isnt any different


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Re: do you ever kick dogs?
« Reply #19 on: August 26, 2009, 03:18:30 PM »
that mike toreno kid is weird how he makes fun of these toothpick nerds for being retards who think having rare songs or some shit makes them special, but from what i can see he isnt any different

He isn't, when I saw his myspace, and read his literal life story on it I just died laughing.

you gon always be my latin queen bitch

  • Muthafuckin' Don!
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Re: do you ever kick dogs?
« Reply #20 on: August 26, 2009, 03:18:45 PM »
looks like its the same alias as the THAREALHOPSIN
someone hatin on mike
damn u still havent logged off...ur hurting everyone with all this wack shit u drop, it hurts more then getting the swine flu
Tue, Mar 16, 2010 at 8:15 AM By: Ice Cube
Me and Mack 10 together again? I never say never, but he has the kiss the ring first.
gbee:@ Petey: you sound like a broken record, time to grow up.


Re: do you ever kick dogs?
« Reply #21 on: August 26, 2009, 03:28:23 PM »
that mike toreno kid is weird how he makes fun of these toothpick nerds for being retards who think having rare songs or some shit makes them special, but from what i can see he isnt any different

He isn't, when I saw his myspace, and read his literal life story on it I just died laughing.
I think you should pass the link along.
My Chihuahuas Are Eternal



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Re: do you ever kick dogs?
« Reply #22 on: August 26, 2009, 03:39:48 PM »
that mike toreno kid is weird how he makes fun of these toothpick nerds for being retards who think having rare songs or some shit makes them special, but from what i can see he isnt any different

He isn't, when I saw his myspace, and read his literal life story on it I just died laughing.
I think you should pass the link along. there ya go, he has since taken off his life story, but i assure u that shit was soooooo fucking long man.


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Re: do you ever kick dogs?
« Reply #23 on: August 26, 2009, 04:07:33 PM »
that mike toreno kid is weird how he makes fun of these toothpick nerds for being retards who think having rare songs or some shit makes them special, but from what i can see he isnt any different

He isn't, when I saw his myspace, and read his literal life story on it I just died laughing.
I think you should pass the link along. there ya go, he has since taken off his life story, but i assure u that shit was soooooo fucking long man.

About me:
Quotes about me:

”Tanner is the kind of dude you can't find the words to describe because he can be one way one day and the next day, he can be totally different. By that I mean he can be a sour skittle one day and the next day, he can be the icing on the cake. Mmmm. . . cake. . .” – Eric Neece

“Real.” – Scott Shephard

“Tanner is a diamond in the rough of life, but sometimes I might catch him and he's the rough.” – Josh Jarman

"Tanner is very down to earth, easy to talk to, a true internet gangster." - Jermaine Underwood

My biography:

NOTE: A lot of details were left out that will be added in the upcoming days and weeks to follow. I just didn't feel like adding them tonight.

These are just a few of the statements made about me. Let me tell you about me. My full name is David Tanner Guinn. My father is David Earl Guinn and my mother is Michelle Lee Walker. I was born and raised in Cleveland, Tennessee. I was a premi-child meaning that I was born early. I had a great childhood, despite my mother and father separating when I was two years old. I may not have had some of the privileges other people had during their lifetimes such as being rich or extremely poor, but I am thankful for what I did have.

I met my first girlfriend when I was around three or four, and I have had two or three since then. I am not very outgoing when it comes to girls. I have liked many in my time, but I have never had the guts to tell them due to my insecurities. However, I believe my time going after them is in the past.

I was brought up with no religious background. I did attend church once for a year, but to be honest I lost my faith long ago. I can’t really say it was due to my own personal experiences, but seeing the world around me made me lose it. They say our creator has a bigger plan than any of us could fathom, but it isn’t something I would dedicate my time to waiting on.

