Author Topic: About To Embark On A 4 Hour Pac Listening Session, I'll let you know how it go  (Read 2132 times)


  • Lil Geezy
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Elior you are a fag, you have too much time on your hands and you're the only one laughing, FAIL.


  • Muthafuckin' Don!
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LOL.. Cham was the only one who realized infinite wasn't real. Dude left to Africa and gave me his account years ago. Good Job, lil one.

Stop acting like you pulled off some kind of masterful Infinite-impersonation for years. Even you can't be bored enough to make those elaborate islam-related posts or to release an album and africa diaries under his name lmfao. You just get hella faded and post some retarded stuff under his name, cause you care too much about your net rep to make extremely stupid posts under your main account.. Lol@backing yourself up using his account though, that's just weak.
Cause I don't care where I belong no more
What we share or not I will ignore
And I won't waste my time fitting in
Cause I don't think contrast is a sin
No, it's not a sin


lol the journal entry blogs and the album was me too.

The songs for the album I just took off his YouTube n the pics for the journal were from his Facebook lmfao dumb niccaz


  • Muthafuckin' Don!
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It's not so much about having the pics and the songs, it's writing all those long stories and long islam-related essays. Noone would write 8000 words per post about some Islam-stuff or experiences in Africa in the kind of language he often did it unless one is actually into it, and if you were that  much into it I literally don't know what to say to you. I can understand you writing some retarded stuff when you're blunted out of your mind, but some of the stuff he wrote is on a whole other level effort-wise. All that effort just so we would think of Infinite what we always thought of him anyway? No, I can't believe you have issues like that. I mean, you've got to be more normal than that.

I mean, look at those posts lol.. they were all written within one day or so:

The honorable Elijah said that man will only turn towards Allah after all else has failed.

In battling addiction people try everything from trading one addiction for another, to 12 step programs, mediation and so on... and only after all else has failed do they turn to Allah.

And Allah is the best cure for all addiction. 

Islam is not a spectator sport as is Christianity.  In Christianity you go to a concert every sunday morning and watch the Ministor and the choir perform.

But Islam on the other hand is an active program of praying and fasting and it is speach and action, and both group and individual.  Even the prayer one moves about for Allahs sake and stands and bends and prostrates for Allahs sake, working the muscles of the mind body and heart like a Yogi seeking to open up ones soul so that Allah might enter, and the mercy of Allah replaces the pangs of addiction.

The worst addiction is addiction to alcohol.  For Allah has specifically forbidden it in his book the Qu'ran.  But the important thing to remember is that its abolishment happened in stages.  Allah first took time to build the belief of Muhammads followers.  After their belief and practice was strengthened for 2 years he then made praying while drunk forbidden. Then after another 2 years he finally made it forbidden in total.   

He prepared peoples minds for it.  Once you've opened up to Allah then Allah fills your heart.  With Allah in ones heart and ones toungue wet with remembrence and praise for Allah there is no room left for addiction.

With prayer and fasting and reading of Qu'ran, Allah begins to become the eyes with which one see's, the ears with which one hears, and the feet unto which one walks.  And if you walk the length of a handspan to Allah the Allah runs to you with a fleetness of foot.

How is Allah seen in his creation?  Allah is present in each instance as one views the tree one knows Allah is its maker, and by reminding ourselves that Allah is the root one knows that joy and pain all come from the same source, and the high is no longer in the addiction but the high is in deep prayer and contemplation of Allah.

Like O.G. Sikotic was saying to be tempted is not a sin.  It is the action that is a sin.

See the bigger the worshipper of Allah then the more disheartened and angry the Shaytan becomes.  The Shaytan give difficult to a believer and stands on his path in front and behind him. 

One Companion of the Prophet Muhammad had performed so many acts of worship and obedience to allah in his life that his friend complimented that he should rejoice, that he is free of the grasps of the Shaytan.  The man would not celebrate however, and he replied that he is never free of the shaytan for as long as he lives and there are believers who have believed for 100 years and reject Allah at death while their may be a disbeliever who has rejected Allah all his life, and then turns to Allah on his deathbed and Allah may be most merciful.

It was said the the Prophet Muhammads best friend Abu Bakr feared that if one person were to go to hell and everyone else was saved that he would be that one who would go to hell.  And likewise he was hopeful that if all went to hell and only one would be saved that he would be that one person.

Getting back to the origional post, any time we are tempted and we resist for Allahs sake then we are raised yet another degree and the scale of our rewards are increased, and we will find our reward waiting for us in the hereafter, whil maintaining peace and prosperity in this life. 

For Allah is sufficient for us.  I am pleased with Allah as my lord, with Islam as my deen and with Muhammad as our final prophet and messenger.

Arabs are known for there bravery which can often turn to wrecklessness, and may Allah protect us from that.

