Author Topic: “EMINEM” WITH THE GAME DISS  (Read 2738 times)

TraceOneInfinite Flat Earther 96'

  • Muthafuckin' Don!
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  • Permanent Resident Flat Erth 1996 Pre-Sept. 13th
« Reply #15 on: April 26, 2022, 02:23:34 AM »
A spherical eath, I will refer to it as the macrocosm. A spinning glove that is commonly used in science to show the earth will be the microcosm.

What will happen if we attempt to form water around the globe just as they form in lakes, rivers, seas etc on our earth? Regardless of whether or not the microcosm is spinning. Will that water conform to the contour of the globe? The answer is no.

That's real science. An observable, repeatable experiment. One that can't be refuted.

Yeah man.. honestly I've always been a flat earther.  I paid so little attention in Science classes in highschool that I never realized how utterly assinine the assertions of spinning ball earth globers actually were.  So the gravity is strong enough to magically hold the ocean's water upside down but weak enough that I can pick up my feet and go for a casual walk in the park??

Sounds to me that "gravity" is made up just like "covid" is to be whatever the Freemasons want it to be.
Givin' respect to 2pac September 7th-13th The Day Hip-Hop Died

(btw, Earth 🌎 is not a spinning water ball)
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« Reply #16 on: April 26, 2022, 06:56:03 PM »
Just a note: I'm doing this less for the irredeemable morons in here that are incapable of understanding basic English (and some free education) than I am for people who are genuinely but silently curious about how the real world works and care to enjoy and process some information based in reality.

Trapped saying that he's "always been a flat earther" is basically saying he's always been stupid, which takes zero calories to believe. As for Abusive, what in the Kentucky-fried crack rock are you talking about... sounds like the ramblings of someone confined to a psychiatric hospital eating flies. Anyway, let's move on shall we?

One of the extreme problems of taking a globe and flattening it out into a plane is that gravity makes no sense and there is no reason for things to fall to the ground.

For those completely inept and cognitively bankrupt fucktards who have shamelessly made themselves known here, this may be breaking news but objects fall at an acceleration of 9.8 meters per second squared. That's an indisputable fact. It's also an indisputable fact that any acceleration requires a force to produce it, which is captured in the formula F = ma. This is how cars drive, planes fly, people walk, cats jump - it's literally how all motion works. Even the most popular idiot priests among the flat earth bunch admit this much, which is why they ramble on about magnetic magic. However, most flat earthers don't even do this - they just list two words: density and buoyancy (not even the morons in here are in the majority of what their cult group claims). Density and buoyancy are not forces. Forces are vectors, which require a magnitude and direction. Density is simply mass per unit volume and buoyancy is just a measurement of an object's ability to float. The fact that density and buoyancy are not forces is trivial to prove. You say objects fall down because they are more dense than the air below them. Why down? Why not up? Or sideways? When you let go of a ball, there is air all around it. How does it know to fall down? Also, objects fall down when they're in a vacuum, which means there is no air below them. What's happening there?

Face the fucking facts: things accelerate towards the ground because of a downward force. That force is gravity, which pulls everything towards the center of the earth, which is its center of mass.  Denser things displace less dense things - like how oil floats over water - because gravity exists. More mass means a greater gravitational attraction - this is clearly why things that are less dense than water float on water - again, because gravity exists. Rocks are pulled down harder than water, which is pulled down harder than air.

Some of the more popular retorts include wondering how oceans stay on the earth while birds and insects can fly. It's because birds and insects have wings. They flap them and generate an upward force. If that force exceeds the gravitational force, they go up. Oceans can't do this because oceans don't have wings. Individual water molecules can evaporate and go up into the sky because they are extremely tiny. But when they get up to where it is colder and accumulate into clouds, they eventually condense back into liquid water. And guess what happens? They fall back down as rain. Hopefully you flat earthers are familiar with rain. As for planes and other macroscopic objects - again - they ascend only when a force is applied. When you throw a ball up, the force imparted on the ball by your arm is greater than the gravitational force. But as soon as it leaves your hand, no more force is being applied and only the gravitational force is acting upon the ball. So that velocity gets smaller and smaller and hits zero, at which point it starts to fall, falling faster and faster until it hits the ground. Gravity exists. Period. Saying it is just a theory does nothing but display that you have no idea what a theory is. Learn some basic math and do these calculations for yourself. Stop repeating what you hear on flat earth videos and catch up to the 17th century.

