Author Topic: “EMINEM” WITH THE GAME DISS  (Read 2708 times)


« Reply #75 on: May 06, 2022, 09:47:54 AM »
How is Christianity white washed when it says through out the bible that Jews are black and Jesus being the king of the Jews has hair like wool, feet like brass and a Jew, the apostle paul was mistaken for an Egyptian in  Acts 21:38? Make it make sense. I find it funny because you are the one who broke his neck explaining how Jews aren't a black African people.

never once does it say jesus was black lmao we went over this already

this is the color of “burnished bronze”:

and here is a middle eastern israeli:

the new testament was written in greek.. you know that right? has nothing to do with the original scriptures.


« Reply #76 on: May 06, 2022, 09:49:18 AM »
Creator of the heavens and the earth from nothingness, how could He have a son when He has no mate? He created all things, and has knowledge of all things.
1 John 2:22 - Who is a liar but he that denieth that Jesus is the Christ? He is antichrist, that denieth the Father and the Son.

Islam is anti-christ just like Judaism.

are u a christian?


« Reply #77 on: May 06, 2022, 11:38:35 AM »

never once does it say jesus was black lmao we went over this already

this is the color of “burnished bronze”:

and here is a middle eastern israeli:

the new testament was written in greek.. you know that right? has nothing to do with the original scriptures.
Never said you said it.

Let's take the images you posted at face value. I could post some dark brass but I won't  Doesn't that show that your white washed comment is false? How does posting two non white things prove that something has been made white? You're not making any sense here.

You posted a pic of someone from today. That's number one. Number two, we've already went over the hair like wool thing. Those people don't have have hair like wool. You keep trying to side step that.

 the Greek thing means nothing to me, that's your religious thing.
No man born of woman tho. Dead homies.



« Reply #78 on: May 06, 2022, 11:39:24 AM »
No man born of woman tho. Dead homies.



« Reply #79 on: May 06, 2022, 01:06:26 PM »
Never said you said it.

Let's take the images you posted at face value. I could post some dark brass but I won't  Doesn't that show that your white washed comment is false? How does posting two non white things prove that something has been made white? You're not making any sense here.

You posted a pic of someone from today. That's number one. Number two, we've already went over the hair like wool thing. Those people don't have have hair like wool. You keep trying to side step that.

 the Greek thing means nothing to me, that's your religious thing.

first of all, burnished brass is not dark.. even tho jesus was middle-eastern, his teachings were hi-jacked by greek and romans and turned into todays christian scripture by them .. that is what white-washed means.

nobody is sidestepping hair like wool. you never heard of a jew fro? do you seriously not know what happens to hair when it’s not washed?

this ain’t rocket science bruh


« Reply #80 on: May 06, 2022, 05:56:15 PM »

here’s the answer to your very strange questions “what is energy” “what is a dimension” ….

you probably won’t read that or might even come back
with a smart ass reply, but there u go..if you’re seriously curious and not just putting on an act, you can start by reading those.

i know your type bruh.. you overload your mind with useless information, thinking it makes you smart. in reality, our brains are like drawers. you can stuff them full of different items, but it’s better to keep only what’s truly needed because there’s only a certain amount it can hold. you can either break things down to it’s simplest form (what truly intelligent people do), or you can try your hardest to sound like some pretentious intellect by overcomplexifying simple concepts in order to come off as superior.

judaism is literally responsible for modern science, but u don’t know that because u probably grew up in a church where your priest molested young children, so now you hate religion with a passion and dedicate your life to debunking it.

if you aren’t willing to read the material i provide, u can kick rocks n keep reading your science bible, because there’s no helping some1 like u.

You and your pathetic insult hurling  ::) Please don't pretend to know me because you and I both know you haven't the faintest idea who you're speaking to online. Knock it off and stop acting like an insecure prepubescent teenager. 

