Author Topic: Alumni Dissertations Volume II - Lyrical Raw BY UNKNOWN, CONNUNDRUM, CHERNOBAL,  (Read 243 times)


Alumni Dissertations Volume II - Lyrical Raw BY UNKNOWN, CONNUNDRUM, CHERNOBAL, FOURCLONEZ Featuring SINCLAIR

Released in 2012

1] Alumni Dissertations Volume II - Lyrical Raw::Introduction - Meeting The Alumni By Sinclair
2] Alumni Dissertations Volume II - Lyrical Raw::Lyrical Illness
3] Alumni Dissertations Volume II - Lyrical Raw::Curriculumni
4] Alumni Dissertations Volume II - Lyrical Raw::The Face Off
5] Alumni Dissertations Volume II - Lyrical Raw::Alumni Infatuation
6] Alumni Dissertations Volume II - Lyrical Raw::Battle Diss(ertation) 2
7] Alumni Dissertations Volume II - Lyrical Raw::Prophetic PHD Dissertations Featuring Sinclair
8] Alumni Dissertations Volume II - Lyrical Raw::Four Clonez - Chernobal Versus Connundrum Featuring Unknown
9] Alumni Dissertations Volume II - Lyrical Raw::Pursuit Of The Alumni Crest
10] Alumni Dissertations Volume II - Lyrical Raw::Lyrical Raw (Title Track)
11] Alumni Dissertations Volume II - Lyrical Raw::Beautiful Mind Of The Alumni
12] Alumni Dissertations Volume II - Lyrical Raw::Go With Me? (-Bonus Track-)

1]Alumni Dissertations Volume II - Lyrical Raw::Introduction - Meeting The Alumni

I began studying the Alumni for several reasons, it's prestige and notoriety
they are sophisticated high society
I took notice and observed everything I was shown quietly
even though I'm the vocal type
for the members their life was that of a socialite
hours of training with them really put a damper on my social life
I was sent to live at a secure place
the home was a lavish estate, surrounded by gates
for would be assailants it's impossible to penetrate
outside Unknown waved his hand for the chauffeur to bring the car
I peeked inside and saw a bar
I got in dressed in a tuxedo, smoking on a illegal cigar
a man I knew not wore a encrusted piece with the Alumni Crest
it was a elliptical gold medallion
that hung around his neck and sat upon his chest
the diamonds and bullion shone as a light onto his vest
I was offered fruit to eat with the assurance it would be fresh
I declined politely thinking this was a test
he assured me there was no need to stress
from then on I put all of my fears to rest
I was given a internal Alumni Dossier to investigate
any questions I had about the crest would have to wait
I laid them aside for another day
and continued on with the games of mental chess I play
once we arrived at the location
I saw Alumni Statesmen standing around
as a group they are paranoid of infiltration
for this reason I was padded down
I was amongst forces greater than the society of Jason
at their compound
once inside I was taken to an underground basement
escorted without a sound
up until now I have been treated like a king without a crown
I was nervous like my neck was in a guillotine
I wished that I had eaten some of the grapes offered to me back in the limousine
there was music playing in the background, Michael Jackson's Billy Jean
It was all soo surreal
you would have to be there to know what I really mean
after all, this was the Alumni, not just any team
I was then introduced to the set as a friend of ours by the men in power
they said that I had been carefully watched by many men for many hours
then I was told to decode some old phonetic codes
it read "the Alumni was foretold on prophetic scrolls
how old is theoretical, this writing along with the Alumni Crests and the official mold
were last seen in an antique chest, seized during the Four Clonez arrest."
finally, sitting in a Alumni classroom, at last I had made it
I began to examine the dossier, I admit it I was fascinated
this introduction of the dissertations is a student writing demonstration
requested by the faculty staff and the Alumni Administration

2]Alumni Dissertations Volume II - Lyrical Raw::Lyrical Illness

I'm so sick that dissin' me would unleash a medical mystery
the illness from my response would go down in history
and like Napster instantly cripple the entire music industry
I strike rival Emcees with a spinal disease
make them develop chronic fatigue and chronic pain
as they sit near the three point lane at a Supersonic's game
these rhymes may weaken your immune system while you listen
you have to make a decision, you should go consult a physician
you may start to show symptoms of a condition and need a prescription
before hand ask a clinician about any possible addiction
infants need to see their pediatrician, their mothers need an obstetrician
due to genetic variations, you may prefer generic medication
you'll need not only H but also I,J,K through Z preparation
all of a sudden artist start achin' then shakin'
they experience a burning sensation, sizzlin' like bacon
from the inflammation as they try to board a train at the train Station
or the opposite since they tried to test
they get hit with cold flashes like when a ghost passes
Rappers who try to battle me you'll have allergies and other allergic reactions
even I had a stroke when I sat down and spoke what I wrote, it aint a joke
I experienced swelling and tightness in my throat and I don't even smoke!
best believe, my style is like an infectious disease that you catch when I sneeze
it affects your respiratory system so that you can no longer breath
if we ever face off some possible side effects include weight loss and you may cough
the last thing you want to do is quote this
be warned whoever approaches will be smote with a osteoporosis diagnosis
then i'll spit cystic fibrosis, psoriasis, multiple sclerosis and tuberculosis
TB, I’ve flowed std’s such as hepatitis c, VD and HIV
I'm warning you, you better stay in your place if you hate IV's
introduce you to my brand of verbal acupuncture
where my tongue transforms into a fist and punch ya
and punctures the muscles in your stomach until it ruptures
another blow makes your chest cave
you fall down to your knees like a sex slave
you suffer severe damage to your rib cage according to the x-rays
the lack of exercise leads to inactivity which leads to a disability
no agility is the price you pay for trying to get with me
for the pain I suggest tranquilizers made by Pfizer
prescribed by health care providers
often taken by injured drivers and plane crash survivors
or perhaps even neurologic narcotics
I’ll attack with a virus that can’t be cured with anti-biotics
rheumatoid arthritis mixed with gingivitis that affects your iris and eyelids
I been ill smokin' crushed ibuprofen and benadryl
not the liquid kind either, I have a version that only comes in a pill
to all you haters, I'm sicker than a clinical investigator hooked to a respirator
if I were you I would go get treated now rather than later
to detect genetic mutations that brings about calcification in studied patients
undergo laboratory testing, consultation and evaluations
overload your blood pressure now you bleedin'
now you have trouble eatin', now you have trouble sleepin'
now you have trouble breathin', I'm not a vegan, I have absolutly no trouble beefin'
I’ll strike every rapper in Oklahoma with lymphoma, pneumonia or a comma
once you start feeling sick before the pain hits
go and get your first aide kits, my verses are sharp enough to make strands of aids split
lyrical sickness in cardiology, neurology and pharmacology
if you feel illness after you hear this
the Alumni would like to offer you a formal apology
3]Alumni Dissertations Volume II - Lyrical Raw::Curriculumni

