Author Topic: SMFH@LeBron Crying About Refs  (Read 2261 times)


Re: SMFH@LeBron Crying About Refs
« Reply #45 on: April 02, 2013, 11:49:50 PM »
laker fans are the most loyal fans from any team in any sport.....when ur as spoiled as laker fans are, theres really no reason to jump ship. i dont think i've ever met someone who used to be a laker fan and now roots for some other basketball team. once a laker fan, always a laker fan.

the most loyal fans in all of sports?  umm maybe in California but all the laker fans i've ever met in my lifetime of living on the east coast are all fair weather fans for the most part.  i can make an exception for one dude i know that i went to college with (a dude 10 years older than the rest of us who was a Red Sox, Patriot and Laker fan lmao).  but besides him the others...for example i knew a kid who was a Laker, Red Wings, Yankee and Viking fan.  3 out of 4 are always succesful.  Then the vikings...i guess he wanted to suffer like i do with the Jets

well, any fan of a team that doesn't belong to their city is a fairweather fan to begin with...but i'm talkin bout real laker fans, in LA.