Addressing your first submission of TCM as a definition for energy is the reason you and I have a completely different understanding of the term. Your ideas about this are rooted in mysticism and are not used in various physical and engineering branches. Data supporting the effectiveness of most traditional remedies like TCM are scant, at best. I refer you to a 2009 study conducted by the University of Maryland that looked at 70 review papers evaluating TCM. None of the studies proved conclusive because the data were either too paltry or did not meet testing standards: Part of being a scientist is understanding the difference between legitimate experiments and junk science (and there's plenty of it to be frank). How to properly read and analyze papers is a learned skill. Giving credence to treatments like TCM that have not undergone extensive clinical testing of safety and efficacy doesn't give TCM or its derivatives any credibility.

In case you're unaware (which it appears you certainly are), China has been pushing for wider global acceptance of traditional medicines, which brings in some $50 billion in annual revenue for their economy. Traditional medicines are unregulated, and they frequently make people sick rather than curing them. One particularly troublesome ingredient, aristolochic acid, is commonly used in traditional remedies and has been linked to fatal kidney damage and cancers of the urinary tract. I point you to two studies. One from the British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology in 2017 that tested 487 Chinese products taken by sick patients and discovered 1,234 hidden ingredients, including approved and banned Western drugs, drug analogues and animal thyroid tissue: The second in 2012 by Murdoch University of Australia identified the DNA sequences in 15 samples of traditional medicines in the form of powders, tablets, capsules, bile flakes and herbal teas. The samples also contained plants that produce toxic chemicals and animal DNA from vulnerable or endangered species (the Asiatic black bear and saiga antelope, for example) and other creatures protected by international laws:

In actual physics, energy is defined as the potential to do work or produce heat. Energy is measured in SI units called joules (named after James Prescott Joule). To do 1 kilojoule of work, you must expend 1 kilojoule of energy. This is the formula: 1 J = 1 kg.m2/s2. Some forms of energy are potential [related to an object’s position in a force field (gravitational, electric or magnetic)], mechanical, and kinetic (related to the velocity of a moving object). Other forms include electrical, magnetic, ionized, radiant, chemical, and nuclear energy. In thermodynamics the concept of energy is broadened to account for other observed changes. Thermodynamics deals with another type of energy called “thermal energy” or “internal energy”. The only ways the energy of a closed system can be changed are through transfer of energy by work or by heat. Further, based on the experiments of Joule and others, a fundamental aspect of the energy concept is that energy is conserved. Energy cannot be created or destroyed. This principle is known as the first law of thermodynamics and captured in the following formula: ∆Eint = Q – W where Eint represents the internal energy of the material, which depends only on the material’s state (temperature, pressure, and volume). Q is the net heat added to the system and W is the net work done by the system. See if you can find ways to play with the formula to produce your own results. In general, energy is a fundamental concept of thermodynamics and one of the most significant aspects of engineering analysis. This just scratches the surface. We haven't even gotten to Einstein's mass-energy equivalence. Are you starting to see the difference? This is what an explanation looks like - not some ripped off Chinese medicine thought experiment "medical theory" article talking about energy without any experiments or math in it.

To your self-aggrandizing bit about Jews being "literally responsible for modern science", the first sentence of that article you posted says: "Firstly, we shouldn’t exaggerate. Jews were not the first scientists; that distinction goes to Greece and the Pre-Christian century." But I'm you'll try and cite the second sentence claiming that Jews instead created "western rationality", which "led to modern science." Aside from this article being an opinion piece, there's another inherent conflict of interest: it's written by a theologian. Try finding sources authored by actual historians like Ofer Gal who don't have skin in the game. Copernicus was the father of the scientific revolution who executed his work in the name of astronomy - not philosophy like his predecessors - and first placed the Sun, not the Earth, at the center of the cosmos. He was followed by other luminaries like Tycho, Kepler, Galileo and my main man Newton. This is common knowledge. Seems like if it's not Jewish, you don't read it. This might be breaking news, but Judaism does not hold all the medals for every human achievement. There are terms for this kind of thinking: confirmation bias and cognitive dissonance.