bare witness to the eccentric chemist
with degrees and certificates in business and physics
Alumni businesses are operated by physicist
our task are strenuous, academic grant dollars are limitless
contracted to unlock the mysteries of Genesis
lyrical illness master's degree
the mastery of medical terminology
Alumni Dissertations, the epitome of the Alumni ideology
physical and cultural anthropology
foundation of biology, anatomy and physiology
photography, civil construction engineering technology
brought to you by the Alumni Honor's Society
dissertations on medical mathematics calculations
associate in applied rhyming science
compliance by the Alumni Association
using the precise chemical elements brings out a minerals elegance
I experiment with general electrics effect on sediment
then state my findings with sensual eloquence
in the past my research papers have set the precedence
they spread abroad like airborne pestilence to the earth's residents
one explained how innate inorganic matter can levitate
I'm able to make any size or shaped object float in space
by bringing its base down to feather weight
some in the scientific community want to debate, I don't hesitate
but first they need to attend Alumni Seminars designed to educate
we haven't been refuted after all of these years
the facts are printed in journals for our peers
but let's be clear
if they have a dispute about the truth, then I'm all ears
I transition Tesla students to twenty second century improvements in nuclear fusion
eccentric, unusual seniors on campus, I'm more likely to choose them
Sinclair is showing rapid evolution, I think we'll use him
he'll go with us overseas after the debate in Houston
we travel abroad giving speeches and lectures
our audience is primarily made up of teachers and professors
occasionally we get propaganda presented by misinformation hecklers
at oxford I teach in sign language for the hearing impaired
simultaneously speaking in French as I signal in mid air
one of my colleagues looks on intrigued as he pulls on his chin hairs
after a question and answer session, my address will end there
I will be followed by the Alumni protege, Sinclair
this is a symposium held in the auditorium, he's seated to the right by the podium
in one of the ten chairs
information disseminated from dissertations are intended to arouse stimulation
with the stipulation it won't be used as indoctrination
Alumni simulation nor emulation in any situation
4]Alumni Dissertations Volume II - Lyrical Raw::The Face Off