I attended Corner Campus Pre-school (It has since been renamed) as well as another pre-school which I believe had the same name. While there, I met various people such as Brandon Pugh, Tyler Leamon, and my best friend, at the time, named Adam. I would attend there for a few years before withdrawing. Coincidently, I ran into Adam sometime later and he didn’t know me apparently. This is one of the hilarious events in my life. I can’t remember much of my childhood, but this I do remember.

After leaving Corner Campus Pre-school, I attended North Lee Elementary School where I was a free lunch kid, which I am still proud of to this day. In actively participated in school fundraisers and various other things, because at this point I still cared. I had many friends through out elementary school though my best friends changed yearly because none of them would ever stay loyal.

However, despite things being squeaky clean at school, my home life wasn’t exactly spotless. My mother got a job at a truck stop after leaving her job at a photo development lab, in which her already semi-bad drug habit started to spiral her out of control. I was an A, B, C, kid in school till about my fourth year in elementary school when I received my first F. I pulled my grades up, but in my fifth grade year – I struggled more. The computer that we had bought my fourth grade year, music, and various other factors influenced my grades along with the fact my mom was fired from her job that year. Not to mention the fact that I wrote a violent song, and landed in school counseling as well as professional counseling. The professional counseling didn’t last long due to my mom’s hot head. My fifth grade year would be the last somewhat decent year of my life. Prior to my sixth grade year, I gained lots of weight from my dad fattening me up and from depression eating. When I entered my sixth grade year, I was made fun of by lots of people, who would show me respect now, due to my pudginess. We had sixteen classes total that year, I failed every class but five. This habit continued throughout school, because I was dealing with too much stuff at home not to mention the fact that I just didn’t give a flying fuck at that point. Basically, that year wasn’t a good year. I had one or two friends throughout that year, and it didn’t seem to get any better. During that year, I was taken away from my mom for three months due to a faulty child services sting. It was a great vacation, but my mother won me back which wasn’t a blessing at this point. However, this is the year I met Kris Walker who became my good friend as well as Corey Petite as well as Eric Miller. Eric moved, and Corey and I lost touch but I still thank them for the good memories.

My seventh grade year was a very memorable year. Things improved dramatically that year. I met my best friend Eric Neece. Eric and I were and are like yin and yang. Eric had struggled with being made fun of, and had gone through some of the same struggles I had. He had constantly bickering parents or an authority figure, had been and was bullied, and was rather poor. Eric and I shared more things in common than most friends which lead to him and I going into business later on in life. However, back to the topic, Eric and I eventually started a hate list on one of our various sites. This would land us both in hot water once again, as well as landing me back in counseling. That year, I also started peddling candy because my mom’s new boyfriend who we moved in use to let us go raid the Tri State warehouses. The candy had everyone kissing my ass except the teachers. The teachers thought I was moving yayo, but then again I expected nothing less from those teachers. By the end of the year, my candy operation was brung down, but I still gained money and respect from it.

Due to the controversy Eric and I caused our seventh grade year, we were separated and put on different teams. However, we still linked up occasionally. That year, I only had one friend that I felt was truly my friend his name was Sebastian. I also remember another dude, but he moved and I haven’t seen him since. Sebastian was an amazingly cool guy who I would later start doing my drugs with till he became apparently sober. However, you’ll find out about that later in this little story. Speaking of drugs, the first day of eighth grade, I was taken away from my mom for meth, weed, and various other things – till this day I only see her once a month. Also, I don’t remember much of my eighth grade year due to the fact of it being so blah. I failed my eighth grade year, but I got out of repeating the year via summer school.

