Author Topic: Illuminati Exposure  (Read 717 times)


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  • Karma: -4 Illuminati Exposure
« on: July 04, 2010, 04:06:50 AM »
yes human beings, yes people, check this link out

now i don't usually talk on illuminati shit on computer boards, but being on the forums and seeing how human being younga's and olders are really trying to expose this industry illuminati shit and seeing this link about illuminati infiltration at the bet awards or illuminati worshipping, plus the creepy sex offenders pussy's that are trying it wit me and my famo from secret locations behind secret identity's, i just had the last straw like, i felt like yeah, let me add my two cents and put my human beings younga's and olders up on the shit i'm up on no matter how crazy it sounds or what heads might think of me, i couldn't really give a shit, i walk wit my head held high anywhere on this beautiful human being planet, yes i do, its nuthin and natural, yes it is

first of all, l'm just a average brare(guy) out here, i'm a nobody like, you get me, i ain't a gangsta or even road(a street brother), you get what i'm saying, i've lived in a lower middle class surburb for 4 years in my mid teens back in the day, i've been homeless too, hostels, lived in housing estates(projects), the whole shebang and i'm proud of every endz(area, hood) that i've come up in, i always mention them all, i'm don't front, i'm not a gangsta, even when i've did what ever minor shit i've did in life or was homeless and so on and so on, i always saw myself as an average nobody, i'm not a road brother, because i know that theirs real authentic road brothers and sisters out there, that don't have any family structure at all, nothin to fall back on, real poverty, like on some, if they don't pay there bills any which way they can, they ain't eating or taking care of there family's or don't no where there next meal is coming from, or had real stripes on the roads, from day one, put that work in from day one, i ain't a gangsta, you see what i'm saying

ok i've broke that down, so you don't get nothin twisted, but yeah, i feel like yeah, that human being heads that are truth seekers on this illuminati shit and its infiltration in the record industry, have the right idea but are getting shit a little mixed up

and i'm talking from experience of this shit, you don't have to believe me or not, i really don't care, this is just for heads that are up on this shit, this shit is bigger than the record industry, this infiltration is westwide throughout society, but theirs more of us than them, trust me on that, this is a human being planet, i'm sounding crazy, but i don't care, i had a enough, i feel like l have to publicly talk on this on this worldwide underground level, because too many heads are looking for the truth of things, plus these sex offenders, its just the last straw like, you get me

how do i equate sex offending wit illuminati, ok, let me break it down people, back in the day, i was on a nas forum and one day i said fuck the police on the forum about sumthin and the next day feds raided my parents place looking for my younger brother on some random old school other shit out of the blue from nowhere that i'm not gonna go into on no internet board, the point is it was very suspect, then i talked on the nas forum about AIDS being man made and then i said that the iraq war was about oil on a tv political debate program on a digital tv that you could interact wit wit your remote control, i only did this onced because it was before they invaded and the politicians were talking pure shit, i couldn't help it, i care about my human beings worldwide thats on a level, but yeah, i shouldn't even have wasted my time responded to no corny debate program on tv, its not my thing

but after that now, i noticed that feds were following me everywhere i went, they wern't coming out of there cars, but it didn't matter what time of the day, night it was, it seemed like i was being followed, i didn't pay it no mind, thinking i was just imagining it, but then i had a conversation wit my social worker(i got my flat i'm in now through a homeless hostel charity thats linked to housing association that rents cheap flats to homeless people through that hostel) about the scientist david kelly being assassinated by tony blair and thats when the secret harrasment got obvious to me by the police and started adding shit up, this lasted for a good couple of months, they were obviously surveilancing me for that time and were trying to intimadate me to see if i was a threat to there imperialism, that type of shit cost money, to do a off the books type of operation like that, thats how undercover dictator faschist these illuminati are and your probably thinking how did they get up onto me in the first place, some obivious groupie or stan from the record industry wiit political connections must have been checking that forums and put the system up on me, it sounds crazy, but its the only logical conclusion, they stopped the harrasment after they saw i wasn't a threat to em, you see what i'm saying