I kill with my molten steel sword I yield
holding your shield
surrounded by a electromagnetic force field
if you won't kneel then your corpse will
I decapitate, you masturbate
emasculate rappers like the Hip Hop industry but at a faster rate
I breed the sickest pedigree of Emcee in a attempt to create a master race
spittin' punchlines that'll smash yo face
put your career on hold and tell you it will have to wait
to well after half past eight
I then proceed to decapitate as you masturbate
my viciousness can only be described as meticulous
one minute i'm articulate, the next thing you know i'm ignorant
displaying soo many styles it's just ridiculous
with tongue in cheek tongue twisters that leave you tongue tied
cast a fervent verse at the sun rise and leave the sun fried
say goodbye to the sunshine son, the sun died
the venomous lines in my haiku paralyze you
stiff as a board is, rigamortis, physical frame distorted and contorted
leave your style aborted from the stings of this riled up hornet
you beat The Alumni? BS, absurd, preposterous
leave you torn with the horn of a rhinoceros and the bite of a hippopotamus
burning sulfur, verbally synonymous
wordplay onslaught it should be obvious since i'm in this, it's ominous
the nicest, the sickest, the tightest, the illest
write the hypest of disses
recietin' the type of lyrics that causes sicness in psychic spirits
old skool like Winnie Cooper and Punky Bruster
you just a sixty proofer
imma whiskey brewer that'll leave Bacchus in a drunken stooper
the sickest to eva do this and that's all there is to it
spit in a face a mixture of mace, hydrochloric acid and embalming fluid
keep it up with that tough talk and i'll stomp you out and leave your thoughts on the side walk as a scuff mark
you soft as a teddy bear and go both ways that don't make you bi polar
you sweeter than a lime soda and your brain is the size of an iota
i'm only battlin' you because for today i'm below on my quota
lyrically i'm an unmuzzled dragon
opponents I attach them to the back of a wagon and drag them
sport their flesh upon my scales for fashion
you better stay on your couch playin' Madden
your time is up has been
you done snorted everything from grounded up aspirin, blow to the snows of Aspen
your fans don't know you full of it, that's how you gas them
slap you in the mouth so many times you'll talk with an accent
punch you in the temple and derail your train of thought
my knuckles against your head strike with the pain of darts
tarnish your career, spit spray paint to stain your art
I eat with teeth designed to saw wood
get up out the car if you think you spar good
you'll regain consciousness butt naked on top of your car's hood
i'm the truth kid and as such I can't be refuted
my voice box is a cross bow and I aint afraid to use it
no i'm not Cupid stupid
verbally leave you permanently wounded and muted
the narrow arrow traveled and flew across the room like a big sparrow
and pierced your rib marrow
there was blood left on your afro as well as your shadow
the sharp tip from a verse spit when it hit with leave your heart split
in a battle I flow the hardest
all opponents are left a heartless carcass regardless
let another line sail
the verse was so on point, it impales your frail entrails to the wall
splatters your gall bladder and makes you fall into a pool of gall
on the floor you droll and sprawl
the noises you scream resemble a grueling brawl
shoot you during a duel, now crawl, oh no, how cruel, you're mauled
yous undercover that's why I hate yall raps
you more suspect than a young black male wearing a baseball cap
you sweeter than Russell and Richard Simmons having a pillow discussion on Russian Linens
keep tryin' to act like you don't know what it is
i'll grab your son with my right hand, your daughter with my left
and then i'll throw your kids
don't ever try to gamble
on my last rival I did a drive by in a stolen Lambo, using trojan ammo
I came through with roman candles
lit him up while he was on the Ouija board tryin' to omen channel
you aint but you think you nice
that's why you gettin' beat by life, mistreat yo wife
can't sleep at night, aint eatin' right
son i'll crush your teeth like ice
then fight you with swarms of bees and lice
that'll eat you like beans and rice
if you survive this strike you best believe the hype
i'm coming back like Jesus Christ
5]Alumni Dissertations Volume II - Lyrical Raw::Alumni Infatuation

later on that night I psychoanalyzed you
based on our previous conversation
the re-kindling of that thought in my mind
brings about a tingling sensation
just try to imagine four hours of tedious contemplation
it was similar to my visit with a therapist
for a meaningless consultation
I've come to the conclusion that your facade is an illusion
you're not what you appear
like watching a contortionist while suffering from a brain contusion
do my eyes deceive me? you cause me confusion
your physical being along with your voice cause an infusion of plain delusion
those two elements work in conjunction or collusion
listen, even my alter ego even said that your seduction alludes him
your aura makes me reminisce of being in a straight jack
or bound by my wrist, with the Fios wires of Verizon wireless
staring into the eyes of my psychiatrist
her and I are still friends, in fact she's on my client list
back then though I was as wild as a riot is
enough of that, back to your unusual presence
I feel as if God has presented my with you a present whenever you are present
your glow is that of a lunar crescent, I behold your beautiful essence
and fixate on you with angelic reverence, as I do with the view of the heavens
your flirtatious mannerisms place you in a realm with legends
allow me a moment to digress in jest just for a sec
i'm speaking with a genie in a bottle, locked inside Pandora’s treasure chest
I must confess he's on a pleasure quest more or less
how do I get out of here? I can hear your thoughts loud and clear
even when they fall the sound of tears, the vibration surrounds my ears
okay where was I? have you ever seen a dove cry?
look up, right now there is one that fly's above high
goodbye, you will always be in the heart and mind of the Alumni
6]Alumni Dissertations Volume II - Lyrical Raw::Battle Diss(ertation) 2

Unknown- Chernobal, I have some good news and some bad news.
Chernobal- Ok???!!
Unknown- I just found out that yet ANOTHER rapper put out yet ANOTHER hit on us because of your rhymes! That's more than I care to count.
Chernobal- OK? So what's the bad news
Unknown- Well, the bad news is.............. wait huh?
Chernobal- HA HA HA

Yo, stand up wherever you at right now and then bow down to Lyrical Raw!