Finally, this claim by airheads that anyone with a brain who understands what gravity is and how it works has been indoctrinated; brainwashed by schools; by the government; by NASA; by Freemasons; by Hollywood - take your pick. You say the same exact thing like you're reciting the oath of the flat earth fraternity. So its a rather silly accusation to be throwing around. The fact that you all say the same things is completely unsurprising. What do you do when you want to brainwash someone? You tell them they have already been brainwashed. That's what flat earth priests do so that you're nice and receptive to the actual brainwashing. They tell you that everything you know is a lie so they can lie to you. It's human psychology 101. Why do they do this? Money. Status. It's a way for con-men to capitalize on the gullible few who exhibit a combination of ignorance and suggestibility. It's a cult. Flat earthers are part of a cult. Not like the kill-yourselves-with-kool-aid kind, but it's not that far off.

I expect that the selective morons in here will completely avoid addressing any of this and just vomit a bunch of other different flat earth talking points. But maybe some of you will have the courage to admit that you've fallen for a hoax. It's not that big a deal. Many of us have fallen for hoaxes or been manipulated at one time or another (myself included). Just admit that to yourself and walk away. And when you;re ready to learn science in earnest, there's a whole spherical world at your fingertips with endless amounts of well-sourced credible information that every scientist spends their undergraduate career proving to themselves through coursework experiments. You wouldn't even be able to use this forum on the internet if that wasn't the case.
The following users thanked this post: BJV


« Reply #17 on: April 26, 2022, 07:38:05 PM »
A spherical eath, I will refer to it as the macrocosm. A spinning glove that is commonly used in science to show the earth will be the microcosm.

What will happen if we attempt to form water around the globe just as they form in lakes, rivers, seas etc on our earth? Regardless of whether or not the microcosm is spinning. Will that water conform to the contour of the globe? The answer is no.

That's real science. An observable, repeatable experiment. One that can't be refuted.

I'd be remiss if I didn't directly address this display of incoherent word vomit.

One of flat earthers' favorite little "gotcha" challenges is to request that we demonstrate how water can stick to ball spinning at 1000mph. Abusive has attempted to crudely describe this in the form of a question or retort.

The implication is that water or anything else should fly off of it, like a child getting thrown from merry-go-round. While it's very cute that you get overwhelmed with numbers with four digits in them, in actuality the earth spins once per day. In case that's unclear: one time in 24 hours. Get on a merry-go-round and have someone push you one time around over 24 hours. Not a very thrilling ride is it? This issue is that the earth is really, really big. So if instead of using rotational velocity to describe a rotating body like a normal person, you try and use linear tangential velocity - you're going to get a pretty big number (obviously by "you" I mean the flat earthers who actually try this. Abusive doesn't know any math - not even the wrong kind - so he falls through the cracks here). But to be honest, it's still not really that big. Planes go more than half that speed and sitting on a plane at cruising altitude with no turbulence is just like sitting in a chair on the ground. Flat earth priests cite these big velocities associated with the earth and solar system purely for shock value. And you're falling for it. Stop doing that.

Furthermore, this little water-doesn't-stick-to-a-ball is the biggest straw man that was ever made of straw. The earth is huge. It generates an enormous gravitational field. That's why everything sticks to it. A ball is very tiny. It does not generate an enormous gravitational field. So things don't stick to it. Also, unless you're doing this in space, the ball must be very close to the earth, which as was just stated, generates an enormous gravitational field. So when water drips off the ball onto the ground, your desired demonstration of gravity fails precisely BECAUSE gravity exists. Stop asking for ridiculous and impossible demonstrations like having to build an earth-sized object to show you how water sticks to something as big as the earth.
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« Reply #18 on: April 26, 2022, 08:35:10 PM »
I'd be remiss if I didn't directly address this display of incoherent word vomit.

