Author Topic: If you think OJ is guilty, watch this: Stephen Singular on the OJ trial  (Read 262 times)


Today we are joined once again by our friend Stephen Singular to dive deeper into the OJ Simpson case.  We begin by taking a closer look at Mark Fuhrman’s timeline in relation to his “discovery” of the infamous gloves.  Stephen discusses a key piece of the puzzle: Fuhrman’s multiple trips to OJ’s Rockingham property on the night of the murders.  We discuss how this was confirmed by Rosa Lopez’s testimony, but like so many key pieces of evidence, has been long forgotten. 

Next we explore some revealing statements from Fuhrman such as his admission of seeing two gloves at the murder scene.  Stephen discusses how the case essentially ended when Mark Fuhrman “found” the gloves.  This stopped the LAPD from doing an actual investigation into what happened on June 12, 1994.
Next we move onto to the disappearing, reappearing blood evidence.  Stephen and I look at when the blood was actually discovered inside OJ’s Bronco.  We discuss how Fuhrman and others claim to have seen blood inside the Bronco, which prompted them to hop OJ’s fence without a warrant, and yet how several days later LAPD’s Kelly Muldorfer found that there was no blood inside the Bronco. 

We again talk about Det. Vannatter carrying around not only OJ’s blood, but also that of Nicole and Ronald, for several hours. We also dive deeper into the question of how this all was orchestrated, focusing less on the possibility of a grand conspiracy and more on the possibility of several key people making a serious of devastating choices.

We round out the conversation by considering what the motive of this crime may truly have been.  Stephen outlines how a real investigation would have uncovered the deep connections this case had to organized crime and drug trafficking.  He also discusses how this case demonstrates the ease with which we can be manipulated as a society. And we touch on how this case set us up for many of the lies that we were later fed in the aftermath of events such as 9/11 and the Iraq War.  Stephen also dissects how the rise of TV news and opinion talking heads has turned us into a society that no longer cares about truth and reality.

Update From Stephen Singular: "Because of the wide interest in the O.J. Simpson case generated by the FX series on the murders, we’ve had numerous requests to publish Stephen’s 1996 Legacy of Deception: An Investigation of Mark Fuhrman and Racism in the LAPD as an e-book. We are currently re-formatting it for this purpose and it should be available for purchase through this website within the next few weeks. The updated version will contain new information about important developments that followed the original publication of the book. Please go to Books on this site for more information about Legacy of Deception."

For Show notes and MP3 download please visit:
I'm flagrant, throw eggs on the faces of federal agents/fry it wit they own tazers... then taste it!



Stephen Singular: What you don’t know about Mark Fuhrman & the OJ Simpson trial

Stephen Singular discusses his involvement in the OJ Simpson trial and the book he wrote about it (Legacy of Deception: An Investigation of Mark Fuhrman and Racism in the LAPD) on the Being Real Wit It podcast. This episode does not belong to me.
I'm flagrant, throw eggs on the faces of federal agents/fry it wit they own tazers... then taste it!