Author Topic: How to be Real, the political edition  (Read 176 times)


How to be Real, the political edition
« on: October 03, 2003, 07:26:50 PM »
This is how to be real: Bruce Willis for Prez

BILL O'REILLY, HOST:  In our second Personal Story segment tonight, actor Bruce Willis (search) has just returned from Iraq, where his band, the Accelerators (search), entertained the troops.  While over there, Mr. Willis offered a million dollars of his own money to the people who capture Saddam. Bruce Willis joins us now from Washington.  

Wow.  A million bucks.  What did you learn over there?

BRUCE WILLIS, ACTOR:  Well, I saw a humanitarian effort that I don't see in any of the newspapers here back home, Mr. O'Reilly.  

O'REILLY:  Can you describe what you saw?

WILLIS:  What I saw was the military helping to get schools back open, helping to get hospitals back open, helping to get the power turned back on, working in the field to help get the Iraqi people back on their feet.  

O'REILLY:  Now, what was the -- were you in Baghdad (search), or were you out in the countryside?

WILLIS:  I was not in Baghdad.  


WILLIS:  I was in Mosul (search).  I was in Kuwait (search).  I was in some places that may not even appear on the map.  

O'REILLY:  So you were out in what they call the bush, even though...  

WILLIS:  In the dirt, yes.  In the dirt.  

O'REILLY:  What did you observe about the rapport between U.S. forces and the local people, the local Iraqis?

WILLIS:  There's a great rapport.  I mean, obviously, there's still, you know, conflicts going on there.  One of the things that the military feels, I think, is that what's happening right now, the guys that are, you know, still firing RPGs at, you know, the APCs and humvees, are actually from other countries right now.  You know, they're really -- less and less of it is coming from, you know, inside of Iraq.  

O'REILLY:  But the regular folks you saw, the Iraqi people, they seem to...

WILLIS:  They were happy to have the military there.  

O'REILLY:  They were friendly to them.  

WILLIS:  Yes.  

O'REILLY:  Do you think you were managed over there and just shown things that would leave that impression?  Did you get the feeling the bad stuff was maybe...

WILLIS:  Not at all.  Not at all.  I actually asked to go into places where I probably shouldn't have been.  But, no, I don't feel like it was managed at all.  

O'REILLY:  So, from your vantage point, you saw some good that the U.S. is doing, yet...

WILLIS:  I saw a lot of good.  

O'REILLY:  You don't read about that in the L.A.Times or The New York Times.

WILLIS:  You don't read about it anywhere in the United States.  And I was actually watching, you know, the news here in Washington last night, and it's -- it's just baffling to me that after we've, you know, successfully taken down a known gangster, known terrorist, who was in power in this country for 30 years, that anyone would suggest that we just abandon, you know, the Iraqi people now.  It's just crazy to me.  

O'REILLY:  No.  It is.  

Now, you offered a million dollars of your own money to the guys who get Saddam Hussein.  You might have to pay that because...

WILLIS:  They'll get it.  You heard about that.  Well, fortunately, and maybe unfortunately, the military themselves are unable to collect on that.  If that...

O'REILLY:  I'm going over with my guys from Long Island now and we're going...

WILLIS:  Good deal for you.  You could actually pick up the check.  But if it does happen through military sources, I would -- I intend to donate the money to either a school or a hospital.  

O'REILLY:  You should.  Hospital, U.F.O.  -- U.S.O., I should say.  U.F.O., I don't know what I'm talking about.  

WILLIS:  That's OK.  

O'REILLY:  Now, in the world that you live in, the show business world, you're in a minority here by going over there.  I have a list of some other stars who have gone over there.  Drew Carey (search) went over, Roger Clemens (search) went over, Wayne Newton (search), Paul Rodriguez (search), but most of it is sniping at the government, and even at the military.  They say we support our military, but every two minutes you hear another negative coming out of there.  How do you react to that?

WILLIS:  I would like to -- I would like to suggest that anybody who is, as you say, sniping at the government to, you know, go over there themselves and see what I saw.  I didn't hear one complaint from anyone in the military over there, and these guys are out there living in the dirt.  They had great spirits, great morale.  Had the opportunity to walk through Walter Reed hospital yesterday and see some of the, you know, some of the young kids who had come back.  