One of flat earthers' favorite little "gotcha" challenges is to request that we demonstrate how water can stick to ball spinning at 1000mph. Abusive has attempted to crudely describe this in the form of a question or retort.

The implication is that water or anything else should fly off of it, like a child getting thrown from merry-go-round. While it's very cute that you get overwhelmed with numbers with four digits in them, in actuality the earth spins once per day. In case that's unclear: one time in 24 hours. Get on a merry-go-round and have someone push you one time around over 24 hours. Not a very thrilling ride is it? This issue is that the earth is really, really big. So if instead of using rotational velocity to describe a rotating body like a normal person, you try and use linear tangential velocity - you're going to get a pretty big number (obviously by "you" I mean the flat earthers who actually try this. Abusive doesn't know any math - not even the wrong kind - so he falls through the cracks here). But to be honest, it's still not really that big. Planes go more than half that speed and sitting on a plane at cruising altitude with no turbulence is just like sitting in a chair on the ground. Flat earth priests cite these big velocities associated with the earth and solar system purely for shock value. And you're falling for it. Stop doing that.

Furthermore, this little water-doesn't-stick-to-a-ball is the biggest straw man that was ever made of straw. The earth is huge. It generates an enormous gravitational field. That's why everything sticks to it. A ball is very tiny. It does not generate an enormous gravitational field. So things don't stick to it. Also, unless you're doing this in space, the ball must be very close to the earth, which as was just stated, generates an enormous gravitational field. So when water drips off the ball onto the ground, your desired demonstration of gravity fails precisely BECAUS the earE gravity exists. Stop asking for ridiculous and impossible demonstrations like having to build an earth-sized object to show you how water sticks to something as big as the earth.
You saying that water falls to flat surfaces proves my point.

Gravity as you put it doesn't at all prove the earth is a sphere.
Nor does it disprove that the earth is flat.

You can't demonstrate anywhere on earth where water won't naturally fall to a flat surface so the idea that the earth itself is so big and has such a strong magnetic pull that it causes this phenomenal is absurd.

If I try to stand upside down on a ceiling I will fall. The notion that I can stand on a sphere earth upside and not fall simply because it's big is laughable. Especially considering a ball filled with air will float away with the wind. Upward I might add, not down.

I hope that light bulb goes off in your head soon. You are so arrogant that if it does you will probably stick to your old thoughts just so you can be "right".
No man born of woman tho. Dead homies.



« Reply #19 on: April 26, 2022, 09:29:09 PM »
You saying that water falls to flat surfaces proves my point.

Gravity as you put it doesn't at all prove the earth is a sphere.
Nor does it disprove that the earth is flat.

You can't demonstrate anywhere on earth where water won't naturally fall to a flat surface so the idea that the earth itself is so big and has such a strong magnetic pull that it causes this phenomenal is absurd.

If I try to stand upside down on a ceiling I will fall. The notion that I can stand on a sphere earth upside and not fall simply because it's big is laughable. Especially considering a ball filled with air will float away with the wind. Upward I might add, not down.

I hope that light bulb goes off in your head soon. You are so arrogant that if it does you will probably stick to your old thoughts just so you can be "right".

For all observers, pay no mind to this unenlightened half-witted word salad of a response. The irony is embedded in the response, which has unequivocally proved what kind of a low ability individuals we're dealing with here, at least one of whom is directly implying that the laws of physics do not exist, Einstein is wrong, and that mathematics are not real. These people are literally hundreds of years behind but still manage to function in a world where the laws of physics they refute literally allow them to exist. At this point, I'd be impressed to see proof of a GED from either of them. The thinking here is medieval at best.

Even some of the simplest people - when given a choice of who they think is more reliable: someone like Stephen Hawking or these bozos - would choose the former. These imbeciles have never contributed a single solitary thing towards the advancement of humanity in any field of relevance and probably have never set foot onto a college campus, let alone a fucking STEM classroom of any sort. Anyone who is using an ounce of thought here hardly requires it to see how unbelievably dumb it would be to blindly believe a person who is literally talking out of his ass about a subject he knows less than nothing about while utterly devoid of any credentials whatsoever. This is just a last ditch effort to distract from even a single challenge I have put fourth that would test the validity of and instantaneously falsify the claims made by a group of idiots higher on the ladder than these guys are.

