Author Topic: The official The Dark Knight Rises thread...  (Read 8799 times)


Re: The official The Dark Knight Rises thread...
« Reply #210 on: May 04, 2012, 04:28:41 PM »
I wasn't trying to describe the true Two Face and comparing him to Nolan's Two Face. I was simply pointing out the type of Two face that I like and would like to have seen on screen, and pointing out all the things about Nolan's Two Face that I didn't like. It's just an opinion on what I felt about the film.

As for the Wayne Tech guy, if anything he didn't deduce shit, Lucius Fox gave away the identity of Batman as Bruce when Lucius jumped to the conclusion tat this guy thinks it's Wayne. All the employee said was that he found out the Tumbler is one of the projects worked on by Wayne Tech. My complaint isn't bas much about the guy being able to figure it out as it is about Fox acting so stupid about it. Lucius Fox is much more clever. I don't mean Lucius in the comics or Lucius as I envision him, but the actual Lucius Fox from the film. He wouldn't make such a stupid mistake. And if he did it should be presented as such with in the film; that he really fucked up. Now if said employee was Edward Nigma then perhaps that'd be acceptable.
Okay cool, I get what you meant about your Two-Face discussions.

But if anything, I get what you mean, now that I re-watch the scene between Lucius and Coleman Reese (who, in the wake of your ironic mention of Edward Nigma, sometimes dubbed "Mr. E/Mystery," was interestingly called "Mr. Reese/Mysteries" by Lucius as some people have noticed), he didn't say anything about Bruce Wayne being Batman while it was indeed Lucius who said that Reese was alleging that his "client" (Bruce) was secretly a vigilante, but that doesn't mean that it was something the Reese didn't already think of.

You bring up a good point about that scenario, but I do still think that Reese knew even though he did not say Bruce = Batman (or anything close to it) specifically while Lucius did.  His character was first introduced during the meeting between Lucius and Lau (the Chinese guy) when Bruce was sleeping in his seat, and Reese approached Lucius about the finances being a bit chaotic with how the money is spent (did he call it a trust account?), while Lucius told him to not worry about it but just to make sure that it is replenished, which he said he had already done as Lucius started to walk away.  It would be hard to figure out that Reese, an accountant who obviously couldn't have been a total moron to have made his way to a company like Wayne Tech to oversee their finances, couldn't put two and two together... noticing that cash is burning at an alarming rate with no knowledge of what it went toward, Bruce Wayne being passed out (obviously due to a long night), finding the blueprints for the Tumbler (clearly Batman's vehicle) having been originally developed by Lucius/Wayne Tech (again owned by Bruce Wayne, who in Batman Begins when he returned to Gotham took a position within the "Applied Sciences" department, which Reese said "disappeared overnight" while finding the Tumbler information associated with it), etc.


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Re: The official The Dark Knight Rises thread...
« Reply #211 on: May 04, 2012, 04:53:02 PM »
I wasn't trying to describe the true Two Face and comparing him to Nolan's Two Face. I was simply pointing out the type of Two face that I like and would like to have seen on screen, and pointing out all the things about Nolan's Two Face that I didn't like. It's just an opinion on what I felt about the film.

As for the Wayne Tech guy, if anything he didn't deduce shit, Lucius Fox gave away the identity of Batman as Bruce when Lucius jumped to the conclusion tat this guy thinks it's Wayne. All the employee said was that he found out the Tumbler is one of the projects worked on by Wayne Tech. My complaint isn't bas much about the guy being able to figure it out as it is about Fox acting so stupid about it. Lucius Fox is much more clever. I don't mean Lucius in the comics or Lucius as I envision him, but the actual Lucius Fox from the film. He wouldn't make such a stupid mistake. And if he did it should be presented as such with in the film; that he really fucked up. Now if said employee was Edward Nigma then perhaps that'd be acceptable.
Okay cool, I get what you meant about your Two-Face discussions.

But if anything, I get what you mean, now that I re-watch the scene between Lucius and Coleman Reese (who, in the wake of your ironic mention of Edward Nigma, sometimes dubbed "Mr. E/Mystery," was interestingly called "Mr. Reese/Mysteries" by Lucius as some people have noticed), he didn't say anything about Bruce Wayne being Batman while it was indeed Lucius who said that Reese was alleging that his "client" (Bruce) was secretly a vigilante, but that doesn't mean that it was something the Reese didn't already think of.

