Author Topic: Scientists on the threshold of disproving Darwin's theory of Evolution  (Read 834 times)


Get this, I've been studying this lately, and I think it's time we got rid of some more athiests.

Before Darwin, Athiests really didn't have a convincing argument in support of their claim of no god; they were all philosophical opinions.  When Darwin came along, he presented his theory of evolution, and every athiest in the world cited it as 'proof' that humans weren't created by some intelligent 'god like' figure.  That's all about to change.

Darwin's theory of evolution hinges on the idea that organisms mutate, and change; the positive mutations or adaptations stick because they help the organism survive, whereas the negative or harmful mutations don't get passed on genetically, because the organism doesn't have the opportunity to reproduce.

In Darwin's day, he was graced with a powerful magniscope, which could identify the cellular makeup of organisms... his theory states that among other things, everything is made up of what he termed "the simple cell".  

Since then, microscopes have been improved upon, and with newer x-ray and nuclear magnetic microscopes, every aspect of a cell can be studied much more intensely; what looked like a circle with a dot in the middle to darwin, is now seen as a complex structure, with several complicated parts.

Microbiologists now know that a 'simple cell' is far from it; some scientists believe that the cell, that most 'basic' of building blocks that all mass is made out of, is actually the most complicated, advanced structure in the universe; it's the equivalent of taking the world's greatest supercomputer, and putting it into a space smaller than the size of a human hair.  Upon examination, cells are now known to not only have electrons, neutrons, and protons, but hundreds of other structures, including a sort of circular motor (similar to a helicopter motor), a propeller like device that actually enables movement, and various other structures, not the least the complicated d.n.a. strain...

Microbiologists have discovered by examining dead and alive cells, that they are extremely fragile... in fact, so fragile, that if one part of any of the hundreds of components of the cell is mis-shaped, or stunted, or too big, or in the wrong place, or in anyway MUTATED, the cell doesn't work at all, and is useless.  What does this mean?

It means that cells, which make up every organism in the universe, could not have evolved to their current state; they won't function with even the slightest mutation in any of their many parts, so they never could have been any different than they are now; they wouldn't have survived the evolution.

This doesn't mean that things haven't changed or 'evolved' over time; it just means that basically, cellular structure could not possibly have happened by accident, hence a need for a design.

D.N.A. was co-discovered by a man named Francis Crick.  He has concluded that D.N.A. could not possibly have 'evolved' from bacteria or anything like it on earth... his theory is D.N.A. evolved extraterrestrially, and arrived on earth.... whether you believe THAT theory or not (I don't), it's interesting to note that the man responsible for our knowledge of D.N.A. (who would surely be THE expert on the subject) concludes Darwin's theory is impossible.

Scientists have known since the 60'S! That blood types could not have "evolved".  Hemoglobin has two strains; alpha, and beta.  Neither could have evolved, because the difference between the two is 287 different amino acids; if one amino acid is changed (just one!) the organism develops sicle cell anemia, and dies.  

Basically, the radio show today reminded me of this stuff I had checked out years ago, what do yall think? I mean, does anyone still believe in Evolution?  Evolutionary theory today has been reduced to evolutionists attempting to PROVE it, when all evidence simply points at a planned design to molecular structure, in almost every (and perhaps, EVERY) mass component in the universe.  

In closing, Scientists have shown that there is no evidence that evolution is responsible for the origin of any species, nor is their evidence that evolution is responsible for the diversity of the species currently on our planet.  Don't confuse that with me saying "species don't change", i'm not saying they don't; i'm saying there's no proof that macroevolution (changes from 1 species into another) exists, or that evolution 'created' the species on the earth today.  All evidence now points to the impossibility of 'random' genetics, and evidence points to a design, ALL THE WAY DOWN TO MOLECULAR STRUCTURE, from some intelligence.


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Re:Scientists on the threshold of disproving Darwin's theory of Evolution
« Reply #1 on: March 05, 2003, 10:24:11 PM »
hey good post trauma

where did you get the info about there being more structures in the cell?

all them sucka ass niggaz can eat a fat dick


Re:Scientists on the threshold of disproving Darwin's theory of Evolution
« Reply #2 on: March 05, 2003, 10:43:22 PM »
^^ It's pretty much common knowledge now... when I was in school, they did the electron/proton/neutron thing, but look at a recent chemistry text I found on the net

they're listing dozens of particles now.