but what replaced that shit was voyeurism from a network of creepy chump pussy little sex offender fantasist after i had a petty little beef wit some wasteman retarded fake thug sex offender faggot from the surburbs, that this sex offender network somehow latched onto and found out about, they are nonce(paedophille) bitch groupies and gay groupies that have been rejected wholeheartedly by me, i don't know you pussy, we ain't come up the same pussyface, your gay, your a sex offender and your a troll repulsive creepy sex offender dickhead creepy perv bitch, suck your mum, i'll shank you in your throat, you get what i'm saying

there using the same equipment the system was using when they were on my case which i'm not gonna go into, but i will say this and heads are probably gonna think i'm a even bigger loony toon now, but i don't care, i only care about my famo that i know personally opinons of me, not strangers i'm never gonna meet in life, you see what i'm saying, but these creepy pervs are fucking aliens, thats right, thats what i said, they can read minds, they can even know what i'm gonna say before i think it, i believe in the illuminati shit from day one, because there is a system that is based in the west that practices imperialism and eugenics that crosses boundaries, this is a proven fact, just research western imperialism and the eugenics movement that morphed into the population control movement and then AIDS, research that shit, its the same clicks, characters, bloodlines, elites, the undecover secret luciferinaism religion practiced by the elites, the worship of lucifer and so on and so on

what i didn't believe in was the alien reptillian shapeshifting devil bizness from the forth/third dimension, draco stuff, heads like david icke exposed, until this creepy pussy little sex offender network tried it wit me and my famo, all that shit is true, i don't care what no one says

the illuminati came over to this planet in biblical times, western royal families, then morped into the templar knights, then into the bavarian illuminati under adam weishaupt then up until now, the control of imperilist western goverments, eugenics, banking dynasty's, pharmeceutical multis and so on and so on, they have infiltrated every fabric of western society and have most goverments outside the west under manners, puppets, the ones that ain't are usually lumped  as 'evildoers', you see what i'm saying

but i feel these sex offender network has shown me that they are related to the illuminati, but are not illuminati, you get what i'm saying, there goals are diffrent and how they operate is diffrent too, while illuminati is more advanced wit there devil worship, these sex offenders are proper primitive, you get what i'm saying, like theirs us, homo sapien man, then neadenthal man from back in the day, while we are both human beings race, but diffent species of the same race, one was primitive, neaderthal man, the other, homo sapiens is more advanced, you get what i'm saying, true story, same thing wit shapeshifters, you've got illuminati reptilian shapeshifter devils and what are like to call reptilan shapeshifting poom poom devils, you get what im saying, the illuminati devils are advanced wit there devilshment while poom poom devils are more primitive wit it

like an example is all the illuminati think about 24-7 is shit like, eugenics, imperialism, this is all what is on there minds, no matter where they are at, what job there doing, there imperialist, eugenics goals must be achieved by any means necessary, no matter how it gets exposed, they must carrying on wit there agenda that they have mapped out for decades, even centuries certain times, you see what i'm getting at, thats there goal on this planet, they have no empapthy wit human beings, there aliens, thats what there imperialist and eugenics stuff is about, to control the earth's resources and eradicate as much human beings off this planet as they can, simple as

while wit poom poom shapeshifters its on a much more duppy primitive level, there shit is sex offending, its all about sex offending wit them, particulary, voyuerism, paedophillia, stalking and hiding behind a bush and raping random women type of rapes, you see what i'm saying, thats all they think about 24-7, wherever they are at, no matter how much money these perverted fantasist have, middle class, thousandnaire, millionaire, it don't matter, this is all what is on there simpleton minds, sex offending on strangers and they relate everything they see and hear to sex too, 24-7, no matter how much they get publicly exposed, they must satisfy there sex offender nasty alien dna by any means necessary, true story, this is the diffrence between them