You bring up a good point about that scenario, but I do still think that Reese knew even though he did not say Bruce = Batman (or anything close to it) specifically while Lucius did.  His character was first introduced during the meeting between Lucius and Lau (the Chinese guy) when Bruce was sleeping in his seat, and Reese approached Lucius about the finances being a bit chaotic with how the money is spent (did he call it a trust account?), while Lucius told him to not worry about it but just to make sure that it is replenished, which he said he had already done as Lucius started to walk away.  It would be hard to figure out that Reese, an accountant who obviously couldn't have been a total moron to have made his way to a company like Wayne Tech to oversee their finances, couldn't put two and two together... noticing that cash is burning at an alarming rate with no knowledge of what it went toward, Bruce Wayne being passed out (obviously due to a long night), finding the blueprints for the Tumbler (clearly Batman's vehicle) having been originally developed by Lucius/Wayne Tech (again owned by Bruce Wayne, who in Batman Begins when he returned to Gotham took a position within the "Applied Sciences" department, which Reese said "disappeared overnight" while finding the Tumbler information associated with it), etc.

Obviously the idea of the film was that the guy was thinking it was Bruce. Still a big jump in logic for anyone to connect a passed out billionaire playboy to having the physical ability to the Batman. The logical deductive reasoning would make someone think Fox somehow got Bruce to basically hand him the company and run it, thus explaining the huge increases in the Science department. And after taking it over Fox is the one that started a secret Batman project using all of these Wayne Tech gadgets. There is more than enough evidence to connect Batman to Wayne Tech, but nothing to make anyone think Bruce Wayne is even capable of being Batman.

Nolan tries his best to set his Gotham in the real world. Imagine in the real world there was a real life crime fighter with all these super gadgets and someone connected the hero's car to Apple. Would you think that the hero is working for the guy currently running the company or that Lisa Brennan-Jobs is dressing up in a costume and fighting crime?

The real world would leak the fact that Apple created the guys car and then Apple would release a statement saying they created several prototypes sold to weapons companies employed by the military and then the search for the hero would start with a discharged higher up in the military who ran off with one of the cars and uses it to fight crime. It just makes no sense to me to assume that the heir to company that created the car is the guy in the suit.

Now if you were to find reports of Bruce Wayne being arrested in Tibet for assaulting a group of seven men after being caught trying to steal Wayne Tech merchandise then you have grounds to believe there is more to Bruce Wayne than meets the eye. The accountant could have easily found an expense hidden in the books paid out to a bunch of jails over the world and digging deep the accountant could see that there were several cases where Bruce had been arrested for fighting and defeating 5 to 6 men at a time. But the film didn't go that route.


Re: The official The Dark Knight Rises thread...
« Reply #212 on: May 04, 2012, 06:53:08 PM »
But they didn't have to go that route. I get the Apple analogy, but that doesn't apply here -- Bruce is a guy who is pretty fit.  Sure, Reese hasn't seem him without his shirt or fighting ten guys at once, but it's obvious that Bruce is neither twiggy for flabby, and with his size and frame, he could fit the description.


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Re: The official The Dark Knight Rises thread...
« Reply #213 on: May 05, 2012, 08:46:20 AM »
But they didn't have to go that route. I get the Apple analogy, but that doesn't apply here -- Bruce is a guy who is pretty fit.  Sure, Reese hasn't seem him without his shirt or fighting ten guys at once, but it's obvious that Bruce is neither twiggy for flabby, and with his size and frame, he could fit the description.

Yeah, but being fit and being able to fight ten guys at once are two completely different things. Basic common sense would lead someone to places of experienced combat. We would automatically assume Government conspiracy or rogue military commando.

For one reason more than any a government run super hero is really the only way to assume it. This isn't the 1930s. In modern America what happened in Gotham in both films would be a federal matter. There is no city run mental asylum and any multi-national organized crime rings would be FBI as well as Gotham PD, and the idea that there is a Batman would make the government want to know who the Batman is. And there's no fucking way the US Government couldn't track Batman in a matter of days.

Let's be serious here; no intelligent human being faced with the evidence presented would assume that any celebrity or heir was the Batman before they assumed it was a government related project. The first answer to the Tumbler is that Wayne Tech sold it to the military and someone with in the government is Batman. The second is Wayne Tech is running the Batman project on it's own. It is such a leap to assume it's Bruce, given what is known about Bruce.

I fully understand the ideas of teasing Bruce is Batman in certain situations, but the entire Mr Reese part of the plot was pointless and unrealistic with in the world.

It was plain and simple bad writing.


Re: The official The Dark Knight Rises thread...
« Reply #214 on: May 24, 2012, 04:03:13 PM »
A couple of new TV spots have been played and are also on YouTube.

Both have footage already seen, but have a few new things.  One has Bruce Wayne doing push-ups (like in the teaser) and approaching Lucius Fox asking him to get him "back in the game" while showcasing the Batwing (or whatever they're calling it) a bit more.  The second one has more stuff of Catwoman, though at the end, it shows Bruce Wayne talking to the valet who says, "Your wife said that you were taking a cab home," and Bruce replies, "My wife!?!" while cutting to Selina Kyle driving away in Bruce's Lamborghini Aventador.