And for the record, I am right. It has been verified since the 17th century. So I'm not even special in my position. This is basic ABC's that doesn't impress anyone who knows what they're talking about. You don't get a prize for understanding gravity. The problem is that stupid people think smart people are dumb... which as it happens, is thankfully not my problem.


« Reply #20 on: April 26, 2022, 11:01:53 PM »
Just a note: I'm doing this less for the irredeemable morons in here that are incapable of understanding basic English (and some free education) than I am for people who are genuinely but silently curious about how the real world works and care to enjoy and process some information based in reality.

Trapped saying that he's "always been a flat earther" is basically saying he's always been stupid, which takes zero calories to believe. As for Abusive, what in the Kentucky-fried crack rock are you talking about... sounds like the ramblings of someone confined to a psychiatric hospital eating flies. Anyway, let's move on shall we?

One of the extreme problems of taking a globe and flattening it out into a plane is that gravity makes no sense and there is no reason for things to fall to the ground.

For those completely inept and cognitively bankrupt fucktards who have shamelessly made themselves known here, this may be breaking news but objects fall at an acceleration of 9.8 meters per second squared. That's an indisputable fact. It's also an indisputable fact that any acceleration requires a force to produce it, which is captured in the formula F = ma. This is how cars drive, planes fly, people walk, cats jump - it's literally how all motion works. Even the most popular idiot priests among the flat earth bunch admit this much, which is why they ramble on about magnetic magic. However, most flat earthers don't even do this - they just list two words: density and buoyancy (not even the morons in here are in the majority of what their cult group claims). Density and buoyancy are not forces. Forces are vectors, which require a magnitude and direction. Density is simply mass per unit volume and buoyancy is just a measurement of an object's ability to float. The fact that density and buoyancy are not forces is trivial to prove. You say objects fall down because they are more dense than the air below them. Why down? Why not up? Or sideways? When you let go of a ball, there is air all around it. How does it know to fall down? Also, objects fall down when they're in a vacuum, which means there is no air below them. What's happening there?

Face the fucking facts: things accelerate towards the ground because of a downward force. That force is gravity, which pulls everything towards the center of the earth, which is its center of mass.  Denser things displace less dense things - like how oil floats over water - because gravity exists. More mass means a greater gravitational attraction - this is clearly why things that are less dense than water float on water - again, because gravity exists. Rocks are pulled down harder than water, which is pulled down harder than air.

Some of the more popular retorts include wondering how oceans stay on the earth while birds and insects can fly. It's because birds and insects have wings. They flap them and generate an upward force. If that force exceeds the gravitational force, they go up. Oceans can't do this because oceans don't have wings. Individual water molecules can evaporate and go up into the sky because they are extremely tiny. But when they get up to where it is colder and accumulate into clouds, they eventually condense back into liquid water. And guess what happens? They fall back down as rain. Hopefully you flat earthers are familiar with rain. As for planes and other macroscopic objects - again - they ascend only when a force is applied. When you throw a ball up, the force imparted on the ball by your arm is greater than the gravitational force. But as soon as it leaves your hand, no more force is being applied and only the gravitational force is acting upon the ball. So that velocity gets smaller and smaller and hits zero, at which point it starts to fall, falling faster and faster until it hits the ground. Gravity exists. Period. Saying it is just a theory does nothing but display that you have no idea what a theory is. Learn some basic math and do these calculations for yourself. Stop repeating what you hear on flat earth videos and catch up to the 17th century.

Finally, this claim by airheads that anyone with a brain who understands what gravity is and how it works has been indoctrinated; brainwashed by schools; by the government; by NASA; by Freemasons; by Hollywood - take your pick. You say the same exact thing like you're reciting the oath of the flat earth fraternity. So its a rather silly accusation to be throwing around. The fact that you all say the same things is completely unsurprising. What do you do when you want to brainwash someone? You tell them they have already been brainwashed. That's what flat earth priests do so that you're nice and receptive to the actual brainwashing. They tell you that everything you know is a lie so they can lie to you. It's human psychology 101. Why do they do this? Money. Status. It's a way for con-men to capitalize on the gullible few who exhibit a combination of ignorance and suggestibility. It's a cult. Flat earthers are part of a cult. Not like the kill-yourselves-with-kool-aid kind, but it's not that far off.