greetings and salutations
i've just become your new enemy, congratulations
imma set myself on fire at your nephews graduation
as his dad congratulates him!
i'm ill, I put that on my blood coagulation and rapid heart palpitations
I spit the agitation of lacerations at Prince Hall Master masons
smack the dentures out the Pope's mouth as he recites mass
you think I give a damn if that get's you mad?
NO! you can kiss my white ass!
I always play the role of a villain ...........type cast
I'm so sick I got a battle diss for every user that Skype has
i start fires when I write fast
to beat me you got to get up early and attend a night class
studied the philosophies of the anarchist cook book and the turner diaries
why you think I got home land security and secret societies eyein' me?
you better run for your life like Pac-Man
I slap rap fans into trash cans with back hands
my fist look like they tap dance the way the jabs land
that goes for anyone askin' for an autograph, actin' billy bad
or runnin' off at the gums like Vinney Paz
you'll be dragged by your skinny pants
son, I've done destroyed more Hip Hop dreams than Diddy has!
the rap game is full of a bunch of punks
sweeter than a box of crunch n' munch
softer than the entire wu tang clan doing the humpty hump
the humpty hump, doing the humpty hump
I'm the one who pioneered the technique known as the choke slap
I grabbed Mr. Cee by his throat fat
and threw him so he hung by the rolls of his back on a coat rack!
you damn right I smoke crack, it's a fact it aint a joke black
as a matter of fact.............where's the dope at?
just kidding, I don't really smoke crack, I snort Prozac
on the mic imma psychopathic thug that loves psychotropic drugs
I put on gloves and leave clues for csi with drops of microscopic blood
when I rock the mic dj's don't say GANKSTA GRIZZ-ILLZ!
i'm so ill I bring drama that make them scream, TAKE YOUR PIZZ-ILLZ!
what about the spitboss?
if he wants to joust yo it's his loss
but if I get pissed off i'll smoother him in the bosom of Rick Ross
when I say shut, you say up
shut, up
shut, up
when I say shut, you say up
shut, up
shut, up
now that's ak-ward
like a punchline rapper comparing his style to God's Word
i'll contact my Chicago mob-sters and have him swimmin' with the lob-sters
spit can only be compared to a liquid cloak
I flow the sickest quotes and blow the thickest smoke
make Vakill choke when he hears the ish I wrote
shoot a arrow from a bow and slit his wicked throat
quick to blast like Brad Jordan
faster than Flash Gordon can run in a pair of plaid Jordan's
is it just me or is listening to jay-z just mad borin'?
i'll get at you with spit as sick as the flu
you could get hit with a shoe
that goes for any Shia Muslim and/or Hasidic Jew
like "What happened to your other boot?"
I took it off and threw it at the king
he put his hands up to protect his face
and it put a dent in his ring!
"Chernobal you're such a a-hole!"
ok, if you say so
anyone can dissed from Scott Baio to Tony Yayo
it could be Sarah Palin or even Kato Kalin
Lil' Eazy E or Beedie B
you don't want it with me my G
the Emcee that'll convert you mind into a MPG
encode your thoughts into MP3
stream your brainwaves in HD and watch them live on a HDTV
your life is so boring i'll probably develop ADHD
make no qualms i'll throw raekwon and a Qur'an at the "honorable" Louis Farrakhan
I killed Sponge Bob and left his lungs clogged
just so I could say I murdered your sons god
oh my killin' cartoons, what a fun job!
no I won't shut my big mouth
they put the hit out so I skipped town and split south
for two months I just laid low and hid out
but don't make me let the goons loose
they'll run throw your platoon troops like prune juice
puttin' holes in you like fruit loops with the deuce deuce
what you think you a damn thug?
how? when you looking for a "man hug"?
you bout as tough as the head of the Lil B fan club
imma dissin' feign
my spit has turned green and my lips are blister-ing
from spittin' shots at emcees, of Listerine and liquid antihistamine
i'm not afraid, you not that brave like Eminem
you got a hard exterior, inside you soft and sweet.........m+m's
your name should be synonymous with sugar synonyms
i'll battle you through your limo tint, I really get it in
I was gonna let you slide
but the Alumni and I decided to approach the driver's side ui (under the influence)
look you dead in your eyes i'm not Dr. Dre, no homo, but let me ride
you decide, should I commit murda then a suicide?
or the first of its kind, the unheard of
first the suicide and then followed by the murda?
throw some fruit so fast at you that'll reconstitute in mid-air and you'll be splashed with juice
put your big head through a fat noose
you wack my dude like adding the Pa to poose
i'll rush the stage as you perform your greatest hits
you'll be sprayed with spit, this Chernobal '86
a radiant radioactive radius
who you think you playin' wit?
this goes out to anyone who wants to challenge this
you'll get hit with a sick battle diss
spectators and judges will say it's unanimous you got dismantled quick
this goes out to anyone who wants to challenge this
you'll get hit with a sick battle diss
spectators and judges will say it's unanimous you got dismantled quick
7]Alumni Dissertations Volume II - Lyrical Raw::Prophetic PHD Dissertations Featuring Sinclair

I sit and ponder the diagnosis of the professor emeritus
even though i'm sick my spit is rich in omega-3 and omega-6
some of my best work provides relief if your chest hurts
the leading lyrical expert, do you recollect my next verse?
my home remedies release Unknown memories
even though we have never met, you already remember me
Medicare Advantage Part C combines both Part A and Part B
some plans allow you to add prescription drug coverage in Part D
hospital coverage from Part A only covers you partly
added benefits can be found in Volume III called Part E
rhymes literally realign the neck and spine
usually instantly with no waiting periods or stress applied
a plasma that brings relief to the back
when my raps come in contact with the chest they counter act asthma attacks
when you listen the rhythm invigorates the immune system
this is due to medicinal sentences written with true wisdom
a acidic astringent administered with surgical syringes at emergency surgery centers
a antiseptic to the skeptic
that cured those who were dyslexic in patients tested

Alumni Federation
my voice box echos violet vibrations
no need for a combination of medications
sound waves soothe and induces sedation in my patients
I recite body restoration throughout the entire nation
prophetic phd dissertations, prophetic phd dissertations

Alumni Federation
my voice box echos violet vibrations
no need for a combination of medications
sound waves soothe and induces sedation in my patients
I recite body restoration throughout the entire nation
prophetic phd dissertations, prophetic phd dissertations