The Arabs were always known for their bravery even in the days of Jahiliya before the advent of Islam.  The bravest man amongst the region was Umar Ibn Al-Khatab.  Yet he was set one worshipping the multiple Gods of his forefathers.  He was a big enemy of the early Muslim community. 

So the Prophet Muhammad turned to Allah in his time of need, as the Muslims were being bullied and pesecuted by the Mekkans.  He made dua that Allah would change Umar's heart and bring him to Islam.

One day Umar came home to find his sister reciting Qu'ran and making Taleem with other members of the house.  So Umar beat her.  Umar felt so guilty for beating her that he finally agreed to listen to the Qu'ran.  Upon hearing just a few of it's verses Umar's heart was changed.

Umar then bravely entered the heart of the city and declared his Islam at the Kabbah and challenged anybody to test him on it.

This was the bravery of the Arabs in those times.  They turned towards Allah and their wreckless behaivor was reformed into patience and steadfastness towards Allah.

Bravery without Iman is an unrestrained burden that man must battle daily to fill as one fills his ego.

But bravery in Iman and dawah to Allah makes a man strong against the Shaytan and strengthens his heart and mind as well as his muscles.

A man who is aware and conscious of Allah throughout his day will not throw his life away towards wrecklessness, for he will never fail to see the enormity of each situation and the blessings and prescence of Aqllahs attributes in all dealings.  He will rely upon the angels to protect him and he will and upon Allh to guide him and Allah will put purpose into events and objects that before held no meaning.

A person is prone to wrecklessness when he loses sight of Allah and the coming of the Day of Judgement.  for the fear of Allah's greateness ways heavy on the believers heart and prevents him from seeking danger to fill the void.  Empty hearts seek risk and games of chance to distract them but the believer in Allah is busy seeking the pleasure and bounty of Allah and feels the fullness of Allahs majesty.

I'd be happy to explain for them.  Because the one who talks is also the first one who hears.

And so talking of the greatness of Allah to them would serve both as a reminder to them and to myself. 

I don't talk to them as if I know more than them, but because I know I am weak, and by making effort on them and their Iman I am also making effort on my own Iman.

When we talk of the greatness of Allah with others then Allah talks about us to the angels.

When you have a friend who reminds you of Allah then that is the best friend you can have and you will be shaded by Allah's mercy on the day of judgement.

The Qu'ran says, "and make your hearts inclined to those who engage in the remembrence of Allah morning and evening".

Allah is as his slave thinks of him.  So the believer who believes in the greatness of Allah is elevated while the believer who belittles Allah is himself belittled.

And one can not disrupt Allahs plan nor benefit Allahs plan, but rather whatever good we do and worship we make it is for ourselves and for our own benefit. 

been away for a while, dont check the site half as much as i used to, anything interesting been going down? or is this place still as dead as it was a few months back

Whats good is what Allah has made good and what's bad is what Allah has made bad.

During Ramadaan, Allah makes food bad during the daylight hours and makes it good during the evening hours, for all Allah has to do is say "Be"...and it is.  So many questions about why we are here and our purpose in life have been summed up by the verse in the Qu'ran in which God says "Be" and it is.

You asked how things are at the forum, and things I must tell you are good and well, as Allah has allowed us to come together for the purpose of discussion.  And it is through this discussion that we've come to know each other and became friends.  A friend is one who never ceases listening even in silence.

We share a common interest in West Coast gangsta rap and it is through this interest that Allah has brought us together and allowed me to talk to you all about his greatness and his majesty over all things.

And if even one person is changed and affected by my words than it was only because of a belief that already exited within them.  Allah makes believers, and Allah has rendered it so that every child born unto this world is born into innocence and righteousness.  It is then society that corrupts the child and makes him to disbelieve in Allah.  Religion comes from the root word "ligre" which means to "bind back".  So we must bind back to our origional innocence of birth when we were free of sin and fully aware of our destiny that is chosen by Allah. 

As Muslims we prostrate 5 times a day in the same position of a baby when it is in it's mothers womb, returning to the innocence of our ealiest days, Allah washes away our sins, and with each prayer yet another black stain is removed from our heart, until our hearts become clean and purified.

All praise is to Allah.  Allah is sufficient for me as my Lord.  islam is sufficient for me as my religion.  And I am pleased with Muhammad as my last and final Prophet.

You need to get out more.

I seek my hermitage not to get away from myself, but to find myself.   

The Quakers invented solitary confinement, because they believed that to reform criminal behavior it was necessary for a person to spend time with themselves.  That the self is pure, but that society has corrupted it and distanced the person from their self. 

Allah creates every soul in purity.  Parents must be soft on a child until about the age of 7.  Because around the age of 3, as a child begins to take a stand and say "NO", their will is being developed.  Parents must be very careful during this stage not to try to break that will. 

