Author Topic: *Exclusive* Rah Dib Interview  (Read 221 times)


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*Exclusive* Rah Dib Interview
« on: May 29, 2010, 11:13:03 AM »
An Interview with Shiva and Rah Dib

Would you like to introduce yourself to those who don't know of you?

My name is Rah Dib cousin of the late great Yaki Kadafi. Im General of the Jerzey Mob. Engineer, Artist, Producer, Song Writer. I'm from Montclair NJ where we all grew up together, Me, Yak, Fatal and Noble as well as the rest of the Jerzey Mob.

When did you first meet tupac and what was he like?

I first met Pac back in the early 90's when he came to pic Yak up, when they first started recording "Me Againt The World". No one knew Yak was even rapping back then he just use went away for the summer and came back telling everyone "watch out for my brother Pac he about to blow up" Next thing u know "Me Against The World" was dropping and we knew it was on. It wasn't until 95 when I really got the chance to kick it with him. He use to call Yak crib when he was locked up in Clinton to speak to Yak and his mom. One day while I was over his crib and Pac called I answered the phone cause yak was in the shower, so I kicked wit him briefly while yak came to the phone. I just asked him how he was holding up and what's his plans for future albums, His(Pac) response was "its going down these devils can't hold me back" "Soon as I hit the streets its on lil homie" I use to always ask my Aunt can I go with her to visit Pac and she use to say no honey this is strictly business. I remember the day they snatched Fatal up to go see Pac, cause Pac told Yak to get his crew together to form a group wqhich later became the "Outlawz". I remember Yak telling us Pac about to come home its about to Pop off. It wasn't until Saturday Night Live when Pac first came when I met him in person. He was so cool militant extremely intelligent just like one of the fellas. He said Yak had told him so much about us he felt like he already knew us. He knew we was some real niggaz that was down for him. I remember talking about going thru all the hoods everywhere and schooling the real niggaz on the governments deception to take over. I remember talking about forming our own political party in the hoods and arming our soilders. He was that smart at such a young age where he was all about gaining knowledge of the world why others that age were just thinking about partying and bullshiting. He was one the smartest people I ever met and was a huge influence on my life from the short time I knew him and was with him.

Amazing, truely amazing. Thats a real nice story. Whats your favourite memory of Yak? May him rest in peace.

My favorite memory is when we were at the 96 MTV awards yak had snatched me up to ride in the Limo with them, but when all the Vans weren't there Pac just said fuck it we gone walk. So we walking thru NYC in the middle of the street stopping traffic in the middle of a East Coast West Coast War, Pac was millitant as shit. Yak was as well never letting Pac out our site, Yak knew I had my Strap on me and was ready to bomb first. That whole night he kept telling me how we blowing up and how he was gonna tell Pac to bring niggaz out west especially my brother Sadiq, cause everyone knew my brother could box. Yak use to stay at my crib all the time when we use to hustle we all were very close in the Clair. But my absolute favorite was when he came back after Pac got killed, we use to talk all the time. Yak was so nervous he kept saying they were coming for him, cause of what he saw, he keeps having nightmares about when Pac was shot cause he was the only one that seen the shooters face. One day when Yak and my brother was out of town mobbin, they got into a shoot out cause they was robbin niggaz by Lil Bricks. In the process one of the dudes had got shot when he was pistol wiped, while they was running away Yak was like" OOOO shit I'm living Pac shoes right now in juice". I will never forget that I love Yak to death. Thug N Peace Cuzzo

Sounds like a great memory. It must of been hard when he passed, but there are still alot of shadows on his tragic death, especially after there were rumous that Napoleans cousin was involved. Do you want to shed any light on that? If not, we can move on, understandable man..

Ill pass on that, too many bad memories

thats totally understandable no worries. One thing that Tupac fans have been trying to find out for all these years, is who shot Pac, and tragically killed him. The finger leads to a crip, Orlando Anderson. Once again you dont have to answer, but would you like to clear anything up with the fans? And what do you want to say to the fans who think that Tupac is "alive"?

I'm gonna give u a brief story of yaks death.

Ok sure..

I'm not gonna say any names. Yak was indeed murdered by napoleans cousin. Yak had gotten some work from someone and they sent dude to collect$ and Yak never paid up and because of that he was murdered by napoleans cousin. It wasn't an accident, they weren't playin russian roulette what others had said it was murder. See yak wasn't the same after Pac got killed, he was paranoid to death and learned from Pac never leave home without ya gun and vest. They knew yak had his vest on and gun with him when they came to the projects. they knocked on the door and Yak girl told him the door, not thinking nothing of it because of who it was Yak left his gun on the table and went in the hallway. As soon as he went in the hallway Yak was grabbed from behind from one of the dudes and napoleans cousin pulled his gun out and pointed it in Yaks face asking where is the money u owe. Now they all were high cause we all use to take pills back then. Yak so high thought it was a joke a said that little ass shit(380caliber) aint going through my vest so he raised it to his head and shot him in the eye yak falling to the ground and them two ran off leaving Yak to die in the project hallway. Yaks girl was lookin thru the peep hole watching and listening to the whole thing....


