Author Topic: Next Rapper To Come Out? Murs Kissing Another Man Towards End Of His Music Video  (Read 2139 times)


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LOL @ this thread.


  • Muthafuckin' Double OG
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We've got some true ignorance on this forum. Pretty disgusting if I may say so myself. Who gives a fuck about the next man's sexuality. It's people like y'all that hold this country back.

What if your little brother turned gay? Or your son? Ignorant ass motherfuckers.

Dikteta Dax

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Worse part about this entire thing is that Murs is from my neighborhood lol.

There is nothing wrong with supporting gay marriage and gay rights and all that. Shit I voted for proposition 8 so they could get married, I figure what they do has nothing to do with my life so it really doesn't matter to me. But at the same time I'm not going be kicking it at gay clubs and listening to music made by gay people lol. I get what murs was trying to do but the fact that HE decided ON HIS OWN to be the main character in the video and kiss a dude is suspect as fuck. Its like tyler perry, nobody is telling him to dress up like a women, he wants to because he is a fairy, same thing with Murs. No problem with him if he is a faggot, just like I have no problem with Frank Ocean, but I cant bump their music anymore...

Jimmy H.

And see, you've been totally conditioned to think this is normal natural behavior, and you're butthurt (no pun intended) that people find it vile and disgusting.
 You know what? I find two guys kissing vile and disgusting but nobody is asking me to kiss another dude or walk around a gay parade handing out balloons so who the fuck cares? Live and let live.

For anyone that has had a long career in music and entertainment, they all give up their ass to mostly old Jewish (actually Kabbalist / satanists) executives. Why do some talentless assholes get all the breaks? Cuz they give up the asshole. It's how you join their club, but then it's held against you, and you are blackmailed with it you are completely compromised and controlled.
Right. Satan and Captain Jewish Record Executive have joined forces to put the world in a homsexuality headlock so nobody procreates and the human race dies off forever. Thus eliminating Christmas for everyone. We must put an end to this act of unholiness because if the Jews have their way will all be want to be listening to Lady Gaga while playing with My Little Pony dolls and the world as we know it will be ruined forever.

They are trying to make homosexuality the normal thing now, because everybody knows the whole entertainment industry is rife with homos and they know that most people are repulsed by it, and would stop supporting their shitty entertainment. So they are in full blast trying to normalize it, and anybody that doesn't agree is a bigot.  
Hey, you don't like gays. Fine. I can't truthfully say I'm not a little prejudice toward that lifestyle myself but stop acting like you're some moral crusader who is doing this to stop the Devil from ruining us and just be like, "Fuck it! I hate fags!". It's this whole invention of these Illimunati-ass fairy tales to vaildate your prejudice that needs to end.

Even your theory makes no sense. If Hollywood is using homosexuality to blackmail all these stars, why would they want to make it the norm? Wouldn't that kill their golden goose? If it's no longer weird and socially unacceptable to be doing that shit, why are these singers and movie stars going to worry if people know they are sucking dick?

Well I say fuck you, enjoy listening to all these dudes singing about sucking dick and getting fucked in the ass all day. I hope you feel so open minded and tolerant now.
I would just stop listening to all major label music. How do we know they aren't inserting hidden messages in our "straight people" music to give us the gay? I mean, one minute, you could be listening to some remastered Tupac album that Interscope paid for and then you step out of your car with the urge to tounge-kiss a dude. Are you really willing to risk it? Hell, it could be too late. How do we know all these A-list actresses didn't use to be dudes? The only way to stop this gay movement is to boycott everything Hollywood.
« Last Edit: July 17, 2012, 12:05:02 AM by Jimmy H. »

Chamillitary Click

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We've got some true ignorance on this forum. Pretty disgusting if I may say so myself. Who gives a fuck about the next man's sexuality. It's people like y'all that hold this country back.

What if your little brother turned gay? Or your son? Ignorant ass motherfuckers.

Well NIKCC's brother is actually gay.

So if you thought it was disgusting & ignorant believing that everyone in this thread just didn't have any ties to it, son is living with one.


  • Muthafuckin' Double OG
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And on top of it, if a female comes out as gay, nobody's gonna say a word about it.

I'm willing to bet 90% of the homophobes here don't have a college education, don't vote, and are probably greatly misinformed about world issues. Why should someone die because they are born a certain way? Does anyone really think people WANT to be gay? Would anyone truly want to put that strain on their life? I think not. Stupid ass.

And before anyone says shit, I'm as hetero as they come. But I recently found out a family member was gay and it took him 8 years to come clean in fear of motherfuckers like y'all. It ain't like if my family member had girlfriends I'd imagine him fucking his girl, so what difference dOes it make if he chooses men? I damn sure wont be imagining him with guys, and he won't be doing it in front of me, so how does it impact me or the next man in anyway?

The level of unintelligence is so clear on this forum. A few of y'all who commented negatively really shocked me to the point to where I might not be able to post here anymore. Fucking douche bags.