Finally, your Smithsonian article: this is the only accurate piece of literature you managed to find. But do you understand string theory and how it works? Because even the article admits that it is difficult to "explain the mathematics behind string theory without putting on a graduate seminar or two" and I'm sure you've never attended one. To this point, please understand that string theory is in the branch of theoretical physics. Do you know what that means? Do you know what other branches of physics exist and what they study? What's your background on topics like quarks, flip angles, and other sub-atomic phenomena in areas like quantum mechanics? You couldn't possibly use any of the information in the article to try and prove the existence of a deity. If you think you can, please do write out your dissertation. If it had a shred of truth to it, your face would be on every magazine cover in the world and you'd be the recipient of every prestigious award in mathematics and physics. Good luck.


« Reply #81 on: May 06, 2022, 06:57:52 PM »
first of all, burnished brass is not dark.. even tho jesus was middle-eastern, his teachings were hi-jacked by greek and romans and turned into todays christian scripture by them .. that is what white-washed means.

nobody is sidestepping hair like wool. you never heard of a jew fro? do you seriously not know what happens to hair when it’s not washed?

this ain’t rocket science bruh
It doesn't say burnished it says burnt.

Revelation 1:15
“And his feet like unto fine brass, as if they burned in a furnace; and his voice as the sound of many waters.”

King James Version (KJV)

I don't see hair like wool in that pic.

I agree his teachings were hijacked by Romans which is why the Roman Catholic institute has its own Bibles. I fail to see what that has to do with the scriptures I'm using though. You keep speaking on thing you know absolutely nothing about and then want to evangelize about arrogance.

Let's look at your middle east claim. I can do the same thing.

"By the mid-20th century a common definition of the Middle East encompassed the states or territories of Turkey, Cyprus, Syria, Lebanon, Iraq, Iran, Israel, the West Bank, the Gaza Strip, Jordan, Egypt, Sudan, Libya, and the various states and territories of Arabia proper (Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Yemen, Oman, Bahrain, Qatar, and the Trucial States, or Trucial Oman [now United Arab Emirates]). "

Notice it says the Sudan. Here is a woman from the Sudan aka the middle east with hair white like wool.

Revelation 1:14
“His head and his hairs were white like wool, as white as snow; and his eyes were as a flame of fire;”

King James Version (KJV)

Job, a Jew, said he was Black why didn't they remove that from scripture if it was white washed. I'll wait. If Job who was a Jew was Black, wouldn't it make sense that Jesus the king of the Jews was Black?

Job 30:30
King James Version
30 My skin is black upon me, and my bones are burned with heat.

Luke 23:37-38
King James Version
37 And saying, If thou be the king of the Jews, save thyself.

38 And a superscription also was written over him in letters of Greek, and Latin, and Hebrew, This Is The King Of The Jews.

Sounds like the religion of the Jews is what has been whitewashed into Judaism.
No man born of woman tho. Dead homies.



« Reply #82 on: May 06, 2022, 07:05:25 PM »
You and your pathetic insult hurling  ::) Please don't pretend to know me because you and I both know you haven't the faintest idea who you're speaking to online. Knock it off and stop acting like an insecure prepubescent teenager. 

Addressing your first submission of TCM as a definition for energy is the reason you and I have a completely different understanding of the term. Your ideas about this are rooted in mysticism and are not used in various physical and engineering branches. Data supporting the effectiveness of most traditional remedies like TCM are scant, at best. I refer you to a 2009 study conducted by the University of Maryland that looked at 70 review papers evaluating TCM. None of the studies proved conclusive because the data were either too paltry or did not meet testing standards: Part of being a scientist is understanding the difference between legitimate experiments and junk science (and there's plenty of it to be frank). How to properly read and analyze papers is a learned skill. Giving credence to treatments like TCM that have not undergone extensive clinical testing of safety and efficacy doesn't give TCM or its derivatives any credibility.