And relating to the pac question..

To all u pac fans who think he is alive he's not. I know the feeling u love him so much that u don't wanna believe it or let it go but u have too. I love Pac like a big brother learned so much from him in the short time I've been around him, but in order for his soul to rest in peace we have to accept that he's gone. Thug In Peace Pac and Yak.

Now as for who killed Pac that goes deep, I'm not gonna give too many detail for my life may b in danger afterwards but I want the world to know the deal. Now Pacs death had nothing to do with the fight in the lobby of the casino. Orlando Anderson was a scape goat for the whole thing. Pac knew his time was almost up which is y he didn't wanna go to vegas in the first place. Pac had got down with the Bahpomet which is a satanic cult who worships the Devil. Whenever u hear people talk about selling their souls its forreal trust people wake up. Pac had sold his soul early in his career but towards the end he wanted his soul back and began exposing the bahpomet as u can hear in so many of his songs. Listen to smile with scareface Pac says" Selling my soul for material riches, fast cars and bitches wishin I live my life a legend immortal in pictures". Pac was very intelligent and the government knew that. See I have been doing a lot of research on this entire subject for awhile now. Youtube has a lot of info on this go to "Tupac exposing the illuminati" has several parts to the series. Now for those who don't know the government sparked the east coast west coast beef the same way they sparked the east vs west black panther beef. See the government used the same tatics to break up the black panther party between huey newton on the west and afeni shakur on the east. They infiltrated the black panthers with government officials which is how and Y the black panthers eventually broke up or were incarcerated. Now Pac never really had a beef with big the media blew it up the way it got so big Pac was trying to get money and knew that Beef and controversy sells. Just like the first time Pac was shot that was an assassination on his life made to look like a robbery. So many entertainers are down with the bahpomet(don't know if I'm spelling it right forgive me)including Suge and Puffy. They knew what was going on and Suge had told Pac he would support Pac for whatever he wanted to do as long as he didn't break the Oath. But the oath was broken when Pac wanted his soul back and started exposing the movement. Pac was killed for his knowledge and political ties to his Black Panther roots. Pac studied governments how crooked they are and how they deceive people that's Y he was killed. It was told to me that the homies smoked his ashes after his Death I wasn't there so I don't know exactly but I believe them when they said it. Ill leave yall with this do ya homework for yourself if u wanna find the truth the government has been deceiving us and manipulating us for years thru mass media wake up EVERYONE..

Very interesting. The fans will have a lot to say about that. Do you still keep in contact with Afeni?

When she's in town for an event we attend but as far as the phone not really she is very busy and has her plate full

I see, do you know of any future Tupac projects that will be coming out? The last album, we the fans got was way back in 2006, and all tracks were remixed apart from "Soon As I get Home" with the legendary Kadafi, is there anything to give the loyal fans hope?

No I don't, we all just have to wait n c, although I heard they are trying to do a Pac Movie.

do you have just a bit more info on that? And one thing that crossed my mind, did you and kadafi ever get in the studio and do a track together?

Naw I don’t, and Yak didn't ever let anyone know he was rappin back then. We didn't find out until Me Against the World album dropped. And before he died I wasn't rappin yet so we never got a chance to record together.

Oh I see, would have been tight if you and Yak got on a track together. What is your favourite Pac track, and why?  

Man I have so many because I can relate to so many songs. But I would have to say the original Secrets of War because I was involved at the time, Yak use to always call me like Cuz how this sound how that sound. Its one thing to just hear a hit but when you are acctually involved with makin one adding your input to a legend its crazy.

Do you have any projects coming up?

Yea I'm puttin out another album called still mobbin me and hom gates. We are trying to do a movie ourselves called life of an Outlaw about the life of Kadafi. Also a jerzmob dvd is in the works for the fans to see how the Mob due. I will never sell my soul because I fear Allaah I am muslim and a firm believer in my Lord. Ill leave it at this as long as were are not willing to bow down to their movement u will never b a huge star, that's y the Mob hasn't blown yet. Our music is better then 95% of the garbage that's out but we will never blow unless we push it ourselves so I hope all u Tupac and Outlaw fans support our music.

Is there anything you would like to say to the fans before we finish this interview?

Pac was the general and we all are his soulja's that's what the Outlaw movement was about if your down for Pac your an Outlaw remember that. U can catch me on myspace or email me if u have business for me. I hope I brought a little closesure to some and opened the eyes of many. Remember "is not about east or west, its about niggaz and bitches, power and money, what side u on" its about Good vs Evil its never been about black vs white because we all are brothers and sisters from Adam. Thug Luv to all my commrades. " Only God Can Judge U"

Thanks for your time Rah.

« Last Edit: May 29, 2010, 11:16:34 AM by NM »

2euce 7even

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Re: *Exclusive* Rah Dib Interview
« Reply #1 on: July 06, 2010, 12:16:47 PM »
What The Hell?

Rah Dib Talking That Crazy Stuff
LA Nash Changed His Name To "Mason Knight" Takin´Shots At Jay-Z Bein A Fake Mason

What The Hell Is Goin On?