After my eighth grade year, I moved onto Walker Valley which began a weird saga in my life as well as my perpetual drug use. My freshmen year was a great year except for two or three classes due to shitty teachers. Sick of most of my friends, I started getting back at them and others because I was sick of getting treated like shit. On top of that, my drug use started. I had always fantasized about being a large drug dealer. My friend approached me about moving pills. The original sleeping pills he wanted me to sell, no one wanted to buy. However, he had another drug which was the legal equivalent to meth – Adderall. I started bringing in plenty of money till I started getting hooked on the stuff myself as well as other stuff I started buying. Prior to dealing with him, I had dealt hydros with a guy named Corey and another guy named JJ. JJ got caught dealing, and Corey nearly got his ass beat but I can be very intimidating at times. I finished my ninth grade year with five credits out of eight and a tremendous loss of weight due to my lack of eating and the drugs.

My tenth grade year was a great year, for the first half. I originally thought that I was stuck in shitty classes that I didn’t want to be in on. However, things became better. I originally hated my art class, but to be honest I started loving it and the people in it. A guy that I sat with named Mardi became my protégé who I wanted to continue in my footsteps. He didn’t, but I guess we all must choose our own path. I met this girl who I would later have an extreme crush on during that year and all of the next named Angel. Angel was very unique and unlike any person I had met which I had admired about her. I also liked the fact that she seemed pissed off with the world 24-7 due to something annoying her or otherwise. Also, I am serious I about that. I’m a bit of a pacifist, so it was different. I also met a girl named Hilary who was a lovesick girl who was just as unique as the as Angel. She was very artsy to say the least. These three individuals made up the table I sat up at my art class. To be honest, they were the most unique individuals I had met since Eric. The rest of the classes were alright, but I didn’t like them as much as I liked art class. My drug habits caught up to me that year besides losing around thirty to forty pounds. Sometime during November or December, I was busted for five Adderall, three Tylenol codeine, and one Welbutrin XL. That isn’t including the ones I took when I was busted. I denied it at the time, so I could get off my case. Plus, I didn’t want to break my mom’s heart. Months earlier she considered getting me into rehab when I accidentally left some of my drugs at her house – ten Hydrocodones, five or six Adderalls, and some other stuff, but I told her I had quit the drugs and those were someone else’s For getting busted with drugs, I was suspended for a year.

During my apparent year suspension which turned into three months, I was stuck thinking of Angel and the rest of the people I left behind. At the time, they were the only thing keeping me trying. One memory that still irks me is…she told me she missed me on a message via Myspace – I wanted to tell her I missed her because she was the one I truly missed but I told her I missed everyone but fuck everyone – she was the one I cared about. However, I don’t like talking about that because it’s a bit too personal on my end. Anyhow, after beating my court case with a simple piss test I got to go back to school a few weeks later. Everything changed including my friendships. I cut off contact with Angel, cut off contact with Kris Walker, Chris Albright, and Eric Miller, and essentially the rest of my friends except Eric Neece. Eric was the only dude I felt I could trust. This was due to the fact; he never spoke of me in a negative light behind my back. Sadly, after our tenth grade year, he had to switch schools due to his ignorant ass dad. In other happenings, after being clean of drugs for around six or seven months, I started popping pills and snorting various stuff again due to the fact of being fed up with the situations in my life.

Soon after getting back into what I loved, I got more involved in the music industry besides doing websites. I looked to get a record label job in which I wouldn’t have to finish high school and still get successful pay. Global Music Group was my hope for getting what I wanted. I started doing work with them which only paid via my friend Scott. Basically, the venture was and is fruitless and I doubt I will get anything out of it. However, that’s life.

Though, before I figured out everything, I figured the venture was good and returned to school for my junior year. Since Eric was gone, I re-emerged out of my shell and started hanging out with Kris Walker and everyone else again. To be honest, the year was blah. I remember all of it, and it was nothing amazing to be honest. I stopped selling drugs, and just started using full time. My friend Chris Albright got busted for coming to school high. My friend Natalie moved, I sunk deeper into depression – started doing more stuff to cope with it. I met more people, some I liked – some I didn’t but I told them I thought they were cool.