they batty ride or dick ride every community in the west in all forms of society, hide(there in the witness protection program in the endz, i swear down and there bougie in whichever endz they hide in too, they don't exist, there a mystery) in the hoods, surburbs, industry, wherever, they hide behind diffrent communities and colours but are not apart of our human being communities, no there not, they have empathy wit there bloodlines, i mean why is it for example that paedophilles, stalkers, voyeurs get such light sentences, if any in certain cases compared to some human being thats done sumthin out of social economical survival in a capitalist materialistic society that everyone knows the rules to if you have to make your money a certain way, you see what i'm saying, why is that, even though and i'd put money on this yeah, i'd put nuff p's(money) on this, but if you was to ask most human beings that are on level who we should bring back the death penalty for or who it should be for only and i'd put money on this yeah, but most decent human beings are gonna say bring back the death penalty for sex offenders and sex offenders only, true story, i'd bet money on it like, you get me and you know this, read between the lines, the illuminati are looking out for there own kind because they know there own kind, illuminati shapeshifters and poom poom shapeshifters sex offend, its there culture, the only diffrence is, the illuminati do it on a more organised level when they do it and style it out and conceal it much more better because they are not mentally retarded like there poom poom shapeshifter counterparts, who have to sex offend blatantly, even in public, no matter how much they get exposed, wit these illuminati devils now, its just a alien culture thing wit them, its not there main goals, while wit poom poom devils, thats there main priority on this planet, you see what i'm saying, thats what they live for above family, social life, consensual sex life and so on, social fuck ups

i truly believe that they are aliens that represent the devil, they even have there own undercover devil worshiping religion, luciferanism, research it, you see what i'm saying, i feel like heads are right to try expose whose infiltrating our communities, but there using the wrong criteria

eugenics, western imperialism, anyone associated wit that or is a part of that is the criteria for looking to expose illuminati mudda fockers, there bloodlines are a lot tighter, there goals much more defined to that, thats what there about

sex offending is sumthin you need to check for if you want to find out about if a mudda focker is a poom poom shapeshifter, you see what i'm saying, anyone that thinks its cool to sex offend and is proud of it, proud of forcing themselves on strangers against there permission sexually, thats the criteria heads need to look for

i feel like heads are getting certain shit mixed up wit shit like the masons and the illuminati, masons ain't illuminati, even though the illuminati have infiltrated that shit at the top. if anything, if there is record industry mudda fockers thats joined anything, its the masons shit and at a lower level, they would never be allowed to infiltrate any further, masons is just a bizness network association, at the lower levels, for bizness minded people to get more contacts, stack more p's, you see what i'm saying, nuthin more, nuthin less

could there be poom poom shapeshifters illuminati lovers, worshippers thats in the industry, westwide, i'm sure there is, i'm 100% certain of it, but i'm sure theirs just mudda fockers that ain't up on none of this shit too, that just respect powerful biznessmen, regardless of who they are or just plain stupid mudda fockers, either way, hands signs and other stuff like that is just going into it a bit too much, techinically, you see what i'm saying, you will lead yourself on a wild goose chase trying to apply every illuminati minute detail of there culture and applying it too random shit, we need to use better criteria to expose these infiltrators, sex offending, imperialism and eugenics is a better way to expose these alien devils, trust me on that

ok, its was long, but when you have the time, definetly check all this shit out    

« Last Edit: July 04, 2010, 10:31:05 AM by LONDON!!! »


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Re: Illuminati Exposure
« Reply #1 on: July 04, 2010, 08:05:51 AM »
Do us all a favor. Jump off a bridge. I don't give a flying fuck about no illuminati. We're all just gonna fucking die one day so fuck it.


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Re: Illuminati Exposure
« Reply #2 on: July 04, 2010, 10:52:36 AM »
yeah we are all gonna die one day, its nuthin and if you don't wanna worry about this type of shit, theirs nuthin wrong wit that too, its all good, its a free fucking world, yes it is, truss me on that

knowing about shapeshifters, aliens, illuminati, sex offender shapeshifters, it dosen't really matter in the grander schemes of things, because you can prove none of this shit in the courts, what you can prove is imperialism, eugenics and sex offending, all the other shit is just icing on the cake for my human being heads that want to know the full fucking picture no matter how crazy shit sounds, you see what i'm saying, thats who this is for

because i'm tired of seeing the 10% of the human being 9 to 5'ers and artist who frequent theses boards(not that 90% of weirdo's, fags, bougie off key nerds and half shapeshifter mudda fockers that make up 90% of these internet forums), who have lives, family's, social lives, in the clubs onced in a while, can get pussy in a consenual way, ain't bougie in the endz and so on and so on, you see what i'm saying, i'm tired of these type of brothers and sisters, even though i can see where there coming from, they have the right fucking idea, trust me on that, yes they do, expose these infitrators, but i'm tired of seeing brothers and sisters twisting this illuminati shit up and applying it to any little thing thats associated wit the illuminati culture to random shit that can't be proved either which way on these message boards