In case you're unaware (which it appears you certainly are), China has been pushing for wider global acceptance of traditional medicines, which brings in some $50 billion in annual revenue for their economy. Traditional medicines are unregulated, and they frequently make people sick rather than curing them. One particularly troublesome ingredient, aristolochic acid, is commonly used in traditional remedies and has been linked to fatal kidney damage and cancers of the urinary tract. I point you to two studies. One from the British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology in 2017 that tested 487 Chinese products taken by sick patients and discovered 1,234 hidden ingredients, including approved and banned Western drugs, drug analogues and animal thyroid tissue: The second in 2012 by Murdoch University of Australia identified the DNA sequences in 15 samples of traditional medicines in the form of powders, tablets, capsules, bile flakes and herbal teas. The samples also contained plants that produce toxic chemicals and animal DNA from vulnerable or endangered species (the Asiatic black bear and saiga antelope, for example) and other creatures protected by international laws:

In actual physics, energy is defined as the potential to do work or produce heat. Energy is measured in SI units called joules (named after James Prescott Joule). To do 1 kilojoule of work, you must expend 1 kilojoule of energy. This is the formula: 1 J = 1 kg.m2/s2. Some forms of energy are potential [related to an object’s position in a force field (gravitational, electric or magnetic)], mechanical, and kinetic (related to the velocity of a moving object). Other forms include electrical, magnetic, ionized, radiant, chemical, and nuclear energy. In thermodynamics the concept of energy is broadened to account for other observed changes. Thermodynamics deals with another type of energy called “thermal energy” or “internal energy”. The only ways the energy of a closed system can be changed are through transfer of energy by work or by heat. Further, based on the experiments of Joule and others, a fundamental aspect of the energy concept is that energy is conserved. Energy cannot be created or destroyed. This principle is known as the first law of thermodynamics and captured in the following formula: ∆Eint = Q – W where Eint represents the internal energy of the material, which depends only on the material’s state (temperature, pressure, and volume). Q is the net heat added to the system and W is the net work done by the system. See if you can find ways to play with the formula to produce your own results. In general, energy is a fundamental concept of thermodynamics and one of the most significant aspects of engineering analysis. This just scratches the surface. We haven't even gotten to Einstein's mass-energy equivalence. Are you starting to see the difference? This is what an explanation looks like - not some ripped off Chinese medicine thought experiment "medical theory" article talking about energy without any experiments or math in it.

To your self-aggrandizing bit about Jews being "literally responsible for modern science", the first sentence of that article you posted says: "Firstly, we shouldn’t exaggerate. Jews were not the first scientists; that distinction goes to Greece and the Pre-Christian century." But I'm you'll try and cite the second sentence claiming that Jews instead created "western rationality", which "led to modern science." Aside from this article being an opinion piece, there's another inherent conflict of interest: it's written by a theologian. Try finding sources authored by actual historians like Ofer Gal who don't have skin in the game. Copernicus was the father of the scientific revolution who executed his work in the name of astronomy - not philosophy like his predecessors - and first placed the Sun, not the Earth, at the center of the cosmos. He was followed by other luminaries like Tycho, Kepler, Galileo and my main man Newton. This is common knowledge. Seems like if it's not Jewish, you don't read it. This might be breaking news, but Judaism does not hold all the medals for every human achievement. There are terms for this kind of thinking: confirmation bias and cognitive dissonance.

Finally, your Smithsonian article: this is the only accurate piece of literature you managed to find. But do you understand string theory and how it works? Because even the article admits that it is difficult to "explain the mathematics behind string theory without putting on a graduate seminar or two" and I'm sure you've never attended one. To this point, please understand that string theory is in the branch of theoretical physics. Do you know what that means? Do you know what other branches of physics exist and what they study? What's your background on topics like quarks, flip angles, and other sub-atomic phenomena in areas like quantum mechanics? You couldn't possibly use any of the information in the article to try and prove the existence of a deity. If you think you can, please do write out your dissertation. If it had a shred of truth to it, your face would be on every magazine cover in the world and you'd be the recipient of every prestigious award in mathematics and physics. Good luck.

insults? with all due respect, if ever i insulted you, it’s only in return .. after all, scripture very clearly states an eye for an eye  ;)

mysticism is awesome.. you should try checkin out the zohar. incredible stuff that explains science way before modern science caught up.

anyways, i skimmed through your post.. you’re not very efficient in explaining things in their simplest form, which like i said, displays one of the highest levels of intelligence.. and right now shabbat is about to kick in, so gota get off the phone. if you want to check the books i recommended and prove them wrong, im all ears. peace out homie.