I expect that the selective morons in here will completely avoid addressing any of this and just vomit a bunch of other different flat earth talking points. But maybe some of you will have the courage to admit that you've fallen for a hoax. It's not that big a deal. Many of us have fallen for hoaxes or been manipulated at one time or another (myself included). Just admit that to yourself and walk away. And when you;re ready to learn science in earnest, there's a whole spherical world at your fingertips with endless amounts of well-sourced credible information that every scientist spends their undergraduate career proving to themselves through coursework experiments. You wouldn't even be able to use this forum on the internet if that wasn't the case.

are dinosaurs real?


« Reply #21 on: April 26, 2022, 11:07:30 PM »
For all observers, pay no mind to this unenlightened half-witted word salad of a response. The irony is embedded in the response, which has unequivocally proved what kind of a low ability individuals we're dealing with here, at least one of whom is directly implying that the laws of physics do not exist, Einstein is wrong, and that mathematics are not real. These people are literally hundreds of years behind but still manage to function in a world where the laws of physics they refute literally allow them to exist. At this point, I'd be impressed to see proof of a GED from either of them. The thinking here is medieval at best.

Even some of the simplest people - when given a choice of who they think is more reliable: someone like Stephen Hawking or these bozos - would choose the former. These imbeciles have never contributed a single solitary thing towards the advancement of humanity in any field of relevance and probably have never set foot onto a college campus, let alone a fucking STEM classroom of any sort. Anyone who is using an ounce of thought here hardly requires it to see how unbelievably dumb it would be to blindly believe a person who is literally talking out of his ass about a subject he knows less than nothing about while utterly devoid of any credentials whatsoever. This is just a last ditch effort to distract from even a single challenge I have put fourth that would test the validity of and instantaneously falsify the claims made by a group of idiots higher on the ladder than these guys are.

And for the record, I am right. It has been verified since the 17th century. So I'm not even special in my position. This is basic ABC's that doesn't impress anyone who knows what they're talking about. You don't get a prize for understanding gravity. The problem is that stupid people think smart people are dumb... which as it happens, is thankfully not my problem.



« Reply #22 on: April 26, 2022, 11:26:12 PM »
i decided not to write anything about The Game threads lately. I'm not going to feed the troll wack rapper.


is this discussion real or you guys are all playin? are we really trying to convince someone to realise earth is not flat and there's a fact called Gravity?

Yo Sccit!!! tell me they are just playin and its all for fun!
« Last Edit: April 26, 2022, 11:31:29 PM by Jay_J »
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TraceOneInfinite Flat Earther 96'

  • Muthafuckin' Don!
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  • Permanent Resident Flat Erth 1996 Pre-Sept. 13th
« Reply #23 on: April 26, 2022, 11:42:25 PM »
i decided not to write anything about The Game threads lately. I'm not going to feed the troll wack rapper.


is this discussion real or you guys are all playin? are we really trying to convince someone to realise earth is not flat and there's a fact called Gravity?

Yo Sccit!!! tell me they are just playin and its all for fun!

We were just playin, mate... everybody knows the earth is round.  Just like everybody knows that Covid is a deadly pandemic and sometimes govt just needs to lock ya' down  ;)  Same thing for if Aliens ever attack, Meteorites, or Climate Change--sometimes it just be like that the government needs to lock us down, inject us, and suspend the constitution, it's for our own benefit.  The Science is settled.  After all you've seen the Leonardo Dicaprio movie on Netflix "Don't Look Up".  Trust the clergy--I mean experts.  They have access to space rockets and know more than us.
Givin' respect to 2pac September 7th-13th The Day Hip-Hop Died

(btw, Earth 🌎 is not a spinning water ball)


« Reply #24 on: April 27, 2022, 12:06:57 AM »
i decided not to write anything about The Game threads lately. I'm not going to feed the troll wack rapper.


is this discussion real or you guys are all playin? are we really trying to convince someone to realise earth is not flat and there's a fact called Gravity?