Would I be able to focus
if I was just approached with a multiple sclerosis diagnosis?
or some other hypothesis presented by a neurologist?
No, I would dismiss it as incompetence
then go and seek the expertise of a prophetess
If her revelation was for me to seek medication
just as previous patients
I would undergo neurologic disorder treatment without any hesitation
placed in a control group at my leisure
given placebos being tested for epileptic seizures
then onto the treatment group
next comes the actual surgical procedures
there could be side effects, behold
they could damage my cognitive processing if they probe the frontal lobe
turning me into Neo or Jobe
my brain could continuously scroll numbers and letters of jumbled code
what if I were diagnosed with ALS, Autism, or Cerebral Palsy
or even all three?
mentally it would be like viewing a small plant and seeing a tall tree
taking dopamine makes me thinner and I experience Parkinson's tremors
I shake like a gust of wind blows on me during the cold of winter
I'm concerned about my mental capacity and my memory centers
as I write this university researchers have just entered
to start, i'll be studied for smell and taste disorders by neuroscientist
they are trying to reschedule but I won't, I told them today only, I insist
based on stimulation my brain will form new connections
they say brain fitness programs helps plasticity in people tested
go and read Alumni Archives of Neurology if you're interested

my two fat hands do cat scans, breast exams and adjust lap bands
these rhymes provide coverage for rap fans using medigap plans
prophetic phd dissertations, prophetic phd dissertations
prophetic phd dissertations, prophetic phd dissertations

my two fat hands do cat scans, breast exams and adjust lap bands
these rhymes provide coverage for rap fans using medigap plans
prophetic phd dissertations, prophetic phd dissertations
prophetic phd dissertations, prophetic phd dissertations

all of my rival fans listen
my mission when i'm spittin' is to emulate viral transmission
these indifferent emissions only enriches the symptoms
I don't hesitate, I waste no time to regulate
once I have you I get busy and begin to degragate
I use CD4 T-cells to replicate
then devastate to bring your count down to less than 8
you develop a phobia
you're biologically vulnerable to my oral microbial that has a hold on you
I stick to wherever you dwell like glue gel
then swell the epicenter of outbreak clusters in your immune cells
the government and I are in collusion, we meet in seclusion
my verses they use them
they're considered a needed pollution, imma CDC strategic solution
as a nuisance i'm simply reducin' wack emcees out of my pure amusement

prophetic phd dissertations
I can foresee my patients in sedated situations
medicating on my medications
prophetic phd dissertations, prophetic phd dissertations
prophetic phd dissertations, prophetic phd dissertations

prophetic phd dissertations
I can foresee my patients in sedated situations
medicating on my medications
prophetic phd dissertations, prophetic phd dissertations
prophetic phd dissertations, prophetic phd dissertations

one day I was alone sitting at my desk and I began to feel depressed
then I thought that maybe I was just overstressed and needed a rest?
since I was unsure I wanted to take some test and check nevertheless
globally i'm known as a mental health expert
with volumes written on the subject
however, you can read the excerpts it's less work
but I wanted to speak with a psychiatrist
then a psychologist, perhaps even a neurologist
and other behavioral research scientist under the name anonymous
I began hacking into institutions of mental health around the nation
some information I wanted was the locations of previous patients
data gathered was the foundation for the Alumni Psychiatry Association
Next I researched drugs such as Valium and Ritalin
in addition to differences in other anti-depressant stimulants
I was unaware that psychiatric care for the mentally ill
was heavily reliant on many chemical balancer pills
We hold the position that being told by someone that they have a chemical imbalance
is actually nothing more than the age old practice of malpractice malice
I have spoken on this subject at length during a recent dissertation in Dallas
the Alumni is also opposed to stimulus responses received with the aide of electrodes
abnormalities in neurotransmitters can occur if the brain is exposed to probes
at this point I, myself, Sinclair would like to close

8]Alumni Dissertations Volume II - Lyrical Raw::Four Clonez - Chernobal Versus Conundrum Featuring Unknown

Four Clonez -
poetic pieces of a progressive thesis
our alter egos are a collective genius
most students never get to see this
Four Clonez only seeks fellowship with selected seniors
namely eclectic dreamers and they must show intrepid demeanor
Conundrum's communications are clandestine and carefully concealed
there is more than meets the eye once revealed
like the seal on the back of the dollar bill
commonly referred to as the Unknown anomaly
memorizing applied finite mathematics methodically
Chernobal in it to win it
he'll escape from jail to destroy your properties in monopoly
with the microphone, mesmerizing the metronome melodically
we are three identities and yet four ironically
described as a civilized savage, or a gentle giant
our electrical nervous system is compliant with any appliance
with verses that re-wire brain connections of the simple minded

Let it be shown
Chernobal, Conundrum and Unknown
transform then form Four Clonez
sit upon your throne and transmit Alumni war poems
clarify the collective from your perspective is the objective
may the continuum be erected is the directive
four together, yet three of us separate

Let it be shown, sit upon your throne and transmit Alumni war poems
Chernobal, Conundrum and Unknown
try to battle Four Clonez and you'll be thrown towards the ozone
clarify the collective from your perspective is the objective
may the continuum be erected is the directive
four together, yet three of us separate

Conundrum -
Aye yo battle me, the Galileo Galilei wears a halo made of one of Saturn's rings
I exert pressure that rivals gravity in a spiral galaxy
lines tally to totality with casualties and fatalities
I rain meteor showers that leave you devoured
my heart runs on nuclear power
verses circumnavigate my cerebral cortex at three million miles per hour
hit you with rhymes so rapid that you just can't stand it
harder than granite yet to be examined from extrasolar planets
with 5000 kelvins of atmospheric temperature I cause incineration
you facin' complete and utter cremation, witness Chernobal disintegration
my flow is gravitational
that alters your weight to space ratio
then pulls you into a black hole that's rotational