« Reply #83 on: May 06, 2022, 07:10:33 PM »
It doesn't say burnished it says burnt.

Revelation 1:15
“And his feet like unto fine brass, as if they burned in a furnace; and his voice as the sound of many waters.”

King James Version (KJV)

I don't see hair like wool in that pic.

I agree his teachings were hijacked by Romans which is why the Roman Catholic institute has its own Bibles. I fail to see what that has to do with the scriptures I'm using though. You keep speaking on thing you know absolutely nothing about and then want to evangelize about arrogance.

Let's look at your middle east claim. I can do the same thing.

"By the mid-20th century a common definition of the Middle East encompassed the states or territories of Turkey, Cyprus, Syria, Lebanon, Iraq, Iran, Israel, the West Bank, the Gaza Strip, Jordan, Egypt, Sudan, Libya, and the various states and territories of Arabia proper (Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Yemen, Oman, Bahrain, Qatar, and the Trucial States, or Trucial Oman [now United Arab Emirates]). "

Notice it says the Sudan. Here is a woman from the Sudan aka the middle east with hair white like wool.

Revelation 1:14
“His head and his hairs were white like wool, as white as snow; and his eyes were as a flame of fire;”

King James Version (KJV)

Job, a Jew, said he was Black why didn't they remove that from scripture if it was white washed. I'll wait. If Job who was a Jew was Black, wouldn't it make sense that Jesus the king of the Jews was Black?

Job 30:30
King James Version
30 My skin is black upon me, and my bones are burned with heat.

Luke 23:37-38
King James Version
37 And saying, If thou be the king of the Jews, save thyself.

38 And a superscription also was written over him in letters of Greek, and Latin, and Hebrew, This Is The King Of The Jews.

Sounds like the religion of the Jews is what has been whitewashed into Judaism.

we already went over this .. you do not speak hebrew, so you are using wrong interpretations. it’s “darkened upon me” .. it is “burnished”. go refer back to our debate in tot, i broke it all down in there.


« Reply #84 on: May 06, 2022, 07:17:20 PM »
we already went over this .. you do not speak hebrew, so you are using wrong interpretations. it’s “darkened upon me” .. it is “burnished”. go refer back to our debate in tot, i broke it all down in there.
But the new testament was written in Greek though. How are you going to tell me it's burnished? lol  You lost this one too just like you lost on your antichrist reply. Worry about that other guy's post. Just stop speaking on stuff you've never studied. God forbid you actually do study instead.
No man born of woman tho. Dead homies.


TraceOneInfinite Flat Earther 96'

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« Reply #85 on: May 07, 2022, 12:24:00 AM »
Stop mentioning me.

I’ll mention you to your mama
Givin' respect to 2pac September 7th-13th The Day Hip-Hop Died

(btw, Earth 🌎 is not a spinning water ball)
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« Reply #86 on: May 07, 2022, 11:13:44 AM »

insults? with all due respect, if ever i insulted you, it’s only in return .. after all, scripture very clearly states an eye for an eye  ;)

mysticism is awesome.. you should try checkin out the zohar. incredible stuff that explains science way before modern science caught up.

anyways, i skimmed through your post.. you’re not very efficient in explaining things in their simplest form, which like i said, displays one of the highest levels of intelligence.. and right now shabbat is about to kick in, so gota get off the phone. if you want to check the books i recommended and prove them wrong, im all ears. peace out homie.

This is a very poor, lazy, lackluster and disappointing reply to what I have previously submitted. It's clear you're not serious and are uninterested in having any sort of technical debate that requires in-depth knowledge about topics like the ones put fourth - despite the fact that you demanded I read your articles while you "skim" my reply. This is primarily because it's not your area of expertise, which puts you at a disadvantage and probably why you're having trouble understanding basic concepts of energy, dimensions, etc. taken from physics 101 - all of which are pretty straight forward for anyone with a grade school level understanding. If it sounds like I'm spelling this out, it's because I am (with no effect). Perhaps you'll take the time to read my previous reply a little more carefully.

