Author Topic: Rothschilds, Murder and Massive Utah Oil Discovery  (Read 452 times)


Rothschilds, Murder and Massive Utah Oil Discovery
« on: February 27, 2011, 08:06:39 PM »
the article is taken from a bit of a right wing fruitcake, but some of these articles have some deep legitimate exposements in them that heads need to be up on

taken from

Rothschilds, Murder and Massive Utah Oil Discovery


Staheli family roots go deep into Utah. Donald L. Staheli, a member of the Church's governing body, the Quorum of the Seventy also had another interesting association with the Council on Foreign Relations (Source). For the unitiated, the Council on Foreign Relations is the elite Illuminati governing body charged with the responsibility for bringing the United States into the Luciferian One World Order. Jon Huntsman, former governor of Utah is a member of the CFR. So was his father before him.

The history of the CFR is one of treason, Universal Socialism, and advocacy for normalized relations between Communist China,  the former Soviet Union, and the United States. Jon Hughes, the Christian Scientist, and former Editor of the Mormon Newspaper  (The Deseret News) was also a CFR member. Thanks to this publication, he was forced to resign. Illuminati operatives within the Mormon Church placed him over the School of Journalism at Brigham Young University.

"Staheli was the CEO of Allied Mills and then CEO of Continental Grain. He was the CEO of Continental Grain and the chair of the U.S.–China Business Council at the time of his call to be a general authority." (Source)

Staheli's company, Continental Grain, did more than its fair share to sustain the murder and misery behind the Iron Curtain. In 1964, the company made the first major grain sale to Russia while the latter was threatening to bury the "United States". (Source) Undoubtedly this helped stabilize a government that was threatening the US with nuclear missiles in Cuba at the time.

In 1972, the company sent 10 million tons of grain to the former Soviet Union. This, at the time when KGB and Communist Chinese agents were apparently subverting America's youth and Russia/China were fighting a proxy war with the United States in Viet-Nam. Trading with a known enemy constitutes treason. Treason is the right word used to describe the Council on Foreign Relations and its membership.

One of the greatest mysteries of Mormondom is the 1978 request from the East German, Stasi dominated government to build a Temple in their hard-core Atheist country. The Temple was completed and dedicated in 1985. The fact that East Germany was a Communist Russian puppet state in 1978, and that the Cold War and war in Afghanistan were both raging at the time, makes it even more interesting. It wasn't until 1987 that Ronald Reagan gave his famous, "Mr. Gorbachev, Tear Down This Wall" speech.

Little known to most Americans is that a fully operating Mormon Temple was in use behind the very wall Reagan asked Gorbachev to tear down. Prior to Glasnost and Perestroika, hundreds of individuals had been gunned down while trying to defect to West Germany through Check-point Charlie.

The wall actually fell in 1989, a full 17 years after the Stasi and East Germany invited the Mormon Church to build a Temple on their Communist soil.

Illuminati Mormons, with Mitt Romney as their front-man, have been pushing the Mormon Church into integration with their "One World Order" objectives. Leading Mormon Patriots like Ezra Taft Benson, Cleon Skousen and myself have strongly resisted. Now, back to the Staheli family...

According to two verified sources, Brigham Young had made a very obscure prophecy about massive petroleum deposits in the Rocky Mountains and Utah. He also prophesied that the largest oil reserve in the world is in Utah, and that it would be discovered right before the world would start falling apart.

Enter Todd Staheli, pictured above. Todd was a Vice-President of the Shell Oil Company and a Utah native originally from the Southern part of the state. One of my agents, when I managed for Farmers Insurance, was a Staheli and a close relation to Todd. He told me back in 2002 that Todd had discovered the Brigham Young prophecy and was searching the state for the petroleum deposits on his own, outside of the auspices of Shell Oil.

Shell Oil is owned by the Rothschilds. (Source)The same Rothschilds that purportedly bailed out the LDS Church in the late 1960s. The same Rothschilds that control our Federal Reserve system and the immense wealth of the Satanic Cabal known as the Illuminati.