i'm just trying to add my two cents to what we can use as a next criteria to expose these devils too, thats all it is, i love the fact that my human being younga's and older's are up on this illuminati shit, don't get me twisted, i'm just saying, these fruitcake illuminati punks is about bloodlines, eugenics, imperialism and goofy fantasist severe mental sexual perv problem poom poom shapeshifter pussy's are about sex offending, thats the point i was trying to make in this post, its nuthin long


Re: Illuminati Exposure
« Reply #3 on: July 04, 2010, 11:32:56 AM »
too much reading..
"...and these niggas gettin tattoo tears...industry Bloods that show fear, when the authentics are near"


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Re: Illuminati Exposure
« Reply #4 on: July 04, 2010, 11:37:30 AM »
too much reading..

I gotta agree normally I'd read it, but when the nigga uses his entire first paragraph to defend it's action It's hard 2 take the theory serious.


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Re: Illuminati Exposure
« Reply #5 on: July 04, 2010, 01:29:55 PM »
too much reading..

I gotta agree normally I'd read it, but when the nigga uses his entire first paragraph to defend it's action It's hard 2 take the theory serious.

thats the whole point fam, thats the exact reason why i gave some background to this shit instead of just making some blanket quick statements that no one would take seriously

but its all good if heads don't believe this shit or do, if i wern't up on this shit from personal experience i wouldn't take none of this shit seriously neither, thats perfectly understandable, its all good, its a free world, heads are free to choose whatever they want to believe on this beautiful human being planet, yes they are


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Re: Illuminati Exposure
« Reply #6 on: July 04, 2010, 01:36:13 PM »
too much reading..

I gotta agree normally I'd read it, but when the nigga uses his entire first paragraph to defend it's action It's hard 2 take the theory serious.

thats the whole point fam, thats the exact reason why i gave some background to this shit instead of just making some blanket quick statements that no one would take seriously

but its all good if heads don't believe this shit or do, if i wern't up on this shit from personal experience i wouldn't take none of this shit seriously neither, thats perfectly understandable, its all good, its a free world, heads are free to choose whatever they want to believe on this beautiful human being planet, yes they are
What the fuck are you talking about??? You shouldn't have to waste a entire paragraph defending yourself for believing in what you believe.

Besides this all sounds like bullshit. Feds coming because you said Fuck The Police??? Nigga I've Done tirades against The Police, Feds, government, religion and everything else. Worse thing they've done is put me on the No Fly list at airports.
« Last Edit: July 04, 2010, 01:41:08 PM by Blasphemy »


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Re: Illuminati Exposure
« Reply #7 on: July 04, 2010, 03:06:50 PM »
too much reading..

I gotta agree normally I'd read it, but when the nigga uses his entire first paragraph to defend it's action It's hard 2 take the theory serious.

thats the whole point fam, thats the exact reason why i gave some background to this shit instead of just making some blanket quick statements that no one would take seriously

but its all good if heads don't believe this shit or do, if i wern't up on this shit from personal experience i wouldn't take none of this shit seriously neither, thats perfectly understandable, its all good, its a free world, heads are free to choose whatever they want to believe on this beautiful human being planet, yes they are
What the fuck are you talking about??? You shouldn't have to waste a entire paragraph defending yourself for believing in what you believe.