Scientists have been having forums on this issue for years, and as early as 1980 many top scientists deduced that the probability (this was the SIMPLE CELL, not the knowledge they have of cells now) of a cell coming into existance by chance (like evolutionists claim) was 10 to the 40,000th power.  Anything over 10 to the 40th power is considered impossible, even on a 'cosmic' level (meaning infinite space, and the time frame of even the most radical estimate of the history of the universe, 12 billion years).


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Re:Scientists on the threshold of disproving Darwin's theory of Evolution
« Reply #3 on: March 05, 2003, 10:47:54 PM »
I think it's time we got rid of some more athiests

^^^ That is just a stupid comment.

Evolution has never been proven, but most likely (read: it's for 99% sure) evolution takes place. The best example are cats: A cat that's used as a pet are much smaller than wild cats. Wild cats need to survive, they need to be stronger.


Re:Scientists on the threshold of disproving Darwin's theory of Evolution
« Reply #4 on: March 05, 2003, 10:57:25 PM »
Apparently you're too ignorant to read, because I just showed you exactly why evolution, as a CREATION THEORY is impossible.  I mentioned two different times that yes, animals change.  There's a difference in micro-evolution, and MACRO-evolution... unfortunately, you don't know the difference.  So while you consider it a 'stupid comment', in reality, you're too stupid to comment.  Read next time, it's not that complicated.



Re:Scientists on the threshold of disproving Darwin's theory of Evolution
« Reply #5 on: March 05, 2003, 10:58:04 PM »
BTW, that's a picture of a cell.  


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Re:Scientists on the threshold of disproving Darwin's theory of Evolution
« Reply #6 on: March 05, 2003, 11:01:54 PM »
Apparently you're too ignorant to read, because I just showed you exactly why evolution, as a CREATION THEORY is impossible.  I mentioned two different times that yes, animals change.  There's a difference in micro-evolution, and MACRO-evolution... unfortunately, you don't know the difference.  So while you consider it a 'stupid comment', in reality, you're too stupid to comment.  Read next time, it's not that complicated.

Trust me, I've read it. I also don't take anthing back from what I posted. I have respect for anybody's beliefs, but for me religion is bullshit (don't feel offended) because I don't feel God, there isn't any proof God exists, and you can interpretet the bible (koran) on so many different ways.

Suga Foot

Re:Scientists on the threshold of disproving Darwin's theory of Evolution
« Reply #7 on: March 05, 2003, 11:46:11 PM »
I think it's time we got rid of some more athiests.

WTF?  You just lost a lot of respect homie. And I'm not even athiest.
« Last Edit: March 06, 2003, 12:08:58 AM by Suga Foot »


Re:Scientists on the threshold of disproving Darwin's theory of Evolution
« Reply #8 on: March 06, 2003, 06:59:59 AM »
ARE YALL DAFT? You must be totally kindergarten level with your comprehension capabilities.

Many athiests, ARE athiest, because of Darwinism! For me to say "Time to get rid of some more athiests" and then show proof why darwinism doesn't explain creation... why is there something wrong with that? With this SCIENTIFIC knowledge, the darwinists who are athiests solely because of that should rethink their stance, and at least acknowledge (like many, many athiest scientists have ALREADY done) that study clearly shows that there is NO evidence for Macro-evolution, and that ALL evidence points to a 'grand design' in things, science has proven that the cell, which makes up EVERYTHING on earth, could not have 'accidentally' happened!

Can you not understand the implications of this? Unbelievable... it's right there in front of your face, and still you doubt.  


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Re:Scientists on the threshold of disproving Darwin's theory of Evolution
« Reply #9 on: March 06, 2003, 07:33:17 AM »
you'd never be a good preacher trauma, you're way too patronizing.

it doesnt matter what they find, they'll never be scientific proof of God, and I think this is a far cry from completely disproving Darwin. But that doesnt mean people cant believe in what they want, since when has science been able to shape peoples religion and beliefs? if it did, religion would have died out long ago

and how you gon base your argument on someone who thinks we all came from outer space. i think his credibility is already half way out the window

p/s i believe in God. i also believe in evolution

ITW [the irish boy]

Re:Scientists on the threshold of disproving Darwin's theory of Evolution
« Reply #10 on: March 06, 2003, 02:13:58 PM »
That was an interesting post trauma.