Now, I am done with that year with only fifteen credits – so I probably won’t graduate. I feel alienated around most of my friends, my teeth seem to be rotting, everything in my life keeps leaving or breaking and I just ain’t feeling the spark anymore.



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Re: do you ever kick dogs?
« Reply #24 on: August 26, 2009, 04:10:49 PM »



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Re: do you ever kick dogs?
« Reply #25 on: August 26, 2009, 04:30:09 PM »
that mike toreno kid is weird how he makes fun of these toothpick nerds for being retards who think having rare songs or some shit makes them special, but from what i can see he isnt any different

He isn't, when I saw his myspace, and read his literal life story on it I just died laughing.
I think you should pass the link along. there ya go, he has since taken off his life story, but i assure u that shit was soooooo fucking long man.

About me:
Quotes about me:

”Tanner is the kind of dude you can't find the words to describe because he can be one way one day and the next day, he can be totally different. By that I mean he can be a sour skittle one day and the next day, he can be the icing on the cake. Mmmm. . . cake. . .” – Eric Neece

“Real.” – Scott Shephard

“Tanner is a diamond in the rough of life, but sometimes I might catch him and he's the rough.” – Josh Jarman

"Tanner is very down to earth, easy to talk to, a true internet gangster." - Jermaine Underwood

My biography:

NOTE: A lot of details were left out that will be added in the upcoming days and weeks to follow. I just didn't feel like adding them tonight.

These are just a few of the statements made about me. Let me tell you about me. My full name is David Tanner Guinn. My father is David Earl Guinn and my mother is Michelle Lee Walker. I was born and raised in Cleveland, Tennessee. I was a premi-child meaning that I was born early. I had a great childhood, despite my mother and father separating when I was two years old. I may not have had some of the privileges other people had during their lifetimes such as being rich or extremely poor, but I am thankful for what I did have.

I met my first girlfriend when I was around three or four, and I have had two or three since then. I am not very outgoing when it comes to girls. I have liked many in my time, but I have never had the guts to tell them due to my insecurities. However, I believe my time going after them is in the past.

I was brought up with no religious background. I did attend church once for a year, but to be honest I lost my faith long ago. I can’t really say it was due to my own personal experiences, but seeing the world around me made me lose it. They say our creator has a bigger plan than any of us could fathom, but it isn’t something I would dedicate my time to waiting on.

I attended Corner Campus Pre-school (It has since been renamed) as well as another pre-school which I believe had the same name. While there, I met various people such as Brandon Pugh, Tyler Leamon, and my best friend, at the time, named Adam. I would attend there for a few years before withdrawing. Coincidently, I ran into Adam sometime later and he didn’t know me apparently. This is one of the hilarious events in my life. I can’t remember much of my childhood, but this I do remember.

After leaving Corner Campus Pre-school, I attended North Lee Elementary School where I was a free lunch kid, which I am still proud of to this day. In actively participated in school fundraisers and various other things, because at this point I still cared. I had many friends through out elementary school though my best friends changed yearly because none of them would ever stay loyal.

However, despite things being squeaky clean at school, my home life wasn’t exactly spotless. My mother got a job at a truck stop after leaving her job at a photo development lab, in which her already semi-bad drug habit started to spiral her out of control. I was an A, B, C, kid in school till about my fourth year in elementary school when I received my first F. I pulled my grades up, but in my fifth grade year – I struggled more. The computer that we had bought my fourth grade year, music, and various other factors influenced my grades along with the fact my mom was fired from her job that year. Not to mention the fact that I wrote a violent song, and landed in school counseling as well as professional counseling. The professional counseling didn’t last long due to my mom’s hot head. My fifth grade year would be the last somewhat decent year of my life. Prior to my sixth grade year, I gained lots of weight from my dad fattening me up and from depression eating. When I entered my sixth grade year, I was made fun of by lots of people, who would show me respect now, due to my pudginess. We had sixteen classes total that year, I failed every class but five. This habit continued throughout school, because I was dealing with too much stuff at home not to mention the fact that I just didn’t give a flying fuck at that point. Basically, that year wasn’t a good year. I had one or two friends throughout that year, and it didn’t seem to get any better. During that year, I was taken away from my mom for three months due to a faulty child services sting. It was a great vacation, but my mother won me back which wasn’t a blessing at this point. However, this is the year I met Kris Walker who became my good friend as well as Corey Petite as well as Eric Miller. Eric moved, and Corey and I lost touch but I still thank them for the good memories.