Yo Sccit!!! tell me they are just playin and its all for fun!

abusive is not playin at all

infinite sometimes trolls and/or goes overboard trying hard to be counter culture + prove an identity based on being anti-establishment .. so he halfway believes what he says, but deep in his heart isn’t really convinced, despite trying to convince others

and i’m all for a good conspiracy- im hip to the corruption of the powers that be.. but there’s a thin line between recognizing evil and actively seeking it
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« Reply #25 on: April 27, 2022, 07:47:32 AM »

are dinosaurs real?

Yes and no.
Dinosaurs appear to be large animals that they have grouped together and given the name dinosaurs. When you study this thing you'll find that in the past people and animals appeared to be bigger. Biblically people lived longer and assumably so did animals.

You can look at certain lizards today and they resemble what we would call a dinosaur, just smaller. Like I said above, if they lived longer and grew bigger, that's what you would have.

I posted a video in train of thought called 'the great dinosaur mystery' that's worth watching. It shows old testament verses that appears to describe dinosaurs.
No man born of woman tho. Dead homies.


TraceOneInfinite Flat Earther 96'

  • Muthafuckin' Don!
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« Reply #26 on: April 27, 2022, 08:26:08 AM »

infinite sometimes trolls and/or goes overboard trying hard to be counter culture + prove an identity based on being anti-establishment .. so he halfway believes what he says, but deep in his heart isn’t really convinced, despite trying to convince others

It makes Sccit feel better about himself to call me "counter-culture" just because I called that Coward-19 shit for what it was from the beginning and he was like a year late to the party. 

It doesn't make me counter-culture Sccit--just means I think for myself and realized that all the world's govts colluding all at the same time to lockdown entire populations in their homes for indefinite periods--was slightly more concerning than George Floyd.


Sometimes trends even swing in my direction.  I was the only one in my school bumping 2pac and shit like that in 93' and then that shit became the big trend in 95' and 96'.  Did I start saying 2pac sucked and the real rap music is Master P or some shit like that??  No, I was still riding for Pac even when it became trendy.

Same with Eminem.  Everyone hated him when he first came out.  I remember going to his concert by myself in Spring 99' and everyone at the school was laughing at me for going they thought he was the next Vanilla Ice.  The next year it became a big trend in my city everyone was into Eminem.  Did I start saying Eminem sucked and the only real rapper was Mos Def?  Fucc no, I was still just as big of a fan as Em all the way thru till Proof died I was the same in regards to my support.

To take it a step further I'm a lifelong Phil Collins fan, Taylor Swift at the height of her fame in 2013, I love the movie Titanic, went to see it two times in theaters and bought the VHS when it came out.  Hell, I was even openly happy on Trump's inauguration day when he was kind of at his height.  There is a lot of trendy shit I like.

Maybe some day it will be trendy to be a Flat Earther and I will still be a Flat Earther then as well.  It's easy when you live the way I live because you just like whatever you like.  And that is counter-culture because most people don't even know what the fucc they like and need someone to tell them how to think.  That's why someone like me might appear "counter-culture"--because its counter culture to think for yourself these days. 

« Last Edit: April 27, 2022, 08:49:52 AM by Infinite Trapped in 1996 »
Givin' respect to 2pac September 7th-13th The Day Hip-Hop Died

(btw, Earth 🌎 is not a spinning water ball)


« Reply #27 on: April 27, 2022, 08:56:19 AM »
It makes Sccit feel better about himself to call me "counter-culture" just because I called that Coward-19 shit for what it was from the beginning and he was like a year late to the party. 

It doesn't make me counter-culture Sccit--just means I think for myself and realized that all the world's govts colluding all at the same time to lockdown entire populations in their homes for indefinite periods--was slightly more concerning than George Floyd.