Regardless, in final months of 2003, Todd Staheli was found, with his wife, brutally bludgeoned to death, in a secure and gated community in Brazil.

"It was not a robbery, as a box of jewelry and a gold Rolex watch were apparently untouched, and there was no sign that anyone had broken into the home, located in a Rio area called Barra da Tijuca and known as "Brazilian Miami." Doors and windows of the house were untouched, there were no signs of a fight, and no one, including the children sleeping nearby, heard any commotion.

No weapons were found, not even in the lagoon behind the house. Cameras all around the house, which was surrounded by walls and had guards and surveillance, recorded nothing suspicious.

Neither of the Stahelis appeared to have put up a fight, and police are conducting toxicology tests to determine whether they had been drugged before the crime, according to Ricardo Miranda of ISTO? magazine...

Staheli traveled a lot for business, and the family lived in Bolivia, Switzerland, Ukraine, England and Saudi Arabia." (Source)

More in the Next Article...
"get this money by any means nessassary"


Re: Rothschilds, Murder and Massive Utah Oil Discovery
« Reply #1 on: February 27, 2011, 08:39:01 PM »
part 2 of this article

Rothschilds, Murder and Massive Utah Oil Discovery II


As I mentioned in my previous article, Todd Staheli and his beautiful wife Michelle were murdered under extremely mysterious circumstances in 2003. Todd was a Vice President of the Rothschild owned Shell Oil. He was also in possession of a prophecy by Brigham Young that stated Utah held one of the largest oil finds in the world. Mr. Staheli reportedly started his own oil exploration group outside of the knowledge of his Illuminati employers. I believe he struck gold.

The Rothschilds and their fellow Illuminati Psychopaths, own the Federal Reserve Banking system in the United States.  The Illuminati Banksters desire to destroy the only thing that stands in the way of their Satanic Psychopathic One World Order, the American Middle Class. Free-Trade, NAFTA, GATT, Derivatives, Cheap Imports, Illegal Immigration and massive debt have already taken their toll.

Next comes hyper-inflation through the manipulation of oil prices and oil supplies. This is the reason for the Rothschild-Shell owned Libya revolution. To create artificial scarcity. It is also the reason the Rothschilds and Rockefellers fund environmental groups that seek to stop drilling in wilderness areas. The Gulf oil disaster was created to assist them in achieving their objectives.

According to my sources, the Utah crude oil deposits are massive. Large enough to to bring the price of oil crashing down. Large enough to eliminate America's dependence on foreign oil. Large enough to keep hidden from the world for just a few more years while the Rothschild/Rockefeller poison eliminates the remaining vestiges of the American middle class.

In 2004, shortly after Staheli's murder, a small company from Michigan, Wolverine Gas and Oil announced the largest onshore oil  discovery in 3 decades.

"The Covenant field was called the largest onshore discovery in 30 years, located in a region long abandoned for exploration by major oil companies. Drilling had started 50 years earlier without success, as the complex geology of central Utah produced only dry wells." (Source)

Interestingly enough, the company's website admits the find was made in 2003.

"In 2003, Wolverine discovered a prolific oil field in Utah which set off a huge lease play there, resulting in many wells being drilled. Currently Wolverine is producing and selling over 200,000 barrels per month from this blockbuster discovery which is named Covenant Field." (Source)

Wolverine-Utah Oil Well

Billion Barrel Oil Field?
According to Dr. Chamberlain, “Wolverine’s oil comes from the Mississippian source rocks and the Mississippian source rocks in Utah where the discovery was made, are very lean, they are less than one percent average organic content and are only a couple of hundred feet thick.