I'm an athiest but I don't believe it's impossible there is a god, I just dont see why I should follow a certain religion when I'm doing just fine as is.

I dunno if we as a civilisation will ever truly know why we are here. In fact, if it was a pre-designed plan, it could be one of the ways of keeping us interested. The whole area of this kind of philosophy is facinating. I mean, if evolution is true, then what happened before evolution, the same with god, who made him? Can something come from nothing? Interesting though to see new info coming just waiting till we can use the remaining 97% of our brains so we can figure all this shit out.


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Re:Scientists on the threshold of disproving Darwin's theory of Evolution
« Reply #11 on: March 06, 2003, 02:30:14 PM »
Trauma, why don't you respect someone's opinion or believe? I believe Darwin was right, and that is not the reason I am an athiest. I am never raised with religion, for me believing in God is believing Elvis is alive. ::)


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Re:Scientists on the threshold of disproving Darwin's theory of Evolution
« Reply #12 on: March 06, 2003, 05:24:22 PM »
I think it's time we got rid of some more christians!

As evidence I present:

Nietazche "the antichrist"
The past history of the church
The current state of priest-children relations (ie molestations, rape, sodomy)
The contradictory opinions of every christian
Numerous recent theological contributions pertaining to the "accuracy of religious texts"
Numerous sociological contributions on the sociology of God
Numerous philsophical contributions on:
1) the negative implications of christianity
2) the idea of morality
3) the contradictions of christian ideals

The strength of the assumptions on which aethism rests cannot be proven.  That much is true as Trauma cited, however falsity and contradictory idealogy of christianity can be proven to any objective critical thinker that is not SCARED to consider a world that is not black and white, that doesn't not end with an afterlife, that does not include good and evil, etc.

The choice to be aethist, christian, islam, or any other religion is yours to make.

Personally, i prefer to create my own religion.   Based on my own researched opinions on morality free from the contradictions existent within all major religions.



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Re:Scientists on the threshold of disproving Darwin's theory of Evolution
« Reply #13 on: March 06, 2003, 05:45:24 PM »
Dope post Trauma, and Ant.

The best proof against Darwin I can find, apart from Richard Dawkins (who would let THAT evolve?) is that Darwin himself later retracted much of his statements. Of course, everyone ignored him.

As Trauma said, micro and macro-evolution.


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Re:Scientists on the threshold of disproving Darwin's theory of Evolution
« Reply #14 on: March 06, 2003, 06:56:59 PM »
Like I said for the hundreth time...DON'T BELIEVE EVERYTHING YOU READ.

I am an open athiest.  To me, god is an explanation for everything humans don't understand.  Noone was around when the universe started, noone was around when Earth first formed, and noone was around when the trees, oceans, grass, deserts, and all the fun shit NOONE knows how it all began.  Since noone knows, people grasp a concept and stick to it...AKA god.  Now, there is NO physical evidence that there is a higher power or supreme why do people insist to believe in it?  Trauma, not all athiests believe what they do because of Darwin...some people just plain DON'T myself.

To me, the bible is just full of convincing myths.  I'll start with Mary.  Now, we all know it is physically IMPOSSIBLE for a woman to get pregnant without SEMEN and an EGG.  How do we know if Joeseph and Mary secretly had sex that one night?  How do we know if Mary was a hermaphrodite and got herself pregnant?  WE DON'T!

I know lots of people will hate me for saying some things I have and give me bad karma, but I care not.  What really bothers that so many people try to prove each other wrong and find out how Earth and the universe truly started.  WHO GIVES A FUCK?!  That happened billions of years ago!  We are where we are now.  So I say...FUCK HOW THE WORLD STARTED AND FUCK RELIGION, AND BE HAPPY YOU ARE ALIVE ON THIS PLANET WHILE IT'S STILL IN ONE PIECE!
« Last Edit: March 06, 2003, 06:58:59 PM by Xearo »