My seventh grade year was a very memorable year. Things improved dramatically that year. I met my best friend Eric Neece. Eric and I were and are like yin and yang. Eric had struggled with being made fun of, and had gone through some of the same struggles I had. He had constantly bickering parents or an authority figure, had been and was bullied, and was rather poor. Eric and I shared more things in common than most friends which lead to him and I going into business later on in life. However, back to the topic, Eric and I eventually started a hate list on one of our various sites. This would land us both in hot water once again, as well as landing me back in counseling. That year, I also started peddling candy because my mom’s new boyfriend who we moved in use to let us go raid the Tri State warehouses. The candy had everyone kissing my ass except the teachers. The teachers thought I was moving yayo, but then again I expected nothing less from those teachers. By the end of the year, my candy operation was brung down, but I still gained money and respect from it.

Due to the controversy Eric and I caused our seventh grade year, we were separated and put on different teams. However, we still linked up occasionally. That year, I only had one friend that I felt was truly my friend his name was Sebastian. I also remember another dude, but he moved and I haven’t seen him since. Sebastian was an amazingly cool guy who I would later start doing my drugs with till he became apparently sober. However, you’ll find out about that later in this little story. Speaking of drugs, the first day of eighth grade, I was taken away from my mom for meth, weed, and various other things – till this day I only see her once a month. Also, I don’t remember much of my eighth grade year due to the fact of it being so blah. I failed my eighth grade year, but I got out of repeating the year via summer school.

After my eighth grade year, I moved onto Walker Valley which began a weird saga in my life as well as my perpetual drug use. My freshmen year was a great year except for two or three classes due to shitty teachers. Sick of most of my friends, I started getting back at them and others because I was sick of getting treated like shit. On top of that, my drug use started. I had always fantasized about being a large drug dealer. My friend approached me about moving pills. The original sleeping pills he wanted me to sell, no one wanted to buy. However, he had another drug which was the legal equivalent to meth – Adderall. I started bringing in plenty of money till I started getting hooked on the stuff myself as well as other stuff I started buying. Prior to dealing with him, I had dealt hydros with a guy named Corey and another guy named JJ. JJ got caught dealing, and Corey nearly got his ass beat but I can be very intimidating at times. I finished my ninth grade year with five credits out of eight and a tremendous loss of weight due to my lack of eating and the drugs.

My tenth grade year was a great year, for the first half. I originally thought that I was stuck in shitty classes that I didn’t want to be in on. However, things became better. I originally hated my art class, but to be honest I started loving it and the people in it. A guy that I sat with named Mardi became my protégé who I wanted to continue in my footsteps. He didn’t, but I guess we all must choose our own path. I met this girl who I would later have an extreme crush on during that year and all of the next named Angel. Angel was very unique and unlike any person I had met which I had admired about her. I also liked the fact that she seemed pissed off with the world 24-7 due to something annoying her or otherwise. Also, I am serious I about that. I’m a bit of a pacifist, so it was different. I also met a girl named Hilary who was a lovesick girl who was just as unique as the as Angel. She was very artsy to say the least. These three individuals made up the table I sat up at my art class. To be honest, they were the most unique individuals I had met since Eric. The rest of the classes were alright, but I didn’t like them as much as I liked art class. My drug habits caught up to me that year besides losing around thirty to forty pounds. Sometime during November or December, I was busted for five Adderall, three Tylenol codeine, and one Welbutrin XL. That isn’t including the ones I took when I was busted. I denied it at the time, so I could get off my case. Plus, I didn’t want to break my mom’s heart. Months earlier she considered getting me into rehab when I accidentally left some of my drugs at her house – ten Hydrocodones, five or six Adderalls, and some other stuff, but I told her I had quit the drugs and those were someone else’s For getting busted with drugs, I was suspended for a year.