Sometimes trends even swing in my direction.  I was the only one in my school bumping 2pac and shit like that in 93' and then that shit became the big trend in 95' and 96'.  Did I start saying 2pac sucked and the real rap music is Master P or some shit like that??  No, I was still riding for Pac even when it became trendy.

Same with Eminem.  Everyone hated him when he first came out.  I remember going to his concert by myself in Spring 99' and everyone at the school was laughing at me for going they thought he was the next Vanilla Ice.  The next year it became a big trend in my city everyone was into Eminem.  Did I start saying Eminem sucked and the only real rapper was Mos Def?  Fucc no, I was still just as big of a fan as Em all the way thru till Proof died I was the same in regards to my support.

To take it a step further I'm a lifelong Phil Collins fan, Taylor Swift at the height of her fame in 2013, I love the movie Titanic, went to see it two times in theaters and bought the VHS when it came out.  Hell, I was even openly happy on Trump's inauguration day when he was kind of at his height.  There is a lot of trendy shit I like.

Maybe some day it will be trendy to be a Flat Earther and I will still be a Flat Earther then as well.  It's easy when you live the way I live because you just like whatever you like.  And that is counter-culture because most people don't even know what the fucc they like and need someone to tell them how to think.  That's why someone like me might appear "counter-culture"--because its counter culture to think for yourself these days.

why would it make me feel better? i just call it like it is homie

i’m “counter culture” myself .. american culture is trash .. and i’m with u on some things (just not flat earth stuff lol)

but my point wasn’t to diss you for being counter culture.. it was to point out that you base your identity around it and stick to it at all costs

it is what it is, facts only

TraceOneInfinite Flat Earther 96'

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« Reply #28 on: April 27, 2022, 09:18:32 AM »

why would it make me feel better? i just call it like it is homie

i’m “counter culture” myself .. american culture is trash .. and i’m with u on some things (just not flat earth stuff lol)

but my point wasn’t to diss you for being counter culture.. it was to point out that you base your identity around it and stick to it at all costs

it is what it is, facts only

Perhaps identity, yes.  But stick to it at all costs, no. 

If someone could prove to me I am actually spinning right now, or show me the curve in the Earth I will change my mind.  But I am totally still at my desk right now, and I just went out for a walk and the desert here in the Arab Gulf is still flat.

(Remember when they used to do that awards thing here at the dubb?  (shit we should bring that back actually). Remember they used to call me an Eminem dickrider in 01?  And that I would support Eminem no matter what.  As soon as he said that "wear your damn mask" shit I was done with him.  Finished.  Same with Dre throwing up the horns.  I will still support all of Dre's older stuff but nothing since he did the LL induction and Superbowl with the devil worshipping.  Musically, Em kind of fell off after Proof died.  Nothing against him, he'd done all you could possibly do and he still drops an epic every now and then like "Guts Over Fear" and MMLP2 was very good)

Givin' respect to 2pac September 7th-13th The Day Hip-Hop Died

(btw, Earth 🌎 is not a spinning water ball)


« Reply #29 on: April 27, 2022, 09:36:01 AM »
Perhaps identity, yes.  But stick to it at all costs, no. 

If someone could prove to me I am actually spinning right now, or show me the curve in the Earth I will change my mind.  But I am totally still at my desk right now, and I just went out for a walk and the desert here in the Arab Gulf is still flat.

(Remember when they used to do that awards thing here at the dubb?  (shit we should bring that back actually). Remember they used to call me an Eminem dickrider in 01?  And that I would support Eminem no matter what.  As soon as he said that "wear your damn mask" shit I was done with him.  Finished.  Same with Dre throwing up the horns.  I will still support all of Dre's older stuff but nothing since he did the LL induction and Superbowl with the devil worshipping.  Musically, Em kind of fell off after Proof died.  Nothing against him, he'd done all you could possibly do and he still drops an epic every now and then like "Guts Over Fear" and MMLP2 was very good)

because it’s the cool thing to like eminem now.. he’s a pop artist who lost his edge

dre is at his commercial height as well, doin the super bowl - and not even making the kinda music we can really fux wit nowadays

so it’s easy to stop supporting them when they are an accepted part of american culture.. that’s your real answer