Chernobal -
who want to battle the golden tongue?
blow flows and froze for fun
this Chernobal son
spit in your mouth from 300 yards away is a hole in one
you bout as weak as a priest on Sesame Street
a sesame seed recipe for beef
you against me, you minced meat
when I eat I feast like an extinct beast with annimalistic instincts
my cannibalistic teeth sink
you then cease becoming a missing link
i'll slap your mothers resemblance off your cheeks
and your eyes too
so the next time she sees you, she won't recognize you
i've attacked master masons while they were masterbatin'
in nothing but an apron in the name of satan during their initiation
vocal electrocution and asphyxiation
Conundrum if you want to battle just say where
but be warned I don't play fair
if I lose i'll blow myself up at your sons daycare

Conundrum -
I have nothing to gain but may Conundrum reign
my breath is a counter clockwise circulating hurricane
if I rhyme for days I cause tidal waves and torrential rains
I leave my rivals slain with potential pain
one verse makes dirt shake
until tectonic plates brake, behold an earthquake
those near to any great lake face the worse fate
I soar parallel to the equator line with an eagle's vision
then bring about flood conditions that alters the earth's eco-system
Chernobal listen, be warned of the approaching tsunami storm
I make gloating emcees drift on limbs of trees
and other pieces of floating debris
I strike you with lightning for even approaching me
don't cross this fault line
my rhymes re-align the earth's axis to outshine the sunrise
the calculations done totaled the sum Pi
wash you away with a mudslide, thus saith the Alumni
hit you with a barrage of bars, bombard you with falling stars
as the shards the size of mars demolish you along with your garage and cars

Chernobal -
wait a minute you just said what?
i'll throw you at your own reflection in a mirror and make you two head butt
leave you floatin' in a pool of red stuff
in a sea of glass dead cut
i'm the reason Stephen King isn't seein' things
Stephen Hawking isn't walkin'
and Stephen Gould is meeting ghouls watching demons droll
Chernobal says the kinds of things you never heard before
the type of verses you can be murdered for
that can trigger an international incident and bring about world war four

Conundrum -
Chernobal be gone, Conundrum's psalms are like napalm in Saigon Vietnam
dispersed by the Vietcong, do you want to see a bomb?
I'm the ego behind IED's and WMD
designed by me along with the aide of Alumni at MIT
melt your mucus membrane, strangle you with your own veins
re-train your brain with sonic waves and cosmic rays
that leads to a change in your brain chemistry, chemically
mentally alter your left right symmetry
no one but Conundrum can beat you lyrically
that's why the Alumni sent for me
my concepts send you to the morgue
I got a dot org and created a virtual tour of my sci-fi borg
what you think we switched to wifi for?
i'm currently constructing a super conducting super collider
powered by a pirated wireless provider
that will take you back to a future time zone when fired
blow you away with Four Clonez cyclone
I learned enough wind energy can spin anything
like torn paper
my tongue form lasers and I spit them at storm chasers

Chernobal -
it's about to get drastic
Chernobal got El Nino passin' attackin' the fabric of your amino acid
faster than the chemical reaction of fast actin' tinactin can happen
lyrically i've already surpassed you stupid
I make your bladder useless till it oozes
fill your ass with mucus, stomach acid and other gastric juices
I can't even hear let alone adhere to queers
you sweeter than tears for fear
if you come near i'll cut your throat from ear to ear
share the file footage via peer to peer
i'm the one in the collective that can spit sick
if you ever diss this you'll get your wig split
then i'll make you lick a pig's clit, covered in big zits
I practice lyrical raw to pass the time
get out of line, no homo but that ass is mine
if you say something asinine, you'll get hit in the face with a glass of wine
the outlaw swingin' southpaw, slam your thick skull against a brick wall
melt your knee caps into tree sap, cook you in boiling bees wax

Conundrum -
but Conundrum is sicker than a anemic bulimic
re-sequence then double dutch with your dna double heliex
i'll make you behold Behomoth in HD on a Zenith
battle Chernobal with robot soldiers powered by solar
when it's rhyming is over
it's like beholding the explosion of one of Jehova's super novas
I turn the cosmos into compose
eat the big dipper like a snicker
and the milky way like a tic tac or kit kat
Chernobal just shut up and sick back
why hate? if you don't stop imma dehydrate your complex carbohydrates
have you lose height and weight, you'll go from 5'9 to 5'8

Chernobal -
What, you thought that was ill?
you over the hill like Holyfield or Shaquille O' Neil
I bring the beef to your doorstep like meals on wheels
and that's fo' real, fo' real
Conundrum you should know that I might flip
with the flick of my wrist I send you towards the ceiling just like a light switch
now say nighty night *****!
i'm the incredible hulk spittin' unmeasurable volts
anthrax attacks in the form of battle raps
I get worse with every verse dispersed
I was the first who's body of work prompted a terror alert

Unknown -
the science of flight aviation
flying formation synchronization
aerial navigation, air transportation
Alumni Aviator Association
I sit alone with a candle lit at my night stand
simultaneously writing with the left and the right hand
one draws plane diagrams, the other FAA flight plans
if my calculations are correct, this aircraft just might land
time to test my jet engine, weightless mid air suspension, aeronautic invention
equipped with approach radar precision
I fly with with the vision of a inertial guidance system
I'm headed nowhere, I don't care
in the cockpit with a thousand yard stare
during air warfare stealth fighters lose
the control tower views as Howard Hughes overpowers you
while amateurs reach a point of no return, trying to regain control
like a stunt pilot at a air show
I perform a barrel roll
I can feel it in the air tonight
the feeling first began when I prepared for flight
you know I got you in my cross hairs, right?
it's not really a fair fight, the way I drop the bomb on em' during a airstrike
OCD, obsessive compulsive disorder
before final approach I circle the border
repeatedly doing a set pattern using the joystick in a particular order
I laugh at the thought of air combat as I cruise on the tarmac
no one is a match I land without a scratch
all of my rivals need to fall back