O'REILLY:  The wounded guys.  

WILLIS:  Yes, sir.  

O'REILLY:  Do you engage your peers in a debate on this?  Say you're on a movie set and there was Sean Penn (search) or Kevin Bacon (search).  I mention them because they're in a new movie upcoming.  Say you were on a set with them, would you debate them about this?

WILLIS:  No.  I don't really feel the need to debate it.  I believe the United States, everybody is certainly entitled to their own opinion, and as I am entitled to mine.  I just happen to be patriotic and I'm very happy to see that, you know, the United States was able to come in and, you know, take down Saddam Hussein.  

O'REILLY:  Did the weapons of mass destruction controversy bother you at all?

WILLIS:  I don't think that's what it's about.  I think this is about a war on terrorism.  And it's about trying to stabilize Iraq.  Stabilize the Middle East, which, God knows, could use some stabilization.  And it is about a war on terror.  I don't -- I don't know.  Maybe people have a short memory, but the memory of those people forced to jump out of the World Trade Center will forever be etched in my memory.  

O'REILLY:  They'll say, the opponents, they'll say Saddam had nothing to do with that.  

WILLIS:  Well, they're certainly entitled to that opinion as well.  I see Saddam Hussein as a gangster and a terrorist who raped his own country for 30 years, and to simply abandon Iraq now would be a crime.  

O'REILLY:  Even Howard Dean and the others say, you know, we can't do that.  No level-headed-thinking person is.  By taking this stance, are you going to lose jobs in Hollywood?  Are people not going to talk to you in [the L.A. restaurant] Spago (search)?  Will you get stuff thrown at you?

WILLIS:  I don't think I'll have anything thrown at me.  If so, I grew up in New Jersey so...

O'REILLY:  You could always go back there.  

WILLIS:  Yes.  

O'REILLY:  Your father was a military guy.  Did that shape your thinking?

WILLIS:  No.  I -- I just grew up, you know, being patriotic.  I love this country.  And it is -- look, it's an election year, and there are a lot of people out there that are jockeying to get their guy, you know, to get a new guy in the White House, and I think that the commander in chief is doing a really, you know, great job.  

O'REILLY:  You know, the other side would say, look, I'm patriotic because I'm dissenting against the policy I feel is bad for America.  They would say that.  

WILLIS:  And what policy would that be?  Would you be able to actually...

O'REILLY:  Sure.  I hear it every day.  The policy that we should have gone in with the United Nations, waited, not spent all the money, we're the big bully on the block.  That's basically it in a nutshell.  

WILLIS:  Well, I don't know anybody who's pro-terrorism except for terrorists, and I am certainly anti-terrorism.  And I think that this war on terrorism is -- has long been overdue.  You know, long before 9/11, if you look at countries like, you know, Sarajevo, Beirut.  

O'REILLY:  No question stabilization has to occur.  Mr. Willis, we appreciate it.  

WILLIS:  Thank you very much.  

O'REILLY:  Thanks for going over to see the guys and the ladies over there.  It was nice of you to do that.  

WILLIS:  Thanks for having me on the show.  

O'REILLY:  I'm sure they appreciated you being there.  

WILLIS:  Thank you, sir.  



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Re:How to be Real, the political edition
« Reply #1 on: October 04, 2003, 01:00:03 AM »
it's just baffling to me that after we've, you know, successfully taken down a known gangster, known terrorist, who was in power in this country for 30 years, that anyone would suggest that we just abandon, you know, the Iraqi people now.  It's just crazy to me.  

It's crazy to him that we abandon the Iraqi people? Well what the fuck does he think we did after the Gulf War? We did exactly that, abandon the Iraqi people. And who helped put Saddam in power? The US. Why? Because the leader before him wanted to control the country's oil, and of course the US couldn't handle that. We wanted that oil soooo badly. Again, Secretary of State at the time Kessinger said: OIL IS TOO IMPORTANT TO BE IN THE HANDS OF THE ARABS. ::)

I just happen to be patriotic and I'm very happy to see that, you know, the United States was able to come in and, you know, take down Saddam Hussein.  

