Author Topic: Haters take note  (Read 481 times)


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Haters take note
« on: March 30, 2013, 07:28:26 AM »



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Re: Haters take note
« Reply #1 on: March 30, 2013, 07:46:55 AM »
Is that you?
ha hahahahaha it was only a matter of who posted first but the post was always gonna be the same. Rick would've loved to beat you to it.
^me in 10-15 years perhaps???  :o

 Lol. Think about though, are you really doing what you want to do OR only what you feel you SHOULD do, like in the eyes of others and trying to be something you aint or feel pressured to be?
 Mind fuck eh? lol
 Like, are you ashamed and embarrassed about certain things and dont admit to certain things?
 Of course theres the other side of the coin and some simply do not have a choice in what or who they are.
 Like are you truly happy or just pretend to be? But then is this guy truly happy or dose he enjoy only what he can and is it true happiness and self choice or is it a form of avoidance and retreat?
 ha i got WAY to much time on my hands this weekend  :D
« Last Edit: March 30, 2013, 07:56:19 AM by KrazySumwhat »


Re: Haters take note
« Reply #2 on: March 30, 2013, 08:12:43 AM »
Yea, that dude is depressed.. Guaranteed. Don't go that route, Krazy.. Remember, u were popular in high school.


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Re: Haters take note
« Reply #3 on: March 30, 2013, 08:20:08 AM »
  :D ha ha yeah well that is true there NIKCC. But the funny thing is there are people that would diss him but wouldn't even have a job or would be some criminal scum bag piece of shit or some junkie piece of shit or fake wanksta.
 But yeah can't say that i want to end up like that.
 But i do think that its good to have things that you enjoy and actually earn your own money to support it and not be ashamed of who and what you are. Like i mean be tru.
 My anime figurines are all packed away in boxes or cupboards so i have that over him at least and not fat like that ^^; lol

Triple OG Rapsodie

Re: Haters take note
« Reply #4 on: March 30, 2013, 08:39:11 AM »
I'd rather be homeless than fat like that


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Re: Haters take note
« Reply #5 on: March 30, 2013, 08:49:14 AM »
  :D ha ha yeah well that is true there NIKCC. But the funny thing is there are people that would diss him but wouldn't even have a job or would be some criminal scum bag piece of shit or some junkie piece of shit or fake wanksta.
 But yeah can't say that i want to end up like that.
 But i do think that its good to have things that you enjoy and actually earn your own money to support it and not be ashamed of who and what you are. Like i mean be tru.
 My anime figurines are all packed away in boxes or cupboards so i have that over him at least and not fat like that ^^; lol

are you seeking some form of acceptance for your perverted interests?

 Ha ha  :laugh: Shit i dont even know i came across that picture completely by chance, very random.
 Maybe i am? That wasn't the plan though.
I'd rather be homeless than fat like that
LOL  ;D Harsh!
 Yeah i cant give up the beer but gonna keep going for those walks and eating that fruit n salad dont wanna get like that. But shits its hard to diet and not drink. Good thing i dont have an office job.


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Re: Haters take note
« Reply #6 on: March 30, 2013, 10:00:44 AM »
  :D ha ha yeah well that is true there NIKCC. But the funny thing is there are people that would diss him but wouldn't even have a job or would be some criminal scum bag piece of shit or some junkie piece of shit or fake wanksta.
 But yeah can't say that i want to end up like that.
 But i do think that its good to have things that you enjoy and actually earn your own money to support it and not be ashamed of who and what you are. Like i mean be tru.
 My anime figurines are all packed away in boxes or cupboards so i have that over him at least and not fat like that ^^; lol

are you seeking some form of acceptance for your perverted interests?

 Ha ha  :laugh: Shit i dont even know i came across that picture completely by chance, very random.
 Maybe i am? That wasn't the plan though.

Since you consider your interest a perversion most likely other people will feel the same, which makes it difficult to find acceptance for it.
I dont hide it though, not on the internet, around co workers, friends nor family so..

Hack Wilson - real

Re: Haters take note
« Reply #7 on: March 30, 2013, 10:00:52 AM »
he's still a loser lol


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Re: Haters take note
« Reply #8 on: March 30, 2013, 10:03:17 AM »
he's still a loser lol
lol well probably lives alone(not an entirely bad thing..), possibly lives with mum(not so good but cashed up...) but what makes you better?
 Oh you prolly got friends and get pussy? lol It is good to have hobbies though, most people seem to give theirs up but i guess if you paying a mortgage and have a wife and kids then thats not really a choice.


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Re: Haters take note
« Reply #9 on: March 30, 2013, 10:20:08 AM »
 Ha its turning into a therapy session.
 Probably a combination of being shy until i was like 17. Being introduced to anime and hentai at a young age, certain experiences, Having an attractive younger sister with hot friends(lol), dunno if weed and alcohol from a VERY young age have any involvement, umm drinking alone and the internet is a bad combination, seeing young hotties in cosplay at anime cons, seeing very underage girls doing very porno style shit in the flesh, seeing underage girls kissing each other and talking about how many guys they've fucked, seeing young sluts at my lil bros parties, not having lengthy relationships or living with women, not having kids ETC.
 Good combination huh? like a cocktail.
 i used to be extremely against dude liking youger girls and thought a mate of mine that had anime posters up n shit was kinda lame but i think when i got older i didn't care about being cool so much lol.
 EDIT: as i've said though alot of it is plain sense of humor, harmless fun, fantasy, etc and even some trolling and shock value. its also being realistic and honest and NATURE.
« Last Edit: March 30, 2013, 10:23:29 AM by KrazySumwhat »


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Re: Haters take note
« Reply #10 on: March 30, 2013, 10:37:34 AM »
 Yes, when iam in public and when i go to the shops it really does my head in. I see young chicks wearing bugger all and very skimpy outfits and i see high school girls with those sexy uniforms n shit and yep, thats when you feel some discomfort or shame. ^__^;
 Or turn on the tv and see young hotties and think shit one should not think, or shouldn't admit to anyhow.
 Still, i dont really have much that i've  actually done that i feel much shame for.
 Iam not ones of those guys that crosses over the line like i play shooting games all teh time and i dont really wanna kill people, well, i do but i wont. Iam not a monster and iam not insane.


Re: Haters take note
« Reply #11 on: March 30, 2013, 12:26:57 PM »
He lives his life exactly how he wants?

Lonely ???
My Chihuahuas Are Eternal



Re: Haters take note
« Reply #12 on: March 30, 2013, 01:18:14 PM »
truth be told, if he lived his life exactly how he wanted, that 100 pounds he's carrying in his gut would be a 14 year old asian chick sitting on his face.


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Re: Haters take note
« Reply #13 on: March 30, 2013, 07:03:10 PM »
He lives his life exactly how he wants?

Lonely ???
truth be told, if he lived his life exactly how he wanted, that 100 pounds he's carrying in his gut would be a 14 year old asian chick sitting on his face.
Well you make a good fucking point(s)! Now iam wondering if that pic is sincere or sarcasm?
 I think you dont have to give up your hobbies to be with someone, just cut back or find someone who shares that hobbies which in this day and age isnt so unrealistic...
 and lol i wasn't even really drunk when i did this whole thread.


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Re: Haters take note
« Reply #14 on: March 30, 2013, 08:58:06 PM »
He's probably depressed in reality. If I was fat, stayed home all the time, and couldn't date attractive women I probably would be too.