During my apparent year suspension which turned into three months, I was stuck thinking of Angel and the rest of the people I left behind. At the time, they were the only thing keeping me trying. One memory that still irks me is…she told me she missed me on a message via Myspace – I wanted to tell her I missed her because she was the one I truly missed but I told her I missed everyone but fuck everyone – she was the one I cared about. However, I don’t like talking about that because it’s a bit too personal on my end. Anyhow, after beating my court case with a simple piss test I got to go back to school a few weeks later. Everything changed including my friendships. I cut off contact with Angel, cut off contact with Kris Walker, Chris Albright, and Eric Miller, and essentially the rest of my friends except Eric Neece. Eric was the only dude I felt I could trust. This was due to the fact; he never spoke of me in a negative light behind my back. Sadly, after our tenth grade year, he had to switch schools due to his ignorant ass dad. In other happenings, after being clean of drugs for around six or seven months, I started popping pills and snorting various stuff again due to the fact of being fed up with the situations in my life.

Soon after getting back into what I loved, I got more involved in the music industry besides doing websites. I looked to get a record label job in which I wouldn’t have to finish high school and still get successful pay. Global Music Group was my hope for getting what I wanted. I started doing work with them which only paid via my friend Scott. Basically, the venture was and is fruitless and I doubt I will get anything out of it. However, that’s life.

Though, before I figured out everything, I figured the venture was good and returned to school for my junior year. Since Eric was gone, I re-emerged out of my shell and started hanging out with Kris Walker and everyone else again. To be honest, the year was blah. I remember all of it, and it was nothing amazing to be honest. I stopped selling drugs, and just started using full time. My friend Chris Albright got busted for coming to school high. My friend Natalie moved, I sunk deeper into depression – started doing more stuff to cope with it. I met more people, some I liked – some I didn’t but I told them I thought they were cool.

Now, I am done with that year with only fifteen credits – so I probably won’t graduate. I feel alienated around most of my friends, my teeth seem to be rotting, everything in my life keeps leaving or breaking and I just ain’t feeling the spark anymore.


Thats the long life story, props man, im saving this.

Kool Beenz

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Re: do you ever kick dogs?
« Reply #26 on: August 26, 2009, 04:58:40 PM »
"That year, I also started peddling candy because my mom’s new boyfriend who we moved in use to let us go raid the Tri State warehouses. The candy had everyone kissing my ass except the teachers. The teachers thought I was moving yayo, but then again I expected nothing less from those teachers. By the end of the year, my candy operation was brung down, but I still gained money and respect from it."

"A guy that I sat with named Mardi became my protégé who I wanted to continue in my footsteps. He didn’t, but I guess we all must choose our own path."

"Sadly, after our tenth grade year, he had to switch schools due to his ignorant ass dad. In other happenings, after being clean of drugs for around six or seven months, I started popping pills and snorting various stuff again due to the fact of being fed up with the situations in my life."

LMAO he did that cus his friend switched schools wtf?


Kool Beenz

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Re: do you ever kick dogs?
« Reply #27 on: August 26, 2009, 04:59:07 PM »
lmao only on dubcc will yall find shit like this

DTG Entertainment

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Re: do you ever kick dogs?
« Reply #28 on: August 26, 2009, 05:03:17 PM »
I'm liking this alias.  ;D


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Re: do you ever kick dogs?
« Reply #29 on: August 26, 2009, 05:30:01 PM »
I'm liking this alias.  ;D

lol no offense but ur life musta sucked.