Re: The official The Dark Knight Rises thread...
« Reply #215 on: May 29, 2012, 01:25:38 PM »
Some new spoilers came out.

Apparently at some point Batman goes underground since that's where Bane's hideout is, which may be where the fight scenes of them take place (rather than in the Batcave, which is what some people thought due to the backdrop).  Bane ends up kidnapping Commissioner Gordon at some point too, which might be why he was in the hospital in the teaser trailer.  Also, the weapon that Batman is seen holding while sitting on the Batpod is something that basically shuts down stuff (in this case, vehicles).

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Re: The official The Dark Knight Rises thread...
« Reply #216 on: May 31, 2012, 02:04:28 AM »
Everything that's coming out has me more excited for this.


Re: The official The Dark Knight Rises thread...
« Reply #217 on: May 31, 2012, 08:02:16 AM »
Also I've been reading that some of the test audiences for the movie have been crying or tearing up. Must be a really crazy story.


Re: The official The Dark Knight Rises thread...
« Reply #218 on: July 17, 2012, 09:47:00 AM »

Anyway, I read one critic's review that includes some spoilers, but nothing about the ending, so it's not completely bad if you read this.

Basically Bane shows up and starts fucking up Gotham, particularly after organized crime pretty much disappeared after the events of The Dark Knight with the Harvey Dent Act.  He basically takes over the Gotham Stock Exchange and wreaks havoc, which not only makes Bruce want to return as Batman but also messes with his wealth.  Gotham PD is lured underground where Bane and his crew are posted up, but they end up getting ambushed/trapped, like in the trailers.  He eventually defeats Batman, terrorizes Gotham's wealthy by breaking into their homes and attacking them while also freeing a bunch of criminals, and everyone is trapped there since it's pretty much on an island where the bridges had been destroyed

Bruce gets sent to that "prison" at the bottom of the well, where it is stated that Bane was born while having been the only person to have escaped.  Also, Bane (as some anticipated) ends up having crossed paths with the League of Shadows.  Rhas Al Ghul makes a cameo (though I'm not sure if he was still alive or if it's a flashback to the events Batman Begins though it's clear that Liam Neeson filmed footage) and so does Scarecrow, who is a makeshift "judge" in the courtroom scene where criminals take over.

Gordon-Levitt is a cop who started out in an orphanage funded by Wayne Enterprises.  Many have confirmed that he's not Robin (who Nolan said would never appear in his trilogy)... but maybe he ends up becoming Nightwing or something.

The same article mentioned that there was a "surprise" regarding the masks, so I'm curious what it is.

Chamillitary Click

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Re: The official The Dark Knight Rises thread...
« Reply #219 on: July 18, 2012, 12:39:33 AM »
Pre-ordered tickets motherfuckers. 8)


Re: The official The Dark Knight Rises thread...
« Reply #220 on: July 18, 2012, 01:12:16 AM »
Pre-ordered tickets motherfuckers. 8)

same here.


I'm an ol' school collecta from the 90's SO F.CK DIGITAL, RELEASE A CD!



Re: The official The Dark Knight Rises thread...
« Reply #221 on: July 18, 2012, 10:29:18 AM »
Pre-ordered tickets motherfuckers. 8)

same here.
I haven't, but considering how hyped it is, I'm sure I'll be standing in line but I don't see it being impossible to watch.  Damn near every theater around me is playing it at midnight, and some are playing it on multiple screens around midnight... I just looked it up, and here are the ones playing on Thursday night (at or after midnight) within 10 miles:

Island Cinema - 6 screens
Edwards Metro Pointe - 3 screens
AMC Tustin - 5 screens
Century 20 Huntington Beach - 7 screens
AMC Orange - 8 screens + 1 IMAX
Edwards Irvine Spectrum - 18 screens + 2 IMAX

I had looked on Monday, and a few of those theaters have increased their number of screenings since then, so it's possible it'll be up on more screens too.

Chamillitary Click

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Re: The official The Dark Knight Rises thread...
« Reply #222 on: July 20, 2012, 09:53:39 PM »
Greatest trilogy ever.

Hack Wilson - real

Re: The official The Dark Knight Rises thread...
« Reply #223 on: July 20, 2012, 11:07:40 PM »
am i gonna get shot for posting in this thread?


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Re: The official The Dark Knight Rises thread...
« Reply #224 on: July 21, 2012, 04:42:48 AM »
I was very pleased with the film. I felt the pacing was the best of the series. The other two both either went to far with the story or dragged on or both. I liked the explanation of Bane and the reasons he is there, and I liked how it ended. I have less complaints than I have of the other two films. Joker alone makes me lean towards the last film being best, but this is pretty close.