Let it be shown, sit upon your throne and transmit Alumni war poems
Chernobal, Conundrum and Unknown
try to battle Four Clonez and you'll be thrown towards the ozone
clarify the collective from your perspective is the objective
may the continuum be erected is the directive
four together, yet three of us separate

Let it be shown
Chernobal, Conundrum and Unknown
transform then form Four Clonez
sit upon your throne and transmit Alumni war poems
clarify the collective from your perspective is the objective
may the continuum be erected is the directive
four together, yet three of us separate
9] Alumni Dissertations Volume II - Lyrical Raw::Pursuit Of The Alumni Crest

subliminal rhymes from my criminal mind creates deposits that forms a mineral mine
dig and you'll find
who, what, when, where and how in this lyrical shrine
the poem from this bottle is a clue come drink of the spiritual wine
my pastime detectives have dubbed a series of miracle crimes
like a rear view mirror view i'm
closer than I appear
shore patrol with guns drawn came near so then I disappeared
I met up with my peers at the pier
I wasn't followed the coast is clear
the boat is here and judging from the shoreline
the coast is clear
I just pulled the glock toaster on stockholders
a score that separated party occupants of their opulence
came unannounced and blended in with a counterfeit countenance
what can I say?
i'm a cunning con artist with no signs of incompetence
now my second story men and I are headed towards another continent
I want to thank my fellow Alumni alliance operatives for being cooperative
there is indeed honor amongst thieves who only rob to live
I love partaking in night heist
my code name is zeitgeist
been doing brazen felonies for half of my life
even though I cracked the safe it still looks intact in place
I then grabbed the case attached to my waist
put in the gold and left in a flash no trace
even though a crest wasn't found as we had hoped
we still admire the spoil on the boat
what you are reading is what I wrote
i'll put it in a bottle, throw it to the waves and hope that it floats

10] Alumni Dissertations Volume II - Lyrical Raw::Lyrical Raw

grip the Von Erich claw to his jaw
start the spherical saw
put him in a miracle bra
make him fear what he saw
we won't adhere to his law
dig in with spiritual claws
pierce a spear through his paws
make fans leer at him in awe

grip the Von Erich claw to his jaw
start the spherical saw
put him in a miracle bra
make him fear what he saw
we won't adhere to his law
dig in with spiritual claws
pierce a spear through his paws
make fans leer at him in awe

the Alumni look at you with the same hate that was in Pun's eyes
as well as your therapist
i'm tellin' you and Clarence Smith both to STFU in Arabic
how L Boogie said it, why every Indian want to be the chief?
you're a Alister Crowley wannabe, you don't really want to beef
you carrot sticks, cabbages and radishes
you won't come back like Lazarus if I drop a diss that ravenous
rabies is the reason for my rabidness
a battle between you and me, just imagine this
me lacin' your weed with carcinogens that's cancerous
my madness sics
as a praying mantis sits I attack it with tarantulas
you're dirty with the morals of a filthy philanderer
what a shame like the pain weirdo Kramer must have caused Elaine
you wicked I can see your fangs
as wicked as the mark of the beast on top of the mark of Cain
this D-Day, this aint a game, hope you drank your Gatorade
not sure why you think it's safe to play wit' me
i see you even when you parade in green fatigues the same color as basil leaves
kick you out of the park in a game of soccer because i'm major league
you're not an idiot savant, you're just an idiot that taunts
an irritating antagonist
i'm DMT combined with LSD, you're just cannabis
my revenge is monumental
read your mental through your temples after I pop them like a pimple with a pencil
buck 50 cent you, that's a dent dude that aint no dimple
my verses singe through and engulf your Shaolin temple, it's just that simple
challengin' me is like, you'll meet your match
no homo I won't eat but best believe that i'll beat you're ass
you livin' in the past
you won't battle the king of the ring, do the math
don't make me walk the Zulu path and unleash my brutal wrath
ending careers is something that I do for laughs
you evil like a heroin addict with aids offering to share his needle with unsuspecting people
you're music is Helter Skelter the Beatles
and your voice gives me the creeps yo
write my name in your cheek bone with the beak of an eagle while you sit at a peep show
cast out that unclean spirit you pass off as your alter ego
put a lit m80 in your mouth and explode your lymph nodes into another zip code
there your lips go, make you jump to your tip toes and wail like calypso
the Obi Wan Kenobi old school fighter like Shinobi
leave the room smokey with a gun the size of the Louis Lombardi trophy
Unknown be low key
a couple of phone conversations don't mean you know me
it don't mean that we homies
unlike you I do all of my verses by my lonely
in 2012 we don't know what you yappin' about and don't care enough to find out
how you trying to be a performer if you steady tryin' to hide out?
when it comes to NY I hear you can't go back
they say in Philly they want you clapped
in Atlanta they want you wacked and in Detroit you need your gat
overseas they'll make you disappear just like Kat Stacks and that's a fact
why you think I closed the net with you trapped inside?
that's what you do to a rat that lies
it's cute to see you throw a tantrum as I tantalize
now take off those shades and show us those dampen eyes
I think back to the way that you used to be, as I sip chai tea
sad how fourteen shots to the dome turned Tyson into Ali

grip the Von Erich claw to his jaw
start the spherical saw
put him in a miracle bra
make him fear what he saw
we won't adhere to his law
dig in with spiritual claws
pierce a spear through his paws
make fans leer at him in awe

grip the Von Erich claw to his jaw
start the spherical saw
put him in a miracle bra
make him fear what he saw
we won't adhere to his law
dig in with spiritual claws
pierce a spear through his paws
make fans leer at him in awe

