Author Topic: my thoughts on iraqi's now praising the US  (Read 164 times)

Don Seer

my thoughts on iraqi's now praising the US
« on: April 09, 2003, 02:07:26 PM »
just been watching the iraq stuff on tv.......

showing all the ppl celebrating with the media eggin them on... claimin bush + blair to be good etc etc

when a few days ago they were all for saddam....

they havent been freed... they're just doing what they think they have to do now to stay alive... for all they know bush could be just as bad.. but he's the boss now.

through the old regime they've been conditioned to praise whoever's in charge... under saddam you rebbelled you got dealt with.. a lot of these people were born under it. they wouldnt know freedom if you wrote it on a stick and hit them with it. they're just conditioned....



Re:my thoughts on iraqi's now praising the US
« Reply #1 on: April 09, 2003, 02:09:58 PM »
Or perhpas they are truly happy to be free?


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Re:my thoughts on iraqi's now praising the US
« Reply #2 on: April 09, 2003, 03:01:02 PM »
Or perhpas they are truly happy to be free?

haha...hel naw no u didnt jus disagree with Seer!  :o


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Re:my thoughts on iraqi's now praising the US
« Reply #3 on: April 09, 2003, 03:16:29 PM »
Thats an interesting point but I dont agree with it. Perhaps there is an element of institutional conformity to authority, but I honestly think they are happy to be free of Hussein's harsh regime and probably a lot of them think the coalition are really going to change the country around. Obviously the latter is a misconception that will be proved false in time.


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Re:my thoughts on iraqi's now praising the US
« Reply #4 on: April 09, 2003, 07:15:24 PM »
If you were in the middle of Baghdad, or in the then still-insecure Nasiriyah/etc, would you badmouth Saddam? LOL


Re:my thoughts on iraqi's now praising the US
« Reply #5 on: April 09, 2003, 08:30:33 PM »
It comes down to they're actually happy to be rid of Saadam, and plus, the only people they're seeing are the u.s. troops, who are generally a bunch of respectable people.  I'd say our troops are probably some of the most honorable and righteous americans there are, so the opinion they have of america is what they see in front of them.  

if they were just acting because they're afraid of us, they very well wouldn't be looting, would they? And they wouldn't be in the streets, they'd just stay home.  Since they're running up to the troops to thank them, that's obviously not just out of 'fear' or because they think it's what we want to hear; it'd be much more safe to stay home if they were afraid of us, or whatever.  

What it comes down to is, they recognize the u.s. is doing a good thing, and they're congratulating and thanking us for it.  I'm ashamed that we can't all see things so clearly.