And on top of it, if a female comes out as gay, nobody's gonna say a word about it.

I'm willing to bet 90% of the homophobes here don't have a college education, don't vote, and are probably greatly misinformed about world issues. Why should someone die because they are born a certain way? Does anyone really think people WANT to be gay? Would anyone truly want to put that strain on their life? I think not. Stupid ass.

And before anyone says shit, I'm as hetero as they come. But I recently found out a family member was gay and it took him 8 years to come clean in fear of motherfuckers like y'all. It ain't like if my family member had girlfriends I'd imagine him fucking his girl, so what difference dOes it make if he chooses men? I damn sure wont be imagining him with guys, and he won't be doing it in front of me, so how does it impact me or the next man in anyway?

The level of unintelligence is so clear on this forum. A few of y'all who commented negatively really shocked me to the point to where I might not be able to post here anymore. Fucking douche bags.

Do you think people WANT to be pedophiles? Doesn't make it right.

Jimmy H.

Do you think people WANT to be pedophiles? Doesn't make it right.
Exactly because a grown man preying on a small child is so clearly in the same ball park as two grown adults of the same gender having a consential relationship.

O.G A.Geesta'z

fuck Murs he was always wack
The West is Back



Do you think people WANT to be pedophiles? Doesn't make it right.
Exactly because a grown man preying on a small child is so clearly in the same ball park as two grown adults of the same gender having a consential relationship.

Never said it was. My analogy stands, though. Just because it's not their choice doesn't make it right or normal.

Jimmy H.

But what is "right" or "normal"? Who dictates such things? Popular opinion? I'm sure everybody does shit that ain't "normal".

Like I said, there's certain aspects of the gay culture that make me uncomfortable. I qualify that as "my own personal prejudices". I could watch two good-looking women make out for days so it's not some issue I have with same-gender sexuality, it's "I think two men fucking is disgusting!". Not because it's some evil plot by the Jews in Hollywood to destroy traditional family values but because I just don't get down like that. If someone does, more power to them. Having seen how the world treats gay people, I could think of nothing more scary than having to deal with that on a daily basis.

Thing is fuck it... enjoy your life. If you're comfortable with your lifestyle, don't worry about what the next man thinks.


As I type this, there is some actor named Jay Mohn on Jay Leno saying he hopes his son is gay. Smh

We've got some true ignorance on this forum. Pretty disgusting if I may say so myself. Who gives a fuck about the next man's sexuality. It's people like y'all that hold this country back.

What if your little brother turned gay? Or your son? Ignorant ass motherfuckers.

Personally, I have no hatred towards gay people (or any specific group of people). But I don't appreciate how there is a CLEAR gay agenda being pushed right now. All the commercials promoting stopping gay violence...what about racial profiling and hate crimes? Everybody from Jay-Z to Obama saying they support gay rights, meanwhile, where the fuck is Isaiah Washington? Dude calls 1 person a fag and he just disappears. Not to mention Lil B and Kanye doing everything possible to emulate gay fashion (now we have skinny jeans, tightass t-shirts, and mohakws in the hood). Now we have Frank Ocean singing love songs about men? The shit is being pushed down our throats (no homo). No bullshit, this lesbian at my job was telling us not too long ago that she's proud of Patrick Henry High School because they apparently made the prom King & Queen a lesbian couple (yes you read that right).

I'm a straight male and I've never tried to force gay people into buying into my traditional lifestyle so its bullshit that they have the media trying to force everybody into buying into theirs. If that makes me "ignorant" then so-be-it.
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 there's certain aspects of the gay culture that make me uncomfortable. I qualify that as "my own personal prejudices". I could watch two good-looking women make out for days so it's not some issue I have with same-gender sexuality, it's "I think two men fucking is disgusting!". Not because it's some evil plot by the Jews in Hollywood to destroy traditional family values but because I just don't get down like that.


Jimmy H.

Telling people to stop anti-gay violence is forcing the gay agenda? Regarding the stopping of hate crimes and racial profiling, two things... First, gay violence is a HATE CRIME and secondly, did the Trayvon Martin case not garner national headlines or have you been on a media blackout for the last year?

I'm a straight male and I've never tried to force gay people into buying into my traditional lifestyle so its bullshit that they have the media trying to force everybody into buying into theirs.

I'll tell you what. You can pay me a dollar for every movie, commercial, music video, or TV show that promotes the "hetero lifestyle" and I'll give you a buck for every one that promotes homosexuality and we'll see who runs out of money quicker. You're comparing what you as an individual do to what the media does as a whole? How many gay people do you in your personal life have forced you to buy into their lifestyle?

Jimmy H.

And for the record, I think old people fucking is just as gross but I'd still support my Grandmother getting re-married long as I don't have to hear about the honeymoon. Same deal with obese people. Come to think of it. I think Hollywood is trying to push the obese lifestyle on us. We got that movie "Precious" and the show, what it's called, "Mike & Molly". I think they trying to make overweight the "norm". That's fucked up. Illuminati conspiracy.