11] Alumni Dissertations Volume II - Lyrical Raw::Beautiful Mind Of The Alumni

reading alone in my dorm room, I don't feel quite normal
I visualize myself as well as others walking through a portal
this can't be taking place, my heart begins to race
I won't live much longer if it continues at this pace
what's happening to me?
I know but don't want to admit it
if anyone finds out the truth, they'll have me admitted
on my last visit to the clinic doctors gave me drugs to take but I refused them
during this time in my mind, I was engaged in a debate in Houston
my brain can create people in role playing scenarios
things I hear them say plays in stereo, sometimes it's kind of scary though
I see them clear as day, it's like i'm viewing a Broadway play
I can no longer control when it happens
sometimes I blackout and forget when i'm rappin'
when I come to
I realize I have multiple verses, not one but two
one thing that I can't explain, is why neither of the verses sound the same
it's to the point where i've given each distinct style a different name
one says he's sicker than chlamydia in someone suffering from schizophrenia
he's rather violent, he once threatened to tie someones two eyelids
his beautiful mind causes me to do unusual crimes
I don't realize when i'm climbing the sides of buildings during unsuitable times
even though I suffer from this, i'm considered a genius by everyone that I meet
when i'm out on the streets teens mimic my mannerisms and my speech
it seems that they just can't resist the manner in which I speak
the Alumni visit the campus and they talk with me
maybe i'm just paranoid but I swear that they are stalking me
in between classes a man I know not even walks with me
it's awkward how i'm being observed, he's careful not to gawk at me
i'm researching that group and the myth of their pure gold crest
right now I feel as i'm filled with such a boldness
but it's not me and I know this, in the past my personality split when I wrote hits
it was as if my beautiful mind had undergone hypnosis
out of necessity my alter egos communicate using telepathy
I suspect they're three
but allegedly they are four clones collectively
- The Beautiful Mind Of The Alumni

12] Alumni Dissertations Volume II::Go With Me? (-Bonus Track-)

Say girl, what's your name girl?
What's your age girl?
I'm sayin', I'm just trying to see if we on the same page girl
The way you carry yourself is different
I can tell you aint about them games girl
I almost cried when you walked by cause you so fine
it's a shame girl
you and I may as well occupy each others time
since we in the same world
yeah, I want you to go with me
I can't lie that's my aim girl
just as long as you don't got a man
then we can hang girl
our love can burn out that lonely pain girl
i'll be the butane and you can be the flame girl
I want to know if you will be my one and only main girl?
we can lean on each other just to maintain girl
how you know God aint send me, like this ordained girl?
let's leave Newark and head to New York on the train girl
intellectual stimulation at the museum to feed your brain girl
then we can get some food that will add to your frame girl
dang girl your body is insane girl

I can forsee that she will go with me to the island of Capri in the Tyrrhenian Sea
her scent is like unto potpourri, we never quarrel or beef
I agree totally, she's unique just as coral reef
go with me, this is poetry, go with me, this is poetry

I can forsee that she will go with me to the island of Capri in the Tyrrhenian Sea
her scent is like unto potpourri, we never quarrel or beef
I agree totally, she's unique just as coral reef
go with me, this is poetry, go with me, this is poetry

you and I have been together for six months now and everything is cool
neither one of us has cheated or been disrespectful, the golden rules
you drop off my daughter and I pick up your son from school
your love is strong but I still try to love harder than you
naw, our relationship aint been a fairly tale but it's gone fairly well
you hide your anger from me so when your upset, so I can barley tell
we promised to stick it out to the end, thick and thin
it may bend but as long as it don't break, it can always mend
you got a text mess that seemed a lil suspect
i asked you about it, you told me the truth and so I let it rest
I didn't obsess or even get upset
your breast caress my chest, we take slow breaths
I can't let go yet, waking up in a cold sweat
even when I sleep I can't seem to get you off my mind, Alumni
I'm nervous as we dine and drink wine, but I know now is the time
my dear it's not valentine, but will you be mine?

I can forsee that she will go with me to the island of Capri in the Tyrrhenian Sea
her scent is like unto potpourri, we never quarrel or beef
I agree totally, she's unique just as coral reef
go with me, this is poetry, go with me, this is poetry

I can forsee that she will go with me to the island of Capri in the Tyrrhenian Sea
her scent is like unto potpourri, we never quarrel or beef
I agree totally, she's unique just as coral reef
go with me, this is poetry, go with me, this is poetry

darling I missed you
my dear all day I have been hoping to kiss you
your glow is like unto opals and crystals
as we embrace the way I hold you is gentle
I start to perspire
you tell me all of your heart's desire
the thought of you wanting to depart is fire
to make this last, love is the only part required
just as with Solomon and Sheba, King and Queen
conversations just about being
is worth more than rings other materialistic things
your skin is unblemished
in my sight your beauty is endless
to tremendous to describe in a single sentence
even though were married
our friendship will never be done or finished
under the moon her smile is bright like snow under the sunlight
as long as were together, it will be a fun night
you are now my wife and I'm proud to be in your son's life
I'm flagrant, throw eggs on the faces of federal agents/fry it wit they own tazers... then taste it!