The truth is, science is hard. It's why many people are discouraged from entering the field. In the physics community - of which you are not a part and couldn't be further from - there is saying: "if you understand physics, you don't get it." It's a play on words. See if you can try and solve the riddle. Mathematics is the language of physics. Try communicating without language and see how far you get. Each formula - including the one I provided from thermodynamics - requires a proof. Entire careers over centuries were spent deriving proofs for formulas we easily take for granted today. Efficiency at the expense of clarity gets us nowhere. The ability to explain highly technical ideas is important to ensure everyone understands what words mean and ultimately, it ensures things actually work - like your internet connection and your phone and everything else modern science has been able to enhance your life with. But this is not your area nor is it what you do for a living. So criticizing it really doesn't mean much from someone who is both scientifically illiterate and will never make a single contribution to the field in a lifetime.

Needless to say, you have successfully taken the piss out of this. It was a nice and brief exercise for me - but it's not fun anymore. So I'll just leave it there.


« Reply #87 on: May 07, 2022, 10:40:51 PM »
This is a very poor, lazy, lackluster and disappointing reply to what I have previously submitted. It's clear you're not serious and are uninterested in having any sort of technical debate that requires in-depth knowledge about topics like the ones put fourth - despite the fact that you demanded I read your articles while you "skim" my reply. This is primarily because it's not your area of expertise, which puts you at a disadvantage and probably why you're having trouble understanding basic concepts of energy, dimensions, etc. taken from physics 101 - all of which are pretty straight forward for anyone with a grade school level understanding. If it sounds like I'm spelling this out, it's because I am (with no effect). Perhaps you'll take the time to read my previous reply a little more carefully.

The truth is, science is hard. It's why many people are discouraged from entering the field. In the physics community - of which you are not a part and couldn't be further from - there is saying: "if you understand physics, you don't get it." It's a play on words. See if you can try and solve the riddle. Mathematics is the language of physics. Try communicating without language and see how far you get. Each formula - including the one I provided from thermodynamics - requires a proof. Entire careers over centuries were spent deriving proofs for formulas we easily take for granted today. Efficiency at the expense of clarity gets us nowhere. The ability to explain highly technical ideas is important to ensure everyone understands what words mean and ultimately, it ensures things actually work - like your internet connection and your phone and everything else modern science has been able to enhance your life with. But this is not your area nor is it what you do for a living. So criticizing it really doesn't mean much from someone who is both scientifically illiterate and will never make a single contribution to the field in a lifetime.

Needless to say, you have successfully taken the piss out of this. It was a nice and brief exercise for me - but it's not fun anymore. So I'll just leave it there.

i know you have no familiarity with spiritual matters, but i literally explained in my post that it was about to be shabbat .. and for those in the know, that means we are not permitted to use our phone.. instead of taking offense to that, try UNDERSTANDING first.

back to the topic at hand, in the words of my great ancestor, the rambam:

If a person studies too much and exhausts his reflective powers, he will be confused, and will not be able to apprehend even that which had been within the power of his apprehension. For the powers of the body are all alike in this respect.

While one man can discover a certain thing by himself, another is never able to understand it, even if taught by means of all possible expressions and metaphors, and during a long period; his mind can in no way grasp it, his capacity is insufficient for it.

in other words, you are so caught up on the technical aspect of existence that your soul has zero capacity for anything beyond what can be explained with physics. only slightly better than being a robot. if you’re lacking in spiritual matters, that is something you will need to discover on your own, because no amount of studying will get you there.

there is no doubt that some good has come from reliance on “experts,” but most of the benefits have been on a physical level- and many of these have engendered new sets of problems. spiritually, humanity’s lot has dwindled over time. though you may downplay that shortcoming, this is a serious lapse of judgement. werner heisenberg demonstrated that we must take all aspects of reality into account in order to grasp the totality of any object or event-yet we can never know all the aspects. that means we are in the dark, no matter how brightly lit the world might seem to be. if we have the courage to face facts, we must say goodbye to science as a security blanket, just as we earlier said goodbye to witch doctors and conjurers. we must relinquish hope of finding the cause of chaos in the world through observational means, and we must certainly abandon the idea of eradicating chaos with the same severely limited modalities.

this being the case, we must simply develop our spiritual potential in order to escape the chaos of a purely empirical relationship with the universe. the ultimate truth is that power derived from concealment and that merit on the spiritual plane is linked to anonymity in the physical world.

i’m sure this will go over your head, if you didn’t already tap out (for the second time), but i genuinely hope this message finds you in some way. if not you, hopefully someone else who is questioning may read this and comprehend the message. but the more you think you know, the less you actually do.