Besides this all sounds like bullshit. Feds coming because you said Fuck The Police??? Nigga I've Done tirades against The Police, Feds, government, religion and everything else. Worse thing they've done is put me on the No Fly list at airports.

if i had just come wit some random points witout any background to it, heads wouldn't have believe it in any shape, form or fashion, true story,  because i know thats how i think if i wasn't up on any of this type of stuff from personal experience

i can't rationalised creatures that are fruitcake control freaks wit severe hidden pyschological, pyshcotic problems, i'm sane and from this planet, you see what i'm saying, i mean... it rationale to invade another country for oil and cause over a million brothers and sisters, human beings to die over this just for oil, is that rationale, civilised and on point? it rationale to create the AIDS virus to kill as much human beings as possible because you think theirs too many human beings on the planet using up there own resources in there own country's that you want for yourself and your click only? it rationale too bring in drugs into your own inner city's in the country that you run because the inner city rioted against instutional racism and police brutality and formed community organizations to help the community and defend it from police attacks, so you neutralise this movement by drugging the community plus other options like state sanctioned fbi assassinations to destroy the human being community's because your mind is such a fruitcake greedy control freak that you think anything is a threat to your imperialism and also use this drug running as a excuse to to buy weapons illegally from the drug money in a illegal war in another country your own congress won't vouch for, is this sane?

i could go on and on but i think you get the point

you don't have to believe me dawg, it ain't that deep, like i said before, if i wern't up on this shit from personal experience, i wouldn't believe none of this shit neither, so its not a big deal, its a free world, believe or don't believe whatever you see fit, you have that right 


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Re: Illuminati Exposure
« Reply #8 on: July 04, 2010, 08:11:16 PM »
too much reading..

I gotta agree normally I'd read it, but when the nigga uses his entire first paragraph to defend it's action It's hard 2 take the theory serious.

thats the whole point fam, thats the exact reason why i gave some background to this shit instead of just making some blanket quick statements that no one would take seriously

but its all good if heads don't believe this shit or do, if i wern't up on this shit from personal experience i wouldn't take none of this shit seriously neither, thats perfectly understandable, its all good, its a free world, heads are free to choose whatever they want to believe on this beautiful human being planet, yes they are
What the fuck are you talking about??? You shouldn't have to waste a entire paragraph defending yourself for believing in what you believe.

Besides this all sounds like bullshit. Feds coming because you said Fuck The Police??? Nigga I've Done tirades against The Police, Feds, government, religion and everything else. Worse thing they've done is put me on the No Fly list at airports.

if i had just come wit some random points witout any background to it, heads wouldn't have believe it in any shape, form or fashion, true story,  because i know thats how i think if i wasn't up on any of this type of stuff from personal experience

i can't rationalised creatures that are fruitcake control freaks wit severe hidden pyschological, pyshcotic problems, i'm sane and from this planet, you see what i'm saying, i mean... it rationale to invade another country for oil and cause over a million brothers and sisters, human beings to die over this just for oil, is that rationale, civilised and on point? it rationale to create the AIDS virus to kill as much human beings as possible because you think theirs too many human beings on the planet using up there own resources in there own country's that you want for yourself and your click only? it rationale too bring in drugs into your own inner city's in the country that you run because the inner city rioted against instutional racism and police brutality and formed community organizations to help the community and defend it from police attacks, so you neutralise this movement by drugging the community plus other options like state sanctioned fbi assassinations to destroy the human being community's because your mind is such a fruitcake greedy control freak that you think anything is a threat to your imperialism and also use this drug running as a excuse to to buy weapons illegally from the drug money in a illegal war in another country your own congress won't vouch for, is this sane?

i could go on and on but i think you get the point

you don't have to believe me dawg, it ain't that deep, like i said before, if i wern't up on this shit from personal experience, i wouldn't believe none of this shit neither, so its not a big deal, its a free world, believe or don't believe whatever you see fit, you have that right 

Nigga it's not that I don't believe you. It's just you're just talking about stuff that's already been talked about numerous times. Only problem I have is that first Paragraph were you defending your self when you're speaking about truth.


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Re: Illuminati Exposure
« Reply #9 on: July 05, 2010, 12:09:02 AM »
no doubt fam, its westwide and known, internationaly, i just didn't think it was as widespread as i thought, the full picture that is, i just didn't think heads would take the full picture witout some backgrond stuff but i was obviously wrong and i'm glad to see that 


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Re: Illuminati Exposure
« Reply #10 on: July 05, 2010, 08:21:16 PM »
welcome to 3 years ago

Tha Reella - Slap A Nigga Up Like Wyatt Earp / Sig downsized, too big.

M Dogg™

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Re: Illuminati Exposure
« Reply #11 on: July 05, 2010, 08:23:17 PM »
This is nonsense... LOCKED