After the will is developed, and a child enters adolescence, then accountability to Allah begins.  Allah is the creator of the souls.  Allah gives the man a deal.  In which he says, I will give you tools in accordance to your needs.  Your body, your skin will be a traveling bag for your existence.   The tools I've loaned to you during your life will be returned to me after your death.  If you use those tools in praise of Allah, then Allah will increase your "tools", both increase your strength and reward you upon returning them to their rightful owner (Allah).

So as accountability begins, we do not say as the Christians say, that one is inherently evil.  In the Christian belief, one is inherently evil, and Jesus was necessary to be the sacrificial lamb that would forgive them for their inherit evil, and only through accepting Jesus can salvation be obtained for the Christian.

The Muslim belief is the opposite.  That man is inherently good and pure, and that it is society that can make him impure.  But all things in their natural state are in submission to Allah.  Everything from the tree's to the water, to the rocks to the planet, all natural move to the will of Allah. 

So in the solitude and hermitage, man remembers his original state of purity as he moves away from the outside world, and looks inward towards his own tattered soul.  With one eye on his own soul, and one I on Allah, he loses concern for the shortcomings of others, and reflects only upon his own shortcomings.  And in doing so, Allah begins to cleanse each black stain on his heart and renew it with purity.  As each wudu is performed, and each prayer is performed, man grows from his lowly state on this Earth back into the greatness of the heavens. 

In Islam this is a straight line between man and Allah.  There is no intermediary.  No Pope, or statue, or human being... it is a straight connection from Allah to man.  As man turns towards Allah he grows in his spiritual nature and purity.  The greatness of Allah becomes present in him, as the greatness of an architect is present the house that he builds.  A house that can be damaged by rain, but kept in captivity and tended to, can return to it's natural beauty.

SMH if you actually wrote those. LMFAO. Also SMH if you would lie about writing those, as if it is something that makes you look cool.  :-X
« Last Edit: January 31, 2012, 11:41:58 PM by 7even »
Cause I don't care where I belong no more
What we share or not I will ignore
And I won't waste my time fitting in
Cause I don't think contrast is a sin
No, it's not a sin


It's not so much about having the pics and the songs, it's writing all those long stories and long islam-related essays. Noone would write 8000 words per post about some Islam-stuff or experiences in Africa in the kind of language he often did it unless one is actually into it, and if you were that  much into it I literally don't know what to say to you. I can understand you writing some retarded stuff when you're blunted out of your mind, but some of the stuff he wrote is on a whole other level effort-wise. All that effort just so we would think of Infinite what we always thought of him anyway? No, I can't believe you have issues like that. I mean, you've got to be more normal than that.

lol.. it ain't as hard as u makin it seem.


im calling bullshit on this and if its not nik is 100 times more of a loser than anyone imagined

The blood gang embraces Tupac as a member even if YOU dont.


  • Muthafuckin' Double OG
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oh teh lulz


remember when infinite had political gangsta? well, this was like my political gangsta...i would just get faded and type what came to my mind. shit didnt take nearly as much effort as it would seem.


  • Muthafuckin' Don!
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remember when infinite had political gangsta? well, this was like my political gangsta...i would just get faded and type what came to my mind. shit didnt take nearly as much effort as it would seem.

Yeah, the posts I quoted you wrote while being faded and typing whatever came to your mind. smh nigga
Cause I don't care where I belong no more
What we share or not I will ignore
And I won't waste my time fitting in
Cause I don't think contrast is a sin
No, it's not a sin

O.G A.Geesta'z

i like how you think youre "embarking" on some spiritual voyage. youre sitting in your room listening to the same 2pac songs youve heard hundreds of times for hours on end. i bet youre going to be writing in your gay little diary the whole time too about how black you feel. goddamn i feel bad for your kid. at least you arent involved in raising him at all

The West is Back


TraceOneInfinite Flat Earther 96'

  • Muthafuckin' Don!
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That's cool Brian, I'm at work doing what the rest of the adult world does. 

Why go to work?... When you can be at home and jerk!... nicca!!
Givin' respect to 2pac September 7th-13th The Day Hip-Hop Died

(btw, Earth 🌎 is not a spinning water ball)

Hack Wilson - real

nik has too much time on his hands

lmfao@59 posts per day...that HAS 2 be a record

im trying to get back to the subforums ya dink

Ghost Drebin

  • Muthafuckin' Double OG
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im calling bullshit on this and if its not nik is 100 times more of a loser than anyone imagined

This right here.  I like a good alias as much as the next guy,they have made some of the funniest posts on here, but this=not funny and way too time consuming to be funny, it has stepped over the border of being creepy, and right into psychotic.   :-\

Hack Wilson - real

yeah i agree

way too creepy

Triple OG Rapsodie

I refuse to believe NIK is that big of a nerd