The Mississippian source rocks to the west of that area in Nevada, have average organic content of 5-6% and are thousands of feet thick. If you have a billion barrel field over there, then there is a big chance that you’ll get that over here in Nevada. If Fasken makes a discovery, that means everything between here and  Central Utah, all 400 miles, becomes extremely high potential.”   (Source)

More in Next Article..
"get this money by any means nessassary"


Re: Rothschilds, Murder and Massive Utah Oil Discovery
« Reply #2 on: February 27, 2011, 08:44:09 PM »
part 3 of the article

Rothschilds, Murder and Massive Utah Oil Discovery III

Sidney J. Jansma Jr., president and CEO of Wolverine Gas and Oil Corp.
Some people just get lucky in the lottery of life. Others just make their own luck. One of the greatest mysteries of the massive Utah oil field findings is Wolverine Oil and Gas. The company claims that Chevron corporation sold it the initial Utah holdings. Chevron, by the way is the holder of the BP trademark in 16 Western States. British Petroleum is controlled by the Rothschilds (Goldman Sachs, Shell Oil), Rockefellers (Standard Oil-which sold holdings to BP) and  Queen Beatrix of the Netherlands (Royal Dutch Shell).

"In 1954 the Anglo- Iranian Oil Company changed its name to British Petroleum and became an international consortium that shared profits with Iran at a 50-50 split. The company was 40% owned by Iran, 40% owned by 5 American companies and 20% owned by Royal Dutch Shell and the French Petroleum Company. No Iranians were allowed on the Board of Directors or to audit the company. The 5 American companies include Exxon (Rockefeller), Gulf Oil (Mellon), Mobil (Rockefeller), Standard Oil (Rockefeller) and Texaco (George Bush); all of which were controlled, merged or or owned by parent companies affiliated with the Rockefeller family over time." (Source)

BP also owned the well that exploded in the Gulf of Mexico, and is now blamed for the radical climate and environmental changes that have resulted.  Todd Staheli, who was a Vice President of Shell Oil (Rothschilds) was brutally murdered while searching for oil in the same part of Utah where Wolverine Oil and Gas now have operating wells. Todd was raised in Spanish Fork Utah. The oil field lies directly South and under the County he grew up in. Perhaps it was in Spanish Fork where Todd first heard the obscure prophecy made by Brigham Young pertaining to a massive oil field being discovered in Utah.

He and his wife's mysterious murder in December of 2003 directly preceeded Wolverine Oil and Gas's announcement that they had found oil in the very same area Todd was exploring, outside of the auspices of his employers at Shell Oil.

"The Wolverine discovery well, in Sevier County, was spudded on December 9, 2003" (Source) The company's web-site states:

"In 2003, Wolverine discovered a prolific oil field in Utah which set off a huge lease play there, resulting in many wells being drilled. Currently Wolverine is producing and selling over 200,000 barrels per month from this blockbuster discovery which is named Covenant Field." (Source)

Maybe its just a coincidence.

One thing is certain. The owner of the small company (32 reported employees), which is based in MIchigan (Romney's home State) is well connected  to Republican circles. Sidney J Jansma Jr. and his immediate family donated almost $65,000 to the Michigan Republican Party and other candidates in the past few years. (Source)

Mitt Romney, in a manner of speaking, owns the State of Utah. He also has various connections to the Rothschilds, Rockefellers and other Satanic Psychopaths that run the Oil Industry. These groups have been very generous to his campaign. (Source)

* Goldman Sachs (Rothschilds): $234,000 in donations to Mitt Romney.
* Citigroup (Rothschilds): $178,000 in donations to Mitt Romney
* Merill Lynch (Rothschilds): $173,350 to Mitt Romney
* Morgan Stanley (Rothschilds): $170,350
* Lehman Brothers (Rothschilds): $144,00 (Source)

So, the same company that employed Todd Staheli (Shell Oil), and the same company that sold its holdings to Wolverine Oil and Gas (BP-Chevron) also happen to own the one candidate that could make things happen for them in Utah (Mitt Romney). Who, by the way, also came from the State of Michigan.

So many coincidences. So little time. More in the next article.
"get this money by any means nessassary"


Re: Rothschilds, Murder and Massive Utah Oil Discovery
« Reply #3 on: March 03, 2011, 12:16:59 AM »
part 4

Rothschilds, Murder and Massive Utah Oil Discovery IV


Wolverine Oil and Gas, the company that announced the massive oil find in Utah immediately after Todd Staheli's brutal murder (Todd was the Vice President of Shell Oil who was searching for oil in Utah when he was killed), is full of surprises.  Not the least of which is a Federal land lease in Utah for oil exploration on 65,000 acres.