We could've taken Saddam down in 1991, but Bush didn't want to. Schwarzkopf, in charge of the military at the time, stated that if they stayed in Iraq for another 2 days they could've captured Baghdad and got rid of Saddam. He told Bush this, but Bush told him to pull his troops out. He did this so Saddam could crush the rebellion against him, which Bush thought would be blamed on the US government if they stayed.

I don't think that's what it's about.  I think this is about a war on terrorism.  And it's about trying to stabilize Iraq.  Stabilize the Middle East, which, God knows, could use some stabilization.  And it is about a war on terror.  I don't -- I don't know.  Maybe people have a short memory, but the memory of those people forced to jump out of the World Trade Center will forever be etched in my memory.  

Middle East could use stabilization? It was fine until the West got involved there. As soon as oil was discovered, that's when things started to fuck up. War on terrorism? What acts of terrorism did Iraq carry out in the 60s? None. So why were we so eager to gain control of their country since then? Oil. People forced to jump out of WTC had nothing to do with Iraq or Saddam.

Well, they're certainly entitled to that opinion as well.  I see Saddam Hussein as a gangster and a terrorist who raped his own country for 30 years, and to simply abandon Iraq now would be a crime.  

Yes, Saddam did rape his own country for 30 years. But, let's not forget who put him in power... the US government. To abandon Iraq would be a crime? Yes what we did in 1991 was a crime indeed. He's right about that.

Well, I don't know anybody who's pro-terrorism except for terrorists, and I am certainly anti-terrorism.  And I think that this war on terrorism is -- has long been overdue.  You know, long before 9/11, if you look at countries like, you know, Sarajevo, Beirut.  

LOL... according to him anyone who's anti-War is pro-Terrorism. How in the world do these dumbfucks make these connections? So the millions of Americans who oppose the war are indeed terrorists? LMAO.. joke of the year. The war on terrorism has been long overdue, but too bad the Iraq "effort" isn't about terrorism. If Bush was so concerned about the treatment of people, then why not Saudi Arabia? The government there is on the same level as the Taliban. Oh yea, we have to protect our good interests, after all, they hook it up with oil.


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Re:How to be Real, the political edition
« Reply #2 on: October 05, 2003, 10:06:51 AM »
Fuck A Bruce Willis

Sean Penn, theres a great actor for ya   8)
"One day Alice came to a fork in the road and saw a Cheshire cat in a tree. "Which road do I take?" she asked. "Where do you want to go?" was his response. "I don't know," Alice answered. "Then," said the cat, "it doesn't matter."

- Lewis Carroll


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Re:How to be Real, the political edition
« Reply #3 on: October 05, 2003, 01:10:56 PM »

 Yeah fuck bruce willis.. that bastard mite have gone there with a troopful of bodyguards and made a gr8 deal of window shopping in IRAQ.. the pissass..

 Fuck him.. i think probably he wants to be an American Ambassador to Iraq once the new Govt gets established..

 well. what can I say.. another asshole from hollywood having high political ambitions..


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Re:How to be Real, the political edition
« Reply #4 on: October 05, 2003, 01:56:28 PM »

 Yeah fuck bruce willis.. that bastard mite have gone there with a troopful of bodyguards and made a gr8 deal of window shopping in IRAQ.. the pissass..

 Fuck him.. i think probably he wants to be an American Ambassador to Iraq once the new Govt gets established..

 well. what can I say.. another asshole from hollywood having high political ambitions..

AL PACINO 4 PRESIDENT.... hey... anything's possible with the Republicans... might as well make the best of it....


  • Muthafuckin' Don!
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Re:How to be Real, the political edition
« Reply #5 on: October 05, 2003, 01:56:41 PM »

 well. what can I say.. another asshole from hollywood having high political ambitions..

nice one owen.
« Last Edit: October 05, 2003, 01:57:13 PM by 7even[pG] »
Cause I don't care where I belong no more
What we share or not I will ignore
And I won't waste my time fitting in
Cause I don't think contrast is a sin
No, it's not a sin