« Reply #88 on: May 07, 2022, 11:01:56 PM »
But the new testament was written in Greek though. How are you going to tell me it's burnished? lol  You lost this one too just like you lost on your antichrist reply. Worry about that other guy's post. Just stop speaking on stuff you've never studied. God forbid you actually do study instead.

there’s no need to read a scripture that totally contradicts a scripture it considers divine in order to understand it lacks divinity. God says not to eat pork.. all of a sudden we can in the new testament. come on now. there are so many holes in that book i can point out that makes its lack of divinity clear, but i’m not even tryna go there.

so whether it says burnished or burnt is irrelevant (even tho both colors are clearly the color of middle easterns, as black people are more brown than bronze) ..

that said, i was clearly speaking on the divine book of job when addressing the fact that you should use the hebrew wording.

i’ll say it again, since it lost you the first time. the word used in scripture is שָׁחַ֣ר .. that means DARKENED, not BLACK lol .. i know this because i speak hebrew. the word for black is שָׁחוֹר (same root, different word), which is why some cacs trying their best to interpret hebrew got confused. this is basic stuff.

i’ve spent a good portion of my life studying divine scripture, so i wouldn’t recommend you doubt me there if you wana have an honest debate.


« Reply #89 on: May 08, 2022, 09:39:07 AM »
there’s no need to read a scripture that totally contradicts a scripture it considers divine in order to understand it lacks divinity. God says not to eat pork.. all of a sudden we can in the new testament. come on now. there are so many holes in that book i can point out that makes its lack of divinity clear, but i’m not even tryna go there.

The fact that I have refuted your middle eastern argument, yet to went back to it, is the reason you're living a lie today. I'll get back to that later.

so whether it says burnished or burnt is irrelevant (even tho both colors are clearly the color of middle easterns, as black people are more brown than bronze) ..

that said, i was clearly speaking on the divine book of job when addressing the fact that you should use the hebrew wording.

i’ll say it again, since it lost you the first time. the word used in scripture is שָׁחַ֣ר .. that means DARKENED, not BLACK lol .. i know this because i speak hebrew. the word for black is שָׁחוֹר (same root, different word), which is why some cacs trying their best to interpret hebrew got confused. this is basic stuff.

i’ve spent a good portion of my life studying divine scripture, so i wouldn’t recommend you doubt me there if you wana have an honest debate.
Eating pork was the law for the Jews. Under the new testament covenant for all mankind, that doesn't apply. It's just that simple. It's not my fault you reject the Messiah and his teachings because you were raised to. When was thy last burnt offering btw or stoning?

The scriptures also condemns Sodom but just yesterday you said the scriptures allows it. When did that change? It doesn't sound like you know the scriptures as you claim to. I think you have a "I'm Jewish, god's chosen people, so I'm right" attitude.

Black people come in various shades but the hair like wool is what distinguishes them from gentiles. Jews and Gentiles, not race. So even if I concede on the skin color, he would still fall under the same "black" umbrella. Just as a red bone (ruddy as king David), yellow bone or albino would. Those little twist and curls you guys do with your hair isn't the same as Sampson's locs either. Please don't start that again. On one hand you say there are black Jewish people (you've said this in the past)  and on the other you fight tooth and nail to say they aren't.

I have already went over the Hebrew thing before. You speaking Hebrew doesn't change anything. The translators of the KJV knew it as well. You have to alter the meaning of the text or else it becomes obvious that your religion stole another people's identity. Your mind would unravel to find out that you aren't a Jew after all and that your entire life is a lie.
No man born of woman tho. Dead homies.