While speaking to Central Utah residents, the name George Bush popped up rather frequently. In fact, there is a strong belief that Bush is the current power behind Wolverine Gas and Oil. This could answer a few lingering questions that have remained with me since I discovered that Mitt Romney's Bain Capital was the new owner of Clear Channel Communications. The same Clear Channel Communications that owns the contracts on Rush Limbaugh, Glenn Beck and Sean Hannity. The same Clear Channel that delivered the White House to George W Bush.

The Tea Party Congress was a Clear Channel Creation, making Mitt Romney the beneficial owner of the Tea Party Movement. For those that are experienced in politics, "quid pro quo" is the normal manner of conducting business. Which raises the question, "Did Mitt Romney orchestrate a trade of the Utah Oil Field to the Bushes in exchange for the White House?".

Hundreds of millions of barrels of oil in exchange for the highest office in the land could go a long way towards explaining why the Rothschilds and the Bushes have been so generous to the Mitt Romney campaign.

Another interesting bit of information is that another upstart oil company in Utah was founded months after the murders of Todd Staheli and his wife.  According to Freedom Oil and Gas's website:

The largest oil discovery in the United States in the past thirty (30) years is located on the Central Utah Overthrust Belt (Hingeline).  In 2004, Wolverine Gas and Oil discovered the Covenant Field, estimated to contain over 100 million barrels of oil (MMBO) in the first Navajo sandstone at 6,400’.  A recent deeper test has discovered oil in the second Navajo formation.  Wolverine has drilled over fifteen wells in this field which are each producing at the rate of 600-1,000 barrels per day of high gravity oil (40°), with nominal declines....

Freedom owns 20.0% working interest in approximately 16,000 net mineral acres on the northern end of the Hingeline with three Navajo prospects. Independent petroleum engineers and geologists estimate that Freedom’s Central Utah Overthrust prospects may yield in excess of 300 million barrels of oil.Independent petroleum engineers and geologists estimate that Freedom’s Central Utah Overthrust prospects may yield in excess of 300 million barrels of oil. (Source) 

Freedom Oil and Gas also owns oil in Richfield Utah:

Freedom owns a 33.3% working interest in 156 acres located near Richfield, Utah.  Wolverine Gas and Oil owns the other 66.7% interest. The prospect is located on a seismic structure approximately 2 miles west of Wolverine’s Covenant Field.  Preliminary estimates are that as much as 25 million barrels of oil equivalent (BOE) may be recoverable from Freedom’s prospect.  The Company has performed preliminary research and reviewed existing seismic on this prospect. (Ibid)

And Nephi, Utah:

In 2008 Freedom acquired mineral rights and working interest in approximately 447 acres located near Nephi, Utah.  The lands are situated in Juab County approximately 15 miles northwest of the Company’s Utah Overthrust Project.    Geologists estimate that this prospect could contain as much as 40 million barrels of oil. (Ibid)

Wolverine Oil and Gas owns a majority interest in these projects. Freedom Oil and Gas is the minority partner. This would seem to indicate that two parties that don't want their names mentioned started two different companies for the same purpose, dividing up the oil rich land and deposits of the State of Utah. Bush and Romney? Hatch and Romney? Rothschilds and Bush? The possibilities are endless.

Perhaps all of the parties involved would submit to a FOIA request so we can clear up all of this ownership confusion
"get this money by any means nessassary"


  • Guest
Re: Rothschilds, Murder and Massive Utah Oil Discovery
« Reply #4 on: March 05, 2011, 02:15:08 PM »
Great article. This really shows how corporations will do business with anyone. The heads of these corporations are guilty of treason. Ford motor company had contracts with the Nazis, IBM supplied computers/punch cards used in concentration camps. George dubya's grandfather, Prescott Bush was a banker for Lehmen Bros and he financed Nazi operations...there are tons more examples out there.


Re: Rothschilds, Murder and Massive Utah Oil Discovery
« Reply #5 on: March 08, 2011, 06:29:18 AM »
no doubt
"get this money by any means nessassary"